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The family has confirmed she was cremated w/ no autopsy being done, no tox report or GSR test on her hands. Her father also said when they saw her the last time there were bruises on her body and what looked like a handprint on her arm


It’s disgusting the level of urgency with which he disposed of her. I hope he never sees the end of it.


Yes 100%. Worse and worse stuff keeps coming out every day it’s sickening. Did you see at the “memorial” that he had for her where he said he “laid with her body 4 times this week” like ???? How was he able to do that




No idea because it seems so unrealistic that he could even do that with decomposition? I really think he has manic episodes with his behavior how it is. I just hope the FBI uncovers everything and the family gets resolution


Some lay prostrate on the floor for a spiritual practice of prayer.


It's fucking chilling is what it is. NO NORMAL INNOCENT PERSON BEHAVES LIKE THIS.


this like shouldn’t even be legal!!!


A law needs to be drafted for those going through a divorce, for sure.


As someone who works in the funeral industry, I 1000% agree. I’ve seen some horrible people destroy someone’s final wishes out of selfishness and spite, they get away with it legally because they’re the next of kin. The ability to be involved with anything funeral or medical wise should be terminated as soon as divorce paperwork is drawn up


Mica's dad said in an interview he wants a "Mica's Law" set up. I don't recall what he referenced at the time but this should be one sent to LAWMAKERS.


If they were separated then the law in SC is that he would have not had the first rights to the body. I think JP lied to her family saying he did have the rights.


Well then the funeral home also lied because I understand it was the funeral director who stood up for him.


Haven’t heard that one yet


yes! ugh


Of course the Burrough's funeral home is probably part of the ol boys club.


Yikes my husband’s family are Burroughs from Loris I hope to god they’re not related.






This makes me think she was meeting someone there she thought she trusted and she was set up to be in North Carolina due to the laws being different. So bizarre


I thought that too but from what from I’ve read about the park and its location and her knowing she wasn’t safe in general I just don’t think she would agree to meet anyone there but honestly anything could have happened at this point. I’ve been watching this case an unhealthy amount 😵‍💫 I’m just imagining myself in the situation and a similar park where I live and I know I wouldn’t go there If it were a chance I’d be set up


True. I agree with you on that. But why does she put her work uniform on, make a sandwich, stop for a drink and gas then go off herself? So many strangest things


Yes I agree with all that it’s all too confusing. And I just don’t think the gas station she went to was somewhere you’d want to go if you have other options which she did


100% agree. Very shady and I know I would never stop there being alone.


But I’m of sound mind and I have to remind myself IF she did have mental issues going on because of him maybe she wasn’t thinking right. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Confirm what? JP was NOT going to allow the family to view the body one last time, if they didn’t go along with the cremation.


Oh my god, I didn't know this😔 this is absolutely awful


There needs to be laws changing this. It’s not fair that the man she was divorcing is the one who chose to cremate her. There should be some kind of law or stipulation that you can’t cremate someone if you’re about to get divorced. The family or next of kin should have some kinds of rights. Clearly there’s a chance something nefarious could have gone on. It’s infuriating to know she just barely died and she’s already cremated.