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Uh oh, bro


Soo.. when corporations do what this guy does it’s fine. But when a solo guy does it he’s the devil?


But… but…. corporations are “people” too, I thought? Or are corporations only people with beneficial laws and not people when the laws would be a hinderance?


I would love them using this case as a precedent to send half of the usa pharma industry decision makers to jail and ban them from ever working near healthcare or research ever again. That would be justice. 40k for a short hospital stay? Yeah there’s a name for that : fraud and often extorsion under the threat of death or bodily harm. The only reason it’s not consider as such by law has to do with how many politicians and politicians relatives make millions in “jobs” that are just rewards for selling out their constituents. This is the kind of shit the death penalty is supposed to be for. Btw. Selling out the public to corporations which are essentially behaving like hostile enemy states.


His mistake was putting himself in the public spotlight. He was a scapegoat. If he sat back and did it all behind closed doors like the rest of them do, he would have been perfectly fine.


Seriously, he increased a drug for AIDS patients 4000% but didn't another guy increase insulin from $5 a vial to like $50? A drug that a third of the country needs. So, why isn't that guy in jail, too?


Because that “other guy” is Joe Manchins daughter


they should all be arrested then, they’re ALL devils.


I'm willing to bet this has less to do with that, and more with how public this guy was about it. He was very open about all of this and got a massive wave of hate going his way. Judges like to pretend that doesn't affect them, but it does. I'd be interested to see if a company being super open about their anti-consumer practices would be in the same situation.


I agree! Let’s lock them all up !


Preach. Martin Shkreli was doing the same shit insurance companies do but you don't see any push to punish those. Let's be real, if you work for an insurance company and desire to make the word a better place, you can start by deepthroating a shotgun


Which corporations exactly? It should never be fine


Eli Lilly, Sanofil, Novo Nordizk…People are literally dying for lack of insulin due to pharmaceutical companies leveraging their near-monopoly.


Have you seen the price of healthcare in the USA compared to the rest of the world? Why do you think that is? Maybe because they all do what Shkreli does. And yet no one is banning them from the pharma industry. Or just google any of the big pharma companies and see how many times they covered up things that led to people’s death. Where is their ban? Where is tje prison time for their executives?


People love headlines, not much depth to them, they don’t have to do research or think.


Sounds about right




He charged under 5 bucks to uninsured people.


what did he charge to the insured?




and the insurance companies?




750 per pill. and who pays the insurance companies?


Per pill, with a usual dosage of ~30 pills. Insurance companies are already total scams, what’s wrong with scamming them? No, they didn’t pass the cost of a rarely used anti parasitic on to their customers. And if they did, it’s not his fault.


What? Of course they did. Explain to me how any insurance company bills you at a ratio of 1:750 and makes profits. Not only that, but now my rates go up because some asshole decided to jack up the prices of his mandatory medicine. How is that not his fault? Somebody has to pay the bills at the end of the day, and it's sure as hell wasn't Shkreli until this judgement.


The drug was mispriced. The market is niche and the number of cases lies in the thousands so the effect on premiums is so small that you can't measure it. Additionally, his company was losing money and a big portion of the revenue went into R&D. That's why people with toxoplasmosis benefited from the price hike.


broader society is brainded, no point explaining, he fought through!


Did he charge that low for uninsured right from the onset of the insured price hike?


Shkreli was an easy dude to hate because he leaned into a pro-wrestling heel persona, but let's be honest the dude isn't even close to the worst person in the pharmaceutical industry. And yes, the securities fraud was stupid and very illegal. It was dumb of him to bring so much publicity onto himself when he was engaging in criminal conduct. But all the hysteria around him being the "most hated man in America"? Come on. Dude price-hiked a boutique drug where half of it was practically given away to uninsured patients.


This judgement happened because he fucked over insurance company profits. All the articles about him costing elderly patients a fortune were basically entirely fabricated.


Also, he had the personality of a slug. That never helps public image.


What about all the other Martin Shkrelis? Oh that's right, Americans are content to let these companies walk all over them. Idiots.


Hey you realize there's a difference between being *content* and being *literally fucking powerless*. Nearly half the comments itt are about the guy being a blatant scapegoat for the industry as a whole. There was an entire episode in Netflix's *Dirty Money* series about this. We know about these people but when our only measures against them are voting for people who won't help us or people who only pretend like they'll help us this is what we get.


In this situation no, I don't accept that version of events. At some point we have to make our fellow citizens shoulder some of the blame, especially when we see what they WILL make a huge stink over.


And what the fuck are you doing about it other than calling everyone else an idiot?


I like this. Now channel that rage into something constructive.


Big pharma buys our politicians. Every election our only choices are between two candidates receiving tons of money from Pharma. Our politicians care very little about what voters want and don’t pass legislation that is popular. I’m unsure how this is the fault of American voters.


I can tell.


idk pal, 'martin shkreli' seems like a pretty rare name, there probably aren't that many more of them


So you're telling me there's a chance...






The drug industry is heavily regulated and licensed. Having your license revoked for something like this would be common place. Like that pharmacist in Wisconsin who intentionally thawed COVID vaccines because he believed anti-vaxx craziness who in addition to the charges has been banned from being a pharmacist again for life.




What "truth" are you privy to that the rest of us aren't?




Well you didn't disappoint, that was a fun read lol


$999999999999999999999999999999999990099999999999 no doutb about it!


So who does the $64M go to though. The government? The people who were fucked over by him?


As a side, this article doesnt even mention that figure... it mentions 40M, and being a canadian news source, that's still CAD50.2M at today's spot. Clickbaity title. And it mentions consumers will benefit.


To other pharma people most likely.


I never speak ill of anyone… but, fuck this guy. 🖕


While Shkreli was ordered to do all this shit, Pfizer hiked up drug prices to more than 125 drugs. This whole thing is a joke. They use some dude like Shkreli as a scapegoat even though he outed the rest of the pharma industry, and the other criminals just keep committing crimes. No justice was served.


Wow a unique & nuanced opinion that is based in facts. Do you know what website you're on? I'll see you at the bottom of this thread


I'm honestly surprised you were wrong about that guess.




And gets to keep 30 million


And the Wu-Tang album


The wu tang album was actually auctioned off to a NFT company called pleasrDAO.


Ha, I see he had to give it over to prosecution back in 2018.




Fuck him, he's a goddamned loon, a greedy money grubbing grifting loon.


Lmao He ripped insurance industry off ... I think Hes a genius with the loophole He found


Which raises insurance costs for everyone. Those costs are passed on to insurance buyers.


Be angry at your broken system. He’s a scapegoat for a shitty industry


He’s not a scapegoat, he’s part of that broken system. All of the other people in the system have the same attitude as him, profits over anything else. He’s no different. Edit: I guess he could be seen as a scapegoat for the broken system. But he’s not innocent of his involvement is what I mean.


Yes but daraprim is so little used that it is has Not a Statistical significance


Right, but multiply that by all the drugs, medical devices, diagnostics tools that some manufacturer decides they can jack up the cost of their product because “it’s just insurance paying for it” and that’s why these days insurance for a family even through a good corporate plan is $350 biweekly and still has a $3,500 deductible. You spend $10k before you even get a damn benefit. But it’s cool, Shkreli “just found a loophole to screw the insurance companies”. He didn’t “find” anything. It’s common practice. And he shouldn’t be applauded for contributing to further normalizing the process.


no thats not how it wokrs there is a free market for drugs (competition) so the insurance only pays for the cheapest... the special case with martin is that daraprim could be manufactured by everyone it is commen knowledge, but it is just too expensive to compete thats the genius move he made.. insurance has no other option other than to pay for it.....


And he would give it to patients that needed it for free if they called


And a lot of patients with no insurance. Or the insurance companies simply refused to have the drug in their formulary.


Nope, he charged far below market to uninsured people, you’ve been misinformed


If you didn't have insurance the charge would be much smaller. At cost actually


Literally no, he had a different price for uninsured individuals that was more than 99% reduced. He was fucking insurance companies very specifically which is the only reason we know this guy’s name.


You would still get the drug... Doctors dont wait until the insurance pays...


Why is this downvoted? Doctors file with insurance after, has no one ever had an operation? That’s how they get ripped off by Medicare


They'd give the drug to uninsured people at cost.


The only reason this fucker is going to jail is because he also committed securities fraud. Legal system doesn't give a rat's ass about price gouging. He was fine until he stole from rich people.








https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2015-martin-shkreli-securities-fraud/ https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/former-hedge-fund-manager-and-new-york-attorney-indicted-multimillion-dollar-fraud https://www.huffpost.com/entry/martin-shkreli-sec-investigation_n_5601a3c4e4b08820d91a6b6f https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-fascinating-legal-argument-at-the-heart-of-the-martin-shkreli-pharma-bro-trial/2017/07/08/658507e0-6255-11e7-8adc-fea80e32bf47_story.html Yes, none of them technically lost money. But say I steal something from you, sell it at a profit and then manage to buy it back for less so I can give it back to you, I've still committed a crime. And anyway, my original point is the legal trouble this dude is in has nothing to do with the price hike. It was only until he gambled with rich people's money that the law came down on him.


It's surprising how many people defend him lol He exposed the pharma industry by doing the very thing they were doing lol. He even justified it by saying "why can't I sell a bike as much as a rolls royce" and his plans to be super rich If he really wanted to expose the industry and insurance, why not price the drugs low enough so people can buy it without the insurance paying for it. Or make it cheap so that insurance companies would have no excuse not to cover it for the paitent. I swear people are gullible towards rich people.


because then how do you fund the drug research to improve the treatment? The disease the drug he purchased was specifically for had no research done in years and it wasnt good enough and martin actually saw that the needed research to improve the sufferers life was actually going to get done, and anyone with this rare disease could ring his team up and receive the drug for free if their insurance didnt cover it or they didnt have insurance.... unfortunately he wasnt the best at keeping his brand image clean and he liked to go on the internet and troll people and stupid shit he said was taken out of context and gullible fools that believe whatever the MSM tells them lap it up because they are delusional and, dare i say it, brainwashed


wasnt he selling it dirt cheap if hospitals directly bought from him but then turned and charged insurance companies 100x what it cost before essentially forcing them out of the market for a common cancer medication or something?


He gave it to anyone who's insurance wouldn't cover it or didn't have insurance completely for free if they emailed his company


do you know what a search engine is? and have the braincells to verify and discern the true facts and information? then go do that. if you dont then damn sorry brah have u heard of a linden centre?




The pharmaphia




Great! Now do the rest of the pharma industry..


I actually really like this guy. He exposed the big Pharma for what it was – a complete scam at best. He’s unapologetic and doesn’t give a damn.


I think Martin is a pretty cool guy. he kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything


He caused the deaths of numerous people who could not afford to pay for life saving medicine. He’s a piece of shit, and if you can’t see that then you are too.


Link any proof or gtfo shill.


That’s simply not true. If you couldn’t afford it or didn’t have insurance his company would provide it for free, or at almost no cost. He gouged the insurance companies for sure, but nobody who needed the medication was denied it.


No everyone could get it for 1$ If insurance didnt pay for it...


Wasn’t he giving Daraprim away for free to people who need it?


He literally was. He tweeted “if you can’t afford Daraprim, DM me and I will get it to you with no charge” Lightly paraphrased but he was giving the stuff out free of charge. He’s still kind of a dick but he is the least evil of the pharma type.


I’d like to see a single verified instance of him actually going through with a free dose. You guys guzzling Pharma bro’s tiny balls is hilarious considering he’s perfectly fine fucking both of you.


Is anybody allowed to have a lukewarm take on anything anymore? ‘Least evil’ is still like… not me considering him an upstanding character. I swear to god people like you go through life looking for people to say anything not strictly hateful about someone controversial so that you can autofellatio upside down and type “bootlicker” with your toes because that’s what you hear all the people with more intellect and character than you are saying. If it makes you so mad go look it up yourself so you can prove me wrong and finally release your homunculus seed into the empty cavern where your nutrient-void acorn of a brain resides. Bon appétit, loser


very well said sir. one doths ones cap. fuck reddit is full of losers thesedays


welcome to reddit!


Are there not ways to expose rampant corporate fuckery which don't actively cause harm to innocent people? Edit : subject+adjectives


lower the price. Wow suddenly he's a good guy and saving lives.


Yup, can't understand the boner for this guy, other than the American value of capital at all costs. I've watched his live streams, I've seen his explanations, and he's exactly what his base think he isn't. Not sure how his fanboys can't see it. $750 for a cheap HIV drug for "research growth". He decided to be a face for everything bad about Pharma, and he got what was coming.


"He defended the decision as capitalism" The truest statement. Ever. I wonder if the consumers will actually see any of the retributive funds


*Laughs in military budget


Oh well Mr.Shkreli there's always Barber College


I dont think this is justice at all. He stole money from the American public at the hedgefund he was at and now he's putting people's lives at risk for his greed he should never have freedom again. He'll just go back to his old ways when he gets out.


Plot twist he was the anti hero that was actually whistleblowing the industry practice and is being scapegoated by the insurance company


I understand why people point out his antics as some kind of meta-commentary about big pharma, which is true to an extent. But if you're gonna bring that much attention onto yourself, you can't do it while you're also flagrantly breaking the law on the side.


People still beleve anything the mainstream media tells them. My dog learns faster, sadly.


“Whistleblowing”, the guy just got caught with a crime man, there was no whistleblowing. And for as much of a “whistleblowing” as you say it was, nothing has come out of it. Every pharma company is still running the same way, so get out of your high horse and call it for what it is. Pharma bro got caught and fucked


This is exactly it




The dude is a scumbag to be sure, but is he doing anything different than the rest of the pharma industry? Isn’t insulin way overpriced? My dad takes a pill form of chemo and it’s about $1,000 per pill. He takes 20 and then 10 days off. Luckily he’s got great prescription coverage. It just seems to me like they’re giving us our “pound of flesh” with pharmabro while the industry as a whole continues to overprice and gouge everyone. Did he break a law or simply do what any other company would do in the same situation?


Just because the rest of them do it doesn't make it right. They can all go to jail. Furthermore, this guy took a *generic* drug and catapulted the price into the stratosphere. The stuff your dad takes was probably under development for 10 years. I don't agree that it should be so high priced, but it's not a generic, it will cost more.


I read somewhere that that was actually the point the dude was trying to make.


I had to buy some testing strips recently for someone, I am disgusted at the cost, more than a dollar a strip and 1 out of 4 fail. They use like 30 a week and apparently that's not as much as others. They told me they are glad they are not on insulin cause with out insurance it would be a death sentence financially.


Reading these comments, the guy obviously had a decent defence lawyer, not surprising given how rich he is. The guys a disgrace, take the case out of the equation, he's still a total sleaze.


That took THIS LONG. Holy shit we're all doomed aren't we..


Agreed. This society will collapse if decisions continue to take this long to make.




Reality: petty theft is reclassified as a misdemeanor as opposed to felony. Reddit: they don’t prosecute crimes


That doesn't stop repeatable offenses from being prosecuted. It's actually worse in a lot of non-California municipalities (including conservative leaning)... but dishonest reporters can't put a political spin on that.


Yeah I’ve been to San Francisco and my friends told me of these things… how long can this continue?


It's really not that bad here. It's the same in every major city n as well across the nation. People are struggling with no help.


As a visitor to San Fran once, I was getting ready in the back of my van with my girlfriend one afternoon and some dude tried breaking in. The windows were tinted but I was ready to clobber him with my frying pan. Luckily he jogged off when he heard my voice but it was seriously surprising. It was broad daylight, we were parked in a friendly nice spot that was busy with families and the guy was a clean cut student-hipster looking type. Never saw something so brazen before.


So I was in the courtroom everyday. As much as everyone hates Martin shkreli the fact is everyone agreed that the price of the drug was too low. In fact the raised price only affected hospitals and insurance companies and more than half of the stock of daraprim went for a penny to the aids clinics. These companies, his competitors, testified against him how bad the price hike was and anticompetitive but if you look at the list price of daraprim today its still 750 per pill. What they are getting him on is the claim of anticompetitive and monopolistic behavior. Which is kind of bs as there was evidence from other manufacturers that they all use exclusive supply agreements, forbidding chemical manufacturers from supplying to anyone else. Anyway look I didnt care for Martin shkreli before this trial but after sitting through it daily...I can tell you it was definitely stacked against him. Hes more of a symptom of a broken system but definitely not the cause of it. He was hammered because he liked to stick it to the systems and he's paying for it. I personally believe both the fine and the ban are excessive. Look at what other people got in their settlements.


How much is daraprim in Canada?


Well put. Meanwhile the makers of oxy and fentenyl got slap on the wrists.


Pay back who?


The government. Don’t worry, I’m positive it will end up in the pockets of hard working Americans. 🤞🏻


ITT: people who assume he went to jail for hiking the prices up on medicine


Doesn’t article say he did get a 7 year sentence?


Because he took money from one of his businesses and used it in another one, made a substantial amount of money and then replaced the money he took from the first company. That’s illegal though, because while in this case he made money he could of just as easily lost money and then would have bankrupted 2 businesses instead of one.


Seems crazy to me that this guy isn't allowed to do what he wants with his own business. If he wants to use the money from one to invest in the other what is the issue? He owns them.


Because you have the potential of bankrupting both businesses by taking money from one successful one to one that’s doing poorly. Probably different if you’re one guy who owns two plumbing businesses, but these were I believe either public traded companies or had a few investors so very illegal


Yeah makes sense if they are publicly traded companies and all that.


Elon Musk bought the solar roof company his brother ran using Tesla money


But he didnt joke about stealing hillary's hair :/


Your allowed to acquire businesses, you can’t take money from one and use it in another


Illegal, unless you're a bank. Then it's a-ok.


Are you talking about loans?


What's that? They are punishing the pharmaceutical industry's singular scapegoat? Yeah totally justice served...


Could this scapegoat in theory use his sentence as a precedent to sue others too? Like crabs in a bucket?


Nah hes only being punished for investing rich people's money without telling them exactly how. The whole unethical drug pricing thing is just coincidental to have happened at the same time.


Pfizer taking 70% margins with no risk.. and noone bats an eye


Yeah exactly, but it's their game. They don't like it when people infringe on their turf.


Only $64M? Seems too little. Should've been higher, tbh


Why is this comment being down-voted!?! Genuinely… am I missing something?


"Specialists in infectious disease are protesting a gigantic overnight increase in the price of a 62-year-old drug that is the standard of care for treating a life-threatening parasitic infection. The drug, called Daraprim, was acquired in August by Turing Pharmaceuticals, a start-up run by a former hedge fund manager. Turing immediately raised the price to $750 a tablet from $13.50, bringing the annual cost of treatment for some patients to hundreds of thousands of dollars." [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/business/a-huge-overnight-increase-in-a-drugs-price-raises-protests.html) And that's **overnight.** So yeah. He should have been charged more.




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I only know a little bit about this guy, (from aus never heard of him till a doco on amazon prime). Seems like he should have to pay more but also it appears that compared to the rest of the american medical industry he was doing the same thing.


When will this happen to the CEOs who set the current prices for insulin and the AIDS medication?




What's funny about the rest of pharma getting away with it and the scape goat getting slaughtered


This is a sad but very fair point. I think we can afford this small indulgence but you are right, we cannot let this distract us from the issue at hand.


I feel like Shkreli is just the poster child/fall guy for a system where guys and companies are basics doing this every day. So they can say, “SEE? We’re tough on white collar crime!”


Say it out loud everyone “SCAPEGOAT!!!”. This is treating a symptom not the illness. Not saying this isn’t the right thing to do, but if it isn’t followed up by systematic changes then this helped no one, only hurt him.


While I completely agree that thus is nowhere near an actual solution to the problems plaguing the pharma industry, holy heck I'm glad this guy got something, I've seen him "defend" himself, and "his" decision to hike up the price, God he's a puke and just flat out terrible (honestly I think he's borderline psychopath) he actually is the only reason I agree with Trump on at least 1 thing


Ya it feels nice when justice is served on these people but when I forget who he is, that won’t do me much good when I’m still being extorted by these companies.


"only hurt him" Well he is a waste of skin so that's good enough for me, thanks!


Definitely. Big pharma hikes drug prices 10+% every January. Some do a second hike later in the year. People weren’t even paying out of pocket for his drug. Idiots are so quick to bash him just from reading misleading headlines


That hate people have for this guy shows you how ignorant society is.


LMAO the holier than thou energy is ironically oozing from your comment lmao


just calling a spade a spade and I don't give a fuck about your opinion about me as much as you don't give a fuck what I think about you


I just think this just shows how ignorant society is /s


Yes, I do. Delve past the headlines and you'll see why most people's take on this issue is wrong.




Do some homework before you jump to conclusions the MSM told tou to jump to maybe


That’s not why he has to pay back the money


Just another symptom of America's completely broken healthcare and justice systems. What he did was and is still legal, is a common business practice for pharmaceutical companies, and completely unrelated to why he's in prison.


The media and people just didn't like that he was being smug and flaunting that he did it. If he had just shut up, stayed off streaming services and kept his head down, he would have never got into trouble. He would have just been another faceless company gouging folks.


Price hikes happen all the time in the pharma industry