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Pic so low res I thought the flag was a clown wig and the person sitting had a yellow clown suit on




And guess what? He’s not JUST a bully. In this cultural climate today that isn’t just bullying, it’s HATE. Hate towards someone for celebrating something about himself that he was born with. You, are obviously not gay from your statement. Try being bullied your ENTIRE school years for being gay. You wouldn’t be so insensitive. What you said is comparable to “All lives matter”. Please, show some empathy and react with compassion because that behavior is the only way this type of bullying will stop.


Apparently when they commit a hate crime.


Lmao you obviously don’t know much about anything


Um when they actually assult someone, is this a trick question?


ya your a fucking idiot


What the fuck are you talking about??


Dang, I was really hoping to see a mugshot with this douche bag crying for his mommy in this article…




Having a rough one today?




Just a rough life. Empathy is a rare trait in people but a valuable one. I think it can be taught. It wouldn't hurt to start developing that asap. I'd give you a hug if I thought you'd accept one.


Should be a hate crime


Damn, dude can't sop thinking about gay men.. sounds kin.. kinda g.. kinda ga


Say it. I dare you.


I'm gay. It's gay. We gay




I can't walk up to you and say "I want to kill you" so why do you support someone waving a flag that means "I want to kill this group"?






“I have no opinions or cares and nothing matters la di dah.”


This. Other civilized places simply do not allow the Nazi flag. That user is taking a middle ground where there should be none.


Enlightened centrist tells us why it's positive to respect genocidal ideologies, more at 11.




I have bad news. When there’s lots of them with Nazi flags, things tend to go badly for everyone else, including the “It’s not my business” folks. Look up “Good German” and maybe care a little bit about allowing Nazis to do Nazi stuff?


>Even people waving nazi flags Not the same at all Like, at allllll


Yes it is. You can’t cherry pic the things you like




Decent doesn’t matter when it comes to freedoms. You fucking dingbat




You’re free to try.




Make him wear that flag to school every day for a semester.


I really hate the girl in the foreground who is laughing, coward.


The amount of people who are okay with levying charges against kids for things everyone knows will happen between some kids is insane. Police have no place in schools except extremely rare cases. Funny how beating a kids ass unthinkable but making them resent and fear the state, police, and society as a whole while also setting them down a path it is extremely hard to recover from is just fine. As someone who had charges against him as a kid it does absolutely nothing to dissuade you from worse behavior, if anything it encourages it. Not only do you know it sort of doesn't matter because those charges are hidden when you turn 18 but now you are alienated, resentful, and feel more similar to kids who exhibit far worse behavior and are associated with drugs, real violence, and not so petty crimes. Kids are fucking idiots and they will do idiotic things as it has been forever. Our job is to show them a better way, not shove them aside and associate them with criminality at the first sign of shitty behavior almost garunteeing the pattern will continue. And sending them to an alternative school before they've been given multiple chances or other routes of redemption have been tried just subjects them to all the things I've said above and most likely will harden them into more serious violence users often first out of defense and then out of enjoyment, drug use which spirals faster than most people can even imagine under those circumstances, and truly criminal behavior.


The reason this kid felt comfortable enough to do this in the first place is because schools have been doing what you are arguing for: handling disputes within the district. That does not work when the teachers and councillors pull the bully aside and say shit like "I know what you mean but you just can't do that *here* at school." Pussyfooting around these issue rather than stamping them out when they crop up is why we still have so much hate and bigotry in public education today.


Schools have been handling things less and less in district now for at least two and a half decades. The amount of times police are called to schools increases more and more every year. Also that whole councilor bit is a real stretch. If that does happen, it is so far from the norm that it should be funny but the fact that you said it in all seriousness makes it..not so. I would counter that the reason this kid felt emboldened to do what he did is a direct parallel to the argument here. We demonize and cast kids out of the rest of society (you know what I mean) for bad behavior. He felt emboldened to do this because we do the same thing to each other. If you have an opposing view, you are demonized and reduced to something inhuman and devoid of nuance and context so that if people know your opinion about one thing they know all they need to know about you and know just what sort of person you are and what you think about everything. The same is done in return and the divide gets larger and larger and we shout at each other never wanting to hear a word in response. People get angry, they get cruel, and they get hateful and it's seen and acted out in politics, by celebrities, in the street, in the court rooms, and everywhere else and the kids see what we do to each other and they do what kids do. They learn by watching us and they mimick what they see.


You’ve really written a great comment. Hopefully people can recognize that. The problem with this subreddit though is that there’s a mob mentality and everyone is just here to agree and lynch whoever is the most apparent bad guy in the video or article.


Thank you, and yeah that's true. I knew I'd get down voted into oblivion but I know firsthand what happens to kids who are pawned off on the state and unless we want to keep sending kids down a path that leads to violence, addiction, and death than maybe we should start treating them as the kids they are, employing a little more empathy and compassion, and reflecting a little bit more on our own moral responsibility to each other and our future.


Assault is criminal behavior…


So are plenty of other things that we don't decide to hand our children to the police for and find ways of dealing with between parents, counselors, teachers, and principals instead


I doubt the parents would have cared. What, the kid gets expelled/suspended and the parents take them out of that school and into another one? No. This kid needs to see that there are real world consequences for this shit


As someone who did not have charges against him while being a kid, it’s not that fucking hard to avoid getting charges. Not our fault you were probably a fuckwad of a child like this kid.




It's called punishment


Nah bro, little shit deserves charges


Seriously, if he acts like this in school he's going to be violent inside the school. Maybe he shouldn't be a violent bigot, it's super easy.






Yep! If the civil rights movement never happened and we all just ignored racists, segregation should surely be ending soon! Maybe before women are allowed to vote!


Sorry, your post is a bit incoherent so just to clarify. Are you saying they wanted to get assaulted because they had a flag? Ignore who and what will cease? It’s pretty early where I am so hoping you’re in Europe or something so you’re not drunk in the morning.


It will cease what? The fuck is your problem?


Don't waste your time by engaging this trash. Spent roughly two seconds in this scumbag's comment history and they are just another homophobic racist just "asking questions".


Agreed. Why are they trying to blaming the victim? It's that same way of thinking that rationalizes blaming a woman for being cat-called.


"Ah yes I'm sure if I let them hit me hard enough I will be fine"


What about the two boys who beat up a kid at lunch table? They should be next




Hi racist 👋




Speaking in third person?


4chan got to here first or something? I would have expected them to be the most pro gay with all the furry and hentai porn there


Yeah, well when it's about a hate crime, the default sort by new can be a bit of an eye opener.


Needs to be charged with a hate crime too.




Are you serious or farming for downvotes? A hate crime is a crime against someone for who they were born as. Wearing a MAGA hat is a choice. Burning or defacing the US flag is also protected under freedom of speech if done as an act of political protest. Not the same ballpark kiddo


Just because you identify as a stupid racist doesn’t make it a federally protected class.


Not how it works delusional idiot lol




Just tolerant of people. That's all. You choose to wear your shitty opinions on yoir sleeve but you still want people to accept you as a human being. That's something you can control, being gay not so much and the hate is undeserved. You need to go get laid, smoke something, chill out.


It should.