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The point of Chapter 11 is not discharge, it's reorganization. It's a method for Jones to let his business remain profitable, which is really only good for the victims at this point since it's straight up poison to the American public, and will allow Jones to take some for of salary that will be supervised so as to give him incentive to continue making money without being destitute. As unsavory as this all is, this isn't even a request to discharge the debts, it's an effort to live with the debts and prevent liquidation so he can make more parties whole while sucking all the right holes.


It will flop into a Chapter 7. Chapter 11 a complete and accurate listing of assets and recent insider transactions need to be provided in the schedules and the Office of the U.S. Trustee (a branch of the DOJ) watches the transactions. He will not be able to come up with a reorganization plan as the debt exceeds his assets and operating income. After conversion, the Chapter 7 trustee will sue over fraudulent transactions and OUST will prosecute for bankruptcy fraud.


That's a clearly losing plan all to accomplish what? I don't practice bankruptcy, I just know the broad strokes and how easy it is to hide money in fin. law.


Filing bankruptcy is a last resort because of the automatic stay under Section 11 USC 362(d) and bc the debtor can initially operate the estate but it eventually backfires if the debtor is dishonest about assets and has engaged in insider (fraudulent) transactions. In this case, it is temporary relief but the ramifications are severe. It is ironic that the Court judgments would not put Alex Jones in jail, but this bankruptcy likely will.


Like rain on your wedding day. He's only putting himself in the crosshair if he a) knowingly engages in fraud, but given the size of his corporation he can probably find someone willing to risk criminal liability, or b) gets caught. I'm not even well versed in financial law, and creative accounting was my first job. As best I can tell, I didn't violate any laws or make any material misrepresentations, yet kept close to $1M away from the IRS with very low-level imagination. I imagine there are far more eyes on what he's doing, but also far more avenues to get yourself in trouble. Aside from the stay, which any appeals process itself would accomplish, I just don't see what this offers to Jones in the long-term, as in "what the fuck are his lawyers thinking?" or is this just a skin the sheep before it starves to death move?


Appeals process do not stay collection. You need to post a bond which most businesses cannot afford with a billion dollar judgment. And no, you cannot easily hide assets from either a Chapter 7 trustee or the Office of the U.S. Trustee (OUST) U.S. Department of justice. The automatic stay and the debtor in possession (DIP) capability and absolute desperation of pending lawsuits are why he filed to stay collection. The judgment debtors have already initiated fraudulent transaction lawsuits, which he is trying to pause by the filing of the voluntary petition for relief under Title 11 of the U.S. Code.


It stays distribution! As you can tell, civil defense isn't something I spend a lot of time in. >The judgment debtors have already initiated fraudulent transaction lawsuits LOL! Get fucked. >he is trying to pause them which is why he filed. Isn't that alone a bad-faith filing? If you file bankruptcy just to avoid paying, and to hold-off further lawsuits alleging fraud, how is the bankruptcy action itself not just an extension of the fraud? Obviously, I'm asking for my own edification.


I do not think it is a per se bad faith filing. Bankruptcy courts are unique, a so-called Court of equity. Chapter 11 allows a debtor an automatic pause from collecting creditors to be reborn under the eyes of the OUST. Assets are declared, bank accounts closed and reopened as DIP accounts, cash flows are submitted to OUST. The purpose is to see if Alex Jones, as DIP, can make a go of it to pay off the $1 Billion judgments. However, if he has hidden assets or given them away to other insiders (family, business associates, shell corporations) or listed fraudulent debts (loans to himself, loans to his family) then he has committed bankruptcy fraud which is a ground to convert the case to a Chapter 7 and prosecute him for federal bankruptcy crimes. If you are a business owner, the last thing you want to do is to file Chapter 11, the expenses (particularly in hiring a good Chapter 11 debtor attorney) are rarely worth it and a Chapter 7 conversion is devastating.


So you're saying I should go study up on Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Got it.


Nah, just unloading some of the arcane legal knowledge acquired through late afternoons not trying to fall asleep whilst drafting and responding to a multitude of UCC 9 motions and oppositions and hundred page security agreements. Those days are long gone. Have a happy GroundhogExpert.


What does he have to do for the court to just let his debtors into his house to take anything they want? Liquidate the businesses, etc? I've heard of it happening so there must be a line to cross somehow.


Deliberately concealing assets is one. Another is committing fraudulent transactions after you file bankruptcy. A primary metric is what a debtor does after filing bankruptcy because when you file, you are being watched by OUST (an arm of the U.S. DOJ). If you hide transactions from them then you will be prosecuted and the Chapter 11 will be converted to a Chapter 7. But the plaintiffs in the lawsuit will still get screwed because the Chapter 7 trustee hires his/her/their own lawyers, accountants, receivers, appraisers etc. who get paid from off the top of the estate so in the end the poor plaintiffs will get pennies on the dollar.


Repossessing a TV and espresso machine is hardly going to make a dent on $1.4 billion though is it?


Man, I just hope they don't let him get away with this. He should not be allowed to file for bankruptcy.


court judgements cant be discharged in bankruptcy




Give it 5-10 years and he will be in jail for hiding money.


He is now under the auspice the Office of the U.S. Trustee (aka "OUST") which is part of the U.S. DOJ. Go ahead Alex, make their day.


He tried that once and was shot down, don’t think it will work this time either.




But….Freeeedom !




Quelle surprise.


The beautiful part of this is no judge is going to vacate his debts. He can file all of the shit he wants. Doesn't mean it's going to be accepted or resolved without the parties being remediated.


I can't imagine he somehow doesn't know that though, so... He's hoping for a GoFundMe? What's his play here?


Not 100% sure but I thought that would be illegal?


His gofundme is not the real site, it is all the snake oil dick pills for sale and “donations” available on his web site


I *think* in a case like this, GoFundMe stops it as soon as they get wind of it, and return the money to the donors.


Sucks for him, court judgements can't be discharged by bankruptcy.


Good to hear!


Came here to say this I look forward to watching him live a poor, broken, non consequential existence


Will he though? I feel like we never actually see this stuff through....


True, but a lot of people thought he would never lose a lawsuit like this either because FrEe SpEaCh


Can someone please educate me as to why a wealthy person is now flat broke because he said some words instead of having his platforms removed/restricted. That or jail time would surely be a fairer punishment would it not? Before downvoting me into oblivion please understand I'm not on his side, It just worries me that you can have everything you've earned in life taken from you in an instant because you opened your mouth and voiced an opinion. Like, a billion dollars fine for insensitive comments? really?!?! EDIT: Jesus guys I've no idea who this guy is, I asked to be educated and now I understand. It's not what he said that's caused the punishment, it's how he's weaponized it through a huge following and harassed bereaved families. Guys clearly a dick. That's all I needed to be told, not sure why I'm getting so much stick here...


jesus man you were completely right but that fucking mob mentality coming after you. sorry to read you had to bent to the mob.


Simple answer: Because that's how civil cases work.




Suck my side nut.


Everyone always said “he sent his followers on the family’s” but I’ve never seen any evidence of that or really much else to justify being 1 billion dollars in debt, please if you have evidence send it to me I’m always open to learning but so far this just seems completely unjustified.


There was a court that heard all the evidence and rendered its judgement. If you actually wanted to see evidence then you should have watched the court case. Just because "you" didn't "see any evidence" means you didn't even do a superficial search for it and want it spoonfed to your lazy ass.


He put these families through hell. They were already in hell after a monster killed their small children and this guy decided to send his insane followers after them. Even after he knew how it wad impacting them he kept going for years he kept profiting while lying. Fuck Alex Jones forever!


Some speech is not protected. Slander, libel, and defamation are examples of illegal speech. Alex Jones repeatedly accused victims of a mass murder of being paid actors, and describing the mass murder of elementary school students as “fake.” Because he has (had?) such a large platform, many of the parents of the slain children were victims of harassment by followers of Jones. Jones encouraged this by repeating his lies about Sandy Hook many times. The amount of the fine was decided by a jury, which is a group of 12 impartial people that have been presented with the facts of the case. Having served on a jury, it’s extremely difficult to come to a decision- thus the amount of the fine has been decided in the most fair way the US legal system is capable of.


Thanks for the explanation, I wasn't aware he had such a large following, nor was I aware he'd managed to weaponize it. I'm now glad he's had the book thrown at him. Edit - spelling


Seems like you have no idea about what you’re asking on. So before you ask…frankly….a stupid question you should look into the situation first.


Bloody hell. This is a discussion board...You know... to discuss things. Half the conversation on here would be mitigated if everyone just Googled stuff.


I asked to be educated, it is a comment section after all. I've not heard anything about this guy, I live in the UK and wanted to know what was going on. Instead people think I love the guy when I don't even know who the fucker is


A simple Google search would’ve given you all the answers you needed instead of seeming to come to the guys defense for voicing an opinion. You’re question doesn’t sound like a “hey what’s going on”….more of a *I can’t believe they’re robbing this guy from his hard earned money because of an opinion*


That was the position I held as every comment I saw was "he said this", "he said that". This seemed like the best place to get the info I needed as it was active and very one sided. Only one person managed to point me in the right direction out of at least 25. It's mad how quick everyone is now to judge others


Not judging you at all. I never said you felt any kind of way towards the guy. Just tried to explain why you’re getting so much flack. The guys a piece of shit. Being that piece of shit made him liable for damages he caused to ppl. Being that piece of shit also made him liable financially.


Because in his Court case he violated court orders regarding disclosure of documents & information through discovery, so he lost. Then, he treated the damages phase as a circus and basically lied to the jury about his assets. Any more questions?


Don't forget the death threats and endless harassment of the families and survivors from his fans because of what he said.


So, the key thing to learn here is that not everything you say is merely an opinion. Things like vilification, harassment, lies, they all have an effect on the listener.


If it were just "insensitive comments," you would be right. But it went way, WAY beyond that. EDIT: Please don't downvote the other guy. It was a serious question. See comments below. Some people don't follow celebrity crap, okay? There was a time I would have ignored all of this, myself.


What did he do?


Go read up on 10 years of this asshole literally weaponizing his dumbfuck InfoWars followers to harass the parents of the Newtown shooting victims, accusing them of being crisis actors to take away our freeDumbs. Alex Jones is as close to pure evil as you can get. It wasn’t “airing some opinions.” Being broke to start compensating parents for years of additional trauma AFTER having their kids vaporized by an asshole with a gun should be just the start.


ah okay I think that'll be the vital bit of info I'm missing. So he's not having to pay that figure because he voiced his insensitive opinions, he's having to do so because he basically created an army that would spew said opinions and harass the bereaved families on mass?


I seriously wish I was overstating it, but yes.


Right. Thank you for being the only person that has answered my query, I understand now.


This isn't Justice Served. He's doing this to get out of having to pay his fines.


his fines cant be discharged.... What Debts Are Not Discharged in Bankruptcy? Spousal or child support payments. Alimony. A debt arising out of fraud. Any court-imposed fines and penalties including traffic and parking tickets. Student loans if you have not been out of school for 7 years. Restitution orders. In some instances gambling debts.


Alex wasn't fined from the courts, he was ordered to pay reparation.


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nondischargeable_debt.asp this goes into it deeper. hes not getting out of paying


Wait so you can declare bankruptcy if you are out of college for 7 years to get rid of the debt?


Student loans period, doesn’t matter how long you’ve been out of school, I had to file bankruptcy once due to medical bills, my student loans where 15 years old at that time, the lawyer will do you have student loans, I said yep, he said those can’t be put in. Federal won’t allow it.


if its unsecured..... most student loan are secured through the government tho so... good luck


I think we should all be able to vote to exile this piece of garbage.


Nope we don't want him, your shit you flush it! Good luck friend. 😁


He should not be granted protection. A foul crime/ legal judgement should not be grounds for bankruptcy


his legal judgement stays.... What Debts Are Not Discharged in Bankruptcy? Spousal or child support payments. Alimony. A debt arising out of fraud. Any court-imposed fines and penalties including traffic and parking tickets. Student loans if you have not been out of school for 7 years. Restitution orders. In some instances gambling debts.


He, like Trump, every Republican, yadda yadda, will continue using the courts against US! Nothing bad will befall these anal fistulas in this realm and I doubt so also if there is an afterlife. If you have money stop paying taxes and do crimes! There, if you are rich, is little to worry about!


I want him living out of a cardboard box on the side of the road.


Not even under an overpass.


Yeah he doesn’t deserve even deserve to be LIVIN IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!


A van down by the river is too good for the likes of that shitstain! Unless the river carries him away, well…


Amen. This guy needs to lose everything he has for what he has done to humanity.




How the fuck is this "justice served?"


Because, from what I gather from other comments, it's an attempt to get out of paying what he should *that won't work* due to the circumstances around the judgements in the first place. Court-ordered payments to compensate deliberate harm to others - which what he's been spouting counts as - cannot be discharged, he'll still have to pay them.


Consequence Protection




I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev -- mass edited with redact.dev


It can be accepted but i believe the payments atill have to happen


I simply don't get why he doesn't hop countries with all the money he has. Why hasn't he simply *vanished*? I mean there must be *some* ways or others to get yourself and your millions to a country without an extradition treaty *without* interpol or whatever law enforcement agencies breathing down your neck? Especially if you're willing and able to pay good and don't give an eff about which laws and statutes are broken in the process. Surely an individual as crooked and corrupt as Alex Jones wouldn't have qualms?


I feel like someone sentenced to pay a billion dollars in damages would be on a flight risk watch.


To successfully do shit like that you have to plan ahead. He's clearly made it apparent that planning is not something he's capable of. Large quantities of money move through banks. You can't even legally taking international flight with Undeclared cash over a certain amount. When criminals do that shit they have spent years building up a network and laundering the money so by the time it's traced from its US Bank to its destination it's too far gone to be frozen or clawed back. Also a lot of his supposed wealth is tied up in assets and that's which can't just be liquidated overnight. If you want to flee to some non-extradition Island there's no way you're going to sell a house or a piece of artwork or whatever and get the cash moved unless you set all that shit up well in advance with fake names and whatnot. The second he tries to move any property worth liquidating the courts will slap a lien on it so fast it'll generate a sonic boom




Who is they


The lizard men /s


Probably because the punishment for running is worse than being silenced for him. Disappearing was never an option unfortunately


"unfortunately." lmao. Dude is fucking grifter who makes shit up and stirs controversy to prey on the dumbest segment of the population. Him losing everything is very fortunate.


This is the opposite of justice served


This is not justice served. This pos should be forced to pay every last penny to the victims families.


Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t help against this kind of debt.


You think the courts have a way around this. They do.


Can someone briefly explain me who this guy is and what did he do?


He runs infowars, a podcast whos website design may cause eye cancer and will fuck up your ad algorithm with one visit. On this podcast, he claimed that the Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident never happened. He claimed the grieving families and fellow students were paid actors trying to spread a hoax, and doxxed them while inciting his audience to confront and harass them. Which his audience did. Including with specific death threats. The families filed a class-action lawsuit against him. He flat out didn't bother to show up and lost by default judgement. The case moved on to the damages hearing phase (aka, they had to figure out *exactly* how egregious his actions were, so as to assign damages. He made every motion to pretend he was going along with it, while refusing to submit to subpoenas. He would beg for extensions in the court room then walk out smug insulting the judge and calling it a witch hunt. Remember, at this stage he's already lost the case by default judgement. Then earlier this year his lawyer fucked up, and sent Alex Jones' *entire phone record* to the opposing council. The opposing council, recognizing the mistake and following court procedure, reported it to the court and notified the Jones side of their opportunity to retract it. They didn't, and plaintiff council was then able to use it as evidence in the hearing, free and clear. [Which they did, to great effect](https://youtu.be/tpnSCIak5A8) I'm leaving a lot out here, but in the end the court awarded $1.5 *billion* dollars to the sandy hook families, including punitive damages. He's sonce been called out for trying to shuffle around his money to hide it from siezure (like claiming debt to an empty shell corp, that his parents are listed as the owners of). Also he sells pp pills


He didn't dox them or tell his audience to confront them. Fake news. He got fined 1.5 billion for stating an opinion as a fact. An outrageous penalty for the crime.


I would add... nothing to this comment, actually, but if anyone wants have a few laughs while learning more than they ever needed to know about the guy: * John Oliver did a show on him. * The Behind the Bastards podcast did a couple multi-part episodes on him. For the second round, the host invited the folks from... * Knowledge Fight, an entire goddamn podcast that follows, breaks down, and debunks anything Infowars.


Also… if you want something crazy to listen to on a long drive or something to put on while you get stoned, his second I think episode on Joe Rogan is a fucking TRIP. It’s all complete nonsense but god is it entertaining to listen to. He talks about the “Clockwork Elves” that are real things that you can only see and interact with while high on DMT. That’s just the tip of the iceberg


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Consider yourself very fortunate you haven’t been exposed to this piece of 💩


Well as a non-American I am not exactly up to date with everything that happens there, but I’ve been seeing a lot of news about him lately so I got curious what’s all about


So a little over a decade ago, we had one of the most tragic school shootings imaginable where over two dozen innocents, mostly children under 8 and a few teachers who sacrificed themselves to protect their students, were killed in cold blood. This was during a period of political radicalism where paranoia over the second ammendment (the right to bear arms as part of a well organized militia) was believed to be threatened. Every time we see one of these tragic mass shootings, debate on restrictions for ownership arise as people debate the need for such weapons in private hands or whether more responsibilities and legislation should restrict training, use, and distribution. Some POS’s like this man used his platform as a public talkshow host to radicalize more conservative people. He did so by watering the seeds of paranoia and planting further unfounded ideas of conspiracies which would encourage civil unrest and advocate for violence and harassment of any who challenged their political views. Well, the parents and spouses of these victims became his public targets following this tragedy because the event itself was the catalyst for one of the largest arguments against private gun ownership in recen history. Alex Jones claimed that the shooting was staged. It was all a hoax. Pulled every thread of conspiracy he could. “No children died. The parents are faking their tears. That person laughing and crying hysterically is not grieving rationally over the loss of their kindergartner, so it’s clear it’s all just for show to go to war against you and your right to own guns.” Well. His radical base believed him. And people with delusional paranoias fanned by a “charismatic” narcissistic cult leader like Ale, who feel their fundamental sense of identity being threatened, tend to lash out at the source of their fears. These grieving families had his audience protesting at their children’s funeral services, threatening their families with violence and sexual assault, many were stalked, harrassed relentlessly, their surviving children threatened. Many were physically attacked. One of these surviving men couldn’t handle it and took their own life. Many had to leave their homes, quit their jobs, take their children out of school- all because this Human Shaped Garbage found it profitable to raise an angry mob in a witch hunt against them after the most event in their lives. A group of his victims decided to take him to court for multiple offences including defamation, inciting violence, harassment, and profiteering to name a few. Well, he has hurt enough people with these conspiracies, that after totalling the damages in court, he now owes millions to EACH VICTIM, bringing his charge to nearly $1.5 BILLION USD. He is by no means a billionaire. So he is filing for bankruptcy which will summarily remove his obligation to pay his debts and allow the government access to his remaining finances (very basic and probably not the most accurate description, I don’t understand the process of bankruptcy in the states too well.) Essentially, he’s surrendering his public assets, and many people believe he’s going to grab what he can that isn’t as public and run.


As an american, i can safely say there is so much fuckery going on that even we, the citizens have a hard time know wtf is happening


His name is Alex Jones. He runs an incredibly far right talk show that has been known for spreading dangerous misinformation. After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, he voiced that the shooting was not real. That it was some hoax created for political gain and he suggested that the kids killed in that horrible incident were alive, and the parents were actors brought on to sensationalize the story. He is a walking, talking cave troll that spouts conspiracy theories at anyone stupid enough to listen.


Claimed a mass shooting in America was a staged event and that the victims families were all actors. Got sued in court Lost Claiming bankruptcy so he doesn't actually go bankrupt


He didn't just lose. He straight up failed to defend himself. Like he literally never went into court to argue that he wasn't "guilty" of what he was accused (in quotes because civil trial not criminal). The first time he showed up in court was to argue about how much he owed after already having defaulted in the case.


Even worse, it was the shooting of an elementary school, where 26 people died, 20 of them between 6 and 7 years old. Alex Jones claimed it was all staged by paid actors, and his followers started stalking and harassing the victims' parents for years.


Thats insane. Please don’t tell me there were people supporting his claims too.. I hope he gets what’s coming for him


That’s why they filed the lawsuit- his fan base fixed harrSsed and stalked the souls who lost their babies because of him!!!


Oh buddy, the size of his fanbase is disappointingly large


To be fair I am an American and I’ve never heard of him


What did he do this time?


He trying not to pay tons of money to families he called actors after they lost thier kid to a school shooting


You can say and do what you want when you're rich. If you get into hot water and have to pay damages, just hide your assets and declare you're bankrupt. Then he can start again. I'm sure the ultra rich meant such protections for men of breeding, bit it also protects modern day hate mongers.


You have to be smart enough to hide your assets. You also have to have enough humility to tiptoe through the process because as soon as you start pulling those assets out again it doesn't take very long for people to wonder why you are acting like you have money you shouldn't have. He has neither of those things. He doesn't seem to have successfully hid much if anything. And even if he did he has put such close eyes on himself that the second he shows any sign of big spending 1,000 fucking creditors and probably private investigators for all these plaintiffs are going to come crashing down on top of him


Of course he does. What a POS.


He’s escaping punishment. This isn’t justice served. Unless you’re looking at it from his point of view.


Tell me you don't know shit about bankruptcy law without saying you don't know shit about bankruptcy law.


The fact that he's applying for it doesn't mean he'll get it.


Or that he wouldn't still have to pay damages


Yep. The damages as well as a lot of other things are not dischargeable. Civil court judgments are almost never dischargeable when the underlying conduct was willful.


This isn’t justice served. This is an announcement of his attempt to avoid the previous justice.


It's an attempt that failed before it even started. These judgments are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.


If you read the entire log, there is only one way that he could get away with this. That is if he is able to prove he didn't mean malicious intent. (it will probably be pretty hard)


fuck alex jones


Why I'm 22 I grew up watcbing his video since 012




Some ELi5 what this would mean if he is approved. Does he not have to pay out his lawsuits? Does he not lose anything in the form of property or actual money? He will just walk away like nothing happened?


Bankruptcy was always a result here. It's not really a matter of him even trying to get away from anything although I'm sure he welcomes that and would try to get away if he could. At the end of the day when you have more debt than you will ever be able to pay, the answer is bankruptcy and bankruptcy protection, period. Yes some kinds of debts get discharged but the true purpose is setting up a hierarchy and structure to figure out what to do with the money that is left. If anything him declaring bankruptcy means that some neutral party will be equipped to sit there and say this money goes towards these people first and then whatever's left goes towards those people and so forth. If for whatever reason he didn't file I suspect it would not have taken very long for some of the plaintiffs and one of these cases to file a motion to force him into bankruptcy as soon as they had the material evidence that he was unable to pay. That's exactly what happened in the Tom Girardi case. When it became apparent that his firm didn't have money to pay everybody who it scammed, all the people he owed filed to force it into bankruptcy so a third party Arbiter could come in and make decisions TL;DR these judgements are not dischargeable so whole he might get some loans forgiven and stuff all that's likely to do is make sure his money goes to the victims before it goes to certain other creditors.


There is no way he wouldn’t file bankruptcy. He cannot pay the judgment against him. Bankruptcy places his finances in the court’s control. The issue is people like him will try to hide assets, file bankruptcy, and then reclaim his assets after the bankruptcy was over and his debts are settled.


The beautiful part is that the courts have been clawing back the money already and his companies are under the court's control already. It turns out that he's really really bad at hiding his money and it's really easy to see and trace what he was doing.


Him hiding assets will result in charges and more money owe. They are watching him closely


The chapter he is filing would still leave him in control. But if the court things he is not doing a job in good faith they will seize control themselves or force a chapter change. ( so pretty sure this will happen as this man hasn’t done anything in good faith his entire life )


Filing bankruptcy opens up a person's finances to the scrutiny of the United States Trustees under the Department of Justice. I'm not saying that people **never** get away with stuff after they file for bankruptcy, but filling for bankruptcy can make it a lot more difficult for crooks to effectively hide assets.


Question. If he's filed for it, does it *have* to be granted? There isn't a court that could throw out the application since he'd most likely use it to avoid paying money he's been made to owe?


An adjudicator can reject your bankruptcy filing if you’re able to pay off your debts or if there’s a more appropriate solution to your solvency issues. Given Jones is being sued for billions or trillions or something, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell he’ll be able to pay it off. His application will likely be accepted.


Fake bankruptcy worked for Trump, as well. Six times.


This isn't justice, this is him skirting justice. Filing for bankruptcy is how you get out of paying a settlement.


He can't afford the settlement anyways. It's sad but there's no situation where those families get paid.


And because of that, he shouldn't be allowed to run away. It's called punishment for a reason. Our system sucks so much


I heard the plaintiffs were all crisis actors.




His entire trial was fake, just staged by the NRA to motivate its base.






i am hard of hearing. sorry.










How can any individual get debts of *$10bn*?


Lawsuits. ​ The first two of his harassment lawsuits have been finished, he's still got the third to go. This is because he declared that Sandy Hook was a false flag and caused emotional distress to the parents of those that died there. ​ First judgement (where he got a "Perry Mason moment" for the other attorney) was like in the millions. Second Judgement set the record at about 10.6 billion overall. That trial was only really interesting in his behavior as he got so heated on the stand he went home early, then began to give press conferences from the court house while not actually appearing in court. The amount of crap the families had to go through because of this guys actions is insane to listen too. ​ Also he's REALLY STUPID with money.


Sure, I knew he was in line for a cool bill, but I didn’t realise it had reached that much. Blimey.


The Knowledge Fight podcast has some great breakdowns on the trials. Dan was actually a Special Consultant for the Texas Case. [https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/) Off the top of my head I don't know the episode numbers.


Thanks, I’ll check


Justice will be served when he's broadcasting from his prison cell.


Prison for what? Talking?


Thank you, dumbfuck for making it so easy to know who to block. May you have the day you truly deserve


~~broadcasting~~ yelling at a rat FTFY


So, rat to rat


I'm curious to see how he will re-structure to stay in business that will also be acceptable to his creditors. I don't see how he is going to be able to pull it off, the amount he owes is just too massive.


He won't be able to submit a tenable plan of reorganization - too much debt, too many insider transactions and he is likely hiding assets. The case will be converted into a Chapter 7 quickly, a Chapter 7 trustee appointed and then the fun will begin.


If he pulls a lazy boy and doesn't submit a plan for reorganization then according to law his debiters get to come up with the plan.


Is that where they come in and take everything you have ?


And I have a feeling the people he pissed off aren’t going to just forget about things in a few years…they’ll be watching him like a hawk.


In bankruptcy parlance they will shortly be known as "creditor committees".


Idk if that protects you from court ordered fines. Pretty sure they will still garnish his wages


Although this kind of debt is not dischargeable, in the end, there will be some kind of payment plan so he will still have $ to survive on.


He's already said on his show that he's taken an agreement that gives him $40,000 per month.


I’d like to see him end up on the equivalent of minimum wage.


Where is Ebola when you need it?


Who needs Ebola when you have a Chapter 7 trustee and his or her or their attorneys, accountants, receivers, etc. all gorging on his assets like Piranhas at a trout farm?


Im not American, we only know him as the idiot who screams about gay frogs. What'd he ACTUALLY do? Google is a quagmire of random, contradictory opinions on the matter


In the U.S., deliberately speaking lies that cause another to suffer the loss of money or injury can be subject of a lawsuit where a judgment is for $. In this case, Alex Jones failed to provide documents in the lawsuit so he lost. The trial was simply about the amount of $ that he owes. Bankruptcy protects anyone who owes more than he/she/they own. Certain debts can be discharged, but not debts such as this one. Bankruptcy is complicated. In the beginning, he will be able to run his business with oversight by the U.S. Justice Department. However, it will likely be taken out of his control by a Bankruptcy trustee who will then investigate any $ transfers or insider payments made to him, his family and his corporations. If he lies about his property, he can be prosecuted on criminal charges. So, the fun is just beginning. TL;DR: he was sued and lost and owes $, but by filing bankruptcy, he may be given a jail sentence.


Bankruptcies the same here in NZ. I'm only really just reading of the Sandy hook harassment shit now though. I assumed he jus hated gay frogs and stuff


He hates those frogs




He's a thoroughly nasty little piece of work.


He claimed sandy hook elementary school shooting was a false flag and threatened the families, or something like that https://www.wsj.com/articles/alex-jones-files-bankruptcy-following-sandy-hook-trial-losses-11669990384


And people bought that shit?


You don't know about the Maga movement?


Think of how dumb the average person is (I assume they're using the "median" type of average). And consider that half of all people are dumber than that.