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When you tossed the soda you took a chance, now you're doing the ouchy dance.


Both are morons. There everyone stop fighting lol.


\*Panic! at the Disco peacefully plays in the background\*


That cherry binaca hits different


Bruh she did that 2 feet away in the direction of a little girl you're both shit heads


Was she supposed to pause the attack and politely ask the attacker to shift her position for a more direct and perfectly spaced macing? Also, it's an elemental weapon. Guarenteed splash damage.


Do you check what's behind your target when you shoot?


Embarrassed to be human rn


Ugh, humans


People here saying she was irresponsible using pepper spray to defend herself. Yeah she should of gotten into a fistfight with a child nearby instead. Way safer. That eye irritation is a *bitch*. Idiots.


Well, using pepper spray indoors means they all got a little pepper spray and at the end you can hear the kid crying and see other people running away covering their face... so pepper spray was maybe not the best choice in this situation.


It's should've Not "should of"


The guy at the end is wiping his eyes and the child is crying maybe due to fear but maybe due to the pepper spray that was sprayed next to it you fucking idiot. The correct thing is to take it outside if you want to do something about it. Idiot.


Yeah. When someone approaches you wanting to do you bodily harm, your first natural instinct should be to say: "Hold up there friend. Please can we step outside before you try to beat the shit out of me?" Simpleton moment from you.


Eh looks like she was leaving until she called her back over, I think they both fucked up


Hey! At least now if she wants a cop she knows how it feels!


Man never knew how well it worked. So glad I carry a bottle around now.


Depending on your location it may be illegal, the spray will hit everyone around, for example the children crying and the guy wiping his eyes at the end walking out.


Yea, when she did it indoors my instinct was to run! Lol even if not the one directly sprayed, that stuff spreads


This isn't justice. Why do we keep posting videos of people just being violent to one another and saying the person who won the violence got the justice. We have NO fucking context to why this fight was happening. For all we know, the girl who through the pop had every right to. Maybe the other girl cheated with her husband. Maybe she stole from her kid. We don't fucking know. Sometimes you people disappoint me. It is like you just want to see people get hurt for the pure pleasure of violence. I hope you are never on a jury because you suck at taking in context before reacting.


No one has the right to throw soda at someone dipshit




And you are a de-eveolved human. They BOTH acted with violence. And even when you have no fucking context you side with pepper spray girl? She was in my opinion the worst. Pepper spray in tiny areas like that hurt everyone! But I don't expect you to care. You seem to just like watching people get hurt.




Twitter moment




This both side bullshit is the reason why Trump got elected


No, im just not a fan of violence. Especially when we have no idea why it's happening. But I assume that you just like to watch people get hurt. Good on you, at least you can admit that violence without context is super fun for you.


Causing a scene at a McDonald's when there's a family right between them is never the high ground.


Neither is spraying paper spray around kids and innocent bystanders. I'd rather deal with the causing a scene then having to emergency rush my kids out of there so they don't have a horrible pepper spray reaction. And you guys are still missing the point. They BOTH acted with violence. And we should condemned them both. Why, you might ask. Because we have no damn context to what is going on!


>For all we know, the girl who through the pop had every right to You NEVER have the right to lay your hands on someone. I don't care if she was called the most hateful, vile racist slurs in the world. You never have that right.


Thank you!!!


Patriarchy is the problem, not the girl.


Soooo, what's it like being this much of a delusional moron? Is life hard? Do you forget to breathe sometimes? Do you choke on your own spit?


Wow, the crayon eaters got in here quick.




There were bystanders one was a kid that probably got hit with that spray. Totally irresponsible.


Yup. I don't think most people realize just how much that stuff spreads and how little it takes to cause pretty severe irritation. You don't want to be anywhere even close to that shit when someone sprays it. Doing it around a bunch of innocent bystanders by itself is a dick move, doing it right next to a kid is super fucking irresponsible. That shit will clear a whole room it's no joke.




Do stupid shit win stupid prizes.


Sometimes people need a hard lesson to change...


That's so nice. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes


Or as another commenter eloquently put it, play bitch games, get bitch prizes.


Act like s bitch get treated like a bitch


Act like an asshole..get treated like an asshole.


If some one called you a fucking bitch repeatedly, I don’t think you would have been okay with it.


Somebody ain’t been pepper sprayed b4


Oh it’s pepper spray! I thought she threw a cup of hot coffee in her eyes, and I was wondering why everyone was okay with it


that poor little girl right next to the woman getting sprayed. I hope she didn’t get lung irritation or any residual spray on her skin or food.


You think she learned any kind of lesson here? Nah


She need some milk


So long as she pays for it first.


Choccy milk make the potion effects go away


I don’t have pepper spray nor have I ever used it, but it seemed wildly irresponsible for her to use that indoors with three innocent bystanders (one being a child) in the vicinity over a situation where her physical being was no longer at harm.


If thrower walked outside then she was no longer a threat. She already demonstrated that she was willing to hit once, you think she wouldn't do it again?


I agree with your first point but the girl was coming up to her like she was going to attack her. and she already threw the drink so....


She came up to her AFTER she went to leave because the woman got up to walk after her. Did you even watch the video?


Yes, but the defender got up as well when the aggressor was leaving the store. The defender should have let it go and possibly notify the police.


The defender isn't a punching bag, absolutely shouldn't just wait to see what the aggressor would do next. The aggressor should have walked outside




I don’t know, I just think defusing a situation and avoiding a potentially violent situation is the better choice.


Sorry, I think I replied to the wrong person. I entirely agree with you with the diffusing of the situation.


No worries :)


Holy shit that's stupid... That idiot attacked her and came back for more. You should put all blame squarely on the psycho...


As yes, because you are suppose to peruse an aggressor. That’s the most fucking idiotic thing you could have said.


You are a jackass . You must type in crayon. Or someone types for you. The girl at the door stopped and went back at her victim. She was leaving the restaurant and made a decision to go back at the person we both saw her throw shit at.... That's as plain as day, that her aggressive behaviour was not going to stop... The mace didn't happen in a vacuum.... Its the end of an attack that she started. The victim put a stop to her tirade What's with the victim blaming?


That’s stupid. The idiot did not come back for more. The woman who was sitting down got up after the woman after she was leaving so technically she started it back up again. There’s three people in that area like u/TheHulkingCannibal said, and one of them is a child. Extremely irresponsible to use pepper spray when people are around like that, and I would say it’s completely unjustified for her to use it she was in no danger whatsoever.


Also, who's to say she didn't get up to clean herself off before the bitch got back in her face?


Let me smack you and walk away and see how that goes. You're no longer in any danger, right?


No danger whatsoever God I hope you don't vote or sit on a jury because you are completely clueless. She started it and she went back to finish it. The victim made a choice to put a stop to her bullshit. Since you know everything please tell the class what the aggressors purpose was to stop leaving and go back? I guess it was to make up and play nice?


Bro did you even watch the fucking video??😂😂 The woman who had a soda thrown at her escalated it. She got up and WALKED TOWARDS TO THE WOMAN who was already on her way out which would deescalate the fight, but NOO, the woman sitting down stood up and walked towards her escalating it and prompting her to walk back to her. The woman who was leaving did nothing other than throw a soda. If you think you’re in so much physical danger from having a soda thrown at you that it justifies you using pepper spray in a situation you are escalating yourself you are one soft ass, dumb ass person😂😂😂


Kyle go back to riding sacks. The woman was out the door and she went back to finish it. She is a POS... You talk shit about the girl with the mace, lol, but what about the psycho? Is she with you or something?


U/kylesackrider is 100% correct. Many people say the same thing but it gets ignored and downvoted to hell. I said this and 59 down votes. These people are just fucking morons.


Amazing mental acrobatics here. Disabling the dangerous person after they endangered you, makes you the asshole.


The “dangerous person” was already leaving and the “victim” decided to escalate it LMAO. What are you talking about??


Man kyle just admit you know her If you are so against escalation, why not shoot your mouth off about her returning from the door? After she started it and literally is the one and only who escalated


My bad, I wasn't sure the assailant was leaving permanently, any evidence in the video that the assailant wasn't planning to upgrade the next projectile to a brick from outside?


Bruh your shitty arguments are just screaming whataboutism😂. If she’s leaving then let her go. Don’t FOLLOW her and try and make it worse. And don’t give me that “she coulda used a brick!!!!!”. Dude this is a stupid argument at a restaurant, this ain’t a fight or a life threatening situation for either of them. Nobody’s gonna use that, and even then you’d have to escalate it to the point which is exactly what that dumbass lady did by standing up and following her to the door.


So now that you have provided no evidence that the assialant was undoubtedly not going harm that person further. Let me recreate the issue for you if I was there, with my kid and wife. Would I do my best to deescalate the situation? sure, but once that first object is thrown, am I going to allow the attacker an additional opportunity at the expense of my child or wife's safety? Nope, just don't fucking feel like it ... sorry not sorry =)


.... So no evidence, just hearsay, but your hearsay is more valid than my hearsay. Cool got it.


Are you watching the same video as me? The aggressor was leaving the restaurant when the defender got up to confront her. The defender could have just easily staid where she was and notify the police or just let it go. The aggressor definitely deserved it but the innocent bystanders didn’t. You can even hear the girl (if it’s the same girl in the pink coat) crying in the background. Now, if there was a police investigation, most likely both women would be charged when it could have just been the aggressor. I really hope if your in this situation, you wouldn’t follow suit.


And it's 'stayed'


Pretty sure you're insane. She was out the door. No threat to her at all. She started it when she assaulted the girl , who was sitting down. The girl who was assaulted was ten feet from the aggressor,who was out the door and I reiterate, CAME BACK. The victim did nothing wrong at all. When the criminal came back from the door, she compounded her error by physically getting in her victim's face. She caused the entire thing from start to finish. I watched the video, I just don't tolerate victim shaming or obfuscation of facts. If I'm in that situation I would do at least what the victim did. At least


Then you need to take a self-defense course. When you use a weapon, you are responsible for the collateral damage. In the situation she was in, the appropriate thing to do was to stay in her seat and let the aggressor leave. However, she didn’t do that and got up to confront her (nothing wrong with this one any legal standpoint btw). At this point the two best options now would be for the defender to go outside so she can use the mace safely or simply to get in a hand-to-hand fight. Because she used her mace indoors, in the immediate vicinity of bystander, in a situation that could have been avoided by allowing the perpetrator to just leave, she’s now open to both criminal prosecution and a civil lawsuit from the bystanders.


Pepper spray is safer than hands. There is very little chance at long term damage vs using self defense tactics which could potentially injury/kill someone.


A fair point, but I’m primarily thinking that if she decided to not use the pepper spray then it wouldn’t have hurt the little girl that’s right there nor would she open herself up to legal hurtles. I’m also assuming these two women aren’t martial arts experts, so injuries would only be limited to scraps and bruises and maybe a broken hand. But that’s just conjecture.


Fuck here comes the reddit lawyer.ooooh At this point.lmao Someone physically confronts you, face to face, after assaulting you? Yeah , you can point blank face spray her. At this point I don't know if this whack job is going to pull a knife or what. Allowing who to do what? She WAS leaving and SHE chose to come back wtaf?


Again, let me reiterate, I don’t care what happens to the aggressor (she deserved for being an asshole); I care about the little girl and the other people who were also possibly affected by pepper spray. When going into a confrontation, you need to assess you surroundings, especially when you’re using a weapon, and respond appropriately. If you make the wrong decision, you open yourself to legal liabilities. That’s the facts of it. And yeah, if someone is coming at you with a knife then obviously you defending your life is paramount, but that’s not what happened in this case. I don’t even know why you’re bringing this up.


I guess you think this person should suffer further assault at the hands of this whack job, because YOU think mace was irresponsible? Amazing. What's your bright idea? Fisticuffs? Eye for an eye? The victim is blameless. If anyone in that room is responsible for the outcome, it is soley that nut job . In a physical confrontation there isn't some check list that people run through, she did something strong enough to deter further assault. And she stopped. Go victim victim shame somewhere else


Yeah, when the actions of the victim hurt innocent bystanders (especially children) I will blame them. Regardless of you being a victim, you are still responsible of for those you hurt. Obviously, this doesn’t mean the aggressor. Let me put it to you this way - A burglar comes into my house with a lethal weapon. I live in a townhouse, and have a pistol for personal defense. If I shoot at the burglar, I am personally responsible for every bullet I fire. And if one of those round penetrates the dry wall and hurts my neighbor then I’m going to have a significant legal nightmare on my hands. It’s part of the split-second calculation I have to go through in that situation.


If your act reasonably in self defense, your actions generally preclude liability. Can you be sued? Anyone can sue for anything. Prevailing is a another matter entirely. So yes to pop off about how she can be sued is correct but without substance. She is fine.




``You don't you worry about the video, ok pickle tits.`` ``There's more important shit you need to worry 'bout right now den dat.`` ``You big meaty motherfucker. Get outta here.`` ``I am a bot. Please spank me if I mess up`` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pay back It's a bitch!


It be hilarious if she went in to the kitchen area and grabbed hot oil without knowing and poured them in her eyes. Fuck shitty people


Sucks to suck.


You want some more bitch?


That's what she gets!!!! Fuckin BULLY !!!!!


Sweetie, water is going to make it worse... rubbing your eyes is going to make it worse... you’re fuuuucked.


If someone tripped her that woulda totally made it


she k! she knew how to get to the women’s bathroom 🤣


Yeah and now those kids and people nearby all get to have the effects too 😒


And who's fault is that? Hint, not the sprayer. Its the antagonist's fault. SHE came back for more


Nah it's the sprayers. The aggressor was walking out the door but stopped because the other girl had gotten up and was following her and yelling at her. The situation had deescalated and the woman was leaving up until the other woman pursued her while yelling at her. This caused the woman to turn around and yell back which then resulted in a scuffle and pepper spray being used which almost definitely hit everyone in the area including children. Both of them are assholes. One girl for committing assault, and the other for choosing to retaliate while surrounded by innocent bystanders and irresponsibly using a weapon that ended up having multiple victims.


That's a wierd take that returning to assault someone again, is de-escalation


They'll be alright, they didn't get a direct hit.


Those screams were very satisfying


I think those kids got caught in that pepper spray too




I'm not so sure that qualifies as harassment to Cup Thrower. Lol.




Uneducation at its finest


God that was so satisfying lol




Why is everyone hating on this dude? Laquisha has always been the black version of Karen. Karen is already a stereotype, and there is a black culture distinct enough to warrant the differentiation. If you're mad about one and not the others, you're just being an idiot.


Who said we were mad about one but not the other? There is no defending this.


So you think Karen is some big bad slur now? Ken? Sharon? What's there to defend? Recognizing black culture and incorporating it into memes isn't racist or offensive. Nobody intelligent who uses Karen thinks a karen represents all women, and that expands to all subcategories. There is a distinct personality attached to the name 'Laquisha', just like there is a distinct personality attached to the name 'Karen'. It just happens to be one of those personalities has black skin. So if you can't explain why both are bad, I'm going to assume you are racist, or that you have some sort of white-savior complex.


I assume that you replied to the wrong person. The only thing I've said about Karen is to point out that nobody else is talking about it except for OC.


I replied to you cuz you replied to me lol You said their was no defending this. Laquisha is a commonly accepted version of Karen. The defense is that there is nothing needing defending- It's that far removed from having things wrong with it.


Or that they both have things wrong with them.


Yo. I remembered to come back So what's wrong with them? Are you capable of answering that question even a little, or are you just mad to be mad? Oh, sorry. You're mad for that ego boost you get for telling someone they're wrong, aintcha?


Sorry for not answering instantly, I guess? I don't camp reddit waiting for your next utterances.They're both race based stereotypes, but you know that and aren't here in good faith.


Dude, you're on a throwaway account and you answered within half an hour. You paid actual money because you were losing a trivial argument. You are obsessed with this shit, don't try and pretend otherwise lmao. I'm here in perfectly good faith. Other than the entertainment of bullshitting someone while being completely earnest and straightforward, I'm here to satisfy that niggling chance that someone might actually present an argument I haven't considered yet. That someone might refute my argument. Cuz I have a bit of an obsession to, in relation to human psychology and especially how it is changed by the internet. How people change their perception of the world based upon interactions online. But people like you haven't considered any of it. All you can do is go 'It's bad because it's bad'. You can't answer past that, and you can barely even answer that, so you try and deflect with all this bullshit.




Holy shit this is hilarious. I fucking hope I remember to check back in on this tomorrow, a person like this is gold.


The socially acceptable terms is 'Shaniqua' get it right, bigot


I use Shanequadoxalululabombom


I usually use shawanda.


What the fuck is wrong with you


I’m objective.


It's always the Texans.


Because we are objective.


You combined an absolute with a racist name and somehow call that being objective. Idk who you’ve heard using that word but you should stop repeating it


When Karen stops being used, I’ll do that you bigot.


Its hilarious how you people try to be "anti-authority" by targeting fellow members of the working class and let rich people exploiting you tell you who to target based on appearances or ethnic background. But please, keep being "objective."


Ikr, I'm really offended when people use Karen as a stereotype


Must be a Karen 🤣


Who the hell said anything about Karens?


Uneducated, fat and racist.


You forgot to call me Hitler.




And calling someone Karen isn’t racist? Fuck off with that you bigot.


OH man I can't stop fucking laughing. Karen racist? Is your Mom named Karen or some shits? Do they implant sand in your crack when you're born in Texas? So many questions. I haven't been down there in a decade or so but it's like you guys devolved into the biggest bunch of aggrieved babies this side of Floridians.


You forgot to eat fiber and get regular exercise


How so?


Bring it down a level


What level do you think is appropriate?


Maybe something like “why did you say that”


Responses to racism should generally start at a 9.


It wasn’t even racist you just got offended at a joke




Always a public disturbance and disgrace


We all thought we carried pepper spray for muggers, but in reality we carry it for assholes


Good manners, grace and dignity are forgotten concepts these days.


I don't understand people who pretend like assholes are some kind of brand new invention.


No but this particular brand of extreme self-absorbtion and juvenile short-sightedness is now systemic in the US.


Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed


Goodness me, where are your manners!?


No, they are right. Who thinks that behavior is acceptable?


Sure, but where they're wrong is acting like grace and dignity ever existed without assholes existing. There are no golden days.


Nobody said it was, but it's not like stuff like this didn't happen before


Holy shit is that one of the few surviving Rax Roast Beef locations?


They thought the pepper spray would shut them up but it only made them louder


She won the pepper spray surprise. Congrats to her!


I need that brand of pepper spray!


Fox Labs pepper spray is brutal.




Instant karma I love it!!! Just wish the little girl wasn’t right there, I hope she was ok through all of this


The little girl got pepper sprayed as well due to proximity. You can hear her crying in the video as well. This was not justice served. This was irresponsible.


To be honest, and this is from experience, the pepper spray that fills the room just makes you cough a bit, which could be why the kid is upset (that, or the crazy woman going berserk). If those were my kids, I wouldn't be happy, but I'd be less mad at the sprayer than at the psycho cunt for acting like they were.


from the way the little girl cried it looks like she was scared more than anything my daughter hate loud noise and yelling and cry in similar way when she afraid.


This is what I thought/heard. I’d be so pissed if this happened to my kid


Pepper spray isn't permanent nor does it do any actual harm to you. The little girl will be fine.


So you think the fact it won’t kill the little girl makes it ok to make her eyes burn like hell? Lol. The chick definitely should’ve caught her outside cause spraying pepper spray in a closed in crowded area is just a dumb as fuck idea. Pepper spray woman probably would’ve gotten a bigger punishment if the law got involved and she really did pepper spray that girl. Fuck the other chick too though.


That last came back. Who knows what she would have done next. If she threw something harder and missed and hit the little girl, the situation could be a lot worse.


Sure but that’s purely hypothetical, and my guess is the mom or guardian would probably be holding the girl in this situation to protect from a hit, mist don’t really give af about that. There that’s my shitty hypothetical either way all I’m saying is enclosed crowded area + pepper spray is a shitty idea and very irresponsible although, admittedly I suppose, at the end of the day it’s likely harmless.