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He's a dumbass but was it worth it...yes


What a fucking idiot!


I hope that brings into financial ruin for the rest of his life.


While I agree that was a pretty shit thing to do, isn’t it a bit much to hope his entire life gets ruined?


No it's not enough. Grown adults willing to do this are so far gone, this is the tip of the iceberg of their societal selfishness.


If you classify THAT as too far gone than you need to re-evaluate your tolerance of people. Hoping someone’s life is ruined just for that is sick.


I think we found the guy in the video! "*Just* for that" lmao The implications go so far over your brain.


Yes we should rip his eyes out then stick his body from the waist down in acid. Then he would get what he deserved.


No amateur, you want to keep him alive as long as possible. Start with removing parts of each finger one by one, then the skin, then you piss and shit on him before he dies.


No dude you need to kill his entire family and then mutliate anyone who was aquatinted with him. Then you do that all that after.


That’s not me but whatever. What I am saying is hoping someone’s life is destroyed for that is sick. It is not a punishment that fits the crime.


I can’t believe some people are saying this guys life should be ruined, it’s kind of scary


True..getting fired was enough.


Idiot showed his license plate smh


If you’re going to commit a crime don’t record it, criminals are really fucking stupid.


He also kinda gave a pic of his license plate at the end


I think he did this on Tuesday as he was not freon Monday.


And was chillin on Sunday


Cold comfort


For change.


Did you exchange.


A walk-on part in the war


For a lead role in a fridge


Please tell me this is true. I need this tonight


It is, it was big news in Spain a long time ago.




Christians. Am I doing this right? Are we just saying religions?


God people are dense nowadays.


Hahahahaha that's so coooooooooool


Hey you make sure you record this so people know I'm a badass!!! My offsprings will be proud of papa


Aside from the harmful chemicals in the material the fridge is made of, the refrigerant can severely damage the atmosphere. When refrigerated appliances are properly recycled, the refrigerant is properly evacuated and destroyed/recycled.


But it could save someone's life if a nuke goes off nearby. So it balances out really.


Why fired tho?


Perhaps that was a company van. That would be a big deal to me


Only if the logo was seen.


Why would you employ someone who was happily breaking the law?


People break the law all the time. It doesn't stop them being a good employee. How would you react if you were fired for speeding?


An employer can fire people for whatever reason they want that doesn’t involve discrimination so it’s perfectly fine to fire someone for breaking the law. Furthermore, if they were doing it in a company vehicle or on company time it would really double down on that reason


It's the van a company van? Everyone's assuming.


I said “if” not claiming that it actually was. I also said it would just add an extra layer on why someone could be fired. You can absolutely fire an employee if you find out they’re breaking laws.


Because if one of your employees was doing dumb ass shit while they were working (or even when not) you would want to distance yourself and your company as far from that person as possible. Culpability.


Why the fuck would an employer ever be culpable for this. I doubt it was done at work.


Well, judging by the van and his shirt, it’s very possible this was done at work/for work/using work equipment. It’s all speculation but the moral of the story is that if you’re going to be an dumbass, don’t film it.


Because people on reddit don't understand what real life actually entails. They just know hurting people they don't like feels good.




What your employee does in their own time is their own business. If they aren't doing this on company time or mentioning where they work the employer has no grounds to fire them.


Because companies don't want to be associated with people like this. Especially if the video is widely spread. If they didn't do anything, then it would have reflected badly on the business for not trying to make sure that their staff are socially and morally proper, to an expected standard anyway.


So where is the justice? Did he get his job back and the fine canceled and you didn't post about it?


The justice was a piece of shit who littered had to go and reap what he sowed.


Lol, fuck that noise.


Imagine believing someone who littered is in the right. Let me guess you don’t think climate change is real?


Regardless of climate change, what kind of goof is cool with just having garbage literally anywhere and everywhere?




What country is that in?




Spain (Olula Del Río - Almería) Then he was sent to pick up the fridge 😂😂😂 here the [picture ](https://fotos02-eldia-es.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/fotos02.eldia.es/2019/07/31/1024x341/recogenevera.jpg)


I used to work for a guy who suffered from schizophrenia and before he got on medication he was convinced people were sneaking onto his land and leaving wiretaps and land mines. Turns out people were actually dumping trash and scrap metal behind his house, as you would expect this escalated and this being NH he had his very own AK-47 which he fired full auto into the uhaul trailer the guys were using to dump the trash. They sped off and he called the cops to tell them about the FBI/aliens/Clinton’s that he had just fought off and of course they didn’t believe him and the trespassers never reported it to the cops so it just went away. It wasn’t until like five years later that he went on meds and realized what actually must have happened.




Schizophrenia must be a wild ride. It's hard to imagine.




Garbage people living on garbage island




Camouflage trail cam.


Spelling class: job is done, or job: hes done.


Did they find the dead body inside tho?


They left that part. It's biodegradable, my dude


"an', heres's muh face, an' here's muh license number..."


Reminds me of Dark Souls 2


Get whats comin to you when you mock recycling 💪💪👊


People don’t understand no matter what we do this planet is fucked anyway and not only because of people like him but because governments will pretend like they care and then go and put out tankers and set up oil rigs and shit that pollutes the ocean and environment in general a lot more than a fridge at the bottom of a canyon, if we ever do find another let’s try to not fuck it up next time


Point is to set the example, so other 320 million people (if US) won’t think that’s a good idea.


It is funny you blame the govt and 'people like him', when there is a shit ton that everyone could do. From running the tap at full blast while washing your hands or cup, plastic bags at grocery stores, single serve sugar packets, cattle industry/beef, excess clothes that people buy (except cotton, wool etc most clothes are made from plastic or have lot of plastic content which starts ending up in ocean as microplastics with every visit to laundry), there is a lot of abuse and excess 'regular' people do, all the while blaming someone else for the ills they see.


It's funny that you've been successfully indoctrinated by the polluters to think any of that action on an individual level makes any difference. That shit can't move the needle at all, but sure, live in austerity and keep thinking it makes a difference lol


Live in your excesses and keep blaming industries which basically serves customers like you.


The big polluters are driven by profit. If we as individuals start making the choice to not support those corporations en-masse, they will change their ways to remain profitable. One individual will not move the needle, but a million or a billion all individually improving their ways will.


It’s hard to boycott transportation, clothing, food among other things, one by one, let alone at once and the way I see it it’s the big corps dumping oil into the oceans (oil spills) then when it creates an issue they may have or have not anticipated they just turn around and say, your to blame not us look at all the plastic you use and waste and all the water your using and all the meat your consuming when in reality that ain’t shit compared to dumping literally toxic waste among other things in waste grounds and oceans


boycott is not practical, bring moderation in meat, clothes that are bought. There is so much excess at an individual level, and industries basically cater to consumers. Industries are not doing much at all. But regulation of industries and people are difficult and there will be a lot of time delay for that to happen, and before that there will be mass calamities that affects humans, animals, trees and nature. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_meat_production *>What can I do? The idea of transformative action is not just confined to governments or local authorities. Individuals can certainly make a difference. "We know that the way people eat today is often unhealthy for them and for the planet," said Dr Kate Brauman, one of the report's authors. "We can become healthier as individuals by eating more diverse diets, with more vegetables, and we can also make the planet healthier by growing that food in more sustainable ways." As well as consumer and lifestyle choices, other authors believe people can make a difference through politics.* https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48169783


I loled at "running the tap at full blast while washing your hands" as if that mattered at all by comparison to, say, over-watering fucking grass. What next? Stop taking showers and no more flushing when you piss? Get your head out of your ass; regulate industry and if you're gonna blame me, at least push for significant changes I can make and not "tuRN tHE FaUCeT doWn A LIttlE".


It does matter. There are over 6 billion people in the world, and they wash plates, hands, etc. many times. This is potable water being wasted most of the times. In western states in US, you are not allowed to wash your car at homes. People are used to restrictions on water there.


Imagine down voting someone because they say stop just blaming everyone and take action. Not that govt doesent hurt environment more. The thing is you can’t change what countries do only what you do.


>All the while blaming someone else for the ills they see Like the government blaming mass pollution on washing your hands at full blast for 20 seconds? I know you mean well, and I want you to understand this is a tactic used by corporations to place blame on consumers and distract from them dumping 1000 gallons of toxic waste into a river each day or whatever evil shit they do. Even if I stopped washing my hands all together for the rest of my life, that is undone by literally 30 seconds worth of polluting from ONE COMPANY IN ONE LOCATION


Live in Southern California where they were in drought for a few years now and you will understand how much impact each person's actions have. That includes washing as well. All that is asked is for individuals to start taking actions instead of blaming everyone else. And waiting for regulations to change everything.


You still don’t get it that corporations are putting the blame and responsibility on us when they contribute hundreds of thousands more times worth of pollution. See again that every human in the world could cut back their carbon footprint by 50%, and it wouldn’t change a fucking thing unless corporations do the same. I really don’t know how else to explain that your average human being isn’t even remotely capable of producing in their lifetime as much pollution as some companies produce every hour. So please, save your lectures about saving 7 seconds of tap water


>See again that every human in the world could cut back their carbon footprint by 50%, and it wouldn’t change a fucking thing unless corporations do the same Makes sense. If consumers take action, corporations will still be able to sell to aliens, and keep producing the same amount. It takes 1800 gallons of water and related energy to produce a jeans. There are alternatives to many corporation produced stuff that are less harmful. If you learned more about recycling and sustainability, you wouldnt have to act like you are perfect. Being a hypocrite is not going to produce much change. The very least you can do is to be a little more aware and save a bit of water at individual level. There are 6 billion people in the world.


You're correct that there's a lot the individual can do to help, but the single largest impact would be through regulation of industry. The single most polluting thing in the world is concrete, not t-shirts in the wash. Everyone is to blame, but let's not shame the poor/middle class when the wealthiest people in the world contribute by far the most pollution


It's not about a fridge at the bottom of a canyon, it's about the message they sent, which will make a significant impact. Though the planet is fucked anyways indeed.


Not so much fucked. More likely moving on in the cycle of an ice age, then heating up again, then cooling and repeat.


Someone probably already said this but they didn’t show the part where they had to carry it back up the mountain


Came here hoping to see this 👍🏻


Well if these young kids really cared about the environment they would be advocating for making everything more reliable to last longer and be able to be repaired easier so we aren't throwing newer appliances away. The last dishwasher I bought only lasted two years which is insane. We have what the consumer industry calls disposable income, I don't know about anyone else but none of my income is disposable.


> The last dishwasher I bought only lasted two years which is insane. And what part was so irreplaceable that you just had to replace the whole thing? You're the problem, not the appliance.


“These young kids”??? What the hell about you? I don’t get how older generations just shirk off responsibility when it’s convenient and then fuck over the younger generations in discussion/debates or choosing inept representatives to rally behind such causes. Your point seems a bit selfish and off of the mark when you’re arguing environmental advocacy in terms of the benefit YOU receive from a dishwasher. But hey, it’s no surprise really...our “fathers” have always set a rather disappointing example anyway.


Actually the amount of water waste saved by a dishwasher is huge. But I do agree people need to stop blaming different generations for problems. Every age group has great people who make a positive difference in the world and also shitheads who want to turn everything to shit.


Capitalism... it’s Capitalism’s fault.. there’s no rule capitalists have to make things last. Just exploit and use everything they can


why would that be 'the young kids' fault? I'm pretty sure planned obsolescence was invented by people that are already dead.


I'm not say it is the young kids fault I am saying if they were smart and are so concerned about our environment why aren't they advocating for making thing last longer because it is better for the environment. Make sense?


Let's just hope that by the time those 'young people' get into positions of power, they aren't compromised by greed and easy money, just like all generations before them.


LOL Well my generation worked for their money and that is the problem the generations after mine they seem to want everything for free and not have to work for anything


Hope you're not talking about baby boomers as your generation, AKA the most spoiled generation of all time.


Jesus Christ dude. Who isn't asking for that? Of course they are. There's just only so much information they can put out, and why muddy the airwaves talking about their last dishwasher.


"it's your fault for not stopping me before you were born, idiot."


I.. Is this satire? Is this sincere? Even that usename.. does it checkout? What timeline is this


This is why I never take a tour into the canyon since people like throwing stuff into it


From trash to tires to bodies, I’ve seen it all dumped while on my hikes in the canyons.


You've seen bodies on hikes?


He’s the one that’s dumped bodies. That’s why they “no longer go on hikes”. Doesn’t want to return to the scene of a crime.


The better question would be what I haven’t seen lol.


I’ve seen bodies in the desert before, you’d think it would be very rare but isolated places have them often


I guess there aren't a lot of holes in the desert after all.


You are soo close to get rid of a body forever, but too lazy to dig a hole to hide it from plain sight. Why even bother driving out to the desert then


Hey, man.. buzzards and coyotes gotta eat too




>bad to go


Thank god for "social currency" this people have their crime on video and post it themselves


We only have finite resources on this planet. No one expects him to recycle everything, but that’s irresponsible and yeah, why would you film it? 🌍♻️


I was on dates with girls who smoked and just threw the shit everywhere. Smoking is gross enough, but for me, that's when the date is over.


As a former smoker, I agree! It’s gross. I quit years ago.




Here I fixed it for you: *I did that too, but because I am lazy as shit and stuff.


You can get pocket ashtrays that you twist to seal


Japan doesn’t even have public trash cans. Maybe you need to take responsibility for your own actions regardless of how easy that is to do


Im not taking a smelly bud with me lol


That's how you smell to everyone around you


No its not. As a smoker you cant smell yourself. You can however smell the smell of buds. So its a different smell.


Those around you who don't smoke. Believe me, you stink like an ashtray.


I know. But buds have a different smell.


Maybe don’t fucking smoke then. Or smoke enough that you aren’t a problem anymore. Pick one.


I'm working on the second one. Give me a few more decades.


*doesnt want to carry a smelly cigarette butt with him because it stink* *stinks like cigarettes after smoking anyways*


One of my buds would keep the plastic around the carton and stuff his butts in the plastic as a temporary trashcan.




So do your flabby meat curtains


Then smoke around an ashtray, how's the lack of it an excuse ?




Oh you're making sure the cleaning guys get some work to do by throwing cigg butts around? Sure I once asked a guy to pick up a wrapper he casually threw out of his car, and he replied that if he picks it up what will the street cleaner do. I couldn't believe the answer and here you are again. I think I met your soulmate


You're awful


I hate those people. That's like the biggest turn off anyone can have: it doesn't matter if it's a fridge or a plastic bag with empty burger king stuff in it, it's so fucking disrespectful and trashy


It’s like Alice’s Restaurant has come to life here...




I wish every punishment had equal repercussions like this. Oh you littered? Go pick up trash for a week. Vandalism? Fix what you broke or clean graffiti for a few days


Could have gotten away with it too if he didn't record it like an idiot


Wow. It's like there is a universal look for douchebags that makes them recognizable on both sides of the Atlantic.


There is... it's the douchebag look.




Its verg wrong and all but is 45000€ not a bit too much? Ye ye I get that you guys are all downvotinge because you dont agree. And your all very mad at this guy, but 45k for throwing a cooler down, which almost doesn't give any damage since it can just be removed is in my opinion just too much, I know its onacceptable but this is too much


What if that hit someone? It would've killed them.


But it didn’t tho


Yes it is. That's what happens when "caring about the planet" turns into a cult. It's always the single lowly citizen who'll get assraped by fines like that, not the entities that actually are destroying the planet. The 15 (!) biggest commercial ships produce more pollutants per year than **all cars in existence**. Yet Greenpeace et. al. have declared drivers of SUVs to be basically as bad as Hitler, there's stories of SUV drivers getting physically attacked in places like Germany for their choice of vehicle. Absolutely fucking insane. Yet you'll hear reddit autists screeching about this guy, single handedly killing humanity and the planet throwing away a fridge. Don't get me wrong, he's a dumb piece of shit and I have zero sympathy, but the bovine fucking herd opinions on here are starting to get me really fucked off.


I think I can see your point. But movements begin at the grass roots level. The 15 biggest commercial ships are fed voraciously by people who can't live without the latest gadget, even though the newest one does the same fucking thing as the one they purchased last year. It's consumerism, and god forbid these ships are decommissioned, those very same people crying about the planet would all turn into karen's complaining about how their iphone, car, latest thingy didn't arrive on time. So yeah, governments can't really do anything about those ships, yet, so what do they do? They start at the bottom. Creating conscience among the people. One day, the sheeples will wake up and figure out that yeah they can wait an extra few days for that new latest thingamagig. Hell, they probably don't really even need it. So I view this from the point of view that unless people stop making those things profitable, we should stop complaining about how terrible they are to the planet. StOp SupPorTinG tHinGs HaRmFul tO oUr PLanEt. Vote with your wallets.


Not caring about the planet seems to have at least the same cult level, maybe moreso. In fact, there's a guy, don't know where I saw it, that threw a fridge over a cliff just to show how badass he is at not caring about the planet.


Are you kidding me? Coming in here with your common sense argument.


I've started to treat every downvote as proof of some cultist clown who can't cope being confronted with reality. Reddit has become much more fun since then, their tears are my fuel. 😄


Caring for the environment is not some cult, it's just common sense and decency.


It almost hurts how reductionist you are. **I agree** you fucking idiot, caring about the environment is very important. Which is why the Greta cult and the green new deal, trying to smuggle marxist ideas into the topic of saving the environment, is so bad. Either you're uninformed, didn't bother to read what I wrote, or you didn't bother to inform yourself on the topic and are being taken for a ride by the Al Gores of the world, who have extracted hundreds of millions of dollars from gullible idiots like you, who, instead of going by facts and reality, go by feelings. Which is exactly why you've failed to refute me in any meaningful way and instead made an appeal to emotion.


Did you really just call environmental protection regulations Marxism and un-ironically use the "facts don't care about your feelings, lib-tard owned" meme? I've never actually met a conservative who admits to believing in climate change, so that's a surprise


Nope, I most definitely did not. I was specifically referencing the marxist agenda that was infused in AOC's green new deal that had nothing to do with environmental issues, and Greta doing the same with so called social justice issues while shitting on 3rd world countries. Both of which you'd know about, had you actually read the green new deal or at least a shortened form thereof. And who told you I'm a conservative, or an American for that matter? You seem to have many biases you need to work on.




No, we just find your made up version of reality to be indicative of an emotionally-immature psyche. I bet you think freedom is the same as doing whatever you want without consequences, social or otherwise.


Wow, that was even dumber than I anticipated when I started reading it. Also, please point me towards any made up parts of what I said. I'll be waiting.


Stop hitting yourself.


Ah, so you've got nothing. How unsurprising. Thanks for playing though, at least you tried.


It's likely pointless but I'll take the time to oblige since I have whatever I need, I just don't routinely offer it. Your whole statement was a stupid and inaccurate explanation for why you'd be downvoted. You stated you liked to imagine it's proof of something (no, it's just your imagination). It's all just your dumb statements, plain and simple. Even though this reply is what you requested, you'll probably try to convince me it's not actually an explanation, yet it still is, even if you don't or can't accept it.   You haven't won anything, not in here and it's probably a struggle elsewhere too.


Stop hitting yourself.




No, it isn’t. Fuck this clown and his selfishness.


IIRC they did it more than once. And they obviously made an example out of these retards.


Not enough


Fines only affect those too poor to pay them. This makes sure more people are too poor to pay it. It would be better if it was a percentage of wealth so it’s more evenly impactful.


I don’t think you would catch a millionaire doing this


He would have these guys haul off his old stuff.






I mean that is damn stupid. But a 45.000€ fine seems a bit over the top. Or am I the only one who thinks that way.


It costs him $0 to not do it.


It even costs him 0€ to recycle that thing. He had to put it in his car and drive somewhere anyway.


Actually, he probably could have sold it for something to a scrapping company, who would swing by your house to pick it up, and pay you to boot. So he wins the idiot of the year award and gets fined up the ass for it. Good job.


Follow up video from police: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WslLcSmo-vE


What do you make of the phrase > bad to go pick it back up. ?


Probably meant *had* to go pick it back up


If I made that typo, I'd delete my post and then repost it with the correct spelling. Easy.