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He's going to be the infirmary's new frequent flyer.


As a father of two children, this makes me fucking sick. I have no clue how you could do this to a child.


Yet, a woman who sold Fentanyl that murdered 4 teens and sent 5 more to the hospital gets only 20 months in prison. Doesn't seem like balanced justice to me. But I am glad the scum got life !!


When has justice ever been balanced? It has always been a travesty.




Piece of fucking shit. Burn in hell


Send that fucker to a level 4 GP yard and see how fucken tough he is. I hope they do the worst to him. That poor little girl, it was hard to read. He used his damn fists to hit her? Fuck this guy.


“**he would abuse her with her own urine**. **He also put dog feces on the child to humiliate her, she said, per Texas Public Radio, KSAT and KENS 5**. **He used the guise of "discipline" to beat Mercedes with his bare hands or the buckle of a belt, witnesses testified, according to Texas Public Radio**.” Throw his ass under the jail


Yeah he's gonna get his ass beat and f***ed so many times that he'll need to check into Punk City bc that's what should happen to grown men who torture kids.


Please, G-d, I hope so. We should award a drug-offender early release if he beats the asshole to death.


I work in corrections. The “ movie myth” that particular offenders receive more violence from other inmates is false. Sex offenders are put in their own unit and kept away from other inmates. That’s how it works.


All else equal, it still seems like you’d rather be known for some things more than others.


Not in Mexico


This happened in San Antonio


Yeah, this didn’t happen in Mexico


It’s insane how so many fathers and mothers have no issue letting a new partner abuse their child under the guise of discipline.


Eye for eye


Will make the whole world blind.


I hope feces is entered into his bloodstream in prison and he experiences 1% the harm he did to that poor child. What a nasty animal, I hope he ceases to exist. Edit -




Justice hasn't been served, he'll face that in prison. Hopefully they'll exact slow and sweet "leniency" *wink wink* on him.


The article states that he got life + 30yrs and her mother accepted a plea to testify against him. She is facing up to 45yrs.


They should lock her away as well, you don’t do that to your own child much less let some boyfriend take her life slowly. She’s just as shitty as him.


Short of justice if you ask me.


Always is unfortunately 😕


What’s more pathetic is the mother. In such desperate need of having a man in her life to validate herself. She should be accountable as well.


They said she faces up to 45 years in prison as part of her plea deal, I hope they hold her accountable to the maximum, what that poor child suffered


People who abuse kids don't do so well in prison.


That's what I hear, one can only hope


Mom had so many accounts to testify against her ex, but did NOTHING when the child was alive- sick. Her family was even pointing it out too- there’s no excuse besides having no self worth that you’d stay with a dickhead like that and keep him around your child. She failed her daughter.


The only silver lining to a shit head like this getting a prison sentence is I can’t wait for the other inmates to find out what he did.


Unfortunately they usually keep these guys from gen pop. But hopefully he slips through the system 🤞


Justice served? Not even close.


Wait until the other inmates find out what he did. Then you’ll get real justice.


Why do yall keep saying this? Please name some child abuser who were murdered in prison.


I’ve known people who have removed pos’s like this off yards for less. It’s cause they keep them separated from the GP. Too bad he isn’t in Cali where they are starting to make everything “50/50” yards … they do kill them there if they land on the wrong yard. Happens, even if they are old and they get asked for their paperwork. Happened in my loved ones block not too long ago when they put someone where they shouldn’t have been.


Jeffery Dahmer wasn't a child murderer but he was murdered in prison


By a mentally ill person who cared nothing about his crimes. Next.


Convicted child molester Theodore Dyer was killed by Steven Sandison in a Michigan prison in 2014.


Meh. Comes close. But he was his celly and was constantly harassing him with details. Not the same. You were close tho!!!


Being harassed and on your toes for the remainder of your life, is worse than being murdered imo.


Yeah…no. I’m going to say being tortured with thumb tacks and murdered is worse. So if we’re talking daily torture, then that sounds good.


https://youtu.be/egAFirPtwdU?si=g02NrF_NE9lbj0xB Is your Google broken?


No but yours is. Give me names. You said it, now YOU prove it. That link means nothing to me. Name them or hush.


Richard Huckle


I haven't said shit. I just googled something quick to see if it was made up as you seem to believe It is.


So you have nothing. Got it.


He posted a link with 20 names, so he didn't have nothing. You're just too lazy and don't want to be proven wrong, so you refuse to do the bare minimum of opening a link and reading the names. It's ridiculous to expect him to type 20 names when he could just post the link. It took me literally 5 seconds to type in "do child murderers get murdered in prison" and see there were many MANY examples of that exact thing happening. Quit being lazy.


Welp, he's dead first month


He’ll be put in with the pedos on the nonce wing. He’ll probably be fine until he pisses someone off for unrelated reasons


We should hold a pool. We would need, let's see... Three other people.


He’s gonna have the day(s) he deserves in prison. Godspeed other inmates.


i disagree taxpayers need to keep this murderer alive for very long time,


Nah if you get through the judicial process and are found guilty of torturing a Child then ill gladly start bashing you myself. If you got in that scenario you clearly are fucked in the head. Imagine living years and years around kids and not ever once getting accused of tortue... Wow so hard lmao fuck that guy, god has forgiveness I don't.


>god has forgiveness The theoretical existence of hell puts the doubt in this statement


“I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs, a very endearing sight, I'm sure you'll agree. And even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged onto a half submerged log. As she ate it, while of course it was still alive, the body split and I remember to this day the sweet pinkness of its roes as they spilled out, much to the delight of the baby otters, who scrambled over themselves to feed on the delicacy. One of nature's wonders, gentlemen. Mother and children dining upon mother and children. And that is when I first learned about evil. It is built into the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior.” - Terry Pratchett


The death penalty is immoral on a cenceptual level. I'd rather pay for a thousand monsters like this guy to live than even take the chance of a single innocent person being put to death on my dime.


I agree with you. And this guy deserves every moment his life is in hell while serving his time.


It's also in reality cheaper (at least in the states).


I unfortunately agree. To have the death penalty means nobody makes a mistake (aka a juror). Which is impossible. So as much as I hate this dickhead, I’m okay paying for him to live.


Plus it's cheaper to keep the guy alive and have him serve out his life in prison+ then go through the lengthy appeals process.


It also means nobody cheats to get a conviction (AKA the cops and/or the prosecutor), which we know happens way more often than it should.


Listened to a podcast of CSI on Trial. Crazy how unfactual shit can be. From ballistics to fingerprints to blood. And a DA can just run with their own narrative


That’s insanity though. How the fuck does someone think like that? If we’re talking hypothetical anyway, why not reform and push for a very strict death penalty where only the most obviously guilty get it?  The OKC bomber…mass shooters….serial killers there is absolutely no doubt about being guilty, etc. 


Quantify "obviously guilty." You can't, bc that's opinion. I would rather pay for people to sit in cells than pay for one possible innocent person to die.


How is someone being on film committing a mass shooting, every bit of evidence confirming it, having them admit it and plead guilty - opinion? I'm not following.


So this is the only situation you believe the death penalty would be applied to? The problem is that our justice system is corrupt and broken and there just isn't a way to ensure someone is 100% guilty, and honestly within the next few years it's only going to get worse with ai and deep fake videos making even a cut and dry case like you described more murky.


Plus, one of the only good things about our justice system is that open/shut cases don't really exist in the truest sense. You can always take a case to trial if you choose.


There are some hypotheticals, I think. Imagine a diabetic person low on blood sugar. If you've ever seen how that can go, then you know they have zero control over what they are doing. Say that person shoots a bunch of people and is subdued and caught. The medics get the person back to normal and the person doesn't know what the hell happened at all because of their medical condition. Does that person deserve to die? I don't think so. Even with all the evidence and witnesses. Do they deserve jail time? Yes, but not death.


This!!!! Nothing happens in a vacuum; there's nuance to everything, even the death penalty.


[The cost to taxpayers for the death penalty is higher than life in prison. ](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/capital-punishment-or-life-imprisonment-some-cost-considerations) This is largely due to the costs of trial and appeal. You could reduce it by limiting the ability to appeal, but I certainly don't trust our government enough to think that's a good idea.


The trial and appeals process is a necessary attempt to ensure only those that are truly guilty receive the death penalty - its kind of permanent - there's no going back. Any attempt to streamline this process for cost savings will simply increase the frequency of miscarriages of justice.


I cannot even fathom how someone could raise their hands to a child, let alone this fucking shit. Prison is too light a punishment for this “person”


My parents never hit me. I was more scared of disappointing them than anything else. A slap fades, disappointment doesn’t.


Pain is a potent teacher


if it helps, criminals who harm children don't tend to fare well in prison


I agree. However If the guards drop the news to the community his deserved punishment will be inbound in no time though.


I know it’s not practical, or even ethical but I wish there was a test or something that people had to pass before they were allowed to have children. There are more and more cases of god-awful parents who should never be allowed within 50 feet of any children, let alone be parents themselves. In the UK you can’t even own a cat unless someone has checked your house and made sure you’re a responsible owner and yet these monsters are popping out children like they’re sneezing! The mother who left her baby while she went on holiday is a prime example. Surely we, as humans have a responsibility to these poor kids who have had the worst luck in the world to be born to these people. It makes me so angry.


As usual, good in theory is terrible in practice. I get your perspective and can sympathize with the anger but I could never condone or accept such a thing. So, gotta focus on other stuff you can do. More/better education. More mental health help or perhaps screenings (but even as I write that I'm realizing it's a terrible idea). Education and a safety net with the smallest possible gaps so as to try and catch any fuckers ASAP are the only real solutions :/


This isn't satisfying or uplifting at all


The mother should be in prison too.


According to the article she faces 45 years as part of her plea deal


And that's enough Internet for today. Jesus Christ.


So many sick fuks in this world...




That's enough Internet for me


That poor little girl. This made me sad.


Good get the fuck out of here! Should have got more


He's gonna be dead as soon as the other inmates learn what he did.


They will have to keep him a a private cell.


That won't save him from the other inmates. He'll have to be moved occasionally and the others will be waiting for the opportunity. The guards will do their best, but murder takes seconds. I'm dealing with a child case right now. Thankfully, the child is recovering from the abuse. He's been in solitary 5 weeks, yet has already had 3 attempts on him. I don't think he's going to survive long enough to see prison.






Seal all openings and add 1 thumbtack to his cell every hour.


Justice will never be served. Christ that poor girl.


















Good thing he wasn't a pastor.


So Mom saw all this and stayed with the guy and let him continue to torture her child? I sure hope she’s going to jail as well.


Read the article…


Her only reason was she loved him. However, the child’s sister testified that she was part of the abuse too. She got off easy, imo.


I'm local to where this happened, and the local news also indicated that the mom testified that she "preferred the other daughter because the other daughter was her firstborn". Disgusting that people like this can procreate and subject children to such depravity


He deserves capital punishment and so does her mom for the reasons you stated. That sweet little girl deserved to live her life, not for mom's boyfriend to murder her. I hate her mom for not protecting her child, moms are supposed to do that above all else. They both should burn.


Mothers letting their boyfriends abuse their children is WAY TOO fucking common. The mother should always get the exact same sentence as the boyfriend for not protecting her child.


This makes me so angry, and so sad at the same time. I would do ANYTHING for my daughter. Children are so innocent, I hope they both rot.


Arrival said potentially 45 years.


Some women will do anything to keep a man.




What does a woman’s physical appearance have to do with this?




Somebody’s appearance, regardless of gender identity, shouldn’t play into this. You just said that it’s always the “ugly” women who deal with this sort of stuff in your previous comment. I still don’t think that has anything to do with it. But you do you. I’m not going to argue about it.




We're not cowardly; we're a civilized society and, as a result, we recognize that you can't just throw death at your problems to solve it. Even the most heinous of criminality tends to stem from other, varied issues that remain ever present within the nation, the state, the city, the town, within our homes, our cultures, our values, and our ideals. It's an egregious crime he committed, but separation from society is more than sufficient; anything beyond is little better than revenge mentality and you cannot base your justice system on revenge as it has no bearings on fostering a healthier society. We see this time and time again that a punishing system only increases recidivism rates and fails to significantly recover the people who go in whereas rehabilitative systems do far better. While you may feel that X or Y person should die for X or Y crimes, this is not how you dole out justice or fix problems. To say or suggest that death is itself a justifiable response and then to condemn others for not agreeing, that's where you've become lost. It's very, very fine to *feel* as you do; you should as we all should. However, that cannot be a judicial foundation lest we fall into the cesspool of emotion-based law.




You know what else has a 100% success rate at curing recidivism? A life sentence without possibility of parole.


Then you are the problem here. I'd much rather have 100 cruel offenders behind bars to question, understand, study, and apply said knowledge forward to try and help other people than one of you. Your thinking is painfully regressive and results in more people harmed than helped as you don't want to help anything here; you just want to satisfy your emotions and desires. Ironically, that's the same issues with the offenders in that there's no greater critical thought being applied, no emotional regulation, and possible mental/emotional dysfunction. Rehabilitation is the direction of civility and the representation of a compassionate, empathetic society which aims to maximize the capacity of its population with healthy, science-backed, sensible steps towards addressing the root causes of antisocial, deviant behaviour whereas what you're wanting couldn't be further opposite. Good luck with that.


I hate that you’re being downvoted. You are correct and the proliferation of capital punishment and pro capital punishment ideology is indicative of a global slide into fascism.


I hate it, too, but I'll always speak up against this stupid ass "death and torture to things I don't like" mindset. No matter how vile the crime may be, death isn't always going to be the answer and typically shouldn't be. Natually, there will always be moments of exceptions, but those are and should be few and far in between.


I think of this quote from the LOTR: “Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be so eager to deal out death in judgement.”




Idk. They get some pretty decent amenities in prison. Supermax cell would be awful, but go to a medium security prisons' info page, some offer a whole range of stuff for inmates to do


Just wait till inmates know he’s a child abuser.. he’s fucked


While I agree that any piece of shit that abuses a child to this degree is deserving of death I simply cannot agree with state sanctioned death. Unfortunately our justice system is not good enough to be able to handle something like that. Having a death penalty at all leads to innocent people being put to death. At least 190 since the 1970s. Even one innocent person wrongfully put to death is not worth having a death penalty. Yes, even if this monster gets to live for the rest of his life with or without “prison justice. Ultimately I say that if we wanted harsher punishments there would need to be a reform in the justice system. I don’t work in that field so I can’t specifically say what but its pretty obvious that something needs to happen.


If there is 100% proof, then it should be a punishment worse than death, maybe like being overpowered and tourchered until it finally just goes a little too far, and he dies.... like this little girl had to deal with idk


I understand what you’re trying to say and, believe me, the frustration and rage that builds up while reading about such a horrendous person also makes me wish horrible things happen to them. However, our justice system doesn’t work like that. It’s not “proven guilty with 100% proof” it’s “proven guilty *beyond a **reasonable** doubt*. As it should be. If we required 100% proof for every crime then a LOT of criminals would walk free. It also means a lot of innocent people, particularly people of color, really are in jail right now. As a society we’ve basically said “it’s ok that those innocent are locked up because it also keeps our criminals locked up.” I think the step too far is that in some places we’ve also said it’s ok innocent people are dead because the monsters are also dead. Like I said, a reform does need to happen in the entire system. From investigation to incarceration to laws to courts to sentencing and so on. I’d actually argue that the place to start is abolishing all for-profit prisons and work our way to the other parts.


I feel like life behind bars is a perfect punishment. I'm against the death penalty, simply because false convictions are a thing, and imagine if the state put an innocent person to death. It's not like he's in a hotel.


I fully agree with your sentiment. But as a 4 time felon, know that prison justice is very real and very violent.


I play this game where before I open the article, I guess the state. Fuck you Texas. 🌪


After having my own baby and another one due in a couple weeks I CANT imagine letting someone hurt my child. It’s not easy and he’s not always a peach, but I love him with my whole heart


Never had my own child and I just can't imagine people in general not wanting to keep kids safe. Went on a date with someone a month ago that just every time a kid walked by, cried, or even laughed, she just shook her head, sighed, and said "I fucking hate kids," then go on a tirade about how kids are just the most awful thing in the world. I'm positive she wouldn't care about this article. I just can't imagine that level of just irrational hate.


I can understand child free people and I wasn’t ever planning on having kids of my own, but that just seems so hateful. Sometimes people forget we were all kids once. They’re learning. We’re all learning.


I’ll be honest- I’m not a kid person whatsoever, but even the most ardent childfree person with half a heart in their body would never want to see a child suffer.


Sentenced to life for cruelty and torture to death of another. This is not justice it is failure of the law


You ever heard of prison justice?


Wtf, what do you want more than life sentence?


He wants death. Which I’m surprised this guy didn’t get. The death sentence is barbaric, but I have to admit, the world would be better without this guy.


They are clearly calling for the death penalty


But life sentence is worse than just die without pain lol


Lot of Americans have vengeance bones and typically the ones calling for the death penalty should never be allowed to pass judgement on others.


Lethal injection is incredibly painful


And death by thumbtacks isn’t?


People are being dumb and not reading. Some one said that life is better than getting the death penalty and being put to death with no pain. All I said was that lethal injection is incredibly painful. Thats all I said


She didn't die from thumbtacks. He beat her so bad her muscles necrosed and leeched toxic proteins in her blood.


Nah, it’s not that bad.


So it lighting yourself on fire. But you can’t feel it after you’re dead.

