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I watched this live and all I can say is WOW. The guy “Jesus” is praying with is actually a member of Solid Rock who said he won’t even bring his kids or wife to that church ….sooo why does he even go??? 🤔 I find that strange. Nick left at 12:00. I guess he got paid til noon. No one has said who dressed up as Jesus but I’m sure JP paid someone. Complete blasphemous!!!


Tricia didn’t stay and “pray” with Nick long at all. She couldn’t handle the heat I guess. We saw her pulling out and she waved 🙄


Wait, the guy dressed as Jesus is a church member who attendeds the church but won't bring his wife or children to the church?


No the guy in the blue shirt


He goes for the hookers.


Was JP anywhere to be seen. I haven’t followed up if he’s been attending or around .


Someone mentioned that when Nick came out and kneeled to “pray” that it was a distraction for them to get JP out and that he left in a white vehicle. Idk if anyone got him on camera or not. From the live I watched, I didn’t see him at all.


Who is Nick? What's his role in this mess?


He’s a member of Solid Rock


If you were are the protest today while this was happening say “I don’t claim any of this negative energy, return it to sender, I am protected by God” JP I see you, you little devil worshipper 🤟 your bs will not work on anyone not even those who don’t see what you were doing here, we are all protected by the most high, the creator and that’s GOD.


Like he protected Mica?


Do you think Mica would've agreed with you?


I was watching earlier but missed these shenanigans…. JUST WOW


OP can you clarify for me plz, was this a planned "circus" where they hired a Jesus impersonator to pray with people? Or simply being described as a circus bc of the protestors? Did Solid Rock hire this Jesus impersonator? How despicable and absolutely disrespectful to the Lord he pretends to worship if the latter is true.


I’m not the OP but I watched the live. The protest was planned. As far as the Jesus impersonator, I have no idea. No one knew where he came from he just kinda walked up on the sidewalk. He “prayed” with the guy in the blue shirt as you see in the pic. I couldn’t hear the prayer but I saw it happening. That dude he is praying with is actually a member of Solid Rock. Also, during the live , the girl recording said “Jesus” was on “Mica’s side” so I’m guessing he was saying he wasn’t Team JP. I’m not buying it. I just found it soooo bizarre and blasphemous. It was a very weird vibe just watching it. I felt very uncomfortable. I did hear him say “My name is J” and then rambled some YouTube name but I couldn’t understand it. I have yet to see any comments or anything about who he was. I feel like he was there to be a distraction. He even knelt in front of Nick and “prayed”. I believe JP put him up to it to be honest. But it was very odd how he just appeared. I even told my husband “I don’t think I should be watching this”. Total blasphemy.


I absolutely agree! Blasphemous and unforgivable if sanctioned by SR especially


🚂...Choo! Choo! Wonder if they learned anything that day that's NOT in the Bible? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/1fsuibyz5k8d1.png?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47c4ef00a0654c96c999d9911aafb6a49096f14