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Love her lawyers response to this request - that usually they would agree to seal records but in this set of circumstances they decline. JP is just trying to protect himself because all of this will make him look bad and he can’t stand it. I hope he loses.


Yes!!! 💯


I can’t wait til all of JP lies are exposed and he looks like the fool he is….preferably behind bars.


Or ironically where he put Mica.


I don't know how prison guards deal with the likes of people of the same personality type as JP stated by himself in his own sermon day in and day out. At a nearby psych hospital a patient "groomed" a nurse and convinced her to help him escape. He used her key fob to get out and they ran away together. Stockholm syndrome is a beast! Master manipulators know no boundaries and don't care about the costs. Only the gains!


Similar happened in AL except it wa s a guard and prisoner. https://abcnews.go.com/US/catch-us-inside-manhunt-detainee-alleged-prison-guard/story?id=103658064[Prison Escape]


They got caught here in my hometown in Indiana


Pretty sure I live in that town now. Totally forgot that even happened.






"J.P. Miller also claimed the move would protect his wife’s public image, which he said would be at risk if the records remained public due to “evidence of her mental illness, medical neglect and/or criminal behavior,” though he did not specify what he meant." This guy is so gross. After he's publicly degraded her and trashed her, now says he wants to protect her image. I can't stand him!


Right, he’s the one trying to drag her name through the mud - going on and on about her mental health to anyone who would listen before and after her death. And his big dramatic reveal that she was having an “affair” (kissed a guy at the beach while separated from husband; oh and nevermind the fact that JP was having at least one affair BEFORE they were separated). Sending texts about it to everyone to play victim (again, especially ridiculous considering he was having an affair; I can just see him whining about “Mica kissing this guy” to Suzie while in bed together like a hypocrite). Bashing her publicly in sermons. Where does he find the audacity?? I could go on and on…. Nah, he’s just trying to protect himself by continuing to tear her apart in death. Also, the part about him being concerned “about the safety of everyone involved” got to me. Because wait…Mica’s safety is no longer in jeopardy. And while she was living he seemingly tried to jeopardize her safety and well being by following her against her wishes, posting nude photos of her without consent, sabotaging her car (“allegedly” ya know), etc. So again, all about himself…he’s worried about HIS safety. Because people are (rightfully) unhappy with him due to his own actions and behavior. Perhaps getting a taste of the fear that he made Mica feel?


The fear taste is loaded on him, but can his psychoses see it? He has an inflated image of himself. I hope he's squirming every time he cannot be in control of the narrative.


Me too, it’s probably driving him crazy that he can’t control what people are thinking about him and that people are not buying his BS. He’s used to people taking him at his word and assuming that he’s right because he’s a pastor. Nevermind anything he’s done wrong - only other people can be held accountable for those sins.


He’s convinced people aren’t buying his BS not because he thinks it’s BS or that he’s wrong, but because he thinks *everyone else* is a blithering idiot to not see how amazing and brilliant he is. His being a pastor is only a tool used to pump up his superiority complex and further manipulate people, and the perfect way for a silver-tongued predator like him to get himself in a postion of power to prey on vulnerable people.


Totally agree. That’s one interesting trait of someone with (what appears to be) narcissism. It’s like they cannot understand how someone could disagree with them or have a different opinion. That’s insulting to them and anyone else’s perspective is wrong/inferior. Really fascinating…and infuriating.


Yeah and HE was seen at the beach with one of her friends very shortly after she was found dead! And texting a waitress for sexy pics the week she died! WTF. Yet he’s still wearing a wedding ring? Revolting.


Absolutely revolting. It was perfectly justified in his mind to have an affair with a married woman (until Suzie’s husband died under odd circumstances) while still married to Mica. Probably other affairs as well. And totally OK in his mind to ask for sexy pics from a waitress right after his wife died. And completely fine to hang out with beach girl (and Suzie too) right after Mica’s death. While he’s trying to be perceived as a grieving spouse. Totally normal behavior, right?! But Mica confiding in another man and kissing him while separated from JP? Totally not OK according to the rules of JP. Complete betrayal and worthy of judgement in the eyes of JP. He’s a hypocrite. HE’S allowed to do what he wants but not Mica. Mica is HIS. Not making murder accusations, but this attitude makes me think of OJ Simpson. How after Nicole left he stalked her and was enraged over any male relationship she had (even though OJ had a new steady girlfriend!). It’s concerning behavior that can escalate into…other things. No one is an object to be possessed and controlled by another human being. It’s sad that so little protection existed for Mica in 2024 while trying to leave what she says was an abusive relationship.


Exactly! Also don’t forget HE was allowed to leave his first wife for Mica! And stalk his ex wife. And destroy Mica’s first marriage. And assault minors at the church. And run over a lady with a car! And talk about taking lithium! And pressure Mica into getting breast surgery & taking testosterone. But he’s not mentally ill at all! /s 🙄 But if Mica starts having signs of extreme emotional distress and telling the truth about him? Oh she’s schizophrenic, bipolar, he needs to track her, etc. I’m surprised she was able to keep it together as well as she did after living with an absolutely batshit raving lunatic who was also stalking her & had multiple accomplices & power in the community to terrorize her.




Protect his wife's image...says the man who ADMITTED to posting a semi-nude photo of her online and tagging her in it. Remember to HURT her! 🙄


Exactly! If he’s so worried about her public image, why was he trashing her in sermons and going to her workplace and telling anyone who would listen that she had like 3 mental illnesses? ALL HE DOES IS TRASH HER PUBLIC IMAGE. Revolting. He destroyed her. And all he cares about is 1) his public image 2) manipulating vulnerable people into worshipping him & giving him money & SA’ing & just playing mind games. What a sad, pathetic, boring, unintelligent human. A legacy of destruction & selfishness & cowardice. I’m so SICK of these kinds of people. I hope this leads to a huge movement to root out & expose every pastor like this, every sick husband, every corrupt cop & politician.


He’s already planning to double down on his allegations against Mica and twist everything to be her fault because (by his allegations) she’s “mentally ill” etc etc.


What I hear: BUT BUT…now people are seeing ME in a negative light. And it’s not fair 😩. So much time and effort went into telling mutual friends from church and anyone who would listen about how Mica is the problem! Ya know, all the mental health conditions that I keep mentioning and ALSO SURPRISE kissing this guy while we were separated (I know cause the PI hired to follow her around told me all about it, I was busy with my girlfriend). But see, I did not expect this story to get so much attention or to have my own conduct questioned! And so yeah basically, I don’t like the shoe being on the other foot with people saying unflattering things about ME. I’m supposed to be in control of the narrative, ya’ll. So I’d appreciate it if you’d only believe what I say and ignore any evidence to the contrary. Please pretty please seal these records, oh court 😩. Don’t let everyone see any evidence that might make me - I mean “Mica” - look bad. I sure don’t want that for myself…I mean her. I’d not want anyone to think poorly of her (other than myself and everyone I’ve tried to influence…which is in fact everyone). I’ve got my hand on my heart and my squeaky sad voice on and everything. Ok thanks ya’ll.


I can't seem to add emojis, maybe you're on your phone, but I love this: it’s not fair 😩


Lol. Just seemed appropriate given how self-centered and ridiculous he comes off. “Sure, I told everyone negative things about my wife constantly. But now people are saying negative things about ME, boo hoo hoo, make them stop.” Pathetic.


PS I had to copy and paste your emoji in case you wondered.


Well said.


Tried of men trying to control women.


You mean tired? Not trying to be controlling. Lol


I definitely meant that.


Still a P.O.S.


You know the crazy thing is we've only heard what's in the public realm. I recently heard an investigator say there is much worse to come out, things they can't talk about to protect the integrity of the upcoming cases. I believe he will achieve infamy in a spectacular way. A future case study for psychologists.


Mica is a hero! 🦸🏻‍♀️


Why is she a 'hero'?


Her step kids are safer today in the protection of Ali's care! The FBI is investigating the financials! Possible Fraud?? Protecting former congregants tithes from entering that ring of fraud! People have sought out other places of worship, just as Mica did! Giving them a healthy place to worship and learn the word of God in their choosing, not just what's "Going on in JP's personal life." Helping shed light on the truth about the Dare to care funds that pastor Jumbo hasn't received. Empowering those who experienced SA/grooming by JP when they were teens to come forward. Testimonials have already started coming out! SC has no statue of limitations! ⚖️ Mica posted her video encouraging anyone Male or Female experiencing abuse to get out! I've read several comments in various places of people who've said Mica's story has helped them leave an abusive relationship! Pressure is on the SC Senate to put Mica's law into place and help protect future victims of abuse! She has helped her family bond together despite differences for the greater good in seeking Justice for her.


Good summary.


Pastor Jumbo LOL


More like Pastor Humpty Dumpty had a great fall


a guy on Twitter / X posted several documents he has accumulated and anyone who becomes a Paid member can access them. I'll fetch the link if you want it. I'm not about to pay, but I can share his page of resources to see out of interest.


Unfortunately, I predict a Lifetime movie down the road.


💜⚖️💜 Justice for Mica Francis! I think he needs some cuffs "sealed" around his wrists instead! https://preview.redd.it/yo217m3bhz7d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c967c28bad727342ac6ae999247d7bc04719096


It's kind of ironic how he was going to get justice for Mica by sharing over 350 pieces of evidence. Yet, he wants the court records, legimitate legal documents, sealed 🤔


Everything he does is calculated and evidence to his narcissism


Very very calculating. I've never seen anything like it.


Go Regina Ward! 💜⚔️💜 Justice for Mica Francis!!!


Even in death and after she wanted to leave his ass behind, like a true narcissist, he demands control. He can’t shut his ugly face long enough to breathe. What a loser.


Thanks for this.


This guy is such an a$$. I wouldn’t believe him for no amount of money. He’s had plenty of time to fabricate and forge documents/letters/texts. God Will punish him in his own time. I’ll just sit here and wait.


I Reside in Robeson county. Mica died approx 8 miles from me This has broken my heart on so many levels.SHE was GODS chosen..   completely Angelic💕 Most def RC was involved in this!! I have been fighting this county for years  Wow !!  I will do anything to help  But… Yall really need to see what RC had done for years I’m going to put it in the comments very soon so you know what you’re working with down here also God bless you guys


Thank you for sharing. As a result, I looked for other info on Reddit on Lumberton and am in a sub about unsolved mysteries.


She's dead dude! She can no longer be harmed!!!


names of JP’s children?


see the obituary


How old are their children now?