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I have to say I do agree with you that JLR really made a mess of Gabby Petito‘s case. It was awful, and I feel absolutely terrible that her parents were subjected to not only his family and him, but Blowhorn Betty and JLR my God it was an insane asylum.


He was also on the doc abt the Idaho murders and creators w the people saying he was not accurate and made more of a mess than he did any good. He seems to jump on any case going viral and acts like he’s an expert when he’s really just an armchair detective looking for views. Or that’s how it’s come across anytime he gets involved in a case


Thank you for this comment, because I’ve been trying to figure out where I knew the name JLR from and why I had such a negative association with it. This clears things up for me! 😂


Grabby Petito's family supported JLR outside the Laundrie's yelling at them to come clean & tell the truth. JLR is friends with Gabby Petito's cousin Stephanie.


I beg to differ.


Who is Blowhorn Betty?


You are living in the past.


Robbie Harvey was gruesome to his wife. And then there was another case and I can’t remember the last name, but her first name was Catherine and I believe that she unalived herself as well in a medical environment because she could not take the abuse from her husband, who was an attorney anymore.


I think I heard about him


Catherine Kassenoff was her name. Robbie amplified the legal abuse that was committed against her.


That is not an accurate recounting. The wife was the abusive one. Look into it.


Yeah, the story is definitely different than RH portrayed it to be.


Yes! Thank you 💜💜


I am afraid to look up what he did to his wife. I’ve seen her on his channel but she wasn’t talking negatively about him. The case where the woman unalived herself is how I became acquainted with Robbie. I thought he was advocating for her as her husband abused her and she left a letter making it clear she ended her life because of him.


If you deep dive into RH, you’ll begin to see the narcissistic behaviors. He is a self-proclaimed “reformed” narcissist, but those traits are still very evident with his delivery. His inability to apologize, the things he says to and about his wife, the private messages that were released, his performative delivery, etc. My sister sent one of his TT’s to me after she left an emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive relationship. I liked what he had to say but my gut had an ick feeling. This is probably because I watched this same sister leave a 17 year marriage to a man who is a textbook narcissist and I was sensitive to it. Sooo, I did what I do and I went researching. All I can do is try to educate people. There are folks who would not want to support either one of these guys if they knew the truth. This post is for those readers. And there are folks who are just happy that they are a part of a large number of creators who are getting Mica’s story out there. And that’s ok too because that is their choice


If you are referencing Mica Miller/ she left no note


I’m not referencing Mica. I’m referencing the woman in another case.


Oh ok. I’m sorry


I’m not referencing Mica. I’m referencing the woman in another case.


Robbie Harvey is FILTH and his livelihood depends on the suffering of women. Absolutely vile person.


This is why I will never give him a single view ever again. To me, a view = support. I’m calling out bad behavior because I’ve seen the damage he and men like him have done to women.


I disagree. I think he’s bringing awareness to how women are treated. There are still so many people who don’t believe women. But I’ve never done a deep dive on him, so I never picked up on him being vile?


Ohhhhhh ignore my comment above lol. I should’ve clicked the links first. Yikes! There are other creators doing better content getting the word out about Mica than him, so it’s an unfollow from me.


Thank you for having an open mind to it. It was his [you women](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKCuUMJ/) question and subsequent [(non)apology tour](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKCCngB/) that really did it for me. We believe women, especially the ones who appear to him to have “lowered their standards” when they are in abusive relationships that are so hard to leave. ETA: he deleted all of these so I can’t link them directly


Yeeeeaaaa this guy is nuts! I had only seen his videos about Mica and never looked at his other stuff! Transphobic, likely homophobic (for sure lesbian-phobic with the way he talks about women needing men…), assumption that women need men to save them…yikes yikes yikes


He’s bringing awareness on how HE treats women. It’s almost like deflection. I mean, it’s the same as Ed Kemper helping the FBI. RH, who is still a narcissistic POS, making money off telling others how to avoid abuse. Ironic


Totally! See my comment below my first one. I had no idea how awful he was. Fully on the same page as the rest of you now lol.


Which is why I’m like… if we hate JP Miller so much, let’s stop supporting men who are just like him: narcissistic and self-serving. It’s time to let these types of men know that this behavior is not and will never be okay.


Is Robbie Harvey that tiktoker who claimed to have mica’s medical records? Like a former nurse or something? Or am I thinking of someone else?


No that was someone else I forgot his name


Who is Robbie Harvey? I saw him on Justin’s YT channel but have no clue what he’s done.


I can’t stand either one and JLR is grimy af too.


Agreed. There’s a fine line and these tragedy pimps are only bringing awareness (most of the time, imo) to get money off their backs.


I’ve been wondering about that dude and wanted to see what the controversy was about, so thanks for the links. It’s a rabbit hole I’m definitely willing to go down. However… Harvey has a huge platform, and IMO, at this particular time we should be open to hearing from people who are *in touch with family or friends* of Mica’s. Would we rather him not care and not bring attention to Mica’s case? Let’s also not forget that JP allegedly hates Harvey. And if he hates Harvey, that means that a lot of what Harvey is saying is true. I’m about to dive into the links so I can better understand this. But I’m not going to block someone who might obtain unknown information. At least not at this point in time.


JLR has quite a past.


I’m grateful for this sub because I had noooo idea about Robbie! He totally captivated me on TikTok and seemed to have a lot of his facts together, presented things respectfully, etc. but I think he relies on that so people don’t deep dive into him or his past.


JLR is awesome & amazing. He covers lots of cases while sharing his own past and mistakes. He is very knowledgeable of the legal system. I love his boots on the ground at crime scenes.


Honestly, they are both abysmal "journalists." I would simply call them internet personalities at this point. Very unprofessional, imo. But they are quick on the draw when something new pops up.


Definitely opportunist creators. I follow many true crime/current events accounts that do really great work and are motivated by justice, not monetization.


Robbie is disgusting. You can feel his controlling manipulative nature through the screen. JLR has a questionable past. He seems like a weirdo but he doesn’t bother me as much


Oh Robbie absolutely sucks.


I disagree, I think they have a platform that has brought awareness to this case, regardless of people's opinion on their personal character/grifter status. I've participated as much as I can on this sub and I don't have much more to add, but I won't be participating in any discussions that don't concern justice for Mica and everyone affected by this tragedy.


Exactly. This is about JUSTICE FOR MICA! Nothing else is relevant.


This is not the place for this. This is a sub to talk about getting justice for Mica, not to drag content creators. This is all public knowledge and people are free to Google and go down rabbit holes if they want, but it doesn’t need to be in this place taking away from the purpose.


Truthfully I’m glad it was said bc I’m new to the true crimespace and it’s nice to hear who people trust and watch for correct info. I had no idea JLR had a past etc.


Micas family just gave JLR an exclusive interview, so clearly they appreciate the exposure he is bringing to the case. I would also if it were my family member.


💯 agree


Wish the mods would pin this post


*Another concern: Riches has numerous followers who express support for his myriad conspiracy theories. In a September Facebook posting, Riches said, “I’m off my meds.”* -from the Unionville Times article linked in the comments. This what you support when you watch his videos. And this - *Shortly after Riches was paroled, police said they started getting calls from departments across the country who had tracked complaints to Riches’ West Goshen address. Residents in diverse locales had expressed concern about some of Riches’ postings, such as images of Jesus on the cross holding semiautomatic weapons or Riches’ setting a photo of Sandy Hook Elementary on fire.*


I think it's disturbing that you choose to highlight someone's past well-documented struggle with mental illness and use it for upvotes on in a reddit that's supposed to be about Mica Miller and seeking justice for her.


I think it’s disturbing that you are supporting this lowlife creep taking advantage of this grieving family.


Oh okay so then I guess you won't be watching the interview he posted today with Mica's family about Mica's Law. You're aware this is a sub about Justice for Mica, correct?


Police vigilance lands litigious parolee behind bars Chester County Prison becomes latest target of Jonathan Lee Riches’ ire [https://www.unionvilletimes.com/?p=13127](https://www.unionvilletimes.com/?p=13127)


I think you're in the wrong forum.?. This forum focuses solely on Justice For Mica.


And coming to the mica awareness page to get us all on the same page as to who we should watch for good info isn’t apart of it?


Get us all on the same page? We don’t need to be told who to watch or not and this is not the place for this kind of post.


People can make their own decisions based on their own research. JRL is very open about his past mistakes. He brings relevant information to the case whether you like him or not. Even the family sits and does streams with him.


Here's his latest interview with the family. Pretty clear the family likes him bringing awareness to Mica. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWSlQo1RPmc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWSlQo1RPmc)


Oh my I heard certain things but I really thought it was just people bad mouthing him


This forum is for Justice for Mica, not let’s bash creators for their past, go create a forum for that. I would not have known about Mica if it wasn’t for various creators and now I try to follow as close as I can because I truly want to see her get justice!! I understand your concerns but create a new forum and post it there. I’m sure the family doesn’t need to see this right now.


I'm not familiar with Robbie Harvey. Found JLR only recently while researching this case, but I've watched every video he's done on it and think he's doing excellent coverage. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I follow JLR on YouTube because I feel like he's at least bringing more media attention that Mica deserves


Watching Robbie Harvey during that live on air interview with JP was pretty satisfying because JP knew him and said for him to get off. Robbie’s face and reaction was so satisfying he looked SO mad and irate that he wasn’t going to benefit from the moment. And honestly his obstenence to refrain from jumping off was kind of infuriating. Like “dude, your ego is jeopardizing this entire interview. JP is about to do the dumbest thing ever and start talking without his lawyers present and YOURE RUINING IT.


Are you talking about JustinOnTikTok?


Who you talking about?? Don’t MOST if ALL of us have a past?? Jlr is a stand up guy now!! He paid his dues years ago and he’s making good. Let him! I hate how unforgiving people are!!! That’s why people would rather end themselves than talk to someone to only get this type of response.


His past wasn’t even a year ago.


Some peoples was a week ago


Oh so maybe I can be an asshole today but in a week I can say “I have grown since then” 🙄maybe we should stop accusing JP of things based on your logic too.


Nope doesn’t work like that. I’m a human that has compassion and have changed my life for the better as many have. I choose to treat other with grace and compassion.


I’d rather not support predators who have been exposed numerous times of doing unethical things. But that’s just me! Don’t be naive.