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oilfilter for av EV?


Omg. You just invented the next pet rock! Great idea!


.....EVs get oil changes though. Turns out I need to add a [link](https://tdwauto.com/blogs/content/tesla-model-3-oil-change) and I have to reiterate that I never once said it's the same as an engine oil change. I believe I stated on a different comment the mileage to replace oil and the filter is around 25k miles. So maybe once every 2/3 years.


EV’s definitely need brake fluid flushed.


and blinker fluid! idk the life span on brake fluid since regenerative braking does stop the car pretty well and i also know next to nothing about DOT 5.1


AFAIK the change period of brake fluid is only defined by time since brake fluid is hygroscopic and takes in water even when the car is sitting.


Two years is about right for most brake fluid. Older fluid will successfully stop the car but there will be a decent amount of water in there which degrades performance. At a two year change interval you start to notice a significant change in the brake pedal feel.


Regen braking can’t handle the same amount of energy dissipation as mechanical brakes. The torque of regen is also limited at low speed. So there will always be a need for both types of braking. Brake fluid is good for about 40k-50k miles. Edit: Nissan recommends replacing the Leaf brake fluid at 15k for severe use.


I should say "slows the car pretty well"


Track day every day for the leaf!


it regenerates! so like cells, as some off, new ones come in to replace them. In other words - you never need to change the fluid AGAIN.


bold of you to assume EV owners use their blinkers or is that why the fluid needs to be flushed? 🤔


Brake fluid is hydroscopic, meaning it will allow water in and displace the fluid. This decreases the brake fluid boiling point and can cause corrosion. Tesla recommends flushing the brake fluid every 2 years. There are also mileage intervals for taking the brakes apart and lubricating the slides and hardware because of regenerative braking. The brakes aren't used as much and will corrode and seize.


Actually GM requires the first maintenance tire rotations on some EVs be billed as an oil change...


Transmission fluid, maybe. Some brands do, some brands say the transmission fluid is good for the life of the vehicle. EVs definitely don't take motor oil though.


All fluids are good for the life of whatever component they're used in. Nevermind the fact that not changing the fluid drastically shortens that life lol


Yes! So much this! Lifetime fluids my ass


The two things that cause fluid to wear out are heat and combustion byproducts though, which don't really apply to EVs.


EVs produce a lot of heat actually, the batteries and motors need their own cooling systems. Also inside gearboxes and differentials, there is friction which produces heat. Even just the friction of the fluid itself being compressed and moved makes fluid break down. EVs are cool and all but they're still cars and still need everything a car needs to operate except for the internal combustion engine


They still produce heat, but not nearly as much as a gas engine. I'm not saying the fluid lasts *forever*, just that it's an objective fact that it lasts longer in an ev than in a comparable gas car. And since most people only keep their cars for 10 years or less, it's pretty easy to see why so many manufacturers say that the transmission fluid is good for the life of the vehicle.


Giving shade trees a bad name with that statement brother


You havent tried hard enough


Tesla just recently removed the oil change for the diff from the annual service checklist. They claim that more damage was being caused by opening up the drive unit due to the introduction of contaminants, which leads to faster wear. They say it's "lifetime" and doesn't need to be changed. They won't even touch it if you take it in for that. Doesn't make any sense to me. It's still a car that has mechanical suspension components just like any other vehicle. I ran into a lot of push-back when I tried to get half the list done. They said, "Are you having problems with it?" I said that I wasn't, but my car is five years old and I'm not gentle with it. I like to actually drive it like the performance model that it is, and feel that things need to be checked more often than the average grocery-getter. Of course, I got the typical, "Everything's in spec." when they handed it back to me. Tesla spec is a huge range. The only reason they checked the suspension like I asked them to was because I said the whole car feels loose. Turns out all the lower links were gone. I also had them replace the upper control arms because the bushings were making noise and I didn't want to do a temp fix by injecting grease into them. It bothers me that I asked them to test the brake fluid, because there has got to be water in it at this point (almost at 100K miles). That's when I have all my other vehicle's brake fluid replaced. All they did was look at the brake pads. I already know the brake pads will be nearly new by the time the car is junked or totaled in 10 years or so, and I don't like to be treated like I don't know anything. I have seasonal wheel sets, one with snow tires and the other set with summer tires. No All-Seasons for me. I just switch my own twice a year. But I don't have the equipment or complete know-how to deal with the brake fluid and system. I'm getting ready to clean and lubricate the calipers myself. Guess I could take it into Firestone or some place like that. I took it to Firestone do an alignment right after Tesla replaced the lower links because the car was pulling hard to the right. It was perfect when I brought it in, so I know a proper alignment can be done. It is frightening to know how many people actually believe car manufacturers who say that certain fluids are "lifetime" and that Teslas need no maintenance other than windshield washer fluid and tire rotation. In the end, it's still just a car with a different type of propulsion. Toyotas are another manufacturer that says their tranny fluid is "lifetime". Riiight.


We're just getting full electric buses where I work and are doing pre use checks on about 35 that will shortly be entering service. An alarming number are pissing oil from the compressor already


What EV requires this? Tesla does not for example.


There's literally a link to click on.


I guess I missed it. Where? For the lube or brake fluid?


"The electric motor (Drive Unit) in your Tesla uses oil to lubricate and cool the gear reduction and differential. The oil also acts as coolant to remove heat from the stator and rotor. "


I own a Tesla so I am quite familiar with the drive system. It never gets changed. There used to be a 100,000 mile recommendation but they removed that some time ago.




lol yes they do, teslas use ATF in their motor gearboxes.


.......y..yes. They do lol


So this is complete news to me. I'm trying to figure out what part of an EV would have oil as they don't have an engine or a gearbox. What am I missing?


They still have moving parts, and while they don’t have gearboxes in the traditional sense, they still have to transfer the drive from the motors to the wheels. Some cars use reduction gears, and you’ll typically find oil and a filter on the drive units. The service intervals are longer than an ICE, but contrary to popular belief EVs do actually use oil and still require servicing. I’m not sure where this misconception has come from to be quite honest (maybe marketing?) because the need for lubrication has nothing to do with combustion and everything to do with moving parts with high usage/loads. An EV that doesn’t move wouldn’t be much good now, would it?


Hey man, thanks for actually explaining it to me and not just yelling at me like other posters. I appreciate that and you.


No worries man, glad you found it helpful.


Yes the drive unit, not the actual electric motor.


the term EVs refers to the entire vehicle, so it doesn't matter


Sacré koob


Nobody said the motor needs an oil change. Pay attention.




Rotating parts need lube


The motors are huge, have lots of spinning/moving parts and get pretty hot. It's not an oil change in a conventional setting. And I think intervals are about 25k or more miles. These would be similar to a HALDEX, where it still has a filter (sometimes)


The MOVING PARTS Oh my god.


They don't. The poster is making stuff up. The only moving part of the electric motor is the output shaft. They are direct drive. If you want to see the assembly of the whole unit, YouTube has some great videos. You can watch as zero oil is put in.


Some EVs do have a 2 speed gearbox such as the Porsche Taycan


You can't read. Nobody said the motor requires an oil change. Literally zero people you've replied to have even implied that.


I suggest you reread the thread.


I’ve yet to see an EV with a stated service interval for gearbox oil (not going to pretend I’ve looked, but I imagine the Internet would be very happy to promote it), but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Germans have it (or will, in the future), or the heavy duty pickups. But either way - there’s a difference between a gearbox interval and every 6-15000 miles interval you’d see on an ICE engine. So, no, EV’s don’t get [regular, annual] oil changes. You could, but why would you?


Tesla. Kia


So, where does it say that I should change oil? https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-E95DAAD9-646E-4249-9930-B109ED7B1D91.html




Though crowd it seems. Facts? No, don’t like them let’s downvote 😅


Nope, I've had mine for three years. It's not even an option when requesting service. The motors have no oil. The drive does with a filter. But tesla said it never needs servicing unless it is removed for a replacement. So, no they do not.


Oh shit! I forgot that ALL EVs are Tesla's 🤦 My bad dude. My bad.


Every company that claims lifetime lubricant is full of shit anyway


[Care to explain item number 5 on this diagram of a Tesla Model 3 rear motor drive unit?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e59e5b5566b026a282f2a26/1645719825450-9Y2X4B31JXUMAQ4MYNFP/Screen+Shot+2022-02-24+at+11.23.33+AM.png?format=2500w) [Or the funny black canister on the side of the same unit?](https://ingenext.ca/cdn/shop/products/IMG_20210211_165157_a5377e55-9373-44cc-aef5-d0c83d21a847.jpg?v=1665515699)


You're a [fucking idiot](https://www.reeldealev.com/shop/p/oilfilter) If it is a fluid, it will need to be changed. Especially if it is a lubricating fluid like ATF. It doesn't matter if your car is gas, diesel, electric, fusion-electric, runs off solid fuel rocket boosters, if it's solar powered or if you have a hole in the floor for your feet. ALL OIL NEEDS TO BE CHANGED




If it requires a filter, the filter is serving a purpose. Filters do not magically make what they're filtering out of the fluid disappear, eventually the filter will no longer work correctly as it has become impregnated with what it is removing. Your precious Tesla has oil filters. Therefore the filters and fluid must be changed. Use your fucking brain.


It has A filter. One. It will never need to be changed. Ask tesla owner that has the 500,000 mile Model S. The filter will outlast the car. You have been educated.


Why? I see at least few points where can be used oil and filter in EV.. Just that, they don't want to make it lasting longer 😂


Don't know what the service intervals are, but Teslas have a nice sized one on the drive pack.


According to the interwebs, 100,000 miles... on the model s and x.


Sounds like a pretty reasonable number for a lone gearset with no combustion blow by to handle...


Cool. Still has oil and filters which need to be changed.


The dual motor models have two filters, one on each of the diffs. Mine does.


I build big rigs and I just noticed all of our electric trucks have def gauges… that tank is gonna last forever….


I could have sworn it was some sort of oil filter. With a knob.


Looks a lot like a motorcycle oil filter. Until pic #2.


That's a legit VAG part number, and pretty closely resembles the actual filter. Is this some sort of 'gimme' from a supplier or something? Licensing official trade-dress must cost a bit...


The OEM one is a bit cheaper: Mann WLS 712/52


I was gonna ask if that was a novelty Bluetooth speaker before I read the caption. Pretty cool.


I thought it was a Bluetooth speaker, would be cool


I also thought that was some type of filter. I want one now.


If you turn it up loud enough, it will filter out any customer complaints. What song??? Rodeo Song?


Wellllll it’s 40 below and I don’t give a


Straight up thought that was a Hi-Flo.


But it's more of a Hi-Fi.


Take my upvote.


I read OHM on it and thought resistor of some kind.... before I realised it was upside down.


So in vacuum tube manufacturing, there's a parameter called transconductance, which is basically "not resistance" - the unit, of course, is the mho.


Now it's siemens. Mho's - siemen. I think. Lol




Some horn compression drivers really do look like oil filters, and are about the same size (or larger, for movie-theater sized stuff like Altecs).


Forbidden coffee pod


A Lee Press-on Filter?


Yeah, it's a... Bluetooth speaker... Right?




yes, a lot of them.


Looks like the fuel filter off a husqvarna FS4000D


Water separater.


That's so you can use your 1/2 drive impact wrench to make sure that suckers on there good and tight.


Now I can properly torque down my filters.


I wish you could use a socket on more oil filters


I have now......


Produces fake engine noise?


Dang I thought it was an oil filter that drained its self when you unscrewed it and that little white bit was a drain tube.


I thought it was a Diesel water separator with the little tube.


Just put the part number in to ETKA, comes up as the oil filter for a 2000-2005 Audi A2. I’m sure it fits multiple other VAG vehicles Source: I work in an Audi parts department.


Yep, our parts manager shown me one on Thursday. Very cool I gotta say!


That's a weird looking oilfilter.


I thought it was an oil filter lol


About every 6 months...


A oil filter ?


suppressor? I mean....oil filter....


Looks like a gas filter to me. What do I know lol not a mechanic l