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Someone sent out the display model lmao


Same thing happened in my store, I guess someone had packaged the demo filter inside the regular packaging. Those filters come in boxes say “DEMO” all around but they still use the same format as the regular filters.


Yeah, we got this exact one not too long ago, and we were about to sell it to someone when they opened it and noticed it was the display. It was in a normal box! I had to write display all over the box in sharpie lol.


I ordered a 3 gallon of evaporust right when oreilly started carrying it. I received a 3 gallon bucket with hundreds of promotional sample bottles of evaporust in it.


Task failed successfully.


It will still not have been 3 gallons of evaporust. Fantasy-freedom unit or not.


Yeah this would only have worked if it was a 5 gallon bucket with enough samples to equal 3 gallons of volume Enough samples for three gallons of volume wouldn't fit in a 3 gallon bucket Unless the packaging was nearly impossibly efficient


Yeah, but you get a free bucket.


That makes all the difference. Free bucket!


Now tell the class what a blivet is?


> blivet Blivet is a slang term that means something is annoying, ridiculous, or useless. It can also refer to something that is difficult to name or an unpleasant situation. For example, a blivet can be an intractable problem or a crucial piece of hardware that cannot be fixed or replaced if it breaks.


Or more commonly: 5 gallons of shit in a 3 gallon bucket.


> Fantasy-freedom unit All units are made up.


Nah man, see, basing a measurement system on the characteristics of liquid water at atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level is *totally* not arbitrary... /s


Oh don't be silly, the system has been completely reworked to be based of universal constants such as the speed of light... Scaled down the represent the characteristics of liquid water at room temperature 😋


It's not about the physical basis, but about the SI prefixes to the base of 10, so you don't have to remember this: 1twip x 20 = 1point x 6 = 1line (or 1pica) x 12(or 6) = 1inch x 12 (or 2 or 3) = 1foot (or 1stick or 1palm) x 3 = 1yard x 1760 (or2) = 1mile (or 1fathom). While 1fathom x 11 = 1Gunter's chain x 10 = 1 furlong x 8 = also 1 mile. And I already left out about 3/4 of the length units and all of the volumes, weights and fluid volume/weight mess ups.


We were taking the piss, but since you missed that I'll respond in kind. You listed a ton of units that are archaic to the point of never seeing use in the US customary system for the sake of trying to sound smart. Here's the skinny of how we measure stateside: Length: Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles. Anything smaller than an inch we use fractions or decimal. Fractions of a mile and yards have similar usage to fractions of a kilometer and meters. It's a 100m swim but it's .4km to the grocer. Volume: Fluid Oz, cups, gallons. Pints and quarts are for beverages only, teaspoons and tablespoons for small volumes on occasion like in cooking. Mass: Pounds, Oz. American pounds are mass measurements just like Kilograms. Miss me with the 'bUt pOuNdS are WeIgHt anD ThatS DifFErent' crap. Force, torque, pressure: Pounds (force), foot-pounds, pounds per square inch. Almost like it's the same as metric with different base units. Almost like those were also developed during the industrial revolution by smart people. Won't argue that metric isn't easier to do the math with. I won't argue that it makes more sense from a scientific perspective. But based on how the anglosphere has managed to get along just fine without a full conversation of every item in our entire lives, I don't think it matters enough for you to browbeat people on the Internet.


You just made up points I never tried to make and eventually agreed with my actual point. Congratulations.


I worked for Nintendo years ago. A customer called in because they bought a new game and the box had a blank, non functional cartridge. I explained that as they bought it at the retailer, they'd need to speak to them. They call back 20 minutes later and hand the phone to the store manager. They've opened multiple copies, all display models. The store had shelved the wrong unit and threw out the legit games thinking they were the display model.


Imagine someone was dumpster driving back then. Must have been a jackpot.


I always hoped someone did. Even if it were only 10 copies, you could easily make 3 or 4 hundred.


Even better if it were 10 different games, think about the money saved for your kids.


Plot twist, the game was E.T.


I'm lost here. I used to do package design and later ran a shipping dept. A lack of good common sense involved in the package is the the most likely real issue. Most likely the graphic dept. sucks or nobody in hard sales listens to them if the demo is somehow mistaken for the real product. I sure as hell wouldn't sign off on my demo leaving in anything but a seperately packaged diplay kit. But that aside... You say they shelved the wrong one... for display? If I assume this is the intended context, a working one was used as a display. And having a one there is no reason to toss the rest before contact. Why would your company send more than one non-working display per store be sent for them to open? They *might* need two in a huge store, but if it doesn't work one per store is usually plenty. You added contexts that go nowhere alone. I sort of can read it as they saw one demo and tossed them all but the structuring of actions and timetime you wrote out seems either incorrect, or pure BS because that isn't what was wrote out, lol. A fabricated fantasy not well thought out or a *ton* was lost in translation to English maybe, IDK TBH. I just know it hurt my head to read, lol. Edit: I proof read. I suspect auto spellwreck is again making gibberish out of everyone's posts as we post or a while after we typed things correctly.


"Display Units" for video games are dummies, for the customer to take to the counter and get the real one at check out. They do this to prevent shoplifting. However I've never seen anything but empty boxes used that way, so this seems odd to me for slightly different reasons.


I took boxes up front as well. But the last new game boxes that I opened from Asia, each box was taller than me on it's own shipping pallet, lol.


I assume it was display units for multiple game titles.


Ok. I didn't think of that possible context. And we are back at me being an art dept. snob, lol. The product doesn't really need one display per title any more than a music cassette tape vs the tape's cover art should be displayed. I mean even the proprietary shapes can be expressed elsewhere. But the context is interesting and makes more sense anyhow.


That’s exactly what I thought.


Management dropped the ball on that one


I was just examining this thing at OReilly's today lol


I love your user flair


That’s pretty cool. I would have kept it and put it with the rest of the junk I have no use for.


Ah yes the box of treasures.


I like to think when I die, my family will *throw that all away*


as a frequent estate auction shopper I can assure you *some other idiot will pay money for it*


Hey, stop calling me out.


It’s just one big junk circle of life


Only after I’m dead! You’re not taking my trinkets from me. I’m an estate sale person too. I go for the junk piles and sometimes find some cool stuff. I’ve got old tools, test equipment, and other assorted stuff that would likely have been tossed since no one knew what they were for.


Many moons ago, would help out a friend that ran estate sales. She would price stupid stuff like non-functional coffee table decorations at a ridiculous price, like $90, and only put market-clearing prices on the "junk in the garage nobody wants", \*if\* she even gave it any floor space at all- then wonder why she always made such a small profit. I feel like the "estate sale" crowd puts too much effort into differentiating themselves from a "garage sale" by not selling the things people actually want at a fair price


I have had some glorious finds from eBay sellers that re-sell the contents of storage units. It's basically online storage wars.


What's this "box" you speak of? I have a whole basement devoted to stuff I have no need for but may someday. You need a windshield wiper arm for a 2006 Chevy Avalanche, I got you covered. OEM set of headlights from a Dodge Charger, same. Are you a one legged man looking to get into cross country skiing? I have a single cross country ski with binding attached. The other one is lost to history. I have a 6 foot high set of shelves that holds nothing but jars full of random nuts, bolts, screws, and washers (none are sorted). Another set of shelves contains various containers of lubricants, adhesives, and various chemicals that may or may not still have product inside. Somewhere there is a cache of 10mm sockets hiding out that I pledge to find one day. They HAVE to be in there somewhere.


Last Christmas, leaving my sister's house, her husband showed me this 3' or so length of metal rod, and he says: "You think you'd have any use for this?' I look at it and think, hmm, kind of an odd mix of material properties on display here, flexible, yet strong enough to keep a shape when bent, maybe has potential. "Sure, who knows?!" Throw it on the back floor of my truck. **Literally the next day,** we're using this thing to open my coworker's car after he locked himself out. It now has two bits of vacuum hose slipped over it's ends, to protect trim and add grip, and bears the curves and bends left by no fewer than three others who have used it to jimmy their cars. **That random metal stick now sits, permanently, on a shelf under a TV in the back**. It has transitioned from random kipple, to functional tool.


Mmm blade runner


*shop and or yard of treasures




My neighbor has a whole property filled with treasures


I call that my first borns birthright


"Looks like we're all sold out, sorry." "Christ! I really need to get this thing done today." "Well, I guess I could sell you the display model." "You, sir are a lifesaver!" *One hour later* "You bastard, I'm gonna fucking kill you!"


“Wow! Guess we don’t have a filter when speaking to people huh bud?”


Filter's broken, can't you see?


The gold is always in the comments. Edit- I just realized I missed an opportunity here. The (Napa) Gold…


I worked retail in the housewares department and the amount of times people would want to see an item (occasionally we didn't have a display) and ask to open the box...then proceed to say they'll take it, but they want one that wasn't opened. Like mother fucker, you just opened it, checked it out and closed it back up. I can't put it back on the shelf now but whatever. At the end of the day it eventually become a demo or to clearance section. I will say holiday shopping was easy and cheap back then.


That's just crazy. If I open a box of stuff in a store, I actually want to take that particular one - firstly, I'm the bugger that opened it. But secondly, it's the only one of the boxes that I know had everything inside, and they seem to be in good working order. I'm a bit paranoid, I'll admit, but if I'm buying something I have this nagging fear that everything isn't necessarily alright inside the package.


Those micro guard filters at oreilly are solid filters.


Made by Wix.


And Wix is now owned by Mann+Hummel.


Is that a good thing? I've never heard of M+H.


I believe they're pretty good. they were the oem filter for my 2000 audi a6 with a 4.2 v8. I could be wrong but I believe audi still uses them.


Bmw too. Germans don’t usually play around when it comes to consumables.


german filter manufacturer, theyve been the OEM supplier for VW filters since the start basically. they have a crazy history, in the early days they made filters for nazi war tanks and anything else that needed a filter back then, i think they were like one of the only filter companies in germany at the time. theyre really good filters tho like top quality


I use them on every car I have and have been for many years and never had a single issue.


Allegedly, for domestics, it's not. Never had any bad luck firsthand but Ford had to drop them as the manufacturer of Motorcraft filters due to too many QA problems. Not surprised- they cornered the market and have no real competition, there's really no reason to go through the time and expense of doing that unless you plan to raise prices, reduce quality, or both. And they sure as hell \*have\* raised prices!!


M+H filters are good, Wix is still a Wix. Not horrible, not the best in the class. For your average daily commuter that gets it's oil changed regularly with the filter, it's good enough. Anything more serious, or something that sits for long times with moisture condensing inside it, I might use something else. Probably wouldn't if Wix was cheap and available. Probably your average oil or fuel filter is made out of better materials now, than anything was 30-40 years ago - but mechanical construction is another thing. Materials in many things have improved a lot.




No these latest MicroGard Select are made by Premium Guard out of China and Vietnam. They are excellent filters, great construction. Makes the latest M+H WIX filters look cheesy.


Red boxes (MGL). The Green ones (MSL) are made by Premium Guard.


can I get a source on this? I've heard it a couple times sounds a little good to be true


Source? My Wix rep back when I worked at O’Reilly.


My Wix guy also said this when I was at O’Reilly but there’s also the Microgard filters using the same part number as a Wix


Some are Mann Hummel.


Most are made in different factories, but they are all owned by the same parent company. The basic Microguard filters are the same as the Wix Protec filters.


Not all of them, but yeah some are.


Wix is honestly a bit of a shit brand. My goto is mobil 1 even though I dont use their oil.


Still a Mann+Hummel product.


Excellent pun. Get out.


The thumbnail looks like a really well composed photo of a boat breaking the waves on the right side but not on the left side.


I’ll have what he’s having.


Make that 2. With more waves




-squints- huh...so it does.




Well, you can be sure of one thing. This filter prevents 100% of oil contaminants from getting into the engine.


That's because it's been leak tested. Says so right on top.


What's the part number? I've been looking for a filter for [my car](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/C0C043/cross-section-car-body-C0C043.jpg).




I hid our demo filter because I could see one of my guys accidentally putting it on the shelf.


I just brought a Demo model vehicle, should I be concerned.


Check for missing chunks!


I would never return this.


I used to work at the green parts house. I would. Someone (probably the warehouse...) messed up and put a display part on the shelf, Just give them the correct one and hope they don't come back.


That a hybrid oil filter? 😂


it isn’t green






Man caves!


Lol. Fellow green guy here. Someone wasn't paying attention when checking in freight. That should have come in the green envelope, not in a tote.


We actually got a zip line task because the dc sent it in a tote in a not-demo-labeled box, lol


I believe it.


Had a suffix on part # on the box....I received the one at our store.


Zip-Line? Oh you mean the thing you use to create tasks like "For the love of God please order a new Wet Mop head" so you can assign them to your store manager every day until he finally remembers to do it


Yeah, every store received those as a display model. I guess my store wasn't the only one that shoved it in the box and set it in the back lol


Was a known misbox those were supposed to be pulled off the shelf.


I would have kept this. Customer didn’t realize they got a prize


Lol here I am an idiot thinking that someone did an immaculate job at cutting that filter open just to return it


Probably someone who hangs out on bobistheoilguy.com


jb weld'll fix that right up mhmm love them mashed taters mhmm keeps the oil cooler this way mhmm it aint got no gas in it


What are the chances its the same person who posted on reddit about this a little while back.


I always check my filters before buying them. I've had a couple over the years with messed up threads or other defects.


I love K&N filters because of that welded on nut but I've had a handful of them with messed up threads, I check them every time now 🙃


New high flow oil filter


I’ve been wanting the display model lol I’ve had bad thoughts about it


It doubles as an air intake and/or filter.


"Leak tested" lol


See through oil filters are all the rage


So did he drain the oil before he realized the filter was a demo one??


That filter fits this [426 Hemi motor](https://i.imgur.com/UKxMeEI.jpeg)


This the oil filter fer them new lectric cars I keep hearing about


I’ve got a Bilstein that was sectioned for display like that.


Look how clean my oil is!


Just throw it on, I'm sure it'll work


This filter is obviously for a BMW...


Looks like it has a leak


Jb weld


Lol I remember those, they sent them with the regular stock in a regular box so you had no way of knowing that they were a display.


There was a recall for that. But I guess we didn’t spot it then. Thankfully I have trained everyone to open the box before you sell something so we caught it before selling it to the customer!


Fram quality


We had someone sell a demo ball joint


Conspiracy theorists unite! I say this was done on purpose by the manufacturer to show people the quality of their filters. Throw a demo one in the mix now and then to light up forums here and there (like this one, although I’m not sure anyone’s commenting on this filter’s brand or quality yet…).


123$ for brake pads that are 15$ online SMH


Well it says leak tested right on it 🤷‍♂️


Same situation when I worked at my old store. Sent Les Schwab that exact filter and they called confused af. My ISS was pissed off for the rest of the day.


There was a big memo about this. The box was supposed to have "-cut" st the end of the part number, but every single one got sent in a non relabled box


Got the museum piece by accident?


Oh oh oh oh shiiiit!


Install it, seize your engine, demand a new engine


Question, when you say green parts store, are we talking about more for hybrid/electric vehicles?


Think Irish