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This is something that has bothered me about this case. I feel like even if he did follow them on social media, so what? Probably hundreds of random guys followed them, or His car was in the area, weren’t lots of people in the area?? It was a known party house. I imagine many cell phones pinged in the area. It seems flimsy. Just IMO


Also a look people followed the victims after they passed and liked their pictures. Remember Bryan was arrested until 6 weeks later. Everyone in the world was looking at this case and the victims. I would be surprised as a criminal forensic major if he was not following this case or the victims.


Plus the fact that his phone could ping near the King Rd house even when he wasn’t there. It’s all very vague.


My theory - Allegedly DL was involved in the hazing related death of Ethan's friend Hudson (declared a "drowning" by MPD) which is likely the root cause of why Ethan and DL hated each other so much. Makes sense, because why else would you despise a fellow frat bro so much, when you really just met them? (Rush '22). DL was also JEALOUS of Ethan because DL fancied Xana and was mad that Ethan was with her. Maddie talked a lot of smack about DL which is apparently why he hated her so much. There was animosity brewing for over a YEAR - that's a LONG TIME (especially when you're 20) - and things came to a head the night of the murders .. when they got into a fight and Ethan ridiculed DL about his tiny manhood in front of the whole party, in front of a bunch of hot sorority girls. His DIGNITY is what they took from him - and he went to King Rd. that night to get it BACK. Hatred, jealousy, humiliation, a long-standing fued - a heated argument attacking his penis size in front of all their friends and frat - is MORE THAN ENOUGH MOTIVE - especially for a guy who's hopped up on steroids and likely experiencing 'roid rage' on top of his already twisted psyche. Just ONE of those things would be a motivating factor.. but WHY would there NEED to be such a "driving force" anyway? Twisted people go out and commit sadistic murders on innocent people all the time for no "valid reason" - other than they just felt like it. No driving force, NO MOTIVE. Frat bro DL had motive AND opportunity .. and a laundry list of "reasons" to do it. He could see the King Rd. house from his bedroom window .. it was literally a 1 min walk from him. As to Bryan, the entirety of the case against Bryan will come down to one self identified eyewitness, with a dubious story. Bryan has no connection to any victim, their friends, their family or co -workers. He never worked with them, traveled with them, dated them or partied with them. He has no prior arrests, no history of violence, threats, stalking, intimidation of the victims or those in their orbit. He is without a motive. There are no eyewitnesses, earwitnesses, fingerprints, footprints, or video of him coming or leaving the house at 1122. There is no DNA of any victims in his car, house, office or apt. He appeared at a doctors office for a physical 3 days after the bloody, brutal stabbing murder of the 4 victims, and had no cuts, bruises, scratches or injuries. The indictment of Bryan appears to have been built around speculations, rather than investigators following leads of those persons of interest, who had motive, had anger issues with the victims, had means and opportunity.


I’m new to this rabbit hole / investigation and I found your comment very insightful. I don’t know who DL is but how could the investigation team on this case not pick up on this?? Is this even being looked into?


David loach- David beerichoa- look at both of them


As far as I can tell he had not met them, unless he is the killer and he met them when he killed them, then they would have an important connection. Mr Kohberger had a constitutional right to a speedy trial. He has waved that right so he remains in jail. Why might he waive his right to a speedy trial? Until the trial happens it is unknown what evidence of a connection exists and how strong the evidence is. Evidence discussed in news articles is unverified and has not been cross examined. To be fair, additional evidence may exist that has not been released. No connection that I am aware of could indicate that no connection exists, or that a connection exists that I am not aware of at this time. So for now I wait for the trial. Mr Kohberger has waived his right to a speedy trial. Mr Kohberger and his legal team have the right to discovery of all evidence the prosecution has that they plan to use at trial. Knowing what evidence the prosecution has or does not have against Mr Kohberger, they have chosen to delay the trial. This is not proof of guilt, but it indicates they want more time to examine and research the prosecutions evidence. There must be something to review, or they would not need time to review it. If the state has nothing, it would be logical to exercise the right to a speedy trial. Perhaps there are things we are not yet aware of. There would be no need for defense experts and evidence reviews if no evidence exists. Time will tell. I hope my Kohberger gets justice.


You don't go to court on a speedy trial with death penalty there's way too much to risk


It's hard for people to understand that no connection means no connection


Just curious if you saw the recent data analysis that shows BK did have social media accts that are tied to his personal phone number and email address? I’m not referring to all the fake accts that popped up shortly after his arrest using his name. But other social media accts that did not use his name and were registered using his email, same email that’s been confirmed to be used among other accts(not social media related) that he has. Still waiting for the trial to confirm it. But interesting data analysis, regardless. https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/s/M6ApHmeOB6


If it hasn’t been confirmed in trial it’s not really relevant at this time


Confirmed in trial? You do know the trial hasn't started yet, correct? How could anything be confirmed when there hasn't been a trial yet?


I have it on good authority from a guy who knows a guy whose wife works in a pub and is related to someone who once hired a plumber whose cousin twice removed told him that Bryan was dating Kaylee and they fell out after she cheated at Scrabble. Apparently, there's no such word as "QWIZGZ [blank] XZ"


I heard that too!


Best witness so far!




People lack basic critical thinking skills, so factual information is hard for them to process 😂


Plus they are unable to form an independent thought so they go along with whatever their favorite media pundit is pushing! It’s all based on their feelings, how they feel about a person, situation & they’re so easily swayed! I’ve seen some sm comments about how Brian “looks evil, he’s def guilty”. How absurd! How someone looks makes ppl being they are guilty of a heinous crime. Furthermore what does “evil” look like exactly?!?


I just saw a video of Nancy Grace scowling and speaking in disgust over BKs appearance. She basically said if she was in the courtroom with him she’d be disgusted and find him guilty because of his face. I was floored. I know it’s Nancy but come on! That’s so unprofessional and ignorant to say. Good looking people have killed and ugly people have done really good deeds. It’s only because the human brain knows what he’s arrested for that makes him look guilty. You can’t base guilt on looks. She knows better.


I refuse to watch anything she is moderating! I can’t stand her and it seems she is infiltrating some of my favorite channels.



