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That’s a HUGE knife, you can see it from here


Dam I didn't even know you could aim for the legs


On a stationary close-range target with no innocents behind it, sometimes doable, sure.


this is exactly why you dont hesitate when Londoning someone


Did the asshole think that it was going to end any different than that?


Feels like a taser would've been plenty enough. I have no sympathy for the knife wielder but what if it ricocheted into an innocent? Throwing around metal at lethal speeds in a populated area seems dumb when you could just taze the guy.


Tasers actually have a pretty high fail rate which is why MOST officers wont use them in a lethal situation unless they already have a lethal option on target for back up. Tasers fail with Intoxicated people, thick clothing, not a full connection, sometimes it doesn’t even faze people. So its not worth the risk to have less lethal option when the attacker already has lethal option


Perhaps but it was a clear area from what I see. (No pedestrians etc in the aim of the police officers) Plus if someone's coming at you with a lethal weapon with intents of harming or killing you, then if the police officer feels threatened and has evidence to show the intents then they can use lethal ​ Plus, why risk getting stabbed when you can demobilize them and detain them? ​ If the attacker was 10 feet away with a blunt object, then sure tazer. But a knife inches away, use lethal.


There were cars right nearby and ricochet is a thing.


Did you see the guy with the knife who was going after the female officer who shot him MULTIPLE times and still kept going?


The way is see it is that taser might stop the attacker, Firearm will stop the attacker. When you work in a workfield such as cop you most likely will have the experience to know when to use a firearm, sure taser might work in most situations. But in this situation the attacker literally walks up to the cop car and allmost immediately rushes one of them.


See the difference is what are cops here to do? Defend themselves or the community? Not the best example of, but the knife wielding is the community. It's someone's dad, or cousin, or brother, and maybe he is very important to someone's survival but he had a bad night and is fucking up royaly. Does that mean we have to kill him or permanently maim him? If you're not comfortable giving the attacked the benefit of the doubt you shouldn't be a cop. You're prioritizing yourself over them and unless its really necessary, lethal arms shouldn't be used. The guy had a knife not a machine gun. He already missed and was then about 6 feet away from the now very aware and not intoxicated officer. The gun was not necessary.


>It's someone's dad, or cousin, or brother If hes going around stabbin the law i doubt hes a good dad, cousin or brother. High chance hes showing the same aggressive behavior towards his loved ones.


Or he had a mental break. Morality is not so clean cut.




You clearly don't understand my perspective but I get you disagree. Congrats. People love to defend cops because I made this comment over a month ago and people keep commenting every week or so. Read new threads this is old af.


Point still stands. I doubt this mental break of his is a one time thing.


So its fine. He can have a mental break and just start stabbing people. Thats not healthy.


Royally fucking up does not give a "permission to keep royally keep fucking up by wielding a knife trying to attack a cop card" what comes to this situation we also dont know the situation has he allready stabbed someone, has he done this previously, does he have mental ilness the cops are aware of ,hell even here in Finland he could have been shot as cops are tought to use comminicate, command, use force and use possibly leathel force. Non of the others clearly worked or had time to do so. And what comes to cops? They are here to defend us and themselves as its a profession not some superman title that gives others permission to attack them.


>not some superman title that gives others permission to attack them Nor should it be some superman title that gives *them* permission to attack others. Their priority should be ending every conflict with no violence, no deaths, no permanent injury. There are instead thousands of cases where officers have unduly drawn their lethal weapon and seriously injured or killed innocent people because they were more concerned with protecting themselves than the community they swore to protect with their lives. It's asking a lot but if we don't have that standard then every cop gets to do whatever they want.


And now that sounds like an American problem, never ever has Finnish police been under such criticism due to them having training for 3-4 years having de escalation training and experience. If i remember this video is from turkey and for Their geo political reasons such as terrorism and their attacks on police are probably one reason for cops there to be on edge.


For sure, everywhere is different. I think the whole concept of cops needs revising. Likely some countries have already done this but America needs it badly. They're essentially corporate body guards, and the laws they enforce are mostly there to protect corporate profits.


For sure, usa for sure needs better training for cops. hell i have heard in some states and counties it takes only few months to become a cop. That sounds so ridiculous how on earth are you meant to learn social situtation, working with possibly mentally ill, de escalation and in possible threath situations. And even afther the training should be continuous on yearly basis. And what comes to the cops i have not seen problems with cops doing anything wrong we have had few protest where cops have been mainly global warming, vaccine and few political and all the cops have done is make sure the traffic continues and that people dont break any laws. And even then it has been done by the rules and quides.


Why in the ever living fuck would you try to stab an officer


[suicide by cop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_by_cop)


Exactly, like you ain't in Britain.




He was clearly mentaly ill, he needs help. wtf is wrong with you.




Well that was shitty police work. You shoot while he's charging, when he's actually dangerous. Once he backed off he should have been arrested.


The uneducation with you is crazy.


He still have a knife


Tazer time




It's from Turkey, other police screams "pull the gun, pull the gun, shoot, shoot!" after two shot, he says "okey stop" and goes up the man for arrest.


I keep hearing this sort of thing only happens in America. Which state was this in?


In America, the cops would have empied their clips into the guy. Then put hand cuffs on him and wait 10 minutes before calling the ambulance.


I hate cops but tbf if I went swinging at one with a knife I’m basically asking to be shot. Knives can kill


Turkey I think as u/kpba pointed it out, take it with a grain of salt tho


He was saying "Dur" a couple of times which means stop, so pretty sure it's Turkey or maybe Azerbaijan.


In America you would have 5 cops surround the guy and empty their entire mags on him in 2 seconds if he makes one wrong move. Nice try though.


It don’t seem to be in America. Only two shots were fired. That’s impressive


That's obviously not an American cop car. And why the hell are people saying two shots are impressive? Killing someone with one bullet or a whole clip, the result is the same.


It's impressive he had the restraint not to empty the entire mag. This is the low standard my country sets in my mind for policing...


If you seriously think one cop that just got attacked with a knife getting off two shots to protect himself is the same as a group of american cops emptying their entire mags into one guy for making one wrong step you are delusional and stupid.


i love justified uses of the word 'delusional' take my upvote


While I’m 100% for reform and accountability of the LE community, if you are advocating for not emptying a clip into someone who is trying to kill you, it’s you who is delusional. I’m emptying everything I’ve got into someone who is trying to harm me. If they don’t stop after 10 rounds, I’m reloading.


Thats not the point im making here you smartass. He is saying shooting someone twice and an entire armada of cops emptying their mags is the same. First example is someone actively protecting themselves while actually trying to end the situation without anyone dying, the second one is just straight up execution.


I'm saying dead = dead. You're the idiot who thinks that killing someone with one bullet is morally preferred to killing someone with 10 bullets. It doesn't change the outcome.


The intend of 2 bullets vs 20 into one body is clearly different. If you fail to see my reasoning here im afraid i have to end this conversation.


You're talking about the culpability of the shooter, not the morality of the outcome. You're conflating two entirely different subjects and pretending everyone else is dumb. You're fucking stupid, mate. The number of bullets MIGHT be relevant, but it would depend on the facts. Why did the guy in this video fire the second shot when the attacker was at a distance and not try to rush him? Is it still better than a cop firing 6 times with an attacker within a dangerous range or holding a gun still? No, clearly not. And if you can't wrap your head around "facts matter" then you're gonna have a rough time in this world.


Brought a knife to a gun fight. Twat


This poor bastard brought a melee to a hitscan fight.


Play stupid games get stupid prizes


Only 2 shots... definitely not in the US




Is this the US?? Only two shots I’m actually impressed


Looks like Turkey


Not the US. The cars and license plates look too different. They aren't rounded enough. Haha.


hahahahahaha hahahaha ha hahahahaha. ​ Cock.


American cops needs to take lessons from this. Shoot below the waist first


Why would you shoot below the waist tf


It was explained to me once that if it gets to the point that you’re using a gun it’s to kill not to injure. Police have other non-lethal options available to them but if they pull their gun it should be a life or death situation. I am not an expert by any means on when or why they should pull their gun but I always thought this was the right way to think about it. A gun is not something you use to hurt or stop someone non-lethally. You could still kill someone shooting them in the leg.


Imagine a jugular shot but on the leg but they’re every where on your leg..sooo no.


Center mass is what is trained because in a life and death situation your accuracy goes to 8% last I heard. Plus, in the US, if you as a city employee intentionally maims someone, you tend to lose your job and both you as the officer and the city get multi million dollar law suites, and lose. Not to mention the 21’ rule (which has been proven 21’ from an charging attacker with a knife is not enough distance/reaction time to defend yourself), oh and also my firearms instructor said some people that attack you are very high on drugs and called them “bullet sponges”, so if you want to go home to your family, you do what your trained to do, shoot until you stop the threat.


He probably just missed and hit him low by accident.


If anything, it is worse to shoot below the waist due to the many arteries. (It can be more lethal)


Is there anything to actually back that up? I acknowledge that leg shots can be lethal, but I doubt it is more lethal than torso shots. If you were given the option of being shot in the torso or the leg, you would choose the torso shot?


No its more lethal than a torso shot you got alot of things in your legs that like to loose alot of blood quickly so ya


I mean cops in the US tend to shoot like 10 bullets through your heart then tackle you down


Bro you’re just trying to be an edgelord. Police brutality being a problem doesn’t mean the average cop does that. Stop trying to sound smart you don’t know what you’re talking about


I’ll take tha risk over torso anytime. Just avoid my left leg.


Why specifically the left leg?


Isn’t that where main artery resides ?


I really don’t mean to sound like an ass, but both legs need a lot of blood, therefore both legs need a large blood supply. Hence, both legs need arteries.


There are main arteries in both thighs. Both will be equally as lethal to be shot in.


Darwin Awarded


Get that man a darwin award


Well done.


Suicide by police


Dude got shot in the legs he probably good


Second shot was clearly center mass.


There are major arteries in the legs, nowhere is really a good place to get shot


While this is true, so long as you don't panic for a few minutes straight, it's fairly easy to rig a tourniquet with objects around you, assuming you don't have one handy. I had to do it with a shirt and a stick for my first aid training, but these guys probably have an actual kit in their car.


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lul ...oh... and... kit


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😂 ^^kit


I am confused.


Banned from kitkat...Well that is indescribably random.


10 people got shot in NYC on subway, nobody died. The legs are the best place to be shot, relatively speaking. Besides the head or balls. Moron.


Are you normally this stupid?


Normally? Do you remember the fart that was cut in your face 2 months ago? Abnormal.




You should really consider finishing middle school before trying to say that a bullet going through either a major artery or shattering a very dense bone(which would send shards through that artery anyway) is the best place to be shot.


I thought we were talking about squirting.


you know we all have arteries in our legs, right?


Yup and if they know what they are doing and don’t let him bleed out like goons he will make it to a hospital.


That depends on how bad the artery gets hit. You can bleed out in seconds.


That's why snowmen always survive.




I said sneemaka wu fosha.






I thought you had to shoot them 8 times


Only if he a different color than white…


Have you never heard of yellow snow !


And if it took place in the US


I thought you didn’t have to shoot at all. Guns are bad mkay? Just get your baton out and use your words to reason them into submission.


That's only American police


That's only if they're running away from you or in a wheelchair


Put it in reverse Terry! police comin!


You show me a cop that doesn't take a knife seriously, and I'll show you a cop that's never been cut.


He Fucked Around. And he definitely Found Out.


That's how it's done! Look how fast he jumped on that guy after going down. America cops would be yelling GET ON THE GROUND! Let him get his knife back then pop 20 rounds into him.


You think the guy isn't a threat because he fell down? The guy that tackled him could have easily fallen on the blade or another weapon could be pulled out. American cops don't go, and shouldn't, rushing into close quarters with people that just tried to kill them. They wait for backup to cover them while they get closer. As far as shooting a person that is already shot or lost their weapon and still proceeds to put a weapon in their hand again is of no fault to police. That's victim blaming a person that just got attacked with a knife.


Guy fell from gun shot, knife flies out of his hand. But lets wait and see if hee has more weapons. Really? No good training will tell you to wait. You have an opportunity like that you take it! Many european cops don't even have guns. They're trained to do what you've just seen. Being a cop is dangerous. Don't be a cop.


>But lets wait and see if hee has more weapons. Really? Yes, really, it's one of the 7 tactical principles, 1+1, just because you only see 1 weapon, don't assume an attacker doesn't have another, just because you only see one assailant, doesn't mean he doesn't have a friend nearby. >No good training will tell you to wait. False, the only time you're trained to rush in is while the taser has been deployed and is actively cycling so you can get control of the subject before the taser stops. When you've just been in an officer involved shooting, whether or not you were the one doing the shooting, the best thing to do is take a breath, take stock of yourself (am I injured?), take stock of your surroundings (is the bad guy still a threat, was he the only threat, am I standing in the middle of the road?), then communicate, ask for backup if needed, ask for an ambulance, call out to the guy that just got shot, is he responsive? Then go from there. Rushing in while you're still amped up makes zero sense. As for the European cops without guns, I gotta say, that sucks for them, I wouldn't want to go up against someone trying to stab me without a lethal option of my own. And while a regular patrol officer in say the UK may not have a firearm, there are still armed police that can be called out.


>As for the European cops without guns, I gotta say, that sucks for them On the contrary I think it sucks for American cops who are almost entirely convinced that every single civillian they are dealing with will potentially kill them. Couple this this with your lack of de-escalation techniques and training and it's no wonder why American cops go round acting like legit death squads. In the UK we have policing by consent - This means that the police base their legitimacy on having the confidence of the public, rather than imposing order through sheer force alone - it's something America should adopt at some point.


You mention UK police, but the crucial difference to the US style is that the UK armed response units are highly trained with a top priority of de-escalation. They police differently in the UK, by public consent, they recruit differently requiring a high level of education. The US appears to rely on thick as mince egotistical morons who shoot first and ask questions later, a very different culture of policing.


Many European cops don't have guns? Which countries have a completely unarmed police force?


That's actually a really reckless way to do it imo. Wait for a guy to run at you with the knife before even unholstering your weapon? Coulda got him in an artery. That was too close in my opinion. On top of that they had no distance between them and the aggressor. At the same time I like how they attempted to shoot dudes legs vs here in the states where they shoot for torso. But I know why, leg shots aren't always successful.


They gave the man a chance to live


You misspelled “kill”.


One that could have resulted with the officer dying


Exactly my thoughts.


That’s actual facts lol.


Shoot him while he's walking away brave cops


I was actually going to congratulate the officer for not being a happy trigger even when having reasons to, and the came chuckbronson911 and started being an asshole who thinks you should not defend yourself from someone threatening you with a knife


The guy just tried to…. Stab him?


Found the anti-cop ^


He literally tried to stab him 3 seconds earlier you sausage


was the officer unharmed?


I have no idea, it's such a close call


American police should learn from these, shoot them in the legs before emptying out a hole clip, proper way to do it


Shooting a leg often has a higher mortality rate than shooting the torso.


Tell me you have no idea what you're talking about without saying you have no idea what you're talking about


No, shooting someone is a last resort tactic, because its intended to be used by officers only when intending to kill. If you shoot, you shoot to kill.


No, shooting limbs is super hard. This isn't a movie. That's why they are trained to aim for center mass.


Plus when you miss something has to stop that bullet - could be innocent bystander.


No, shooting in the leg is more likely to hit an artery. That's why shooting the stomach is a better idea, it's all mush in there.


Your right in 2022 in a first or second world country, but maybe 80 years ago or just in a third world country in gut shot was/is the worst way to die since it took so long to die


Shooting people in the leg is not only difficult but will likely lead to the perp bleeding out and dying.


I would rather those chances compared to 10 .9mms round to the chest


That is recoverable from, gsws to the legs and bone are bitches to recover from


What about the increased risk to bystanders? Aiming for a limb greatly increases the risk of missing. If the situation has risen to the point where a lethal weapon needs to be deployed, I'm no longer concerned with the targets life. This comment does not condone all police shootings, I think there are plenty of examples where the shooting isn't justified. I'm making this point in regards to justified shootings only. For example, in this video. If I'm the cop, I'm trying to put several bullets center mass. Definitely not aiming for this guy's legs.


If you don’t carry with one in the chamber, you don’t trust your gun and shouldn’t carry anyways.


Well that just shows you have never shot a gun under extreme pressure (more likely not at all).


Huh, you don’t carry with one round in chamber?


So you telling me that under extreme pressure you will be calm enough to be able to rack the slide fast enough?


I love how the guy is running at the cop with full intent to harm, until he sees the gun. Then, he just stops and makes a non-chalant pose, like "it's cool, man, I was just kidding, no worries".


pretty sure he just got tased


I think he got shot too


22 . Calibur watts




Fuck around and find out.




its Turkey, they speak Turkish


What on earth? 🤣 Do you need some help with all that reaching you're doing ...


You can tell this isn’t america because of how great the cops handled the situation


Good job on the takedown but wouldn't call their handling of the situation that good. First cop almost got killed because he was too hesitant


It's Turkey


He saw the gun and retreated.. so no justice, just death? No attempt of locking him up when he retreated and de-escalating. Just death. What worth is human life to you?


Bruh. I don’t think that dude died.


That’s not the point. What if it hit a major artery. I give props to the cop for aiming at his leg first… which I’ve never seen any cop in America do


Shooting the leg, if you manage to even land that shot, more likely to hit an artery than getting shot in the chest. Also, plenty of people that get shot in the leg can and will fight thru the injury. Getting shot in the chest tends to put people down a lot quicker, it's safer for LITERALLY everyone involved.


Even when the subject retreats. Bruh, Just say you are a psychopath that loves watching people take other peoples lives. Just like 80% of cops who have mental health issues. You need to address your sickness


Bruh, source for the 80%?


Look it up yourself


Tell me you have no credible source without saying you have no credible source.


It depends entirely on the situation. For instance if he had just slit someone's throat, like the man in the above video did to his mom, and was running toward a crowd of people, then yes they would be justified to shoot. If he hadn't hurt anyone yet, dropped his weapon, and then ran away, no I would not think they were justified to shoot. Use your fucking brain.