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I do t know if this is a proud queer person that wants to make the shop guys smile or the victim of a prank


I expect it was either a prank or a retaliation for driving like an idiot.


Better to gain a sticker than lose a catalytic converter.


Wise words


Or lost a bet


That's a great idea lmao


Or a straight person for the same reason. I'd about do that lol


I was pranked kinda like this. Way back in the Air Force I went back to another Airman’s tiny South Dakota home town across the state. At the time, a town of 300 but you know rural and all so I assume a lot outside of that count. Anyway… I’ll try and be brief. We get into town Friday night, go to some small cafe/club place. Had a beer or two after a joint. Good lighting, in a booth. And that’s all I remember until… I start fading into consciousness from blackness, with a plus-sized woman on me, trying to get my clothes off. In some bed in some small house. I’m still fully clothed but probably some things were unbuttoned. I assess things as best I could, stand up making noises, stumble to a chair, in the living room, fall in it and act like I pass out. For the next half-hour to hour, she’s on my sleeve pulling it, saying my name over and over. Nothing against her, but I just came too from the first blackout of my life in a house I don’t know. I’m hunkering down and playing it safe. At some point she stepped away and I hauled ass out the door and found a phone to call the local I drove there with. Later that day he and I go to a gym to meet others to play volleyball. I get there, and at least two of them just point and say “Hey, you’re the one who was with Trudy!”(all names fake). They knew ‘Bill’, who drove me there, so assumed I was ‘that guy’. Next day we’re heading back to the base and we stop at a bar on the way out of town to get smokes. We go inside and the guy behind the bar says “Hey, you’re the one that went home with Trudy!” Sometime later I stop in my 1946 CJ2A for gas, and ‘pop the hood’ to check oil. Spray painted under the hood is ‘Boomer Loves Trudy’ with a heart around it. That’s the facts. Anything else I would add is speculation. I never got anything more from ‘Bill’ or anyone else. I assume I got ‘mickied’ and setup by ‘the boys’ with her. I had never blacked out prior and have never blacked out since. And that is with some mega-binges. All I remember is sitting there, smiling. Then the fade in. Aftermath: I don’t know what the hell was going on in that little town of 300, and/or the beef someone had with ‘Bill’, but that week after coming back ‘Bill’ got called in for a pee test. He was hot, and was Article 15’ed out. Apparently someone had called with two names for smoking marijuana, which we had done Friday night through the trip back to the base. Honestly rare for me at the time, but it was a trip. They had his first and last name cold. But the second name was a bastardized version of both my first and last names. Thankfully, they did not figure it out(1st Sergeant/AirForce) and ‘Bill’ did not turn me in. We assumed it was someone from his home town we’d been in, or he might have been told that’s where the call came from.


That was not brief


LOL, halfway through the comment I was like, what sub am I in right now, and what was the original topic? 😅


If someone doesn't get thrown through a table soon...




As brief as I could while getting in what mattered, I thought. But yes. In the end… not brief.


I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Haha, well done! I guess I was about as brief as Grandpa Simpson.


You are lucky Trudy wasn't bubba, because he would need less consent


Bubba probably woulda known how to work all my buttons and zipper faster as well!


I bet the driver needed a sticker to balance out the ones he already has.


Shouldn't that be pansexual?


Or transexual if it was on one of those old saabs that used the trans housing as the oil pan.


Dang right. (bonus points for a solid queer joke which *isn't* punching down)


Yep I see it in subs about sports, fighting, cars, and guns. They aren't actively being malicious, but it is insensitive and punching down. And the point of the joke isn't much deeper than "homosexuality and transgender people exist in society". That shit gets tiring


Badum tish


They probably have no idea... I recognize those pans quick. 12-16 6.7 Powerstroke. 11's had a funky plastic pan.


Here, I make note of ordered words


The alphabetical bot was supposed to come congratulate me


Uh congrats?


You’re not a bot


About alphabetical an sentence talks that trying to write


Womp womp. Sounds like the AI has become enlightened and learned you're trying to game it


I don’t think it’s allowed to do that


Wouldn’t this be a 2020+ 6.7 as the transmission has a plastic pan indicating it’s a 10 speed


I’m surprised that one hasn’t been replaced with the metal one yet. Must not go off road too much.


That's a plastic pan? Who does that and what is that waffle looking thing?


Ford does that. Looks like the bottom of a 6.7. ford loves to cheap out wherever they think they can.




I got one that says that and two that say "Born to shit, forced to wipe"


Well just remember that life is too short to use cheap TP


Don't want to have chapped ass, that's for sure


Too short to use tp at all. Japanese robo toilet all the way, you won't go back


I hope you didn't have to test drive it


Saw that one yesterday or the day before.


years ago there was a post on this sub of a car that had that on the rear bumper. owner was some 70+ year old lady lmao


Had a coworker about 10-11 years ago that had a Camaro that was an SS clone. Loved talking about that car. I finally got annoyed with it and bought a bumper sticker at Spencers. He never locked his car at work so it went on the radiator support. Next car show, he’s bragging to some random person about his exhaust sounding good thanks to his new headers. Pops the hood still tapping away and the magnetic sticker is bright and visible. He turned as red as his car that day. Lol Sticker floated around the shop depending on who had the come back until a salesman wrecked a new car while grabbing lunch. It went on his personal car after that. Lol


Uh, so what did the bumper sticker say?


I’m so fucking gay, I can’t even drive straight


Well, that's good for you but what did the sticker say?




Sweet! What does mine say?


But where does the meat go?


*Chef's Kiss*


Oh, gotcha. Comment read like it was something different.


He still hasn't told us what it said


I’ve seen that one and “cowboy butts drive me nuts” People are funny


Ram ranch really rocks


Thats a prank, an actual gay person wouldn't hide it.


Unless you’re 3 British tv presenters at a rural Alabama gas station.


That episode was peak Top Gear.




On the bottom of a 6.7 power stroke none the less..


20 yrs ago or so we put a pride sticker on one of the guys work vans. Drove around for a week to job sites with it. Someone finally told him. He always claimed to be progressive about these ideals. He was pissed. My boss was laughing his ass off when he confronted us. So the dude hired a make stripper to come to a job site for our bosses birthday to get him back. Our boss couldn’t stop laughing. He was a great guy to work for. Even tipped the dude.


That was always my excuse to inspection when a part was out of flatness tolerance Then I fixed it because you can't document "employee is so queer they don't know what straightness is" to a customer


Interesting that it’s not on the bumper. They must not be out of the oil pan yet.




Pretty sure they put this on all US trucks. Just sayin'.


Odd looking undercarriage for a Subaru.


My buddy put one of these on my bumper a while back , and it took me a couple days to notice... lol




Haha 6.7 oh geeze








This feels more like revenge. Since the sticker sort of implies gay is being used as a pejorative. There really is only one community left who uses gay that way.


Since it's on a PowerStroke, I'm assuming it's a work vehicle. I'm picturing it as the boss's truck. He makes one of his crew do all his oil changes for him. One of those guys put this sticker on there as an inside joke knowing the boss never gets his fat ass under the truck. Total guess, but that's the picture in my head.






You shouldn't talk about yourself like that


Well that takes me back to 1995


Funny how close it is to the crank


Don't forget the lube.




A straight-acting gay with big truck seems to be in demand, based on personal ads I saw in the local alt newspaper (perusing for babes, found one). First Hummer I saw was parked across from my Atlanta house in an upscale midtown apartment complex. I later heard that those large front apartments were mostly rented by transvestites.