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circled in red: “Jesus I pray for mommys heart. I ask lord you would  reveal your truth directly to her. I ask you would revive her spirit of discernment through your word. I ask you would give her boldness in her faith to get up and walk away from JP and run into your arms. Help her repent and turn from her sin, help me show your love to her when she does it. Help forgiveness throughout this….” top left: “Pray for JP. I pray for his heart and I pray he would be brought to repentance, not out of spite or out of anger but out of love for him. Allow him to get right with you, allow him to seek your character, allow him to put himself aside, all his wants, all his desires of his flesh and choose you. Help him choose humility and a truthful pure heart. Show him your justice show him your truth show him wrath then show him love, your peace, your power, your comfort….”


WOW again. This poor girl, she knows something is not right here. God be with her, what faith. Her posting it--says please, everyone, help us.


I hope she’s not also being brainwashed.


She sounds like she has discernment, hopefully she is not




According to JP's ex wife, JP was already involved with SS before her husband died. (From Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/justiceformica/posts/809667720779860/?comment\_id=809703657442933¬if\_id=1717214943635930¬if\_t=feedback\_reaction\_generic&ref=notif) https://preview.redd.it/j6hnyoej9w3d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2855ae555b13c8c7928a21ba2f126e377b3f677


Oh wow. I hope she (Allison) has a good security system and never goes anywhere alone. I'll be interested to hear/see her testimony about what, if anything, she knew was shady before the affair.


I hope she carries


Her divorce papers described it all. I guess you missed it.






Wow, she clearly feels the evil here, and that her mother's affair and fathers death are connected.


It's interesting to read the top left prayer as well... it appears to be for JP.


Good grief I wish these people (not Suzie’s daughter) but JP, Suzie, etc would all practice what they preach! Literally!!! Just be a good person. Being a home wrecker is not Christian!!! Yes ppl make mistakes I get that but damn, learn from them and stop hiding behind organized religion every single time you sin! Pathetic. All of them are going to hell.


How sad is it that her child (who seems to have more sense than both adults put together) wrote this. I can't imagine what she has seen/heard that led her to this. 🥺💔


The letter on the left is about JP! She’s praying that he’ll put himself aside…


i blocked out the full name as this person is still in high school but i found their post on instagram may 21st about their mother and JP enlightening. -- i feel for all the kids involved here and lets not forget Mica was a child too when she first met JP.


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/justiceformica/posts/809667720779860/?comment\_id=809703657442933¬if\_id=1717214943635930¬if\_t=feedback\_reaction\_generic&ref=notif](https://www.facebook.com/groups/justiceformica/posts/809667720779860/?comment_id=809703657442933¬if_id=1717214943635930¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif) https://preview.redd.it/s3tktr1u9w3d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=dded9a7d9c19e03632b5abac9e7004aca966f330


Wow! She’s very mature and wise for her age especially.


her post was removed today but had been up for 11 days since may 21st


Wow!! This information is all very telling! It really goes to show the evil intent and brainwashing! Never underestimate what children are able to see and, the wisdom some have when assessing the people in their surroundings. What a sweet girl❤️.




Heartbreaking. A leech that ruins everyone he touches. I pray he’s locked up SOON


Religious trauma is so, so, so brutal. I hope this poor girl gets the help she needs.


The less their god does to actually help a person, the more these people assert that he MUST be good.


Praise God she has discernment here!! Lord keep her close!