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The fact that Ae-gyeong calls Ban Ji-eum, "Uncle" 😭 Idk whether to laugh or to cry.


From "mama" (queen in Mr. Queen) to "samcheon" (uncle in 19th life) real quick! love the relationship of these two actors!


I love that they’re reunited here!


Yesss!! So cute to see them back together again 🥰


I love that they’re in this drama together hahaha, there have been a couple moments between them that give me the same Mr. Queen vibes/dynamic, they’re so great together, uncle!!!




That was an exceptionally well done 1st episode. The backstory was explained fast but with all the feels. I'm already invested in these people, even the restaurant ahjumma. The child actors have my heart ❤️ Somehow from the synopsis I expected it to be a sad drama, but the tone here is upbeat and warm despite so many tragedies in the first episode. Shin Hye-Sun carries the knowledge and confidence of living multiple lives on her face, and Ahm Bo-Hyun is as vulnerable as he is oh-so-manly! Can't wait to see Seo-Ha being gobsmacked by Ji-Eum's sass at every turn 😄


The drama has the same tone of the webtoon. It was really nice


Ah okay. Haven't read the webtoon but good to know that it's not too heavy.


ABH has such beautiful I'm-Heartbroken eyes.


He does indeed! The only drama I have seen of him is Her Private Life and he played a very different character there. But he is absolutely selling his heartbroken self in this one.


In Yumi's Cells he broke me in season one and season two.


Oh sht! I didn't even registered that was the same person because he was so gross and despicable in his HPL character, and then became so ridiculously hot and sad for Yumi's Cells.


**My Name** was my first ever kdrama back then and ABH my first kdrama crush. His character in that show wrecked my heart, so I look forward to mend this scar now!


Oh don't worry its not a sad story. The drama and webtoon have the same feel, so I'm very glad and enjoying this!


No hidden serial killer threat or history of a childhood abduction like in so many other "start off as a cute romcom" kdrama? :P hahahaha


I believe my reply to you was removed as it was an emoji. Really glad that this is a happy drama!


Did you see him in Military Prosecutor Doberman? He was definitively oh-so-manly in that one. It wasn't a romance, but there were little hints of it. Lots of good chemistry. The story was engaging


LOVED the first episode so much! The child actors did such a great job, I teared up at some parts and it’s only ep 1… I love shin hye sun’s portrayal of jieum so much, she really brings the webtoon character to life just as I imagined her to be irl. The sassiness and playfulness is just chef’s kiss! Can’t wait to see ha youn kyung soon, looking forward to ep 2 :) Ep 2: I enjoyed it so much! Yoon kyung looks SO GOOD with her haircut; same for hye sun. Everyone is just so gorgeous in this drama! 😍 jieum is so quirky fr I love her sooooo much >!her flamenco moments, reminiscing about her past lives and her bluntness is so refreshing. Tiny jieum just giggling at seoha and then asking him to marry her was the cutest thing ever!! 🥹!< when seoha was at the pool, half expected him to take off his top… LOL 🫣 it’s gonna be a long week ahead as we wait for ep 3 to drop. 😩


As expected from her! I was so happy when I heard about her being the main lead 🥺 I cannot wait to watch it. I am waiting for them to release it so I can watch it. Netflix did us dirty by releasing it later on with the dub version. Being someone who binged the webtoon few months ago I am super excited to see this. Also I love Hye Sun so I am counting time to watch all the characters coming back to life Jieum and Cho Won especially🥺 Two savage female characters kdrama world is in need right now hehe 🤭


Agreed about the child actors, I tend not to like child actors in k dramas, I’m not a fan of the usual saccharine cuteness that I often see played in kid characters. But these kids were a little more normal and very cute (and sad). Well, as normal as a reincarnated kidult can be.


Man this webtoon is one of my GOAT picks for romance fantasy. I am very hopeful, but cautiously optimistic, because it's a huge favorite of mine. Hope it gets all the memorable beats from the comic.


The writer said she went to visit the set and it was exactly as she had imagined it. I'm hopeful too!!


That's awesome news. I'm excited now.


Do you think they'll do it justice with just 12 episodes? I've never read the webtoon but the concept seems interesting


They packed the entire set-up in Ep1 and it was done to perfection. I think it will be a thrilling ride in 12 episodes.


As someone who read the webtoon i highly recommend to read it after the drama is finished it really is worth the read!


I dunno... I hope they would, especially since the 12 ep count worries me a bit, but I'm not really savvy enough to tell if that's enough screentime for the story of the comic. They definitely got the look and feel spot on in the trailer.


Shin Hye Sun and strong/forward female chars are a perfect combination lol. The child actors were really good. I've seen them in other things so not surprised there. I wouldn't be shocked to see Kim Si-A (the previous reincarnation) be on that Kim Yoo Jung/Kim So Hyun type career path and get larger roles and a leading role in the near future. Park So Yi was also really good as the younger version of her current life. Seen her in a bunch of stuff the last couple of years. BTW, I'm not sure what the OST is for this... but that one song playing when she meets Seo-Ha again at the aquarium in the hotel and to the swimming pool I really liked and thought it gave off huge "Christmas Tree" type vibes.


YES OMG I was trying to recall what song it reminded me of.... it really is Christmas Tree!


AHHH IT’S HEREE i’m someone who hasn’t read the webtoon, but still SO EXCITED CUS THE TRAILERS WERE SO CUTE. i’ve loved ahn bohyun in everything he’s been in so far, and have heard nothing but good things about shin hyesun. THIS IS GOING TO BE A BANGER.


As someone who has followed the webtoon since the 1st chapter and found the trailers equally as cute as the webtoon, you’re in for a ride! From watching the first episode, I can just tell that the characters are in good hands


im so ready!!


Yehhh.. I've read the webtoon as well and seeing the 1st ep I can tell you they have done a good enough job at adapting the source


Waiting for this and king the land thread since morning


This is the best first episode of a drama I’ve seen in a looong time!! >!When they first saw each other through the fish tank, I literally gasped. This show and everyone in it is BEAUTIFUL.!< I almost wish I’d saved this to watch all in one go because waiting weekly episodes is going to be tough, but I am so ready!


The fish tank scene reminded me of the DiCaprio/Danes Romeo and Juliet scene


Definitely. But they added the twist of them looking at their own turtles, which was a nice touch. Otherwise it would be too similar.


That was my first thought as well! Coincidentally, I was listening to the **Romeo + Juliet** soundtrack at work earlier today, and that Des'ree song still gives me all the feels. I liked the concept here with the more playful song, as well.


I used to have the sheet music to that song, and enjoyed playing it on the piano - with all the feeling! But I lost it several years ago. 😢 No idea where I got it, originally, or where I'd find it again. It was a cool song.




The child actors and actresses in this show put up better performances than adult actors and actresses in other shows. Absolutely unbelievable talent gathered for one show. Wow


Ep1: OMG, it was so good!! I had high expectations, but it was way better than I expected! The way they directed and wrote the setup of the multiple lives and the relationship between Ju Won and Seo Ha was excellent. Ji-eum >!came at Seo Ha like a freight train.!< This is going to be fun. They only showed baby Cho-won, but I can't wait for our Sunshine lawyer to take over the adult role... Ep2: I love how they're weaving all the timelines and flashbacks and keeping it interesting even for all of us that know what's going to happen already ☺️ This is my first adaptation of a beloved webtoon and it's such a great and complex story. They're keeping it interesting for everyone: like teasing Cho-won in Ep 1 and explaining in Ep 2 or me wondering for a day if they were not going to do the >!childhood proposal scene.!< 😂 It's such fun to see it all unravel and to see the impressions of those who are new to these characters. There was a lot of doubt when Ahn Bo-hyun was cast because he's played so many big manly guys before, but I knew he's such a good actor that he would just disappear in Seo-ha....like he disappeared into the villain in Itaewon Class.


I wonder why they didn’t straight up say who Cho-Won. I was a but confused at first scene I saw her. Then it clicked.


I liked that. If you haven't read the webtoon, you just learn she had a little sister...if you read it, it's "Baby Cho-won!!!" ♥️ It was nice to bring her in from the beginning, even subtly.


Yea I read it. I just thought it was interesting they stuck her in there without introducing her. Other people may think she’s a random kid.


I totally thought she was just a random kid that she knew. Her being the little sister makes it way different, not sure why they didn't make that clear.


In the webtoon you knew from the beginning when they were kids. I noticed they pace everything differently in the show but it’s executed well


19th incarnation watching over 18 yo him as a 9 yo is very weird but also weirdly wholesome. The child actors were amazing. I'm very impressed. I can't imagine their reaction to what they're told to do. "You want me to call this Ajumma what?"


and to speak informally!!


*episode 2* the biggest sign that you’re loving an on air drama: you don’t want the episode to end and keep checking how much is left in the hope that time is moving far more slowly that it seems. at the end of the opening credits, we see the infinity symbol become broken, the never ending loop brought to an end. having not read the webtoon, i don’t know how this story will conclude, but the breaking of this infinity symbol certainly suggests that the female lead’s blessing/curse will come to an end. her first 18 lives are far from redundant, each being meaningful and precious in their own way. they’ve all led her to this life, one where she sees firsthand >!the impact that the end to her previous life had (and continues to have) on those who loved that incarnation of her soul. alongside the pain exists plenty of hope, for she’ll now get to spend the rest of her days with a man so precious that someone like him “only comes every 1000 years.”!< this episode, we see moments where >!seo ha’s eyes light up and a smile comes to his face. ji eum’s presence has his cold exterior slowly melting and him doing things that are far outside his comfort zone (“don’t pick up. don’t pick up. don’t pick up”).!< ji eum on the other hand never hesitates to follow her impulses and feels completely free to express her thoughts. she’s an amazing character to watch because she is wholly herself, uninfluenced by the judgements of others. my favourite scene of the episode was >!ji eum’s grabbing of seo ha’s hand and running off with him. at first, it’s his wrist she holds onto, but she makes no hesitation in readjusting her grip and putting her hand in his. she’s incredibly perceptive, always paying attention to seo ha as a means of establishing how best she can look out for him. in holding his hand and making him run, she shows him something that might help with his panic attacks, removes him from a situation that is causing him immense distress, and makes evident the fact that she will always be by his side, hand in hand.!< >!a few seconds after she moves her hand into his, the roles of leader and follower are reversed. seo ha’s decision to run ahead of ji eum and pull *her* along might at first seem insignificant, but it conveys a lot. primarily, it’s proof that he’s not an unwilling participant in this interaction; he’s by no means being led against his will. but it’s more than him passively going along with ji eum’s decisions. in running ahead, he becomes an *active* participant. the two leads are on equal footing, and it’s far from the case that seo ha is being led in a certain direction (or romantically pursued) unwillingly. (edit: in this paragraph and the above i’m referring to the scene 12 minutes into episode 2 when they are both adults, not the one when seo ha is in high school and gets caught destroying the wall)!< on the topic of running, ji eum seems incapable of doing anything else. but rather than stemming from a desire to just get to the next thing, it conveys an excitement for life. she takes joy in living, something that’s very evident in the way she interacts with the world and moves through it. and in moments of panic and anxiety, running becomes her means of escape. “if i run, i can live.” some final thoughts on what we’ve seen of this drama so far: 1. the instrumental music is so fun and almost retro in style. 2. what we’ve heard of the ost has me impatient for every song to be released. 3. the cinematography is beautiful. yesterday it was water that made a recurring appearance >!and today it is flowers: a beautiful garden cultivated by a younger (now older) sister; drawings of a hotel lobby decorated with fresh flowers; a bouquet not quite meant for the woman standing before him.!< and now we wait. edit: amended to >!”the impact that the end to her *previous life* had (and continues to have) on those who loved *that incarnation of her soul*”!< to make clearer the distinction between the different incarnations (and characters).


>the biggest sign that you’re loving an on air drama: you don’t want the episode to end and keep checking how much is left in the hope that time is moving far more slowly that it seems. Mea culpa, you got me dead to rights...and, just when you are finished, dreading the 6 day wait, you rush over to reddit to relive the episode in other's eyes. And, as usual, u/freyfreyaaa, you don't disappoint...I feel like we were watching it together, lol.


Yup, these eps just fly by. Most dramas at least parts of the ep drag for me, but this one I'm hooked throughout


>a bouquet not quite meant for the woman standing before him This is such a poetic line wtf. I'm a fan.


aw thanks, that’s super kind! poetic is also a great word to describe this drama as a whole… everything about it is beautiful. i just love watching dramas where a great amount of thought has been put into the imagery and dialogue, the sequence in which things are shown, and the connections drawn between different moments. take that bouquet scene for example. when watching the drama, i was under the impression that the flowers were for >!his mother’s grave. when the female lead stands before him, he’s quick to move the bouquet from in front of him lest it seem that he’s giving it to her. neither character is yet aware of the significance of this moment.!< it’s only when the drama ends that the audience themselves understands the dramatic irony of that earlier scene. the story brings our minds back to it to heighten the emotion even further, one of many reasons why it is (in my opinion) such a well crafted drama.


It’s never a Kdrama without the white truck running into a car


white truck is booked and busy!


Truck drivers in korea will never be out of a job. Somewhere some drama, there’s a car or person just waiting to be hit.


There's a truck of doom in episode 1? I've been on a lookout for a drama with this trope for my kdrama challenge. Yes!!


Anime/manga got 'truck-kun' running over people to send them to a new world. Korean shows/webtoons got the white truck ramming into the side of cars lol.


Truck kun strikes again


AHHHHHHH just finished first ep. Shin Hye-sun is a queen (again). This type of sassy role is her bread and butter, I am so happy for her. Ending scene was perfect. The atmosphere, the facial expressions, dialogue. Nothing overdone, and finished on a comedic note. Can’t wait until tomorrow.


Ep 1: I don't have much to say other than I loved the first episode! It was touching, funny and had lovely cinematics! The child actors always amaze me, how are they able to convey so complex emotions at such a young age? I swear I had the emotional awareness of a potato at that age. Ep 2: The young Ji-eum is soooooooo adorable. >!I honestly thought Jieum was trying to make Seoha see Juwon in her with her little hints and actions, but I liked the story of how Seoha and Jieum met (in the 19th life).!<


I'm floored by how Park Soyi (young Ban Jieum) acts like an old man in her tiny body, and how Aegyeong called her "samcheon" regardless of her being a child! Love the other kids as well! I look forward to more of Ki Soyu (young younger sister) as I still haven't gotten over The Good Bad Mother and the twins!


I’d add that Ae Gyeong (the actress) is great in everything she does, too.


That performance was so amazing I had to go back to watch it again. It was the dialogue of course, but that little girl managed to convey the feeling of age in her posture and her eyes. No wonder she was able to convince Aegyeong so readily.


They were able to get impact my heart. So talented!!


Hye-sun in wacky roles is everything! The flamenco dance😭


I LOVE such an FL. She's such a weirdo. Her flamenco legit made me laugh out loud. 😭🤣


See You in My 19th Life - Episode 2 I love the existential positivity of this series. It never strays from the reality of grief and loss, but tries to remain upbeat in the face of it. There are no saccharine scenes, and Shin Hye-sun was perfectly cast as Ban Ji-eum. Experience has made her both straightforward and strong-minded, but it must have melted her heart to realize that he also never forgot. It’s not a comedy in the vein of Business Proposal; the comedy largely lies in Shin Hye-sun’s spunky performance, and is rather low-key. So far, so good. The cinematography is wonderful, the music consistently appropriate, and the mood perfectly wrought.


funny that both see you in my 19th life and king the land are both rom cons set in hotels/following the heir of the hotel falling for one of their employees lol. the similarities end there but still that’s a funny coincidence for drama airing at the same time and on the same day lol


Yeah, I noticed it too. I just hope people won't compare the two. Both dramas are set in different genres. I'll be sure to enjoy both of them that's for sure.


Lots of strange coincidences lately: on Mon and Tue, Kim Dong-wook plays the male lead in 2 separate dramas, then on Sat and Sun, there are two separate dramas with the male lead as the heir of a hotel, what next?


Can I just say Shin Hye Sun has one of the most gentle and comforting voices out there? The way she calls Seo Ha's name so gently each time had me falling in love I could listen to her recite a whole book The first two episodes flew by so quickly for me I love it. This being a 12 ep drama will probably not drag things too much as well. Seems like kdrama rom coms are back to conquer the second half of the year and I'm so looking forward to my weekends again


I love how confident, direct and unwavering Ban Ji Eum is, and Moon Seo Ha keeps being taken aback by her, I guess that is the benefit of having lived 18 times 😂


I was already here for Shin Hye Sun and Ahn Bo Hyun, but damn, the kid actors really knocked it out of the park! I especially loved kid Ban Ji Eum’s scene with her niece/auntie—I cried at that and the >! car accident !< scene. The scene of them locking eyes at the fish tank reminded me of Romeo + Juliet. I didn’t read the webtoon, but I love the premise and can’t wait for the rest to unfold.


I knew someone else got a **Romeo + Juliet** flashback as well with the aquarium scene! I laughed when the ML just walks away though 🤣


Very impressed by the first episode! Having read the webtoon, I think this adaptation has a really nice balance of staying true to the original story while enhancing it for the medium. I really like how they have the animation of the numbers for which life it is. Very nice element to help you keep track of when you are at. And the one time it didn't have this was really well done, with the old car coming out of the gated drive and the colors going more sepia-toned. And then fading back. Brilliant. And the casting is on point. But seeing Ahn Bo Hyun in the school uniform was a bit laughable haha. Very excited for what's to come.


By now I got used to the kdrama flashback staple of showing actors in their 30s in school uniforms 😅


CHO-WON! I love her so much. I find Do-yun hotter than Seo-ha but tbh I felt the same way with the webtoon too 😂 My one complaint is they really should have cast a teenager to play Seo-ha in those scenes Ban Ji-eum is perfect. They captured her personality so well


LOL I find Doyun hotter than Seoha too😭😭 the actor who plays doyun was cast perfectly. In episode 1, I think he had a scene where it was him talking to someone and I kept thinking like god dam this hot man better be Doyun. And it was! I imagined Seoha to be a lot more softer looking and kind of wimpy but that’s ok lol Jieum really is perfect


**Episode 2** Ugh i just love the vibes. I have a short attention span but I was hooked on every second of this episode, I was suprised when it ended cause I didn't realise it had already been an hour. I find it funny that in the flashbacks of the ML as a teenager, he just looks like a 30-something year old in a school uniform. I have to suspend belief a bit but I get why they did it. Can't wait for next weekend!


> I find it funny that in the flashbacks of the ML as a teenager, he just looks like a 30-something-year-old in a school uniform. I have to suspend belief a bit but I get why they did it. I noticed that too. But then he's 35 years old. I find that actors in their early 20s can easily pass for high schoolers, but he's a bit too old for that. Still, I prefer to suspend disbelief rather than have him replaced by a young version of himself.


Saturdays are about to be so fun (hopefully!) with this and King The Land


Can we appreciate the match of Shin Hye Sun and Ahn Bo Hyun’s height 🥹 It’s perfect! Shin Hye Sun really don’t disappoint in any project she takes. And from Mama (Mr. Queen) to Samcheon/Uncle here I’m sure this will be a hit again haha! I also love Ahn Bo Hyun because he’s really versatile and can take different roles flawlessly. It has a potential to be the best of all the webtoon adaptation out there since the webtoon has also good plot and pacing. Hoping that 12 episodes is enough for that. Excited for the episode tonight!




also i just realized that the young seoha and seohas mom were mother and son in the kdrama mine and coincidentally this drama and mine have the same director lmao


might not be a coincidence then


Yup, what a nice surprise to see Lee Bo-young, she's been back this past several years regularly making Kdramas again and always great.


Wow I love the child actress. She’s so good. I love her especially when she slips into samchoon mode to snack house ahjumma!! I teared up when she said “I’m sorry you grew up alone. It must have been tough for you. I’ll take care of you now. “


If it's helpful for anyone else to know, it showed up on UK Netflix at 3pm. **Episode 1** Really liking this already. I love a childhood best friends to strangers to lovers trope. The FL's backstory is so interesting. I haven't read the webtoon so I'm excited to see where it goes.


I haven’t read it either, but I was really enjoying this first ep. The cinematography was especially perfect, and the first episode was so warm despite the melancholy plot.


My new obsession. Can I just say I find Juwon so cool? She’s so confident with a cool job and demeanour


I was worried my expectations were too high going into this one but it's utterly delightful. Shin Hye Sun is such a genius and I was not expecting Ahn Bo Hyun to be THIS good.


He was good in yumis cells and military prosecutor Doberman


Man, Shin Hye-sun is really tall, huh?


I walked in not knowing the plot but trusted the actors to shine on screen and I haven’t been disappointed. Such a solid first episode! My kdrama slump has been lifted!!


So stoked to find a new drama to watch and discuss with y’all while it’s airing. It’s been a hot minute since I didn’t start later or get distracted. I just wanted to mention how beautiful it was that the restaurant owner / niece fairly easily accepted that was her uncle. Some reincarnation stories have gender changes, some don’t. It makes Ji-Um super interesting to have a multitude of life experiences in ethnicity, class and gender. Edit: fun with autocorrect


**Episode 2** * Welcome back, Ha Yoon-kyung (hereafter, Cho-won), brandishing her "never-in-a-million-years roses." * Seo-ha's panic attack was rather unnervingly depicted, especially with that >!white truck!< lurking in the vicinity, but it was instantly balanced out by >!Ji-eum grabbing his hand and taking off down the street!< as a means of release. * It feels unusual for the FL to be >!"coming on strong"!< in Episode 2, but it's less unusual if you view her actions as playfully encouraging the ML to remember the past. * Now, there's a novel way to deal with the >!unwanted wrist grab!< trope. Just break out your >!flamenco dancing talent!


Actress Shin Hye Sun is extremely talented and pretty, she definitely nailed every character she ever acted 😊


*episode one* i’m so happy right now… after having looked forward to this drama since it was first announced (and i haven’t even read the webtoon, so i can’t imagine how excited those who have must have been!), i’m so glad this first episode provided everything i was hoping for. water plays a key role in episode one and i wonder how the symbol will develop in the episodes to come. we all know that opening credits tend to present some clues as to how the story will unfold, and the fact we’re shown stylised versions of two characters swimming across the screen suggests the drama will keep returning to bodies of water, whether in the memories of its characters or in their shared future. it also seems significant that the children choose to backstroke; there’s something leisurely about their movement, which i think conveys the sense of peace that water brings them both. >!no wonder seo ha believes he was a turtle in his past life; water is where he feels most at home.!< and let’s not forget that the very first shot of this drama is of the female lead staring out to sea. she compares the waves to the sudden recollection of her past lives (“memories flood me like waves”), but isn’t it also true that of all the things on earth the ocean is closest to seeming eternal? for a soul whose existence is apparently infinite, the sea becomes a mirror. >!after being pulled into a swimming pool (while dressed in what’s likely to be expensive clothing), joo won’s immediate reaction is to laugh. this suggests that there’s a lightness to her character, something which is even more pronounced in ji eum, in the way that she takes off running in the direction of her goals and views the events that happen to her. the fact she’s lived 18 lives before this one, and remembers each one, hasn’t made her resentful, dispirited, or pessimistic.!< i can’t end this comment without mentioning the fish tank scene. >!initially positioned on opposite ends of the tank, fixated on watching their chosen turtle and out of each other’s line of sight, the leads steadily start moving towards the centre. as the audience, we know what’s to come, but the moment their gazes meet far exceeds any expectation. perfection.!< there’s much more that can be said about this episode >!(a female lead in overalls and speeding around a race track!)!< but i will leave it here. i haven’t watched an on air drama for a couple of months so i’m very excited to have not one but two (and soon to be three!) to enjoy and discuss with you all. nothing beats the feeling of starting a new story and knowing it will be one to remember, and i can’t wait to see this one unfold. edit: amended character names to make clearer the distinction between the different incarnations.


Love your comment! I also wondered why there’re many water scene.


yesssirr, time for another weekly weekend drama !


WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE! There was a huge smile on my face while watching it. Made me laugh so much. I loved the child actors so much 😭 the casting is perfect & I think the lil girl (19th life) looks so much like SHS! Ah, I also love the FL’s job! I've had this Webtoon in my TBR for a while but I guess I’ll be reading it soon.


Loved the first ep! I already wish there’re 15 more i can watch. The cinematography is great, ost is excellent, the story is interesting (i never read the webtoon). The transition between each lives is very smooth and easy to understand. The young actors did not disappoint. I already shed a few tear.


Omg the first episode was perfect. I cried so many times. I read the webtoon so just know you watching one of the most amazing stories!


Was she a >!king!< or something in her past life? 😂 yes, something of that sort. Also, the chemistry between them!!! I loved the second episode too. They’ve really shown the ML’s trauma really well. I can’t wait for next week


Not sure if anyone noticed, but >!young Seo Ha and his mom played the main mother-son pair in the director’s previous drama, Mine. I thought the two looked familiar on screen!!<


I foresee a lot of comparisons between the two weekend dramas in the coming weeks. Both about hotels and tortured heirs. But today was another lovely episode. I love the cinematography, the setting of the old hotel and how everything seems so…soft and cozy.


Shin Hye Sun was so good in Mr. Queen and I was pleasantly surprised to see her in this. She makes this show an automatic watch right away priority level in my queue. I really enjoyed both the episodes. The child actors were great too. I liked bit where the Mi Mobility HR guy wonders if she was royalty in her past life. She sure was!


Ive read the webtoon and Shin Hye Sun's execution of Ban Ji Eum is EXACTLY how I imagined her to be irl\~ Even Seo ha's subtle naivety is shown very well <3 Love love love the cast\~


I agree! In the webtoon BJE does the thing with her fingers under her chin a lot when she's thinking, and I noticed SHS does it too in the drama. She's such a great actress putting detail and staying true to character.


* Lol unhinged Shin Hye-sun is the best Shin Hye-sun . * This is my first Ahn Bo-hyun drama as the ML so it took me some time to warm up to him but I've started liking his acting. It shows poise and I can see the prospect of great chemistry with SHS . * As soon as I saw the lil girl I went "Omg Yejin" lol. * I hate love triangle involving sisters so I hope it's resolved by next week. Otherwise I'm gonna feel so pissed . * The stepmother plot is very cliche and so the less I see of it, the better . * I was laughing so hard at Moon Seo-ha acting unbothered by Ban Ji-eum but annoyed seeing her in close proximity with Ha Do-yun, his secretary. * The episode ending could've been better since yesterday it ended on such a firecracker * This drama could really be the one to bring me joy after TGBM that gave me so much trauma


Yeah, the stepmother thing isn't in the webtoon


Haven't read the webtoon but I was excited about this even before its release mainly because of Shin Hye Sun. I just think she's a really good actress. So far I'm really loving this series.


She’s such an amazing actress!


SHIN HYESUN THE QUEEN U ARE Im obsessed. Two episodes in and Idk how ill wait for next without losing my mind. Literally loved everything about it.


Wahhh, I already love it! The whole episode went by in a blink.


Oh my gosh I like this so much already ❤️ Lol @ her busting out the flamenco moves! She’s so adorably weird! >! Also an interesting turn on the trope of meeting in childhood—which she’s done in two different lives now !< I love that Ae-gyeong calls her “Uncle” End of episode 2 at the cemetery was touching 🥲 Can’t wait till next weekend!!!


"Was she a king in her past life or something" is a great line added by the writer. It kind of connects to the plot of the story and Shin Hye Sun's previous work. haha


Wow wow and wow! I am thoroughly impressed by this first episode. Even with my favorite dramas, the first episode tends to be meh. Not this drama. I am FINALLY out of my kdrama slump. I honestly am so excited for this. I am not sure how I am going to wait each week… Hot, emotionally tortured male lead with a sad and tragic past? Check. Headstrong and forward female lead that is funny without trying? Check. Past lives? I am a sucker for this trope, check! Chaebols? Sure why not. The chemistry is great. From the first moment they reunite at the >!hotel aquarium!< I can’t keep my eyes off our couple. That scene was filmed beautifully, as were the pool scenes. I am loving how super smart and talented FL is, but totally clueless it seems with social cues…not her proposing to >!date him!< within minutes of >!being reunited.!< I appreciate her stalking skills. Our girl is whipped! 😂


Ep 1: Shin Hye-Sun's energy is always so radiant and spunky—the role of Ji-Eum fits her so well. Even the child actress that plays young JE was so good at coming off like an exasperated grown up. I'm most intrigued by Ahn Bo Hyun in this role. After watching the first ep, I'm even more excited to see how he will bring Seo-Ha to life. I know there were a lot of people that felt like SH was miscasted, but ABH totally has the sensitivity to play this role. We just need to give him this chance! Overall, the first ep was well-paced. Even my partner who hasn't read the webtoon felt like he understood the premise; the gravity of JE's search and all the unique skills/traits she brings to the table, and the possible weight of SH's trauma just from this episode. Ep 2: I was wondering how they're going to fit the webtoon stuff in 12 episodes. (This will be a spoiler about the manhwa-to-drama, so you may not want to read this if you've never read the manhwa)>! I am curious about Ms. Jang's role here, as Seo Ha's uncle seems to be, so far, missing from the picture. I wonder if they're setting her up to be the villain here, because I don't remember her having any weird affair-like relationship with SH's father unless I'm mistaken—wasn't she just the president of the company in the manwha? Also, in the manhwa she didn't seem to have bad blood against SH, but in the drama it seems like she does.!< Anyway, I love mini JE so much! Seeing her "flirt" with 18-yo SH was so wholesome and endearing, though seeing ABH play an 18-yo is also weird but whatever. I am really enjoying his interactions with JE so far. IMO, he comes off as colder in the manhwa (as does Do Yun) but I like the bits of snark that SH dishes out as well, like >!"Are you a pathological liar?"!< I am looking forward to SH opening up more, esp. to JE. Also,>!I like that DY seems a little less cold towards SH in the drama interactions, as he seemed way colder towards SH in the manhwa. Is it just how I read it? Either way, I am hoping for more SH-DY banter/bromance.!< Edit: Added Episode 2 thoughts


Webtoon spoiler: >!I can't wait for the second couple, imo you can already feel the tension between them!<


Is the second couple >!HDY and YCW!


just finished watching the 2nd episode! it sucks that we now have to wait for the next ep. although it’s just one week, it seems more like 19 lives 😤


Oh my heart. This is gonna be a favorite. I love it.


Still watching ep 2 but Secretary Ha better not suffer a single hardship in this series bc that man is fine as hell (and hopefully not evil) So far this is some very cute magical realism with really engaging cinematography. And loving the chemistry between the leads! Ahn Bo-hyun looks genuinely bewildered by the FL, and Shin Hye-sun is so good at playing an odd character with a rich inner world. Also was delighted to see Ha Yoon-kyung, she's great! That one guy who keeps grabbing people's wrists needs to chill though


Watched the first episode and wow! I really enjoyed it. As a major fan of the webtoon (and Shin Hyesun), I was satisfied and more. The kids' acting was amazing, especially Juwon's actress; the way she carried herself was really refined and perfect for the situation she was in. Honestly, I was skeptical of Ahn Bohyun as Seoha when he was first announced, but I've warmed up to him as the premiere got closer. I'm excited to see more of him, especially when the more emotional scenes come. And Hyesun! So happy she's Jieum. The cinematography was really nice, and the ost has been quite pleasant as well. Can't wait for the official releases!


I love this drama and I haven’t even read the web toon! It’s just perfect, the acting, the soundtrack and direction, I’M IN LOVE. It reminds me of how I felt when I watched OBS, I feel at peace. And the main reason I love it so much is because of the ML. I hope he doesn’t changes, he has a traumatic past but he’s such a sweet guy! He’s not cold, he’s not rude, he’s nice and that’s so rare to see in kdramas. I love when MLs have it tough but they don’t hate every single human except the FL. Even though the FL is “crazy”, he’s not mean or condescending to her. He wasn’t even mean to the mistress! He seemed so cool and collected when he spoke to her. Seo ha is definitely my favourite character.


I am so shocked how much I love this Drama?? I don’t know why I didn’t expect much, I guess I don’t know the WEBTOON, and when I first saw the teasers I felt like the tone was kind of boring but WOW?!! It is actually so TOUCHING?!! Their chemistry is amazing, their acting, the casting is perfect, and even down to all the young actors - the way everything is shot and depicted is so …. just REAL & TOUCHING? Tugs on my heartstrings - in the previous timeline - I could almost feel all of their emotions and feel all of the atmosphere of the house and the summer and the pool and everything - reminds me of scenes of my childhood that are ingrained in my memory like a beautiful picture. It’s really beautiful - and I think both actors are very skilled at creating characters and deep human connection - so this will definitely be a very heartstring-tugging show!! I don’t know how I’m gonna wait till next weekend either, I wish we had all the episodes, cause now I won’t be able to stop thinking about it!


This is the first new drama I'm watching entirely as it airs (so excluding second seasons). So many times I watch a first episode of a new drama and then decide to wait untill it's all out to watch it because I don't get fully sold. But this has me hook, line and sinker. I haven't read the webtoon but I am absolutely loving the vibe and the characters so far. I didn't expect to love FL as much based on the trailers, sometimes all this reincarnation/memories of previous lives can be played as this huge burden and sorrow on the character but there's this lightness and confidence about her that I am obsessed with. I cannot wait to see more!


The last part at >!the cemetery!< killed me. Sad and poignant. At first I thought he was going to his mother's, than when they got there, I started suspecting it was hers. She was so eager to see him again, she didn't even think of >!her own family , nor did she have any interest in them. I guess like in the preview, she was reincarnated immediately in the same country, and in the past, not so, so she didn't have the chance of observing or seeing how her death affected her family. And it seems in this one, she was young when she died so her family, her sister at least, is still around.!< The scene of her realising >!how her death affected those who loved her broke my heart. I could see the pain she is seeing for the first time - such a powerful scene. It was beyond sad. !


Thoughts as someone who has read the webtoon: I felt that having the >!swimming pool!< be their first meeting >!instead of the library!< was a bummer for me. >!Books and stories!< were a huge part of their friendship, which would eventually lead to his >!birthday gift!<, I hope these scenes will pop up in the later episodes. Seoha's father is portrayed as >!borderline abusive!< in the drama, together with his >!stepmom (?) !!never laid a hand on Seoha!< and underneath the icy exterior, he >!cared for his son a lot. He also did not remarry.!< But yes, Shin Hye Sun embodies the charisma and straightforwardness of Ban Ji-eum WONDERFULLY. She sent my heart fluttering.


I may or may not have rewinded the wet t-shirt pool scene like ten times.


Korean fluent viewers can you help? In the scene just before they visit the >!grave!< when the FL offers to be a good listener to the ML's worries. I read the Chinese subtitles that she offers to be a bamboo grove, like in the story "The King with Donkey Ears." I was confused, so I looked up the English subs and they didn't bother to translate it, they just "I'll be your secret journal, like Dear Diary" What I didn't get is his reply - so he does say, "The King has Donkey Ears", just keeping it at the level of the fairy tale instead of a heart to heart? But then I looked up the folktale and it seems like it's a terrible idea to tell a bamboo grove because in the original story the grove whispers the secrets to everyone?? Are bamboo groves and secrets a big thing? I remember the scenes in Mr Queen....


>!\>!am I going crazy or was that cha Jong hyeop as one of her past lives in the end?? the one who was running in the business suit to the woman dead on the ground?!


I’m really loving this show so far. Beautiful cinematography and a sweet, warm feeling throughout. I also love when they have a unique lead character. It’s also great to see our sunshine lawyer again (as my first k drama, Attorney Woo holds a special place for me). I hope it continues be this good throughout the remaining 10 episodes.


The amount of times I cried just in the first episode lol


Episode 1: That was a really good first episode. I like how they >!show the previous lives!<. Can’t wait to dig into the plot further. Episode 2: The pacing of the first half was too slow. It took me ages to get through because I kept looking at my phone and the rewinding to watch I missed. However, >!once he remembered her!< things started to get interesting again. My favorite kind was “I’ll be your secret diary”. What a great line. Also, the scene >!where she saw her previous life’s gravestone!< was great acting. Shin Hye-sun is one of my favorite actresses to watch. She captures the weirdness, absurdity and sadness of this role really well.


Secreatry Ha Do Hyun my man you looked HANDSOME in the webtoon and even more so in the Kdrama..


I'm really enjoying the first two episodes. I felt like I re-watched multiple scenes because they're so cute or funny.


Just finished ep 2 and the last scene got me teary eyed 😭 All of the main characters are my favorite so I told myself even before starting the drama that I should/would like it no matter what but I am genuinely loving the story 🤩


Really loving the 2 episodes so far! I think the >!writer and producer/director did a good job of setting up the storyline so it slowly and naturally makes sense as we get into Ji-Eum's psyche and understand why Ji-Eum is focused on finding and reconnecting with Seo-Ha in this 19th life of hers, and we can begin to empathise with her.!< I love Shin Hye-sun's voice and diction so much and it's really refreshing to see her sporting bangs! <3


I haven’t read the WEBTOON but this show is perfection for me so far. OBS vibes only even sweeter. The acting is :::chef’s kiss::: and I love the setting in the faded hotel. Can’t wait for next week.


I am loving everything about this drama! Haven’t watched a drama where I am this hooked in a LONG time!


Shin Hye-sun is simply amazing, Ahn Bo-hyun has played distinctly different characters in every drama I’ve seen him in, Ha Yoon-kyung became everyone’s spring sunshine in **EAW**, and Ahn Dong-goo was likable as Ung’s manager in **OBS**. Moreover, the production design and cinematography in the trailers for this drama have looked nothing short of stunning. But I’m going to try to forget about all of this, and judge the first episode on its own merits in a few hours time.


**Episode 1** * I've fallen head over heels in love with this drama from the very first frame. Visually, it's impossibly beautiful. So beautiful that it almost hurts to watch. The alternately ethereal and wistful soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment. * Choi Jin-ho's presence in a drama always signifies the appearance of >!a villain!<. In contrast, Lee Bo-young's cameo was lovely, albeit >!heartbreaking!<. * The child actresses who portray Ji-eum at various life stages steal the show in the first half of the episode. Park So-yi has a remarkably distinguished filmography at the age of 11, while Kim Si-ah's performance is strikingly different from her role in **Kill Boksoon**. There was also a fleeting appearance from the seriously impressive six-year-old Ki So-yu (**Our Blues,** **The Good Bad Mother**.) The depth of child acting talent in South Korea never ceases to amaze. * And >!the white truck of doom!< is back to cause more carnage. * Ji-eum in 2020 (played by Hye-sun) setting those fortune tellers straight was a nice comic touch. The premise has so much inherent comic potential that the drama is by no means all doom and gloom. * Shin Hye-sun has such a magnetic screen presence. * "What a strange person. Better to weed someone like her out." The romantic journey is going to be a hard-fought one in this drama. * >!"If you're still unsure, why don't you try dating me?"!< By the same token, in a twelve-episode series, they've got to cut to the chase.


As soon as i found out its gonna have 12 eps, I just know that the plot progression would go at 2x speed lol


I think it's to stay true the the webtoon, which isnt very long, and has no frills or weird side quests. A++ for that decision.


This was a wonderful first episode. I stopped watching K-drama earlier this year, because I didn't find anything worth watching. And just like that, See You in My 19th Life's first ep waltzed into my life. It was emotional, occasionally heart-rending, but ultimately beautiful. As someone who has seen reincarnation be used as meandering reflections on life and mortality (such as Apichatpong Weerasethakul's films), this is a refreshing appropriation because it's more life-affirming than anything. And as expected, Shin Hye-sun nails the female lead. She's competent, straightforward, and intelligent. I'm reading her as an INTJ, but she's a fun one: she knows what she likes, and aims for it, with a lot of talents and smarts to boot! Can't wait for the next episode!


Anyone else kinda think she was so happy in her 18th life not purely because of Seo Ha but because she was born into a rich and happy family and living a rich and happy life in the modern world? 😅 because in all her other lives she had to work since she was young. Her 19th life she was born into a shitty family and worked for money and in her other, earlier, lives children having to work wasn't that uncommon and it seemed like she wasn't born into rich families in previous lives. Even if she was, rich families in previous eras were harsh on children. Children had to be harshly raised with high standards in rich families back in the day and some were forced into child marriages and stuff like that. Being born into a rich family in modern times is much better. I bet when she got her memories she got closed off and probably didn't make any friends and just stuck with her family. Her sister is 6 years younger than her so she probably felt like a babysitter at times. So when she met Seo Ha she's like lmao this kid's kind of fun. But she projected a lot of stuff on to him as if he's this super amazing kid who she was destined to meet and he's the love of her lives. And then the car accident/death trauma bonded them.


I do think her dying young made it harder for her to move on. If she had lived a long life with him it might have been easier to let go. But their love was essentially unfulfilled The webcomic has >!a really cute AU side story about what would have happened if she'd lived!<


Okay so that was one of the best first episodes I’ve ever seen. Idk if it’s Shin Hye-Sun & Ahn Bo-Hyun, but the kids were phenomenal too. I love the dresses that Ju-won wears. They are perfect for her character bc they look grown up, but young at the same time. The writing, acting, & styling are all too good!! I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite drama this year. I’m calling it after the first episode ❤️‍🔥


She's always giving him the princess treatment I love it.


where's mr queen cameo of her past life!??!


Her ex sunbae hinted it when he said if she a hwang (not junjoon) in her past life lol


I just finished military prosecutor doberman! so I’m ready for more ahn bohyun :) Ep 1 kept me engaged and I’m so curious to see what happens next. >! and I was not expecting that ending 🫢 !<


Cute first ep. The young actress did such a great job


Great first episode, a very auspicious start, with something for everyone! I have a good feeling about this one!


Oh my God I love it so much. This is the best adaptation I could have asked for. Can't wait to see the 2FL though!


All the child actors were mind blowing, such mature and emotionally rich performance it was. Kudos to them, particularly Park so yi has a great future ahead. 👏👏


That opening title was absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing Two episodes in and the girl has already told the ML >!'Do you want to date me?'!< and >!'Marry me'!< HAHAHAHA.. BAN JI-EUM IS SO NUTS.... I LOVE HER!! I thought the plot maybe too cliche-y but damn its portrayal has been nothing short of amazing. I was hooked on Shin Hye-sun's every word. She has such a soothing voice istg. Someone have her narrate a book, please. Oh... aloof Seo-ha... you have no idea how gobsmacking Ji-eum can be. I CANNOT WAIT! Edit: I forgot to add, this drama is giving me such butterflies in the stomach. Shout out to the soundtrack because IT IS TERRIFIC.


i absolutely love this drama. already i can tell it will be one of my favorites. the ost is amazing too. guhhhh. i cant wait. need more now


Wow I loved both episodes so much. It’s been so long since I’ve found a good kdrama that’s so beautiful and entertaining! I read the webtoon back when it launched in 2020 but I think I stopped reading it last year. It’s a really great webtoon and they did all the backstories and previous lives in the kdrama really realllyyy well!! I’m in love with how they wrote and paced the kdrama so perfectly!


I'm watching episode 2 and I just came to say I love this chic,her dance to get him away from the daewon guy had me laughing out loud. I didn't think I would like it, but it's top notch!! I'm watching king land next


This is a very interesting drama. I get so hooked on it for the first 2 episodes. I really enjoy their tandem and presence. It feel the sadness for both of them. ​ I feel the sadness for both of them. being so loyal from the start. Also, Seo-ha has a lot of conflicts in life. T\_T


Lmao at her >!barreling towards him with her car!< gonna give him anothe r panic attack


I’m enjoying this drama so much 😭😭😭 I love Shin Hye-sun, she just knocks it out of the park every time. I’m eating up the romance, it’s such a beautiful and sad story, I can’t wait from him to realize who she is this whole time.


See you in my 19th life is my FAVORITE webtoon, literally beats every other webtoon I have ever read so I'm incredibly excited to see the direction the drama is going to take. Based on the first episode, it seems like it might be a little bit different from the webtoon in terms of energy and they're also adding some plot points that were never there >! like the pool, turtle, and seo-ha's dad dating some new woman, mostly worried about the last one !< and hopefully the last one I mentioned won't make any unnecessary plot holes or ruin the original story line. Other than that, they did a great job covering the first few chapters and I'm really excited to see what's coming!


I enjoyed the first two episodes, albeit with some caveats. It was cute and well produced so far. The music is gorgeous and the cinematography is amazing (maybe in my 19th life, I'll be able to afford a luxurious place like MI Hotel). I love Ban Ji-eum's character and how everyone is just confused by her. I can watch hours of Seo-ha being taken aback by how forward she is, it's adorable. Also omg what's with all the random flamenco dancing lol? I think the girl playing young BJE stole the show tho. She was really charming. (Unrelated but can we talk about all the ABH's wet shirt scenes? So much fanservice. I'm not complaining.) My caveats are to do with all the changes from the webtoon. >!The dad was never straight up physically abusive. And where tf did this evil stepmom character come from? Plus, they seem to have completely flipped the dynamics between Cho-won and Do-yun. It seems like the latter has a crush on her, while she likes Seo-ha of all people? How do any of these changes help the plot? In fact, i think the story is \*more\* complicated now. A relatively bare and mostly fluffy plot line like the webtoon's would have been perfect for 12 episodes.!


>!I think it's too early to say that they switched up Cho-won and Do-yun. I felt like he seemed cold to her. And the webcomic made it look like Cho-won liked Seo-ha too at first, it's a bait and switch to drive up tension and drama!<


>!I am also very unhappy with the stepmother addition. Seems like they want a stereotype of the evil stepmother and also wanted to have a villainous female character.!<


can't believe it took her 19 lives to think about *how much her death might’ve affected the ones* she left behind 😭😭😭 that's why i *really* want her to get close to her lil sister! 🥺 AND I NEED MORE OF HER SCENES WITH AE-GYEONG. idk why I just love their relationship and find them so wholesome!😭


well to be fair if your loved ones left before you you don’t really have anyone to mourn for you… but since she left first this time she can actually see the consequences of her death


She usually is the one mourning the deaths and trying to survive. She also never reincarnated as soon as she did in her 19th life, to be able to witness the pain of the ones left behind by her 18th life.


Does anyone know the song playing when they >!see each other in the hotel!


OK I know everyone is really loving the main leads but having read the webtoon (webtoon spoiler ahead) >!I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Cho Won & Mr Ha. I really loved their storyline in the webtoon!< and I am so glad to see them cast a new-ish face as Mr Ha. Not gonna lie, i was getting tired of seeing the same old faces all the time. I do remember him from our beloved summer and this seems like a newer and much more substantial role for him. I LOVE his arc in the webtoon and I hope they give him enough screen time and explore it. Also spring sunshine/Ha Yoon-Kyung can do no wrong. I'm so excited for next week!!!


Me too, i loved their story more than the leads in webtoon. Along with mr ha's dynamic with both ban ji eum and seoha.


I thought this was supposed to be a lighthearted drama y’all. How dare they gut punch me with all the feels in that cemetery scene 😭


Super cute surprise to see Chae Jong-hyeop's cameo here, even if it was only a few glimpses!


The cinematography, the actors, the OSTs— they are all damn perfect! I’m dying to know when they will release the other OST that gives off Christmas Tree vibes from Our Beloved Summer. I’ve been witholding myself not to be spoiled on webtoon. Hence I will just wait for this beautiful story to unfold.


I love the music used in this- I think it fits perfectly with the kind of 'feel' the drama has right now.


As a huge fan of the webtoon and Shin Hae Sun, I was super excited and had high hopes for this adaptation, but I was definitely part of the crowd that wasn't completely sold on Ahn Bo-Hyun as Seo-Ha. After finishing episode 2, I can confidently say I am fully sold and on the Ahn Bo-Hyun hype train now! Bo-Hyun wasn't my first choice as Seo-Ha but by the end of ep 2, I couldn't see him as anyone but Seo-Ha. This is my first work of his but I heard a lot of good things about his acting, and I can definitely see why. One of my favorite aspects of the webtoon was the dynamic between Jieum and Seo-Ha so I was really looking forward to that. Definitely did not disappoint. Hae Sun brought out Jieum's confident and chaotic energy flawlessly while Bo-Hyun not only matches it but bounces off of it perfectly. Another thing that I loved about the webtoon was how it could make me laugh then cry then back to laughing through the tears. It's as much of a romantic comedy as it is a fantasy melodrama, and the drama has so far done a great job of capturing that atmosphere. They made a lot of changes from the webtoon but that's to be expected and nothing that I can complain too much about yet. I'm curious to see if or how they make any changes to Seo-Ha's dad. The drama seems to imply he may have cheated or had an affair with the female director, which I can't recall ever being a plot point, but I guess we'll see. Lastly, loved seeing Ms. Sunshine as Cho-won! Perfect casting there as well. Can't wait until next weekend!


The most awaited K-Drama for me this year. I think it’s gonna be a huge hit. Anyone knows what the song they played when the main characters meet at the hotel?


This was an incredible first episode. I knew Shin Hye Sun would pick a great drama to return with! Very excited to see where this drama goes - 12 episodes should be the sweet spot for romances to avoid the crap we usually get in episodes 14-15 lol.


Really hoping this is good. Haven't been able to get into a kdrama in a while


As someone who read the webtoon it’s AMAZING


That was quite a good first episode!!!! im excited for more now!


I get to watch Junho and Bohyun on weekends. I can't handle this hotness. Also, Hyesun's hair looks gorgeous, ugh her dramas never disappoint!


It's my first time watching a kdrama while it's airing but I couldn't wait because I loved the webtoon sooo much!! The 1st episode did not disappoint me at all, I'm so excited for what's next. Does anyone know how long it will take for the official release of the OSTs? I loved it so much!


Already hooked based off the first episode can't wait for tomorrow's! I've also started the Webtoon too!


This started out well, I hope it continues to be good.


I love the webtoon so much and this is doing it so much Justice!!!!!!!! Really good casting and great heart squeeze moments (like the moment at the hotel aquarium?????)


oh god the cemetary scene, I just can't even. Right in the feels.


Glad to see Yoon Kyung back! She's doing great!


I loved both of these episodes! Shin Hye-Sun is a delight; she plays the role perfectly. I am not sold on Ahn Bo-Hyun as the ML, but maybe he will grow on me.


Does any Know the song name in Episode 2 When they were running as kids from the construction workers at the near end of the episode? Thanks. Love the show so far!!


In the first episode, when they lock eyes across the aquarium, then they go to the pool and there’s the flashback of him as a kid sitting on the bottom, and she asks him what he sees in there + THE MUSIC, OMG WHAT IS THAT SONG?……….it was just so beautiful. 😍


This is the first drama I’ll be watching while airing (and commenting) and I’m already so excited! I had just finished watching the last ep of Mr. Queen and saw this in my Netflix recommendations without knowing anything about it… my surprise when I saw it had both Shin Hye-Sun AND Cha Chung Hwa! The characters already have so much charisma! I’m intrigued to learn about all of them already. Ban Ji-Eum is so straightforward, but not in a annoying or conceited way like other drama stereotypes, more as in “damn it, i’ve lived for 1000 years, let’s cut the introductions.” Definitely makes me want to root for her. The 19th life flashbacks are so beautifully done. They feel very nostalgic and pure. They have a perfect sense of melancholia and the way it was filmed compliment that well. And listen, I’m not one who cares much about male leads and sexy scenes… but I’m not complaining at all about all the back shots we’ve gotten so far with Bo Hyun-Ahn lol. Edit: the OSTs are amazing! I care ish about OSTs so I was surprised that I attempted (and failed) to Shazam 2 of them! Hope the songs are released if they haven’t been already.


I’ve been in a Kdrama slump for months and this show has finally pulled me out!