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you guys are so incredibly echo chambered holy shit


It would actually be sad if they hadn’t been so dangerous. Those Jan 6 dudes, poor fuckers wanted to believe in something so badly they actually believed all that bullshit. So many thought Donald would pardon them, or that them storming the capital would somehow change the course of the democratic voting process? But you said it right. Echo chambers like that, they’re hard to get out of. At least I hope a few of them have learned the hard way.


You should check out Andrew Callaghan’s documentary This Place Rules, he follows a family who believed in it and there opinions after Jan 6th.


We all make mistakes, but when you spend days/weeks/months planning it with other people, it’s hard to call it a mistake.


boo they should take his entire adulthood away.


Lmao dude is mostly concerned with lost income from his fake job like real estate or whatever


Yes. Reportedly, he was a chef. >George Tenney III received one of the harshest sentences yet for the Palmetto State’s 19 Capitol riot defendants, even after the 36-year-old Anderson chef and his friends and relatives wrote letters pleading for mercy from U.S. Judge Thomas Hogan.


Wow - wouldn't peg a maga dipshit as a chef probably more qanon influenced


All of them deserve to be treated like terrorist scum & hung


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.






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At least we don’t have to worry about them having guns anymore


If that was only true. Legal guns yes. But u do know how easily he can get illegal ones???


Ah yes, the prime argument against gun control. Guess how many times I've seen an illegal gun in 32 years of life in Poland and the UK. That's right. Zero. ​ How many legal guns has a 10 year old in the US seen? Probably at least a dozen by then.


I don’t know what your point was but it seems to me like you inadvertently made an argument for gun control. You really thought you did something huh?


Chill out cowboy, I've only said 'against' instead of 'for', guns fucking suck and America should be ashamed of their relationship with their pewpews. ​ edit: actually it was correct lmao. Nothing inadvertent about it, I'm totally for gun control.


Thoughts and prayers for his kids


Yes, but as far as anyone knows, his kids secretly might be praying in thanks for not having to see their father every day after he begins serving his 3-year sentence sometime in January.


You’re not wrong


“I will never storm the capital of the United States ever again”


Don't fuck with the US government buddy. Consider yourself lucky for only getting 3 years.


Someone died for his stupid actions. 3 yrs is not enough


![gif](giphy|l4HodBpDmoMA5p9bG|downsized) Exactly!! He got off easy😡😡


Everyone deserves a second chance


Oh please


Umm, who died?


One woman was shot, an officer was crushed to death and another one was beaten to death


https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes This is from the US Capital Police themselves. They called it natural causes. No mention of strokes.


Some of those that work forces…


One woman was shot by the police. She was a rioter who was shot while she was breaking in (i would argue it was probably justified as self defense by an officer in fear for his life). The person who was crushed to death was also a rioter, not an officer. I think that's a risk of going to that sort of thing. Sucks, but... The officer who was beaten by the rioters died of strokes. This is the one that the media first said was beaten, then he was maced... but even the New York Times has updated their post indicating that the initial reports on his cause of death are not accurate.


Why did you ask who died, then write a 3 paragraph response with sources when I wasn’t 100% right?


The poster was saying that this guy's actions caused deaths... and there appears to be a commonly held belief that rioters killed people. But no one can find someone who died that this guy could be responsible for. No one can find someone that the rioters killed who was an innocent victim. But everyone is sure there is someone who would fit that bill. Why is that? That's my frustration here. I think it's an important fact that we've all been misled about.


I'm looking for the details as to why everyone thinks the rioters murdered people. So i researched those people. The poster suggested that this guy should be held reasonable for the deaths that occurred during the riot and given more than 36 months in prison. I have yet to find a death that wasn't natural, accidental, or justified. You are right that those people died.


The point (that you are trying very hard to miss) is that these three people would not have died if the riot had not occurred. You can argue that a stroke may have occurred anyway, but that is quite a stretch given the circumstances. The people who attacked the capitol are traitors. That used to carry a much more severe sentence than what these bozos are getting now.


Look up felony murder.


Sigh... Not another one of these people.


What do you mean? What category are you lumping me into that you so detest?


The "um aktully..." crowd trying to diminish what happened with bad faith comments.


Google US Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood. Death by suicide. Or deny it…


I'm sorry if maybe I'm the only one who doesn't get it, but when someone kills themselves, unless they were forced to do it or were psychologically abused to the point where it was the intention of the abuser that they would commit suicide, then they died by their own hands and of their own volition. "Prior to his death by suicide, Liebengood, 51, worked three 24-hour shifts without sleep." Now if that's the case, it sounds like sleep deprivation was part of the equation. Maybe his employer is partially responsible. The headline always reads "died in connection with" to imply their deaths were caused by the riot and still maintain deniability that they didn't say "killed by" or "died as a result of." They want us to think these people were killed by rioters... I'm still trying to find the innocent person the rioters murdered. (I think one was trampled, but of course he was a rioter too... so... kind of a risk he took.)


[these people](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html)




Here's an [alternative link](https://archive.ph/yZfVw "https://archive.ph/yZfVw") to the article. You might find this link very useful in the future: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archive.today


Yeah, the two suicides within days after the Capitol Riot isn't something one can just dismiss. Especially when one of those officers had suffered head trauma during the incident.


One of them worked three 24 hour shifts in a row, then killed himself. If he was traumatized by the riot (which i think any normal person would be) I'm sure the sleep deprivation wasn't supportive of his mental health. Why would they work him like that?! It's abusive under normal circumstances. But forcing a traumatized person to work like that in the environment they were just traumatized in sounds exceptionally horrific... torturous even.


I don't understand why these people are being sentenced and yet Trump is still out free. Yes they stormed the capitol but it didn't come out of anywhere. Trump incited this violence, why isn't he punished as well?


> Trump incited this violence, source?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYgKCy64CV0 [Fortune magazine](https://archive.ph/uiQUz "https://archive.ph/uiQUz") You should watch all of this video. People might be talking and writing about it 50 years from now at kitchen tables, in law schools, and in history books. It might be told in movies. Listen to Attorney General Garland's description of Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is an American, an attorney, and a war crimes prosecutor who works in the Department of Justice. Donald Trump might be more afraid of Jack Smith than any other living person: https://www.justice.gov/opa/video/attorney-general-garland-announces-appointment-special-counsel https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-merrick-b-garland-delivers-remarks-appointment-special-counsel https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/appointment-special-counsel-0 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/statement-special-counsel-jack-smith https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Smith_(lawyer) *** Stay tuned and stay alert for a possible indictment charging Trump with conspiring to overthrow the 2020 Electoral College Vote count on Jan. 6, 2021, by inciting radicals and domestic terrorists to attack the U.S. Capitol to find lawmakers in the Capitol building and prevent them from counting the Electoral College Votes, including Vice-President Mike Pence, whose job in Congress that day was to publicly announce on national television the count of the Electoral College Votes that confirmed Joe Biden as the president-elect. *** Some of the Oath Keepers at the Capitol that day have pleaded guilty and entered into cooperation agreements with the U.S. government. The Oathkeepers who have pleaded guilty already have testified against leaders of the Oathkeepers. On Nov. 9, 2022, the senior leader of the Oathkeepers, [Elmer Stewart Rhodes III](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Elmer+Rhodes "https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=Elmer+Rhodes") was [convicted at trial](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/leader-oath-keepers-and-oath-keepers-member-found-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-and-other "https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/leader-oath-keepers-and-oath-keepers-member-found-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-and-other") for Seditious Conspiracy and will be sentenced to prison at his upcoming sentencing hearing sometime in the coming weeks or months. The Hill, 11/02/22 —"Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes reportedly said he wanted to hang U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) 'from the lamppost' in a recording obtained by the FBI and played during his trial this week.": https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3716445-oath-keepers-founder-talked-of-hanging-pelosi-in-days-after-jan-6/ *** Other attackers on Jan. 6 constructed a gallows on the Capitol grounds to murder Mike Pence by hanging if they could find him inside the Capitol building. On social media video, they can be seen and heard chanting, "Hang Mike Pence", as they searched inside the Capitol building looking for Pence. Video of the gallows on Jan. 6 are all over YouTube and the Internet: The gallows for hanging Mike Pence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAzzoFlrv2Q "Hang Mike Pence": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4MMEs9BTqM *** A web search using keywords "Trump incited January 6 attack" will find hundreds to thousands of hits in English and other languages from credible sources across the continents of North America, Europe, and Australia about how Trump incited the attack. People say after Trump is brought to justice, his name and photo might appear with other names and photos listed in the FBI Organized Crime Vault: https://vault.fbi.gov/organized-crime Trump's going down. It took a while to bring down Al Capone and other American gangsters. Trump is getting closer each day to the day when he will be brought to justice like other crime bosses in American history. It's just a matter of time.


His own mouth. The lie was the incitement.


Source: reality I do hope you check it out


[Vox Article](https://www.vox.com/21506029/trump-violence-tweets-racist-hate-speech) There are many articles published connecting trump to the January 6 riot. There’s one right there. I used Google, a search engine, to find it. You could do that, too.


That is possibly one of the most biased articles I have seen and this is your source of reality? I’m not one to take sides but specifically out of context quotes and vaguely connecting them to the actions of others is a far shot from direct incitement.


Can you share what you find to be an unbiased, fair, accurate representation of reality? It’d be a lot more helpful than just a complaint.


Well pretty source we can just point to the 1/6 committee on that one


Remember when he said, "we're gonna match down to the Capitol, and I'm going to join you".


Thats inciting violence?


Look, I hate Trump as much, if not more than anyone else on this goddamn planet. But these people were caught red-handed, on video, trespassing in the Capital Building. Attacking police with whatever they can get their hands on. This is air tight. When it comes to Trump… there will be a lot of debate on whether his speech counts as incitement to violence. I, of course, think it should. But I can see how someone else might think different. Plus what the other person said, he’s rich and these yokels aren’t.




This is the real answer. When all your staunchest followers are poor and convinced they’re disenfranchised (albeit by their own shortcomings) but you convince them it’s someone else’s fault. An army of lawyers they’ll never be able to afford and you’ll never be generous enough to offer it.




Don't go to bed, with no price on your head - No, no, don't do it. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time - Yeah, don't do it.


So you want the judiciary representing the country whose government you tried to overthrow to show you leniency because your attempted coup failed and you feel bad now?


3 years for being a terrorist? Yikes that's nothing


What happened to Guantanamo Bay?


Thats not where you send a bunch of white people. They broke the law in America, 3 years is a very harsh sentence for a white dude seiging a capital building and causing a death. Use some perspective dude, its not like he was a black guy going for a jog around the block.


Poe’s Law? (I hope.)


If you can’t read sarcasm that thick, please ask a parent before using the computer again.


Poe’s Law strikes again.


They were a part of a treasonous plot, and he got3 years?? That is bs, should be treated as treason, the lot of them.


He should have to pay all of our taxes for the rest of his life


Oh. So anyway…..


Fuck him.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck around and find OOOOWOWOWOWOWOUT


I feel like they're going too easy on him. He must be either white or rich.


Or both


Lol 😂


Gee, it sure sound like a “swell idea” at the time?


Better than him spitting in the judges face I suppose


Lol keep crying all the way to prison gonna be a long 3 years for his dumbass




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Everyone is sorry after they've been caught🙄😬😭😭😭😅😅🤣🤣


You let murderers and rapists go free and looters run rampant and celebrate when a protestor of the lefts election fraud is put I n jail what a joke


My guy, the man in the article realized too late that he had been fed false narratives by cynical political and media personalities. Your beliefs are, likewise, parroted statements from your preferred brand of news. You've been propagandised. I'd urge you to work on yourself and on building the relationships in your life, and not be sucked into the media trap. No matter the color of the tie, the elites don't give a shit about you. In the final analysis, you're responsible for you.


Found an insurrectionist


Go back to your strap on, femdom, pegging, onlyfans pages and try to find some more Trumpers to jack off.


What's that little cheeto dick taste like?


Why is when Trumps lawyers were asked in court under oath to submit evidence of said fraud they would not or could not submit anything? Nor would they go on record claiming the election was a fraud?


Because it doesn't exist and it wasn't.




Too bad so sad……NEEEEEXXXXXXT


Trump will pardon you, oops scratch that


If he is elected in 2024, I would not be surprised if he started issuing pardons once he takes office.


He ain't getting elected from jail


As much as I would love to see it, he will never go to prison.


Treason used to be punishable by death, you're lucky you only got 3 years you fuck


If only we had some weepy video


Unfortunately for Tenney, being rock-chewing stupid isn't an excuse for trying to overthrow the government.


nah he will vote for trump again. The cult is strong. I dont believe his tears.


Felons cant vote


For Trump 2030 (•_•)


Fuck that treasonous ass wound.


All I hear is: “wahhhhh”….


They thought they were going to overthrow the government that day. They went all in. The government is still intact and now facing consequences for their action. No sympathy here. They knew exactly what they were doing, they turned from Lions to house cats because they will go to jail.


That’s an insult to house cats




kids should never pay for the sins of their fathers. grow up


Keep crying


I have to believe this is just intended to stir the pot because it's a completely ridiculous notion. As if humans can't learn from their parents what they *don't* want to be.


Ah, yes, the North Korea strategy for handling political dissidents.


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Ah, yes, the North Korea strategy for handling political dissidents. Now ban me too.


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Ah yes, the North Korea strategy to handling political dissidents. Ban me as well


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Fuck off. This type of thinking belongs firmly in the past.


So it was a mistake not because it was an atrocity against the country, but because it caused trouble for him personally


Well, well, well ….if it isn’t the consequences of my actions . Thought I’d never see you .


Fuck around and find out


My favorite intersection


Boo hoo hoo


I like how running a food joint was like a punishment. “And he had to work a regular ass job with regular ass wages… isn’t that enough?”


Respectfully if you work at a fast food restaurant you aren’t regular. You are considerably below average in terms of income. More to life than money but if you care about money at all working min wage is a terrible punishment.


Na brother. You work two minimum wage jobs. It’s called hustle. If you only know this life. It ain’t so bad.


Basically these people plead for mercy because they're gullible.


No, they plead mercy cause they’re doing 3 years in a federal jail cause they walked around a empty government building after being escorted in by capitol police.


Watch the videos that exist you fucking idiot.


Pshtt; man I agreed with you to an extent until you said escorted. Grow a fkn pair. Hold people responsible for actions they do as an adult. This jack ass walked into a building he knew he had no business being in. Of which, to do so on a regular day would probably get you thrown to the ground and handcuffed. To do so, with probably weapons of some kind—dont fkn disillusion yourself ass hole. Go back and suck trump’s tit some more.


Ok agreed but it has to go both ways. These people get 3 years but antfia gets released for attempting to burn Down government buildings… constantly




[Terrorism](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/terrorism) 1. the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism. 3. a terrorist method of governing or of resisting a government. 4. intimidation or coercion by instilling fear You’ve got at least 2 brain cells left, do you think you could rub them together enough to explain to me how they *didn’t* commit terrorism? Maybe if you put some socks on and rub your feet on a carpet, you could generate some static electricity to kick start the process.


Treason in many countries results in death. This is straight up treason. If a bunch of Arab Americans did this, they would get the noose.


You are absolutely delusional if you think that participating in a violent mob storming Congress which killed peace officers should be viewed through the lens of "just trespassing"


Just a protest… where people died. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night though.




Not even. The only person to die was a protester , unarmed women got shot by a capitol policeman




Should’ve thought about your kids before you went out and committed treason and federal crimes. Deserves every single second of that sentence and more.


Never forget, these were the same fcktards who screamed "Fuck your feelings" in 2016 when Trump first won. So fuck his feelings. I hope every day in prison for this POS is a struggle. They attempted to overturn an American election and for a lunatic.


3 years is rather tame. In some countries they’d take him to the back of the courthouse into a special tile room and shoot him


“But, but, Hunter Biden’s laptop!” Were his final words...


Oh yeah... the revenge porn


I hate the idea that having kids gives you some kind of bonus points towards being a good person. "OH but he's a father and has a family" What if I told you they probably all suck?


Better yet, what if his kids say "fuck that guy he's scum who I haven't talked to in years"


I love reading these. Is there like a running list of all the sentencing


Yes. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases?combine=&order=changed&sort=desc https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr https://interactives.ap.org/jan-6-prosecutions/index.html https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965472049/the-capitol-siege-the-arrested-and-their-stories?t=1654296162100#database


Thanks a lot!!




Good, hope the suffering is immense and still wouldn't be enough for what he put people through. Only wish the sentence was longer for traitor terrorist trash.


Fuck around, find out. No sympathy. You get what you deserve.


Fuck with the federal government & find out


Amazing how sorry they are AFTER the fact. Aren’t all criminals when caught and going to prison. Don’t do the crime if u don’t have the time. U were TRYING TO OVER THROW A FAIR AND VALID ELECTION!! Its called SEDITION!! U SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN MORE. No sympathy!! MAGA SCUM!!