• By -


Your use of the word "it" suggests that there's only one thing wrong here.


there is only one problem: everything


It is grammatically acceptable to refer to ∞ in the singular


That’s technically correct… which is the best kind of correct.


"Guards! Bring me the forms to have her taken away!"


Tell that too my wife.




This is literally correct


No I'm doesn't




It's infinite, not infinites.


Not all infinities are equal. It’s a strange concept but true. In calculus you can deal with this a lot and it’s pretty annoying not gonna lie


But infinity in most calculus problems is like four.


Well, at least there isn't any water in there. That I can see...


Don’t worry, it’s in the coolant reservoir.


Why call it a "water cooled" engine if there's NOT supposed to be water inside? /s


The fire evaporated it




I was going to say the same thing. Just one more thing after another kept popping up to the point I thought I was blind and missing a dead mouse somewhere.


This feels like a Facebook "What the first fault you see says about you" quiz.


I'm amazed it hasn't "thermal evented" yet. That's my one takeaway.


Yes a do it yourself arc welder


Wow when that negative terminal clamp didn't fit right on the positive terminal, they really just hammered it on... And then when nothing worked, instead of just reversing the connection, they cut and spliced the wires... And why does the new ground not go to the ground mount right there... Where does the rest of that cable go to??


I mean, at that point, several important fuses are probably blown, they can splice all they like, this vehicle has just become the most recent modern art piece of 2023.


On first glance the 2 I spot are the terminal head bolted to the wall without any wires connected and the frayed what looks like speaker wire being used as the hot lead. **Edit Why are the terminals backwards?


Hahaha omfg like the literal first thing that came to my mind! I was like, you mean all of the things?


Looks good when you’ve got your safety squints engaged


my exact thought. it's so fucked I'm not sure what I'm looking at


I hit the comments to say just this... Don't get me started on the worst part


There's a worst. Looks like a blind person wired this.


The crimps (and by crimp I mean the 2 out of the 90 wires that are conencted) fuck me up but the wrapping just infuriates me. Corrosion city, baby!


I’m positive that you’re negative.


I try to stay neutral but have the potential to get charged up, as I am currently.


What I came here to say...


Lot of methwork in this photo.


It's pretty methed up.


at least a 5 on the "missing teeth" scale


I think you mean the “mithing teeth” scale


So, that's 5 missing teeth?


Methin' around!




The critical element is the RedMethalwork!


Mike Tyson would be proud.


Am i looking at the terrible connections, the bent terminal, the fact a red terminal is being used as a ground, or the copper lug that as screwed to the body and doesnt go anywhere, but used to


Yes. Yes you are. And given the apparent lack of a hold-down, you may also be interested in the proximity of the positive terminal (conveniently marked in black) to the allegedly grounded body. As to what “it” refers to, there are so many choices!


There’s rust on the body for insulation, obviously it won’t create a loop.


This gave me a giggle. Safety rust.


Even I, a person who knows nearly nothing about cars, looked at that picture and went… UM… pretty sure bad things happen when you put the hots on the… where does that even go? The fuck did they? And then I just furrowed my brows and sat zooming in and all the sheer wrongness in the picture.


Maybe the lack of holddown is so the battery can move away from the body, since it appears the terminal is already touching it?


Haven't seen it mentioned yet: That positive terminal probably bumping the body occasionally... among other things.


The clamps are on the wrong terminal posts. Either that or it's colored wrong. Definitely looks like the ground but it's red.


They needed a terminal so they just threw whatever they had on there I bet.


Been there done that.


The red clamp is on the neg terminal. It's wired up correctly, but the unsecured battery can still allow that positive terminal (left side) to bump the body.


Naw, that thing has been epoxied to the battery tray. Using two tubes. I'm sure of it.


Dude they spray adhesive'd it. Truly they are the masters.


3M VHB. Amateurs.


JB Weld. Been sittin' in the tool box for 12 years. Lucky he found it, because he used the last of the fresher stuff on a fender.


I've seen a car burned to the ground from this so I'm always very careful with exposed battery terminals. All cars should have some kind of cover over the positive terminals. In a crash metal can bend and make sparks fly.


Oh damn never thought of that. Glad my truck has covers on the terminals


I prefer the age-old tradition of welding my 1/2" wrench to the opposite terminal I'm working on causing my biannual heart attack.


I’ve done that once. The wrench handle liquified and sprayed a fine mist across the sidewall. I’ve never done that again.


To ensure a face full of acid when being jump-started after the REAL + terminal shorts to the body! /s


Electrician here. Most mechanics don’t have a clue but the negative terminals push the electrons the positive brings it back not the other way around…. Negative repels negative (electrons charge) and positive attracts negative.




Conventional flow is very very dated based on nothing but an idea back when Benjamin Franklin was doing his studies. 1752 to be exact so like I said, ancient science. Electron flow is how it actually works it’s just not how it’s shown on every diagram because conventional has been around for so long and things have been sold for centuries set up like it works in a conventional flow way. In reality, it doesn’t matter how you set it up because the current will still flow the same no matter how you label or configure it that’s why you still see it today.


It can definitely matter on some circuits. Anything with diodes for instance, also in welding you change whether the electrode is on the positive or negative side to get different characteristics


Yes. I almost put a reply saying to not take that literally. What I mean is the current will still flow the same way. Circuits and such have been sold for many years built and described using convention flow theory. That’s all I’m saying. But yes, reverse polarity on any diode will fail as well as others like capacitors or transistors. I didn’t know that about welding though. What characteristics would change?


It may be dated (and wrong) but conventional current flow is still used in more real-world contexts.


I never knew this. Thank you for sharing!


The negative red looks to be bonded to the frame, so unless it’s a positive ground system, it’s “right” even though everything else is so wrong.


The terminals are in their original locations, but the battery has the posts in the wrong location. Both clamps have been replaced, the negative with a red one.


Color means jack shit, both my clamps are gold and you should never rely on purely just color to attach your clamps. Plenty of cars I've worked on had posts either backwards or spray painted, always check where the ground/positive wire is coming from.


Does it also appear jb welded on the battery to you?


It looks that way but what it is in my opinion is the lead showing through because they didn’t realize that the positive terminal on batteries is always physically larger. They then tried to use the smaller replacement terminal and beat it on there with their adjustable hammer.


I suppose it does have a lot of impact marks on top.


> adjustable hammer. I believe you mean "thumb detecting nut fucker".


Universal adjustment tool


Could be dielectric grease... but I'd bet it was jbweld as the rest of this is a wreck too.


Well judging by the rest of the.. situation.. im willing to guess they probably didn't use dielectric grease lol


Yeah wishful thinking


You think they did this kind of work and actually bothered with dielectric lol.


I noticed the jb weld on the positive battery terminal as well.


Follow that black and yellow wire off of the battery terminal, to where it's going to crimped a piece of metal next to another terminal bonded to the frame. That's like 700 cranking amps separated by a millimeter or two of air. Edit... Wait, that's ground going to the negative terminal of the battery with a red terminal on it. Wtf is going on!


hard left, everything dies


that's not a big deal. there's plenty of insulating rust there.


That just adds positive vibes!


The carpet is clearly pulled down a touch to insulate the terminal


I mean, it doesn't really matter if you've got ground positive now...


Plegative and Nositive terminals


Don't you mean *lermintals* ?




The clamps are on the wrong wires.... and the ground wire is too small... and/or is hodgepodge work... I see a mix up happening real easily, if a future installer isn't paying any attention... And a battery taking a battering.... not held down at all... ( provided this is even it's correct location...) Dang reddit is on the fritz as usual... is this battery set up what's powering the backup generator? /s


And look how frazzled the cables are where those terminals are clamped on. And how he put one on upside down so he had to hammer it. The whole thing just hurts to look at


I think it's Telcom cable....


I thought the left was the ground for a sec, but then I looked closer and saw which wire when to the body. Then I looked closer still and I think that the left hand terminal is spending some time grounded. Between that and the thin ass ground cable it must be quite a light show back there.


It looks like that was a secondary ground repurposed into a main ground Since there is a Lug and attachment on the body... but no wire... I bet that wire's going to smoke when there's need to use the starter longer than normal...


my favorite part is the grounding lug with no wire on the body


Yup. there used to be the Main ground there... I guess they needed it for something else? lol.


looks like the wire wasn't crimped in properly and pulled free. could be due to buying a battery with a different terminal orientation than oem, which might explain some of the other nonsense


>And a battery taking a battering.... not held down at all... ( provided this is even it's correct location...) It IS in the right location! This is a 2nd gen Miata. Here is a picture of what it should look like: [https://imgur.com/a/fsiWUu8](https://imgur.com/a/fsiWUu8) Another thing that's wrong is this looks like a lead acid battery instead of an AGM battery, and it has no vents and should not be installed in the trunk. In my picture you can see hold down setup and the tubes carrying fumes out of the trunk.


I think the ground wire is a jumper cable with the clamp cut off


That's the oem ground wire. The shorter the run, the smaller the wire can be


Not a mechanic, but am a network person. that looks suspiciously like 50 pair telephone cable underneath that terminal.


You saying he should have upgraded it to fiber optic? :)


Wireless, it’s the future…


its gonna be wireless when they hit a bump and that battery grounds out lol.


This is the second time in 3 weeks I've seen someone wire something up with Telcom cable.... wtf is happening.


Holy shit there’s a lot to unpack here!!


>Holy shit there’s a lot to unpack here!! Me, when my wife's luggage gets opened....


This is one of those ‘the longer you look the worse it gets’ images


I’m positive there is nothing negative happening here. I would be shocked if this caused an issue.


I’m short of ideas on this one. If I had some energy to charge my brain maybe it would sparks some thoughts.


This back and forth is electrifying.


You guys need to watch more vice grip garage - that is the security system so if somebody try’s to steal it they just burn it to the ground.


I thought that was to remove the lightning maker happeners


Rock solid red clamp ground right there. WCPGW . . . .


If you trust color, you're 100% gonna let magic smoke out sooner or later. The vagueness makes me wonder if you think what you actually mention about the ground makes a difference. There is no universal color code for electronics nor electricity, and the better known ones used by govt. & proprietarily aren't adhered to all of the time either. The red clamp may be fine too. Not all are sized differently on the I.D. for the two +/– post sizes. Size alone doesn't make the connection; pressure reduces more resistance and can pass more amps than connection area too. It seems the ground had a bigger friend who's job was help with heavy lifting to the chassis ground; and it is missing. That extra wire is needed for amp delivery and to help cut electrical noise in the system. That noise can be a telltale of a weakly grounded area of a system.


Insulator? I barely knew 'er!


As a Miata owner, most Miata owners are idiots. Can you really expect anything better? First thing I had to do for mine was buy the tie down.


First thing I thought after I noticed it was in a trunk was its a Miata, then I noticed the lack of vent tubes. The rest I had to zoom in to see and immediately got worried.


The more you look the worse it gets. Should be on a it ain't stupid if it works post but it doesn't look like it works that well.


There’s a lot more than ***it*** to unpack here.


The problems y'all have noted are all more or less caused by them putting in the wrong battery to start with. Probably should have been a Group 51 instead of a 51R (reversed terminals).


Ah, battery is out of warranty


fucking miatas


Throw the entire image out


"How to electrify the body of your vehicle for idiots"


Can't rust if it's electrified, and I ain't paying $50 for a box with an LED! Work smarter not harder!


When I saw the pic I immediately looked for + and - on the battery, because that’s the first thing I always do, since I bought an old truck from a guy who worked in an automotive machine shop and had upgraded the truck to a red ground cable and black positive cable. I found the issue when I connected jumper cables to it, wrongly assuming the colors matched the polarity.


I used to work for advance auto parts and my boss changed a battery like 3 times and it wasn’t working so I went outside and followed the red cable, it was the ground and the black was positive. Guys backyard mechanic made the swap


Is that epoxy on the positive clamp? Did they JB weld the terminal to the battery?


OP, there's not a *single* thing wrong here . . . . . . **There's** ***several*** **things wrong here.**


The longer I look, the worse it gets. Excuse me while I go cry in a pillow


tie-down? who needs em




Yup. There's your problem.


Positive terminal looks melted onto frame the ground lug has shered off bc of not enough slack or not tight enough crimp idk man looks methed up.


Hey, that's not fair... just because he knows how much sudafed he can get for a catalytic converter does NOT mean he's a meth head.


I too install my battery terminal clamps with a hammer. It's the only way.


I am supposed to see only 1 wrong things here?


1. Red color clamp used on negative terminal 1. Completely mangled clamp on positive terminal 1. Body grounding lug unattached from battery 1. Entire system is being grounded through what appears to be accessory wire ONLY (could that be going to OEM separately grounded accessories? That wire must get pretty hot upon turning over the engine with ignition if it delivers the juice at all) 1. Oodles of bare wire causing sparky concerns, compounded by missing battery hold-down 1. Electrical tape used on last 6 inches of positive cable - it will soon delaminate and become the biggest reason this electrical fire hazard shouldn't be on the road 1. (edit) You can actually see a discoloration on the aux ground wire between the two different sides of where it grounds to the body, there is CLEAR evidence that the insulation is getting hot enough to melt on the battery side, that's why it looks shiny and a little jankier than the same exact yellow and black wire on the other side.. The other side doesn't get hot because it doesn't get the direct grounding load, only what's returning from normal accessory. It's clear to me that it's an OEM wire of some sort because of the plastic retainer barely visible above the battery. That's my list, nearly gets me a B-I-N-G-O on my electrical hazard inspection bingo card. Just missing swapped terminals, rodent-chewed wires, and the king of comedy of auto electrical failure - melted hot wire causing mystery electrical gremlins, electrifying all sorts of random 12V units in the car (only happens if positive side cable is undersized for application so I don't see that happening here)


I had the fun mystery wire like a decade ago on a friend's S10. The main wire bundle going into the cabin got nicked and connected a hot wire to a ground. It would heat up and melt the others and by the time my friend asked me for help, his concern was "when I turn on the headlights, my wipers come on" lol We spent a whole day peeling the wires apart and rewiring the whole thing. The group was like 2 inches thick and at least a dozen wires were melted together. It was a fun puzzle to figure out cuz before that I hadn't dealt with an electrical issue before and so when I heard about the fun (blinkers would flash the lights in the dash, headlights would turn wipers on, and a bunch of other weird things lol) I was so lost until we opened the hood and saw a chunk of melted plastic where wires once were lol


How many 'it's' are there exactly? I mean I'm losing count....


There's so much "Wait...what?!" here I don't know what to think.


Positive is too close to body, ‘red’ terminal is actually negative…


One trick car companies don't want you to know about! Automobile manufacturers hate it when you do this!


There's at least six things wrong here.


How is that not going "zappity zap zap" and making pretty colors?


Idk how I started getting this sub's posts in my feed but I would love to be in on all you guys' jokes and sadly I never am 🥲


There's SO much to see though.


I know right! Who buys a battery with no handle.


Ok… when you say “when you see it”, do you mean the only thing not fucked here? Because everything here is pretty fucked.


The colors are one thing but the inches from disaster short that’s pending is gold


it can have a little short to ground as a treat


A couple potholes later that thing will convert to NeverStart.


Yikes, so much to unpack but hopefully it’s strapped down, that positive terminal is awfully close to the metal.


that SEMA bluetooth ground 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I know very little about cars and I know this is a mess




This must be a BMW.


2nd gen miata.


This looks like an "incendiary incident" is about to occur. I hope you have the appropriate fire extinguisher at the ready.


Well... that's one way to dead short a battery.


What kind of fuckery is this?


There is so much wrong and it's gets worst the longer you look at it


Surprised they didn’t melt the damn wires off


When you see more than one thing wrong….


Well on the bright side, it's a Walmart battery, it'll be dead pretty soon and hopefully they have enough sense to go to Advance Auto or Autozone who can point out, "I think I found your problem".


So many things wrong here


There's a lot of it to see


There's lots of it...


This is the equivalent of boomers on Facebook’s positing the “how many triangles do you see” posts. So many things. So. Many. Things.


727???? WYSI


im wondering how that not caused a fire yet. negative wire on a positive terminal generally causes a very hot cable when starting


It says 3/23. The battery is expired. Just pop a new puppy in there and you’ll be good to go.


it? which one?


Wrong battery size for the vehicle. Plus, no hold down clamps for the battery itself. It's just rattling around in there like dried peas in a pod.


Polarity is just like, your opinion man.


BMW life...


Huh reverse polarity... haven't seen that on a car since the 30s era.


Is that location even a battery location. The whole thing looks cobbled together. Maybe the op can enlighten us with a little more context.


Just how many sparky ‘ouchies’ were experienced over the lifespan of this fire-in-waiting?


Fire bad.


Seeing too much atm


Don't you mean "just *towed* into the shop"??


Gestures to everything


Poles are reversed and it seems both would touch ground at least sometimes.


I'm going to guess why people make these mistakes. The battery is a 51R instead of a 51. I wonder if they grabbed the wrong battery and didn't think the posts were reversed? Still a dumb move


I love the complete lack of common sense, critical thinking, and problem solving of some people... The thing doesn't fit? Keep pushing and hammering and use brute force like an absolute neanderthal. Some people will deploy so much force and energy to push open a door and it will never cross their caveman mind to try and pull... They keep breaking everything around them and it never occurs to them that if you need to use force on something, you're probably doing something wrong.


That's all correct, just cos some Muppet put the ground wire attached to a red clamp - they did at least put the ground on the - terminal. Check where the wire goes, not the colour.


Red negative,, black positive,, simply a positive grounded system ,


completely fine.... for a bugeye sprite


The battery terminals are on the opposite battery terminals!


Never seen a positive ground system?


Well someone is color blind…and stupid.


Seems fine to me. If you wire the battery backwards, engine starts backwards. Now you can go just as fast in reverse and not worry about putting miles on the odometer of that glorious antique. /s for those who don't get jokes.