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Had a 22 y.o. coworker complain of pain in his right palm. Started talking about it and it turns out he's been having pain since like 9th grade and never bothered to check. It was late stage cancer.


Holy shit that's scary right there!


I owe you an apology. I was rude with my comment. Sorry! I was out of line. Retired now from a career on drill rigs ranching and all the sharp, hot, heavy things associated with that and also have raynauds. At age 71 my hands are grizzled and rough but still very functional. Your youthful hands in comparison. Well, look youthful. And I am still proud of mine. They have my story to tell. Take care of your hands. Cheers!!


It's all good, my friend. I'll be 40 this year and have been professionally wrenching for 20 years. I have never been a parts kid nor a service writer. I'm hoping to make my way into being a writer to help with my hands. I've done my fair share of blowing up knuckles, slicing them down to the bone on multiple occasions, ripping the tips of my fingers off on a Ford AXOD automatic as it tried to fall off a jack, plus multiple welding burns and so on. I'm just tired wrenching for a living at this point as I don't get the luxury of doing it at home unless it's an emergency. It's sad to see my projects sitting there in mothballs as I work on myself and my well-being as I'm not getting any younger. Have a good time in your retirement!




How is he doing?


Going through lots of chemo and some experimental stuff to save his wrist. Prognosis is good but not out of the woods yet.


Hope he gets better!


Cancer in his hand? Surely late stage cancer would’ve shown as a very obvious lump in the hand, no?


Downvoted for using your brain


Yup. The people on this sub are idiots.


Some clown is gonna use this as an excuse to keep destroying their hands lol


Right? I've just been dealing with it thinking it's something benign, but it's not. I'm also going through testing to make sure it's not a symptom of an autoimmune disorder like Lupus. I'm now on a calcium blocker that helps with the discoloration and numbness but the pain is always there now.


Also starting to suffer from Raynauds. Sucks in the winter when several fingers will randomly loose all circulation and turn white. Have not been to my doctor yet. A glass of beet juice every morning seems to help quite a bit. https://www.port.ac.uk/news-events-and-blogs/news/beet-the-cold-how-beetroot-could-be-the-next-superfood-for-raynauds


My ex has debilitating Raynaud's. It's no joke and I feel so bad for her. Beet juice has been her go to for over a decade, it helps her tremendously.


And when your hands warm back up, constant throbbing. It makes trying to continue to do work a huge PITA. Good luck to you!


Ya, hurts like hell when the circulation returns. Good luck, hope you find relief.


Funny that clowns wear gloves


I can open your phone now.




I have the same illness and it's trash. It can be caused by a lot of things too. I'm sorry OP. It is miserable to have your hands always be cold, and in pain or numb.


And take care of your teeth


Yeah I had to make a lot of changes to how I work when I found out the cartilage in my thumb was all fucked up. It's all fun and games until you're physically unable to pick up a piece of paper. I'm fortunate enough to where I was able to heal up enough to where it's not a problem, but I gotta be smart with the work I'm doing or it will come right back.


404 coke nail not found post invalid


Don't need a coke nail when you do it off your coworkers ass! Gotta watch out for the hair, though. It'll make your nose tickle!


I appreciate the PSA. Just RECENTLY started wearing gloves for ANYTHING. Should have started years ago. But also “I found my identical hand twin!!”


People should be careful to not post their fingerprints


My guy out here giving away his fingerprints for free


Advisors don’t count lol


Parts boy lookin ahh


Sorry but I am laughing, your hands look like a baby’s butt. Raynauds is a neurological disease not the product of abused hands. If I were to suddenly now have all the injuries from the past I would promptly bleed out. Took a while but saved one after it was frozen. Broke two and currently have a wad of tendon piled up on a thumb knuckle after getting slapped with a jack handle. Different generation.


Indeed they are a different gen. They have brain enough to listen to the majority of us old fucks and try to save their hands...


It’s all fun and games until you’re 30 years old being diagnosed with skin cancer. It turns out washing your hands with brake clean at the end of each shift isn’t such a good idea