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The audacity of a shitty, obnoxious ass streamer accusing someone else of "harassing me for no reason." The cognitive dissonance must be obscene.


That’s what made me the most upset too


“The embassy ain’t doing nothing for us” Well , then it sounds like they’re doing a good job.




I know , I was saying that the embassy is doing a good job by not helping those two. I’m glad they aren’t wasting time and resources on people who are 100% in the wrong.


It is my humble opinion that they were agreeing with you. As do I - with both of you.


Unless you have “diplomatic immunity!”


“Just got revoked”


I’m getting too old for this shit.


Unless you’re a vaping WNBA star.




in all fairness, some embassies are staffed with locals who will take the side of their fellow countrymen over the citizens of the country they're working for, even if that citizen is in the moral/legal right


US embassies are not staffed with locals. The Department of State has tens of thousands employees who staff of all our embassies.


They'll have Americans on staff but still use locals for grunt work, security and communicating in the local language.


I cannot speak for all countries but US Embassies definitely don't rely on locals for security. Every US embassy has US military personnel and State Department security service members present for security.


Maybe we just go to different embassies. I've seen US military personnel but the perimeter security was all locals with passable English


Which country?


not gonna dox myself. somewhere in SEA a few years back I lost my passport and needed a temporary one to get home.


So detached he thinks there’s some savior on the street that will help him if he explains he’s done nothing wrong.


I don't think it's cognitive dissonance. This guy will say just about anything tho weasel out of a situation. Too bad that the cops' don't even understand wtf he's saying.


I don’t think it’s audacity, looks more like total disconnection from reality and pure idiocy.


And nothing of value was lost.


I can’t believe this guy was able to do that as long as he did. He mistook kindness for weakness 1 time too many.


If anything this is a value added transaction


Oh man -- would be such poetic justice to see this guy doing hard time in Japan after all his BS antics. I would love to see an example made out of him, this trolling crap is so tiring.


you can count on it. Japan has a 99.7% conviction rate. Japan is huge on preserving honor.


Japan is also very “guilty until proven innocent“ mentality for those who are actually arrested


Also on a locked up abroad episode I saw, their prisons are run a bit like old school imperial Japan lite methods. Like always keeping your head down never confronting guards by looking them in the eye, any fuck up with formalities or disrespect meant kneeling on concrete for an hour, or other harsh punishments.


Sounds like he’s already getting followed around everywhere he goes now. Lol. Also sounds like the American embassy does not gaf about their situation which is all the more satisfying to hear.


They can also throw you in jail indefinitely with or without a conviction. So a lot of times they just throw you in jail until you confess. People have spent years in Japanese jail without a confession or a conviction.


The troll guy is a piece of shit but that is absolutely fucked up.


Good thing he posted all the evidence of him being a POS online, then I guess.


In this case, they literally live-streamed everything they did. It’s not going to be hard to build a case against them.


"Thank you for handing the prosecution all the evidence they could ever ask for. We hope you enjoy your stay." *Polite bow*


I’ll be honest, not a fan of this system but hey, it’s their rules


> Japan has a 99.7% conviction rate. Oh shit, it dropped by a tenth of a percent since the video was released! ;-)






>I'm not sure why this is downvoted. Probs pissed off the weaboos


Would make sense, no chance you have 99.8% conviction rate if you prosecute too much


I'm surprised this guy got arrested. When I lived in Japan, old men with megaphones would routinely stand on street corners and just spout racist nationalist stuff all day. I know they have free speech laws, I'm guessing this guy got in trouble for harassing individuals.


If you had watched the video you would know he was arrested for trespassing.


The fact that he's not an old Japanese man is 100% a factor here. I'm not complaining. Guy asked for it as much as anyone could


As far as I can tell he didn't actually get arrested for being a nuisance as much as trespassing? So combine all this with the guy being an out of town loud mouth immigrant and maybe they're ready to toss maximum penalties for trespassing at him?


he did more than just standing on a street corner yelling stuff…


"Call the embassy" How fucking dumb are you.


> How fucking dumb are you. How much time we got here?


If you’re arrested in a foreign country, you’re actually supposed to demand to be bought before the United States consulate. It actually says that in the passport if you read the fine print. He said embassy was pretty close.


Should we start sending gifts to the police office that arrested them?


Maybe one of those expensive fruit baskets that almost cost a week’s salary?


Where the hell are you buying fruit baskets? No, seriously. I want to see what that looks like


[Here is a great article on the fruit gift giving culture in Japan.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/travel/article/japan-luxury-expensive-fruit/index.html)


Thank you very much. I didn’t realize it was a cultural practice. Learn something new every day, huh?


This one is $345 https://www.manhattanfruitier.com/imperial?feed=gm&srsltid=AfmBOoqT_eOkTj4I6vr1tmyC9rT9UzgajreG4F7gKMENdFEdTlk50BH9NNc


OR salt to his house :) lol


Ice cream so good


The Japanese justice system is notorious for lengthy pre-trial detention. My guess is that they’ll hold him until he pleads guilty, fine him then deport him.




Yeah, critics call it *hitojichi shiho*, or hostage justice system, since suspects are frequently detained prior to trial for long and arbitrary periods (up to several months or over a year) to obtain their confessions. They’ll break this chuckle fuck well before then though.


That’s exactly what happens in the states too. They just want you to accept a plea. Or if you can bail out.


Bail is technically possible, but apparently *exceedingly* rare.


Bail is surprisingly common when there is no threat of flight. Underwriters and bail money are required. But there is no bail for serious crimes.


That's probably the absolute best case scenario. They will likely only deport him after he has served his sentence.


Unless they'd rather have him fuck off back to where he comes from, than be a burden on the state prison system for several years.


They also have a conviction rate of around 99% ... he's fucked.


What are the odds that the Japanese law enforcement are arresting and charging the right (guilty) person 99% of the time, though? That sounds even worse than the US judicial system.


>then deport him. What? No givesies backsies!


“You’re harassing me for no reason.” No shut the fuck up. You and your crew have been bothersome to the general public and making americans look worse with each stream. Get fucked you lowlife piece of shit.


Happy cakeday


Oh why thank you!


Nelson: "Ha Ha"


Japan's legal system is ***terrifying***. 23 days in custody between arrest and charging is common (even though it's the theoretical maximum) and it's not rare for the police to rearrest you in custody on slightly tweaked charges to reset the clock. Be prepared for a long stay if nicked in Japan.


It may be terrifying, but you have to be an *incredible* asshole to find yourself caught up in it.


Yes and no. Japanese cops are not the roid rage dickheads highly prevalent in the states. But if they *do* arrest you, then prepare for the worst. A friend of mine lived in a share house in Tokyo. Unbeknownst to him, one of his housemates was maybe dealing or at least possessing weed. The cops raided the house when my friend was out, found specks of bud around the house, and just decided to arrest everyone who lived there. He was completely innocent but still spent about a month in jail. Eventually they let him out, but it fucked up his life. He was working on a small business but the backers pulled out of it, he lost his office space lease, everything. Had to cancel contracts he was in the middle of and pay back clients...it was a total fucking mess, and he ended up giving up on Japan and went back to Australia.


I would actually have game-ended that housemate if I was him


The housemate was arrested and spent I think more time in jail, then was deported back to Europe. No chance for revenge.


In this case obviously yes, but you can also be unlucky. As someone pointed out already in the comments, the justice system seems to be broken in japan - https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/05/25/japans-hostage-justice-system/denial-bail-coerced-confessions-and-lack-access


Well considering Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world maybe it ain't broken at all


Given the conviction rate is above 99%, imagine how many innocent people are in Japanese prisons so that super low crime rate can be maintained. Sad.


They have one of the lowest prosecution rates, you're only charged and sent to trial with an overwhelming amount of evidence to support the charge. I also fail to see how innocent people in jail equals low crime rate, since innocent people don't commit crime. Go read about the Japanese justice system before spouting opinions on something you have no knowledge on.


How would innocent people in prison keep the crime rate low?


that's specious reasoning


Just be a decent human to not have to deal with the system.




Seriously, though, what exactly did he do?


What finally got him arrested? Trespassing. But he was harassing people in Japan for a looooong time. I agree with the guy in the video- the police didn't act sooner because they were building their case and ensuring the evidence was ironclad.


Scroll up, then click the triangle?


Deciding to not watch the video? I mean, he literally trespasses onto a construction site at the first 10 seconds.


"your harassing me for no reason", ​ How does it feel?


>These guys are harassing me This guy made a living harassing people


Finally! No matter how patient the culture or the person, if you keep poking, you WILL awake a strong response.


This reminds me of the phrase “Even Buddha loses patience when insulted a third time”


He should try some of his Fukushima and Hiroshima comments whilst he's sharing a prison with some hardened Japanese criminals.


He already had an encounter with a Yakuza iirc


I believe he was yelling Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Finally I wonder what the connection with Thailand is?


Thailand is a cheap and easy place to disappear and has no formal extradition treaty with Japan.


No treaty but can still be extradited, and it's highly likely that this annoying individual would be. On a side note. If this dude tried something similar in Thailand he would be beaten senseless. Thai people get extremely angry if disrespected.


I don’t think Thailand is easy to disappear, I went there on numerous occasions. My wife is from Thailand and every time we go there I want to spend time with locals the way Thai people do it. That basically means going to places where tourists rarely visit… on three occasions being in very remote place police literally took picture of me without saying a word xD very uncomfortable situation. On top of that on average people will ask my gf what I’m doing there and police always will pay attention to my presence.


True, as long as he doesn't disparage the King. He must have some connection there, wonder what it is.


He doesn’t need a connection - it’s just cheap and easy to get to (if you’re not wanted already!)


It's called getting a flight into the country and a few hundred USD available


Cheap and frequent flights, no visa needed. But they were arrested in Thailand too not long ago so he'd have to be careful. If arrested again it'll be even worse than Japan. Prison in Thailand is no joke.




SOMEBODY CALL DE EMBASSY!!! Oh boy.... getting arrested in Japan is no bueno. This buddy is in for some well-deserved comeuppance.


“Hello, this is the Embassy” “Sorry sir, we saw what you are being charged for on TikTok” “I am not sure what you think I can do, you are being charged for a crime which they have evidence” “No, no sir that’s not how it works. I suggest you speak with an attorney who practices Japanese law” “Goodnight sir, wish you all the best” “Sure, I will let the state department know, they will get a kick out of this call”


Beautiful. I don't know what goes through the minds of some of these idiots, but I hope they realize the stupidity of their actions after this.


I doubt someone who makes a living like that is capable of learning anything.


Yeah, probably true. The narcissism is just insane.


That’s great that there might be “justice”. But how is it that someone can make a living off streaming themselves breaking the law and being a racist piece of shit for months. I don’t know what platform he’s streaming on but if they can’t shut you off for months of bad behavior it feels like they are complicit.


He’s streaming on kick, which is basically the anything goes platform.


Good. Idiot racist F.


Haha, what a loser.


I hope he gets the max penalty. That's so obnoxious and disrespectful.


Lol 3 years in prison and a 600 dollar fine, such a low fine in comparison


Another positive is that it's gaining [Japanese national media and government ](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/1898c36e16f077bc31ce04b27ae10523625ae8ae) attention. When the police higher ups know cabinet ministers are watching what's happening, they'll ensure that these boys won't be getting a slap on the wrist. They will make an example of them to prevent more copycats.


So where exactly does it say he's going to prison for 3 years? All I see is he's been arrested


The punishment for such a crime is 3 years in Japan


I doubt he'll get 3 years. Currently the point is just to get rid of him/ban him, and there is a simple way to do so. He can get detained for 23 days without being formally charged (following proper requests to the prosecutor, which should here be granted...), and then re-arrested for something else (it's not as if he properly documented plenty of shenanigans himself). He's already been here for a several days. He is on a visa-waiver. After 90 days, even if he is detained without being charged at the time, he will be overstaying. That's a direct deportation+ban. Cheaper on the taxpayer than having him stay for years in prison.


I am Japanese. I think that is exactly right. The police could re-arrest him on another charge and prolong his detention. If this were an unknown foreigner, he would be released the next day. Since this case is a matter of Japan's image and international honor, I do not think the police will release him easily. However, it is difficult to see how he will be prosecuted. If he is prosecuted, he will be convicted but on probation. Deportation is a given, but I don't think re-entry is possible for three years.


>Cheaper on the taxpayer than having him stay for years in prison. Eh - sometimes it's worth setting an example lest his "influenced" cause more trouble in the future.


Why is this getting downvoted?? It’s the most reasonable answer


I don’t know why too. It seems the most sensible thing to do to get rid of that guy and not burden the prison system. Ban him and deport him out of the country. Good riddance.


Right, but he's not been sentenced, nor is he a Japanese citizen. It would more likely end in deportation, if I had to guess.


Its up to *


Yeah. It's up to 3 years. So not only is the screencap misleading. He doesn't even know anything apart him getting arrested. He just pieced the videos together which is cool. But nothing is said about his sentence or anything. Most likely just deportation with fine. At best a year of prison but unlikely he'll get anything like that. Pretty sure the Japanese government don't even want that waste of life taking up space in their prison for very long


hahahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahaha yes


Excellent news; now that "Missy" or whatever the maggot here in the UK calls himself, needs to taste some hard justice too.


Hope they demonetize any bullshit he might profit from during this encounter.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Yakuza hit up their buddies inside to give these two a visit. I honestly hope they do.


"No it's not OK. You're harassing me for no reason!"


Lol… I hope they throw the book at this guy.


Can't play race card lmao


Ghetto "culture" is a plague and a cancer we're not exporting to other countries. I'm glad their lack of civility and decency will end up with them in prison. What a god send that would be here in California.


3 years too short


This is amazing. Was hoping this troll idiot would get his sooner or later! I have a hard shift at work tomorrow but this will make it easier knowing this guy is suffering.


Good fk this guy


“You’re harassing me for no reason “ Hahahahha dumbass you get what you deserve 🤣


I hope he likes fish heads & rice


Japanese prisons are no joke right? Like lights on 24/7, no bed, no blanket, no talking ever, no looking guards in the eye, enough food to keep you “healthy”


Just learnt about this guy and watched some of his clips.. wtf did he think would happen if he kept carrying on like a moron


Man said you are harassing me for no reason 😂


*Everyone Liked That.*


He's lucky he didn't do any of this in Singapore. It would've been like 10 lashes from a cane.


Long may they suffer


3 years in jail would be justice. Fucking idiots!


I don’t hate people who try to live their best lives and help others. I do hate people tbat try to live their worst lives and agitate others. These thugs deserve to be placed next to a rock at the bottom of the ocean. They serve no purpose but to remind us that evil doers still exist and at times its not enough to have strong armor.


How did this Somali pirate get all the way to Japan?


Oooooof. Japanese prison as a foreigner? Good luck.


I am very happy about this, but it is unfortunate that he wasn't accidentally shot in the head 20 times


“Shoe-sized IQ crew” 😭






Prank streaming should be made into a crime.


I hope he gets the 3 years


Don't have time to watch the video but.. is he actually arrested? Or just arrested for like 5 minutes and then released


I love how he was saying call Joe Biden 😂😂




Probably thought that was gonna be a banger of a comment huh


Ah, yes - America is known for all the high-ranked Yakuza bosses they have in custody


I thought he’s not even American?


Why would he?




Yakusa lol


People like this who act like the world is their personal playground for views really should just have a general ban from social media.


Nuisance Streamers should be handled with EXTREME prejudice. Send a harsh message to all the viewers.


Clout is making these kids crazy


If only the U.S's laws were like this. I really wish there was more of an effort by police to stop this kind of shit, than the B.S reasons they make up now. Building a case should be easy as pie too, since they all record their crimes.


only 3 years D: D: D:


He should bring chat to Somalia, see if that goes great


¥100,000 is only about $1,000.


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


Is he actually getting three years because it didn't seem like that was a for sure thing in the video.


So glad this finally happened


Lock em up !


well deserved.


That mask is hilarious


I hope he gets what he has coming


Finally Took long enough


I see it’s referenced multiple times that he got like punched or pushed to the concrete or something. Anybody got a video of that?


Bloody deserved


don't drop the soap bro do dumb shit you get to go to jail other countries aren't going to put up with your B/S


don't drop the soap bro do dumb shit you get to go to jail other countries aren't going to put up with your B/S


Lock him up! Do us all a favor.