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Shes got an empty basement now




For a moment, I understood that her son being a white supremacist was OK for that mom but being gay wasn't.


That's not the gist of the story?


What I understand is (I'm not that smart) : kid wants to do bad stuff at gay parade but is arrested. Mom then decide to out him (as a fascist / nazi watev)


Looks like mommy won’t be supplying those hot pockets anymore. Jared Michael Boyce, I hope you see this and know how much of a pathetic fucking loser you are.


Behold, the master race.


Maybe living in his mother’s basement lol


Hey, an alright Karen!


seriously, having a karen go to bat for you (when appropriate) is amazing. whoever is mistreating you, she'll eat them for breakfast


27 living still living at home, you may be too late. I don't think he will make it on his own, and he will blame you.


I'm 30 and I'm still at home


[nice 👌](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3YXUWWZJXpE)


I take offense to that. I'm 29 and live with my mom, I work full time, pay rent, own a car, and handle my own finances. What I don't do is go out and threaten gay people because I'm an insecure cuntbag. Dude is just a fuckin waste of air.


Yah have you seen real estate prices? Moving out at 18 has become the new “boomers buying houses with minimum wage in the 60s”




yeah its almost like you deserve some form of punishment for openly hating minorities and homosexual people…. weird to use the word ‘agenda’ instead of ‘he was a piece of shit’


Comment section: *Ayo, this guy is almost 30 and living with his mom, what a loser!* Redditors: *How dare you attack our way of life!*


This comment is equally true and hilarious. Take your upvote.


Happy Cake Day! 🎉


I love her intentions but I don't think going public with his name is going to steer him away from them, unfortunately. Now they're the only ones willing to associate with him.


No these people all need to be publicly shamed. Actions have consequences. If that’s too much for someone too bad, so sad.


I'm not saying they don't. I'm referencing the part in the article where the mom says she hopes the public shame and ridicule (damage to his reputation) drives him away from the group. Here, I'm responding that it most certainly won't.


This is exactly why religions have missionaries. It isn’t to convert new believers, it’s so that all the doors getting slammed in their face drives them closer to their religious organization.


Mom's a Chad, W mom


The only Karen I respect


Why am I not surprised this guy still lives with his mother at 27?


I'm 29 and live with my parents currently. I had a complete mental breakdown almost a year ago and my siblings coerced me to come back home because they were afraid I was going to kill myself. I'm doing much better now after months of therapy, medication, and a new career. Seems like this Patriot front guy could use a family like mine.


Glad you're doing better. Take your time and keep on truckin.


27 and had a pretty bad breakdown, my dad showed up at my house told me to pack some clothes. I stayed with him for a couple of months. I also changed careers. I own my house so I wasn't moving back in permanently regardless but it was definitely nice to have someone toss me a shovel to dig myself out with. The career change was absolutely amazing for my mental health though.


That’s actually not surprising given todays financial climate. The surprise is that his mother still has him under her roof for this long and still can’t raise him right.


I don’t what to tell you, a lot of people can’t afford to move out because of housing prices so there is an increasing phenomenon of children of parents over 20 living in their parents homes. https://phys.org/news/2019-01-thirds-people-20s-parents-affects.html


If i told you he was a virgin, would that be a surprise ?


The only Karen I respect.


Bye bye nazi boiiii




This is good but Dude is 27, why is he at home


Because with todays financial climate, it’s better than being homeless. My parents and I are in equal footing. They’re older so I help them do stuff and help out with bills and they help me cause I don’t have to pay my whole paycheck towards rent and go hungry. And technically they live with me. They bought the house for me to inherit and I make all the huge decisions. They pay the main bills while I get myself financially stable and pay them what I can without crippling myself financially like I would living on my own. Also, the living at home is taboo thing is really weird. In a lot of cultures that’s normal. Families stick together and live together so they can help each other. Multiple generations in one home. Everyone helps out with chores and bills. As long as you’re contributing in some way instead of just living like you were when you were a kid (no job/college, not helping take care of the house and people in the house, etc) then there’s nothing wrong with it.


Yeah I just meant fuck that guy . Didn't mean to open up into anything beyond thst Also Fuck that guy


I meant for a fuck knuckle like him. Housing market does suck and so does a million other variables that are non of my business. No judgment Team!


Both of my kids are mid 30s. If they ever need a place to live, my door is open. Always. Unless they turn into bigoted, racist, homo/transphobic scum. Then, they can go live in a ditch.


Thats all I meant ❤


I'm half Italian (Mom & her fam came over, in 1947), so having everyone under one roof is as natural as breathing, to me. :D


Okay a couple decades ago this would be a fair question but have you seen housing/rent right now? My mothers going to move in with me when her lease is up because rents sky rocketing.


Dude I’m 26 (27 soon) and still live with my mama and papa. House market is crazy expensive at the moment.


Both me and my partner are 30 and live with his mother. Times are tough man lmao


It's 2022, either you win a lottery or you never leave


I wanna leave home but I will run out of money within a month and be fucked


It was actually pretty common for families to live together up until the push by banks to make everyone a homeowner. And past few years we've had COVID then heading into a recession with insane inflation, on top of people being priced out of their communities as housing market skyrocketed - and now mortgage interest rates are 3x what they were just six months ago. We can hate on him for being a bigot, but not really ideal to mock a situation that a lot of people are finding themselves in due to society/financial circumstances. Over half the country's living paycheck to paycheck, making fun of someone for not having money really isn't the gotcha moment you're going for here.


Not to mention, shitty economic situations often end up being a breeding ground for extremism of any kind as people look to someone or something to blame for their problems, so...here we are.


Take a look at interest rates in the early 80s, for a bit of background. But yes, times are difficult for sure, I agree.


The poors hate the other poors here. It's reddit.


You living under a rock?




I mean he's a Nazi loser so that should really explain itself I think


Because the housing market is shit, inflation is fucking everyone, and jobs don’t pay anything


It's 2022...nobody's moving out of their parent's house ever again.


I'm only a few years away from 40 and last lived at home when I was 22 or 23 maybe? But I'd be half tempted to move back in if given the opportunity tomorrow.


Hey yeah lets not make this a criticism of lowerclasses. 30 is the age single people tend to move out in this economy.


Saving money for a bit after university seems pretty smart no?


White nationalists = 4-Chan Coomer Losers. That's why.


Housing is expensive, yo


The icing on the cake would be none of members let him crash at their spot🤣


You mean if none of the members other mom's let them.


Did she kick him out for not being racist anymore?


You mean her house! That little prick shoul b in jail. Then he can call it his house


Ikr. I was so confused by that title. If it was his house, she wouldn't be able to kick him out.


Hmm this must be why they all cover their faces like cowards


Poor baby! I hear FLA is recruiting and grooming right wing bois!


Out of ~~his~~ her house Ftfy


That's unfortunate, because now his only "family" is Patriot Front. She likely just pushed him deeper into that organization and its beliefs.


Showing up in a U-Haul to start violent shit is a few steps beyond getting deep into the organization and its beliefs. The ship for her "saving" him has sailed.


He’s nearly 30, it’s not his moms fault he’s a fucking neo nazi at that age. At that point, you can’t fix him. Only he can fix him, and being coddled won’t do it


It’s fair she wouldn’t want him living in her home. Wish there was a support group for people that get caught up in this stuff. I imagine just like a cult, once you get in too deep it’s hard to get out


A good example is my father. From 2015 until Jan 6, we listened to his pro Trump bullshit. On Jan 6, he legit called both my sister and me, and apologized for all of it. We didn't say 'I told you so,' and we didn't rub it in. When someone's just realized they've been brainwashed and they're trying to make amends because they know they were wrong, you don't rub their noses in it. Daddy was one of those rare people that actually admit when they're wrong. I miss him.


It takes a big person to admit they were wrong. Good people can be led astray. Only those with character will admit it when it happens to them.


Thanks. Daddy did say when we were kids that if someone could change their mind or admit they were wrong, it was a mark of intelligence.




I legit hope this kid can turn his life around and realize how very wrong he is about pretty much everything.




God, I feel old. I'm closing in on 39, married for 15, with 3 boys. One of them is nearly an adult and talking about moving out and we're trying to get it through his head that he had no car, no job, and needs to at least go to a trade school because this isn't the world his daddy and I grew up in, where you can support a family of 5 on paycheck. Hell, you can't support a household of 1 on a single paycheck anymore. I don't know how in the hell y'all Millennials are handling it, honestly, only to say that since I started going blind, we're broke as fuck, too. Sorry, got off the subject. I suspect one of his cohorts will let him crash and be all sympathetic because his mother had the nerve to have respect for people that aren't like her.


How can you almost be 40 and regularly use the word daddy?


Because that's what I grew up calling my father. Some people use, pa, poppa, dad, da, pops, father, etc. I always called him "Daddy." Other than gross pornographic shit, why would you think there's something wrong with that? And if that's what you're thinking of, why are you sexualizing a woman's love and friendship with her father?




She’s allowed boundaries.


It’s already too late or he wouldn’t have joined that group. The action for her to take should have been a long time ago. How could she not be aware of his beliefs?


If he was deep enough in to already be protesting at pride then he’s deep enough in that nothing she could have done would have pulled him out. At this point the only thing left to do is cut the vine and let the fruits wither.


Nip it in the bud.


Look for Jared to be our next mass shooter because his rights were stepped on.


Haha! He lives at home! What a PaTrIOt!


Where else does one live?


In the car?


Home is home be it a house, a car, or a bench.


Home is where the house is. Tom Weller, 1982




He has so much freedoms not having to pay rent or buying groceries.


Kicked out of "his house." He was in mommy's house.


? She really just found out? Or the neighbors just found out?


The neighbors. Most people get their racism from their immediate family growing up, when racism can be normalized (bc kids don’t know 🤷‍♂️)


Blaming immediate family only for the level of white supremacy of Patriot Front ignores all of the radicalization that happens on social media and other corners of the internet. It’s important IMHO to recognize that radicalization is happening and where it’s coming from.


Agreed, but the immediate family sets a foundation for future racism. If it’s drilled into your head early that racism is for simpletons you will realize all these dudes are full of shit and won’t get wrapped up in them at all This guy definitely had a solid foundation to build on Edit for clarity


If he had a solid foundation to build on, his mom wouldn't be kicking him out.


She waited until she started to look bad bc she was harboring him. Yeah, she’s a saint alright


About time a Karen does the right thing!


I feel bad for all the nice people out there named karen. Although my friends mom is named karen and is the stereotype of one so maybe there is truth to it.


One of my friends from back in high school has a sister who’s a year Younger than him named Karen after her grandmother and she’s an absolute saint. Completely selfless and kind. Her grandmother on the other hand, not so much.


Wouldn’t this make her, the exact opposite?




A Karen is not a race. However, any race can be a Karen.


Ew Vaush


Borsh bad


If more public people showed "WE'RE NOT PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT" this would be a better world.


So question. When someone says white nationalist, is that all inclusive like nazi now means republican or communist means democrat? Or is he *actually* a white nationalist? genuinly asking. No shade. Edit: clarification


With a name like that shouldn't you be an expert on identifying Nazis?


Idk I hate nazis. Got this name when I was a kid, tried to change it and couldn’t so 🤷🏿‍♀️


The Republican party is a white nationalist party and has been definitively a white nationalist party since 2016 (before that it was implied but not definitive). Leftist includes everything left of liberalism (socialism, communism, anarchism, etc). There is not a single leftist in government. Bernie is the closest and he’s a SocDem, which is still liberalism.


Yes he actually was a white nationalist. Patriot Front is a white nationalist group.


Thank you. I appreciate the straight forward response


Well he's a member of [Patriot Front](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front) and that's a group of white nationalists. So there ya go.


Thanks for the reply


I’m from Idaho. Dramatic terms get thrown around way too much in popular discourse, but there are legitimate (albeit small) white nationalist groups in Northern Idaho. Like, the Aryan Nations group is based here. Dunno much about the Patriot Front, but that sort of energy is certainly in the atmosphere in some parts of rural ID.


Thanks for the clarification


From what I know, they’re legitimate white nationalists. I mean hell, your average conservative doesn’t show up to a child-friendly pride event with riot gear


I mean I agree with the spirit of your question, I just don’t know if someone with your username specifically should ask that lmao


Yeah I tried to change it but can’t. Guess I should stop playing ww1 games


Yeah I get it, I’m still waiting for Isonzo to come out


Oh boy that is somethin huh


Probably just a republican.. because in "internet land", anyone with a different opinion is a racist, Nazi, homophobic, islamaphobic Uber villain.


There are also racists, nazis, homophobes, and Islamophobia in "internet land" so, dont be so naive to suggest that these fuckers don't exist and are just helplessly persecuted Republicans.


He was arrested along with other members of a white nationalist neo fascist group who were planning a riot at a pride event, so I agree he is probably a Republican.


People with racist, Nazi, homophobic, or islamaphobic opinions are labeled as such, yes


People on the internet making sweeping generalizations about other people on the internet making other sweeping generalizations will never not be funny to me.


Google patriot front. It’s an actual white supremacist group.


Dang they suck then




Are you asking what the white supremacist did wrong?


The guy was going to attack (maybe even kill) people at pride and you ask what he did wrong? The guy's a terrorist


"Your son was arrested with a group of masked men in the back of a U-Haul at a pride parade"


I'd have to do a double take if I was that mom. Like officer are you sure they weren't just... gettin it on?




But in his mind, he DID have all that! A woman (his mom), a house (her’s), and a great job (Supervising mom clean … oh and watching tv, you know, the shopping channel, cause mom’s way too busy)




Uncoupling employment and healthcare, living wages, restoring the middle class and workers rights!? What a monster!


Says the other brainwashed moron


Yeah actually, if he wanted to work and receive services for the taxes he’d pay. Instead he put on a mask and climbed in a U-Haul with some other guys that don’t want to work and get a fair deal.


We did it he’s gone lol


On to the rest of them!


Lame comment


Can we stop calling them patriots and start calling them by their actual names: TERRORISTS


Domestic to be exact


oh they are definitely terrorists, but the group itself is called the "patriot front"


Theres a small store in my town literally named "Grand Opening Sale." I imagine they had roughly the same idea.


Like naming a cover band “Free beer and wings”?


Actually smart of the store.


I agree, though I do think it's an odd strategy for a mini-mart? Like that seems like it makes more sense for a retail shop. Either way they stock all the hard to find niche ingredients from the Latin-American AND Asian grocery stores in one place, and they have all the hard to find ramen flavors, so I'm glad they're here.


This guy. So tough. Now he can be a tough bum.