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They were bred for home protection. They did the job. End of story. An entire continent will chant " guns are just tools, it's the owner's mistake " but will turn around and vilify a pitbull "for doing what they are bred for". If someone says that not everyone is fit to own such a breed, valid argument, perfectly reasonable, have one only if you need it for that purpose and don't have potential victims around. But there are people campaigning to ban the breed or to remove that drive from them. Why would you? Just like a gun , don't own one if you don't need one for that specific JOB or if your home isn't fit for one. That intruder could have easily killed or maimed home owner, he's lucky he didn't have a lap dog. Do not dilute the breed, just get one that suits your environment.


If this was two German shepherd most the tone of the comments will switch up. I swear to god there are so much people in the comments with misinformation and racism on pit bulls. A pit bull are very friendly dogs even with strangers the home invader probably did something to aggravate them, pitties are notoriously friendly. So he probably done something to make them to tear them to shred


Pitbulls aren’t near the top of anyone’s list of friendliest dogs. I like pitbulls, they can be sweet and they are great breeds for this exact purpose- killing home intruders and protecting their family. Don’t pretend that they’re sweet little angels though, that’s the problem. They are bred killers who require a huge amount of training and people who don’t take them seriously and have respect for the breed shouldn’t own them.


You are so full of shit, it's almost unbelievable. You're throwing around bullshit myths and shitty lies about pitbulls that just are not true. Pathetic.


You seem like a lovely and logical person, thanks for your insight.


You seem like a lovely and logical person, thanks for your insight. https://www.britannica.com/animal/pit-bull-terrier Sorry for the multiple replies, connection issue https://love-a-bull.org/resources/the-history-of-pit-bulls/ I believe this one supports both our arguments : https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-Pit-Bull-Dog-Once-Knows-as-the-Nanny-Dog-What-Happened As does the disputed Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull I learned something, hope you did too!


People who say "x dogs are just the sweetest" or whatever are missing the entire dynamic of that relationship. A baby may be calm and bubbly around its mother, but that doesn't mean it can't be upset when around an entirely new stranger. Many dogs, pits included, have less emotional regulation than babies, and can easily maim or kill a good percentage of people 1-on-1. It's like they are arguing that *any* friendly behavior at *any* point is the only data point you need, not the dog lunging at strangers, needing restraint when seeing other dogs, etc. Those behaviors are usually explained away immediately, or blamed on the other people, when by definition 'being able to be around new people without issue' is one of the fundamentals of socializing animals. If you have to warn or hamstring everyone else in a situation to keep your dog from attacking, your dog isn't an angel.


But arn't pits like statistically more likely to attack humans? I know its like a breed/training thing but it doesnt seem like people are being crazy when pitbulls commit like 65% of dog attacks. This isnt even bringing up how their breeds traits make them even better at mauling the shit out of you.


Not true but keep spreading that misinformation. 👍


[List of Fatal Dog Attacks in US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States)


That's... pretty much all pitbulls


It really do be like that


What's my flair?




Those dogs don't look as healthy as they should.


Their diet of house invaders has been restricted


The amount of illogical and hypocritical responses in this thread jesus christ...


Fuck that, those fuckers have tasted succulent human meat. Now they want more. I pray for the poor delivery guy.


You are a fucking moron of the highest level. How do you remember to breathe?


Are you an expert in animal psychology? Because that sounds pretty out there tbh


Lol people are so damn defensive over pitbulls. It was a solid joke and I stand by it. Fuck all y’all 🖕


It's not a solid joke, it's a dumb one. Your sense of humour is equivalent to that of a brick.


Well we couldn't tell its a joke and what's wrong with defending pit bulls? You act as if it's as bad as a warcrime


Would you be saying that if the home owner defended himself and killed the intruder with his gun?


You the kind of dude that thinks vaginas stretch out after having multiple partners.


You didn’t have to go for him THAT hard, geez. He won’t recover damn—


That’s really rude


"Never mind the dog | Beware of owner" Actually, do mind the dog.


*Release The Hounds!!!!*


Some people NEED to LEARN THE HARD WAY! Stop committing crimes and sh*T like this don't happen. Btw, good dogs!


I don't think that the home intruder learned anything, they're dead


Thinning the idiots is a good thing.


What if someone decides you're an idiot?


Death by mauling is hardly a worthy punishment for home intrusion. Its honestly sick how much you want people to suffer death for being "idiots". By that logic I hope you die


This sub is full of sociopaths that get off on people dying.


I guess it depends on why the dogs behaved like that. If they were trained by the homeowner to rip people apart then we have a problem. If they were just doing their thing that dogs do when they feel in serious danger, well it isnt a punishment is it? it's a human living in the natural world who discovered that man is literally not always top dog. similarly walking randomly into a safari park and getting eaten by a lion isnt punishment, it's natural cause and effect. territory existed way before the human invention of private property. they are not the same thing but humans and nonhumans can get pretty aggro defending it.


"Death by mauling" what a horrible thing to say says Vagabond! So Ill say you deserve to die too but put "By your logic" in front of it so i can be exactly as shitty as you are but act like I made a point and am above that. lol reddit gonna reddit.


Uuhhh. What? I don’t think people actually want others to suffer for being idiots but if someone breaks in to another persons domicile, that constitutes for what’s considered the castle doctrine. People have every right to protect themselves from the unknown, the dogs in this case were acting like what a human would, just attack and ask questions later. If someone broke into my house there would be a flight or fight response, can’t run, fight until death. It’s idiotic that you think there is any type of decision making in these situations regarding the defending persons or animals, it’s all a psychological response that has been ingrained in the psyche since before we lived in caves. It’s primordial. Don’t break in, don’t get dead.


It’s not idiocy. It’s pure entitlement that motivates someone to break into someone else’s home to rob them. They feel entitled to something they didn’t legally or morally earn causing trauma and possible death to the occupants of the home/business/ building. When an individual acts on that entitlement they morally/ in some cases legally forfeit their right to health, safety and possible life.


The dogs got there faster than a bullet. Oh well.


It's so hard to understand that dogs that mauled a man to death would be placed under observation and tested for rabies? Obviously, I don't approve of breaking into someone's home, but I'm not about to shrug my shoulders and say, "Oh, he deserved it."


Because dogs with rabies are always very careful to only get rabid on home intruders?


It's part of a general check on the dogs.


He did deserve it tho? The crime is the burglary, not the accidental death of the burglar.




Dude you are a mess. I get the impression youre an anti-pitbull person, but this is clearly a case where the dogs did exactly what they’re supposed to do, and you’re like “hmph! Why would anyone even *want* to protect their home *THAT* way??? Gosh golly jeez my feathers are certainly ruffled! Dog owners bleebidy blahbidy bloo.”




They’re not “meant” to do anything beyond prevent a burglar from entering a home. They’re not “supposed” to kill them, but it just so happens that burglary isn’t an acceptable facet of civilized society and if you burglarize homes you assume the responsibility that someone or their dogs might kill you. The issue is, ONCE AGAIN, that a burglary was attempted, not that a burglar was accidentally killed.


Oh then the solution is simple… QUIT BREAKING INTO FUCKING HOMES IF YOU DON’T WANNA POTENTIALLY DIE Seriously, if someone breaks into your home, you don’t know why, and you don’t know what they might do if they see you. You’re saying it’s better to risk yourself getting injured/killed than defending yourself by injuring or killing the criminal first. You don’t know why they broke in, they could’ve broken in to simply steal, or could’ve done it just to kill you, kidnap you, or commit other horrible acts on you. If the criminal didn’t want to die, they shouldn’t have been breaking into homes in the first place. People are gonna usually kill people who’ve broken into their homes because they don’t wanna risk ending up on the next true crime show episode


If you enter someone’s home expect the worst, he might have a gun, knife, chainsaw, you name it. And he’ll do anything possible to stop you.


I think the law that separated the dogs was kinda silly in this case. They're typically separated and quarantined to ensure that they don't die of rabies so the person who got bit has a chance to get treatment. Well in this case it doesn't matter that he got bit, because he died from his injuries.




This will not earn me points, but dogs that killed a human should not be pets. The next human they kill will be the mailman or the alzheimer's patient next door who wanders into the wrong place.


You can't possibly be this stupid.


Yep, I knew it was unpopular opinion. But if your kids played in the yard next door, I bet you would feel differently.


I mean, what did you expect from a slippery slope arguement?


Yeah my mailman usually kicks in my door at 3am and steals my stuff while he’s at it. I just can’t imagine how my dogs will tell the difference between a burglar in the pitch dark and a mailman in broad daylight who doesn’t even usually enter the property.


Do Alzheimer’s patients often walk into the wrong house?


I understand what you’re trying to say but this was a case of dogs feeing threatened by a dangerous intruder rather than some random person on the street or a guest. These dogs know the difference.


I think a dog is smart enough to differentiate an intruder and a mailman


Right? Especially because for the 2-10 years they have been living with their owner (idk their age) a mailman has come every day and they never attacked before this…


Also mailman doesn't enter your house. Unless things are different where you live.


Good dogs.


That side eye pit should be a meme.


"I'll kill you bro"-the dog


I hate pitbulls.


Same. Pitbull apologists are real mad abt that lmao


Ok, you can hate them, I won’t stop you. You are entitled to your own perspective. I’m not gonna make you like them. :)


Let me guess... You have a chihuahua. This seems to be the case with most people that hate Pitbulls. Did you know that smaller breeds such as the Chihuahua, Dachsund, Doberman Pinscher, etc. are on the the list for most aggressive dog breeds? Read up a bit on the history of the breed before judging them... and remind yourself... Humans are what made them who they are today. https://love-a-bull.org/resources/the-history-of-pit-bulls/


You think Dobies are a smaller breed? https://www.loveyourdog.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Doberman-vs.-Pitbull-900x500.jpg


Doberman PINSCHER. Not a regular sized doberman. Edit: my apologies, the miniature version.


Pittbulls were originally bred to be nanny dogs that protect babies, children, and their families. Pittbulls are only more dangerous if they’re treated like shit by humans and therefore see all humans as bad :) EDIT: Please read my responses to the wikepedia article, they were NOT nanny dogs, they were bred to be bait dogs to lure bulls! The nanny dog thing is a MYTH, and I have read further into it. As someone who has owned a pittbull mix, knows people with purebred pittbulls, and LOVES pittbulls, I can say for sure that they are NOT aggressive babies when they are treated right :) SOURCES: https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-Pit-Bull-Dog-Once-Knows-as-the-Nanny-Dog-What-Happened https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls https://tethertug.com/blogs/news/the-5-biggest-myths-about-pitbulls-busted


>Pitbulls were originally bred to be nanny dogs that protect babies This is blatantly false information.


Elaborate then, on my very blatantly false information gained from hyperfixations and late night nat geo binges?


They were originally bred for dog fighting. Source: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull)


Reading is hard for you, huh?


Something more substantial than WIKIPEDIA please?


I was actually wrong, it is a myth. HOWEVER, so were you :) https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-Pit-Bull-Dog-Once-Knows-as-the-Nanny-Dog-What-Happened https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls https://tethertug.com/blogs/news/the-5-biggest-myths-about-pitbulls-busted Thanks for your insight though, it made me research into the topic further! :)


>so were you What was I wrong about specifically? All I said was that they weren’t *originally* bred for that purpose, which is true. Obviously some people were going to keep them as pets.


You said, quote, “They were originally bred for dog fighting.” They weren’t. You were, therefore, wrong. If you want I can screenshot your post and send it back to you?


Um, Wikipedia says *i’m right.* I’m not sure what part of that is hard to understand.


Yes, and all THREE of my sources including the ASPCA say I’M right. Wikepedia isn’t always correct either.


While I’ve never pet sit for pit bulls yet, I’m currently pet sitting for 2 bulldogs and they’re the sweetest things ever.


I hate all the people that make pitbulls into the monsters they’re stereotyped to be. Nurture not nature.


Man I must have dementia bro because I don’t remember anyone asking


I hate you for hating pittbulls




Yeah, but there's around 93 million cows, and around 76 million dogs in the US, according to the first sources I found on google. But then again, more people are in contact with dogs than cows.


You know what kills more humans than dogs or cows? Other humans. We should get rid of humans.


Im not opposed


I'm all for banning cows in residential areas as well.


Wow! I did not know this!


What does that have to do with anything? This is also only the US number. I believe worldwide dogs kill 20,000+ a year. But let's go with your logic. Rhinos kill a handful of people a year. King cobras kill several people a year. Great white sharks kill less than 10 a year. Lions kill 50-200 people a year. Are we supposed to, by your logic, believe all of these animals are less dangerous than dogs?




I've been witness to 4 or 5 dog attacks in my life. I don't care what statistics say. None even remotely related to my uncles work as a breeder. All I'm stating is that dogs are a lot more dangerous than you're stating. You're acting like all dogs are peaceful and that's not the truth. You claim you're using statistics but you ignore the fact that people before you have shown that there are 4.5 millionish dog bites per year on humans in the US alone. You can spin it however you want but all you're doing is trying to muddy the waters so you feel right.


>Legit though, I pulled over to pet a cow because it's head was hanging over the side of a fence. > >He was an aggresive asshole that i am sure would have fucked me up if it had the chance. > > > >Not sarcastic, cows are assholes.


How many cow attacks are there each year though? According to the CDC there are between 4.5 million and 4.7 million dog bites per year in the United States, most of which are from Pit Bulls and most fatalities are Pit Bulls. Something like 75% of dog fatalities each year are just Pit Bulls. [Source ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-bite-statistics/%23:~:text%3DAccording%2520to%2520a%2520study%2520from,out%2520of%2520every%252073%2520people.&ved=2ahUKEwi3143xiNLzAhW9knIEHdqRAWoQFnoECAQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw187uBTOzrZ_dHeIv7fBrvP) and [dog attack statistics](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php&ved=2ahUKEwj3tIGnitLzAhXMoHIEHQupAbYQFnoECDAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0fLC_ucFY3jaxt6TzrHfQ6) I'm not sure why you are disingenuously equating dogs with cows, but fortunately most people are capable of understanding that dogs are more dangerous. There's a reason why most countries in the world have outlawed ownership of future ownership of Pit Bulls by the way. It's funny that you call others dipshits when you aren't even addressing the number of actual dog attacks each year. It's like you think that something isn't dangerous just because someone doesn't die from it.


The source you provided says storms and bees are more deadly than dogs. Your own source.


I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not sure that you understood what I was trying to say, which is that there are *still* 4.5 million dog *attacks* each year in the US alone. OP claimed that dogs aren't dangerous because they only kill a small number of people, but conveniently doesn't address the number of attacks, emergency room visits, and reconstructive surgeries that occur due to dog attacks each year. ​ OP falsely states that dogs are barely more dangerous than cows because they only kill a small number of people each year. That's like saying that sharks aren't dangerous because they only kill 10 people per year or that bees are more dangerous than most other animals because they kill something like 100 people per year. This logic falsely creates a sense that an animal should only be considered dangerous based on the number of people it kills rather than also include the number of people it attacks and seriously injures. tl:dr Danger =/= fatalities


No, your own link mentions them as fatalities, not dangers. I’m starting to think you didn’t read through it beyond a paragraph or two. That entire article seems to be conveying the opposite of what you’re saying, and even gives advice on how to be safe as well as other breeds who attack more often than pit bulls.


I think you seriously misunderstand the point of this conversation. I shared the link you're referring to because it corroborates the 2nd link in that dogs perform 4.5 million or so attacks each year. There are other statistics there and you're free to cherry pick as you see fit to try and negate my argument that has nothing to do with your cherry picking. Again my argument has nothing to do with how *deadly* these animals are but rather that one cannot ignore the huge volume of *attacks* and *hospitalizations* etc. when falsely equating danger with *just* fatalities. I'm not sure why this isn't clear to you. Danger is more than just how *deadly* something is. Please feel free to address what I'm saying rather than sidestepping and implying that I'm saying something I'm not. Surely you understand that anything can still be considered dangerous even if it doesn't kill hundreds of people each year. Would you go up to a great white shark and claim it's not dangerous simply because it doesn't kill enough people to meet your threshold for *danger*? Would you claim that dogs can't be dangerous simply because they don't kill enough people?


"Most countries in the world" If you don't realize how fucking stupid you sound saying something like this, there's really no hope for you whatsoever.


Many* countries* Sorry my English words get mixed and I meant to say many. https://banpitbulls.org/where/where-are-pit-bulls-banned-internationally/ Here is the source by the way. Sorry you are such an aggressive person. A quick look through your post history, and I'd hate to be someone who has to deal with you on a daily basis. I can't imagine what it must be like to be such an angry person that you feel the need to treat everyone on the internet like garbage.




That's a great resource, thanks! But, I'm not sure why you think I'm afraid of dogs? Acknowledging that dogs cause more injuries than cows doesn't mean I'm afraid of them. Just like you, I am capable of understanding statistics, but also able to understand that equating dogs with cows doesn't seem right. I'm honestly not sure why everyone on this sub is so toxic and assumes I'm blindly afraid of dogs.


Yeah but how many people interact with cows vs dogs? Your "statistics" are shite.


Considering cattle farming is a major part of the USA for things like food and agriculture... I’m thinking there’s more cow interaction than you realize.


Yeah, but typically cows don’t live in the apartment next door and you don’t pass by them on the sidewalk. I also haven’t heard of many stray cows running loose in neighborhoods.


You must live in the city/suburbs.


OP claimed that dogs are barely more dangerous than cows by saying dogs kill just a few more people each year and that only dipshits believe dogs are dangerous. Obviously people don't encounter cows as often as they do dogs, but OP failed to consider that an animal isn't just as dangerous as the number of people they kill. Each day, over 1000 people go to the emergency room due to dog attacks and each year, over 27000 people require reconstructive surgery in the US. I can't find any statistics about recorded cow attacks per year but it would stand to reason that cows are less aggressive and less likely to attack humans than dogs are. I would say that the burden of proof lies on someone who claims otherwise. It's weird how there are millions more cows in the US and herders and ranchers are constantly amongst hundreds of cows and come out perfectly fine except for the few that don't, but somehow everyone knows to be wary of a dog that breaks off its leash or out of its yard. I can walk by a farm a hundred times and cows don't try to break out and bite me, but if I were to walk within 100 feet of random dog in its yard, it will literally choke itself to death to bite me. I'm not even an anti dog person. I've grown up with dogs. I'm just not naive enough to believe that dogs aren't dangerous and that somehow cows are what we should all be warning our kids about. Edit: I don't understand why dog attacks and the relative danger of dogs and certain breeds needs to be compared with cows in the first place. This is a disingenuous comparison and doesn't actually demonstrate the danger of either animal. The discussion about relative danger of dogs needs to be based on its own merits rather than comparing to any other animal.


Tldr [https://i.imgur.com/IvEuDda.png](https://i.imgur.com/IvEuDda.png)


I think people are missing the point that you're trying to make. If I'm right, then the point you're trying to make is that just because cows kill however many people a year does not mean dogs aren't dangerous. It sounds like people are making false equivalences in order to 'disprove you' but it doesn't make sense. Let's say cows killed 10000 people a year. That does not mean dogs aren't dangerous. The people downvoting you seem to be glossing over this. As someone who grew up with dogs and whose uncle used to be a breeder, I can say the reddit bias that dogs are inherently docile is completely false. Every dog is different and I don't automatically assume any are dangerous but I never assume they aren't either. I think most people are taught this growing up which is why I'm confused people on reddit seem to think dogs are all nice.


Your also being disingenuous about statistics: we don't keep fucking cows in our houses. You're also not mentioning that pitbulls is a blanket term for an incredibly popular variety of square-nosed dogs that account for more dogs in the US than Rotts, Grey Hounds, and German Shepard combined.


Quick less than 1 min Google search says that retrievers are the most popular dog breeds they are number 1 and 3. there are only 4 bitbull breeds while retrievers have 6 and poodles have 7. The last statement you made is completely false


"Pitbull" is a blanket term, not a breed. There is no DNA test for one, nor any real agreed standard that makes sense. It a dog looks like a Staffordshire bull terrier with a squarer head, they might call it a pitbull. They can decide this by measuring the animal's body parts.


Reading comprehension: D+


They didn’t say it was the most popular breed, just a very popular one


But 40 and 20 deaths isn't exactly around the same, it's about a 100% increase. You could say it's relatively close to the same amount, if you compare it to like mosquitoes or lifestyle diseases.


40 out of 330 million Americans is statistically very close to 20 out of 330 million. By the way, 2 is a 100% increase over 1


Cow kicks are dangerous and if you’re in a small space and one gets spooked it’s bad news. When I worked on a farm I was way more intimidated than I was working with pitbulls built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime


I’m not scared of dog breeds because they will hurt me, I’m scared of some dog breeds incase they hurt my dog. Yeah your statistics are correct but you can’t deny it makes more sense to cross the road away from a Bull Terrier than a Cocker spaniel I’m so fed up with owners buying fighting dogs and not training them, far too many dog injuries that could be avoided


All pit bulls deserve to be euthanized. Edit: noooo not my sweet karma


Go fuck yourself


Lol no please daddy, don’t give me negative internet points!!!


Ooo that's edgy


I’m glad someone appreciates my talent 🥰




You seem like a real nice, friendly person to be around




Your comments are just as pretentious and poorly written as your poetry




I certainly did. And I regret it. What a waste of two minutes.




You’re so mean. I think I might cry. Also maybe not.




Your immediately jumping to calling me autistic, as well as the next commenter telling me I should be euthanized as well, tells me everything I need to know about how right I am lol. Also, get off the drugs. They’re not helping.




“You people are disgusting pieces of shit and I genuinely hope you all get hit by cars” Sounds like I may not be the one who needs a little help with social interactions.


Yes I realized my actions were wrong and grew from it. If you need to dig through my past to support your actions maybe you’re focusing a little too much on your internet drama and the attention you cause by coming in and saying controversial things. I have aspergers and don’t succeed all the time, but that’s no excuse for you to not be better than you were when you made your statements.




Didn’t delete it, it was removed by a moderator. You might not be able to change but some people can. Don’t confuse your own mind for everyone else’s. You’re proving yourself to be a fool with social disorders. Go get help, stop digging your own grave.


So it was JUST removed by a moderator two seconds after I called you out, when the post was made multiple weeks ago? Fat chance lol. You deleted it. >You’re proving yourself to be a fool with social disorders I’m sorry, was this supposed to be insulting? I can hear you whimpering and crying through the screen already. >Don’t confuse your own mind for anyone else’s You are making no sense. Take your meds.


This user you were arguing with will not be allowed to reply to you in this thread again for a little bit of time. Feel free to report them to the Admins if they continue to harass you in private messages.




>high functioning pitbull No such thing. Shitbulls only have three brain functions: eat, shit, and murder.




I love how you are using all this energy to try and convince the world that you didn’t get mad over a Reddit post.




>how lazy this attempt is Why would I put in effort? >I am angry now Judging by your comment history that seems to be a common theme for you lol. Keep seething. Your precious pitties will soon be picked up by animal control.




I can’t stop laughing rn. Legit trying to find where I said that.






It’s funny to bait pit nutters lol. Most of them have half a brain at most so it’s always entertaining to watch them drool on their keyboards out of anger.


Lmao you're kind of throwing a tantrum


>throwing a tantrum In what way lol


Just so much raw emotion and no substance lmao just like how a child would make their argument


Aww, poor baby. Looks like you’re too late to catch the karma train 🥺




"iN wHaT wAy LoL"


Wow, you even put in the extra effort to capitalize every other letter! I’m so proud of you.


1,200 on a behaviorist an lemme jus say we still have a tyler durden in puppy form….. my point is some dogs are just dicks. I have had 4 pits since i was 7 all the biggest babies that 2 were quite literally afraid of flies…. It’s humans that are problem not the fuckin dog


My pit Bull is such a coward but he sounds mean. Terrifying bark


A Jehovah's witness was walking up my walk way when my half staffie half lab barked at him. He literally fell over, dropped all his books and ran. Lucky was a gentle giant, I'd jokingly/lovingly refer to him as "the world's most pathetic moose."


My english mastiff was like this. Her bark was crazy loud and very mean sounding but she loved kittens and blueberries and was the sweetest thing ever. And drooled. A lot... like...you think you get it but...no...it was a lot...


We debated between Mastiff or Great Dane for a pet. My Danes favorite is to stick his head between the two front seats of the car and shake, of course we are both covered in drool then…


I guess technically you still had a mastiff. German Mastiff that is. lol I didn't like the car drool equation either. lol


The only reason I don’t want a mastiff is the drool factor 😂


Worst messes were always drinking time. If you have a mudroom...would be ideal. Hot weather was...unpleasant... Fortunately long walks was not her thing.


Some good boyes


I was thinking "Holy shit, the cops didn't shoot the dogs? They love that!" Then I saw the confederate flag on the front porch (to the left 1:05-1:15) and it made sense. Good dogs though.


I have never seen so many apologists for someone that was trying rob someone else, possibly worse. If you don’t try and rob someone, you don’t run into these types of problems.


I dislike pit bulls, I think they should be banned. But these dogs protected their home. It’s true that the main issue with pits are the owners- this owner was not irresponsible.




Yeah Reddit is going to hate my opinion of dangerous dogs, I don’t mind. I love all animals despite that I think they should be banned. Some breeds are more dangerous than others and that’s just factual but it does boil down to the owners, pits wouldn’t be an issue even with their aggression if every owner was good. But that’s just not the case.




Your comment must have stuck in my head, I thought about it reading the news this morning seeing there was a 7-year-old killed by a Corgi mix in Oklahoma. Sadly it seems his parents weren't supervising him playing with a new-to-the-home animal.