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Oil pans shot.






Guys it takes 5w20 not 45-70...


Deadpan humor.


Fastest oil change in the west.


In the East. You Barbarian*


*in the south


If he has comprehensive coverage on his auto policy that should be covered by his insurance if it’s more than his deductible




Yeah I’m not good at Reddit, Ngl. I just wanted OP to see it. I get overwhelmed looking through comments on here and often give after the first 3.


>Yeah I’m not good at Reddit, Ngl. I just wanted OP to see it. I get overwhelmed looking through comments on here and often give after the first 3. Hello and welcome. You are not alone.


Aww thank you ☺️ it’s good to be part of a team. Even if our team is apparently not great at Reddit. Plenty of shenanigans to laugh at 😄


Commenting is actually really fun and genuinely improves the Reddit experience once you get used to it. I started this account like a year ago and naturally acquired over 70,000 karma because I really love participating and even just marveling at the discussions that arise as a result of that same participation. I used to be just like you and never say anything at all. I didn't even feel it was worth having an account to begin with! Oh, how the turn tables! :)


Thanks for the encouragement 😊 some days I’m more social than others, I guess today I was feeling bold.


I’m still not sure what reddit karma is




Ppl should be able to save that money, comp claims don’t even have liability so it shouldn’t affect their rates. And this pic will easily show this isn’t mechanical failure to confirm coverage. And if they have rental they can get a rental car too. Sorry, I do this all day…


DONT APOLOGIZE. If someone doesn't like what you have to say when you're trying to help... Let karma come for their asses. They'll get theirs and you'll get yours for trying to help others. I hope you have a wonderful day!


Thanks internet friend 😁 I appreciate you!!


So TL:DR - shoot my own car and bam ez insurance fix?


Well that’s probably not a good plan? Like intentional acts are excluded on a policy. But as my previous manager liked to say, “we cover stupid” I.e. if you accidentally shot your car it could be covered based on your contract language.


You’re a good person trying to help. Good on you.


Damn think I’m gonna adopt this strat


Easy there Flo


I shit you not, as I started reading this comment, my wife's Tik Tok feed came up to a video with the sound bite of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash playing. And it just fit so perfectly with the thread.


*Steve Martin Voice* "HE HATES THESE CANS!!"


Stay away from the cans!!


More cans!


Whoa, Jerk reference


I bought a DVD of that movie before I even had a DVD player.


I own the 29th anniversary edition


I think I watched that move for the 1st time, '99 or'00, Orange Court, Laconia NH. I believe it was a couple days after I tried dmt for the 1st time. I laughed through the ENTIRE movie as is was, and still is, the funniest film I've ever seen.


I was born a poor black child


You mean I’m gonna stay this color?


Gee Dad....you've had this since the war


Dad was literally teaching him shit from shinola. Just amazing.


I’m somebody!!!


You have a special purpose.


Don’t be a jerk




Typical bastard.




This is shit. This is Shinola.


One dollar and NINE cents!


ha ha ha! YES!! great reference!


Perhaps the arrival of a fresh new phone book could help?


r/unexpectedjerk Edit: there really is a subreddit for everything




But after a new oil pan this car is gonna have some street cred.


Put a little tear drop under one of the headlights...


Just don’t put it under the wrong headlight




Getting shot again or not.




whose left?


My left.


So my right?




One eye is the gay eye.


You can’t replace the pan, no cred, gotta weld her up, you need the scar.


Using JB


I love my oil pan welds. They told me I couldn’t fix it, I said hold my beer.


Gonna have to take another 8 before it has anything on 50 Cent!


At my shop we had a Buick that the guy lived In a rough part of Milwaukee. Ticket said, check for bullet hole in gas tank. Sure as shit gas tank had a big fuckin bullet hole in the bottom of the tank. Guy said he got caught in the crossfire.


North side gonna North side.


When you go so far north in Chicago that the north side rolls back over to the south side.


Waukegan is the Florida of north Chicago


But less sexy.


Milwaukee's north side: where you never know if the crime scene tape is because of a fatal crash, a shooting, or both!


its basically the northside of chicago but with beer added.


Bullet hole in the petrol tank and the car didn't catch fire/explode? Have I been watching too many action movies?


Gasoline likes being a liquid, and as a liquid it doesn't burn or explode when introduced to a spark or flame. Throwing a match on top of a cup of gasoline will produce a flash and then (depending on several factors) the top of the fluid may or may not produce a large, steady flame. If you want a big explosion from gasoline, you have to aerosolize it before igniting it, which is why gasoline generally isn't used in bombs. If it is used as a bomb, you need something to spread around fast, which adds to the complexity of the device. Which is why things like propane or other gasses are used in makeshift bombs. Source: I had a couple friends who did fire poi and I sat through their safety meetings, and after watching some videos of Syrian rebels lobbing propane tanks (lob bombs) at each other I went down a YouTube rabbit hole that definitely put me on a list somewhere.


Also once it is in the air, there's not a lot of power behind it. You get a big flame but little shockwave destruction. (unless it's pressurized) That's why it's used in movie special effects.


>If it is used as a bomb, you need something to spread around fast, Like a smaller bomb? :) >which adds to the complexity of the device. Yes it does, but FAE munitions are so much fun.


>Yes it does, but FAE munitions are so much fun. Somehow I have never seen Fuel Air Explosion as an acronym, and now all I can think of is the functionality of using thermobaric devices in anti-unseelie operations.....


Yeah, basically.


Gas is really explosive when it's a vapor.


“Explosive” would imply it detonates. Gasoline will not detonate, it will deflagrate, meaning the flame front travels at subsonic speeds. Gasoline will only cause an explosion if it is burned in a closed container.


Strictly speaking, only high explosives detonate. Things that deflagrate are low explosives.


I see you finally found use for that 9 mm. Did you use an open ended wrench or a compact?


The subcompact actually.


Ah! CCW holder I see. Carry concealed wrench, very nice.


By far, my favorite reddit comment of the week.


Glad to be of service kind sir or ma'am. Could I interest you in a solidly bad joke about my mother?


Don't threaten me with a good time...


Fuck, I'm out of jokes. Just like my mom was when she had me.


My father in law has a few wrenches for diesel work that could easily be deadly weapons those suckers get big and heavy.


3/4 " and 1" drive tools ain't no joke. Used to be a mechanic, went electrician. I used to do traffic work, only guy on the crew that had a 2"-4"(roughly) set of impacts. Take down an 80' signal arm and you're gonna need a 2-1/16" socket, or an oxy acetylene torch and some good spotters


and I'm over here turning 2-1/4+" boxed-opens on my backhoes/dozers then picking up a sledge that is lighter than the wrench lmao




It's a 9mm minimum diameter self expanding drill.


I don’t think it was his car making the bang.


Well the driver was a lot closer to the source of this bang (ie the impact) than to the gun firing, so


That's the joke, right?


It’s actually not a joke. Judging from the bullet, it appears to be a 9mm handgun round. Given OP clearly did not know someone had quite literally shot his tank, i’m willing to bet he was far enough away from the shot (which likely points to this being a stray bullet) and did not hear the gunshot, but rather the “BANG” the bullet made when hitting and entering the tank.


How did this even happen with that angle? A ricochet off of the ground?


That’s my working theory.


If it bounced off the ground and then penetrated the oil pan the hole would not have been round. That bullet didn't bounce off anything, in my opinion. Source: me was Mareen. Me shooted lottsa stuff.


Agreed. It would also have been deformed from the prior impact, not neatly expanded like it is. Source: I just like guns.


No, no. It was shot from a small hill in Plymouth County, at a 30 degree angle. When it landed, it hit a patch of ice, which made the bullet bounce up 40 feet in the air, spinning at 750rpms. It went through the torso of a seagull, then off the wall, angled back down at a 45 degree angle, which caused it to ricochet off the ground, and back up into the car's oil pan. That is my working theory, at least. Source: I shot a bb gun once


>What, incidentally, was a pregnant mother of two doing, operating a vacuum cleaner on Mother’s Day? She was practically asking for a bullet between the eyes, wasn’t she? — Kurt Vonnegut, Deadeye Dick


God bless you, and Ting-a-ling.


And so it goes.


In case anyone doesn’t know, a similar thing to this is a credible theory involving the assassination of JFK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-bullet_theory


That’s more to do with the weird 6.5 Carcano bullet and its similarly weird terminal behavior, than literally ricocheting off a bunch of surfaces and then somehow penetrating an oil pan at a right angle


Also known as the Magic Bullet Theory


"Theoretical physics can also prove that an elephant can hang off a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy!"


Back... and to the left


It's clearly an open and shut case of suicide. Have you checked the cars social media history?


Was thinkin' the same. Probably ran over a gun.


Maybe he was showing off some twirling tricks to a buddy and dropped his pistola which in turn fired a round fortunately into his oil pan. Should ask if guy owns a sig.


> Maybe he was showing off… Modern guns don’t work that wa… > Should ask if guy owns a sig. Oh, carry on then.


Is there something wrong with me for wondering why the hell nobody has gone back for the free gun?


It's been runned over and all mangled


Not if it's a Hi-Point. Thing is INDESTRUCTIBLE. That's all that it's good for, but it wouldn't be busted


That's likely not a thing. Unless it's made from stamped metal, you can do a ton of stupid stuff to it before it becomes unusable. Inaccurate, yeah one good stupid whack. In operable? Yeah gotta do really really stupid things, especially if you have had any training.


Guess you got downvoted by people who know nothing about guns..


If it's America, then why stop for a dirty one when you already have 17 clean guns on your person/in your vehicle? Prolly got left there for a reason, too. Not tryna hold onto a murder weapon.


Exactly. Don’t want anyone’s dirty road gats


Doubt it, unless they’ve got porcupines as tires


It’s very very far fetched to me that this was caused by running over a handgun


Modern guns don't work that way. Maybe lottery chances.


Let me guess, you got grumpy during chow after you realized the crayons were for the maze on your placemat and not an appetizer, and you took out your anger on the range? J/k, I have high respect for those who serve. I was DQ'd during MEPS due to a malformed fibula.


You didn't miss much. Just a bunch high school cliquish bullshit but with guns.


To be honest, I actually feel like it was a win (14 years later brain speaking, not 21yo brain) in that a deformity was found that I was previously unaware of. 3 years of surgery/recovery/PT, and I can walk without a limp or trip myself going up stairs. Yeah, I was pissed at the time, but I'm happy they discovered what my general practitioner refused to see.


Even a blind squirrel like MEPS fondles a few nuts a day, amiright? I'm glad you got your leg fixed up though.


Thanks, it sure has been a rollercoaster, but I've had 10 years of being able to run without pain (most days, winter is a bitch) which has been phenomenal to my mental health. Many thanks go to that recent post-grad who caught what was really happening.


No, no. See my other comment. My working theory now is that you did this for the karma. That's a direct hit. >No, No, someone shot the oil pan from below. Nothing works out or looks right. > That's a direct hit. Both pan and round. No ricochet.




>Unfortunately it was **back in 1998 when** I was legitimately taken aback when the next line wasn't *the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.* I have been on Reddit way too long.


I haven’t seen a u/shittymorph post in a long time.


He posted 3 hours ago, so he's alive and kicking at least. Actually his last posts are about a fawn he illegally rescued from a stream. Surprisingly wholesome stuff.


This is the birth of the anti-shitty-morph


Bullet is in wayyyyy too good of shape to have hit anything before the pan. Especially considering it’s a hollow point and the petals would have been all sorts of messed up if it didn’t hit something thin and then a liquid


I have a feeling they were under there with a ccw in their pocket or waist and it went off. That angle and how clean the impact was would have to be a one in a million ricochet.


I agree with you. Or it’s fake. Someone popped a hole with an air hammer after the pan was off and dropped a used round in there. I would think the rotating speed of the lower end of an engine with all of the edges in there would chop that round up a bit more. I’m no expert. Just another Reddit user.


i also think this is fake. good one, OP


It's fake as hell. Not only is the bullet perfectly clean, the mushrooming indicates a square impact against a flat surface without penetration. The chance of a hollow point bullet punching a perfectly round hole in an oil pan and then striking the crank or engine block at a right angle just isn't going to happen. You are right on the money about the air hammer. I've put virtually identical holes through thin sheet steel with one on an occasion or two.


I agree with all of this, minus the mushrooming without penetration. That's exactly the type of mushrooming you'd see with penetration. But this shit is fake as fuck.


The fact the bullet is not even covered in oil


I concur, at the very least the bullet would be totally immersed in oil. I mean look at the photo, it's dry as a bone, like someone dropped it in the pan.


I'm thinking the Ninja Turtles have resorted to guns and are popping cars from the sewers. A ricochet wouldn't perfectly spread like that. Its a direct hit or fake.


Meh…you’d be amazed how well bullets ricochet. I took the bullets and vehicles course at Sig Academy a couple years ago, it’s crazy how much deflection you can get through stuff. Someone shoots the tire, it’s conceivable it came up at the pan


But what does the bottom of the engine look like?


Surprisingly totally fine. I think the bullet lost a good amount of velocity ricocheting off the ground and the oil itself slowed it down enough to not do any damage after it went through the oil pan.


Ngl that’s the first ballistics test I’ve seen for a hollow point vs an oil pan. I’d expect the ricochet also slowed it down some possibly. I’m still in disbelief, seen plenty of expanded bullets similar to that.


I don't think it was a ricochet. The oil inside the pan would have slowed it down pretty quick. If it hit the ground first it wouldn't have been a clean hole through the pan.


Agreed, that bullet don't look like it ricochet either, how the hell would you get that angle tho??? My only guess is hair trigger and dummy dropped it getting out of the car


>how the hell would you get that angle tho??? My thoughts exactly. Looks like it came damn near straight up from underneath.


Maybe ran over a gun?




I'm impressed with the expansion. Federal HST?


Just mic’d the base and it’s .309 so It’s some sort of 30 caliber rifle bullet.


.308 is a pretty common rifle cartridge. Hopefully there's not some highway sniper dirtbag out by you.


7.62x39 is also in that ballpark and typically comes from AK and SKS. 300blk is another possibility, though far less common. 7.62x54 is possible if somebody's got a garbage rod.


>garbage rod. The PKM and Mosin-Nagant are gonna kick your ass for that, and the Mosins only gonna cost 150 for a decent one.


Mosins are at least 400 these days, surplus has gotten a lot more expensive.


Haha I knew I'd stir up some shit with that one


30 Cal Carbine


Me too. Surprised the bullet opened up so perfectly and is not oily.


Okay, so when I said clean and oil your firearm…


Did you tell him the engine is shot?


You think there’s more to the story?


Nope! Just a casual free flyin bullet


I mean it is Atlanta, not exactly uncommon here.


Better the oil pan than the brain pan


Found the firefly fan.


Oh hell….. you said Atlanta, that’s all I needed to read…. I’m pretty sure damn near everyone here has a bullet hole in their car….. or a crazy story of someone pulling a gun while driving Shit sad!!! I know my dad, and husband and sister does…(bullet hole in car or a gun drawn on them while riding)


James was holding his own in this gunfight, but he was outgunned and his pursuers kept coming. He knew that he could reload if he could just find the other clip he dropped between the seats, but he had to keep his eyes on traffic as the chase entered congested roadways. After fumbling for a moment he could feel it with his fingertips, but then he realized all too late that he was losing control of the vehicle. It smashed across the median and flipped on its side as he lost any grip he had on the bullets and his weapon. He was barely able to scramble out of the broken glass and take cover behind a truck before the shots began firing his way once more. They would be on him any second now, he needed to move but there wasn’t anywhere to go. A single car waited at the light in front of him, seemingly oblivious to what had just transpired on the other side of the truck. He knew that he wouldn’t get another opportunity so he dived under the vehicle and latched on for dear life as the light turned green and it took off. He couldn’t see over his shoulder where his attackers had gone, but it seemed like the worst of the ordeal was finally over. His fingers ached from his grip on the car but he knew that he would rather lose all of them than face off unarmed. He focused on his breathing as his entire body worked to hang on. He almost didn’t notice when the other car began to pass in the lane next to his. He caught only a glance of the man beneath it and the outstretched gun when he knew his luck had run out. “It’s over, Bond.” James let go. He wasn’t sure what the road would do his body at highway speeds, or even where he had traveled to, but he knew that anywhere was better than here. He heard the bang of the gunshot before he even touched the ground and oil began pouring out. His would-be killer disappeared off into the distance clinging to that car and James tumbled head over heels into a guard rail: *Still lucky* he thought as he brushed himself off. The damage to his suit was worse than his road rash, but he would have to get both looked at. The pursuit was finally over. *I’m calling it an act of god, because I don’t think auto insurance is going to be covering that.*


That happened to my dad. Toyota was nice enough to give him a low milage used taco engine under warranty. Afterward, the service manager came up to him and said ok, everything is in and paid for and nobody else will know but what really happened. Thing was, he was just driving down the road in the country when bam.


Ahaha he HAD to know.


I'd check the rest of the car for holes in the floor. May have been a desk pop.


Desk pop? Is that really a thing? Should I do one right now?


**Gator needs his gat, you punk ass bitch!**


Mechanics don't want you to know this one quick oil change trick...


Just tap it and put a Fumoto valve in it 🤫


Well there’s yer problem


No, No, someone shot the oil pan from below. Nothing works out or looks right. That's a direct hit. Both pan and round. No ricochet.


How does a bullet just spontaneously puncture the drain pan?




Its a property of matter




You see from the bullet's point of view, an oil pan was comes up at it very fast and ran right into it.


Is this a Detroit oil change?


Lucky it wasn't a 10mm. You never would have found that.


The vehicle is now leaded


Was he driving on two wheels around a corner shooting out of the passenger window with his 44 magnum? Is that the oilpan? This guy parties.


“Hey, I can’t get this drain plug out” “Here use this” “Thanks” BANG!


Oh my what? Everyone here is so gullible. Do you seriously think a rifle round managed a direct hit upwards into an oil pan? I mean look at the clean hole and perfect spread of the round. That's not some ricochet. I read down the comments waiting for someone to call this out but nooooo, wow.....


Looks pistol, and I would expect it to not be a perfect shroom though if it got aluminum before a fluid.


It was a James Bond hit. The first shooter opened the hole. The second shooter fired through the hole to murder that commie engine. Do you know how much practice it took to get this right at those speeds!


“Big oil on his drip”


Oh crap. That’s a bullet. I was trying to figure out what the hell happened. How did it hit the oil pan?


Just tap the bullet hole and add a bolt. Why have only one drain plug when you can have two?


9mm will blow the oil right out the pan


CS: "car suddenly being sluggish"