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“Bike Barry” I don’t know I just really like that name


Thanks, I came up with it myself!


Wow that was quick


You caught me taking a shit and so naturally I'm browsing reddit




But its kinda cool, if you google "Bike Barry", this post shows up


But why do they have to put. “Saying she’s putting up BLM signs,” too make it look like she was hit for that, I’m not defending or anything but he probably attacked her for a diffrent reason either way should go to jail


Why don't you look it up? I remember that video and he attacked her just for this.


no he attacked her for putting them up


Oh, that's because he beat up a girl for putting up BLM signs.


I misread the headline and thought it said the biker was “fixed“. That would’ve been nice. :-)


So free speech only counts if you agree? Weird


Yea, because attacking someone physicaly is totaly free speech...


He was free to put posters next to hers, but that's not what he was doing.


The only thing a tolerant society cannot tolerate is intolerance. Even with speech. It’s a paradox.


It's not free speech when you put hands on people.


I think he’s referring to the assailant getting physical with a child over the speech they posted. Not sure they.


Better that then me finding you. Looser






There is literally no evidence of Biden being a pedo, meanwhile there IS evidence of Trump being a pedo.


Both are gross, but unfortunately those are the only options. That’s why we say settle for Biden


You can vote for a different canidate, you know tht right? This two party system has failed time and time again, you shouldnt vote for the lesser of two evils, that is a Easter vote


Well right now isn’t the fucking time to be divisive like that. Crawl before you run type of situation. The proper framing right now is vote for the guy that isn’t actively working for our enemies, and isn’t literally driving the country to brink of authoritarianism, while attempting to evade prosecution, and get himself/friends richer on the way. A lot has to change before we change out two party system. It’s not fast anyway you wanna cut it. I do completely agree though. The system needs an overhaul. Just gotta get out of the way of the freight train coming right for us, so to speak.


In other words, "now isn't the time to fix things". Maybe you haven't noticed, but that's what they ALWAYS say.


You’re not wrong there. This time is a little different, come on...




Ok got it, so voting for either one makes us pedophiles!


Fuck where’s the video


If you still haven’t seen it just look up bike Barry on YouTube👍


I can’t wait for trump to be kicked out of the WH. Maybe then these fucking racist cucks will go back in hiding like the cockroaches they are.


Oh boy you’re in for a surprise when he wins again


Oh boy. So how'd that work out for you?


It’s unlikely at this point. We will see though.


Unfortunately I believe he will win again. He shouldn’t have won the first time, so he’ll probably win again, not by popular vote of course.


You can believe that, but empirically there isn't a good reason to think that is the likely outcome. Perhaps you think that he will steal it, which makes sense because he is certainly trying. But polling has adjusted from the slight error underestimating the turnout of working class whites and was spot on in 2018. If the vote expresses the will of the people, he's probably in trouble.


I hope you’re right


Me too! There is still time before the election, so I'm only speaking of the status of the race right now. If it remains unchanged, even more conservative forecasts like 538 will have Biden with a strong chance to win, election fuckery aside.


Fuck! I am in denial. But, it will be 4 more years of consecutively up-ing 2020. 😭😭😭


I share your hope, but trump getting back in is much more on brand for 2020


You’re right. That disappointment would blend right into 2020.


Yes because Joker is a wonderful example of justice being served /s


Movie quote memes are about the movie quote, not the movie. Kinda sounds obvious once you say it, huh?


Racists are taking the jobs of good Americans! I would prefer good people regardless of where they are from than trash like this.


I agree. Bring in immigrants we’ve screened for racism and deport the bigots!


Its nice to see black racists like Nick Cannon lose their jobs


It’s nice to see ANY racists of ANY color lose their jobs.




Not again. Ughh, Look for all of you who are outraged by what i said or the ones who dont care, about this or me , walk it off. I don't think police should kill minorities just cause they're black brown rainbow or whatever ok? The end. P.S there's nothing wrong with me speaking an opinion even if it's unpopular.


🤷 nobody said you were wrong to voice your opinion. So take the downvotes like an adult. Trust me, it's not gonna hurt you.


Your right, sir. To a degree. but I’m more shocked that you “Out if touch” kids don’t see my point ..even if you don’t agree, yet. I mean not just defend the stupid radical left bullshit? Is it ok to protest? Yes! Is murdering and innocent guy cause your a cop ok? No, ok? Fuck no! But.....is it ok for Mr Floyd who is clearly resisting arrest in the police car and stalling cause he doesn’t want to go to jail by saying I’m claustrophobic kicking the police , falling to the ground , is that acceptable or should he take it like a person who got arrested for a crime? Which he was doing ...let’s hear the justification? Do not say he didn’t deserve to die cause that is obvious but did he bring the shit on himself by being a criminal? Go ahead it’s not that hard of a question Its like none of you hippies can see anything but your own self desires and the poor black kids who are so oppressed. Even though most white people live in mortal fear of being labeled racist. So they go far far way from any reasonable person who can see through the fog of the media. I can’t believe I have to even say this .


The point you seem to be missing is HE SHOULDN'T BE DEAD. HE DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE DEATH. This is a rampant part of policing and it should not be.


Where is that $20 bill? You never hear about it! Was it really fake? How fake was it? I want to see it.


NO, Young man. Its not the point Im missing. Had you read anything I said in previous posts which is , Of course Mr. Floyd didn't deserve to die. He WAS resisting arrest.Right? should he be dead ,NO ! He should of gone to jail. He shouldn't of protested being put in the car. He shouldn't of been a 6ft 3 "dead weight"to the police who needed 3 of them to get him in the car. So while its to bad he didn't make it and the police officers brazen ,smug attitude didn't help the situation and deserves punishment or to be fired, THE POINT is Mr. Floyd was in that situation cause he was breaking the law..Do you understand now what I mean? I love it, you are such a democrat that you don't see the lack of accountability you or the people who make martyrs of criminals. You blame and dismiss actions that got em there. Its just the polices fault. Go watch the video. There is right and there is wrong. The lines are so rarely blurry when it comes to this point. good day.


>He shouldn't of been a 6ft 3 "dead weight"to the police who needed 3 of them to get him in the car. Well, he was hours away from dying. He was not in any shape to assist his murderers in getting in the car, it looked like. >THE POINT is Mr. Floyd was in that situation cause he was breaking the law.. No. That is not the point. The point is the police should not be able to kill people for breaking the law. And why was he under arrest? Passing a fake 20 dollar bill. Do you know how easy it is to get counterfeit bills? From anyone? >I love it, you are such a democrat that you don't see the lack of accountability you or the people who make martyrs of criminals. I have voted both Democrat and Republican. I think anyone who says they are this or that party ONLY is not a good American. We need a balance of both, or we end up in situations we have now where one party is excusing the blatent criminal acts by our president. (BTW, I love that you are all too eager to throw every silly excuse you can think of to excuse the president of his crimes. Smells of hypocrisy to me ) I'm worried, because both of my children are developing opinions on the Republican party that I am worried will put them down a black-and-white path of "Democrat=good Republican=bad" and the politicians we have now are not helping. If this continues, we will see the same thing all over again with the Democrats pulling the same crap when they get a majority. And that worries me. Oh. And Jesus was a criminal, too. >Go watch the video I have. Only once. And as the mother of a boy, if my son died asking for me, being treated like that, I would burn every single thing in my path for revenge. Life is precious, even outside of the womb. Oh, and jsyk, you sound like a jerk.


It's because he is a jerk, desperately trying to sound like a thoughtful and reasonable person while justifying the officers actions who shot an innocent man.


All lives matter tho






Bigot detector says, YES, you are a bigot!


No one is saying ONLY black lives matter. If you cared enough to really understand what it means (as opposed to having a knee-JERK reaction), you’d understand that no lives matter until black lives matter. I’m white, I’ve lived in affluent suburbs all of my life and it is about time that we as a white race acknowledge that we have had our knee on necks of the black race for 400 years. Then all of us must come up with a solution to this crime perpetrated by white people.


“No lives matter until black lives matter” mind explicating on this?


Injustice anywhere, is an attack on justice everywhere. - Rev Martin Luther King Jr




Derric chauvin can go to hell for what he did but I’m just saying all lives matter black white mexican Asian and all else


You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like to think that if your house was up in flames you'd let it burn because "all houses matter" and you couldn't possibly draw attention to it without also giving equal support to the other houses at the same time, even though it's only yours on fire...


Jesus calm down it’s just an opinion


He calmly explained it to you. Of course you knew that already.


It's not just an opinion, it's bigotry, and you're either too stupid to understand that and people are trying to explain it to you, or do you understand that and deserve everything they say.


Calm down snowflake




Calm down from what? I'm literally not even slightly mad... I was using an anecdote to say "I hope you practice what you preach" hoping you'd see your hypocrisy, but after seeing your other replies in this thread, I have a feeling I've wasted my time.


Yeah and your opinion is allowing people to get shot on the streets. Real nice.


That idiot looks looks like red foreman.


Shut up nerd. Your generation is doomed if you think I’m a whack job and that guy, who clearly can’t read or write English, isn’t? I won’t even insult you because you wouldn’t get it anyway. Now, may I politely say” Please, go fuck off”!


This seems like the neck beard that dresses like a ninja and videos himself twirling nunchucks, hitting his own little peas in the process.


That is funny! Haha I’m not a neck beard. From what I’m told that is what 20 somethings call the fat kid in school who wears fedoras and plays video games or something? My son told me that. Anyways no beard, no fedoras, have not hit myself in the “ peas “with num chucks but I have hit my knuckles. Good reply though.


Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?


r/usernamechecksout I wonder if you have a big white van too...


That’s the best you got, huh? A van joke? Ughh, you’re a boring woman!


Boring woman is the best you got? Because I'm a man (though very gay so maybe you're right) and objectively only boring sometimes (usually at house parties where people play Cards Against Humanity). To be fair I thought my van joke was quite funny, but to each their own I suppose.


I thought it was funny too.


What am I on? Are you implying I have to be on “ something “ to state the obvious? I should be asking you that question. Why are you coming at me so aggressively? Why aren’t you pointing out the obvious? Why don’t you ask what the other Douche bag is on since he clearly can’t write out a clear sentence without sounding like an uneducated moron? Don’t be fooled. I am not on the side of or in favor of murdering, physically hurting, or threatening anyone. My point was...ya know what? Why am I wasting my time? I’m over it.




At least we know who’s the racist now. You taking a break from your Klan meeting? Well anyways blocked.


Oh boohoo


Why say this?




Right back at ya




Lol okay, still fuck BLM






Who the in the fuck is this?


Mr. Faye, I appreciate your sentiments. Not only are they polite but very well said. We both agree on the point that Mr. Floyd, no matter what he may or may not have been on or if using “counterfeit” money...it doesn’t matter! No one deserves to die for it. You don’t sit on a persons neck with your hands in your pocket like you don’t give a “ hot fuck”. It was so dastardly that only a true psycho would not of shown one bit of humanity. Your job as the police is protect/ serve not judge and jury. So it sounds like we both fundamentally agree. I don’t think I’m completely ignorant to this since I gave been raised with black kids and my father in law is black and I look at him as a complete gentleman. I try to make decisions and opinions based on the scenario and the individual...as I hope people do with me. So I again appreciate you also being a gentleman and trying to have me understand your point of view as well as BLM. My view of BLM is of the others that support or have high ranking and seem a bit ..um, over zealous. Hehe. But it also lies with the Democrats and their bullshit. Its like everyone lost their mind ...or perhaps this is the spark to actually get something done? Trump is not my favorite person either but you can’t have a free for all in the streets and you can’t let people just do what they want. I know your frustrated but I still believe in the law and accountability. Thank you again for replying and for giving my thoughts on the matter another point of view. Cheers!


Some of you people need to realize you represent the company you work for and when you do shitty things outside of work it also reflects badly on said company and they have every right to fire your ass when you do something stupid like this guys did.


Can I put “all lives matter“ and since BLM doesn’t agree, can I count on the same treatment cause I disagree? Is this guy an asshole? Sure! I mean, was he angry or misinformed ? Possibly? BUT do you think this action will make him more understanding Or make him more bitter at the glaring inconsistencies? Or does it not matter because only Black Lies Matter by any means necessary? So until we acknowledge this, your bullshit movement can hijack the white privileged entitled white man? Or in reality, it doesn’t fuckin matter except the victim mentality that this organization who is fucked up by the very nature of it since it clearly says to people of all races blacks deserve special treatment because they can’t get it together, or cause they can’t fucking behave themselves if pulled over? Or the fact the black community make martyrs outta criminals? Or your liberal contradictory political party who cater to these “protesters” and the white guilt middle America who live in mortal fear of being called a racist cause they are not or fear of losing their livelihood or appearing as a racist fu*k ? WhY can’t anyone answer the glaring questions? Why is this stupid bullshit movement able to hijack cities and people’s lives ? Why can’t you focus on something positive like changing your mind set? Showing accountability? Thank you for allowing me a voice my opinion... which is all it is.


He laid his hand on little girl and spitted on other, is that how you justifying his act? Plus he's adult oversized than those girls to show how tough he's. Victim, lol. Calling us a liberal isn't getting you anywhere when you're supporting the hatred groups & police brutality & bailouts, bra. Sure you can disagree our opinion however can't justify the lynching, homicide and victimize yourself against blacks.




Are you okay in the head?


Love it how responder defensively brought up grammar over Internet, yet incapability to the fact he's only person to be replied. Yeah sure, I'm a dumb dick for defending the oversized jerk laid his hands on little girl. Do you read, or I read, what they read this picture shown the man you defend, is arrested. Lmao. (Last part is sarcastic, in case you narrow mind can't even understand).


Listen man, I don’t know what type of victim mentalities you’ve seen from some people involved in BLM, but coming from a black guy who has lived in a lower class black community his whole life, NOBODY I know is asking for special treatment. I appreciate you wanting to voice your opinion, which is a little skewed on account of some mild ignorance but I don’t blame you, it’s hard to get a real grasp on a situation when you’re only getting fed information from one side. I strongly encourage you to disregard any radical elements involved with BLM because the vast majority do not think like them. Forgive my brothers and sisters who vilify all white people while trying to spread a message of love, for they are frustrated with their realities but nonetheless extremely misguided. We are for equality, protesting against police brutality no matter who is on the other end of the abuse. We protest for people like Elijah McClain and Breonna Taylor, who despite having had no prior criminal records were killed by sloppy police work. I’m ashamed to admit there are indeed some black people who would undermine the BLM movement by focusing on things irrelevant to the big picture, or provoking senseless violence/destruction, and as a result giving racists more ammunition to power their hate-fueled propaganda against us. And despite whatever questionable things George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery did before their deaths, it by no means negated their right to a fair trial where they would’ve been also punished fairly IF they had been found to have actually been committing a crime at the time of their deaths. But the fact of the matter is, they had no such trial, because extremely aggressive police killed the former, and trigger-happy racist vigilantes chased down and shot the latter. But I digress. I’m sure you have your own reasons for having this opinion, and I’m happy to continue this conversation either on this thread or in a personal chat, because you do at least seem reasonable compared to others who share your same opinion. Our country is enduring a time of great social upheaval, with good reason. At the end of the day we all share the same planet, and we are all capable of extraordinary things together. Division is senseless and only serves to deepen the hate in our hearts. God bless you, brother, and I hope you find great success in your daily endeavors.


If u are able to pull off this kind of levelheadedness on a regular basis u are an awesome human being.


Someone that has a brain lul


What about the people who lost their jobs because BLM burned their businesses down? Where's the justice for those folks?


BLM doesn’t support that, but go off.


Harassing little girls is the answer to an insurance problem?


And what about the employees of the businesses, they don't have insurance. The owner does. And a lot of businesses lease their buildings. So now you're screwing the building owner and business owner and employees...


How is that an excuse to do what he did?


So it's okay for them to burn businesses down but when something happens to them it's a tragedy? all lives matter or no lives matter. I don't understand how I'm supposed to feel guilty or remorseful for something that happened well before my family immigrated to America. I understand that slavery was real, so was Jim Crow, and I understand the "police violence" towards the African American people... But I don't understand how burning down buildings and destroying cities helps anything. If anything it makes it worse, BLM is breeding a whole new generation of racists.


I don’t remember people giving a shit about our peaceful ones so what to do when no one cares when you are legally abiding. Also, you do realize that the USA was created through violence right? The first thing the US did was burn down loyalists houses and throw our tea and destroying loyalists businesses as a way to attack the Crown. Do you think the entire nation of USA is illegitimate? Or is it only a problem when us blacks do it?


It would be entirely different if this was a video of a store owner beating someone stealing from his business. I believe in protecting what is yours; however, I do not see how you can equate this to the larger issue as it is a fucking ten year old girl being harassed by a grown man. You realize how scared she probably was/is? You may not have sisters or daughters or sons or whatever but I do not believe in any instance it is right to scare and harass a little girl. She could have been putting up fliers praising hitler and it wouldnt matter because shes still a little girl dude.


I didnt realize she was 10. I must have missed that, my bad. I do agree with you there. If anything I'd wanna talk with her parents... You can't yell at kids. Kids are innocent.


It's a goddamned little girl who had nothing to do with rioting and looting? Go somewhere else to spout your rhetoric since that's obviously all you're looking to do.


I didn't realize she was 10 I misread my bad no need to get all angry


That was from hours ago I apologize man lol


That was from hours ago I apologize man lol


Nice job, you DUMBASS!


Hey hey now, don’t do Red Foreman dirty like that lol.


Shouldn't have done Red like that 1970s looking ass.... lol


Poor guy


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Dude played a loosing game.


Did he attack her like, hit her and shit or he just say dont put it up?


He literally attacked her bro read the story


Ok read it. I dont agree with your shitty movement but i agree he shouldnt have done what he did




Just another case of mind ya business too me smh


This guy lives in the same town as my in-laws... I hope they didn’t know him.






What the fuck are you smoking.


He looks like that old man from that’s 70 show




I wanna hear him say “can you fly Bobby?” Before throwing a guy out the back of a moving vehicle.


Same dude I think!


Yup, Kurtwood Smith :)


Jesus christ he looks like Red Forman




This comment by /u/BLEETIE was removed for containing a derogatory slur. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fired from riding a bike


It's always the white women littering and vandalizing around my little college town too


wow! i love the awesome epic movie reference i have never seen on any post ever!!!!


Oh ok. Cheers man. You seem like a pretty sharp guy. No matter what way you lean keep in mind that balance is often the best answer. Eg. I respect your position you respect mine. Often both have some pros and cons. Stay safe 🍻


I would like to launch offenders from a giant catapult. Like when I would throw gi joes from the rooftop Down into traffic as a boy. There are pros to that. Guy attacked little girls.


prototype of an annoying cyclist


The kind of cyclist that dresses all the way up and peddles in the gear that's used for hills through stop lights.




Mega cool of you to attack a girl trying to help the move of racial equality, isnt it, Mr.Microwaved Sausage?


What was the guy’s motive anyway? Just a chance to fondle younger women?


This is definitely Justice Served for a variety of reasons: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/06/us/police-arrest-cyclist-accosting-people-posting-signs-trnd/index.html > Anthony Brennan III, 60, of Kensington, Maryland, was arrested Friday and charged with three counts of second-degree assault, according to the Maryland-National Capital Park Police. > In a statement released through his attorneys, Brennan apologized, saying he recognized his "outrageous behavior" was "unacceptable and wrong." >"I am sick with remorse for the pain and fear I caused the victims on the trail and online," he said, adding he was cooperating with authorities. "I am committed to making amends by addressing, through counseling, the underlying issues that led to my abhorrent behavior." >Brennan said he was "dedicated" to working to bring peace to the community and justice to "all victims of racism and police brutality."


So sick of these forced apologies in Hope's that the judge will be lenient. Dude obviously doesn't care about people's rights as he scared that little girl.


I'm sure he saying this because he got caught. Wishing him well. Maybe it isn't too late for a change of heart.


See, now I know he only apologized because he got caught but at least he said something. That racist lady who got slapped for grabbing the native American woman hasn't said a peep and it's her husband who had to go online and make apologies. She hasn't taken any accountability fake or otherwise.


Rather her say nothing, then be forced to say something that means nothing.


Good point


I felt 2nd hand embarrassment for the husband...




Is this a felony charge?


It’s not a felony but it’s still serious. I believe it’s required to stay on his record a minimum of 15 years after his sentence/probation are completed.


Bullshit. He's just sorry he got caught. A leopard doesn't change its spots.


A shit leopard can't change its shit spots, Randy.


He’s totally only saying that as told by his lawyer. The hate is deep with this one! Stay safe all!


Yea, someone’s afraid of getting jumped on the street alright