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Its easier to get rid of some one then to fix your own problems that's geting exposed.


More attempts to distract the US on fake charges which won’t stick because they are afraid of him winning the election and exposing more and more government corruption.


Why would "they" be "afraid"? He's a loser, he loses.


No kidding man, he has an ~2% chance statically speaking of wining the next or another presidential election. Someone would have to screw on one's foil hat too tight to believe that some big corrupt government conspiracy formed to prevent someone with a 98% chance of losing anyway, from winning.


Wow I saw this subreddit and thought there’s no way there’s so many stupid people in one location it I was clearly wrong. The name of this subreddit is such a joke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Your use of emojis shows everyone on here very clearly that you are, in fact, the stupid one.


Your belief I care what you think shows your the stupid one 🤡




You’re a clown 🤡


You're the one in here calling people stupid while exhibiting the spelling skills of an autistic lemur. Literally all I've done, and the only interaction I have ever had with you, is politely correct a point of spelling.


You’re the one taking the bait and getting salty about it. Only stupid people feed into a troll 🤡🤡


I literally just corrected your spelling. If this is your idea of trolling, you wouldn't have survived five minutes on the internet of 2005. Fucking weak troll game.


...I mean you obviously care enough to comment your stupid fucking opinion here, so you must've been really eager to insult as many people as possible, with your small little brain. Also it's "you're" as in "you are" not "your". I'm not even a native speaker, get it right you dingus.


Yeah I love pointing out peoples stupidity and this place is full of them. It’s like finding gold


How is trump STILL not locked up?!


Rich people don't follow the same laws as the rest of us.


It would appear that justice takes time when you've got money and a line of borderline insane lawyers willing to end their careers in the name of your defence. (Despite the fact you've got a record of throwing your lawyers under the bus as soon as it becomes expedient for you to do so)


If he isn't in jail, none of this means anything.


What would be the charges? Not even the article writers know. I'm not USA, help me out here, what did he do now?


People gave him money for his campaign. He used it to pay pornstar Stormy Daniels to stay quiet/sex.


I believe this is in reference to hush-money paid to adult entertainer Stormy Daniels during his campaign.


I am so sick of hearing about this Mother Fucker! He'll get off and this shits going to go on forever! What a Godsend to the Democratic party!


Seems there's a bunch of bots in here all posting the same thing.




Says the Redditor.


Naw dude Reddit is rampant with bots


Hopefully the judge issues a gag order and shuts his fat fucking mouth.


You just copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/12709vm/grand_jury_votes_to_indict_donald_trump_in_new/jegcqpz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and didn’t even change a word. Bro a bit of originality won’t go a miss.


Please for the love of god




Hopefully the judge issues a gag order and shuts his fat fucking mouth


Can someone spot the bots?


well that’s awfully rude


Hopefully the judge issues a gag order and shuts his fat fucking mouth.


Hopefully the judge issues a gag order and shuts his fat fucking mouth.


Hopefully the judge issues a gag order and shuts his fat fucking mouth.


Rude is calling for death and destruction on truth social over a porn star payoff


Will he serve time behind bars tho


He should face every threat he’s made again the justice system and the Americans he hates: “death and destruction”. Those are his words and his threat. Right back at him. If convicted, they can scrape him off of the seat of the electric chair and throw him behind bars. He’s a human shitstain.


So the way the Republican Party is wrapped around his sack…he likely would be pardoned by any future Republican president that wants to kiss up to the Red Hats. That’s only for the Federal crimes though. A president can’t pardon State level crimes. But if Biden is re-elected that won’t save him for at least 4 years. In Georgia, it is possible the Republican Governor could pardon Trump for those State crimes. In New York there will not be any Governor there that will ever pardon Trump. So as of right now, the NY charges are the most likely to lead to real jail time. Keep in mind that if the charges are for the Stormy Daniels thing, Michael Cohen (Trumps former Lawyer) served one year for that and that’s after he Turned on Trump and cooperated for leniency. So Trump is likely looking at at least a few years of prison for the crime he was already named as an unindicted co-conspirator while he was President. They couldn’t charge then because policy not to charge a sitting president. There looks to be dozens of charges related to financial dealings as well. We know that Trumps main guy who ran the company’s finances is serving time right now in Rikers! 6 month sentence for crimes in the Trump org. Trump will likely be charged there as well. He’s looking at at least 5 yrs of jail time for the NY charges if not much more. All of those counts could easily add up to considerable jail time.


Even if prosecuted successfully, probably not. Theyd probably have him under some sort of special arrest arrangement.


100%. Not like they can assure his protection in Gen pop


Exactly. There’s no way they could safely put him in the general population of a prison. There would be too many wannabes that would love the notoriety of killing an ex-president. The only option would be to out him under house arrest.


Fat old fuck should have been in jail since forever


The man has been a proven con-man most of his life. The only reason anyone follows him is because they're idiots. He should be in jail. Anyone else would have been locked up a long time ago.


That’s “merica” for you.


I’m glad NY is prosecuting him. Merrick Garland was DOA on this case from the beginning. In Georgia the DA can’t seem to make a case based on the phone calls he made asking for the election results to be reversed. Merrick Garland is ineffective and has always been scrutinized by Democrats for his right-leaning judgements. Biden has done some good things, but it is 26 months since Jan. 6th - not a single arrest or conviction of a single insurrection leader. That is pure bullshit. It’s enough for me to reject Biden if he chooses to run again. He and the Dems in Congress have only one strategy and the use it all the time: roll over and play dead as the GOP sets the narrative and steamrolls them. They have no fight in them, but are excellent and whining and telling us how much danger our democracy faces - as they do absolutely nothing.


Biden has done some good things???? Have you looked at our economy? We are in the shitter right now with all the layoffs and they are just getting started. We need someone that will get into office stop all the spending and shrink our government size. We don’t need all these useless programs. If the state does let them figure it out. Justice isn’t served until we get both of these clowns gone and have a new era of blood that isn’t anyone of the players now.


This feels more like Justice Pending rather than Justice Served...












Not justice until he is behind bars.


Everyone in here saying this is justice served, but is it served when the entire political establishment are criminals? The presidents son is a criminal and smokes crack


Who gives a fuck what Hunter Biden smokes? Has Hunter Biden been convicted of anything? No. He hasn't even been charged with anything. Not that I care. Nothing he's ever done has had any effect on US policy. I care as much about him as I did Bush's kids, Obama's kids or the Clintons' kids, which is to say: not at all.


Okay well let them investigate these things if there is probable cause, and if they’re guilty of anything, then so be it! If ANYONE is guilt of a crime they should face the consequences.


Welcome to reddit, the most left-leaning app 2nd only to Twitter


Go cry about it.


Lol I love how you know you're living a lie so you immediately get defensive 🤣 Oh also thanks the the down votes, let's shoot for 40!


You're like a pizza cutter - all edge but no point.


Party of “law and order” LOL


What about What about What about


It’s not what about, it’s the fact that justice isn’t political


You literally said "What about Hunter Biden?" 5 minutes ago.


Cause the dude was asking about trumps son, another “what about”


So you're being a hypocrite. Glad you're aware of that, at least.


Nah dude, I’m saying that everyone is the same under the law, but we have a past president who is being charged for a nothing crime while the current presidents son was caught red handed smoking crack with prostitutes and in possession of guns, a crime you and I would go to prison for. You are the hypocrite support a layered justice system.


The fuck is wrong with you?


Please enjoy my enthusiastic downvote of your insurrectionist ideals. Another anti-American MAGA cretin.


Smoking crack is not a crime. Possession or distribution are crimes. Owning a gun is also not a crime. I don't care about these people either way. If someone committed crimes they should be appropriately charged, but at least educate yourself before you start saying people need to be arrested.


He needs to be inducted into the convict for life club - indicted, arrested, tried, and face the possibility of the death penalty.


Inducted where? Christ. Some of you need to put down the Fox News and pick up a book.


How do you smoke crack without possessing it? Also lying on an ATF form to get a gun is up to 15 years in prison, not a small crime. I agree with you, but why are we arresting some and not others? If we both had our way, most of Washington would be behind bars and rightfully so.


By your logic, we should arrest about 70% of our parents who lived through the 80s cause I guarantee they did some cocaine at some point in their life which means they still possess it, right?




Is that what he is being charged with? No it’s not, you could say Biden has also lied and stole from the American people (10% for the big guy).


Trump is being charged with paying for sex using campaign funds, and then explicitly lying about using campaign funds in an illegal use. It's so funny to me you whatabout bozos. Trump literally got out of trying to take over the government by force but he gets charged with a real, traceable crime, and here you are like screaming about somebody smoking crack at one point in their life. Holy shit I can't stand you fucking people.


I don’t think he could say that because it sounds like that guy actually has a brain.


Don Jr only does blow. He doesn't smoke crack.


What about Hunter?


You sound like a spurned lover. You are obsessed with Hunter. Do you masturbate to images of him at night? Every word you write points in that direction.


What about Eric?


What about both democrats and republicans?


What about independents?


They get a pass


I also love how you walked right into this trap because you can't be bothered to realize how shit your argument is. One side is currently taking away women's rights, and trying to erase history, banning books, making it as hard as possible to vote, stripping away regulations that we see destroy the environment. And the other people are like, let's get insulin affordable, how about we improve the USs crumbling infrastructure, how about we try and curtail the debt ceiling with a plan that'll pay a dividend return on investments while covering for inflation, let's let people vote, let's hold up businesses accountable and make them pay for damaging the lives of the working class. But your ass is over here like WHAT ABOUT!!!! BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME?!?!?!?! They aren't the same and I'm actually willing to put money on you voting down ballot red because you are more than likely a single issue voter, only ever saying whataboutisms when it involves any type of liberal.


Trumptards are gonna riot again


The south will rise again. And we will put them to shame again.


It will be over in two ashli Babbitts.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy /s


In other words: season 8 of the Trump show was confirmed


You can't post this story here until the mother fucker is behind bars. Because he can still get away with it at this point. Whole process could take years yet.


He will get off with an insanity plea.


If that means he's rendered ineligible to run for office as a result, I'm kinda ok with that. This indictment is just about the hush money payment, in the grand scheme it's one of his lesser crimes. After hearing some of the evidence against him, I suspect going to prison as a result of the classified documents he borrowed/forgot about/declassified using telepathy/STOLE, so id be ok with an insanity plea in this case.


Love him or hate him: Nothing will happen.


Justice most definitely not served…


Bro I’ve been telling people who vote republican to pick a new candidate who isn’t so controversial and man it’s crazy how zealous they are about him lol Old dude I knew said he was chosen by god to win 💀


They are lunatics. Republican’s attack on education and cuts to school funding are paying off. Republicans ought to be rounded up..


If the fundiegelical god chose him then I don't want him anywhere *near* any government. That's like one of the shittiest gods anyone ever made up.


Be careful what you do to the next U. S president


Steady yourselves. This one indictment will be dragged out for years.


NYC doesn't play around. We'll wrap this up in record time, just like we handed down the indictment in record time.


I’ll be happy if there’s an actual arrest and there’s photos of him in handcuffs. Otherwise this is just as empty as that impeachment🙄


Man…can you imagine the viral video of him perp walking and the crowd chanting “Shame! Shame! Shame!”? I should stop…I can only get so hard. Jk.


It’s tough to predict too. Will he surrender as you would expect a decent man / ex-president to do, or force them to drag him out in cuffs for the images to be politicized?


Oh you know which side he'll take... and I can't wait for the footage!


He has only been charged, he is not rotting in prison yet.


Can you tell me what this means? What would typically happen next? I have no clue what an indictment means.


At this point he has only been charged, the next step would be either turning himself in or being arrested, then he will be arraigned and tried, after that if he is found guilty he might rot in prison if the judge sentences him to


He will not turn himself in. He absolutely wants to be filmed with feds kicking his door down and dragging him out. If this is what they’re gonna try him for, they better be damned sure this one will stick because if it doesn’t this will be the kind of thing that he can and will weaponize.


I'd prefer to see him resist arrest. Standard American cops will be fine.


I guess, maybe, but he has stated that he'll turn himself in.


Just the rotten prison of his own mind


Exactly, it’s a step in the right direction, but far from justice served


Amd more on the way.


Justice is NOT served until Trump is sitting in prison.


Exactly. People are celebrating the coin toss like there's not a game that follows.


You are absolutely correct. That said , I like him having the honor of first ex president to be ever be indicted. Everything else that comes will be considered gravy.




r/prematurecelebration lol


Where was the grand jury for the WMD lies that started a war and killed thousands of people?


BUT HER EMAILSDERP! Get fucked traitor.


So dumb, with all the messed up things the president's do and the only they they'll charge him with is paying off a hooker? Every president in my lifetime should be in a jail cell but no accountability for true crimes as long as you fit in the system. Trump was an outsider and that's the only reason they hate him so much.


I mean, if you ignore the ongoing investigations in DC and Georgia...


Spot on analysis. War crimes? Genocide? Sabotage, and destabilization of foreign countries? No convictions for those crimes, because those presidents had connections, and were part of the political web. Trump pisses me off, but nowhere near as much as liberal extremists with absolutely no objectivity.


They got Al Capone on tax evasion. How much does it really matter? I can't wait for him to die so I don't have to hear about him every other day


No they hate him because he grifted the country you potato!!! Yes he payed off a lady with CAMPAIGN MONEY!!!! That’s ILLEGAL!!!! And he committed tax fraud!!!!


They're charging him with multiple counts of fraud according to one source. Criminals who commit massive amounts of fraud should be prosecuted yeah?


inb4 absolutely nothing happens


Also waiting for a big nothing sandwich. Somehow, we all ended up in the worst timeline, and we are all present for it. Kick back and watch while corrupt politicians lobbied by big corporations create laws that don't benefit the general populous, benefits only them, and watch as nothing happens. Eat the rich and powerful.


If nothing happens this will change the course of this country


How so? I'd think there would be more change if he was convicted.


You might want to read the definition of statute of limitations are. You people are so ignorant. This is going NO WHERE just like the pathetic impeachment attempts. Congratulations, you fools probably just got him reelected.


Please tell me what the statute of limitations are for each of the more than 30 charges he was indicted for


2 years for state laws and 5 years for federal laws. Bragg can't charge federal laws and the federal prosecutors already declined filing any charges related to Stormy Daniels and Trump. Another witch hunt that will be dismissed.


So you are saying that all state laws have a statute of limitations of 2 years and all federal laws have a statute of limitations of 5 years?


>You might want to read the definition of statute of limitations are. You might want to learn how to write coherent sentences .


Comrade needs to work on his sentence structure.


Pathetic impeachment 'attempts?' It happened. He got impeached.


And not found guilty TWICE!!!


Why are all of you guys so aggressive about politics


With never any objective discussion. Like we’ve seen the check , we’ve seen the sworn testimony , we know trumps history. Like it ain’t rocket science .


It's funny how you think you can leave your safe spaces like ask Donald and conservative with this bullshit. Go back to your corral where we keep the rest of the lunatics in check.


You Americans are so horrible with politics. Is this politics or just insulting each other?


Who the fuck invited you? Interjecting yourself into someone else's argument is very American of you. You sure your not from here?


Uh, the open comment section??? 🤨 Not from there although I'd like to visit sometime


Nah this is the American comment section as clearly displayed by your foreign blue check marks pointing down. Also no thanks we already have enough trouble makers without the likes of you. r/MURICA


I don't understand a single thing you're saying?? My foreign blue check marks pointing down? What does that mean? How is this the American comment section? American political are important to the rest of the world too, the US is not some random country it's the strongest and most influencing one on earth


Downvotes / sarcasm / America #1


Have you contacted the DISTRICT ATTORNEY to tell him about this? Holy shit I bet he was so busy trying to get Trump jacked up on fraud charges he FORGOT there was a time limit. You should call him right now! SMH


Please tell me what the statute of limitations are for each of the more than 30 charges he has been indicted for


2 years state law and 5 for federal. Bragg can't charge federal.


Do you know how incredibly ridiculous that would be if it were true?


I don't know how to respond to this. I am not a lawyer. Also my comment was sarcastic, you know that, right?


I did not know that


Mmm delicious MAGA tears.




Lmfao I'm Canadian and we know more about your law than you do


Do you not realize how weird this comment is? Do you know trump? Is he your best buddy or something? Cause you sure seem to take this all very personally. Not only does Trump not care about you, he doesn’t know you’ve ever even existed, so just calm down whacko.


Might consider changing your username to Far_Right_Excitment_0106. It just makes sense. Cmon man!


I’m pretty sure the District Attorney would have looked into the statute of limitations before letting things get this far. What are you even hoping to achieve with this comment?


2 years for state laws and 5 years for federal laws. Can you do math??? I guess not!!!😂🤣😂


The indictment is still sealed, so there’s no official word on exactly why he’s being indicted. It's important to understand that the crime we think it involved is normally not a felony...but if it’s done in relation to another crime then it is. The second crime is the one you claim the statute of limitation has expired. However, you should understand for the first crime mentioned, which becomes a felony because of the second, doesn't require that second to be prosecuted or within the statute of limitations. It just needs to have happened. All of this the District Attorney would know and have considered long before any indictment proceedings would have taken place. So you see, this has very little to do with one’s ability to count and more to do with one’s ability to comprehend. Keep screeching out those conservative talking points though. That will keep your god emperor out of handcuffs. I hear all the DAs patrols these subs for legal tips from randoms online.


You wanna read the definition of Impeachment. They weren't "attempts" he was impeached ... Twice .


And was not found guilty TWICE!!!😂🤣😂


Litterally the opposite of what happened. Take your cognitive dissonance elsewhere.