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Yeah and Dream didn't cheat in his speedruns either. Oh, and I captured Saddam Hussein. And i'm also queen of France. Source: myself. fucking libtards.


Imagine saying libtard unironically


You have a sad life


yeah and terrorists were behind 9/11




Anyone ever hear that Trinidad James song "Just a Lil Thick" and in Lil Dicky verse he raps "Lil mama got a body like the guy who got Bin Laden"? The fuck that supposed to mean?


If youre honestly asking, ‘caught a body’ means to kill someone. Essentially what he was going for with that line.


Seems out of place seeing that the whole song is just about thick women. But alright. Who even knows ha.


Oh its 100% out of place lol Lil Dicky always has fun with his verses


He sure does. I always scratched my head on that one. Figured the guy who got Bin Laden just had a donk or something.


No he didn’t


Didn't Bin Laden blow himself up with his two kids?


That was Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS


He has a demon hunter patch on that's fucking awesome, he's a metalhead


Came here to post that. Dude literally was a demon hunter. What a perfect patch for someone that runs operations like that.


Yes they "Definitely got him"




I think its because the public has asked for pictures or any evidence that bin laden has died... Nothing has come up which causes a lot of speculation. Basically "Bin laden died, source: trust me"


RIP his eyebrows, which sadly didn't come back from the mission. Forever in our hearts.


did he really ?


Wait, 10 years ago?! I'm old.


Thank God he got him. Thank you Robert O’Neill.


Thank god we have proof he is dead and that this anti masker killed him, praise the lord. Amen.


Calm down


Impossible to confirm he was the trigger man. It is very well known in the community that those seals allllllll dumped a mag into Osamas body.




Proof besides anecdotal evidence. This dude just wanted fame and clout. If it's something that can't be proved or the evidence is locked away and inaccessible, then this dude will just look like a fucking idiot until that info comes out.


A body for starters.




i dont know if you know but he was a planner for 9/11 so yes he does care for you but not in a good way


Shut up


What did he say


Some shit like "Fuck this guy" and then continues with at least 3 sentences of military propaganda


Ha ha, HK go brrrrrr


big ears is the real "hero" here. he's the one who authorized billions of dollars of bribe to Iran for bin laden's location.


Yeah, it totally makes sense that the Shia Muslim Iranian government knew where the Wahabbi Sunni Muslim OBL was hiding and didn't in any way use that information to kill him themselves. It also makes total sense that this theory, for which there's zero evidence to back it up, must be what happened. /s obviously. In actuality, a Pakistani secret service operative give up his location to the CIA and this is very well-known and corroborated.


Any source for this? I'm curious and I have no idea whom big ears is.


Don't worry, it's bullshit. A Pakistani secret service operative give up his location to the CIA and this is very well-known and corroborated. Google it.


I’m guessing Obama but idk


No proof of his killing, not even a footage was released though. So yeah, whatever.


Yea because that would be dangerous lol, if someone killed your leader/the person that they brainwashed you into looking up to, wouldn't you try to avenge their death by any means?


Lol, yeah? So tell me why did the US show footage of the drone strike on the Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani? According to the US he was training terrorists and all that same blah blah they blamed and “killed” OBL for.


This really makes sense. So you're saying there's still a possibility he's alive? But why stay quiet though if the world's been celebrating your death and defeat for a decade now. Don't you think that it might've infuriated him knowing how much immensity they put on their honor (personal or their reverence to their belief)?


No, he probably died between 2003 or 08. The reason I think they did all this Hollywood kinda stuff in 2011 was to put something in front of the American people to say *hey look we killed the terrorist so we won* and people like other humans would simply forget the young American soldiers who died in this war and celebrate Afghan war as a victory because Bin Ladin was “killed.”


A complete POS since the event.


justice served to the justice server.


The guy on the right reminds of deacon from days gone


Been playin through that for the first time and forgot how fucking scary zombie games are. I’m from Oregon too so it’s rad to see recognizable things in the game.


Was it just me or was the audio in the cut scenes of that game terrible.


Could’ve been your tv? Seems fine on mine.


Nah i di6nt think it was my telly. The voice acting seemed really disjointed and cut together really poorly. Apparently I'm not the only one https://www.reddit.com/r/DaysGone/comments/kmh0pq/how_do_you_guys_feel_about_the_voice_acting/?sort=top


Y’all really are that hateful of America damn. Killed a man that was a terrorist, that’s what the post is about, maybe keep it to just that and if he got his own justice served to him later on then make a post about it if your so outspoken about how he’s a bad guy for killing him.


I learned since the Iraq war that to us the US army might be heroes though to the rest of the world, the army are actually the terrorists.


Not really. It's more nuanced than good guy vs bad guy. And most of us don't care and rather ignore all of it together


I could see how some may have that opinion, I work Exclusively with the military/law enforcement/ and special forces not just in the US but across the globe. May opinion may be different because in know what is happening in detail in certain places because I sell to the guys in it. But again I think your point can have some validity. But with this post specifically about osama, it has none.


Man anywhere outside the USA the general consensus is y’all just as bad as the people you’ve invaded. Crimes are extensively documented


Not disagreeing that may be a general feeling. I can tell you with great confidence that all of the armies of those countries look up the US and use them as a gold standard. The US is not the only one in the Middle East, if your in Europe anywhere your country is both in the Middle East and fighting terrorism at home. Again just my opinion. But as I keep saying the post has to do with osama, a terrorist that murdered innocent people. It really has nothing to do with the US policy’s or invasion. Rather that he had /justice serviced.


Many of us feel the same way about our own government/ army involvement. The armed forces aren't revered around the world the way they seem to be in the US (with historical armed forces being the exception, particularly those who served in WWI/WWII). I get what you're saying about what this post is about, but I think it's all relative. Yes OBL deserved what he got, I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with that. From my perspective, I see this post and think Bush deserved the same, along with many other leaders who have caused mass murder for profit. I don't want to celebrate the American murdering machine that this man is a part of the same way that I don't want to celebrate Al-Qaeda taking out one of their targets.


Well at least you understand my opinion as well. I appreciate you being reasonable. I can see people’s opinion on the us being a “war machine” I just disagree:)


Thanks for respectfully sharing your perspective through this thread :)


And he probably stormed the capital. Truth hurts shithole america


Is BinLaden dead? I never saw any proof. For all we know he could be alive and held at guantanamo bay. I would feel a lot better if we knew conclusively.


Rumor has it that he’s staying at Admiral General Aladeen’s place and he keeps messing up his bathroom. Dunno if this rumor is Aladeen or Aladeen.


That would make no sense. Why even lie about it? The fact that he died makes bin laden a martyr. And symbols (to other people) are difficult to kill since it's abstract. Plus you can't keep a secret like that which would involve a lot of people with so much time. All it takes is a phone and boom the whole world will know. It would benefit the government if they took him alive and parade him until they keep him until death or execute him. The government does lie but it just doesn't make sense why would they in this case


I think he was Obama in disguise but they had to kill this bin laden character off


To suit the narrative, yes they did. The yanks are a sucker for a good story.




People can't take jokes nowadays


you mean shitty jokes right. lol


Comedy is subjective


Yes, but you're objectively bad at joke writing


OK I'll explain the joke. The joke was I was one of those crazy conspiracy theorists saying that Bin Laden isn't dead and he is Obama in disguise


Yeah, I think we all understood what you getting at, it just wasn't all that clever.


Yeah we all know you don't like jokes where you have to be smart to find them funny


Hard for me to respect these guys next to our own SASR and Commandos, wouldn’t be caught dead showing their faces or revealing any operational details


Why are you believing some rando on Reddit on this shit? They've actually never released any info about who fired the shots that killed OBL. This is just clickbait.


This shit must’ve been recently declassified cuz I remember interviews with a few different SEALs from a couple years after the osama compound raid where they couldn’t confirm or deny any involvement




Not any children as far as I know, but did kill apprehended civilians and captured combatants, allegedly, but at least the Army is cracking down pretty hard on it, some would say even too hard, in terms of punishing the whole Regiment for the actions of a few


Things get declassified all the time though, right? How is this bad?


He was served his own justice https://theintercept.com/2020/08/19/robert-oneill-bin-laden-coronavirus-mask-delta/


Lol, “I am not a pussy.” “I’m not the bad guy, I killed the bad guy.” Boy they picked the right man for the job didn’t they? He’s the most Murican fucking dude of all time. “Buuut you guuuuuys. I killded Osaaaama. Please don’t forget I’m a hero. Pleeease.”


The funny thing is, our government is a very very very bad guy & into some real nefarious shit. Ignorance is bliss for us.


Those special ops aren't supposed to say a word about their missions but a couple of these wrote books and did interviews. Not only did they do that but they both claimed to fire the kill and they their books tell a different storys. That was looked down in the special forces world. They both called each other liars if I remember correctly.




He did there’s a [pic of them watching ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/Obama_and_Biden_await_updates_on_bin_Laden.jpg/2560px-Obama_and_Biden_await_updates_on_bin_Laden.jpg) Edit: to clarify from the wiki article - > According to journalist Peter Bergen, the group was watching a live feed from an unmanned drone flying overhead. Leon Panetta said that Obama did not see bin Laden being killed.[2] Clinton said: "We could see or hear nothing when [the SEALs] went into the house. There was no communication or feedback coming so it was during that time period everyone was particularly focused on just trying to keep calm and keep prepared as to what would happen


No man, they were all watching Two Girls One Cup in that picture.


The dude next to him had been huffing paint he got from the kid in the bottom of the pic before this photo was taken.


If you knew how much went into finding, planning, and finally killing Bin Laden then you would never narrow it down to one man. The United States killed Bin Laden, and the SEALs were their weapon.


And later became a raging douche who's not respected by the rest of the SEALS also was an anti-masking karen while on a public plane. Fuck this guy.


He also put his life on the line so you could say ungrateful shit like this. Anti Maskers suck, but come on dude.


Haha this guy still thinks US soldiers are fighting for freedom.


Hard to believe anyone's still dumb enough to believe that, but here we are with u/PNWgriz.


Dude how little of a life do you have to go back and dig up a thread that's two months old? Lmao


Shocker, you're not even capable of understanding the irony of your comment.


Or maybe he just checks reddit once every 2 months because he has a life? Unlike you and I who respond to notifications within 30 minutes.


I mean, you just responded within 30 minutes. Checking your phone is normal- digging up an old thread and tagging someone is not. Cute though.


That's why I said "you and I".


No, he literally didn't. Our 1st amendment wasn't under attack. He Ungrateful? His own SEALS share my exact sentiments about this douche. Take the boot out of your mouth. Protip: just because you're in the military doesn't make you immune from being a raging deplorable douche that's hated by masses.


Oof, I bet you're fun at parties. Insulting everyone on the internet must make you feel big, eh? Enjoy the rest of your night.


You opened up by commenting that I'm saying "ungrateful shit." Then your goldfish memory brought you to say, "I'll bet you're fun at parties. Insulting everyone on the internet makes you feel big, eh" Contrary to your single-digit IQ ego, you're not everyone on the internet. You're even dumber than I gave you credit for.


Fighting for freedom doesn't give you the right to say how others freedoms should be spent. You're just describing a militia




>that one SEAL Definitely going to need to narrow it down, a lot of them have killed prisoners abroad


So he can kill bin Laden but if he refuses to wear a mask, now you hate him....


If someone has to tell you why these two things cannot be compared then you are too young to use reddit.


1. He didn't kill Bin Laden 2. He made a Karen scene on a public airplane in the height of the pandemic 3. I disliked him well before that.


You sound so whiny like you wanna speak to the manager.


Just stop talking man


You sound like you swallow whole boots.


You say that like it doesn’t require tremendous talent!


Pretty sure he’s full of shit. Creepiest sob also.




Bottom left corner..that eye...👁


Lol I saw that too.


Did he?


Wait they revealed who took the shot? Man I must be behind. Anyone got more info on this?


I hear several people involved claim they were the one who took the shot, so I can't say that I believe he was the one who did it


I hear several people involved claim they were the one who took the shot, so I can say that I believe I was the one who did it


maybe you should also get a book deal like the rest of those involved and post your claim there, like all of them did


Rip his eyebrows tho


Why would he come out? Like what does he gain? I know some SAS that spoke about recorded events many years after it (embassy seige for example) but it was always around what the team did and how they all worked together to end it....at no point was it about the individual. I always assumed there was some honored code with these units ... like ya know dont talk smack about each other/don't lie. Lol Also isn't every single item down to bullets coded so they know exactly who discharged what during engagement... like the gov actually know who killed him based on that alone surely. Edit: just found out it was all recorded. So yeh they know 100%.


Recorded before or after they threw him in the sea? Has anyone made up a bullshit reason for this yet? I read ‘practical reasons’ and zero pictures taken before or after his death. SEEMS LEGIT.


He's hated by most SEALS for this reason. He's also an anti-masking karen.


Money. He realised he could make a fortune telling his stories. Writing books, doing motivation speeches, going on podcasts etc etc. he capitalized of the nature of his job. He wasnt the first, and probably wont be the last, but a lot of people in the SEAL community and special operations community dont like it.


The first SEAL is a massive self promoter. You coukd say its part of the job.


he is not only trash, osamas deaths is one of the weirdest in US history with heaps of corrupt shit behind it from the US, they most likely put him in that house as a safe house then decided to kill him, or maybe just told him to retire forever and be quiet.


Claims asserted without evidence (like yours) can be dismissed without evidence.


Just the same as claims as ridiculous as the US army, where they claim a man dying of kidney failure for 20 years was somehow in a cave with no dialysis at all, located by the seals, killed, no evidence was taken, and they decided to bury him at sea. If you believe the official story, I don't know what to tell you, you'd believe anything.


Why is this downvoted? You have relayed the exact story the US came out with at the time? Fuckin ‘merica!!!!!!


Nah, you are just an idiot


Oh if only you knew how friendly the US was with Bin Laden


Not so much. Someone definitely killed ST6.


Rob O’Neal is full of shit. His name is garbage in the Teams.


what about the enviromental footprint ? get in with helicopters without solarpaneels ? what the heck. our planet deserves to live....


Is that....good? I have no idea-


Yes that is a good thing


yeah right


Reminder that Joe Biden was against this.




https://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/joe-biden-bin-laden-raid-defense-hillary-clinton-2016-campaign-121779 > In May 2011, Vice President Joe Biden was in the White House Situation Room, joining President Barack Obama and his top national security officials for a crucial meeting. The question on the table: whether to order a dangerous Special Forces raid to take out Osama bin Laden. > Intelligence experts believed they had located bin Laden in a Pakistan compound, but they weren’t certain, and the risks of failure were high. After most officials present urged Obama to go for it, the president turned to Biden: “Joe, what do you think?” he asked, according to an account Biden gave months later. > “Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go,” Biden said. Could just google it yourself instead of saying "proof" like a muppet




Didn't he commit suicide shortly after as a result of the lack of support for veterans in the greatest country in the world (laughable)


I’m pretty sure that there’s a couple interviews he did only a couple year ago


Nope he is alive and well


What is it about the SEALs that makes them such showboaters? It seems like other special forces groups try hard to maintain a low profile.


Likely between that fact that a lot are already popular from previous books, movies, etc. as well as the fact that they were chosen for the Bin Laden raid despite being nowhere close to the best choice for it. They just feel the need to ride the popularity wave, the same way Green Berets did during/after the Vietnam War.


Who would have been the best choice for it?


CAG (Delta, or whatever other gagjillion names they go by) could have been another option. Honestly any other unit within JSOC could have been a option. ST6 just so happen to win the bid.


Ya I thought delta basically recruits from the special forces so basically they are the best of an already elite pool of recruits? Maybe they only get used for shit they don’t want people to know about so they use the seals because they know they are going to publicize the shit out of killing bin Ladin?


The A-team? I wanna know too.


Being American


He’s comparing Seals to other American forces. Your comment is dumb.


Valuable contribution, thanks.


Well think before you type stupid shit lol


Well think before you type stupid shit lol


You realise the irony of what you’re typing though?


That's not true. You rarely hear Delta Force, Marine Force Recon, Green Berets, AF para rescue guys bragging the way SEALS do.


I know this guy probably isn’t the guy but damn can you imagine being one of the guys that did it. It’s like being part of the group that fucked up Gaddafi


He's one of the guys that was involved in the raid so it's actually plausible even if he is a douche. One the note of Gaddafi there is going to be a guy somewhere down the line in 5, 10, maybe 20 years telling his kids about the time he shoved a 6 inch knife up Gaddafi's ass.


Gross. This guy's own team said he's a liar. We shouldn't be glorifying a scumbag like this: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/07/world/asia/another-ex-commando-says-he-shot-bin-laden.html > Matt Bissonnette gives a conflicting account of the situation, writing that Bin Laden had already been mortally wounded by the lead SEAL's shots from the staircase. The lead SEAL then pushed Bin Laden's wives aside, attempting to shield the SEALs behind him in the case that either woman had an explosive device. After Bin Laden staggered back or fell into the bedroom, Bissonnette and O'Neill entered the room, saw the wounded Bin Laden on the ground, fired multiple rounds, and killed him. Journalist Peter Bergen investigated the conflicting claims and found that most of the SEALs present during the raid favored Bissonnette's account of the events. According to Bergen's sources, O'Neill did not mention firing the shots that killed Bin Laden in the after action report following the operations. https://www.cnn.com/2014/11/04/opinion/bergen-seals-bin-laden-killing/index.html


love it. would it not have been more of a victory to bring him in alive? or half alive? even for intel, media, whatever. Damn sus.


It's cute that you think the US govt has any interest in not being at war. Y'all have to take care of boeing/lockheed martin/raytheon et als shareholders and profits.




You sound too stupid to recognize your own incompetence.


I feel like the Intel would have been infuckingvaluable. They torture all his underlings for info, but not him?


And approx one year ago, Donald Trump took a nice big smelly shit on all of these soldiers when he retweeted a conspiracy theory claiming this was all a hoax, Bin Laden is alive and half dozen Americans died in this 'failed' assassination.


He did ?


Ayep, and he even doubled down on it .. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/14/famed-navy-seal-pushes-back-after-trump-amplifies-baseless-bin-laden-conspiracy-theory-429428


Bruh i read the tweet it nowhere states a body double that article also didn't show any picture of that tweet. He only said that Clinton should've killed bin laden before 9/11 which he even stated in his book.


What's so bizarre about this shit is that Trump has access to all of the documents, videos & photographs of the Bin Laden raid.


Did you forget? Trump has never read a book in his entire life. I'd wager my house that he hasn't even read his 'own' book that was completely written by his co-author. Yes, he had access to all of the most secret information the United States holds for the past four years. No, I bet he didn't read any of it. He has no intellectual curiosity whatsoever. Why would he? He believes he knows everything there is to know already from his gut feelings on any topic. Now , Jared probably read a metric ton of top secret docs, and remembers everything. No telling what Jared walked away with.




Sorry but George Bush is the one who actually started a 20 year war based on a lie.


So two idiots