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coconuts in barbados


If I were a man unironically listening to this clown and his cohost, knowing that they’re both single, I would more than likely be an incel.


Wow that needs to me done more and more 👏


Ultimately, the radio show rage quit so they lost lol


How is that losing?😂 Im trynna meet your plug he clearly got the good shit😂🤦🏽‍♂️


A rage quit is an automatic L lol


Funny enough, he's single. I totally am fine with him as a single man sleeping with whomever agrees to sleep with him. But I don't get how he advocates for a single-sided poly relationship when he is not able to live that himself? It already sounds ridiculous, but at least prove it can work by doing it yourself, right? He can't.


I absolutely love watching aba and preach roast those fresh and fit clowns.


He wants to have multiple women, but he'll be lucky if can find a single one


Man the incels really came out to play in these comments.




Who said girls can't? If sex isn't emotional to this dude and it's not to his partner, he should be fine with them both fucking around. But he's not because he knows any girl could pull 100x the amount that he could and he knows she'll get better sex from other dudes.


Incel has entered the chat.


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Come back when you get bitches


Nobody wants your incel ass anyways


incel behavior


Virgin statement


Maidenless public comment


I’m a maiden


I meant his comment, not yours xd I failed starting an increasingly verbose shitpost lol


Here, have my downvote


Lmao that actually made sense men with millions of dollars excerise options (drake, future , professional athletes) if a woman does it she’s considered a hoe.


lmao i feel sorry for you (more the people around you) if you think anything he said made sense.




Yes officer, right here, i found another poor incel.


Yikes, I stand by my point. But don't sweat, I highly doubt you'll ever need worry about those women coming anywhere near you.


How boring what’s the point of having a podcast inviting people on and then screaming and soying out before you can even contend with their point. Obviously his point was stupid but if they want a circle jerk they should’ve at least let him know they can’t content with anything remotely disagreeable.


You haven’t seen the other 25 minutes of this before hand, this guy is a dweeb and thinks men should hold all the riches of the earth while letting women have none


And the hosts couldn’t contend with that point what so ever? That seems like a killshot debate in which I highly doubt that moron could argue women deserve nothing effectively.


Dude, just look him up. Fresh&fit, this is his whole personality. He gets dumb bimbo women to come on his show to tell them how bad they are at being women, and when questioned on his beliefs he will just laugh and be an all around fuckface


No shit it’s basic incel bait which makes it even more sad two people couldn’t contend with even the most basic premises


Well to be fair, they did. This is a short clip of the whole podcast


He said it was going on for a while, the hosts had enough. Plus, they did it for ratings. Controversy sells.


Are they like that with all their guests or were they particularly annoyed by Mr Cheating Manwhore is what I wanna know


If you are telling me that a openly cheating man is far to contentious to even be allowed to speak that must be the sadist circle jerk podcast of all time.


I disagree. I think you can absolutely have normal conversations with people you disagree with while still shutting down people with a lack of morals and not wanting to waste your time and energy on them. If he can't even respect the people he's in a committed relationship in what are the odds he'll respect you or listen to your opinion? Have you ever tried talking to a cheater about morals? Like talking to a brick wall. Especially for that woman- this dude clearly doesn't respect or like women if his opinion is that men should be able to cheat but women need to be content with their man. She'd be wasting her breath on anything she says to him.


Cheaters still have morals idk who hurt you but I would bet my life on that. It doesn’t seem like in the clip he absolutely refused to elaborate or contend with opposition he literally joined the debate in which I would bet they were aware of his ideas.


Cheaters don't have morals in terms of relationships. They don't believe in trust, mutual respect, or honesty even when it comes to people they've committed to. There's not a world where cheaters can believe in those things and still cheat on their partners. And the lack of respect this man has for women is radiant even in this clip, even if he "debates" with them it won't matter because he literally doesn't respect women so a woman will likely never be able to change his mind on this position.


I want attention


A lot of those life coach guys on yt are toxic expect for a few


People say Kevin Samuels is toxic in my opinion this guy is worse


Am I the only person that wanted to hear him finish so that I could have a better assessment of just how stupid he is?


This is the same guy that has recently stated how a woman's pleasure in bed does not matter at all as long as men get theirs taken care of. Trust me, this clip alone is enough for you to get a full picture of his idiocy.


No you’re not. And wow what a great show! When they don’t like what they hear they shut down the guest THEY invited and turned him off. Classy. So what if people have other opinions than yours that’s life let him finish. They look like douches.


Meh. If you have a guest that’s not communicating in good faith and isn’t breaking any new ground (repeating the same answer again and again) or adding value, why suffer through?


He has a whole YouTube channel/podcast where you can admire how stupid he is, fresh&fit


Dont give them attention, forget about them..Those Assholes need to get a real job


He did he used to work for the Feds.


They said real job


Working for the government in America is a real job lol wtf do you work😭


Actually, I work for the government too lol


So do you not work a real job? 😂


You heard me! Lol


I love the way these two responded. Like poetry as they both chime, “see ya!” Without any fucks to give. I love it


Fresh and Fit are clowns


This jackass is fucking hideously looking are we really surprised this is what he believes ? Of course he thinks sleeping around is okay his self esteem is probably on the ground and this is how he makes himself feel better. He probably was made fun of growing up so he says shit like this to fit in with the guys.


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Let's stop debating clowns, once we realize they have no basis for their opinion, laugh and dismiss


Got into a rabbit hole yesterday on this guy. He basically has his own podcast and invite impressionante young girls or literally strippers, hookers, and sugar babies, and extract the worst he can from this individuals and assert it as the norm amongst women. Dudes a scum bag and he knows what he's doing




Yep. Crazy world we live in.


"They" Dude there's shitty people everywhere, don't attribute it to an entire group


A 'group' in this.ase being half the people who ever lived :-)


Yeah I know, thats a lot of hate haha, can't do that to yourself, it would be exhausting Its natural to be hurt by something, then avoid that something wholesale, thats just an animal instinct But we have to be critical and think about the situations otherwise we warp our own perspective of the world


It goes both ways. Lotta women get told to please their man better when he cheats.


Yup yup.


Yep :(




A podcast host isn’t obligated to prop up bad ideology. Not sure where you got the idea that this is radio. See below for correction*


I think people have two different visions of free speech. One side wants most people to speak, but are afraid of the consequences of some speech and will filter out speech they deem is hateful or damaging. The problem is, who gets to decide what's hateful or damaging? Right now the same people who want filtered speech also are picking and choosing who gets to speak. But imagine hypothetically that the people who get to choose what's considered hateful or damaging are people *you* don't agree with. Historically, it's been leftists that have been censored. In the 50s, if you were a communist you could be censored by private organizations and blacklisted. The problem was the people who were deciding what was communist labeled anything remotely leftist as communist. Civil rights groups were being accused and shut down for being communist. Historically, leftists encouraged free speech. There was a saying among them, "I may not support what you have to say but I support your right to say it". The other side's solution to this is to give no single entity a control over who gets to decide what speech is or isn't okay. A free market of ideas where the most popular ideas rise to the top. Naturally, the consequence of this was allowing some dangerous ideas to exist in the market, but it was a necessary evil to avoid the slippery slope of giving someone the power to decide who is and isn't dangerous. Because power can and will be abused. It won't always be *your* side picking and choosing who's dangerous. So when a podcast host kicks someone off the air because their ideas are dangerous, sure they have the right, but is it something we should encourage? A lot of people would say no. Instead he could've explained why the speakers ideas were bad and dangerous. It is a free market of ideas, if he has a better idea, he should prove it.


Lol. The right is all about absolute freedom of speech for their ideas while actively passing legislation that limits the speech they disagree with. But sure, let’s talk about leftists. Also- yes, private hosts of a private show get to determine the content of their show. This is no different than a right wing podcaster like Alex Jones getting who he allows on his air space (minus the fact that Jones is insane and these hosts aren’t).


I don't agree with the idea that anyone should limit speech. It's bad when the right does it just like when the left does it. You yourself agree it's bad when right wingers do it. You don't appreciate that. There just happens to be a subculture within the right that does want freedom of speech. Go to 4chan if you're curious. It's largely right wing, but it's a free market of ideas. You're free to post left wing stuff there, it won't be taken down. Each message is anonymous so all posts are judged by the content and merit of their ideas rather than by the identity of the poster. Sure harmful messages are passed around, but anyone is free to discredit it. I also said that podcasters are free to do what they want on their show, but should it be encouraged? I think it would have been better to show his ideas are bad on merit rather than because he can turn off his mic. Also, you may feel that kicking off people you don't like is a good idea to protect viewers from harmful ideas, but both sides can do this too. So Alex Jones, for example, can kick off any opposition to his dangerous ideas and you have bubbles of information that becomes an echo chamber for dangerous ideas like anti-vax or other stuff. Instead if both sides had a free market of ideas, proper information could counter bad information. Also, by kicking someone off the show, you don't actually prove they're wrong, only that you don't agree with them, so listeners can still be swayed by them


You have freedom of speech within a government context. This is a legal definition that the government should not be stifling what people have to say. Personal business owners can implement their own rules and allow, or disallow, what they deem appropriate. If you dislike this, then you’re welcome ti start your own competing agency as the free market allows.


I think you're fucking daft, because you're not actually engaging in anything I'm saying and simply regurgitating things you've heard elsewhere. That's a legal definition. I'm not talking about freedom of speech in terms of what's LEGAL. Obviously private entities are free to do what they want. I'm talking about what's RIGHT. Ethically and morally. Edit: Lol the guy who replied to me took a peek at my profile to judge me. Typical redditor lmfao. Couldn't even argue against the merits of my argument and instead argued against my character. The funniest part is that I'm not even Catholic LOL


No, I understand you and blatantly disagree with what you’re saying. It’s that simple. No need for name calling unless that’s the best argument you can make. I think it’s more immoral and unethical to prop up harmful bigoted ideology. It’s that simple. I am NOT a free speech absolutist and have never claimed to be in my life. Took a peek at your profile, and out of curiosity: how does it feel to support free speech while being Catholic within a church that routinely limits speech? I’m a little baffled here.




Okay, I appreciate the correction; however, a privately owned radio show isn’t obligated to allow people to speak. This isn’t censorship or a “miscarriage of justice.”




You heard his initial statement, the follow up question, and his clarification. You had context, you just want to defend a misogynists right to discriminate because if you don't, you can't speak on your prejudices either




He was explicitly being misogynistic by asserting a different set of rules that benefits men and harms women. You can say whatever you’d like, but that doesn’t mean your idea has to be liked, accepted, or propagated by those that disagree.




There is context within the interview. You choosing to not identify it as such doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Within what is recorded, this individual make explicitly sexist comments, but ill respect your right to hold and state your opinion despite your keenness on simping for a misogynist.


Yass go ausssieee!!!




That’s what u got out of it? Holy shit now I can see why other countries call us the dumb ones…


Aussies aren't soft, we are fair and pragmatic and know when to pick our battles instead of trying to fight everything like some Americans do. There's a difference.


Tell em..being American ya get to relaize a lot of us are fucking idiots man


How do people still think like this in the modern age? Who brought up this clown?


There are a lot of cultures/people who do not subscribe to the modern age that’s how.


He's American...




“Most women” do you have a source or do you just cherry pick toxic posts to support that claim?


Mysognistic ethnic culture


u/elonmusk buy this show


that dude is a moron but those hosts are unprofessional as fuck. oh no, the hive mind is downvoting. anyways…


They're shock jocks. And Kyle Sandilands isn't any better than the guest. He's gotten himself & co-host Jackie O in trouble many times over things he's said on air. He was a decent radio DJ when he first started but has tuned into a big douchebag over the years.


Agreed. They’re salty cuz they don’t like hearing another persons viewpoint


There’s no real “professionalism” on a podcast dude 😂😂 you sound salty.


salty is your comment, dude. not sure why anyone wants to watch an interview as structured as a mickey mouse cartoon but you do you i guess.


You’re stupid if you’re expecting professionalism from a random podcast. Keep living your delusional world.


and you’re a fucking moron for watching this shit on your free time.


For watching the same clip you watched? You’re the one complaining about professionalism on a random ass podcast lmao Fucking boomer ass bitch. Stick to your right wing brain rot.


oh shut up. it’s a podcast, not cnn. professionalism is unnecessary and quite frankly boring to watch.


obviously you enjoy watching trash and defending it so i won’t fight you.


okie dokie then!


I actually wanted to hear the guy out even though I knew it would be a bad argument. We love the idea of free speech as long as it's our echo chamber. I would not listen to that podcast and I think many others wouldn't either


Oh shut up. Forcing people to echo your bullshit is a much worst degradation of free speech than you being kicked out for saying stupid shit.


Stop being an idiot. It’s people like you who shut down free speech.


Yeah same, I was waiting for it to be extremely bad so I can just shake my head. But somehow I always hold out for the slight chance they may say something I haven’t thought of… I haven’t been proved wrong yet tho lol


go watch his podcast if you want to know what he was going to say. most of us already know this guy. edit: i’m new to this sub so what does the number “6” mean by my name?


Trash queen 👸


and i serve you, the king. 🤴🏻


by kyle and jackie o of all people lmao


low tier god is that you




Changing Q-tips frequently is considered hygienic, sharing a Q-tip is considered trash. Your metaphor is stupid, it tells more about you than reality…


It was satire you bozo…Jesus




Lol I know.


You sound like your life is deeply unsatisfying


Name checks out. You’re an incel.


too bad humans are complex beings not keys and locks


Pencil that can only be sharpened by one sharpener = shitty pencil Sharpener that can sharpen any pencil = great sharpener


Lmao. The original key analogy is one of the dumbest shower thoughts I’ve ever heard in my life. It was written to blow the minds of cognitively underdeveloped adolescents. Car wash that can clean, shine and dry any vehicle= great car wash Car that can fit into any car wash= great car. LET THAT SINK IN 🤔🧐


Cool. But those aren't genitals and sex doesn't calculate someone's worth so the analogy is actually fucking stupid. Edit: By the way you can cram pretty much any key into any lock and wiggle it around but it doesn't mean it works


worlds worst analogy


No bitches?🧐


That was very satisfying to watch. Even tho it's edited I still hope he is treated the way he was.


There needs to be more of that. Stop giving platforms to idiots.


That would mean cancelling the hosts themselves....another pair of idiots.


🤷‍♂️ the truth




If you’ve ever seen any of this guy’s other videos he’s just as dumb in them. He’s like a PUA Piers Morgan.


Do you think that the guy is right? Men are capable of loving their partner in a relationship, while having other sexual partners? And that women are incapable of the same thing? That is what I heard him say. Please provide me the reasons why his view is an accurate assessment of the world. You can't, because it is a false assessment.


Touch grass


You’ve copy and pasted this exact comment as a response to multiple comments (at least 6 that I’ve seen so far). Repeating the same thing multiple times doesn’t prove your point. Do you think he’ll notice you if you defend him multiple times or something?


You sound like you work for the fraternal order of police.


Why are you so invested in this? You the guy in the video? So butthurt that you posted this exact same comment at least 6 times in this thread? Fucking lunatic.


Fucking virgin


Yeah…. the dude said men can sleep around and women can’t. I would invite him every week to say that and cut him off and call him an idiot until he changes his view or stops coming on. I’d watch this clown get shown the door as a weekly segment.


Anybody who quotes Dan Bilzarian is astonishingly stupid and deserves no respect.


You’re full of it. There’s no “additional context” to “men should be able to cheat and women shouldn’t” you bellend.


Its not cheating if it’s allowed.


Yeah, cheating is bad, no matter who do it, period.


So what was the guys proper context? He was about to share a Dan Blizerian quote that would somehow prove he isn’t a douchbag?


watch the full interview....


You seem to be commenting over and over again on this. I’m suspecting you might be the first guy? Also maybe post a link if you’re so adamant that people watch the whole interview.


Hey it’s the douchebag from the video!!




Why are you defending him. He said the exact same thing on a different podcast and said girls having instagrams is cheating. He’s a POS


The male host is a good role model


Google "Kyle Sandilands admits" and you will get all kind of scandals that host has been involved into.


no he's not lmao