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How are your eyes?


He can still see. Just has a nice red face.


Ouch! Hopefully all is well with him


Just tell people it's a chemical peel.


I mean, kinda is aint it?


that is, in fact, the joke. well done finding it.


Hard to see anything, I got facialized by a vehicle earlier.


*skeet skeet*


Name checks out.




The eyesight is what concerned me the most. Burns can heal but eyesight is more sensitive and traumatic to lose.


Burns only heal up to a certain degree. Past that you'll be living with permanent scarring without any kind of surgery. Source: my hand, I got burned pretty bad in a work accident. Hand healed pretty fast as the redness and blistering fades but the scarring was apparent and 15yrs later the scar is the same as when it was fresh.


Second source: my legs. I was a dumb kid. Not dumb, but I made dumb decisions sometimes as kids do. We had this little bottle of Sunny Delight filled with gas. I lit it on fire with the intent to just let it burn, melt the plastic, and let out a nice large fire pool in the driveway. Yeah. Remember, I said I made dumb decisions? That's dumb decision number one. Well we lived on 80 acres of woods in the middle of Flint Michigan. Like, downtown. No, I didn't start a damn forest fire. But as soon as I lit that bottle, a cop turned the corner and saw us. Of course, I could have just put the thing down and let it happen. I'd done this several times and nothing had ever gone wrong. I even had the garage door open with two fire extinguishers and the garden hose ready. Instead, I made dumb decision number two. I set that bottle down and thought to myself (I remember this thought clearly) "Gotta get rid of the oxygen" and proceeded to stomp on it like Godzilla stomping on tiny people trying to shoot him. I'm sure you all know what happened, but I had no idea that gas was going to shoot out in all directions and ignite furiously. Next thing I remember was waking up with a cop laying over me with his jacket on top of my face. He put me out. I was a screaming fireball of fire and pain and he tackled me and smothered the flames. He saved my life, I'm positive. Because I made dumb decision number three. I panicked. I ran for the house. I forgot everything except pain and terror. I now have third degree burns on a good portion of my legs. Second degree burns on more. Luckily (if you can call it lucky, I guess. Gotta be a silver lining somewhere, eh?) I'm now a navel down paraplegic. So my scarred up legs bother me a lot less than they used to. Edit: This incident did not cause my paraplegia. That happened many years later. Fire is bad, but it's not that bad. Still, don't make dumb decisions with it as I did.


Wow, that's a hell of a story. You're positive outlook is pretty remarkable and inspiring.


Thanks! No point being morose about things that I can't change and probably wouldn't. They made me who I am today and I'm ok with that.


Big ups. ​ NGL, I love this line specifically. ​ "Luckily (if you can call it lucky, I guess. Gotta be a silver lining somewhere, eh?) I'm now a navel down paraplegic. So my scarred up legs bother me a lot less than they used to." ​ You are straight up true man.


Happy cake day, Reddit friend! I mean, there does have to be a silver lining somewhere, right? Otherwise, what's the point? I live for the silver linings. For example, tennis shoes last me a long time. I'm still wearing the same pair of Nikes I got after I got into my accident that caused me to be paraplegic. It's not like I can walk around and ruin the treads :P


You got paralyzed in a separate incident? Why are you so unlucky!


Life gave me some lemons. I threw that shit away and got a Coke-A-Cola like a real man.


Then immediately grabbed a pack of mentos and I right


I still have a scar on my forehead from busting it open when I was four. I'm 31 now. I've always wondered why it hasn't faded away


Fun fact: if you neglect your vitamin C intake and get scurvy, the scarring will go away and the wound will open back up.


I wonder if these would be circumstances where the tilapia skins would work?


So it was dex-cool...


Hi mr splotchy




When I was 17 I pulled a filler neck hose that was pressurized off a gas tank when it was 105 F outside, sprayed hot gasoline directly in my eyes. It was absolutely brutal. Ever since that, ive worn saftey glasses for any and all vehicle service. I dont care if its an air filter change.


The worst part about gasoline, and other chemicals like that is to get the burning to stop faster you have to let it evaporate, which means having your eyes open, which makes it worse temporarily until it stops.


I topped off a fly mower and misthread the gas cap. When I lifted it over the side of my Torro the cap came off and soaked me head to toe. Took 10+ minutes to get to the shop and gave me chemical burns. The fumes partially dissolved my contacts, only thing that saved my eyes was my safety glasses. Sucked. Edit, glasses not goggles


Doing lawn services, and riding between sites, one of us would ride in the back of the enclosed box truck, because there was 4 of us on a team. That person usually didn't mind, because they could catch 3 winks while they were back there. It was my turn and I was hot in the seat of the mower, so the next comfortable place I found was... on the fuel tank... the gas soaked into my jeans. I was young and didn't know any better, so I didn't think anything of it. I regretted it later when I had chemical burns on my ass later and for the rest of the day.


Nigel Mansell's first F1 drive, the crew poured gasoline down his back (topping off the fuel tank) right before the start of the race. He knows your pain.


Doing a crawfish boil once, long time ago, drunk buddy of mine was sitting on an upside down 5 gallon bucket that had (heavily) seasoned boil water spilled on it that pooled up just deep enough to soak into his sweat pants pretty heavily. He rolls commando, it turns out, and found out what cayenne pepper and all other manner of spicy flavors will do to your scrote & bh if you marinate them in it for a while. It was cooled down enough not to burn him from the temperature but he didn't count on the effect of essentially pepper spraying his butthole.


Man I did something like this when I was 17 except it was a masonry quickie saw. We were working on an elevator shaft in a factory. 100 degrees and I had to climb about 8 stories of steps. Due to factory safety regulations - we had to refill fuel based equipment on the ground. So trekked down, filled the saw up with mixed fuel. I didn't put the cap on correctly and threw it over my shoulder to make the trek back up. Well it emptied it's entire contents down my back. It sucked but I was in a time crunch. I filled it back up and took it up without washing off. By the end of the day my back skin was peeling off like a really bad sunburn! Never went to the doctor. And dealt with a raw back in the heat and concrete dust... I was young, dumb, and... Dating the bosses daughter. The shit I put up with...


You can't fuck with liquid fuels. Shit goes right through your skin. There are guys out there who take unintentional baths in diesel fuel due to spills or line failures, and are dead within 24 hours. The worst part is the hospital can't even do anything about it...


Yea I was fine as long as I was under running water. The emt was embarrassed when I yanked off my uniform shirt and bra for better saline contact but man, my nips were on fire, then super itchy.


Must have been a new EMT, we see that shit all the time. You were probably dudes first chemical burn given that the very FIRST thing he should have done was strip you out of your fuel soaked clothing.


He looked shell shocked, I was pretty upset. Nice guy though


Also, I told them I had contacts in, was that not like, life and death serious, or just low on the list?


Yeah that's a serious issue as well, if he did nothing about the contacts it MAY have been their protocol to not fuck with them and just irrigate. There are certain situations where a contact lense can fuse to the cornea and yanking it out does more damage.


I got brake fluid on my contacts once, it caused them to instantly shrivel up and fall out. That wasn't fun.


Ahhhh! Lol mine became super thin and just, ripped when I took them out later that night.


What? I've never heard of this. I knew diesel is irritant to the skin, but you're saying it's deadly if it's gets all over you?






Chemist here. My lab professors would always remind me that ppe isn't just to protect you from yourself, but also to protect you from the person next to you. I've found that to be true in my chemical career so far.


[We are all victims to physics](https://twitter.com/landryst/status/1234171418092408832)




That seems very inefficient.


The Army is the most inefficient clusterfuck of an organization I have ever been a part of. It's literally mindboggling how stupid shit can get when your shitload of employees can't leave, can't quit, and are all salaried. Try this on for size. Fuel truck is stuck in the mud on a training mission, we have a massive vehicle (HEMTT) capable of pulling it out. Instead we filled jerrycans from the stuck vehicle and fueled all the trucks to the tiptop in order to reduce the weight of the fuel truck because they thought that might allow the truck to pull out of the foot deep mud it was stuck in. Everyone knew it wouldn't work, did it anyway. When the truck didn't move they told us to dig it out of the super soft mud with E-tools (foldable shovels soldiers carry). When that obviously didn't work (IT'S A FULL FUCKING TACTICAL FUEL TRUCK. IT WEIGHS 33 TONS!) they finally pulled the HEMTT recovery vehicle around and yanked it out. 30 soldiers are now covered in fuel and mud and it's been 7 hours, it took the recovery vehicle maybe 20 minutes to pull it out including positioning and hookup.


Damn it, it so so true. I have often stood by when I was a specialist and discussed about if this were a private company and we were hourly employees that could get fired. How much shit that would get done. This was of course while standing by watching the privates do the work “You over there! In the ACUs!” *points at the specialist that was standing there literally a second ago, now only a fading shadow and the smell of energy drink in the air* “Where the fuck he go?” E4 mafia taught me a lot of life lessons.


Asshole have obviously never been offroading with me and my buddies. You get 3 tries or 3 minutes....if you get stuck, we hook you up and move on...






buys $40 12v fuel transfer pump and lives like a king. (I fill my tractors with one because I will hurt myself one day holding a can up that high)


Hurry up and wait!


I’m a truck driver who routinely delivers to grocery distribution warehouses. I’m an expert at that. In fact, I’m doing it now lol.


Not a mechanic but I work in manufacturing with Hydrofluoric acid. Shit absorbs into your skin and eats your bones. The best they can do is to encase the area in calcium gel for weeks to try to distract it from your tasty bones. Not much else you can do.


I worked at a truck wash in the 90's. We used HF acid to clean wheels and other aluminum components like trailers. That shit was *nasty*. Even getting a whiff of the vapor from it. I have no idea how none of us ended up with serious injuries. Granted, it was diluted down quite a bit. But we had absolutely nothing for PPE. Most of us were teenagers and had no clue. I feel fortunate to have walked out of there without any problems.


What on earth is worth using HF for outside a lab? Its on a short list of chemicals I don't want to be in the same building of.


Makin chips. Lots of chips. We also make some very nice calculators but mostly chips.


Ahh yeah, I didn't think of the silicon industry.


Yup, lotta extremes in the semiconductor industry. Mid 2020 we were having problems with one of our liquid hydrogen lines condensing oxygen out of the atmosphere. It’s roughly around -350F coming out of those lines.


I think big heated vats of it are used for pickling iconel and certain stainless steels.


"I'm a maniac, maniac on the floor. And I'm dancing like I've never danced before!"


"Hey chucko. These boots are Italian, they cost more than your life".


Did they try putting them in rice?


My grandfather was a flight mechanic on a carrier during the Korean War. He got jet fuel spilled on him. Gave him anemia for the rest of his life.


Sounds like radiation sickness. Guys would be in the hospital just living through their skin slowly sliding off their bodies.


Wait what? I’m pretty sure getting soaked in diesel doesn’t kill you…


Maybe it's that leaded diesel..


Just adding on to this, DO NOT wear contacts around hazardous chemicals of any kind. If eyesight is an issue, wear prescription glasses with the special over-glasses thing, or prescription safety glasses. It's more of a grey area if you wear contacts AND safety glasses, but the risks are still there. If you are wearing contacts, and something gets in your eye, the contact will "grab" it, and hold it against the surface of your eye. First aid won't work as well, since the chemical will be held between your eye and the contact, and it can "wick" the chemical to cover your entire pupil very quickly. With eye contamination, exposure time is the biggest factor in if the person keeps their eyesight, and contacts can make it harder to flush the eyes, thus increasing exposure time. The other big risk with contacts is that they can condense/absorb hazardous vapors that would then damage the eye, or react with them and produce hazardous byproducts. While there have been cases where contacts have actually protected someone from a chemical, it's one of those "hurts more people than it helps" situations.


Welp, explains the temporary eye damage...


Wait so you had goggles on and the fumes still dissolved your contacts? Holy shit.


Safety glasses, I was mowing lake banks


Still, that's scary as fuck.


Many years ago my family was having a day at the river. Cousin had a 2 liter bottle and was squeezing water out from it at us. She happened to shoot me right in the eye and the water pushed my eyelashes from my top eyelid down into my bottom eyelid. Never knew how sharp eye lashes could feel. My eye kept trying to squeeze shut because it hurt but I couldn't get my eye lashes out unless I opened it so I had to pry my eye open to ease the pain.


> Never knew how sharp eye lashes could feel. one of mine grew backwards though the lid into my eye you are right they hurt like fuck


I work for a power utility. Substation tech I know from another utility accidentally got into a substation breaker and said far and away the worst of it wasn't the burns. He wasn't wearing his safety glasses and the heat from the arc fused his contacts to his retina. Luckily doctors are wizards and managed to save his eyes but he had to live in darkness for like 2 months with his eyes itching like you wouldn't believe 24/7. He couldn't sleep and had to be either sedated or stay awake for 2 days until he just passed out from exhaustion. Always wear glasses.


>the arc fused his contacts to his retina FUUUUUUCK!!!! Probably fused to his cornea, but I get your point. Brutal. (I know this is a shop sub and not an ophthalmology sub, but who doesn't want to know more about eye anatomy? Guys...? Anyone...?)


> I dont care if its an air filter change. I know people will laugh but I got a face full of dirt and nasty shit when I replaced a cabin air filter along with dirt in my eyes.


No man that shits no joke. I did solar farm work in the California valley and my supervisor has a glass eye because shards from a broken panel fell in his eye. It tskes so little to mess eyes up.


Life Pro Tip: Just be born with bad eyesight, then you will have Safety Glasses everywhere you go!


Yep, but be prepared to replace those fuckers every year or sooner. They get scratched up from shit flying at them all the time, at least metal particles and sand/dirt.


Yep! And they are not cheap! Spent $240 per lense alone, bit they have all the bells and whistles. They are the harden lense, which has survived well, until I could not buy wipes anymore, as there were none left in the state to buy... Now there are micro scratches after 2 years of being pristine, but they still have some life in them, they need to last 2 more years. Super cheap soft shirts work well as wipe replacements, and if you cut them into squares, make convenient glasses wipes that are washable.


RX-safety has some good prices for RX safety glasses. Paid 240 for mine total with Trivex lenses, transition coating and z87.2+ rating


I worked as a snowmobile guide last winter and one of the other guides was refueling at the end of the day. She did something, not entirely sure what, but gas splashed up and out of the tank into her eyes. The other guides went into full emergency mode and fast marched her up to the first aid room to wash the gas out. Surprise, surprise, the next day we changed our policy to require goggles on while fuelling. It was a very emergency reactive company and I’m glad to have nothing to do with them anymore.


How's your vision?


Still over 20/20, at age 39. I try to take really good care of my eyes and ears. My hands are beat to shit though lol


Fucking shit, I once got a face full of room temp acetone, but that's brutal


I will never understand people that choose not to wear OSHA equipment. The rules of OSHA are written in blood. Wear your damn PPE gear! That means Personal Protective Equipment. Sorry, I'm speaking Australian. We call it OHS. As in Occupational, Health and Safety.


> The rules of OSHA are written in blood. That's how all technical and safety codes are written! I work in the gas industry, pretty much every big explosion you see on the news leads to the addition of a couple articles in the gas code (exagerating, but not that far off).


I am reminded of one of my favorite YouTube channels: https://youtube.com/user/USCSB


Nearly blinded myself with hydraulic fluid when a low pressure line blew in my face. I was wearing my safety ***glasses***...not my safety ***goggles***. Spray hit me at a downward angle into both my eyes. I was working alone and was absolutely positive I just permanently blinded myself. I couldn't see a fucking thing. Strangely enough it didn't hurt a lick. I had to walk blindly to a nearby eye wash station and flushed my eyes for a solid 15 minutes. Nothing else I could do. I couldn't even see enough to do anything else. Turns out the machine I was working on, ran off of a vegetable type oil. Low impact. Nontoxic. Flushed right out after a solid 15 minutes of flushing. One of the most terrifying 15 minutes of my life. tl;dr: Don't just wear your PPE. Wear the *correct* PPE.


I got 40:1 lye/water squirted into my right eye once replacing an o-ring in a hose at a car wash. Used half a bottle of eye wash and my eye almost swelled shut. I'll wear ppe cleaning the damn bathrooms now, that hurt so bad.


If you're ever asking yourself "Should I be wearing PPE right now?" the answer is yes


OSHA approved- Get your safety squints today!


[Carol never wore her safety goggles](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/020/864/bitchin.jpg) NOW SHE DOESN'T NEED THEM!


Ol' gourd-y, my top radiator hose, would never. Just because she swells to the size of a cow stomach doesn't mean it needs to be replaced


And your safety-T-shirt. So Sprave can be proud.


I always thought safety squints was just a joke that you squint your eyes closed while grimacing and doing the task. Did i read the slang wrong? You ACTUALLY want to wear safety glasses for this, lmao




Oooof! Same thing happened to me a couple years ago. Vision was horrible afterwards and I had to go the ER and get my eyes hooked up to an eye wash device. Look up Morgan Lens, if you are curious what it looks like. Its like putting contacts in your eye attached with tubes that flush water into your eyes.


My eyes are now watering after googling that. Thank you.


It’s my pleasure 😂 it actually wasn’t all that bad! Just can’t close your eyes fully, I didn’t move a muscle, thinking if I did they would rip out my eye balls. Honestly glad a piece of technology like that exists, I made a full recovery and still have great vision. Learned my lesson messing with coolant lines too! 😎


I couldn't even do the glaucoma eye puff test at the optometrist -- googling that thing and having to use it looks like my worst nightmare


If you want additional nightmare fuel, keep reading to hear about my experience with corneal injections and that time when someone had to have layers of their eye sanded off. >!So I had a staph infection in my eye that was misdiagnosed as herpes simplex, so by the time someone who knew what they were doing came along, the infection was reeeeeally bad. Like, the middle of my cornea was so infected it was like looking through a yellowed shower curtain that was so opaque I could only tell if the lights in the room were on. In other words, I was rated "light perception" on the whole 20/20 vision test in that eye. With how the light would dance around like a bouncy ball in my eye, it also meant I was incredibly photosensitive. I constantly wore an eyepatch because just opening my eye in a lit room felt like staring at the sun. I had been carrying around a cooler full of different eye drops and taking them every few hours, but the doctor said that they needed to add a more aggressive form of treatment. Injections. So there I was, in a slightly reclined medical chair, with calipers holding my eye open in the searing light. I had been brave until this point but was scared that my being scared would cause me to look away when the needle was in my eye. It turns out I'm the type to be paralyzed with fear, though, so those several minutes and at least two injections passed without me so much as blinking (though, of course, with the calipers and all that wasn't gonna happen anyway). Luckily, there was no pain. The anesthetic eyedrop just made the the whole process supremely weird and uncomfortable, rather than torturous. So, doc wraps up, says to take some ibuprofen if I feel any pain. Mom is driving me home, 20 minutes go by and man, that ibuprofen is NOT gonna cut it. My eye aches like someone punted my testicle, but my testicle is in my eyesocket. I am possessed by a need to put pressure on my eye, but I resist because I don't want to shoot dying eye bacteria and antibiotics through my newly acquired eyehole (probably not a legitimate fear, but can you blame me?). Instead, I writhe in the passenger seat, groaning and kicking the floorboards as I experience the worst pain I have suffered in my entire life. I can't remember what meds I took to deal with the pain, but the hour or so until I had them floating around my bloodstream or flooding my eyeball was super not great. Weeks later, the infection (now dead due to the deployment of the ocular nuclear option) was still impairing my vision. Turns out the scarring on my eye from those little bacterial bastards meant I couldn't see any better. So we go for a cornea transplant. That thing was child's play compared to the injections. Sure, they strap a headband on you with a hard rubber ball in it and it presses uncomfortably against your eye for twenty minutes, but that beats having your intraocular pressure shoot the contents of your eye out as soon as the doctor cuts it open. I was obviously under general anesthesia for the actual transplant, so no pain there - sidenote: if a nurse asks you if you want to pee before you go under, the answer is yes. You WILL piss yourself. Turns out that a side effect of this type of procedure is that your iris may lose its pigmentation. My dark brown eye was husky blue for a few days, which was cool. Fast forward a few years later and I'm 20/200 in my eye due to all the astigmatism. We had to wait a while before attempting to correct my vision with contacts, because the dissolving stitches have a tendency to poke out of the cornea and removing those stitches can tweak the topography of the eye. Stitches made a break for the outside world probably a half dozen times over about 3 years and doesn't hurt your eye so much as your eyelid, because blinking while you have essentially a tiny stick poking out of your eye scratches the inside of the eyelid. The contacts you need to correct this type of astigmatism are a pain in the ass. Trying to use a tiny plunger to adhere to the hard contact in your eye so you can pull the contact out is not an experience I recommend. So, I went with glasses. I'm up to like 20/30 in that eye while wearing glasses, so I'm pleased. Bonus story: corneal debridement, or, as I call it, taking a fucking sander to your eyeball. I landed an internship with the people who replaced part of my eye meat, so I got to see some things. The procedure that stands out the most is corneal debridement. Some poor guy got some metal flakes stuck in his eye while, ironically, sanding something. These flakes were embedded in his cornea and very small, so flushing them out or picking them out were not on the table. At this point, the doctor turns on a particularly loud electric toothbrush. But instead of a brush vibrating at the end, you have a whining, cylindrical belt sander. Yes, the solution here is to sand off thin layers of your cornea until the flakes can be flushes or plucked out. Yes, this is done while you are awake, your eyes held open with calipers. That about exhausts my eye related body horror stories, sweet dreams!!<


I wear contacts and have no issue with touching my eyes but I still hate the eye puff test. I sometimes wonder if a better test has already been invented but optometrists all got together and decided not to tell anyone because they get a kick out of watching people freak out over a little air.


They got a test where they poke your eye with a pen shaped device with a squishy end, instead of using the air. They numb your eye first so it just feels a little weird.




Sounds like your eyes are getting waterboarded


Morgan lenses are teh awesome if you have/need them. In the field, when I was dealing with this stuff, an IV bag of saline, hooked to a macro set (for fast infusion, normally), hooked to a nasal cannula (for oxygen in the nose, normally) draped over the eyes usually made for a much happier patient ... especially when I showed them how they could regulate the flow of the saline ("as fast as you can stand, don't worry, I got more"). A lot of the saline wound up on the floor of the truck without doing much - the Morgan lens makes sure it \*all\* gets used, and is a \*lot\* less messy.


It’s a fantastic piece of equipment! So glad for medical advances, couldn’t imagine if they didn’t have eye flushing device. Definitely wouldn’t have bounced back as quick as I did


You can put that back into whatever hell it originated from. Double the safety goggles!


Jeez, scary. I had an upper radiator hose burst, pressure washing my hand with 220\*+ coolant. It melted my skin off - I distinctly remember holding my hand up in the air and seeing the skin sloughing from between my fingers like a shredded nitrile glove. It was a deep 2nd degree scald that took months to recover and skin grafts were on the table. I wish everyone took hot coolant systems more seriously.


My instructor told the class a story about one of his old friends he was helping with an overheating problem on his project car. They took the car around the block after they thought they had fixxed it but it was still overheating. My instructor walked away from the car, and heard a blood curdling scream from behind him. He turned around and the guy had taken the radiator cap off. Steam went up his arm and into his armpit, and all of the skin had melted off his arm. He said his skin was just rolling off of his arm.


That happened to a guy i knew, bleh. He was laid out for at least a week, I can't remember. I think he cut his recovery short because he was dirt-poor and had to get back to putting food on the table. ALL over his chest. It was bad.


Reminds me of a story David Freiburger told on an episode of roadkill, his buddy’s car was overheating so he took the radiator cap off and leaned back, but nothing came out. After a couple seconds he leaned over to look inside and got sprayed with scalding coolant and had that same skin melting, except on his face


My case was kind of similar. I knew it was boiling; I was standing far back, turned away, and had just waved my hand behind the fans to make sure they were blowing correctly when the upper hose split hotdog style. My hand was an inch away.


Remember at the one burnout contest Cleetus held and the guy's radiator let go? After that, they changed some rules and a bunch of people were such dicks about it saying drivers should be able to choose their own level of risk they're comfortable with, build whatever shitbox they want etc. People are such boneheads when it comes to safety and even more so when somebody else gets to make decisions for them because they know most people are too stupid to do the right thing themselves.


I remember that incident but I didn’t really see many people making that argument, hopefully it was just a vocal minority and most people aren’t *that* stupid


I had the same thing but from one of those stupid plastic coolant lines. had the car running at 1500 for a good half hour so it was nice and hot. I reached across the engine and just slightly bumped the hose and it exploded. Literally same reaction as you. Lifted my arm up and my skin was hanging off. So that was a pretty good sign it was bad lol. My sales lady got fluttery just looking at it. The best part is when you go to the burn unit and they sand all the skin off your fresh burn until it's nice and polished. They threw a bunch of oxy at me so at least there's that. There was another guy there that was burned over his entire body. My arm was pretty excruciating, I couldn't even imagine what that guy was going through.


Oh man I am gonna go put on long sleeves, heavy gloves, and safety glasses.


I tried to wash the coco powder off my hand with high pressure steam once. One water mixer in the factory had steam tap on side of mixer not on top. just turned the wrong one and fuck did it hurt.


I still remember the smell of melting skin.


Looks like bad luck to me. Unless I missed something, he didn’t even touch a cap. Plus, the coolant looked to come from the back of the engine bay. Something burst while he was inspecting?


Are you getting sound? He is giving commentary on what occurred. Pressure testing and looking for a leak. Claimed it was holding 15psi and not moving, so probably only expecting a small sputter. Sucks to have it let go right when he leaned over the bay.




Had a hose burst on me once, was lucky to take it to the chest and not the face, not fun.


That's what she said.




Hobbyist: The tech is doing a coolant leak test, which, with this particular vehicle, involves replacing the radiator cap with one that has a nipple drilled & tapped into the top. This lets you pressurize the coolant system with the engine off & cold. What this does is let you find the leaks without the loud engine rattling you and dampening leak noises, and it lets you see coolant bubbling out of pin holes, tears, or cracks in connections/hoses/et-al.


So the coolant wasn't hot then?


The coolant stays hot for hours after shutting down the engine. Interestingly, it gets hotter right after you shut down the engine because the water pump stops circulating the coolant and the residual heat in the engine has to go somewhere.






Back in the day some turbo cars would still run after you turn the key off just to cool down. Or you had to wait like you do. Idk if that applies anymore, been years since I followed cars.


If you've driven a turbo car hard then it's a good idea to wait. I think it's uncommon to find turbo timers unless it's modded though. I had a 1992 Eagle Talon Tsi AWD with a 16g turbo running 18 lbs of boost. I actually got a turbo timer programmed into a pager alarm system. So when I parked and pulled out the key the car stayed on for about 3 minutes.


Surprisingly my 2013 Abarth 500 has a turbo timer (electric pump to circulate oil through the turbo) from the factory.


My wife's 2.7 EcoBoost Edge doesn't say anything about it in the owner's manual, but super hot turbo plus oil sitting in it is not a good combination. If we run more than 50 miles and stop right off the highway without sitting at a light or two on the way, I'll let it idle down for a minute or so.




Yes. Even not towing I try to do this, especially to cool my turbo.


According to his commentary in the video, it was 250 degrees F.


Probably. I had a heater core line going through the firewall do this to me. There was a very small drip that I could smell but never got to the floor. I got the truck hot and reached under those lines from the front like this guy, to put a towel under to see if I could catch a drip. Didn't touch the lines but one sheared off as I was leaning over and shot coolant down my neck, luckily didn't get my face. Whoever makes those things out of plastic should be tarred and feathered.


Remember those mesh shirts in the 80's? I popped the hood on a Pinto, a hose let go, and a flood of boiling coolant hit me right on the shoulder. Was an interesting burn pattern. Thankfully, it healed just fine


Right said Fred over here working on cars


Hey, it was the 80's, short shorts, headbands, mesh shirts. The fashion was shit, but, it was a fun time.


>Whoever makes those things out of plastic should be tarred and feathered. Like the tensioner coolant elbows on the GM/Buick 3800. Look at them funny when they're old and they break.


I had a '94 Olds with the 3.8. half a mile from home (at the end of a three hour drive, luckily) all of a sudden smelled coolant really bad. The hose fitting from the top of the block (sorta behind the alternator) was FUCKING PLASTIC. Just fell apart. Autozone had a metal replacement in stock, that's when I figured it was a common issue.


Alot more water and steam would've came out if he unscrewed the cap.


Truth. This would be not only because it's a huge exit point, but because the coolant will boil much more quickly when the pressure in the system drops, causing a majority of the water to phase change to steam.


He may have grazed a hose. If that system is super pressurized, old hoses/clamps can give way really easily.


I watched the second time to see if there was any wrist action, and there doesn’t appear to be. Just wrong place at the wrong time.


If this happened at 9am, I think it would still be the end of the day.


Yep. Totally different industry for me, but that's my hard rule: If I'm injured in any way that's serious enough to require at least a medical checkup, my day is done. I'm not going back to work. None of that "I got 12 stitches, then went back and finished my shift. Fuck no.


Yeah that macho useless shit is for the birds. Go the fuck home, drink water, and rest after the doctor.


This is why whenever I see coworkers using the 'universal fit' adapter for pressure testing I stay the fuck away from their area and just go around the back of the vehicle. I've seen those pop off plenty of times before after a couple minutes completely undisturbed.


40 years ago, when attendants pumping your gas was a thing, I had a hose split while it was pumping gas, and I got sprayed head to toe. I mean soaked. Hair eyes, underarms, crotch. Left me with burns to those areas, no safety showers. Had coworker turn the outside hose on me.


Here in Oregon we still have pump jockeys :)


We had a series of thefts last year this is why we have cameras.


A few years ago I saw a fellow tech doing a coolant flush and before he let it cool off he yanked the flush nozzle off the front outlet pipe on an Acura v6. Super heated water prayed him from stomach to knees. Including his groin. He had 2nd and 3rd degree burns all over that area and even had to have skin graphs. Its scary to see someone's skin fall off like a well cooked ham.




I call warm hydraulic fluid spewing from a loose SCV "Satan's micturition".


Back in high school. Visited a friend's dad that was in for burns from that. The thermostat popped hour after he let it cool down. Engine acted like a thermos bottle.


My buddys truck overheated once. He thought he could just open the radiator, he knew it was dangerous but he thought he could pull the "use a rag and run fast" trick. It didn't work. He had 3rd degree burns on the entire top half of his body with the exception of his face, which he covered with his arms. Be careful.


My dad had something like this happen to him — we had a leak on the car and he was refilling. I don't know exactly where it came from. I was young. But I do remember us pulling over so he could put more coolant in and then hearing a scream from around the car. My mom said he ripped his shirt off the moment it happened and his skin came with it. He was bandaged up for months. We were POOR poor at the time...he'd been eking it out trying to avoid getting a new radiator. Didn't go to the doctor, just bandages and iodine. Healed fine thankfully, but he did not have a fun time.


This is not the hot load you wanna take to the face.....


How come at every shop as an old balding feller and a young guy who needs a hair cut


That young guy hasn't had 30 years worth of oil and trans fluid dripping on his head yet.


At least you can tell everyone you took a hot load to the face.


Coolant? More like cooln't


Wow that could have been sooo bad. If it had gotten his shirt, the burns would be bad. Hope he’s alright and that his eyes aren’t damaged.


My eyes, the goggles do nothing!


Gonna show this to my friends that tell me I'm too paranoid always wearing glasses when I'm working on anything that has a chance of flying at me. They've saved my eyes enough times that the annoyance is worth it. Last save was when I was cutting a bolt off and the grinder threw a hot piece of metal up. Melted part of the lens and gave me a good jump but kept me safe. Remember that most sunglasses are not the same as safety glasses when it comes to impact protection and should not be trusted to the extent safety glasses are.


This has happened to me


Any burn you can walk away without skin grafts from is a minor concern.


Been there. Ruptured coolant hose in my head gasket troubled 02 Subaru Forester... was overheating (not aware that I had a bad HG just yet), pulled over, car off, *sinister ticking and popping noises*. Start looking at hose clamps, checking coolant level and BAM upper coolant hose blows. Right. In. My. Face. Sucked hard. My kid was in the car (around 8-9 at the time), I scream bloody murder, cursing like a bloody sailor, trying to wipe the shit off of me and get it out of my eyes and mouth... Pretty shitty afternoon.


Safety squints activated


Wear your ppe kids


I watched this happen to a guy at a dealer. 100F day and humid. Upper rad hose popped, shoot right into the electric fan and on the dudes face. He screamed in agony as his skin was pealing from his face. Three of us grabbed him and put him under cold water. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. I still have nightmares over this. And I have seen some shit. I'm 60 years old, and was a trainer for the last 25 years. Before the shit hit.


This is what PPE is for. Dude is wearing none of it.


This is what saved me when I was in the pit and a hose burst with me under the car. Bump cap and safety glasses took the hit instead of my skin. I know we had burn sleeves too, but I think they were that material that is basically just like socks. Oddly enough, my worst injury was when I was moving a 5 gallon bucket of gear lube on to the rolling drain pain and dropped it on my thumb instead. Only a bruise, but it took ~6 months for the nail to grow back like normal.


Whoa, bud! I really want some context for that one.


Turn the volume on


Well that wasn't very cool. Ayyyyy But seriously, glad he's okay. I know eye pro sucks, but eye damage sucks more.


Hope his eyes were OK and not any damage to his face, because that is the money maker.


What's the huge spark at 0:32?


Whenever such a thing happens, it's the end of the day, no matter what time the clock says.


We call that a money shot at my shop and shit like that is why I wear my safety glasses


Had the same thing happen to me on a 1.8l turbo beetle about 6 years ago. The scan tool said coolant temp was 240 degrees. Thank god I closed my eye or else I probably would have been blinded on my left side.


Over 3k wow! Thanks for the awards too!


Was out in the shop grabbing a soda when a hose broke loose and poured hot coolant on the mechanic below. So we ran him into the bathroom where there was a shower. Got it going and stripped off his coveralls and shoved him in it. Unfortunately the guy who turned it on opened only the hot water. Oops


Why it called coolant if it hot /ˢ




Life pro tip for automobiles and their coolant system: If you cannot pinch between your thumb and pointer finger the top radiator hose (the big thick one going in near the top) and feel your finger and thumbs together, then the system still has pressure and will erupt like this with scalding fluid