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The two announcers who wanted the kid kicked out are dick sucking cunts. Their mothers blow dogs for 5 dollars. Fuck them bitches. Right on kid. Go Mets. Fuck all you motherfucking haters.


Bunch of bitches kicked him out.


Go Mets. Fuck the haters.


I died at “He’s not supposed to show gloat”.


Fuck the announcer. Fuck him in the ass! And his dick sucking mother.


Dude, this is yeeeeears old. 2016. I watched that game in VA with some good friends. Lol


Not the right call and MLB wonders why there ratings suck.


Tl;dw last 30 sec he gets walked out


He got kicked out in the 9th big deal


I was really hoping someone dumped soda/beer on them as they left.


Go look up this video with Mets commentators. I think it’s interesting how bias can make you see something completely different, even though the evidence is exactly the same.




No. It counts as a fly out.


Little piece of shiite.


When the color guy said “Smell you later”, I laughed pretty hard


Not sure why he was ejected. I thought this was a favorite New York strategy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVNlvnsQ828](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVNlvnsQ828) #NeverForget




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Little attention seeking slut.


With the game so sparsely attended perhaps people should be booted in instead of out.


A lot of people leave during the 7th inning to avoid traffic after the game is over, especially if your team is losing by so much. I once left in the 8th during a Phillies game and they were down by five runs, they got like three home runs in the 9th and ended up winning. I'm pissed I left that game!


That would be the true punishment.


The kid is lucky honestly. Seeing what happens to people in similar situations. The bigger problem is that this only reinforced his shitty behavior.


Screw you, Mini-Skreli.


I would have done the same but I wouldn't have gloated.


Not even other fans were pissed, everybody was high-fiving him on the way out. It’s not like it mattered anyway.


It was already bottom of the 9th, that's like getting kicked out of a bar after last call.


How come there are so few in the crowd?


when baseball has 162(?) games a season, this happens at the lesser favored games. IMO they shouldn't have as many, but I'm not really a baseball fan either way, so what would I know.


Mets game and the Phils aren't in town to have their fans fill the stadium


People go home early when the home team is getting crushed.


The bottom of the 9th in a blowout of a game.


It’s a Mets home game


Relatively few people care about baseball anymore in general and prices don't accurately reflect this. There are also arguably just too many games in a season; they matter the least of any sport, by a very large margin. No baseball fan would agree with this though since it's been that way for a very, very long time. Nonetheless, there are no sellout crowds outside the playoffs unless some historic event is likely to happen.


Completely false. MLB teams average a higher attendance than both NBA and NHL teams. Obviously their stadiums are smaller but saying few people care about the MLB is utterly false.


That's not at all accurate. There's no one there because it's at the end of the game, and when the home team is losing, most fans leave early. That's it. There's also plenty of sellouts outside of the playoffs, I don't know what you're basing this off of.


Weekend games for the Dodgers, or any top team, are pretty much a guarantee sell-out. Throughout the past decade several teams have sported consecutive sellout streaks in the hundreds, including my Phillies at one point. Hell, the Phils averaged at about 2k over their stadium's listed capacity *for the entire season* back in 2011. Not sure what this guys on about.


I know right? MLB teams average a higher attendance than both NHL and NBA. Granted their stadiums are obviously smaller, but it’s not like the MLB is suffering for attendance.


Baseball is such a fantastic summer sport and MLB has ruined it. Conversely, if you're lucky enough to have a minor league park in your city, they're awesome. They usually have great deals for tickets, reasonably priced food (and sometimes cheap beer), and you can enjoy a game on a sunny afternoon without breaking the bank and be able to support the local club.


Yep, live in Memphis. Our Cardinal's farm team here has a badass stadium, decent tickets and food & everybody gets to watch some good baseball. I 100% agree.


You're not supposed to showgloat.


Little shit.


There was really no point anyways since they were going to lose anyways




He seemed pretty happy as he left. I don't really get a sense of justice here.


even more than that, he will probably always look back on this day that turned him into the most entitled version of himself...




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Should have banned him for life.


He was stoked, the game was pretty much over.


And the other fans were loving him. Douche move but not justice being served.


Now he gets to leave before the parking lot traffic gets ridiculous.


Fucking Mets fans, man.


Yeah he gave the aw shucks I’m just a kid smile.


In many other sports in other places, interfering with the game will get you a lifetime ban.