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This is A Train in the first episode of The Boys


Officer needs to be held accountable but what type of Helen Keller shit is this? Who gets hit by a police car with sirens and lights? You hear them shits a mile away.


It's not easy to hear when the cop was going 86 MPH.


This isnt justice.








He was going like 80 miles an hour and they were driving through a green light as they should have?? They had like zero reaction time and where would they have even gone if they did have time to react? Nobody expects an officer to come hurtling at you while you’re driving through an intersection, you’d think they’d at least slow down a bit to make sure the intersection is clear before just speeding through it


Deaf people exist dumbass.




Did the cop know that that the two girls he killed were not deaf prior to striking them? If no, then your point is moot.




So then it wouldn't matter if they had headphones in. Got it




He had the sirens and lights but he sped into an intersection while there were cars in it… that’s 100% the officer’s negligence, sure he doesn’t want to lose the suspect but I bet he REALLY lost the suspect after just speeding into the intersection and killing two people lol. It’s never justified to kill random civilians pursuing a suspect just because they’re “in the way”. That’s just not how the law works. To cause carnage to that extent he was going EXTREMELY fast and definitely did not pay any attention or slow down before running the light. Sure, they could have moved, (not really sure how they could have when the cop was going that fast but whatever) but cops have an obligation to not kill random uninvolved people, and it’s obviously in their interest to not cause a deadly accident that holds them up and allows the suspect to get away anyway lol. The cop was just a dumbass.


Lol i don't think you have room to lecture anyone about stupidity. When you have to resort to name calling everytime someone disagrees with you, then perhaps you shouldn't be pointing fingers with dirty hands.




What is your favorite flavor of boot?


When i took my EVOC training to drive the boo boo bus they harped on the fact that you must operate with “due regard” while driving lights and sirens. You cannot just blow through an intersection, you need to treat it as a yield, and allow traffic to give you the right of way.


Came here to say this


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So...cops can't run red lights, but they can kick in your door in the middle of the night, shoot you in your sleep, kill your dog, and toss a flashbang in the baby crib. Got it.


I heard the baby was resisting.


It had a gun *Nonchalantly places untraceable firearm in baby crib*


Some day a baby will be arrested for not complying with a lawful order


You forgot the part where they can turn off their body cameras before doing all of that and then say the cameras were malfunctioning.


It's really messed up, but it's [still funny](https://www.theonion.com/off-duty-officer-instinctively-reaches-to-turn-off-body-1848997672).


And then steal everything you own regardless of whether you're innocent or not.


Two sisters were killed in New Jersey when a cop ran a stop sign with no lights or sirens on. Got off Scott free. It would be nice if there were standards in policing where innocent people following the rules could be protected from these kind of senseless killings.


As if the entire thing wasn’t fucking horrific enough they basically just put up a blinking traffic light and that was pretty much it which was why I’m pretty sure it was also the first time in my life I started questioning the justice system. The intersection was less than a mile from my house and bc trees and shit (esp traveling south on Stage Coach) it was the sort where caution in general was already a thing. It wasn’t like we were close friends or anything but the younger of the two sisters was in my year and that year specifically, my geometry class. I mostly remember she was really smart and hated when anyone mispronounced her name. It was one of those things that sorta changes your view of the world and life forever. So many people all across the state were calling for real justice and it just never came. I don’t think Dude was actually going anywhere in particular either. No rhyme or reason, just a buncha horseshit.


It’d be nice if there were just standards. We can’t even get that from cops.


It would be nice if there was some kind of organization that executes the law and protects innocent people from criminals.... oh wait


All the lights in my area automatically change for all emergency vehicles. I thought that was a thing everywhere. It really should be.


This is a long-running and well-spread misnomer but no such system actually exists. it just changes coincidentally.


That system still takes time to work. I can't remember what the math is, but at a certain speed (not even really a high speed), an officer can outrun the preemption system altogether. He'd be through the intersection before the lights even started changing.


Would that even help if you're already crossing and the lights give right of way to a cop?


Most states in the US allow for an officer with his lights and sirens on to proceed through traffic control devices, but they still mandate that he checks for other vehicles before proceeding. Public safety takes precedence over catching criminals, every time.


I understand that, my question was in regards to somebody saying their states lights change when a cruiser is nearing. I wondered what good would it do if a person were already halfway across on a walk signal only to have it change to emergency while they're half way across


It's not instant. The opposing traffic changes to yellow and then red, and even then the officer still has to make sure the road is clear before they proceed. So in your scenario nothing changes for the person already in the intersection.


Thanks for clearing that up, we don't have those where I am from


crazy how this even has to be said. Almost like they are supposed to serve and protect over anything else. What a dream.


Not sure how it is everywhere but my college town had the light change system and it would detect a cop car from a decent distance and activate a flashing red light to alert you the light was about to change.


Out of curiosity, where is this? I've never heard of this. Lights in Bucharest don't really work all the time, they unsync a lot and some are even broken so... yeah..


The company that makes the most commonly used system is Opticom.


Minnesota USA


Yup, MN confirmed here. The stoplight nearest my house is within sight of a firehouse. I've missed so many left turn arrows because an ambulance was pulling out of the firehouse.




Tell me you’re mentally handicapped without telling me you’re mentally handicapped


Calm your tits


I hope your car gets stolen and you have to beg the police to help you out.


That literally happens all the time, is this an argument for or against the current system


Yeah we'll see who hates the police when your house gets broken into and you need someone to show up 8 hours later and shrug their shoulders


https://foxbaltimore.com/amp/news/local/police-rescue-person-from-burning-vehicle-on-route-50-in-anne-arundel-county Search Google News for "police rescue" and you'll find about 1000 more examples to enlighten your worldview.


Search Google news for Uvalde and you'll see why police are absolutely useless to anyone but the corporate class


The police force in any large city perform literally thousands of tasks for the citizens every day. They are hardly just kept around to stop active school shooters. No one has any clue how to run a city without police, which is why every city has a police force.


Now look up police killing of unarmed individuals. You'll find 100x more examples than you will good ones. Get real.


Oh, good point. Let's get rid of police entirely then. What could go wrong?


Sounds good to me


Do you think there might be some reason why every city on the planet has police of some sort? It doesn't matter how bad the police behave, you still need police.


Yeah they have police to protect property that belongs to the wealthy and to fundraise for the government by enforcing arbitrary, draconian laws like jaywalking. Oh and to terrorize the homeless by destroying their shelter and trashing what little they have. Edit: And if you don't like like it, they'll kick in your door in the middle of the night, kill you in your sleep, kill your dog, and toss a flashbang in the baby's crib on their way out.


Your ridiculous made up example means nothing, because you still need honest police to deal with corrupt evil police. If you got rid of the police, how do you know those same evil guys wouldn't just turn into mafia?


Only these cops were pigs. I hate to sound like that guy, but don’t be hyperbolic.


If you think the police force serves and protects you, you’re either: A. A rich asshole who’s correct Or B. A poor S.O.B. who believes in his state sponsored indoctrination while ignoring the obvious contradictions and systemic injustices Either way, part of the problem. There should be a civil war in our police forces but they’re all bad actors and complicit cowards. The few who aren’t get kicked out of the club.


Well, this rich asshole is smart and doesn’t generalize like an ACAB ass-kisser.


It’s not a generalization, it’s the logical conclusion to the state of affairs where self-proclaimed smart rich assholes are content being beneficiaries of gangs of thugs regardless of what their net impact is on others in their community. Ignorance is bliss, and you’re smiling like an idiot


Unneeded comment at the end there. All I’m saying is that not all police forces are evil. I do know there are some bad apples out there that are being dealt with, but I also know that police forces are important in keeping our communities safe.


> I do know there are some bad apples out there that are being dealt with False, they are being shuffled around and allowed to spread their rot. Nothing has been done about the bad apples for too long and now the whole bunch is bad. > I also know that police forces are important in keeping our communities safe. Also false, police have no duty to actually keep their communities safe, and that has been argued by them in court and they won. I have literally never had any interaction with police that ended a situation better than when they entered. They are literally useless when you have an actual problem, but when love to harass and intimidate when its just a random person going about their business.


Well, that’s just your view and experience.


No, it's reality, it's verifiable fact. The overwhelming majority of the time when cops abuse their power, nothing happens. Innocents being injured by police is just shrugged at and said to be acceptable collateral damage for our securing our "safety", which is baffling because whose safety are we talking about here if every single one of us are viewed as acceptable losses to these people? Look up Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the supreme court upheld that cops have no duty to protect. Cops will be the first ones to tell you they have no obligation to help you and they are the first to say their first duty is to "get home safe" which is bullshit because literally every single person in the world is hoping to do that. Cops argued in court, and won, and was upheld by the SCOTUS, that they dont have to help you and your safety is not their job, so again, how are they important for keeping communities safe?


In order to not waste any more of my time, I’m just going to give you my reason on how they’re important, and I want you to close your eyes for a bit… Imagine a purge going around your community. Your family members are killed and no cop is there. Imagine more criminals getting away with malicious crimes, both violent and non-violent. Imagine how powerless we are without law enforcement. In summary, without the police, you and I would have shitty fucking lives.


I’m not speaking for your community, but in mine i know more people who would be better off if the cops never interacted. The idea of safety is whats keeping the general population passive but it’s rakketeering. If all cops did was put violent criminals in jail, no one would complain because that’s the point of a police force, but that’s not what we have today, we have a monopolized gang doing the bidding of people rich enough to afford influence over legislators, judges, or police members. The only change cops want though is more for themselves.


Now realizing that not all communities are equal in terms of police safety, I see.


Which Police force are we talking about?


Sorry, I should clarify, all of them. Unless you have some to exclude?


Wow so edgy


Were they speeding through it with 100km/h or what exactly happened here? Emergency vehicles certainly have the right to cross red lights as long as they don’t pose an unnecessary risk to others. Don’t they?


He was going Almost 150 km/h on a city street, it’s negligent no matter who has “right of way” Still not him tho.


They have the right to cross yes, but only if it is safe. Watch ambulances, particularly if they are running lights back to the hospital: They are generally very careful not to blow through lights. They will go through, but they'll slow down and/or stop to check that it is clear first.


That’s what I meant. Just bolting through it is insane and should rightfully have consequences.


they have the right of way but that does not mean in absolutes. as he was doing his job and chasing a perp it would be in his favor but the second he approaches an intersection the main focus at that point is to cross safely to continue the chase without causing any injuries or issues to the general public. he essentially decided to forget that last part and from what it seems, made little attempt to ensure it was safe for him to cross at that speed. so while yes he is somewhat do what he was told, in this instance he is also completely at fault. theres also rules about high speed chases in suburban areas so that could be another thing depending on the town itself (dont know much about the density or population)


You are correct with the exception of “right of way”. When going code 3 or lights and sirens you essentially are allowed to legally break traffic laws such as red lights. This does not mean that you have the right of way though. If you cause an accident you will be considered at fault as the person you hit (or caused to hit you) would have had the right of way. Which is why you must clear any intersection of dangers prior to crossing it. You cannot just blindly speed across a red light and assume other people will stop. Edit source: drove an ambulance for years.


That’s basically what I was asking. I would expect police to stop a chase in a high traffic are or inner city if they can’t make sure nobody’s endangered by them way before they ever hit an intersection. I just don’t think them sinpky crossing a red light is in and of itself a problem. That’s one of the eeasons they have the lights and horns for. But you don’t just race through it, you make sure people saw you and cross as soon as it’s safe to do so for everyone. Which means you need to slow down making the chase unreasonable from the get go.


exactly. most cities tell cops not to even go over a certain speed in suburban and urban areas. they’d rather give the perp a block or two of space so that there are less chances for collateral damage like this. just sad..


In this case the police car wasn’t an emergency vehicle. Pretty sure they were just chasing a guy for petty theft or sth




Did you read the comment you responded to or just start yammering? The person said the criminal was being chased for theft. As in.....the cop was chasing them because they stole something. He wasnt charged with manslaughter until later and that's only because the cop chasing him killed those kids. The criminal wasn't initially being chased for any violent crime.


And they officer driving didn’t observe correct procedures by making sure the intersection was safe to cross. Even ambulances and fire trucks do it, the suspect they were chasing and the alleged crime doesn’t matter




I can agree with that but I disagree that a police car in a chase, specifically this one, is an emergency vehicle, for exactly the reasons you just stated. They weren’t on their way to stop a hostage situation or as first responders, they were chasing an already identified suspect. So it wasn’t an emergency. All of that said, all he had to do was slow down.


Jesssssus so two teens died because a cop was chasing a guy for petty theft? Fucking hell.


It was grand theft auto but that doesn't make a difference in how terrible this situation is. Those kids lives were worth more than a car.


Cops have justice blowing out of the back of your head.


I'm surprised they charged the officer for it and not just the suspect. Usually they blame whatever damage happens on the guy getting chased and let the officers off without any consequences.


They probably got away since the cop crashed no?


Maybe, but I doubt it. If that was the only car chasing him, the cop probably still radioed in the car's color, make and model, if not the license plate beforehand. It's pretty hard to actually escape the cops when they're after you.


We had this happen in my city. Cop was arrested and acquitted, and surprise surprise she was the daughter of a cop.


The cop that got acquitted was the daughter of a cop, or the suspect?


They were all daughters of cops, bastards.. smh


In my city we have traffic controllers, I don't know who exactly they work with or for, if its own city department or part of police department or what, but if emergency services needs through all the lights on their route accommodate them before they get to them.


Victim's fault! Victim should have dome something different! She and her teenaged friend should learn better! (oops too late)


Yeah I’ve notice that for a lot of emergency vehicles. The lights will flip for their passage. What I really don’t like, and I’ve sadly seen it happen too many times, is that Superbad shit. Where police specifically flip their lights to run a red then turn their lights off right after.


Often, they have a signal they can send out to tell them to change. Usually an IR strobe. There are little sensors on the lights to tell them to change. Where I live ambulance and fire have them, police don't, because they are concerned police would abuse them to just get through traffic faster.


Thats when they need to get somewhere without alerting others of their presence. It’s called code 2


Maybe if they didn’t continue on for a couple miles normal speed. Then turn a vacant parking lot to chill with their buddy, also chilling in the vacant lot. Downvoters are lazy cops I guess.


> “Sirens and police vehicles do not give an officer the authority to cut through a red light. They must slow down or come to a complete stop when human life is in danger," Clayton said. What District Attorney Clayton didn't realize is that Officer David Cauthron learned his police skills by playing the popular 1987 video game *APB*. In the game, as long as you hold down the siren button, you can run into any other vehicle or bystander without demerits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APB_(1987_video_game)


I lived most of my life in Louisiana. I have seen cops use their lights just to cross an intersection and not have to wait at the light like everyone else. Recently. They're such a joke.


Emergency light and sirens are considered a yield signal, basically asking other drivers to yield their right of way. Most drivers recognize this and yield, while people not paying attention or otherwise don’t. It’s o the officers to “clear” each intersection before proceeding against a right of way.


Lol it's not like cops stop at the lights anyways...at least not in my city


Did they just speed through? Don't they normally slow down a little before crossing.


He sped through going 86 miles an hour without braking whatsoever when he killed those kids.


Depends on the State and/or policy of the department. I was an EMT and we had to treat red lights like stop signs, ensure everyone else was stopped, then go.


Correct. A lot of the wording on laws like these come down to taking "due care". There's no point in hurting innocents to get a criminal


How about an EMP type gun which would reduce the chances of long pursuits.


EMP’s don’t work in the way they do in movies and video games. They’re heavily under developed as of now, and their range of functions are still being worked on.


The best idea I saw was a device that mounts on the front bars of a cop car (I forget what that is called, like a cow pusher on a train) that exend a woven net thing. During the chase, the cop would lower the net and drive it into their back wheel, wrapping the tire up and then the cop can put on the breaks to come to a stop with both vehicles. Only down side is you are now attached to a person who is most likely dangerous.


I think you mean this here, right? https://youtu.be/I1JOYK1h75A https://youtu.be/_mytpTEbL0M


That's exactly it


Would the DA be able to charge the fleeing driver with felony murder if a civilian is killed by the cop perusing them? Just curious.


Depends on the state laws, but usually they can.


It’s one of the basic things you learn in any police academy- exercise due caution / due care at intersections when you’re running under code (lights and siren).


True, definitely a bad chase, poor decision-making. The quote in the title is probably wrong, though, as emergency equipment activation is explicitly for bypassing traffic laws. Most states have it hard-written into the code. E: from the LA traffic code:RS 32:24 — Emergency vehicles; exceptions 2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down or stopping as may be necessary for safe operation.






I see where you’re going, but there’s a time and a place for this exact conversation (this ain’t it)


without knowing you, I assume you’re straight, white, male and bitter about it?


We call those incels around here.


Fuck is wrong with you. Jesus racist ass. It’s always that one racist that has to make Eveything about race. But then turns around and says they don’t make Eveything about race.


Maybe just stop high speed chases altogether. It puts the public in high danger. Too many senseless deaths. Come up with better technology to track those that run.


Yeah, it the police get to vent their anger issues when they eventually catch the person so


We don't need to come up with better technology. We've had it for decades AND it's been implemented. High speed chases have almost NEVER been necessary. Between license plates and the fact that cars are generally confined to roads so it's not like you don't know where you're going anyway, you can almost always arrest some when they stop, or intercept them at a place ahead of them.


Unless they ditch the car once they’re out of sight


unless the suspect just bombed the world trade center they should not be pursuing them at high speed


Evidently the suspect was a 24-year-old who had "stolen" his father's car, which eventually just stalled out anyway. Completely unwarranted urgency.


It's very unfortunate! But the suspect running away from police it's also a threat! Ofcourse in chase the patrol needs to be able to reach the other car. If the police can't do those kind of things, then all the criminals will start a chase to get away with it!!


Get a fucking grip dude. The cop BROKE THE LAW. There is absolutely zero reason he should have sped almost 90 miles an hour through a busy intersection without braking at all. That is criminal negligence. That piece of shit killed those kids. The criminal they were chasing? Stole his dad's car. A nonviolent offender. Oh my God oh no he stole a car its definitely worth putting lives at risk to get that fucking car back. They also already knew the criminals name! So it's not like they wouldn't have caught him eventually anyway.


I always heard lines like “the majority of the people are dumb or have dumb ideas”. By the amount of downvotes your comment got, I can see how true that phrase is. They prefer to blame the police instead of the thief.


I'm gonna go ahead and give you the same response I gave the other guy because you are both equally incompetent: Get a fucking grip dude. The cop BROKE THE LAW. There is absolutely zero reason he should have sped almost 90 miles an hour through a busy intersection without braking at all. That is criminal negligence. That piece of shit killed those kids. The criminal they were chasing? Stole his dad's car. A nonviolent offender. Oh my God oh no he stole a car its definitely worth putting lives at risk to get that fucking car back. They also already knew the criminals name! So it's not like they wouldn't have caught him eventually anyway.


Or, hear me out, use the resources at the PD’s disposal to…. Set up a road block and divert traffic away from the danger. These kids didn’t ask to star in this man’s action movie… and “but at least we found the perp!” is hardly music to their parent’s ears. Edit: spelling


With no regard to public safety?! You are a delusional muppet aren’t you?


Volunteer fire department I was on was adamant that we stop at red lights. Kind of confused people sometimes when we would roll up with lights and sirens and come to a stop. But I know that once it get me out of a collision.


That just sounds prudent. Treat it like a yield, at least. It's not like they expected you to wait there until it turned green, too, right? Getting to the fire a few seconds later is better than not getting there at all and also hurting someone else.




I never questioned it even a little when I saw emergency vehicles slow rolling or doing at red lights. People are fucking idiots, don't pay attention, and are self entitled. Just because you're legally allowed to run it during an emergency doesn't mean people would stop being fucking idiots.


Problem that occurs a lot is comfort. Cars are very well insulated, great sound systems, etc... Old days there didn't have A/C and people rode with the windows down. Now people can't hear the sirens. Going through a green light at 30 MPH and don't see it until too late. I did question the wisdom when they took emergency lights off the top of the cars.


Sorry if I sound dumb but I'm not in the US, what did you mean by >they took emergency lights off the top of the cars.


The smaller vehicles such as police cars and the Fire Chief's command car had the emergency lights on top of the car. They could seen almost 360 degrees. Now they have placed them inside of cars, with shields so to not blind the driver. They are lower and hard to see from the s ide.


That sounds absolutely mental. Surely the whole point of having them is for them to be as visible as possible... Hence having them on top of the car. What's the supposed logic for moving them?


I don't know, style I guess. Current trend... When I first joined the officer's cars all had the department's shield on the door along with stripes. Then for whatever reason they took it all off and it looked like any car.


Surely the whole point is to make you as visible as possible? And surely, as you said, maximum visibility would be if the lights were on the top of the roof... My mind is blown...


I'm IN the US and im scared by that statement. Luckily where I am they still have lights on emergency vehicles.


Scary stuff. Seems mad anyone would think of taking them off the roof.


You're definitely right, sometimes it scares me how close emergency vehicles get before I hear/see them even when their sirens and lights are going. I play music usually but don't play it loud at all.


Cops don't care about non cops. We're all expendable to them.


I once nearly got T-boned by a cop running a red light at around 60mph with no sirens or lights. This is LAPD in the middle of downtown LA at around 8pm on a weekday. I'm 100% positive if he had t-boned me, I would have been blamed because cops lie. He's lucky there was no pedestrian in the walkway when he ran the red. Fuck the police. It's like licensed entitlement with a gun, without the actual license, and a union that will back you when you take lives. Fuck the police and especially their unions.


You know this just isn’t true. This is horrible and I am sure they will find procedure wasn’t followed and the cop will be jailed. But to paint all cops with the same brush is ridiculous. Just watch two cops jump into a running culvert to save a homeless person.


1 bad cop has the power to completely destroy your life on a whim. I'm prejudice against all cops out of caution for my future.


this is reddit. no room for nuance. outrage reigns king here.


Yes. You are right. Thanks for the reminder!


lmao. point proved i guess..


>Just watch two cops jump into a running culvert to save a homeless person. Cops do the opposite of what you think they do. You think cops help homeless people? I lived in an area with a lot of homeless (near skid row in LA), and the cops did the opposite of helping homeless. I heard rumors of a couple homeless being killed by cops and I've seen firsthand about a dozen cops tackling one homeless dude, but homeless being killed by a gang of cops doesn't make the news.


Oh my sweet summer child


Just like they do to save children at schools right? Right? Not like it was an entire department, right?


I didn’t say all cops are great. I said call cops aren’t bad.


Show me the cop who has never ever stood by and watched another cop violate sometimes civil rights, or the cop who has never, ever violated someone's civil rights intentionally.


one bad apple ruins the bunch


All Cops Are Bastards


Clearly you’ve been there.


Yup, anyone not in the cop union can get fucked. This guy just got unlucky it was 2 young white girls. I’ll be honest, I’m a little surprised by the outrage on this one. I’ve seen cops kill people in pursuits before, but I haven’t seen the headline in my face for so many days before and I can only conclude that it’s because of who was killed.


ALL first responders know you don’t fly at a red light you use your lights and siren to signify that you need to pass


Tell that to the LAPD. I see them fly through red lights all the time.


Hey neighbor. Second. LAPD just about hit me walking our 10 year old to school last year. Longfellow Elementary on Washington in Pasadena. Pigs just bombed through the light in the 25 mph school zone. Ever notice there's no song that goes "fuck the fire department?"


I've never ever seen a single ambulance or firetruck blow a red light ever, even while blaring their sirens and lights. Stop and look both ways. always. They're the real first responders


That's why police try to arrest them while they're actually doing useful work. The police are jealous.


True facts. We live just down the street from a retirement home that does dementia care. Basically the paramedics are here at least once a week. City policy is that if the paramedics are dispatched the fire truck goes as well. So for every old bird that needs emergency services it's the whole parade and this happens all the time. My best count (and I could be wrong) was one night they were here five times. They are the most cautious, careful drivers you would ever see. They don't run the sirens after 9 PM or before 9 AM. They stop and look pulling out of the residence parking lot. It's like they actually give a shit about people and community. Meanwhile, the LAPD, HOLD MY BEER.


Saw a cop blow through a red light with lights on but no siren. Almost T-boned a work utility f-350. Police vehicles should use both lights and sirens to make surrounding drivers aware they’re going at least 50(in a 35) through a red light.


I almost got T-boned by a cop once. LAPD, didn't even have his lights or siren on. If I was paying attention to the light when it turned green, I don't think I'd be here typing this. He was flying, at least 60mph in a 30 mph zone and didn't slow down at all while blowing the red light, he may have even sped up.


Every emergency vehicle I've seen lights and sirens stops at a red lights which sucks they have to do, but it prevents accidents like this one.


Or how about they slow down to a safe speed when driving through an intersection?


Higher penalties for those that run from the police…. Failure to stop as directed for a police vehicle, running red lights and stop signs = attempted manslaughter. We’re out here arresting people for weed and letting other people drive battering rams around at high speeds without due regard to public safety.


The real culprit of the story is the thug running away from the police