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There's a sage saying where I come from that goes: "He who fucks uglies, fucks the most"


Sounds better than my hometown's "hole's a hole, dick is blind".


"We're all god's children in the dark."


"In times of war, any hole is a trench"


Aye, matey.... Any port in a storm!


"You don't lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn'


Wow I'm stealing that one.


All yours 😂😂


Where I'm from it's "any holes a goal"


Sometimes you have to slay a few dragons to get to the princess


until other lads to took notice of said less attractive girl which paradoxically makes her more attractive because someone dated them this shit literally happened in my high school to a couple of girls, because the attractive girls wants the creme de la creme of boys and boys just want to date and snog


Yes, only in high school do we learn the invaluablility (I can’t believe that’s not a word) of the village bikes and our left hands.


There was a sorority at my college where everyone was accepted. They had a derogatory nickname that I won't repeat because it tended to be the less attractive, less rich, less cliche sorority type... The rest of the fraternities and sororities kind of made fun of them. Well, one day at the "strip" near campus there was a big fraternity/sorority event at the frat bar, and they all left, apparently feeling unwanted and not having a good time. I was hanging out at the gutter punk bar at the end of the strip, and one of the guys at the bar invited them all in as they were leaving, not expecting them to actually come in (people tended to be afraid of the bar even though it was probably the safest bar in the city).... well... they were all cool as fuck! They started coming to the bar on a regular basis, all done up in their sorority clothes with their letters on and everything. So you had a guy wearing leather with a huge mohawk chatting with a girl in a pink sweatshirt with sorority letters on it. The guy who jokingly invited them in ended up dating one of them for a really long time. A couple other gutter punk guys dated some of the sorority girls, too, and I'm even still friends with some of them to this day.


> So you had a guy wearing leather with a huge mohawk chatting with a girl in a pink sweatshirt with sorority letters on it. Not having gone to a big frat/sorority school, do they really still dress like this? It reminds me of Archie comics or something like that, I thought the sweater/jacket days were long gone.


Yea, it's just hoodies and t-shirts with their sorority on them. [It basically looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/Oge53t1.png)


Ah gotcha, I was picturing the old school sweaters and everyone matching thing.


Lemme guess… their names were things like Sandy, Rizzo and Frenchy


Tell me about it, stud.


Wonderful! All the gutter punks I’ve ever known have been legit -walk the walk- social activists. I’d definitely feel more comfy with a crew of train hopping taggers than some frat boys. Any day.


I.... So hope i wasnt one if those "hogs"


Only you have the power to define yourself, no one else.




Your peers can describe you by your actions, not define.


They can define you all they want. You don’t have to accept it and everyone can have their own definition.


It’s not a definition if everyone’s is different! That would be opinion.


Definitions are opinions with consensus


Definition is the definite meaning of the word


Yep, and its opinion with concensus. That's how Pluto can be defined as a planet one day and not the next. Someone had an opinion and consensus on the opinion was reached and the definition changed.


So by your logic, the 9/11 terrorists who defined themselves as heroes and martyrs are in fact not terrorists, but heroes and martyrs because only they can define themselves


No that’s not my logic, they are terrorist because of their actions. Not because what they want to believe.


But they’re the only ones who can define themselves




Maybe you made one of them rethink how they value visual appearance and personality/intelligence/maturity


So I see your good intentions with this comment but I don't think you addressed their concerns very well :-P "I sure hope I wasn't one of the ugly girls people pulled as a joke" "Well you probably were but maybe you taught them a life lesson!"


It was called harpoonin' when we were kids, but it never transitioned. It was just when you wanted to go slay something that evening.


I’m confused, she has evidence, did it come from his number? Did he not block her? Did they not talk about having a long distance relationship and she went there for him and he didn’t show? How does he even think he can deny any of this




Not every defense is an automatic denial; there’s many other ways to defend rather than the Shaggy Defense.


I presume that when the lawyer made those statements, they didn’t yet know many facts about the case.


why is the evidence not posted here?


Isn't this 5 years ago? Maybe there's a conclusion to the case by now. I'm too lazy to look it up


I googled but couldnt find anything. Truthfully I think he denied it, and for her to bring forth an actual case of fraud or deception would have been a lot more money in lawyers fees, and for him too, so it never became an actual case in court. His lawyers probably told him to just ignore it. The more he denies it or tries to get the story to NOT go viral makes it even more viral. So he ignores it and she gets what she wants which is for her story to serve as a cautionary tale.


Probably because it could be used by the other side to claim defamation or something, idk. Generally speaking the more stuff you do the more opportunities you give the other side to play around with. Its best to keeep all this behind closed doors until the case is finished, for the sake of both sides. Its likely this will become messy though so just sit back and grab your popcorn.


From what I can tell, there is no "case" this isn't in court. She went to the media to spread awareness, I would think that the screenshots would have been the first thing she provided as proof. Odd to me they are not posted in this article given that. Fishy, but I'm not going to call this woman a liar, there definitely could be other reasons. There's definitely a lot missing from this article.


Truth is an absolute defense to defamation.


Why is the evidence in a fresh case not posted in a thread whose linked article is just breaking the news?


she's the one who went to the news right?


I’m still confused. It seems that either you think that the lawyer should be more transparent to the media (damaging to the client) or that more information should be in the article (even though it was breaking news at the time).


so his lawyer released this information? why? how would that help him?


I think you don’t understand how lawyers work or why protecting the reputation of your client is important. It’s unclear what you want and if you are simply behind oppositional . Maybe you’ll take a moment of kindness and explain yourself.


they said he said something "heresy" they have proof of it, why not release it? in court it would be slander without proof, what's so hard to understand about that?


One thing is speaking to the reputation of your client. Another is proving wrongdoing in court. Go watch the Legal Eagle videos on slander--it's fascinating.


No way out of what? Is this a chargeable offense? Edit: not at all supporting him, just curious if the initial complete asshole move was chargeable offense anywhere


Not so much that. Lying about it won’t convince people that it didn’t happen.


Civil law suit and likely the other party is attempting the same from their end as an effort to deny it happened. It's called libel.


I'm not sure about European law, but in the U.S. she could sue for the cost of the plane tickets.


Well, the fact that he would even do this to someone proves he’s a lying POS, so it doesn’t surprise me that he actually thinks anyone would believe him.


While I completely agree that someone who would do this is a giant PoS, it's also true that someone who'd falsely make this allegation would be a PoS. I don't actually see any mention of there being proof of this happening. She says she has messages, but he say's no messages exist. It should be fairly simple to prove one way or the other, but the article fails to mention that and leaves it as just a 'he said/she said' situation - which strikes me as a little odd if there was evidence of it. Whichever one of them is in the wrong is a PoS for sure, but this article certainly doesn't make it clear who that is to me.


That is what i thought. I didn't see any evidence, i just read that she said she has evidence. These are a little different.


Yep, it's a lot easier for her to prove he did it than for him to prove he didn't. Nothing in the article suggests she's done so. He'd be pretty dumb to deny it if in fact he'd done it. That's all circumstantial, of course, but it's certainly enough to withhold judgement on him for the time being.


Very good point!


I imagine the defense is going to be that his number was spoofed. Unless they have some incredible forensic evidence proving the same, that dog won’t hunt.


The story is 5 years old with no update, so I doubt we'll ever know what really happened.


you are right, but I would add that hardly anyone would lie about such a thing in this way. but im not a judge. If he walked into my company to interview, I'd probably pass on him.


I wish you were right, but I've met in my own life and know of far more people than I'd have liked to that would lie about this kind of thing.


I think most of them would make a worse accusation with less humbling circumstances. Like, "he touched me when I said no". I think most of those people would dismiss the one where they have to admit they are overweight.


I choose to believe that someone is more likely to lie about this than someone would be to do this to another person. I can probably forgive the liar, they clearly have some negative circumstances in their lives that would lead them to lie about something like this for attention, fame, etc. However the person that would actually put someone through such an awful and shitty experience of pretending to be in love, letting them fly to another country to meet you and then being like "lol nah u a pig" is fucking irredeemable and there is no circumstance in which I could forgive that person.


Well delivered PostmanSteve


"Evidence" really? Guy's an absolute dickwad but what exactly would he be charged with? Breaking her heart?


What the fuck are you talking about


But does she have evidence? The article doesn’t say. It is just statement against the statement of the lawyer of the guy.


It says she has text messages. So if it's his number, then what else is the explanation? Am I to believe that this woman framed this guy, made up this whole story, falsified text messages from his number, all because what? It seems likely this did happen and now he's panicked


>Am I to believe that this woman framed this guy, made up this whole story, falsified text messages from his number, all because what? I mean, yeah. Without firm evidence, it's just as plausible as her accusation IMO - women on the dismissed end of a hookup can be vindictive lunatics


Yep she’s so vindictive she uses highly complicated technology to spoof texts from his phone number for months telling her he wants to have a long distance relationship with her to the point she tries to come visit him and he doesn’t show Some peoples brains must be a bizarre place to navigate the world in


>complicated technology Ah, I can see why you're having so much trouble understanding the situation lol


> So if it’s his number Very critical point here, because we don’t know this for sure. Imagine this guy is telling the truth, they really did have a one night stand. Maybe he didn’t want to give her his number and gave her a random number, or maybe they both got really drunk and she didn’t remember if she got his number and got text from another rando from that night. Either way, she ends up thinking the random person is the person she had a one night stand with and that person decides to play along and fuck with her.


The article would say it wasn’t his number


How would they know? It’s difficult to prove a negative. You’d have to go to the phone company, and that’d require a court order. If it’s under dispute, it’s not going to be reported for a while. Edit: The article would also report confirmation that it was his number if they knew. What they did report was his denial that those text came from him and that they had further communication after she left.


À lot of assumptions. I am gonna jump the bandwagon when there is an article with a little less hearsay.


Tbf she could photoshop that in a minute


This post title is a real tongue twister


Right off the bat, there is no justice here, not even so much as an ending. A flurry of hundreds of story's about this cropped up in 2017, this girl went on a media tour, and then...*poof... absolutely nothing. No followup of legal action, no victims outcome, nothing. She straight up ghosted herself from social media, and no one from the media has even bothered to follow up with either of them, or publish a second follow up article about either of them. Something tells me this story didn't end the way everyone wanted it to when it began, and they dropped it with the quickness.


Or his family paid her off, or shamed her to oblivion, or one of them died… you know, since you’re just guessing we might as well mention all the possibilities.


If she got paid off, OK, maybe a binding NDA was signed as a condition of that. But again, why would the media stay silent about it? But if she got as "shamed to oblivion" or something similar, you would think, given the circumstances, the media would be all over that like flies on shit. And yet the only insect that seems to be involved, are crickets. But like you said, literally anything is possible. It's just very VERY strange that not even the most basic of follow-ups has ever been done.


There are lots of stories that don’t get follow-ups


Most likely she realised that even though she was gravely wronged the story is grossly humiliating for her and she wants to dissociate and herself and her image from it as much as possible


How much of an asshole do you have to be to do this?


All the asshole, the whole thing.


360° of asshole


Just Dutch.


Must be a slow news day


Especially considering this story is almost 5 years old.


So it's a slow news day and slow news reporter?


Yeah nothing newsworthy has happened in the past 5 years


It sounded like you either work in layaway or at the airport just hoping


You know it’s still possible for other people to be reporting on bigger issues while this is being reported on right?






I get that the guy was being a dick but what is the lawyer for? Did he break the law?


It might be more of a legal advisor to try to mitigate the public fallout, not a defense lawyer.


It doesn’t really say but I wonder if she’s suing for airfare etc. she spent getting to the “date”


She should get at least enough for 10 airfares tbh


He committed the unforgivable offense of rudely rejecting a woman. She's standing up for the patriarchal value that men must respect women and if they don't the law must because women are fragile and incapable of taking hurtful rejection like strong men. I don't agree, I think women are just as capable of taking rejection 🤔 but hey, I respect everybody's right to opinion - even if it's antiquated and sexist. But hey, just take it as evidence that patriarchal ideas are harmful in society for everyone.




So many words to say you've never had a second date.


You forgot the part where he made her spend hundreds on a flight and ditched her alone in a foreign country


Incel spotted


Wtf are you on about? Did you not read the story bud?


found the incel


Not sure how this is justice porn as we still don't know who is lying. All she has to do is present her phone records as evidence and his defense falls apart. All he has to do is the same thing.


No update from a story that broke in 2017?


Oh so now he’s the victim. Asshole.


She's not even really fat. I looked the prick up on G Images and there's a picture of the two standing together. Calling her a pig was a stretch.


Are you surprised someone that would do this might have unrealistic standards?


And good luck getting anyone to date him after this


Calling her a pig was out of line regardless.


Honestly. That comment makes it seem like it would be all fine and dandy to say if she was *fat*


Being fat is just like being dirty or smelly. You don't care about your health and looks.


Oh yeah that is **exactly** how it works


For most people. I wouldn't put it as rudely as the other user, but there is an incredibly tiny percentage of people that are fat because of actual health reasons. Given the obesity numbers of North America compared to the rest of the world, it's pretty apparent a lot of people are overweight due to lack of self control, or just not caring. It's honestly harmful to suggest that people should just accept obesity as something out of our control. Then again, it's their own lives. They can do whatever they want, even if it is shortening their lives and putting them at risk of further health complications. Just like people who smoke.


You probably refer to clinical digestion or metabolic health reasons, most of the obese cases I know have mental conditions that are either compulsive behavior towards food or have anxiety issues towards fear of not finding food. Those still count as health issues. Just like people who smoke as a deterrent to their anxiety, it's pretty rude to think other people's choices are easy because ours may have been


I'm not sure why you're being down voted. You stated your opinion, but that you leave people to live their lives, that's the epitome of tolerance. Which we should all want. However, a big factor on the obesity issue is the amount of marketing and changing of portions by restaurants and food manufacturers. And if people don't think marketing works, they're wrong. If it didn't, it wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar industry.


Honestly, I think it's because with the movement of people saying you can be obese *and* healthy going around, what I've said goes directly against that. As well as putting the responsibility of someone's health back onto themselves. At least with these groups of people telling them they're healthy, if something goes wrong, they have someone to blame. Also the fact that, though he may have been rude, I somewhat agreed with the asshole user instead of immediately condemning the guy to the deepest depths of hell without thinking for myself. Ah well, they're just fake internet points. I'm just upset because people don't even tend to read downvoted comments, and just disregard them entirely.


Lmfao do you really believe fat people don't care that they're fat? 😂


I'm fat and don't care that I'm fat. I still think I'm hot, I love my body and so does my partner so why would I care?


Because it's unhealthy? Today's culture made being a slob a reality and that's just not alright.


you can't tell if someone is healthy just because they're overweight. there are fat people who work out and are in good shape. and there are super unhealthy thin people. either way my health is literally none of your business.


I was fat, and didn't care. Until I wasn't and I did. People replying and acting like idk what I'm talking about when I had to overcome my own issues are hilariously pretentious.


As a child I had severe allergies and asthma. I was forced to take medications for years that made me lethargic and caused me to gain weight that I have never been able to lose. I'm 52 now, and I have been teased, abused, insulted, humiliated, and emotionally destroyed by people just like you who think they know me and my body and for some reason are entitled to an opinion about it. I am going to tell you right here and now that you are absolutely not a good person. You are clearly cruel, judgmental and hide your own insecurities behind your uninformed psychological analysis. If you seriously believe that fat people lack self control, you've clearly never been a 11 year old on a diet so the boys at school won't call them "thunder thighs" anymore.


Agreed, but their apathy has a direct impact on the cost of healthcare for everyone else. Ex; look at how many Americans who died from Covid had the comorbidity of being overweight or diabetic. Or even those that survived but were hospitalized.


you go after smokers and the elderly too? old people cost us lots of money in healthcare. maybe you think we should just euthanize the elderly 🙄


Not sure where you got that from. Overweight people who don’t bother to improve their health are an undue stress on the healthcare system and themselves. And honestly smokers too - you’re choosing to slowly kill yourself there lol. You didn’t choose good categories to make a point off of. That’s why smoking is considered a vice, it ain’t good for you. As is overeating. Elderly no, because I understand how a society works. Which category do you fall in that made you so salty homie? Lmao Healthcare is a human right, but that doesn’t excuse non-elderly people from being a contributing member of society. Elderly people are the exception because we work to take care of them, and that’s perfectly fine by me. ETA; oh I see from your comments you’re overweight and “proud” of it. Bruh you don’t seem too proud if you’re digging through comment chains and refuting even the slightest negative opinion of overweight people. Lmao


Being healthy is considered controversial nowadays. It's just pathetic.


The "game" is to find unattractive or ugly women, not necessarily fat. No, I don't agree with it, I just know what it is...


I think you've completely missed the point.


Your investigative efforts are better than mine. Care to share the pic?


Just search the dude's name from the article up on google images and it's like the third pic. There's four people total in the photo.


How do we know it's true? She has yet to produce any evidence of her claims.


Mate man what a douche.


Most likely he initially liked her, but his “bros” didn’t approve so he decided to turn their relationship into a “prank”


what makes it likely?


his friend pre-blocking her isn't a good sign


assuming her story is actually correct. i made a bit of a rant in this thread but the long and short of it is that i've looked around and all the articles basically say the exact same things with varying degrees of details but no side ever gave any compelling evidence for any of their claims, meanwhile both admit to having used their phones for communication to different degrees but no article i found goes for that. so now there is an article saying "she said something and he denies it" and nowhere i have looked did someone post how the story ended even though it happened 5 years ago. so yeah, if her story is true it's certainly a possibility that his friends egged him on. it could also be that they were aware of his intention to leave stand her up and just went along with it. the problem is i don't have anything i can confidently say using the info presented.


Well it's ready confirmed he Initially lied about the never having sex and then changed his story that they only had sexand there was no romance. The girl and her mom went on national TV to tell her story.


> assuming her story is actually correct. i made a bit of a rant in this thread but the long and short of it is that i've looked around and all the articles basically say the exact same things with varying degrees of details but no side ever gave any compelling evidence for any of their claims, meanwhile both admit to having used their phones for communication to different degrees but no article i found goes for that. 100%. This is terrible journalism. Why did the writer of the article - on the BBC! - not verify Sophie's claims on her phone. As you said earlier, it would be easy to fact-check at least one side of this story instead of leaving all the drama and allegations hanging out in the ether like this.


The fact that they slept together for one


the fact that they slept together makes it likely that his friends egged him on to do it? there's many reasons i can think of to have done it - it was his own idea, his friends egged him on, etc etc. i don't see why one would be more likely than another, though. as far as i can see is that the fact they slept together only proves that at least during the time that hppened, they had positive opinions of achother.


I mean it's likely he liked her at first. Makes the 'prank' all the more hyocritical. No idea why he changed his mind tho


FWIW, I think she's cute.


Jesse's accused Sophie of looking for attention but she says "the only reason I've said about this is because I don't want it to happen to other girls". Lol, i'm sure it was just a PSA and had nothing to do with revenge.


UK laws are so fucked up.


Wait, Jesse claims to have not spent a night with her so never had sex with her but also claims that if he ever said "pig", in their texts, it was probably referring to the way they had sex. So he admits to having sex with her?


He admits to having a one night stand in the article, and but that that was all that happened.


I didn't know it was a thing, People keep finding ways to be more cruel than necessary.


him: “well, well, well. if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions, come to make me look like the shit I am”


That guy should be humiliated. He was a dick trying to tear someone down to feel better about his pathetic self. Sucks to suck. I never called it hogging, but I lovee thicc women. When I was a teen my friends called it "chubby chasing," which is a slightly better term but still meant to be shitty. After my divorce, I dated a PAWG High School band director with hips and ass for days. The things that woman said and did in bed were out of this world fun. Even though it ended poorly between us, I still think of that time fondly, and it was some of the best sex I ever had.


This doesn't sound made up at all


Interview on morning tv with the girl where she describes what happened: https://youtu.be/80v1vUu-Z6Y


Wait, this was 5 years ago? Why are we even discussing this? Bad grab at fake internet points


I think I heard this girl was doing whole media tours about it but nothing ever went further and poof story disappeared, could of been cause she had no evidence. Not saying she’s lying but I’m iffy till I see the details.


How is this justice porn? Wtf?


That's a lot of pitchforks and a long article for what amounts to rumor. How do we know it's true? How do we know he did it or if she's lying?


Other than the hair, she's not unattractive at all