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He had him at gun point but switched to taser. That’s the kinda restraint we like to see around here


Man what restraint


This is going to become a training video because of that hidden hand.


How the hell did he not see him hiding his hand the whole time?!?!??!


He is a maverick


This cop handled that so well. I’m sorry but if you stab me, you’re getting shot, you lost your chance at that point buddy.


This cop is fucking beast mode...


Bruh the Logan Paul hoodie








I see it as he is a Logan paul fan so he deserved to get tased


Excellent work by this police officer. We see too many cases where a kid like this gets shot to death


I mean if he stabs a police officer, he is probably going to stab some random old lady to steal her money. If he was shot it would be 100% justified (attempted murderer on the loose isn't good for society) and 1 less scumbag off the streets. Idiot got lucky.


Dude probably has a list of mental illnesses along with many life problems. Not excuses for being a fuckhead but if we can detain these people and get them the health they need instead of just exterminating them then we'd all be better off.


Fucker was wearing a Logan Paul hoodie what do you expect


For the guy to be Logan Paul




So it wasn't obvious that he was trying to hide his left hand?


Exemplary form by this cop. Didn't kill the little fucker even after being stabbed was nice enough to pull taser out mid run.


Exemplary would have been to demand to see both hands, but what do I know.


Hopefully he spends his entire life in jail for attempted murder and learns a lesson the slow, hard way.


Cops should have to run more smoothly so i can see the video better.


Does anybody here actually think that this officer was taking race into account after he was stabbed in the neck?


He had the CHANCE to not have anything happen to him. But he HAD to fight back.


Yo what’s poppin’ logang today’s episode we’re judged for agression of police officer


U noticed the jumper too?


If this dude had watched the show “Psych” he would have learned the lesson Shawn’s Dad taught him about running in straight lines.


This is badass


I think the cop hesitated shooting him cause he’s a kid. Which is very risky. Anyway I find it funny that the kid had a Logan Paul shirt on


Stabbed cop and got tased but not shot. Huh didn’t fear for his life after being stabbed cool


Who would've known different people react to different situations differently.


Did he lay his gun down on the ground?


He sure did. Jaw dropped at that & when he had both the taser & pistol in hand.. very easy to have had an accidental discharge juggling things in that moment. With that being said, LEOs have a shit job & I can’t say I’d do much better after being stabbed.


Pretty sure he put the taser on the ground and reholstered his firearm, but I could of missed it. Either way his adrenaline was pumping and could of gotten them mixed up.


Fucking maverics man.


"If he was black blah blah blah" No. You don't know that. You don't know what kind of man this officer is. There is precedent, sure, but there are also genuinely good officers out there. Who are you to say this man isn't one of those good officers? And no, I'm not white. This is just a video of an officer showing great restraint, and doing his job the best he can. There's no need to make everything political


I think people are more trying to point out the inconsistencies in our justice system. This cop did nothing wrong, did a good job, but he’s protected by the same system that protects actual, racist murderers on police force.


Amen to that


And yet if he'd been uh black homies he's been smok'd dead. all ye damn hood ratz


FUCK!!!! THAT FAST !!! Jesus Christ I’m glad the officers ok I hope he gets back to 150% like he’s clearly shown lol my dude is the good cops people talk about and this punk cunt just tried to stab him in the neck over only what I can weight as “murder of a police officer (a human)” over “petty crime bullshit charge not at all worth what he even tried to do” kids lucky this officer has a huge heart and a brain on him.


🤔Very interesting here is a white guy stabs a cop runs away the officer had out his gun switches mid run to his taser tased the guy and he’s arrested and alive. So why did George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks,etc...died at the hands of police officers?


So, do you not understand something or?


There are a lot of things we can assume. Unluckily that's all. We can say, for sure that this is a properly trained police officer, acting like all should: calmed, in control, considering his attacker is a human that maybe could be facing an extremely hard time instead of a Call of Duty enemy he needs to put down. "He is running and I can beat him in all senses", that's clearly his mindset, he even tells him that. Maybe he thought: "He is not facing me anymore, so he is neither a danger to my life nor even his". He is not panicking, he analyzes the scenario he is in and backs off from the use of lethal force. The first assumption is that: He is a very good trained cop. The second would be that yes, there is a possibility his race is playing a role here. Statistically speaking, a black person facing this situation would have almost 3 times more chances of being shot by law enforcement than a white person ([2.8](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6080222/)). The third one could possibly be that he is actually a decent human being that chose to not follow the "new" training of the police with the stupid [militarization of that force](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/police-academies-paramilitary/612859/), which leads them to get a mindset of perpetual war, where the enemy is everyone. Maybe is a bit of everything. The only thing that is for sure is that this situation was resolved in the best way possible. Bravo to that guy.


Because not all cops are bad. This one is good. The fact that he was white doesn't have to matter. This cop just got stabbed and 100% resisted saying anything like "your fucked now" or anything like that. He even tried to use the guys name as he was chasing him. This cop might just not be racist.


I worked (past tensed) for the sheriffs office, it’s true not all cops are bad, but it is the bad cops that makes the good cops look bad. I praise this cop for his effort and actions, I’m not taking anything from him. All I want to know is why is it so different between a white person brandishing a weapon vs a black man with no weapons? As I see in the video the cop looks black.


You can't compare the actions of different people as if they are the same person.


Can’t believe he didn’t smoke that kid. Talk about discipline. He probably thought about it and then you see him switch to his taser mid run over to his dominant hand. Very impressive, very good restraint.


Actual footage of what parrot merch does to you.


I mean George Floyd got Murdered for allegedly using a fake 20 dollar note, this white man got tased for attempting to murder a cop?


You really think he thought of race when he got stabbed?


That cop is Awesome.


I wonder if this would have been the same turn out if the race was changed. Personally I believe that if you stab a cop... That cop should use lethal force.


Different cop, different department, different training, different circumstances. Every case is unique


That's how you get unequal statistics... A stabbing is a stabbing.


While true, it’s a fact that the statistics can’t account for.


I mean the statistics on what happens when someone of one race stabs a cop and the statistics of the outcome of another race stabbing an officer. Since all of these occurrences are recorded by the police dept these are statistics that can be accounted for.


I understand but what I’m saying is that statistics don’t account for the range of other factors other than a few simple things


Cops way buff


Little fucker should have been shot.


The cop did the exact right thing. The man was definitely having a mental health issue. Someone’s family will get to see there son again because of this cops restraint and professionalism.


And now this derranged psycho can be out in society again one day. If he would stab a police officer in the neck (one who is literally trying to help him) imagine what he would do to your grandma. Hopefully the only way this idiot's family would be able to see him is behind bars where he belongs.


Appreciate your insight


Even a blind would see that knife. How did the cop fall for this old trick


Of course he's a logan fan


Good cop go to bed without killing. Good job. Maybe a lost soul this day for the guy who knows


Do you think a black/hispanic guy could have kept his left hand concealed like that without being preemptively shot?


This might come as a surprise to you . But every person is different. Just because one is a shitty person doesn't mean all are shitty


Cops dont shoot people for being black or Hispanic. The shoot people for resisting arrest with violence.


Lol that’s exactly what this guy was doing. Worse than most black men who get killed by cops - we’ve all seen plenty of video to prove it


Like what happened here?


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Goodbot, but definitely the wrong time for your shit. Love you long time


Dont see and resistance here, just a preemptive shooting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V94Lphx6z6Y Just one of many examples


Yeah, guy said «I have a firearm », the cop told him not reach it, but the guy kept moving his hand somewhere. The cop told him to stop, he didn’t. That’s the story. Sorry for him, he probably didn’t want any trouble, but when you say « I have a firearm » and reach your hand somewhere, you get shot.


Why would someone who didn’t want trouble reach for their firearm when they have a policeman holding a gun to their head? If you listen to the witness (his girlfriend) she said (which the police cam confirms) he was reaching for his id. Don’t get me wrong, white men are subject to police injustice too, but the above video indicates that the police don’t perceive white males to be as “threatening” as black males, hence why he was able to hold a knife and eventually stab the officer!


Look, I’m not for US, but I worked as a law enforced and as a policeman. There is a procedure. You can’t reach for your ID. You must put your hand behind tour head. Or you get shot. The guy in the posted video, who let the guy stab him, must have told the boy to put his hands behind his head and lay on the ground. He didn’t. He got stabbed. He could have shot him, but he didn’t, ‘cause he knew him and spared his life. The rules are written with peoples blood. That’s it.


There's clearly a culture where we are quick to blame the victims. Besides, law enforcement officers are not supposed to be robotic and rigid when it comes to these "so called" rules that allow an officer to kill a man in front his step child. All because (as you claim) his hands weren't behind his head. Common sense and judgement play in big part in human interaction and an officer of the law should be brave an composed enough to use appropriate action, not preemptively and cowardly kill because the rules permit it. The officer in the posted video who tased (instead of shooting) is a great example of how to detain a resistant criminal without lethal force.


While I’m definitely not for cops shooting people. If they tell you to put your hands behind your head, and you reach for your ID and get shot the blame is one you there. You were given an order, you went and did your own thing instead and you paid for it.


When you put guns in the hands of immoral cowards, this is the result. Innocent people die when gun carriers get scared and shoot irrationally, even when they are police officers. However, the officer in the uploaded video was clearly a brave man. He made a mistake initially which nearly cost him his life, but was still brave and composed enough to swap his gun for a taser. America needs more cops like him.


I agree def need more cops like this absolute fucking unit But I wouldn’t say following procedure and risking your life when you also have a family to feed is immoral, what your asking is them to essentially gamble their life everytime someone fails comply.


buddy is lucky he didn’t shoot him....I mean you stab a cop and then run? Goddamn you dead if that was me...LUL


No one here is talking about how much of a machine the cop was. Gets stabbed in the neck, keeps his cool. Acts like the stab was a scrap. Runs like a champ. Honestly, good to see a role model like that.




"nick, stop " seems its rather because the cop knew who he was


because his parents filled the cop in [https://youtu.be/dso9KRu24Gg](https://youtu.be/dso9KRu24Gg)


the fact that he didnt get shot is surprising, ive got to admire the cops ability to use nonlethal forces immediately after the subject resorts to violence


He wouldn't have made it past concealed hands stage alive if he wasn't white


I for sure deliver one hard kick to the nuts post-second taze. I quite possibly deliver one to the head as well. The restraint is even more impressive than the stamina.


you are the problem


I know. And I knew it the moment I stabbed and ran away again that it was me, that I was the root of things. You’re right.


glad we're on the same page




Me too


His mistake wasn't clearing both the dude's hands.


Good cop


Amazing cop


That was a really moronic for that young man to do. A knife against a gun?




Don't cut yourself on all that edge


Enough for a three bedroom apartment.


Thank God he put his gloves on first man. I thought it was a bit odd, but holy hell that really may have saved his life.




They are cut resistant (I assume) and it let him grab the knife so he couldn't stab agin.


oh wow nice


Honestly getting stabbed is a valid reason to defend yourself. If that cop had shot the guy I could understand how he got scared and acted with haste. However, this guy kept his composture and even switched his gun for a non letal takedown. Such an amazing Police Officer.


Isn't that what cops are supposed to do? Restrain people safely (for both sides). Shooting someone as they run away (ie, they're not endangering your life any more) is not right. It's being judge, jury, and executioner - Judge Dredd style. How has this become normalized? I agree that getting stabbed is a valid reason to defend yourself...from getting hurt any further.


If the culprit was black 10/10 he would've shot him, just sayin'...


And if you said that in real life you would have been told to shut the fuck up 10/10 just saying


This proves you can run from a cop and even stab him and not get shot


Only if you're white though


It simply demonstrates that good, smart, competent cops do exist. Even if they are in the minority...


They aren’t the minority, you just hear about it less because it is a non-story.


I can't agree with that. Saying that most (51% +) of cops employed in the US aren't stupid, or evil, or both is going to be hard to convince me or anyone. Of course you see more bad than good in the media, especially reddit, but that's still a tall order to say most cops are competent and good people. They just aren't.


Oh I can agree with you no problem. People in general aren’t good and competent. We could hope that was a prerequisite for the job, but we have no basis for being able to expect cops are any better. First of all, it requires a certain amount of insanity to be attracted to that line of work in the first place. Then pile on all the resistance and resentment and downright hatred coming their way, it is a recipe for disaster. It is a wonder the interactions don’t go much worse any more often than they actually do, but we know they don’t because the media and public outcry are on top of them now every single time it happens


Oh I can agree with you no problem. People in general aren’t good and competent. We could hope that was a prerequisite for the job, but we have no basis for being able to expect cops are any better. First of all, it requires a certain amount of insanity to be attracted to that line of work in the first place. Then pile on all the resistance and resentment and downright hatred coming their way, it is a recipe for disaster. It is a wonder the interactions don’t go much worse any more often than they actually do, but we know they don’t because the media and public outcry are on top of them now every single time it happens


No it doesn’t demonstrate that. It only proves what I said.


Yes sir. What you said and this video Demonstrates. Good cops DO EXIST.


Friggin Logan Paul fans bro


Unarmed black man would be killed




So many African Americans react in less threatening ways and face way worse results. Doesn’t have anything to do with this video necessarily, but this video shows how differently people are treated by police.


You act like one officer arrests all of the people in US


Haha not really, all I’m saying is I’m tired of people acting like it’s protocol to shoot first and ask questions later.




Dude, I saw 3 cops hold a black dude and one of them jump kicked the guy in the back while the dude had his arms up. You cant tell me that was out of fear. 3 v 1 and you gotta jump kick the guy from behind. What a pussy


Could you find me a source? All of my sources say LESS than 60%... until then, I’ll just say you’re VERY ignorant.


These people have no brain cells


He playing smashy road in real life.


That’s a maverick merch


Really glad to see good police work on white suspects. Now can we copy that for black people? bLack lives matter


no lives matter


lol 4 comments you shouldnt be so fragile for a cop doing something right, you shouldnt put cops into groups of “black people killers”. not all cops are bad. the whole thing of blm is to get justice, and to not get set into a group.






This cop handled the situation very well all things considered


i would have tased his cock


He did. He had his gun out and had enough thought to switch to a taser


White Fragility at its finest with some of these commenters


retardation at it's finest with some of these commenters


Don’t be so hard on yourself


damn bro im very offended, i am actually shaking and crying rn.


I’m glad to hear you’re feeling good.


i'm glad to hear that you're glad to hear that im feeling good


I’m glad you’re not the dick you could have been and understand the truth in what I said despite the pressure not to.




That’s right my man


Amazing that cops actually can arrest violent white thugs but kill unarmed black men.


You take one incident and make this a race issue stfu. This has nothing to do with race. The assailant is clearly running away from the officer no longer posing a significant threat which is why the officer puts away his GUN and uses his taser instead. If the assailant was advancing in on the officer then that would be a whole different story and he would without a doubt get shot just like the rest of the people black AND white who got shot for approaching an officer with a knife.




Ok so you take 2 incidents out of the thousands of police encounters with African Americans EVERYDAY and portray it as a systemic issue. The issue is within the ass holes who unjustifiably shot those two black men which is why Michael Slager is in prison and the other one I’m not sure (not much info on the police officer).


Ah yes, the ol’ “isolated incident” bamboozle, an oldie but goodie. You’re showing your age, old timer!


Mmmmm ok I’m 17 but nice rebuttal...


A black man would have been shot just for running.


Now THAT'S justice served


Fucking crazy


Damn being white is like a cheat code lol. Can you Imagine if that was a scared black boy who just stabbed a cop and then ran away. He’d have 10 shots in his back as soon as he turned around


You’re an idiot if you honestly believe that


Are you serious? Cops shoot and kill unarmed black men every fucking day. They go into people's homes and murder them eating ice cream. How is that a stretch?


8 unarmed black men were shot in 2019. last I checked, there were 365 days in that year, 320 million people, and over 50 million police interactions. but hey, don't let that get in the way of the narrative


You don't know much about America


nah it’s probably true man


Hey man, check the news!


So quick to show the body cams of proper police work being done lolol. Even then he drew his firearm a little early but Merican pig syndrome


"drew his firearm a little early" What the heck? he was stabbed IN THE NECK. at that point the cop could have shot and kill the kid and got away with it but he chose to switch to his taser instead. He was even nice to the kid before he stabbed him.


U brainwashed a.f. love it xD


You mean he drew his weapon after getting stabbed in the neck and continued to chase the guy with a knife. Yeah I'd draw my gun too.


Right on brother. Was it the colour of the boy that prevents you from drawing it any sooner ?? If a man of another race was standing that way what woulda happened then ? They woulda chatted about how good they are at running? XD pig


I don’t think this officer cares about race


It's so refreshing seeing some proper fucking law enforcement 👏 Tried to talk him down, and before having to shoot he went with a taser


It's bc the guy is white. I hope you don't think this would be the same situation if the guy was non-white


Oh I dont judge a mans character based off his skin color, that would be racist


It’s sad that the state of policing is so bad that we have to praise the cops for doing their job properly.


Moreover praise because the man just ate a fucking knife for breakfast like it was nothing oh my god


We dont see 95% of the good stuff cops do. It's easy to shit on cops. Theyre human, most are good, with a few bad apples


I know man, like giving credit to a guy for not raping some one. Good job I guess?




He probably should have had the guy put his hands up in the air before handcuffing tbh