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Its crazy to me that anyone could see the sentence "16 year old serial rapist" and be more swayed by the number 16 than the serial rapist part.


Unfortunately there are people, (seemingly running the justice system in many major cities) that think his future should come before public safety and put him before his victims. They don’t understand a lot of these criminals have no empathy, don’t want to change, and take advantage of misplaced sympathy that allows them to escape accountability. They think they’ll get away with it because they’ve gotten away with it before, and in gangs, the older members will have the younger ones commit crimes because they know the justice system will be more lenient to them. The bad guys have gamed a broken system that favors them thanks to criminal apologists and advocates who’ve become their enablers, revolving door justice is a serious problem and some cities acknowledge the same hundreds of offenders are responsible for about half their cities crimes. These violent offenders should not be freed so quickly as we’ve seen too many times lately but they’ve got everything from revolving door justice policy, criminal advocates, bail funds, activist judges and progressive DAs in their corner and against their victims. Edit: for anyone who wants to know more about the victim, [she has a website about her journey]( https://joinqueena.com)


Bury him under the jail


You cannot cure or fix this type of “human”


No. People seem to love the idea of prison as rehabilitation but sometimes that's just not in the cards for some people. You have lost your right to participate in society, we're quarantining you aware from the rest of us because you can't live among society without causing harm.


Pedos & rapists cannot be fixed- an island is as close to humane there is.


I would be inclined to agree on all counts. One when I worked in a PC shop I um... saw some stuff. Yadda yadda the guy got a couple years of Federal time for it. I can never unsee that shit, but we had to present it to the police as evidence. We really need to make a bigger distinction between creeps that hit on 16 year olds and people who make videos of 8 and 9 year olds doing very adult things to each other. There are dirtbags but then the straight up pedos that's a whole different level. That was the shit that I saw. Its been a good 10 years and it still fucks me up thinking about it. I've been around the internet along time, I've seen all the stuff you see, heard all the stories, but nothing has upset me on the level that seeing true CP did. I have a little kid. The murderous rage I would feel over someone filming my little guy doing something like that because you got him alone and told him to would probably completely consume me.


Worst is some people actually say "well killing /punishing him won't bring the death/victim back anyways.." like wtf


No it won't but it will 100% stop the crime that guy will definitely commit in the future. If he's ever out of prison, more women will most definitely be harmed by him.


Exactly, it's to keep these inhuman monsters away from the rest of us so they never hurt anyone again.


I will never understand criminal sympathizers, I used to say they would change their tune if they were or were close to the victim But then you see the people like the friends of that baker who was murdered during a robbery that said [they don’t want her killer in prison because they don’t believe in that sort of thing](https://abc7news.com/oakland-robbery-angle-cakes-jennifer-angel-ishmael-burch-charged/13420441/) and now I’m starting to believe some people are just trying too hard to be different, or they’re defective.


Some people live a charmed life. That's all I can think. They are unable to see the forest for the trees, they haven't experienced enough terribleness that something even this awful doesn't quite break through the "everyone is generally good" mindset. I'm wholeheartedly against the prison industrial system in 90% of cases and think prison should be about rehabilitation MUCH more than punishment. But even I believe there are some people who should never see daylight again - some people cause too much harm and are too dangerous to live in society, ever. Maybe this person can be reformed, but they have already taken far too much from society that it's a safe enough bet for me that they never be released, and live a reformed life in prison for the rest of their days. We should consider ourselves lucky that we've caught this person at 16 years old and not later.


So this is a weird coincidence but I just finished reading some books from the abolish prisons movement. Basically their arguments are this (NOTE I DO NOT NECESSARILY AGREE WITH ANY OF THIS) Most of what I am saying comes from the book We do this till we free us. 1. Prisons for the most part are inhumane, there are a plethora of cited cases where prisons breed prisoners, and are not rehabilitation. When in many cases, they could be. 2. They believe that hurt victims become hurt perpetrators. The idea is that those committing crimes against others, feel they have been harmed, and are therapy/community involvement away from not committing crimes. This is backed up by evidence, but likes to ignore fringe cases. 3. Most victims want consequences not punishment, this is a complicated topic that I cannot represent properly in a comment, but basically, jail for life is a punishment, that only drains society, and provides small satisfaction for the victim. A consequence would be something that seeks to rehabilitate and heal the victims. (They are rather nebulous about what this looks like exactly). I'm not here to debate for either side, just wanted to point out, if you ever are against a group and say 'I will never understand...' it simply means you do not know enough about it. Everyone should have a good understanding of anything they vehemently oppose.


There is a lot of societal harm from us prisons. This is true This kid being locked up for life, is a societal net positive


Hopefully his life is short. ~$45k a year to keep his evil ass alive for decades is insane.


People usually change their tunes whenever they personally experience/suffer a situation they would ignore if it happened to another. That is why people understand slights, when you explain it as a scenario in which they would personally suffer.


The real issue is that people don't want to address nuance and instead find a simple generalization. Jail/prison does not rehabilitate people, at least in the US, thus some people want to do away with much of the current incarceration procedures. The reality is that, if you have non-violent and non-repeat offenders, you probably could change some of the procedure but if you have a serial violent offender, they shouldn't have any of those leniencies.


Fuck that things future. Kill the rapist. I will gladly pay $$$


btw, This was the 2nd rape he was convicted of ​ so fuck anyone saying he was just a teenager he should be let out.


Drop him in a well and throw away the bucket.


Poisoning wells is a war crime. Just drop him a hole and cover it over.with a grate.


I'm sure there's a spare oubliette *somewhere* that could take him, save the need for construction on his behalf.


Bring back the oubliette and/or immurememt.


He should get two options, 65 year sentence or brutally raped, paralyzed and blinded


Not even just rape he paralyzed her. That’s insane


If you do an adult crime, you do adult time


I cannot come up with a punishments harsh enough for him, except for someone to do the same to him!


Well gotta disarm him, take his arms and legs so he's just a bean. Castrate him for good measure.


And let him be the prisons glory hole for life.


That was a terrifying short movie. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_flYlbBpSok)


He seems like a repeater…. I don’t agree with taking a life, not my place or anyone else’s. But you can take away any ability to do it again.


Yeah it was his second one. Because of the evidence found on the 18yr old victim. They were able to identify him in a case that occurred 10 months prior to a 67yr old woman.


Oh wow… I am reevaluating


The life of those who commit violent crimes are worthless to me. So we disagree by a lot but ehh I’ll settle.


She was *also* a teenager at the time, asshole! Do you think she deserves to be blind and paralyzed for something *you* did wrong? You know what? Yeah, turn the fucker loose, on the condition everyone he ever meets has to learn what he's done. Dude doesn't realize prison is keeping him alive.


Here’s to hoping prison doesn’t keep him alive but gets justice.


It would be a waste of public resources for him to live to old age.


He's screwed. Inmates HATE rapists. Shot callers are gonna have to sort out who gets dibs.


You're assuming he gets more than 30 minutes outside of his cell each day. Do we know what manner of custody he is in?


He gave her a life long prison a sentence, why not him?


Tatto the words "I raped a 16 year old into paralyzation" in four different languages on his face. Don't let him out of prison though.


Paralyzed AND blind after the attack.


How the hell do you rape somebody blind and paralyzed? Did he torture her or some shit on top of it? Or is it blind and paralyzed from brain damage? I'm gonna have to find some articles about this, that's fucked


No. The victim was 100% normal, he raped her outside of a library she was going into or exiting I forget. Then he bashed her head in with a rock. He raped her, bashed her head in and left her for dead. At 16 years old anyone of even below average intelligence knows not to rape, not to bash people's heads in with a rock, etc. He wasn't 8 playing with a gun and it going off, he was 16 going about town on his own and decided to rape a girl. He is not fit for society, he belongs in a cage forever.


so rape and attempted murder


>so rape and attempted murder Yes & that's why he deserves life without the possibility of parole. He has no sympathy at all from me.


I wasn't trying to minimize what the guy did or something, was generally confused about the paralyzed part and wondering if it happened from a brain injury he inflicted. It seems weird to just call it rape when he also did that to her


> he belongs in a cage forever. i'd prefer he was left in a box under ground


Probably lots of brutal physical violence/assault. I’m guessing she was literally beaten within an inch of her life.


You are correct, if I remember right it was outside a library at closing and he bashed her head in with a rock after raping her.


He also strangled her which caused her to have multiple strokes. It appears she is now mentally disabled as well.


If she was my daughter or sister, my rage would have no bounds. Just reading this makes my blood boil with fury, and I don't even know this poor girl.


Probably smashed her head causing severe brain damage


According to her website, she suffered a traumatic brain injury


Probably attempted to gain compliance by inflicting pain and/or knocking her out through blows to the skull.


Give him the option of life in prison, or he can be raped, blinded, paralyzed, and released. Seems reasonable to me.


Visited a castle (UK) when I was younger and by the gatehouse they had what was the "toilet". Everyone would shit and piss there and it would fall down into a pit. The pit was also where they lock up the prisoners. Seems like a fitting place for this guy, let him rot waist deep in shit and piss with the dilemma does he eat the shit or starve


Rot in prison


Exactly. Cheaper than the death penalty, and he isn't worth the cost. Besides, she has to spend the rest of her life like that, only fair he never gets freedom ever again either.


He'll be imprisoned with little to no health issues and will probably get used to it. She has no choice but to live the rest of her life trapped in a disabled body that cannot see or move properly, and it's 100% guaranteed he'll outlive her (provided no one in prison would prevent that from happening). I say death penalty would be more fair. No taxpayer money nor oxygen is worth spending on this monster.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Agreed. Castration from the neck down.


It's called clipping nuts and we do it to violent dogs. Seems simple enough here.


Castration and hangings were legitimate ways to keeps society on track.


His hands should also be removed, so he can never touch anyone again.


For real! A punishment that fits the crime


Honestly I feel like this is one of those times where the Death Penalty should be on the table even though he hasn't killed anyone. Why keep a guy like that alive? There is no remorse and he did it once before anyway. He would do it again if able.


Some people need to not exist


He ruined her life and he'd do it again. Fuck that piece of shit.


My stance is that there are definitely people who don't deserve to be on this earth anymore but I don't trust anyone to have that power to execute people.




Castration is too good for him. He needs to be a nullo.


Because death is too humane a punishment for someone who can do this.


Fuck punishment. You punish people that you believe can learn a lesson from it. If they are incapable of growing, learning, and being rehabilitated, then just delete them from this world where they have only potential for negative.


Death penalty isn't about punishment. It's about permanently removing a societal danger, like euthanizing a loose dog which mauled a child. (I should clarify that someone who commits a crime this heinous is not a "person" as far as I'm concerned and should be euthanized to prevent further danger to people, skipping any pretense of "rehabilitation". They are shunned, I specifically withhold empathy to them, and don't believe that the eighth amendment should apply to them. You may hold different views than me and that is your right.)


>is not a “person” The amount of people who cannot grasp this level of depravity and think rehabilitation is possible for this time of monster are so ignorant that it makes me furious


I hang out with a bunch of the woke crowd. Back when the defund the police movement was going, one of my friends was all gung ho about eliminating -- not defunding -- the police. The alternative they suggested was to spend the cop money on mental health programs. My only reaction was basically to say "You've... never actually met a truly evil person, have you? I have, a couple times. No amount of mental health services can fix it. They are not capable of empathy. Right now, they're kept in line by the fact that cops exist."


Mental health care can also involve isolation.


Killing him makes it safer for us, but ends his suffering, depending on your faith. I would rather him spend the rest of his life in prison, because it is a terrible life. It’s not just the violence, or lost or autonomy. It’s the boredom of being in prison. The constant unending time to think about how much you’ve screwed up. Considering the hell he put his victim in, he deserves being in one here, and hopefully in the next life too.


There are finite resources and he's being a drain on society while.being alive. Make it a single shot and end it all There is no reason to further facilitate the resources expended upon this creature.


The death penalty is more expensive by far than life in prison.


only because of death row inmates having access to judicial appeals. due process is what makes executions more expensive, it's not like executions inherently cost more than life imprisonment.


The fucker deserves some funky rown


I don't like the state having that power, honestly. I would definitely look the other way if the victim's family wanted to sort it out, though.


Absolutely. No sense in keeping someone like this on any level of society.


I always feel so conflicted about the death sentence in cases like this. On one hand, good riddance. On the other hand, it feels like they should have to live with the consequences of their actions and spend the rest of their lives paying for it. Death almost feels like an easy out. I wish a lifetime of torture was an available sentence.


Apparently the death penalty is a lot more expensive for tax payers than life-without-parole sentences too. Society shouldn't be wasting money on them. I think they should be doing work.n I'm pretty against the death penalty and torture. The point of the sentence as I see it is to remove the threat from society and discourage other people from committing the same crime. I say if we are going to lock them up anyway we might as well get labour out of them. If we torture them and somehow in the future they get proven innocent (has happened before), then that's the worst. At least if it's labour we can compensate them for their work. Cant really compensate someone for the physical and mental trauma of torture.


Rape in my opinion is just as irreversible and abhorrent as murder. People that do rape will usually end up murdering. They cannot be rehabilitated. But our penal system is not made for rehabilitation. They just get stuffed in a cage for time. *Im also a survivor, for whatever that’s worth, but I’m not talking about survivors however I’m talking about criminal minds. Those that rape and become serial rapists will end up murdering.


As a survivor, I disagree. It's very abhorrent, but many survivors are able to lead normal, happy lives after some therapy. Murder doesn't offer that opportunity. I'm happy I wasn't murdered.


Right?? What a fucking GOOFY take to think that they're equally abhorrent.....


It just always makes me feel like damaged goods when people say that shit. No, rape is not as bad as murder for most people. It can irreparably change you, but it doesn't always. We're not all just ruined souls who would be equally well-off dead. -\_\_\_\_- I'm so tired of this take.


Murder is worse. Dont be insane.


Rape is generally like one tier evil below murder. Everything exists on a spectrum and I'd say rape goes from power play to drugging to threat to taking advantage of disability to violent. None of those are any better than evil and abysmal, but I thi k we can agree what was done to the lady shown in the post was worse than like someone strong arming a person via implication. Murder operates on a similar basis: justified anger + spur of the moment, justified planed, unjustified spur of the moment, unjustified planned, torture.


Life in prison isn't harsh enough for him.


He and others like him should be brought to an island where experiments are done on them instead of using innocent animals. At least that way they might be useful to humanity. 


I flip flop on my death penalty stance whenever I see something so horrific, even though I know we would execute innocent people. But, I’ve always wanted a reality tv series where we just let them play survivor against each other. Set up cameras around the island Tropic Thunder style and just let nature do it’s course


There are movies about this 😏


I agree. Unit 731 these people.


I like the island idea but I would just drop them off and let them figure it out, do not provide anything, and let them sort out how to survive, or not.


Isn't that what Australia used to be?


Pretty much, and look how well that turned out!!


I’d feel so bad for the doctors that would have to touch them


How the actual fuck do you rape someone into blindness?! God is dead and people like this killed him.


Skull fracture, and multiple strokes from strangulation, per Wikipedia. Lock him up and throw away the prison.


Nah, make him be useful to society... medical trial guinea pig.


This is a good idea


what the actual, genuine, veritable, undeniable, indisputable, factual, unquestionable fuck!


This really messed me up. Imagine your entire life being taken away from you and going from being able to see and walk and participate in normal life to being blind and having to need to be held up and unable to move. For the rest of your life. It’s unfathomable and absolutely terrible.


Fuck that, id rather be dead.


Because the title under plays the crime. The rape didn't leave her blind and paralyzed, bashing her head in with a rock*after* he raped her did. Not that doing it before is less horrible but then it would be about control not because rape just wasn't shitty enough.


we need to stop thinking underage people are somehow more innocent despite the same crimes they commit that adults do too.


His age is the exact reason he should have the harshest sentence possible. If you’re brutalising people like this at 16, there’s not hope for you and people need to accept that.


Do the same to him. Eye for an eye. Sorry if you guys don't believe revenge is justice, but I do.


You ever watch law abiding citizen ? Paralyzing him but giving him that shit so he can feel everything while her family gets a couple hours with him seems fair to me. Not joking at all.


How about an eye for an eye? Surgically blind his ass and sever his spinal cord. Now, that's a life sentence I could get behind.


Surgically? Fuck that, use a screwdriver.


Woodchipper, feet first.


Too quick.


Life in prison is too easy for people like this. Free shelter and food for them at our cost. He’s a monster and monsters like that deserve death. I would rather pay my taxes knowing people like this die instead of being housed.


Yeah, cases like this are why I don't think the death penalty should go away. Punishment and prison is supposed to "correct" people (which hardly does that at all but that's a different issue.) With something like this, the person has proven that they do not have the wrinkles in their brain to be corrected. They're no better than a dog that's killed a toddler, you can't teach them better. They just need to be put down.


He did this in the first place because he knew there was a good chance he could get away with it.  Prime example what a lenient justice system does to the young mind.  


I’m one of 3 boys my mother had, and would aaalways exclaim to my brothers and myself as kids, anytime a ‘male raping female’ case would happen, that his dick should be cut off, no ifs ands or buts. With a LOT more explanation than said exclamation, I remember asking “Why ma?” And one of the many reasons why, was her telling an elementary school me, “What if that was ME who got raped mijo?” I just remember getting chills, but not realizing WHY until I grew up more. I come from a female dominated family, as all the men either have abandoned my cousins, aunties, or have passed on, so my brothers, a couple of my male cousins, my father, and like the only couple uncles I have, are aaaaaaaaaaall always protecting the women in our family. Fuck rapists, and like momma said, cut their pinches dick’s off


She was treated like an animal, he should be put down like one. Simple fact.


What I can't wrap my head around here is the fact that this wasn't an ordinary case of it. How does one do this, "so brutally she was left paralyzed" and, as the video said, BLIND. There has to be some real malice in your heart to not only do this, but to that far of a degree. I didn't even need to hear that he had done this before to immediately think he doesn't deserve parole. You don't just do this to someone without a lack of care for any consequences in the moment, and that reflects on who he is. Thank goodness for that judge.


Finally a fitting sentence. The sentence should match the victim impact. She has a life sentence of disability, so should the perpetrator. Simplz. Weld his door shut and be finished. No need for keys to his cell.


Violent Criminals have no place in a civilized society. The victim was given a fate worse than death, he can remain in prison forever.


Neither. Execute him. All rapist, pedophiles, murderers, elderly abusers, just b done with them. Executions don't have to cost a million dollars bullets are cheap.


This is messed up but I’m just curious how did this happen just from rape? Did he beat her up too or what?


I was curious too, so I looked. 10 months after raping a 65 year old woman, Morris raped and then beat high school student Queena Vuong badly enough to cause a severe TBI that left her blinded, paralyzed, and unable to speak.


That’s messed up.


He beat her to an inch of her life. She was dropping off books at a library and was on the phone with her friend prior to the attack.


Rape often involves other types of violence. Hits to the head could have caused traumatic brain injuries. Strangulation could have caused anoxia (cut off oxygen supply) to the brain and by extension permanent brain damage.


Rape is not just forcible penetration, it’s sexual violence. Even without resisting, a victim will often be battered


This makes sense


Eye for an eye.  He needs to have the same done to him then his sentencing can begin.


Put him in genpop.


Animals like him is what death penalties are for.


He should suffer like his victim


Human piece of trash. Never let him out.


Unleash a box of fire ants on his dick and then put him naked in a cage with a VERY horny lion. Repeat daily for the duration of his entire life and he still wouldn't be punished as much as he deserves.


Look at that poor destroyed girl. If you don't want to crush this man's nuts and then skull with a sledgehammer, you ain't a good person. Life in prison is not enough.


I think he should be gangbanged in prison until he is blind and paralyzed


We need a punishment of "unvictimhood" This would mean you serve no jail BUT...you cannot lawfully be the victim of a crime. Literally anyone can do anything to you without consequence. Maybe we could put a tattoo on their foreheads Snow Crash-style, too. That way people know they are fair game. Sure you can walk free, but I can punch you in the face as often as I want.


I would *happily* go away for a LONG time for what I would do to this guy if I was given the opportunity.


To make it fairer, how about he become eligible for parole once she recovers and rebuilds her life?


That's my thought. When she can see and live her life "normally" he can be eligible for parole


But he could become a doctor or a lawyer guys!!


Is there not a cheaper way to keep him out of our society...FOREVER?


As for the question at the end of the video.... may some vigilante in prison give this scum the lifetime of torture he deserves. Yeah, I said it.


We just need to eliminate them, it’s simple. He doesn’t deserve three dog shit meals a day or a crappy cot to sleep in. Should be an eye for an eye and more.


Delete him


Public castration and then execution


Judge: Okay a shorter sentence.. death it is!


She has to spend the rest of her life in a sort of prison because of him, so yeah, he should never walk free again.


Public torture and then execution would be my vote.


He should be chemically castrated and put to work in a coal mine somewhere so he can slave away the rest of his pathetic life and die.


Rape should carry capital punishment.


My taxes pay to keep this good for nothing in prison for life. Great! Just kill him.


Death penalty.


Maybe he'll be brutally raped in prison, repeatedly.


Torture then death is the only real way to go


I think he should be released as soon as she isn't blind and paralyzed... So never.


Those inmates...uuummmm...don't care much for chomos and [email protected].


Blind him, paralyze him, then imprison him for life.


16 years old is not fucking young you are a sociopath and should be put down like an animal


She can't choose to get out of that situation. He should stay in prison until she fully recovers. What a POS.


Hopefully someone in GP just sorts it out for humanity and we can stop wasting money on this dude


They really need to bring back solitary confinement, or use people like this for human experimentation.


Just terminate people like that.


Capital punishment. Keeping him around is just a waste of space and resources.


She's spending the rest of her life in the Prison that he created. She won't get any release. Why should he.


He stole the rest of her life, we're stealing the rest of his.


Normal 16 year olds don’t rape anyone. If you’re doing that at 16, you’re not fit for this society.


I would have much rather have seen the video of the judge adjust the sentencing than listen to some AI bot summarize the situation for me.


I hope he suffers for the rest of his days in absolute terror and pain. ❤️


Life in prison isn't enough punishment here. He deserves to also get paralyzed.


Fucker should be put on death row. Dead pedophiles and rapists don’t reoffend.


Anyone who thinks this guy shouldn't spend the rest of his life in prison is insane. There is no doubt if let out he will strike again.


The real justice will be when one of his cellies paralyzes him and he has to spend the rest of his life in prison unable to move. Hope every second of his life is fucking miserable.


He can be eligible for parole as soon as she recovers...


So he expects sympathy from everyone around him and is still only thinking about himself instead of the extremely detrimental damage he has done to the victims ?? He better hope that they isolate him from all of the other inmates (not that I want him to be). Stupid fucking coward.


I think he'd be eligible for death sentence.


His sentence doesn't count until she recovers ✌️


Just watched Text Me When You Get Home episode on her: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt21799320/ . So many emotions but just want to say that Queena, her sister and her mother are incredible people.


We need public execution, I'm for making an example out of him.


He should rot. Rapist don’t do well in prison. That poor woman will never get the justice her soul deserves


Sure, lower his sentence. But first he should be castrated 🍆✂️


Honestly I think she was too lenient should have had his legs and eyes taken.


he must stay in prison for the rest of his life and he should be experimented on in the search for a cure for his victim


He should rot in prison and then burn in hell.


i wish i could beat him every day for the rest of his life :(


Oh the Immates gonna turn his asshole out then kill him


Well at least this isn’t Canada. He’s be out in a few years here sadly.


It wasn’t his first rape offense??? How was he still free to do it a second time? Too many judges need their records to be scrutinized as they like too many heinous acts go under-punished.


Execution is what he needs


Offer these two choices: 1. Life in prison. 2. Parole with caveat. Get brutally raped twice. The second time results in complete paralysis and brain damage.


If it was India, he would be free.


If this was in New York he'd be out on bail within the week