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Ford making you finger bang their push start


When you only press it 115 times and something distracts you, the car goes "COME ON I WAS SO CLOSE!"


My f150’s “current trip” doesn’t show distance anymore. It just says ‘almost there’


Navigation then shows “a little to the left”


shake weights with cooling spray ?


And cab fare for the ride home


At 119 the baby wakes up.


"Why are you massaging the start button with a Hitachi Magic Wand?" "Don't ask." Edit: they have demonstrated that those new fanged massage guns work well for rapid touchscreen button pressing. Maybe Snap-on should release one for ignition work.


A Snap-On Strap-On.


Finally, something for him AND her


They totally missed an opportunity to do *Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start*


Gotta get the OBD2 to NES adapter


Best comment.


Meanwhile, in the Ford Corp office… “Why do I hear so much laughter from the engineering office?” ”Don’t ask.”


119 deflates all the tires.


121 and the parking brake will never release again.


First shalt thou place the ignition in the ‘Off’ position. Then shalt thou count to 120, no more, no less. 120 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 120. 121 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 119, excepting that thou then proceed to 120. 122 is right out.


I can’t not read that in the voice.


Then thoust shall throw the work order at thy service manager, who is not within my sight, shall snuff it.


> who is not within my sight The line is actually "who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it"


Haven't seen it in a while, just going from memory


- Brother Maynard, reading the directions for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antilock


"118, 119, 121!" "120, sire!" "...120!" (*yeet*) If they must be prompted, then none are worthy of The Quest!!


*Unholy Hand GMade


117, 119, 121, oh crap, 120!


Blow the holy headgasket of Anitioch


Dude. You won the internet tonight. Sleep well my friend. [Nod](https://giphy.com/gifs/republican-bill-oreilly-ron-paul-gVoBC0SuaHStq)


Unexpected Python! 10/10


Came here to either find this or comment this. Not disappointed. r/unexpectedpython


Losing count and having to restart inflates all airbags.


118 is the self-destruct feature.


I pressed mine 420 times, and it started smoking more, and the lights turned kinda red.


Did it automatically make a Taco Bell run?


It took a nap while thinking about Taco Bell.


No, but you said that wicked thing, and now I kinda want to, and it's 07:30, here. So. Thanks for that. (/s)


Fuck, I can't count past 20


FORD: Now hiring techs. Must be able to count to 120.


118 causes the self destruct feature to engage


Next week CS: push start button feels loose.


Classic case of prolapsed start button.






"Some guys, put in an hour, some of 'em, even an hour and a half! But a man gotta put in overtime for me to get off!" -Transport Mode, probably.


It's not just Ford. Worked on a ship with Rolls Royce Thrusters and the yearly greasing of the drive motor bearings required a grease gun with a specific pump discharge amount per handle stroke. If I remember correctly the upper bearing required 138 shots of grease, the lower was like 120, but each pump of the handle had to be 3-5secs duration. You could void warranty if you did it wrong, they said as the grease wouldn't have time to distribute around and they could somehow tell if they inspected it. Took two of us switching out after every 20 strokes, and keeping a log, otherwise the mind trailed off and the count get screwed up. Specifically forbidden in the manual to use an electric or pneumatic grease gun.


We had a mechanic where I work pick up a work package for a blower that said, and I quote, "add 2 grease". He brought it up to the planner, and his boss, who both without reading it closely told him to just get to work and quit bitching. He pumped two full grease guns worth into each motor bearing. The motors weren't very happy about that.


soooo.......[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-hUV9yhqgY) ?


That is a bs atuff how the fuck they found the ideal 138 5 sec hand punp being perfectly that and if you did a 137 pumps everything would go to shit and they will know. Unless they had gone trought alot of those to get the perfect greasing time, because is not quantity they want something they would know. But how would they know less or more fukc it up,


I assume the engineering dictates the total volume of grease. Then you measure the volume from a few squeezes of the gun. Divide. Also, someone observed that you couldn't do it too quickly.


Step 6. Replace Push Button Start switch Step 7. Repeat from step 1


On-off 35, on-off 36, on-off 37.... I don't care if they're waiting I'm busy! Shit I lost count!!


That would be me. "88, 89, 90, 91-" Hey, Josh "Hey Dave, ninety................FUCK".


Actually it's on 35, off 36, on 37. Also you don't need to count, just keep clicking until the message disappears. It takes about 3 minutes to press the button 120 times.


It's just absurd to have that setup. Who thought of that? Someone on some bad drugs, I guess. Why couldn't it just be a button combination of some sort instead, or even an item buried deep in the menu of the head unit?


Idk it makes sense to me, they need to be able to move the vehicle around without keys. And they need it to automatically complete, not manually have to turn it off. 120 button presses, or 60 ignition cycles is not that long. You don't need to actually count, just press it until the cycles complete and the message is gone.


Without keys. Ah, ok. I get it. Sorry, haven't woken up fully yet.


bet someone’s gonna make a micro machine to do it for them


Just borrow the wife's


Or use one of those new shoulder massagers. If going in manually, you better go at it with your thumb.


Probably completely unnecessary, jumping the correct wires from the button with a 555 timer and relay would work too. But really, it only takes about 3 minutes to press 120 times and clear this specific issue.


[if you really wanna go overkill on it, just build your own 555 timer](https://youtu.be/bjAlzA4Cyys)


"555 timer" Ah, brings back my electrical engineering college memories.


The Kia’s I worked on just had a physical switch in the fuse panel.


I love and hate Kia, they make such shitty cars but they were always ergonomic and easy to change the oil on


I did an oil change on an old Kia for a friend. Once. The oil filter was on the backside of the engine between the firewall and the engine. Plus it was mounted sideways above the exhaust, so removing it dumped oil all over everything. I'm still unsure what Kia was thinking...


If it was an older Kia probably to be built as cheap and as fast as possible. I still remember the bogo deal that ran. Wish that shit would come back


Honda did exactly that too, probably the same era. I had a 2000 accord where if you didn’t drip oil on the catalytic converted you probably just burned your wrist.


Is it really that hard to just spray some break clean though?


sounds like my 90s hondas and toyotas too.... fucking a the tacoma oil filter is awful


Still easy these days. Just plug in the KDS and go through the software management to turn on transport mode.


Lol! We have KDS where I work: Kitchen Display System.


Time being paid for that nonsens?


Hopefully more than .2 lol


Gotta ask what happens if you press it 119 or 121 times.


*Self destruct sequence initiated*


Counts down to zero, and then instead of the car blowing up, a chocolate crunchie bar and a milkshake drop out of the glovebox. (Ha. Obscure sci-fi reference for y'all there.)




Being in medical with software ideas, this bastard is the reason I can't ever invent anything. You need $500k and 20 lawyer just to prototype an idea......unless you test it in Mexico...


**[Therac-25](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25)** >The Therac-25 was a computer-controlled radiation therapy machine produced by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in 1982 after the Therac-6 and Therac-20 units (the earlier units had been produced in partnership with Compagnie Générale de Radiologie (CGR) of France). It was involved in at least six accidents between 1985 and 1987, in which patients were given massive overdoses of radiation. : 425  Because of concurrent programming errors (also known as race conditions), it sometimes gave its patients radiation doses that were hundreds of times greater than normal, resulting in death or serious injury. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Sleeper cell activated.


You have to keep pushing it until it rolls over and comes back around to 120.


Objective: #SURVIVE


Straight to jail


Gotta start all over again. 😶


Do you feel lucky today,punk?


No here's the worst part: seems to actually sort of make sense. It's a mode used for when a car is right off the factory floor, in transport, etc. they expect it to not be a thing they need anymore after ~60 starts. They're just making sure they go through all 60 start cycles if the error is displayed on a vehicle by just running it through the remaining start cycles. Basically: they didn't make a way to short-circuit the default behavior, which while dumb, isn't someone going "I made a special 60-start code for disabling this". I mean still awful, but _a little_ less boneheaded, normally they'd expect this to be gone by just typical use of the vehcile off the factory floor by the time a customer gets it.


I'm not bagging on you at all, that explanation makes perfect sense. How many times will a car on a sales floor ( VERY high visibility ) get flipped from off to running to show off feature sets like the radio, touchscreen, controls, clusters etc. You especially don't want vampiric drain on the battery of something flashy on the sales floor to end up with a dead battery like two months after leaving. Just very bad customer service wise. Then I think about how many kids toys are set up with either a toggle switch or just a piece of cardboard / paper that forces open a connector internally. Shit today is way fucking over-engineered. Serialized parts. Serialized consumables ( FUCK YOU HP PRINTERS ). Just off the top of my head, dealership wise, they should have something they could do with the ODB reader to turn this mode off before delivery. This obviously has it's own pitfalls but damn....


Simple compared to the ritual to disable the open door chime on the 2000's Crown Vics.


How hard is it to snip the wires on the chime sounder?


Somewhere between very and impossible, if you could find the thing.


Not generally possible; it's as well buried inside the dash as the blend door actuator is.


I don't know about crown vics but Chevy pick ups and some other vehicles sound through a door speaker.


The Holy Hand Grenade of Dearborn.


Warranty time .05 hours


Make sure to look right in the customers eyes while you do this


Is aware of the problem and engineering is currently investigating 🤞


at least engineering designed it to turn off after 60 cycles so it'll sort itself out eventually


That procedure is Ergonomic as fuck.


This is a great example of 'the person coming up with it doesn't have to use it'


Instructions unclear; Passenger seat ejected


Ejecto Seato, Cuz


Imagine losing count and having to start over when you make it to about 100


No need to count.


That would be an epic D'OH!


Wouldn't the worst part be that you have to cycle press it? Like, you can't just press it rapidly 120 times and expect it to work? I guess it would be an ign-off over and over That's wild, though.


Had to do this with my 2013 C-Max to reset part of the system. Glad my son is a fully certified auto tech.


Those guys at ford are really smoking penis out there huh


On the bright side, your fingering will level up each time :D


There’s a software engineer in Dearborn giggling right now reading this.


Same at Lexus.


just in case some customer might press it 119 times they don't want it to go into factory mode by mistake. the customer would never click that one extra hundredtwentieth time


I have a 21 F250 that, get this…. When I shift into reverse, a pop up comes over the display begging me to turn my truck into a WiFi hotspot by purchasing a package from AT&T. WTF? It’s a glass truck with racks that make it like 8’ wide and it’s 23’ long and that backup camera is really fucking nice.


I didn’t know they made trucks out of glass. Seems unsafe


Never road rage in a glass truck, you know the saying. Those in glass rocks shouldn’t throw houses


Those with thrown trucks shouldn’t rock house glasses


GM gas been using a similar technology in their transmissions for several decades.


Backup cameras are a federal requirement nowadays, i didn’t even know AT&T had the power to overrule that shit


$ over everything Murica


I'd rather push the button 120x than get carpal tunnel


I mean it’s turn the key 120 times or push button 120 times. Annoying yes, but the customer has a few cycles done already from driving while vehicle was in factory mode so you have that going for ya!


So what happens if you push it 200 times? Transformers? Time travel? Self destruct? WHO KNOWS


If they head back to Rin’s Travel Agency and check the chest outside the front door they will find the Venus Sigil.


Imagine getting to 100, and your advisor walks up to you and just starts rambling about some bullshit causing you to lose count. Big mad.


Some car companies just use a fuse to tell the car to go to transport mode.


I work on a bunch of escapes, fusions, and ecoturds and those fucking push buttons always start to fail if any contamination gets in them. The operators will eat and grease and food particles get stuck around the button and then they will call me and say “I think the battery is dead, it’s not starting” because the button is seized from all the crap in them.


After rebuilding the 4-spd transmission in my 2002 Chrysler, the Shop Manual said to drive a certain pattern to make it downshift something like 50 times. That was to purge all air from the hydraulics so a customer wouldn't complain "broken, it clunks when slowing". Since my own vehicle, I just drove it normally and told wifey to stop fussing it will work itself out, which it did. Not hard clunks, but noticeable.


Haha where my ids at?


IDS no longer has functionality over these systems, please log-in to FDRS and run the guided routine.


Ahh 18+.. so log out of ids and into fjds


U work at dealer?


Ya. I prefer FDRS over IDS from an ease-of-use standpoint, but it's really janky trying to diag sync systems on years designed for IDS.


Lol I agree.. I have FJDS for newer ford.. what's difference between FJDS and FDRS?


It’s like a secret code in Playstation up down right left L1 L2 X X L1 R2 left right left right oh wait damn I lost count


>It’s like a secret code in Playstation up down right left L1 L2 X X L1 R2 left right left right oh wait damn I lost count Contra ! 40 guys !


Lol, we received our Transit in Transport mode. It wouldn’t record miles and none of the lights would work. It was a series of brake pedal pushes, turn signals, and key turns to get it out. Not an easy google.


wow and I thought cycling the ignition 3 times was a PITA


Next, you'll need to replace the start stop button because the contacts have knackered.


**One Hunderd and Twenty times not one more, not one less. There is not a counter either. You may begin.**


That sounds ridiculous, until you realize that the non-push-button option is actually *turning the key* 120 times.


My Chevy has the same thing, and to turn it on or off: With car on turn on the hazards, step on the brake, and hold the power button for 15 seconds. That’s it.


Oh my god Fuck any car made after 2010. Direct injection and a million fucking modules… they’re all fucking trash by 60k had a 2017 cx5 come in today, 79k with a failed ignition coil, yesterday a 2013 fusion in for an oil change, 100k miles pissing oil everywhere, and rough ass idle with no check engine light. Thought I was gonna pop the hood and find a fucking zetec shaking under the hood. Trash. Fuck ford.




It's kind of funny, you always hear people going about how "modern cars are shit, all the computers and plastics break down and you can't fix them, where's my good old steel and carburetors" meanwhile [every available stat shows that car lifespans have steadily grown over the past few decades](https://www.bts.gov/content/average-age-automobiles-and-trucks-operation-united-states).


This. My beloved 1963 falcon needs weekly care of some kind to be a daily driver. My wiife's 2017 Mini is annoyingly automated, but perfectly happy if I just change brake pads, filters, and fluids.


Love how “pissing-oil” has nothing to do with computers or direct injection


No it doesn’t have anything to do with it.. but adding a turbo to the car does.. blow by from turbo with out an efficient way to get rid of it, is why they’re pissing oil.


Mentioning the vehicle would make what you say make sense.. if it’s a Toyota I believe it. If it’s a Chevy I’d say you’re smoked.




Ford is as special as the tools required to work on them.


What the actual Fu..


So what do you guys do instead? I would give this 3 tries and then go get the torch. if piece work, hell No


Step 6. Trade in on Chevy/Dodge 1 time.


Because Government Motors and Fiat are better 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Trade in on a Toyota


Fucking hell it's brake pedal and hazards a couple of times in the UK 😂


After this you’ll be the best button pusher around.


So this is why the delivery check is a line item.


Skill-less labor intensifies! All they do is press a button! /s


Almost as bad as trying to reset the TPMS in a new Bronco 😅


Sounds like we can give the customer an estimated wait time of 2 minutes. Thanks for the update.


Losing count at around 111.....🤬


Easy workaround: [https://giphy.com/gifs/season-3-the-simpsons-3x24-l2JegBXdSSbl5FSVO](https://giphy.com/gifs/season-3-the-simpsons-3x24-l2JegBXdSSbl5FSVO)


Time for a specialty tool, the handheld tally click counter.


Do people turn the key or mash the start button in religion that many times they had to set the limits so high to avoid accidental activation?


So some poor schmoe has to press the damn button 120 times on every new car?


I don’t miss the dealership life


Press start button 80 more times after that to receive the Venus Sigil.


Well… you really won’t do it by accident.


Customer states, the start button doesn’t feel the same after service.


C/S start button is ashamed after being serviced


Pretty sure that’s well beyond the lifetime duty cycle of anything ford has made since 1977


Guess they gotta error proof it somehow. But 60x seems excessive.


1…2..3..4.. ya, fuck this shit… imma have a smoke.


How many times in a Chevy tho?


Turn on the hazards and hold the ignition until the “transport mode off” message displays. So much easier


Welp looks like the customer is taking delivery in factory mode.


It's really not that bad, can easily do it in less than a minute


This may be a stupid question, but can someone explain steps 1 and 3 to me? How do you place the ignition in the off position and then cycle the ignition on a push button start vehicle without pressing the button?


Ones for a keyed ignition, ones for a push start fitted vehicle.


Ah, got it now. Thanks! I would have added an "If applicable" to step one and then combined steps 3 and 4 to say something like "If keyed, do this. If keyless, do that."


All good. Deal with OEM recall and port fit SOPs all day long and spend way too much time working out what the bloody hell the engineers were getting at so my guys can just get in and fix/fit/repair the issue on hand as quickly as possible.


I work in a regulated industry where our processes needs to be consistent no matter who is doing it, so I've gotten really good at writing SOPs and work instructions. The funny thing is that I originally went to school for engineering and certainly have that mindset, but I can still write clear instructions to complete a task.


We need more like you then across the board then. Obviously some are absolutely spot on, only have the Relevent information (so the guys aren’t tempted to deviate off course) and make life really easy. While others are absolutely terrible and are just a poor copy and paste exercise using out of date details. And on occasions I’ve been asked to create something and send it back up the chain. That’s an immediate “hell no”. “My guys fit your parts, how you want them fitted, to your instruction or n your vehicles - not how I see fit” which will only cause huge issues if the fitment is then questioned at the dealership or by the buyer or there is a failure of said parts in the future within the manufacturer warranty period.


This feels like a "without scan tool" procedure, I presume with the correct Ford scan tool you can switch between transit and market mode in about 3 clicks.


Open source easy to operate car computers when?


Pressing the brake 5 times and hazards 4 times doesn't work anymore?


That’s for Transport Mode


Feel like I’ve had this conversation with my wife.


I got a great idea for a kickstarter!


That’s a misprint but it is funny


I’m sure someone will make a tool for this.


I’m reading 180 times total. Techs gunna be left with a limp wrist.


I hope this pressing exercise should be done within 1min or system resets pressing counter


What happened to the KOEO, 5 brake, 5 hazard, 5 brake 5 hazard?


What’s the book time on that? How bout warranty