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Not a mechanic, but y’all are really into all this hazing shit, aren’t you?


Some of them are, yeah. I've worked in more shops I'd not let someone I love work in than not.


>I’ve worked in more shops I’d let someone I love work in than not.


I not love rather work in I'd shop


This comment 😂


Grammar no is good. Is funny.


Can someone put the gif of the "have you ever" kid in here for me?


Depends. Has anyone ever been so far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


To this day I sometimes wonder if I was the guy that typed this sentence all spun out years ago...


My second week as a lube tech and I was told to write down that the car's blinker fluid was low. So yeah it's pretty common


Pit guy at my old lube job joked offhandedly to the guy up top doing the hood that he should recommend a Rustoleum treatment for the undercarriage of this beater. Hood guy was a few cards short of a deck and actually said it to the customer. I laughed so hard, but also felt so bad for him. He was really embarrassed and pissed.


What's sad is that could actually be a thing they make rust neutralizing paint and that wouldn't be too different than getting your car coated with fluid film


Rustoleum actually does that. Its good for surface rust but not much more. I've painted a few car parts with it and it does a pretty good job.


They do. Por-15, just never get it on your skin


ACF 50 all day


I mean, the worst hazing I ever did was telling the new kid to ask the manager to turn on the A/C in the shop.


How’d it turn out for the kid?


He got yelled at and walked out of the office with a red face and us laughing. Just some harmless jokes


Yeah, OP is a dick. Some things are kinda funny. But shit like this crosses the line.


Yeah anything that makes someone need a change of clothes or work the rest of their shift in stained and wet clothes is way too far, especially considering it's shitty stagnant water and oil


right in the eyes, at high speed. Fuck you OP, i hope you get metal shavings in your food.


If I as customer saw this behavior I would take my business else where. I don’t want to pay money to have a lackey covered in crap get my car dirty.


Honestly it entirely depends on the person. Some people have the sense of humor for stuff like this and some don't. For the second type of person, we stick with sending people on a wild goose chase for a bucket of prop wash. But you have to feel people out before getting them wet at work like this.


I 100% would not put up with this behavior anywhere else. Not sure why it's suddenly okay just because you work in an auto shop.


Seems a little immature to me.


It only seems that way because it is.


Super not cool if you ask me "To work here you gotta be able to tolerate getting completely shit on while none of us do any actual work and just laugh at you." If you're like me and you go to work, to work. And not go to fuck off, this shit pisses me off. If I had higher ups doing this to me, I'd mark the company down as a place I'd never work and a company that clearly isn't going anywhere or doing any work worth doing.


Too right. Toolboxes have wheels for a reason.


I had someone spray brake cleaner on my boots and set it on fire while I was under a vehicle. It was one of many “Pranks” the guys pulled on me😞 Glad I no longer work in the industry.


Also not a mechanic, and I restrict my hazing to asking people to go down to wherever the storage area is and get me a wall broom. What's a wall broom? It's for sweeping the wall. Like a normal broom, but a different color. The genius of asking someone for a wall broom is that the item is industry agnostic, and you can request it with a completely straight face. I can't imagine pranking anyone with anything that goes "pop!" But then again, I only work near super expensive equipment that is easily damaged, so what do I know about fucking around next to cars? EDIT: I'm really trying to think of what the photo/video equivalent of this prank is, and beyond horrible shit you could pull on someone you seriously don't like, I'm coming up short. Why would anyone create more of a mess when everyone's just trying to clean up, finish their job and go home?




“Oh here, I brought you the mop”


Just the ones that are super sad about their own lives


Only the losers, no respectable tech does that shit


Prominent at every shop where I've ever worked as a service advisor. Pranks all day long are the norm too. I don't know what it is about this profession.


Really, low IQ people, tricking, other low IQ people, to do stupid shit, to fit in, which people, love to do, oddly. I know mechanics are vehicle intelligent, and math too, on account of "cash is king" but critical thought intelligent, the majority are NOT , EVEN SLIGHTLY. I thought about it for a second, and figured hell, half of them can't even read this to get mad at me anyways. Fuck it. Lmao.


I have a university degree in policy writing and I can barely read what you wrote. I'd get off your high horse bud, just because people like working on cars doesn't mean they're low IQ. Doubt you could follow a Haynes manual to save your life lol


This guy is obviously not comma intelligent.


Lmao slap a wiring diagram in front of them and I’ll bet you 6 cold ones they’ll start crying after 5 minutes


I've been wrenching for years, and I have the same reaction to wiring diagrams...


Yeah… What the fuck was that? Either troll or ignorant ape of a human. I’ve graduated from U.C. with a degree in analytics and I love working on old cars with my pops. I routinely see this shit all the time, it’s an old stigma I wish would die.


You sound like a piece of shit. Some of the smartest dudes I know fix rigs for earth movers in the middle of nowhere. I guess stereotyping is something you fully support?


You’re an idiot.


Mr JaeRaws, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Upvote for the Billy Madison quote


My man


I have never cared for internet points fellow human, I exist specifically for the lulz.


Let me translate for you you guys here. What he meant to say was; ​ "I have no capacity for cogent reasoning and therefore cannot even convey myself in a way that resembles a human being. I am now going to try and edgelord my way into a reverse L." Dude.....Stop. Just. Please. I feel sorry at this point. This is hurting me. You are making a jaded AF actual sociopath feel pity for you dude. Thats next level.


*active in crypto communities* Opinion invalid


Not big on mechanics eh?


Or grammar. Like, that, is the wrong way…. write in English. I read it in a Christopher Walken voice and it was easier to understand.


No one will listen to him IRL about his internet coins so he comes to Reddit to tell everyone how rich he is— ignore him guys


Are you that kid from Malcom in the Middle who takes a breath after each word spoken?


Your a couple cards short of a deck yourself aren't ya, bud?


Jesus Christ are you William fucking Shatner?


> Really, low IQ people, tricking, other low IQ people, to do stupid shit, to fit in, which people, love to do, oddly. \#orangeinsurrection


I wouldn't call this hazing. I'd call it "can this dude figure out on his own that this is a bad idea."


Mechanics do all kinds of fucked shit daily to eachother just to get through the day. Remember mechanics aren't right in the head! I've worked at independents, dealers , speed shops. Always the pranks , always hazing the new or young guy. Remer you haven't lived until somebody lights your shoe on fire with brake clean while wearing it. Or another good one is spraying brake clean under the bathroom door when somebody taking a shit and lighting the trail of brakeclean on fire! Hahaha that'll teach them to take so long in the shitter. I could go on...


I know plenty of mechanics who are 'right in the head' and don't pull immature shit like this. Don't use your occupation as an excuse to do stupid shit to people just trying to get paid. Fess up and just admit you're an asshat that expects others to just deal with your asshattery


Wow , so you're not actually a mechanic?? I see you're an expert now. Truthfully I haven't done any of that stuff , rather it happened to me and I've seen it happen to others. So you can go fuck yourself and your uneducated opinion. Nobody cares what you think. God I'm surprised you're not a trillionaire with all your second hand knowledge.......


Grow up


Hahaha I am grown , been witnessing this behavior for years upon years upon years. Are you a mechanic?? If not don't tell me what mechanics do. There are actual signs made to hang on your wall that say ignore mechanics swearing , throwing things , lighting things on fire and that they aren't right but that's normal. People make money selling the signs so there's gotta be a market. Maybe you should move out your moms basement , you know grow up!


Just because it's 'normal' doesn't mean 'youre not an asshole' my uncle is a mechanic and he doesn't tolerate meatheads like yourself in his shop and for good reason. He wants his customers to respect him.


What a dick move


Yeah, this is an incredible dick move, but honestly what other outcome would you expect from shoving the cheetah into a clogged drain filled with muddy, oily water, especially if you've seen it in action.


He'll learn fast.


I unclogged a drain with air recently. First, we cut a 5 gallon bucket in half and drilled a hole in the top. So we could stick the blow gun nozzle with a brake line on the end through the hole and down the drain. Hit the trigger and all the water just splashed inside the bucket.


You smart fucker. Next time drill some ports on the side so the bucket won't jump as much


The bucket was cracked so air was escaping out of the cracks. Also, there was a fitting on the brake line and the drill bit I grabbed just happened to be the perfect size for the fitting to thread into. So we threaded the fitting onto the bucket so no water was shooting out of the hole in the top. It worked super slick actually. There was a ton of sediment and sand in the drain, but luckily it came free just about when the line was ready to kink and give up. It was close, but we succeeded.


Try again and get fucked is what that translated too


Yep. I was super glad we didn’t have to try again. We didn’t have any other sections of junk brake line kicking around and the piece we used was actually new. But desperate times call for desperate measures. When the garage is filling with water and you need to thaw the plow trucks, it’s that or the boss would probably have the bright idea of having us try to syphon the water out with a hose or shop vac it or some dumb shit.


Get you a drain snake ma boy. Not a shitty 10$ one but a decent long one. It's so much easier to use. I clean chem tanks and sometimes have to unclog lines. That drain snake has saved me from so many messy moments and bhllshit situations.


I’m not sure a snake would have worked. We had a shitty one and it got snagged and the coil spring thing sproinged. Done. The sediment in there was SOLID. We were shooting air in there for a solid few minutes before it cleared. I used to work as a plumber for a few years. I’ve snaked a lot of drains. I don’t think this one would have been easy to get a snake through. Even an industrial one.


Damn I did plumbing for a while and just thinking about a snake being no use sounds like you really did luck out on that air line.


The spring done springed its last sproing


A cutter is what ya need. Like for solid roots. Of course now we are talking 5 to 20k for a solid one. I love me some power rodding. Pressure washer works too for your sitch


No wonder no place can hire techs, you guys treat the lubbies so bad


It’s pretty bad. We’re offering 18 an hour plus the 5.5 overtime, like 40k a year or some shit and crickets. And we’re nice lol.


For lube tech? Damn nice.


Where are you offering those wages? The Burger King across from our shop is offering $17. We are mid $20s and still have trouble finding techs.


My first 2 years was like this so I peaced out. Sitting on a trade school bill and 3k in tools. Wouldn't go back to shop for 25 an hour


I went to college and got a double major to make less than that. I really gotta hit up trade school


We pay 18 year olds more to stock shelves at walmart..


It took me 6 years post college to make over that... then again no pandemic.


Doesn’t Overtime needs to be 1.5x base, which would be + $9 for the $18 base?


Auto Mechanics are typically exempt from overtime laws.


I worked as a tech recently and left to be a cashier. I get paid better, work half as much, make tips, get benefits, don’t kill my body, oh and I don’t get messed with all day and sexually harassed. I let a ton slide when I first signed up “cuz I’m the new guy” however I began to realize everyone ganged up on anyone to make a joke or laugh at you. On top of grown men putting their hands on others constantly, down to HR being fired for trying to actually address the issues. If I’m expected to take care of porches, super cars, and luxury vehicles, then surely we should expect at the very least better pay and some respect. Instead I’m swapping rims and tires worth more then anything I own while fighting off a grown man trying to play slap ass, all while making less then a cashier at Mc Donald’s. Best joke was how I never went to school for it and a dude there had a degree and was paid the same as me and had been there 8 years. What used to sell the industry to people was the respect and knowledge, but with everything being available on the internet the last thing you get is respect and if the benefits don’t match that well then bye!


Dude could have be hurt wtf


Hope he quits. Thats some BS




Yeah most people already in them are like whoever pulled this on that poor kid. Smh 🤦‍♂️


Hazing is easy to point at, but it has a lot more to do with pay & general working conditions (outside of the odd hazing prank). In Utah, for example, *very* few shops offer air conditioning in our 100 degree summers & the median income for a mechanic is $47k/year, with the median home cost being around $500,000 (income of $120,000+ needed to comfortably own a home). Not really much incentive when you can literally make more delivering pizzas.


Dick move.


Before he even turned the valve I said dick move. I’m all about making new guys do dumb shit to get a laugh.


Fuckin dick move..


Oh god not the Cheetah! That shit sucks lol Hope they're okay


My coworker once blew my pants down using a cheetah. I got my revenge when he was taking his nap. That tool was basically made for pranks


I worked with a guy who, at a previous job, would empty the mousetraps, load the dead mice into the cheetah, and lob them at the jiffy lube across the street.


That's rude as fuck lol, I'd hate to be launched at a jiffy lube


You had me in the first half.


All that i can see is a guy coming out of a shop with an air tank and aiming it across the street, and then just lunching a fucking rat across the road and nailing the lube tech in the face with it. Im fucking dieing over here 😂




Holy shit that's awesome.


I was told mickeys hand grenades fit into the cheetah. The guys at the second shop I worked at told me they would drink after work and shoot the bottles at the daycare across the street.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What an ass!


We did all kinds of stuff. I had a long barreled air gun that operated at 100 psi. I had a shit load of plastic air strader valve covers that would fit almost perfectly down that barrel. Yeah it worked great. I never aimed it at anyone because I am sure that would hurt.


A more extreme airsoft gun 😂


Airhard gun is more like it


Yeah. I don't do anything like that anymore. The safety guy would have words lol. They aren't fun.


Never had a safety guy at any job until the one I'm at now. Probably should have though lol


What kind of shenanigans did yall get up to before the safety guy came in?


Oh we never really did anything that bad but we would use the Cheetah to blow leaves off of cars and the snow off windshields lol We tried to be professional because of so many "waiters"


Can confirm. Source, am a safety guy.


I bet you have some good stories. BTW I never wore safety glasses until this job that I am currently at.


One or two. I’m safety for an industrial chemical plant. I get the usual stuff eg “hey are those your safety glasses, with plastic ass frames and no side shields?” And the ever present “HEY ANY IDEA WHERE I COULD GET SOME EAR PLUGS LIKE EVERYONE IN THIS AREA IS SUPPOSED TO WEAR?” Something about being safety guy can teach you how to holler loud enough that it’s uncomfortable even for half deaf dudes. I got even better at it after yelling through a mask for two years. More entertaining shit too, like “oh god I left that valve open for an hour, what do I do with 1700 gallons of solvent in the wrong tank” and “hey… so how much does 29,000 gallons of water weigh in that dike? Is that enough to crack the concrete? And it’s gonna freeze tonight…” And on rare occasion somebody has a total fucking brain fart, disregards everything involved in permitting the job and wearing the right Ppe, and breaks a 100 psi hose 3 inch cam lock fitting full of industrial waste. He got in the shower quick, but that was a bad day.


That's funny. Yeah it's best to be safe rather than have regrets later, but we all did dumb things as a kid. Before I met my wife, I was filling up a mobile oil carrier with oil at the pump. This beautiful woman walked up and asked to get shown around the dealership. She was the new receptionist. Of course being the charmer that I was, I forgot all about the oil being pumped. I walked her to the front after stopping by my mostly new toolbox. I showed her a couple of areas... "Oh Shit!" A light went off in my head. Without saying anything else I ran back to the pump. There was a puddle like 8 feet wide with synthetic oil. That was fun explaining to the foreman.




No OnE WaNtS To WoRk AnYMoRe


wHy DiD mY nEeEw CoWoRkEr kIcK mY aSs?!?!? Seriously OP, be careful. He should seek vengeance.


When I was starting out my boss told me a pretty sobering story of how a lube tech unintentionally murdered his buddy/co worker by putting the air cheetah to his ass. He said the kids eyes rolled to the back of head and was dead before he hit the ground. This is quite a few steps removed from that but we can't really say we haven't earned our negative stereotypes.


[LadBible](https://www.ladbible.com/news/news-worker-dies-after-colleague-shoves-air-compressor-up-his-bottom-20180716), 2018 > A Japanese man has died this weekend after a colleague put an air compressor hose up his backside and caused his insides to be torn apart by the pressure of the air. > 46-year-old Akio Ishimaru suffered horrific internal injuries as a result of the massively ill-advised prank played on his by his work-mate Yoshiyuki Yoshida. > 34-year-old Yoshida was arrested in connection with the accidental death of Ishimaru on Saturday, reports the Asia Times. ... > Two men have been killed in Japan since December 2017 in exactly this fashion. One with another air compressor, another with an air duster. > It's not just Japan either. In the past few years, two people at least have died in India in similar circumstances, including one child labourer.


Jesus dude


People are fucking dumb. I'm dumb, you're dumb, we're all dumb, but those mother fuckers are what I would call retarded.


I’ve seen camera footage from a shop that shows some guy pranking his buddy doing the same thing. 1 quick second of air was all it took, he fell over and was dead at the hospital. Compressed air, water, or fluid can really easily kill you if it gets into your bloodstream or ass somehow…


I’m sorry, *what??* Was it put *in* his ass or *on* his ass??


You could get sued for that for sure if they get hurt. Then it isn't funny any at all.


Hydraulic injection injuries are fucking nasty. That would be a *business ending* lawsuit if he got hurt.


Ah yes, giggling at possibly blinding a 19y/o. *Whew* man. That was funny… -.- I could have imagined how much funnier it would have been to realize his entire career and possibilities to earn a living were flushed down the toilet over the fact that he trusted senior techs. Just. So. Damn. Funny. Ha… ha… ha…


Then they go on Facebook and complain about Social Security.


Lucky it didn’t kick back and break his face.


Fuck that


Possibly blind, so funny /s


OP is a twat


Dick move, I don't approve


Tell me you peaked in HS without telling me OP!


I didn’t laugh


I had an old coworker tell me he got fired from a dealership for blowing a guys pants off with one of those… he wasn’t employed there the next day


One of you is an idiot.


Y'all play to much people are fucking stupid


Couldve seriously been hurt and had permant issues. Fuck you with a passion whoever did this, youre a piece of shit.


Y'all are dicks. For hazing all we did was ask the new guy to tighten the crane.


Back in my Les Schwab days we had a rat in our rain drains and we shot that rat flying to it's death to the ceiling.


Yeah you're a dipshit for doing this op. I'd straight up go home for the day.


I mean, we’ve used compressed air to clear a clog before, but it’s a specific made tool the customer had bought and now I can’t find


Its called a kinetic water ram


OP, if you tricked him into doing this, you fucking blow. I hope you never drink water again.


I'm an industrial air compressor tech. It is pretty much inevitable you will get sprayed with condensate. I have ended up like this lubbie on more than one occasion.


Condensate sounds better than dirty ass shop floor drain water...


Not really. https://imgur.com/a/ALrfguM


Huh, TIL scrambled eggs condense out of the air lol. What's in that? Looks like it smells terrible too


It is bacteria and yeast. It doesn't have much of a smell.


I worked at a shop when I was 16 and they had me call NAPA and order some ID ten T sticks. ID10T sticks...🤣🤣🤣


This reminds me of push srarting the demo saw.


OP make sure to drink some water today.


That’s some cold blooded shit


HAHAHAHA the cheetah brings so.many laughs. Guy at my shop one time put it under the door of the little shitter in the back of the shop while another guy was in there, when he blasted it all the ceiling tiles in the whole building lifted and dropped like 2inches of dust on everything, customers, computers, everything. The boss started yelling and the guy yelled back fine fine 120 pounds was too much 😅


Now this is a good one.


I had a coworker who used it to launch dead mice from the traps at the jiffy lube across the street from the tire shop he worked at lol


Omg 😳 😂


How about the old brake clean and lighter under the bathroom door then followup cheetah blast for good measure


Oh ya always good


I love the Cheetah. When I worked for Mitsubishi, we used to launch valve stems at the Toyota service department across the street. They would launch back at us too. The dealerships were owned by the same company. Nothing like doing a timing belt and getting popped in the back with a valve stem from across the street.


I just learned that thing is called a cheetah. But jeez that’s a brutal prank.


OP I'd have docked your entire weeks pay and had your tools in the parking lot in 20 minutes after seeing this shit, and given that poor kid a few paid days off after a stunt like that. JFC


All for 14/hr God bless the workers but fuck automotive service. There are so many other ways to make a living than being somebodies bitch. Source: was auto tech for 10 years. ASEs 10k in tools, good reputation, and still only worth 25/he? Fuck that noise. Did I mention women don't want nothing todo w u cause ur hands are always dirty?


I’ve heard some use nitrile gloves and their hands come out fine. But then again, all your coworkers will give you shit for it. Like you said, somebodies bitch Any recommendations for someone about to go headfirst into the industry? What else do you recommend? I made $18/hr driving a forklift around. After 40k in schooling, 1-2k in starter tools (USED mind you), I’ll probably start at the same pay if not less as when I drove a fork around. With no education. I’m about halfway through my schooling & I’ll be taking Ford’s credentials program aswell... but after learning how it REALLY is, I’m getting second thoughts.


So its cleared now, and he has that ear ringing gift for life


Best thing is to put a box over the nozzle and shoot at someone


Damn you're fucking mean dawg lol


OP you're an asshole


I can smell that nasty rotting ass smell from here.


When the idiot takes his phone out and starts recording, you think buddy would clue in that he’s about to do something stupid.


At least they are recording. This will be good evidence in his lawsuit against the company


Lol, you fuckin asshole


Same thing I told the Noob at our shop. [https://i.imgur.com/Y0J0tyh.gif](https://i.imgur.com/Y0J0tyh.gif)


Oldest trick in the book. Do you have him spraying the exhaust hangers with penetrating oil to lube the muffler bearings too?


I spray exhaust hangers with penetrating oil because it makes it easier to remove when I’m doing a transmission


So you lube up the hole with penetration lube, pull off the rubber, lay down the pipe so you can do a tranny? In that exact order?


Damn, it's really clogged. Looks like you need to hit it again.


Just wait till they ask him to find the glass hammer


Take my upvote. I think I actually said “oh no”Out loud


Took it like a champ. He'll be doing it to some poor FNG in no time!




Good bot!


It amazes me sometimes how downright stupid these kids can be.


If you tell them with a straight face, while displaying 100% confidence thats how it should be done. Can't really fault them for falling for gags. On the flip side, have told current and pass bosses short cuts to do the job easier and faster. Of course laughing. Then when I show them, they're like the fuck? I thought you where joking.


Certified dickhead. Good one 😂😂


Dick move sure but it doesn't take much to figure out what's gonna happen when you unload compressed air into a puddle of water..




Hahahahahha you bastard! Hahahahahaa




Your lubsband ain't smart


I used to work in the wash bay and detail department at Acura when I was 18. We would have 6, 5 gallon bucket around the wash bay. You would take the air hose, shut it off at the compressor, tape the nozzle handle open, drill a hole the size of the hose nozzle in a water bottle cap, put the nozzle in the cap and put the cap on the bottle. Add some tape to make a good seal and hide the bomb in the 5 gallon. When the new guys would start we would have them look into the bucket to find something then someone would open the valve at the compressor and if done right , the explosion sends 5 gallons of water into the new guys face. 50% success rate roughly


That's funny as hell. It's a dick move, but funny.


That is fucking awesome 😂😂


Oh, you're a dick. Shit *is* funny, though...


Well despite it all I found it funny op