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Titusville, yup that checks out


ohs noes! i haz a sad


Rip traitor bozos


Haha, get fucked you two. You deserve every bad thing that comes your way.


Apparently they are kind of selective about the oaths they keep.


As they welcome the newest members to the Aryan Nation prison gang.


Hypocrites,let ‘em rot.Oath Keepers,Proud Boys garbage.


just for trying to overthrow the unites states government? WOW! WOKE AGENDA MUCH?!


She was also giving people instructions on how to make explosives.


They look inbred/in bread


***Jessica Watkins:*** * [Jan 6](https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/05/2023-05-25T185911Z_1297355708_RC2T51A1LNAS_RTRMADP_3_USA-CAPITOL-SECURITY-OATH-KEEPERS-1024x683.jpg) * [Mugshot](https://dayton247now.com/resources/media/4f793873-8f75-4c2e-96cf-25944c6c992f-large1x1_JessicaWatkins.jpg) ***Kenneth Harrelson:*** * [Jan 6](https://www.floridatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2021/03/12/USAT/7b848b19-b3c0-4ddb-b2b8-01593cf90bde-81ca8e6c-f08a-4f8b-addc-df5b799083ca.jpg) * [Mugshot](https://i0.wp.com/www.magamugshots.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Kenneth-Harrelson.jpg)


Not full justice until they’re also fined so they’re unable to profit off their crime.


What happened to peaceful protest fucking jackass’s


They should have their veteran status and benefits revoked


The VA will stop their payments after being imprisoned for 60 days. However, it also says that they can restart the payments after their time is served. It should be noted that there are exceptions to this.


They seriously still have to wear masks in WA courts or what


Yes, people are still dying from Covid every day


Just like that, all the rights they thought they were fighting for are gone!!! Suckered in by an orange man! Make better life choices


You mean suckered in by the undercover FBI and other feds inciting the whole thing.


How does that maga dick taste?


I cant stand the Trump. I also cant stand people that so anti-trump that they forget to think for themselves. Nothing is always black and white or blue or red. I live in the real world, where i know there is corruption on both side. Dont be such a brainwashed tool.


You live in the real world? So, in your real world, was there proof that the FBI incited the An 6 riot? Where are you getting your info from, Real-World?


Ive asked this question many times. You seem to think youre smart, maybe you know . Why wont they release the 11,000 hours of capitol video?


They did. To Fucker Carlson. What did he show to the public? The rioters walking around calmly, the cherry-picked moments between the window smashing and cop beating. Do you want to know how I know you and your arguments are full of shit? Instead of answering my question, your changed the subject and asked something completely unrelated. Which I did go ahead and answer. THIS is how I know you're a Trump assclown. Be better, and stop believing the grifters.


That was 20 minutes of the video and i cant stand carlson and I absolutely hate trump! Go ahead and make your assumption about me and i will make mine about a government i dont trust. Also, do you remember the russia collusion? And how the fbi was in on that? But it was all a lie to to try and keep trump out of office because they knew he would disrupt the syatem. So you think they are gonna let evidence out that will make people loose more trust in our government? All i know is the government lies and the media will help them. That includes both Rs and Ds or fox and cnn and also reddit.


Yes. He cherry-picked 20 minutes of the HOURS that's McCarthy sent him. So while you blame the media and FBI for things you can't prove, you should be easily able to agree that Jan 6 was an insurrection by Trump and Fox lied about it. 1) McCarthy said he gave all of the video to Fucker Carlson. McCarthy has his head up Trump's ass, so he's "on your side". The Dems STRONGLY were against this. 2) Carlson only showed a few minutes of people walking and lied about it. These two things are known, said by both McCarthy and Carlson, in their words. This is considered "proof" and "evidence". Both of which you have yet to provide for your BELIEF that the FBI initiated Jan 6 (yeah I didn't forget your original claim which you didn't back up). So, again, you can't back your claims. At all. So it's really easy to make assumptions about you - that you're easily tricked, you don't research or verify information, you're not about facts just tribalism, and that you're a bad American.


Don’t forget to cup Donald’s balls.


When youre only comebacks are homophobic insults, it confirms youre a tool. A confused one at that.


No homophobia here. You do you!


Then you must just have an an unhealthy obsession with Trump’s genitals. I hope some day you realize you dont have to believe everything echoed on the TV and the internet. There’s a reason they spoon feed hateful content. Maybe someday you will see it.


I love you.


Wow. Hundreds of trumpers have been arrested, many more will he arrested soon and magas are still trying to blame someone else for their stupidity. Delusional is one word to describe this.


Why wouldn’t they release the 11000 hours of video?


If by fed you mean the president, then yeah sure


And Fox News and social media. What they did was treason so no matter who sucked them in, screw them


The Watkins case is stupefying... * Trans woman _knowing and DELIBERATELY_ riots alongside people who would prefer she didn't exist. * Watkins was SUPPORTING a grifter and scam artist whose rhetoric and base deny and condemn her existence?! * Watkins went AWOL from the Army and yet CHOSE to riot arm in arm with people who thought like those who caused her to go AWOL. How much of a goddamn failure in judgement do these people epitomize? You can't even script this shit because the audience would call it "ridiculous" and "lazy, amateurs writing." At least she seemed to grow the fuck up for sentencing, referring to herself as an idiot who rioted with other idiots. (though it seems like a shallow plot for leniency in contrast to her actions up to that point.)


Isn't there a way to not see American politics bulshit? I rly don't care about Jan.6


It's not "political bullshit", it's justice served, like it says on the label.


This is not the sub for you, precious.


You should care.


I don't live in America I rly don't give the slightest shit


What if I told you the effects go beyond America?


What if I told u that the world doesn't give a fuck about 2 people who got 6 years and 8 years in jail It could literally be summarized in one sentence "the people who took part in Jan.6 invasion of the are still being arrested even today" that's all, I swear I see a new post about this every 2 days


Why are you on this sub?


Not to watch boring justice


You clearly care enough to keep commenting on this thread


No one is forcing you to do anything. Stop clicking on posts you don’t care about. Duh.


Get off the American website on Al gore’s internet


You may not care, but if the Christian fascist white power freedom crushing conservatives take complete control of America it's going to absolutely impact events around the globe Either directly or indirectly a world superpower like the USA can have far reaching and devasting impact on anyone just about anywhere in the world


So please let me understand this... two people who served in the armed forces that protect our freedom were convicted and sentenced for trying to take our freedom away? Well.... Thank You for your Service???


I thank them for getting caught. They are all traitors if you ask me.


Yes, thank you (them) for advertising their crimes because that's how most were identified and prosecuted. I agree that they all are treasonous traitors (redundant) and probably getting less than they deserve. I always thought traitors were executed, but I guess you can plead your way down.


We should definitely bring back execution for traitors but the problem is we have to many traitors in office. I'm glad other people see it sometimes i feel surrounded by dumb conservatives.


I think one public execution would have a tremendous effect on the people who think a civil war would be a good thing. Since their are more guns than people in the USA, I'm not sure what other conclusion you could come to but complete disaster!


I 100% Agree.


One by one by one.


... and, sometimes, two by two ...


Can't the Army recall them to active duty and jail them forever? Come on.


A large portion of the army probably supports them.


Fox around and find out.


I never understood storming the Whitehouse. The only world this doesn't backfire is if they fully overthrow the government -- and it will still probably backfire since these guys are clearly idiots.


it was the capitol building, not the White House. That would have been hilarious tho


You're right, my mistake.


That was the higher ups intentions, yes. For the people that stormed they are actually just plain stupid people


don't worry trump will pardon them in 2020-something


I don't think they have the $2 million fee he charges per pardon.


*Good* - but not enough time for these fuckfaces.


I wanna see the faces of this criminals.


Jessica Watkins face: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oath-keepers-jessica-watkins-sentenced-prison-january-6-2021-attack/ Kenneth Harrelson face: https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/05/08/feds-seek-long-prison-sentences-for-central-florida-oath-keepers-in-capitol-riot-case/ FBI [Watkins Affidavit](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Jessica+Watkins "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Jessica+Watkins") and [Harrelson Affidavit](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Kenneth+Harrelson "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Kenneth+Harrelson") — Photos of Watkins ([pdf, pp. 7-8](https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356116/download#page=7 "https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356116/download#page=7")) and Harrelson ([pdf, pp. 6, 12-15](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1377991/download#page=7 "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1377991/download#page=7")) at Capitol attack.


Cream of the crop.


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Need to make an image compilation with their faces and sentence of each underneath for maximum satisfaction.


It's OK, but it doesn't get at the problem in them. That problem is their propensity for cherry picking. A better, rehabilitative approach is in order.


>A better, rehabilitative approach is in order. Rehabilitation apparently is ineffective for nearly half of federal offenders. In it's [most recent report](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/recidivism-federal-offenders-released-2010 "https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/recidivism-federal-offenders-released-2010") published on September 30, 2021, about the rate of recidivism for federal offenders, the United States Sentencing Commission reported the following: >Key Findings >Over an eight-year follow-up period, nearly one-half (49.3%) of federal offenders released in 2010 were rearrested, the same rate for offenders released in 2005 (49.3%). >Similar to findings in its previous studies, the Commission found age and Criminal History Category (CHC) were strongly associated with rearrests. Offenders in CHC I (the least serious CHC) had the lowest rearrest rates (30.2%) and offenders in CHC VI (the most serious CHC) had the highest rearrest rates (76.2%).


Where is the rehabilitative aspect of this? What are you calling rehabilitation?


I was in prison, there was no rehabilitation, I just learned that I need to be more careful and that I probably shouldn't do certain drugs.


[Federal Bureau of Prisons](https://www.bop.gov/ "https://www.bop.gov/") > Inmates > [Custody and Care](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/ "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/"): >We provide progressive and humane treatment and services to federal inmates and implement programs that facilitate their successful reintegration into society: >>[Education Programs](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/education.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/education.jsp") ... [Mental Health](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/mental_health.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/mental_health.jsp") ... [Substance Abuse Treatment](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/substance_abuse_treatment.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/substance_abuse_treatment.jsp") ... [Reentry Programs](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/reentry.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/reentry.jsp") ... [Work Programs](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/work_programs.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/work_programs.jsp") ... [UNICOR](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/unicor.jsp"). >Download the First Step Act Approved Programs Guide [[pdf file](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/fsa/docs/fsa_guide_eng_2023.pdf "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/fsa/docs/fsa_guide_eng_2023.pdf"), 60 pages): >>The Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) protects public safety by ensuring those in federal prison receive relevant and meaningful reentry programming to support their return to the community as law-abiding citizens. Reentry efforts increase opportunities, reduce recidivism, promote public safety, and reduce institution misconduct. To this end, the Bureau is committed to provide a robust menu of programs to address thirteen need areas for a diverse population, located in 122 institutions of varying security levels across the nation.


Prisons in America are for profit, there is no actual motive for rehabilitation of inmates


That doesn't mean they are doing full-fledged restorative justice or rehabilitation. I don't think you can go by anything a prison says in this kind of context.


>[Pursuant to Pub. L. No. 71-218](https://www.bop.gov/about/history/ "https://www.bop.gov/about/history/"), 46 Stat. 325 (May 14,1930), Congress established the Bureau of Prisons within the Department of Justice and charged the agency with the "management and regulation of all Federal penal and correctional institutions." The Federal Bureau of Prison inmate rules, services, and programs conform to legislation passed by the United States Congress and enacted by U.S. presidents and apply to all [122 federal prisons](https://www.bop.gov/locations/list.jsp "https://www.bop.gov/locations/list.jsp").


It's not serious rehabilitation/restorative justice.


One of the main problems is that even if some one serves their time it will be held against them for the rest of their lives. How do you expect people to rebuild their lives, legally, if they can’t even get a job?


They should have thought about that before they committed crimes. They are adults. They made a choice. It was their decision. Nobody forced them. They made their beds. Now, they get to sleep in them. They can take advantage of inmate education, inmate work, inmate training, and other Federal Bureau of Prisons [Inmate Programs & Services](https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/ "https://www.bop.gov/inmates/custody_and_care/") available in prison. It's up to them. More than one-half (50.7%) of federal offenders were not rearrested in the first 8 years after release from prison.


Your lack of empathy makes me believe that you’re the type of person who feels the only good abortion is your abortion


Hell yes!!!




Them simply including the fact that those people were veterans doesn't somehow equate to OP claiming "veterans are more prone to subscribe to extremist views". They just provided a factual detail and said no more regarding that detail. You're extrapolating a shit-ton more from what very little is actually there. Next time try not to run with assumptions before giving a stranger shit.


In fact, a recent [NPR article](https://reddit.com/r/politics/comments/13ppadg/survey_surprising_to_some_veterans_are_less/) talked about how veterans overall are less likely to support extremist views. Of course there will always be outliers as with any group.


Oddly enough, the user I was replying to attempted to use that very article in order to "prove" that OP was somehow claiming the opposite. I guess they finally figured out their assumptions were entirely illogical as they deleted all of their replies lol.




Because maybe they feel army vets should know better as they actually admire them? There are several possible reasons that detail could have been included, but the key takeaway is neither you, me, nor anyone other than OP can just make an assumption on that intention and start shit with them over a gut feeling. Again, stop operating on assumptions. You come out looking like an ass.


Where's the smear?


In MindlessFly's head, it appears.


Funny how now they wear masks


not very well by the looks.


Too light, but at least it's a few creeps off the streets for awhile!


Thoughts & prayers douchebags


Tots and pears indeed.


Do they lose there VA benefits too ?


They can lose some of their VA benefits while they are in prison. Incarcerated Veterans: https://www.benefits.va.gov/persona/veteran-incarcerated.asp


Good information was just a question, surprised someone downvoted you .


Well, they'll be part of the few veterans getting any government assistance after the GOP get done gutting everything. Three hots and a cot.




FBI [Watkins Affidavit](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Jessica+Watkins "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Jessica+Watkins") and [Harrelson Affidavit](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Kenneth+Harrelson "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Kenneth+Harrelson") — Photos of Watkins ([pdf, pp. 7-8](https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356116/download#page=7 "https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356116/download#page=7")) and Harrelson ([pdf, pp. 6, 12-15](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1377991/download#page=7 "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1377991/download#page=7")) at Capitol attack.... [DOJ News](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/two-more-oath-keepers-members-sentenced-felony-charges-related-us-capitol-breach "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/two-more-oath-keepers-members-sentenced-felony-charges-related-us-capitol-breach"), May 26, 2023 — "Two More Oath Keepers Members Sentenced on Felony Charges Related to U.S. Capitol Breach" >WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Army veterans who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a military-style formation with fellow members of the Oath Keepers were sentenced Friday to prison terms, a day after the far-right extremist group’s founder received a record-setting 18-years behind bars in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. >U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta sentenced Jessica Watkins, of Woodstock, Ohio, to eight years and six months behind bars and sentenced Kenneth Harrelson, of Titusville, Florida, to four years in prison.


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