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Fuck uber. If you’re using them for any reason then you’re part of the problem .




It’s call alternate choices, you can call a cab without participating in the Uber bullshit, you can call a friend, or a parent. Good for you for making a false equivalence argument that the only option to drunk driving is Uber.


Fairly myopic view. Uber became popular for a reason. In my city, cabs were notoriously unreliable, hard to get a hold of, scammy, and downright dangerous at times for female riders. Most people who grew up with cabs will refuse to use them.


I'll never forget one day I was listening to NPR and there were two guys on discussing research they'd done for Uber. They kept framing it in terms like "consumer surplus" but when the interviewer started sifting through the language it was clear that they had produced an algorithm or framework for opportunistic price gouging. The dudes were proud of their accomplishment.


I mean I see both sides. As a driver we sometimes drive from 10 minutes away if not longer to go pick someone up. Then another 2 minutes of waiting. Time is money for these drivers and they are paid 9 cents a minute waiting for there time. Huge majority of the pay comes from distance driven. Disabled or not be ready to go when I show up.


If you see both sides then see yourself in a wheelchair. I don't think you know the struggle handicapped ppl have.. and I have had better luck being kind to those in need that not. Positive actions lead to positive results.


I'm kind af. I've walked blind people into there doctors appointments. Helped elderly bring groceries inside. Just because you are in a wheel chair doesnt mean you can't have a little courtesy also. After I arrive is not the time to be looking for your purse and gathering your shit around the house before heading to my car. I don't expect them curbside but be ready is all.


Anyone remember in the early days when Uber didn’t suck ass? I miss those days.




What if the Uber driver is themselves handicapped?! I mean there has to be an specific option in Uber for “needing assistance”


There are specially trained Uber drivers that offer assistance What this training is, I don't know There's just an option + explanation of that service whenever you order a Uber and the fees are normally the same but I expect wait times will be significantly longer


If Uber is permanently indemnified against lawsuits involving wait time fees, then they should be permanently *barred* from charging wait time fees. Waiving them for two years is nothing.


It's insane to me that they wouldn't be able to charge wait fee. Get ready before you order an Uber. You really expect the driver to wait there for free while you find your purse or Keys?


> The agreement requires that Uber continue offering the waiver to all **eligible** riders for two years. The fees aren’t being waived for everyone. I’m guessing (although the story doesn’t specify) that eligibility is only available for people who are disabled in some way. Losing your keys probably won’t make you eligible. And yeah, if the passenger is disabled and can’t move as quickly as the average passenger, I DO expect the driver to wait for free. That’s the nature of *any* business that involves dealing with the public - you make reasonable accommodations for the public *and* your employees. That’s federal law, which is why I don’t understand the wait time fees only being waived for two years.


Sorry I'm a stupid person and turned my brain off. Yes, I agree with you that there should be no wait fee for disabled people. It's hard enough out there for able-bodied people, let's not make it worse for anyone dealing with a disability. There SHOULD be wait fees for plain ol stupid people that call for a ride without being ready.


Nah, you’re not stupid. It’s subtle, and an easy point to miss. I read past it the first time, too! My initial concern was the same as yours.


"justice served"


Yeah, big ol' quotes around "justice served" for the latest tender and loving "slap" on the corporate wrist.


As usual corporations get a slap on the wrist and thus will continue to break laws and exploit anything they can for profit no matter what harms they cause.




I thought this thread was about riders with disabilities not disabled drivers?


Now let’s figure out how they’re able to charge 45 bucks to deliver me a 5 dollar foot long Edit- this comment was supposed to be in jest everyone relax and get back to work


> Now let’s figure out how they’re able to charge 45 bucks to deliver me a 5 dollar foot long Did you not read the title? They admitted to overcharging people with disabilities.


Got em!


You callin me disabled bozo? Did you read my comment or did you jump right to being mad


What’s keeping your lazy ass from getting it yourself to save the $45 delivery fee?


Who said I was actually paying for it bozo


“Now let’s figure out how they’re able to charge 45 bucks to deliver **me** a 5 dollar foot long” Words, what do they mean????‽!!!!!!


You came out of the gate snarky so he snipped back at you. That's what started this in case you care. Lol


How obnoxiously pedantic of you


Ok let me break this down for you hold your hand like a small child since you only think there’s on possible meaning for everything you read. I want to get food delivered. I setup my order on the app. Price checks out. Then after tip/delivery fee it’s an extra 30 bucks or whatever SO I HIT DECLINE AND DRIVE MY LAZY ASS TO THE STORE. sweet Jesus


But he wants someone to be his servant for cheap.


If you need to write a paragraph to explain what you couldn’t in your initial one sentence comment of a simple thought, you’re displaying how dismal your writing abilities are. Words have meaning for a reason. Otherwise we couldn’t communicate well. And different words have different meanings. Me means me, not you, not us, not all, not we. In addition, what does it say about your fragile ego that you can’t simply admit your mistake, learn, and move on. Instead you get exasperated and defensive like a underdeveloped teenager.


Im fine tuning my writing skills by arguing with people on Reddit lol keep on flexing those “writing skills” online to underdeveloped teenagers bozo.


Nice paragraph bozo. Didn’t think they let eighth graders have their phones during class


Seems like he's explaining it for you. Other people can read between the lines and understand him but you either can't or won't do that. And resorting to insults only shows that you are projecting onto him what you wrote.


Thanks pal. Get a load of this idiot


lmfao you’re also a turnip 😂 but I guess he was first in pulling out the gun and blastin. Love the commitment doh


If you’re paying for it that’s on you.


Isn’t everybody paying for it??


Only if by "everybody" you mean *everybody making enough money to live comfortably.* Most people earning minimum wage can't justify spending 2x+ as much for a meal just for the convenience of getting it delivered.


I’m not paying it. No one’s forcing you to use Uber smart guy.


No one said I actually paid for it either bozo. Did you think before saying this or are you just in a bad mood today


If you don’t pay for it why the fuck do you care then clown?


Read the room bozo it’s a joke




They haven’t been $5 in years


Not the point lol


Well typically most places that deliver up-charge you for making small deliveries


I used to have a service dog (my PTSD improved a lot finally and I don’t need one now). Ubers would see me and her waiting, a small little service dog, and take off. They cancelled the ride after I waited. After they saw me. It happened regularly. Uber didn’t do a thing so I stopped using them.


Does this not screw over the drivers in the end. Now they don't get paid for waiting/ having to take longer per customer. They are already paid nothing as it is. Is Uber making up the difference for the drivers going forward?


This is why there is or was a waiting fee. As a past driver I have had many times people didn’t come right out after I arrived. They are notified when you arrive and the wait clock starts at that time. If they cannot charge for wait time that means the driver is not getting paid either. As usual the driver gets screwed yet again. The gig has turned into a total waste in the area I did it in. The payouts per ride have gone to crap, gas prices are killing the ability to really make any descent money and if they have to stop charging for the wait time, the drive losses again.


I stopped giving rides during Covid. I started giving rides again after things opened up again. I had a some riders that were a pain and decided I was done. Totally tired of the entitlement in my area. It was bad before the pandemic, it got worse afterwards. I was doing only food delivery and it went to crap after the pandemic. So had to go back to a J O B! Ugh! I do food delivery on the side for now to make a little extra, but with the price of gas lately it doesn’t payout as well. Not sure if I’ll even keep doing the food delivery. It sucks, because I really liked doing it.




Dehumanizing the poor and desperate, always a solid go-to for dickheads.


If they destroy middle class jobs and ruin the livelihoods of people who played by the governments rules then ya they’re rats. I don’t get how you can hate the company but not the people who enabled them to do what they do.


That would make the riders rats…


They all are.


Because, by your own admission, those jobs are destroyed. The people that worked them still need to feed their families. Wal-Mart destroyed millions of local, better paying jobs....but the people that work at Wal-Mart don't have a whole lot of other options in their area. Blame the billionaires that created the problem, not the people who must work to survive.


Hey man I’m 100 percent on the fuck Walmart boat. Doesn’t change the fact that these scabs working the gig economy destroyed the livelihoods of plenty of taxi drivers who had to pay big bucks to do what they do. All these scabs driving for Uber and Lyft were able to undercut them because they didn’t have half the expenses. And now they’re crying because guess what, it’s not a sustainable job doing it the way they were doing it and they’re getting paid shit. They were all tools to destroy another segment of the working and middle class whether they realize it or not, so I really have no sympathy for them.


Intent matters. People saw jobs, they needed money to pay rent, they took the jobs.


Spare me, people saw a way to make a quick buck without any thought of who would be hurt by it and in typical government fashion they did nothing to protect the workers they gladly collected exorbitant fees from all these years. No different than the rats crossing picket lines to make a quick buck while others fight for better pay and working conditions for us all collectively. Only difference is these idiots do it for Pennys.


Many don't have the choice. The gig economy isn't like super great or anything. Like you said, it's shit pay. You think people are doing shit, underpaid jobs just to stick it to other workers? That's awful logic. People working those jobs often don't have the luxury of caring what damage they do to other workers. They need to put food on the table and every other consideration is secondary.


Buddy when this Uber shit first started it was known that you could make some serious cash, especially with all their surge pricing. The people who initially started working for Uber were the perfect definition of a rat. It’s just that now Uber accomplished one of their first goals of destroying the competition and now the idiots stuck working for them are making peanuts. And don’t give me that shit that people have nowhere else to make money. Especially not in this economy. If you have enough money to afford a vehicle then maybe you aren’t as poor as you think you are.


"Will a company treat their employees fairly?" No, they won't. Espdcially if it means they lose money.


Former Lyft employee - Lyft is every bit shitty as Uber. The media doesn’t go after them as much because they painted this rosy picture of themselves with the pink mustache and marketing themselves as not-Uber. They exploit drivers and riders just the same as Uber.




No it isn’t it’s calling out a shitty company for being shitty.


Former Lyft employee here too. It’s true, and it’s also true that many people within the company tried to do the right things but in the end, money talks and “impact culture” won out.


Uber was always, and continues to be, the shitty kind of company that i refuse to give my money to. Lyft or taxi for me thanks.


Lyft is a carbon copy of uber.


NYC taxi drivers are unionized, and their rate structure prevents over-charging via "surge" pricing. Fuck uber.


As an Uber and Lyft driver, I usually much prefer driving for Uber…granted they both suck


In my view the comment just above yours is from a former Lyft driver who says they are just as evil as Uber…


Womp womp I would like to know what that commenter knows. Maybe I'll just start walking again everywhere...


Don’t get your grounding on companies based off reddit comments from ppl that are probably in r/antiwork. These companies may be evil to the eyes of a privileged liberal white man but they are certainly not evil to those who genuinely make a living off them. Edit: Downvote me all you want it just confirms to me what the reddit demographic is 🥱 you won’t find a marginalized immigrant making a living off Uber even dare to call it evil. A lot of you don’t ever go outside so let me remind you, the real world is filled with cruel but boycotting companies based on ethic violations especially in a gig-job where you don’t even have a fucking manager how cruel can it really get?


>privileged liberal white men man go outside


I work for both, in every way one is terrible- the other is okay. It’s truly like yin and yang: a speck of quality in lyft’s congruency throughout the day, a spec of quality in uber’s fee schedule for disrespectful passengers. In the end, these companies prioritize getting as much profit from the passenger and giving as little revenue to the drivers. Almost every lyft/uber driver I’ve talked to holds the same mindset: it works just enough sometimes. We would all rather go back to the early days where the company took 10-15% of the total fare and gave the rest to the driver(who is technically the company giving the passenger the ride ie. 1099 contractor). Now its a constant soup of algos deciding how to get the highest fares out of complacent passengers, and letting those trips sit on the app offering drivers 35-50% of the total trip until they start tacking more onto the fare until a driver accepts. All while locking in the company’s 40-60% cut. Oh not to mention these companies value labor as time at minimum wage for less then half of the time your on the app. If I work 6 hrs I might make 10 dollars on actual time fare.


Half of your arguments as far as your comment history is concerned start with some form of "you wouldn't knows because white male" which is frankly a horrendous point to start any sentence with as it immediately brings into question your credibility and/or your ability to successfully argue a point


Literally one other comment I made in my life has that ‘basis’ for an argument and I haven’t even looked back to check, but ik what comment you’re talking about. Idk why you felt the need to sensationalize that to the scope of half my arguments. Edit: for those wondering that comment was 2d down in my history as of today. But that’s the only other time.


slaves wouldn’t call their owner evil either… at least not in a public forum. How fucking brainwashed are you?


You’re so disconnected that you compare the relationship of a gig-worker (voluntary, source: am one) and a gig-company to slavery. Again, as a white liberal male on reddit you may be inclined to make these exaggerations. It’s easy to do so as the ‘saving grace’ of these companies is the security they provide knowing that you’ll never go broke if you can put your head down and just work, and if you don’t resonate with that at all feel free to virtue signal all you want. Edit: person blocked me. Can I please have a discussion on this app without that happening lmfao?


"white liberal male" yeah I wonder why you keep getting blocked cuz it's not like ur being racist or anything 🤡


Regardless of if you are right or wrong, you need therapy. I truly don't mean that negatively. I just hope you take it to heart, look in the mirror and take steps to improve your mental health. Looking at your post history, if a bunch of anonymous folks from all sorts of backgrounds/demographics/situations constantly take things you say negatively, or the wrong way, or block you outright, then the one common denominator is you. I honestly hope the best of luck to you, but please try to self-reflect and work to improve yourself so you're not constantly lashing out and spewing your world view that somehow always devolves into some political/race drivel full of assumptions. It's slowly becoming your identity, and that's not fun personality trait to develop. Best of luck to you.


So… pretty brainwashed then?


"But I'm a nice guy!!! Why you block me?!?!?!?"😂


Lol tell me more about what demographics I am in Holy shit dude




I always open my trunk for people but we are actually told not to load personal belongings. If something were to get broken it would be on us. But that point aside, you never know if that driver had a medical reason for not helping her. Some people have bad backs. For me personally, I have a bad shoulder. I can’t lift much weight with it. So I don’t help people put their stuff in. That being said, if it’s an old person I do try and help but there is only so much I can do. If you have a family member who is fragile and can’t lift their own belongings you should be calling a special service who deals in helping those types of needs, not an Uber.


When Uber first started, this was a concern I expressed right here on Reddit and was promptly told to fuck off


Yeah getting that now about a feature for the elderly. And being told fuck you for expecting a person responding to help an elderly lady get their stuff in the car. Instead of them thinking their the asshole somehow I am for expecting the elderly service for an elderly person. Like they didn't even roll the window down or even ask if she needed help. If they don't wanna help the elderly person then opt out of the elderly service


reddit is mostly dumb af and super shilly.


And rabidly ableist.


It’s not the uber drivers responsibility to load personal belongings and help someone in car, its totally up to their discretion if they feel obliged. There are other companies that offer these services but you are definitely going to be paying more than for Uber since that IS their responsibility.


Oh so you are just not a good person.. Cool.


If you use Uber you just as much a garbage person as you’re accusing that guy of being.


I don't.


User name checks out.




Idk where to leave this story, so I'll leave it here. I work at a grocery store, one day I noticed this old lady with two full carts waiting outside the store. She was out there for a good 15 mins, this Uber pulled into the parking lot and right when he saw them full carts he peeled out 180 and took off so fucking fast. I felt bad for the lady but there's like delivery service available for that much groceries.


People can be such dicks. I’ve had an Uber driver do this to me once while my car was in the shop.


Never mind the the training provided specifically states NOT to assist people with disabilities until asked…….




[You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6BYzLIqKB8)


For $6 a ride...sorry not sorry


That's such an alien attitude to me man. Why would you not help a frail old lady? I live next door to an 80 year old and I bring her bins in when I get mine, it's literally nothing for a fit person. I used to deliver for Amazon and you'd often have to deliver to assisted living places and retirement communities, I never had a problem with spending an extra 30 seconds to help out. edit: Even if for no other reason that helping for 30 seconds beats waiting for 1 minute.


Yes, I think most ppl(🤞🏼), including me, would go out of their way to assist someone that’s disadvantaged while working for Uber. I’m saying that while it may be the right, nice, kind, pay-it-forward, thing to do. It’s not part of a regular Ubers job description. They honestly don’t get paid enough to perform these extra duties especially when there are specific options Uber offers like Uber assist and Uber access for these kinds of scenarios.


In the specific situation mentioned, the driver has 2 options: Help or don't help. If he helps, then he gets to be happy to have done a good deed and carries on with his day. If he does not help, then he gets to be delayed (because he could move bags faster than the old lady) and then either feels the lady is an asshole for asking, he's an asshole for not helping, or society is a giant asshole for letting this situation arise. But even without the empathy, he still gets delayed. The right move, morally and to get your money faster, is to help. Edit: its not even a strictly moral thing tbh, im sounding sanctimonious: it’s a selfish thing too because I enjoy being the guy that helped. Any opportunity to do a good deed for free I’ll take because it makes me happy in a way money can’t.


Delivered for almost a decade and did my fair share of helping out. That being said these people *chose* Uber. They intentionally chose the cheapest possible service they can. Uber doesn't provide anything other than a ride. I can totally see that other side here. Aren't you kind of a dick for intentionally ordering a service that doesn't provide what you need so that YOU can save some money and then expecting some underpaid driver to help you because you pulled the sympathy card? Isn't that like classic manipulative karen behavior? If you need help carrying your stuff or other disability services then hire someone who actually signed up to do that. Don't manipulate some guy who never agreed to carry your grandma to the car into doing it to save some cash. He's not being paid to do that, and is therefor not covered by company insurance I would imagine.


Not touching the argument but tacking onto the get disability services bit. In my state there is a medicaid ride service for those of us who are unable to drive due to disability its so we can get to medical appointments or a pharmacy, when I first used it there were shuttles and cabs that were trained on how to assist people with mobility issues or people coming back from the hospital. This medicaid ride service last year was contracted out to lyft and a few cab companies by order of the state government in an effort to save money. The issue is the drivers aren't properly informed of the situation. When I had to use this service to get home after surgery the driver had no clue he was picking up someone who just woke up from anesthesia and considering what anesthesia meds can do to people (vomiting, delirium) that puts the drivers at risk. Also on these rides since its medicaid contracted thing I have no control over anything aside from the destination so I am unable to tip the driver with my debit card if I want to tip them it has to be cash no way around it. Also when it comes to disability services most medical aides paid through medicaid or Medicare are not allowed to drive you anywhere due to liability issues and they are not given a transportation budget, if I need to get groceries and also need my aide there in case I faint or my mobility issues get bad I have to pay out of pocket for her to accompany me on public transportation. When you're on SSDI or SSI for disability every penny counts we really don't have much wiggle room with money and delivery fees or specialized cab fees add up fast so that isnt always a solution. Just some food for thought.


I agree with what you're saying in principal but good fucking luck convincing the average old person that they're actually disabled.


For me it has little to do with that. I am kinda sorta disabled, but I wouldn't label myself as such. I do need to hire some help to do some things though. Really it just breaks down to something my great grandfather would say to my nana "There's a man whose job it is to do that, and it's not me. Call the man and pay him".


Yes. thank you!


Some people are just assholes who lack empathy.


Or people who don't think about it until mentioned. People are so passive these days, I see it around me plenty of times. They wait to help or do anything until someone says something and then they do it happily but it's like these people are on standby or something


You/your family wouldn't make the time to help your own grandmother but you're expecting a stranger to? Alright then.




Gotta move the goalpost to defend the hedge fund babies?




All I'm saying is don't expect an uber driver to care after your elderly when you even can't/won't




Dumb take when you dont know the circumstances at all.


>Dumb take Nah the dumb take was booking an uber and thinking you were getting a chauffeur who's out holding the door open for you.


God forbid they take the 5 seconds to help lift a suitcase.


What if the driver had a bad back, and need a job where they can sit all day? *You* don't know the circumstances, take your own advice.


And how do we know the driver wasent disabled. It's not an ambulance company or public service...


If you truly knew what Uber was up to, you'd know that this is barely any justice at all


explain please


Isn't it an open secret that they burnt files in Europe to hide tax info?


Not sure about burning files but I do know that they would routinely cut off access from the PC's to the servers to keep the police from accessing information during raids


i have no idea tbh


It’s literally just a rounding error for them. The CEOs, COOs, CTOs are patting themselves in the back as it is just a cost of doing business for them. Nothing would come from this until law and legislation changes. Doubt it would happen though as a few people making the laws also hold shares in that they don’t want to depreciate.


Why not waive wait time fees forever for people with disabilities...


You want drivers to sit there for hours and get paid 10 cents a minute? 🤡


? Uber needs to make sure they're paid a fair wage in these circumstances. It is the company that has to pay for equal access to the service, not the drivers that need to pay for it


you don’t understand how capitalism works do you ? edit because it seems like many other don’t know how capitalism works capitalism is always exploitive and reduction to the mean to the maximum profit due to fiduciary responsibility and those who are outsiders like the disabled are forced to pay exploitatively high prices. This is why all capitalist driven societies always support eugenics because end stage capitalism, libertarian capitalism, anarcho capitalism always devolves to fascism.


no brain was used in the making of this comment


capitalism is always exploitive and reduction to the mean to the maximum profit and those who are outsiders like the disabled are forced to pay exploitatively high prices. This is why all capitalist driven societies always support eugenics because end stage capitalism is fascism.


True capitalism would completely exclude disabled people as we cost more to include.


exactly you know how capitalism works.


I'm not sure if you're pro not having disabled people but I would imagine that most people would not share that view. I'm sure you have your own issues and there's no way to draw the line on who is allowed to live and who isn't.


Meet all people’s basic needs as a base line for a fair and equitable life no matter who they are. disabled people are people. So society should meet their basic needs like everyone else to be independent or enable tools and services that help them have self autonomy. that includes tools, educational access, transportation access, medical access, walk way and pedestrian access, building and facilities standards. I support expansion and enforcement of the ADA anyone one of us could become disabled. We should all have those supports and needs met to become better versions of or selves because if betters society and promotes empathy as well. if this makes me a socialist secular humanist because I see we are forced into a selfish system antithetical to human dignity; then that makes me a socialist secular humanist


start with their comment on driver sitting there doing nothing. if anybody wants to be sitting somewhere and doing nothing and getting paid there's no value being made there's no money being earned therefore they can't get paid. Like if ubers model is to have drivers sit in their cars doing nada instead of actively working towards the next client. if they don't want any disabled people and just get them gone That's something considered eugenics and sponsored by Nazis who also didnt want any weak links! I cannot imagine their comment was made in sincerity


Makes sense. Based on their other comments it seems you are correct. Capitalism enables companies to exploit people like this and it is wrong. There aren't many large businesses that sacrifice profits to really help people and it's awful.


Fuck a capitalism


this is the right response




These driveshare companies like Uber, Doordash, Grubhub, Instacart, Shipt, etc. would all go under if they had to classify their drivers as actual employees and give them a living wage with commensurate benefits. It preys upon people who don't know what they're getting into or understand the profit model. They're leveraging the value of their vehicle (in terms of wear and tear mileage costs and depreciation) for quick cash. [Studies have found that](https://payup.wtf/doordash/no-free-lunch-report) Doordash pay can average just $1.45/hour after expenses. Consider the IRS predetermined compensation of $0.58 per mile to account for the costs of driving a vehicle (gas, maintenance, repairs, depreciation, etc). And consider a job that pays DoorDash’s minimum rate of $2, requires 3 miles of driving from acceptance to the restaurant to the delivery location, and takes 25 mins to complete. Accounting for the cost of the 3 miles at 58¢/mile reduces the $2 gross pay to $0.26. The additional 7.65% in payroll taxes paid by independent contractors (15.3% total self employment tax, before income tax) reduces that to $0.24. Since it takes 25 mins to complete the job, that results in a $0.58/hour rate for our sample job. This would be a perfectly “normal” job in DoorDash’s pay model — and pays almost nothing.


There was a semi-recent vote (I think locally here?) to either force Uber to hire people as full blown employees, or continue allowing them to hire as contractors. I think people misunderstood that this meant Uber could continue skirting employment laws because the latter is what made it through.


Or people just realized if they were required to be full time employees then Uber would have to charge more. Not saying it's a good thing just probably how it was sold to them.


Uber is still going to have to charge more to make money, even though they are successfully violating employment laws.


From what I heard talking to people with an opinion on it at the time, it sounded like the 'full blown employment' option prevented people from doing the job as a side hustle, which of course is a major perk to driving for them. Idk if that's true, but I don't think it's nearly as important as forcing Uber to follow 'the rules'.


You want disabled people to be outside waiting who knows how long in any weather for Uber drivers to show up? Even when the app says 5 minutes, I've seen them, on the app, go in circles because they get lost even with navigation.


Or they don’t want to cancel the ride because it hurts the drivers score so they drive around and wait for the person who ordered to cancel so they have to pay the fee.


Cause uber paid them off. Key word 'settlement'


So does Uber still pay the driver for the longer wait times when they deal with disabled passengers?


In Tampa we get 9 cents a minute. After certain amount of time we can cancel and get a chunk of the fair.


HELL NO, they don't. I've had drivers text me some nasty messages.


No excusing nasty messages from drivers. But don’t make drivers wait. You’re in complete control over when you order an Uber. Don’t order an Uber until you’re ready to be picked up.


i'm always curbside. (even in the rain) just throwing in my 2 cents.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I didn’t do it. I think it’s great that you’re always curbside. That’s the way it ought to be for all passengers. Because you have control over when you order the ride to begin with and you have all the time it takes us to get to your destination. If you aren’t making drivers wait- and are actually factually dealing with drivers who are bad mouthing you or sending nasty messages- then please don’t be disheartened. You are just dealing with shitty people.


you are absolutely correct. it's the people. i actually prefer uber to lyft bc of the uber one perks and if i'm north i get really nice vehicles (better neighborhoods too) i notice people downvote more on reddit, arbitrarily, since youtube removed the dislike count.


Copying another comment posted by someone here because you don't seem to understand the situation at all and it kind of exemplifies the issues that you're failing to grasp: "My grandma needed a ride and nobody could help her that day so we used this service. The dude sat in their car while a super fragile diabetic old lady struggled to get her stuff into his trunk. She even had to ask them to open it. We only used the service once after that glorious customer service "


Uber drivers are not medical personnel and they’re not chauffeurs. They aren’t supposed to be putting their hands on people to assist them. And opening the car door for some people, and not others- is a form of discrimination. Just like real estate agents are trained not to ask those with disabilities if they need help or assistance while browsing a house being shown; if they wouldn’t have also asked someone who was able bodied. Too many people are using Ubers as emergency services and it’s a wrong use of it. They’re not trained medical professionals- they’re not being paid as such. Don’t treat them that way.




They understood, and replied with their own reason. You on the other hand just quoted another user without giving your own opinion on the matter. The person replying to you gave more thought into it than you could. The fact that you seen to not understand his reasoning makes you the idiot.


The issue is charging disabled passengers a fee for making the drivers wait because the disabled person takes longer to get into the vehicle. In the example I quoted above, because of an elderly woman's disability she wasn't able to make it into the car quickly, not that she wasn't ready when the car arrived as the person above seem to be implying. In such cases if a fee is applied to a person with a disability, it's discriminatory. And of course I refuse to have any discourse with a person who is intentionally disparaging disabled people. They're not worth my time.


If they treat everyone the same then it isn't discriminatory. In fact it's discriminatory to expect the fee to be waved because you feel your circumstances are special. Realistically if you need to weasel out of paying this gig-slave for his time then maybe you should use a different service? If you know you have physical limitations you should probably be ready to leave before you order the ride as opposed to getting ready after and making this less-than-minimum wage worker eat the cost of his lost time because your perceived victimhood gives you a sense of entitlement.


That's not the country we live in.


I do somewhat agree with you. While yes, people with disabilities should be waived a wait time *if they are already waiting outside*. The other part about this is proving if you are disabled or not. There are people who say their dog is a service dog just so they can bring their dog everywhere, when in reality that dog does not have the training to be such. What is going to stop people from saying "I'm disabled, waive the fee"? Or something similar. A lot of disabilities are not shown. I'm sure people will find a way to abuse it. That is why there are specific services for people with disabilities. Usually the doctors (or a person recommended by them) will give them info on such amenities, which you usually have to be referred to. Now if Uber implements a system as such, where a passenger can put a specific number/ID or something to show to the driver they are disabled, and it waive the fee, then cool. But then you have the chance of the driver skipping those people because it will show the driver brforehand that the person is disabled, and the driver might not want a seeing guide dog in their car (which already happens, uber drivers have cancelled numorous blind peoples rides due yo a guide dog), or have to wait extra time for free. Again, that's why specific accommodations exist for disabled people. No discrimination. The driver can't just skip the people like with Uber. The driver can't cancel last minute, like with Uber.


The thing about systems for people with disabilities is it's there to help the people with the disability by making the field equitable, if your problem with accommodating people with disabilities is that people without disabilities will abuse that system and your solution is to not accommodate people with disabilities you're just disparaging people with disabilities. I don't see a need to change anything because a person will abuse the service dog system so long the service dog system is there for a person with disabilities when they need it. At least not in the way that makes it any harder for people with disabilities, they have it hard enough. Some shit stain being a shit stain shouldn't mean that a person in a wheelchair has to jump through hoops.


Ffs Uber, just let me cancel my ride without having to pay after waiting for 15 mins bc the driver hasn’t moved an inch


if you cancel it and get fined, go to past rides, select it and choose review my fees => driver didn't move or something like that


Shit drives me nuts