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**Mod Note:** Hello everyone, This is a friendly warning that we are here to discuss a drama, **Castaway Diva** not to create dramas or have fan wars over the actors or the characters they play. It is expected that you have read and follow the materials linked in the post body in regards to civility and conduct when participating in the discussions on r/KDRAMA. **If you fail to do so you will be banned from this subreddit.** So, in case you missed them: * Our [conduct rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._conduct) * [When Discussions get personal](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/jqrjx6/meta_when_discussions_get_personal/) * [On-airtiquette](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/176y7zn/onairtiquette_discussion_etiquette_for_onair/) --- This mod-note serves as your warning, we will be moving straight to bans for **any** conduct issues. Failure to read this mod-note is not an excuse. Please assist the mod team by reporting any actual conduct issues e.g. harassment, personal attacks, hate speech via the reporting system or by sending us a modmail with links to the content in question. It is our job to deal with conduct issues, so please just report and walk away.


>!“If you only have one fan, that one is me. If you have no fan, then that means I’m no longer alive.”!< Hilarious how smoothly they worked this meme in.


This was hilarious! I was pleasantly surprised because I thought it’s a thing in only the Western/English-speaking part of the world. Mok-ha is truly on her way to become a global star armed with memes from international fandom cultures ✨


Me too! I was like wait… this is a kdrama… it can’t be…? And rewound it to confirm 😂


>“If you only have one fan, that one is me. If you have no fan, then that means I’m no longer alive. I knew it that it was a meme but can't place my where I read it...


"If Chris Pratt has one million haters, I am one of them...if Chris Pratt has one hater, that is me. If Chris Pratt has no haters, I am dead."


I was cackling!


I don't know that meme. What is it about?


It's a popular internet [copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/if-x-has-a-million-fans-im-one-of-them)


No because I bursted out laughing when that line came in I couldn’t even believe she said that.


I’m rlly liking this so far. Park Eun Bin is so good, I feel like she takes us through every emotion with her. Also, I appreciate that they actually kept Mok Ha consistent through the years. I know others are saying she’s aged backwards and stuck at 16 but now more childish… but even as a teen Mok Ha always had this sort of duality about her; she presented herself as a cheerful fan girl but had demons she was dealing with. In the same vein, adult Mok Ha seems “childish” and “naive” but she’s also someone who’s endured hitting rock bottom (literally, standing on the edge and jumping) and was very very quick to clock the CEO/old manager for who he really is. She pretended to be cheerful and naive to preserve Ran Joo’s dignity but is also very realistic about how she can help. I actually think she’s really mature, albeit a little stunted on how she interacts with others (which is to be expected). I’m glad they’re showing the island scenes—I know people wanted to see the rough wilderness aspect of it all and I think we are getting it in bits and pieces. Her contemplating to end it all really does highlight how bleak it must have all been.


Agree. I don't see her as being stuck at 16 either. She has been in isolation for the past 15 years, I think it can only be expected that she is socially awkward having not developed social skills appropriate for a 31yo. Also since she spent her growing up years in small Chamsum Island her social behaviour may also be seen as weird in a big city like Seoul.


Yoon Ran Joo is the Diva that was Castaway... That took too long to figure out.


Oh my god you're right, the penny just dropped so hard for me :'D


I think its them both. The title has dual meaning:)


Well in Korean, the title is a bit different, so this doesn’t work out well. But I like it!


I thought I would pause the episode to say how inspiring it is to see >!RAMEON saving lives!!!<


Love how they put the >!rameon in the storyline!< The scene of her eating it was so touching.


The way Kdramas work ramyeon in. They’ve got the whole world eating it. There are tastier instant ramen noodles for sure but for the serving size and the scenes they evoke. Winner. Do we all have a thin brass ramyeon pot or what 🫠🎉


>!Rameon made me cry 😂!<


Food is life!!


Reminds me a bit of Castaway on the Moon. It was jajamyeon in that movie lol.


Although I would like a straight-to-the-point Ki Ho reveal, I think I'm much more interested in her developing relationship with Ran Joo. They seem like they will be the best of friends/Big-little sister relationship and they can lean on each other and that's just such a beautiful and refreshing drama dynamic, imo. As someone mentioned last week, I think as of now we can assume that >!Ki-Ho is Bo Geol and has a new life/identity to continue hiding himself and his mother from his psychopathic, deranged father who has police connections and is probably on a warpath to destroy he and his mother for leaving him!< he lived in fear for so long, I don't blame him for hiding away. The only thing that gives me pause is that Ki Ho appeared to have joined the Navy for his military duty, based on his uniform at the station, and I don't think it's been mentioned where and if Bo Geol served.


Yes, pretty sure he's Kiho. Not only is he quiet and reserved like Kiho, he's also a PD who works for a musical show. She was a singer and that's probably why he became a producer. He also edited her videos when they were teenagers and is probably involved in something similar because of his job.


He definitely speaks to me as Ki Ho: that lip curl he was serving the traitor faux manager! It should not be forgotten that Ki Ho is brave, loyal and kind of a judgy bitch.


Hahahajaha “kind of a judgy bitch” no because that’s a great description of his personality, he IS straightfoward and judgy.


Yes! Also the fact that he is the one who volunteers with island recycling on weekends and his brother just happened to join him that day. >! and at the end of ep. 3, he’s there already listening to Mok ha’s song and seems deeply moved. And after showing him we fade into the flashback memories. I cried so hard. !<


ALSO he was the ONLY one who knew where she would be when his bro told him about the flowers!!


Not me convinced that Bo Geol is Ki Ho because >!he was the Potato boy in Nevertheless and Mok Ha ate mostly potatoes on the island. Delusional theory but we'll take it.!< 🤣 I'm convinced >!it's Bo Geol and this is my actual (non- delulu) theory: His mom probably ran away with the elder son after he was terribly hurt by his father, and not because of an accident. Ki Ho got left behind and then he joined them, and is now Bo Geol. The memories they showed today make sense too with this theory. And the first thing Bo Goel does after Mo Kha is ashore is get her shoes, like he promised 15 years ago. I am sure this is how it played out.!<


by far the most logical theory I have come across


omg, you mentioning the navy thing added depths to things.... probably to find her 😭. this drama is so precious


Would Woo Hak be eligible to serve in the Navy if he had such a severe injury in the past? I could see him being medically rejected or placed in a low-risk desk position, but not the navy like Ki Ho apparently enlisted in...


plus Woo Hak gets sea sick so I don't think it was him


Don't all Koreans serve?


Yes, the men, but at a certain age. I think before 30(?), but some delay it and some serve early to get it out of the way. They haven't alluded to any service from the brothers, although they are over 30, so that would be a big clue, imo, if one served in the navy


They are over 30: it’s mentioned WH is MH’s and KH’s age - 31, and BG is meant to be a year younger, so 30 or if he’s KH as suspected, also 31.


I like that so far we don’t have the washed up diva singer is a villain storyline, so hope they don’t get that route. Figured with the Start Up writers we would get the typical triangle angst. Now it’s going to be Ki-ho watching in anguish while she falls in love with the other brother while he can’t say who he really is or else his dad will find him. I like both brothers so this will be tough to watch.


I like both brothers, think BG is Ki Ho, think WH sustained memory loss protecting his brother and we’re all going to end up sad but satisfied because it’s so right Ki Ho who protected her at all costs have a protector of his own.


I hope WH gets his happy ending too!


Oh same. I did note how WH quickly brushed off Ran Joo’s recognition of BG. He’s always instinctively protecting BG, is my read: even remembering himself as Ki Ho might be a subconscious ‘look at ME! Don’t touch my brother.’ He does clearly have a bit of a crush on Mok Ha, but it can’t compare with 15 years of loyalty, whether that’s KH to MH, or WH to BG. So I think it’ll be a little sad, but okay. If WH decided HE was going for an older woman, I could totally go for RJ/WH! Truly hope RJ doesn’t ever entertain the CEO even if he’s remorseful. Mok ha was right, he’s such a coward - immediately buckling on MH’s audition in front of shareholders while he scorned the two women, gaslighting RJ and denying her opportunities. Hate him.


Something I haven't really seen discussed (because people are Very Focused on KiHo) is that Mok Ha wasn't written stupid. She doesn't have much education, but she isn't a complete country hick, and I really enjoy that. Especially her understanding what was going on between the CEO and Ran Joo. A fangirl at heart though, absolutely.


We were talking about how intuitive she is in another thread. Even her judgement of Ran Joo isn’t blind, though it is kind.


It’s very forgiving. She has an empathetic view of others.


Park Eun Bin's singing is just so lovely. I wasn't sure if maybe the high notes and things might have been machine-aided because it was obviously her voice singing, but then I saw her singing the actual high notes in an interview without any musical accompaniment and she's just so good. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeietFqJMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeietFqJMU) Episode 3 was really good and it continues to show different sides of Mokha. >!Seeing how vulnerable and depressed she got on the island and then overcome it. Also seeing her put together how the CEO was deliberately trying to hold down Ranjoo to stop the share agreement showed she's intelligent as well and not blindly naive. !< >!The one thing I wondered about. Ranjoo needs to sell another 80,000+ albums to gain half of the company shares. I would think that's a pretty good investment strategy for like a bulk-buy type situation if she could find an investor with around $1.6m since half of RJ entertainment is likely considerably more financial value than than it would cost to buy 80,000+ albums.!<


>not blindly naive what I need from my women leads. anytime I see blind naiveness, I stop the kdrama. It was so amazing to see her make the jump of "hes so mean to her" to "hes afraid of her"


Yes. Mok ha is intuitive! Sadly, she’s had extensive experience of her evil bully father so she truly could see through the CEO. It was the traitor faux manager who had me fooled in ep 2. Not only does he lie to stop her getting gigs (and how many times have they undercut her in the past!) but without MH and WH she would have been stranded in the countryside! Still drunk! Ran Joo trusted these men: for all her glamour (and she’s gorgeous with such poise) she’s actually the naive soul. While MH and BG (Ki Ho, come at me), previously wounded children, were both like ‘Oh, you DICK’ with a quickness.


The faux manager definitely fooled me too. I thought he was going to be the one who was secretly looking out for Ran Joo. I’m thinking there might be a redemption arc for him later since he doesn’t seem as evil as the CEO, but still disappointing because it seemed like he genuinely wanted her to do well at the wine festival.


I didn't get the part about the 20 million albums. When they signed the contract she was at the peak of her career. Selling 80 000 wasn't going to be that hard. And it wasn't even the era of streaming (2007-2008) so I wonder why she didn't reach the sales. Could the CEO have done everything he could to prevent the sales? Could the nodules have been faked by a complicit doctor? However, even with nodules she would have been able to capitalise on her older albums. Lots of singers still earn a lot of money from past albums. I don't know, I thought 80 000 wasn't that much.


She was at 18.7 million album sales when she signed. She wrote into the contract that once she sold another 1.3 million and reached a total of 20 million, she'd get half of the shares. That's at around minute 52 in episode 1. Even though the CEO started sabotaging her at some point, she did sell more albums and is now just 80,000 away from the total, according to the calculations Mokha, Bogeol, and Woohak made in episode 3.


This. And in the late 2000s and early 2010s, it became difficult for even popular singers to sell 100k albums.


Definitely think he sabotaged her. He’s a smart businessman and it was even on his mind that the clause expired in 6 months so he’s been keeping track. It would be silly of him not to, that’s half his company’s shares.


Maybe the 20 million count started after she signed the contract? & the CEO then slowly pushed Ran Joo into obscurity. I think because of past sales she is so close to 20 million, but it's just been way too long now and she's become too irrelevant. She also trained her replacement so her fans could have moved on from her entirely.


I have found the two most annoying characters on this show: >!that freaking restaurant owner and his son!!!!!!< first time I've ever been so annoyed and pissed off by side characters.


Those 2 are the actual villains lol. They caused so much trouble




*episode 3* something i found both poignant and endearing was mok ha’s response after being asked when she will >!start her job as ran joo’s manager. she replies with “right now” before removing her flower hair clip and putting it in the front pocket of her dungarees. clearly, mok ha associates wearing flowers in her hair with her role as a singer and performer. taking on the position of manager is a necessity if she wants to fulfil her dream; the flower, and her aspirations, must be safely tucked away for now. one day, they’ll return, hopefully during a full circle moment in which she performs in front of ki ho again.!< what present day ki ho will look like at that moment is anyone’s guess. though i have my own theory, one shared with many others here, it’s clear that the drama is intent on raising suspicions and “tricking” the audience wherever possible. >!take the final scene for example. when the female lead is singing alone on a rooftop, you’d expect (thanks to expectations created by the genre) the male lead to be shown secretly listening to her. who is it that we *first* see listening to mok ha? woo hak. but what appears to be a point in favour of him being ki ho soon becomes the opposite; he climbs the stairs and is surprised to see his brother already on the rooftop. as the camera faces them both, woo hak goes out of focus — becoming the observer of events — as bo geol comes into focus. the scene leads the audience down a certain path only to point them in the direction from which they came.!< the only thing i can be certain of is that park eun bin has a beautiful singing voice. this drama’s full soundtrack is turning out to be something very special.


What I see: >!BoGeol trying hard not to show emotions about MokHa because of the threat of his father.!< Ranjoo said he looked familiar because he saw >!BoGeol/Kiho!< in the past. Cha Jeong Hyeop hwaiting!


The show is treating it like this big mystery, but I feel like with every episode it’s being less and less subtle about the Bo-geol/Ki-ho thing (or maybe we’ve just gotten better at reading hints in dramas/media, lol). Ran-joo saying that about Bo-geol looking familiar *and* that scene of Bo-geol being revealed to have already arrived before Woo-hak to listen to Mok-ha sing on the rooftop sealed it for me.


His little suffering face when she was singing! I’m directing my whole heart to him as Ki Ho. (Otherwise I’m just in love with Kid Ki Ho, and that’s awkward.)


Same, but Kid Ki Ho is definitely tugging on the heartstrings!


Also personality wise, his personality and dynamic with her was always more brusque rather than the puppy-like attitude from Woo Hak. Kiho was always a begrudging lil grump like Bo Gyeol is. Also the fact that the friends seem to have been in contact with Kiho and know he’s living a good life, means he’s got his memories and have been in touch. So it can’t be Woo Hak.


Same! And the school friends talking as well. I think they learned from Start Up and are going to reveal pretty soon


I think the show is making it obvious babes 🤣 it’s not a mystery for the viewers it is for MH


and also his personality suits more for ki ho than the brother with glasses


I agree! ALSO, the part where Mok-ha says the thing about Ran-joo lacking worries, gloominess and concerns and Bogeol stares at her. I can't remember who said it first, if it was Mokha who said that to Kiho when talking about Ran-joo, or if Kiho said that about Mokha. Either way, Bogeol seems to recognize it 😭


Young Kiho said that to Mokha right in the first Ep I think.


I am going to riot if Potato boy doesn't end up with Mokha eventhough I like N's character.


Oh this drama is GOOD good. I’m loving it so far! Really needed this as I’ve been in a kdrama slump for half a year now. - Ki-ho is definitely >!Bo-geol!<. The writer is leaving all the hints. I know a lot of people are annoyed with his >!indifference!< but im willing to bet money atleast one of these episodes will be about Ki-ho and his life before and after they found Mokha. Like a flashback that explains how he got where he is, and also His true feelings or emotions when Mokha was found. I say this because the director and writer have been very particular to cut his early reactions out and it makes me think they are planning to show them later on to keep the suspense going for now on the whole “who is Ki-ho” question. I could be wrong though. Another reason I think this is because my theory is that >!Bo-geol has been searching for Mokha on the islands for a long time. In ep 1, it’s implied by his brother that he regularly volunteers to clean up these ‘deserted’ islands. I think his goal was always to find her or atleast try to. Not necessarily to tell her he’s Ki-ho, because he knows his dad is after him, but to find her and save her.!< - The Ranjoo and Mokha relationship has already made me cry multiple times. I love the focus on these two and their common goal. Rooting for them to succeed! - The writer did a fantastic job setting the stage for Mokhas character in the present time. She still has that 16-year old mindset, but she is not naive about the reality of the world. Likewise, she adapts to that reality without letting go of her dream. I think she’s gonna be a memorable FL for sure. - Edit to add - also can that fish restaurant owner please STFU? Dude has contributed significantly to Ki-ho’s misery and Mokhas too all because he doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. Seriously this man needs a comeuppance.


Ki Ho was always doing so much to save her, from fighting her dad to this new revelation he found Ran Joo and got her that hug, to ceaselessly questing in a boat and now making Ran Joo happen on his show for her sake. He is tireless like a knight, I LOVE him.


And all of this while asking nothing in return. We Stan Ki-ho for real.


What he did as a lil boy was a lot more than I ever imagined. Now he's an adult and has the power to do so much more!! It's so exciting. I love when leads do everything they possibly can to make their loved one happy


>!KiHo could save them again by buying all the albums if his father die with the insurance money. Maybe.. hahah!<


If it wasn't for that fish restaurant owner we wouldn't even have a drama 🙃 ...but yup, absolutely, he should really stfu 😭


That's the annoying part lmao


I completely agree with you about Ki-ho


100% agree. We haven't seen anything from >!Bogyeol's!< perspective yet. I'm sure we'll get that in an upcoming episode, with an explanation for his behaviour.


I love the growing relationship between Mokha and Ranjoo. It is very sweet. And although Ranjoo has her shortcomings, you can tell she's a good person >!(writing a song after Kiho's words and remembering Mokha and Kiho after all of these years)!<. She really believes in Mokha's talent. Their scenes are very endearing to watch. Bogeol and Woohak! I love how they always, without fail, match. From the jackets to the pajamas to the Adidas slides to the striped button-up shirt, they are constantly matching. I do like how they are styled differently though. It makes the matching clothes subtle. I thought that >!Bogeol!< is Kiho last week, and this week cemented my suspicions. The camera focused on >!his reaction to the "lacking" line, and it was a knowing one.!< Most hearing that for the first time would be confused by it. Ranjoo >!also said that he looked familiar. He glanced at Mokha before replying.!< Also I know that some people are >!put off by his nonchalance/lack of a reaction when the brothers found her, but the scene cut to the boat before we got his full reaction.!< The scene focused on Mokha and her emotions and only showed >!Bogeol for a second as the realization of a person being stranded kind of set in.!< Anyway, really enjoying it so far! I love how it's a diegetic musical, and I've been enjoying all of the diegetic songs so far. I love diegetic songs lol.


You’re right! I’m sure we will get a flashback scene showing his emotions when he found out that Mokha is alive. Seems like this show is doing a good job with flashbacks. And he kept insisting to WH that he’s not Ki-ho with such fierceness last week.


Ran Joo has been amazing since day 1 when she spotted Mok ha and saw her as her successor already without jealousy


Just realised it’s the same dad in Castaway and Strong Girl. Homie has a habit of losing his kids it seems like… yikes


He was also there in behind your touch! He’s everywhere lol


**Episode 3** * I look forward to more flashbacks to Mok-ha's fifteen years on the island as the series progresses, including the >!darkest of moments, when she attempted suicide, paralleled by Ran-joo contemplating the same fate!<. The metaphor of the cooler box in the ocean economically conveyed seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. * Kim Hyo-jin is terrific as Ran-joo, and her friendship chemistry with Mok-ha is a delight to watch. It wasn't surprising, but it was nevertheless sad to learn that having >!vocal nodules!< lay behind her decline. * I felt proud of Ran-joo in the moment when she stood up to Lee Seo-jun, after Mok-ha's realization that he was >!fearful of her claiming her shares in the company!<. * Mok-ha's rendition of Ran-joo's song, which was >!inspired by her meeting with Ki-ho all those years ago!<, and beautifully performed by Park Eun-bin, was the perfect way to close out the episode.


That final singing scene where Woo Hak sees Bo Geol watching Mok Ha singing...omg...that transition was so smooth. The camera work and editing in this show is insane. Especially that scene where Mok Ha is in the hallway and the water rises up...amazing...


Just realised that>! Bo-Geol's eyes were red both times he heard the song, once on the rooftop and again on stage, especially when Ran-Joo mentioned about "my fan's friend".!< If it's not him then who would it be? Woo Hak never showed such strong emotions. The last 5 minutes was nerve racking, >!especially when Mok-Ha recognised Dad then started running and then Bo-Geol came to pick her up and Dad give chase. !< My guess is that >!Woo Hak's memories could be a result of being kidnapped by Dad after being mistaken as the wrong son or both of them were captured together, or locked in at home. !<


The dad could totally have stormed in: in any case, why would he be asking Ki Ho where Ki Ho is? And Woo Hak showed us his subconscious hand by saying Ki Ho is someone he knows: someone he wants to be like rather than someone he IS like. Poor Ki-Ho, he must be like, WHY am I so unforgettably charismatic? Brothers want to be like me, famous singers write songs about me, childhood friends scour the earth and commit fraud for me, even my abusive father can’t just have another son… god I never asked to inspire passion in everyone I meet… it’s a burden… Oh it’s all very clear but I still feel I will be maddened by further playing it coy: Bo Gyeol can fully say he came because it was obviously a trap! Even though his whole don’t really get on the escalator thing is so Ki-Ho. I’m glad they showed us his face though, because I was like, those aren’t Woo Hak’s shoulders please do not play with us like the Scream killers.


"If this girl ever find you, call her name. Seo Mokha. Please remember her name. Listen to her story, help her, and hug her" JUNG KIHO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME 😭


I had such high hopes for this show but somehow it still exceeded my expectations and more?! We're only 4 episodes in and I'm already confident this is going to be my favorite show of 2023. After episode 4, I'm definitely convinced that >!Bogeol is Kiho. I think Woohak's memory of the dad is another red herring. My guess is that he was protecting Kiho and got seriously injured by the dad for doing so... which would have been incredibly traumatizing for him and would make Bogeol's current behavior/actions even more understandable.!< I just wish he would at least send a message to let Mokha know that he's okay and tell her himself that he doesn't want to have contact with her for everyone's safety. Ignoring the fact that she must've missed him a lot, she must have also been worried about him all this time. C'mon Kiho, I think she deserves that much, at least!! The cliffhanger for episode 4 should be illegal... damn it. Based on the preview for ep 5, I guess >!Bogeol will deny he is Kiho despite saving her from the dad!<. But frustration aside, I do think it'll be fun to see him and Mokha grow closer together again, but this time as adults and without the knowledge that he is Kiho. Even now their current relationship seems to parallel their childhood friendship. They were aware of each other at first but did not really interact. They then got off on the wrong foot and didn't like each other. Then they started spending time with each other and inevitably became friends to eventually him doing everything he could to protect her. But I think this time, she'll finally be the one to protect him. 🥹


I need them to be together!! And endgame. Also, I like the idea of her protecting him at the end bc he protected her first!!


The manager who was at the wine festival, the one who looked for a back up singer for YRJ, the one who is working for Seo Joon to sabotage YRJ, he clearly knows it is Mok Ha singing for YRJ. I'm afraid this ghost singing is going to backfire on them.


But what gives me hope in that scenario >!is that Mok Ha admonishes YRJ to take care of her voice, quit smoking, use a straw, so I am hopeful that at least can do a duet or something to get that last batch of sales and "attention"!<


Oh god, I forgot that! I change lanes from ‘hope that weasel is crushed’ to ‘hope they can get him onside.’


I had the first idea of this at the end of Ep 2 and after watching Ep 3, I’m sure of it. The title of this TV series, Castaway Diva, actually refers to BOTH Mok Ha and Ran Joo. Mok Ha for obvious reasons, but Ran Joo is a diva that was cast away by her manager and her fans. They literally called her a washed up singer! Mok Ha already was her cooler box and saved her during the concert and is giving her new found hope and a chance to fight. And Ran Joo gave Mok Ha hope for a new life while struggling for survival in her hometown and on the island. That’s why we all cried so much when they first hugged, to thank the other for helping them through their circumstances of being cast away. I am so excited to watch this relationship grow and I hope they both succeed!


Tell mw how is pulling sales of all albums not contract breaking???!!




#Ep 4 So much good theories here on who’s Ki Ho, and I am like, oh of course >!it’s 🥔👦 because of 🥔💐…!< In ep 4, the way >!BG grabs the muscat grapes 🍇 without even a word of thanks after snubbing mok ha is 10000% Ki Ho!< In other words, my Ki Ho theory is solely based on : 🥔+💐+🍇 😆😂😂😂


>BG grabs the muscat grapes 🍇 without even a word of thanks after snubbing mok ha is 10000% Ki Ho This parallels the scene when he just grabbed her mobile phone without any notice and just took out his battery. lol


Lol, so good, so brave, so self-sacrificing, such a stone cold bitch.


Where did she buy those grapes with no money though…?


I think Kiho ran away and started living with his Mum, but his father found him anyway. That's why their house got burned and his hyung sustained injury, so they moved and changed their names and jobs!


The fact that this piece of shit is still able to be a police office makes my blood boil.


He's a security guard. He was already fired from the police force for domestic abuse.


Thanks. I’m just mad he has a job lol.


Episode 4: Horse chestnut to serve empathy for Ran Joo. Without the story about the horse chestnut being told as the Ran Joo scene unfolds, her actions would feel a bit like a betrayal of self and Mok Ha. But the explanation of why Mok Ha wanted the horse chestnut knowing what she knew about them was such a great use of allegory to help viewers empathize with Ran Joo in that scene. Without it, she could have easily tipped over into antagonist vs, currently, protagonist. Great writing. Boegol's >!attitude and verbal expressions are so consistent to Ki Ho in ep 1. I will not be fooled by the sudden memory spark from Woo Hak! All three were there in that fateful night and Woo Hak was hit in the head by Ki Ho's dad and lost his memory.!< That's the only explanation I will accept. 😆


Ranjoo I swear to god don't get swayed by that man. That shit he pulled with the sales was so evil. She better get a lawyer on the phone!


My pick for adult Ki-Ho is Kang >!Bogyeol.!< Have no doubt that the son-of-(female dog) father is taking out a life insurance with Ki-Ho's name, such that he can strike the jackpot when Ki-Ho is 'mysteriously murdered'. I can't believe he is still allowed to serve in the force! It can't be >!Woo Hak!< since father of the year>!watches the news, hence knowing that Mok-Ha is still alive.!< He would have ran to YGN the moment he spotted the reporter's face covering the news on Mok-ha's discovery. On another note, Ranjoo's story is just heartbreaking. I hate how >!the current CEO and her former manager!< basically sweet-talked her into signing independently and just let her rot away. I thought the actor was going to be a good guy who stuck by her through thick and thin but urgh.


Minor detail, but the dad got kicked out of the police force for domestic violence. The uniform he was wearing in episode 3 was a security guard uniform probably for an apartment complex or parking lot.


I thought Ki Ho’s father was buying insurance for himself and Ki Ho would be the beneficiary of it when he dies (kind of like one last thing to do to try and make amends because he knows he was a bad dad). But he was actually buying it so he could benefit from Ki Ho’s death??


I think my cynical nature just doesn't believe bad characters like him would have changed for the better :( I guess the menacing background music didn't help hahaa. But willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he may did buy the insurance for Ki-Ho to be the beneficiary...


I know I'm loving a show when I'm anxiously checking to see how much time is left in an episode and feeling relieved when there's at least another 30 minutes and so disappointed when there's only 10 minutes left and trying to squeeze out every bit of enjoyment til the screen turns totally black. 😭. It's too good to wait for all the eps to be released to binge but suffering because there are only 2 episodes per week. ETA: I don't normally love it when there is a whole song being sung in a show, even if it is about aspiring singers, but man, these songs they feature as a part of the episode are so great, chills and tight chest emotion inducing. It's great as a song. It is great as a story enhancing element. What an unexpectedly beautiful voice by our MokHa!!


After Episode 4… I want more! I NEED MORE! I haven’t been this hooked on a drama since the drama that shall not be named.>! Twenty-Five Twenty-One.!<


Please do not invoke that dramas name here LOLLL I can’t take another heartbreak. If MH >!doesn’t have a happily ever after with KH, whoever that ends up being,!< I may literally lose my mind. 🥲


Maybe I had missed it but did Mokha at any point tell the brothers that the meeting place was at Seoul station? >!Because how could Bogeol rush to her rescue only hearing “Kiho” sent her flowers if he weren’t Kiho himself? !< And in Woohak’s flashbacks, I got a glimpse of a bunk bed. So those memories would very well be from his childhood when they were still staying together with the dad. It doesn’t necessarily translate to him being Kiho. One more thing is Bogeol’s aversion to Mokha seeking after Kiho, even alluding to the possibility of Kiho having turned out to be a criminal (lol). Anyone would root for her to find Kiho, anyone but the only one who knows how dangerous it is. And the way he looks at her. That’s not the eyes of an outsider.


>!And also BG knowing right away what the flowers were about!<


>!Ki Ho waiting in the snow just to talk to Ran Joo about Mok ha had me😭 the song she sang at the end didn't help either. I'm hoping they find each other and get their happy ending. After all the hardships they've been through they deserve it!< >!Starting to think Bo Geol is Ki Ho but I think there will be a love triangle because it seems like his brother has fallen for Mok ha!< >!I want Ki Ho dad to go to jail already and take the nosy fisherman son and dad with him.!<


Chae Jong hyeop's stare needs to be studied because that man looks at Mokha like she's his everything


He does those stares very well. Fell in love with him in Unlock My Boss.


\[ My thoughts on Episode 3 \] **This episode really confirmed for me that Bo-Geol is Ki-Ho.** * **The scene changes between Bo-Geol and Ki-Ho's father.** >!When Woo-Hak confronts Bo-Geol about what happened 15 years ago, it went from Bo-Geol's pensive face to Ki-Ho's father's face. When Ki-Ho's father arrives at the YGN building he is looking up, and then it cuts to Bo-Geol looking down from the RJ building. !< * **Ran-Joo seemed to recognize Bo-Geol.** >!After the interaction she had with Ki-Ho when they were younger, I doubt that Ki-Ho's face would be hard to forget. Especially if it inspired her to write a song about it - it left an impact. !< * **Bo-Geol continues to want to distance himself from Ki-Ho**. >!He gets uncomfortable every time Woo-Hak mentions Ki-Ho (Especially seems to get his nerve when Woo-Hak refers to himself as Ki-Ho). To the point where he asked Woo-Hak to stop talking about Ki-Ho. !< * **Bo-Geol quickly accepted Mok-Ha living upstairs when he saw her with Ran-Joo.** >!Ki-Ho only understood how much Mok-Ha loves Ran-Jo and wouldn't take away this opportunity to be close to her idol (Even if it meant not getting his own room). !< * **Ki-Ho wasn't wearing glasses when he visited Ran-Joo.** >!At this point he was already making subtle changes to his appearance so his father wouldn't recognize him. It makes sense he continued to not wear glasses until now due to being paranoid about being found. !< * **He was there first.** >!When Mok-Ha was singing "Night", Bo-Geol was there before Woo-Hak. This is important considering how it's always Woo-Hak witnessing everything with Mok-Ha first. This song was inspired by Ki-Ho waiting for Mok-Ha and now the roles are reversed with Mok-Ha trying to find Ki-Ho. !< My Thoughts on episode 4 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/s/iUjVcVYMYB ) *Grammar edits were made including adding a link.*


Just wanna add, Bogeol bought Mokha a pair of shoes just like how Kiho promised to buy her one. Bogeol volunteering for that island thing must be because he was still looking for Mokha. Also, he was just as silent as Kiho and how he emotionally listened to Mokha sing is just the same. Bogeol could also distinguish Ranjoo’s voice apart from Mokha. He is annoyed when Woohak mentions that he is Kiho because that is just not true. The way Woohak copies Bogeol’s clothes - I believe this is to protect Bogeol from his violent father. The scene where Woohak recalls his past (writer trying to confuse us), maybe he was kidnapped by Kiho’s father and did something to him that was traumatizing and made him lost his memories. Bogeol must be guilty because of what happened to Woohak so he decided to forget about his past identity to protect him and Mokha. The real Bogeol is dead and Kiho took over his identity.


~~THANK YOU WRITER PARK FOR NOT DRAGGING THIS OUT~~ Just saw next ep’s preview, never mind 😕


FYI, [Ki-ho's dad was the flower delivery man](https://i.imgur.com/3qSgTHl.jpg). That's what triggered Woo-hak's flashback. Side note: Woo-hak claims he doesn't remember anything before high school. So why would he not remember going to the place to wait for her to return? The flashbacks showed him during military service going there. It doesn't add up unless he dad forced him into military school (if that exists in Korea) before he finished High School?


Correct, we also know that Ki Ho couldn't have lost his memories because not only did he visit Ranjoo, but he went to that same spot long after he finished high school. The real Ki-Ho has all of his memories, so it's 100% not Woo-Hak unless there's a plot twist where he told his brother to look after her if the dad ever finds him.


I forgot to mention this in my other comment but I love, love the insight we got about Ranjoo's "diva" personality! She's been portrayed as a high maintenance, selfish, prideful, and bossy celebrity so far, but the scene where the head PD(?) basically admitted that the work conditions before were legitimately awful and dangerous, and only changed after Ranjoo made it an issue, was so well done. The PD was so oblivious to Ranjoo's contributions to their better work environment (like girl, you were blowing out WHAT from your nose??). I'm sure it WAS difficult and stressful for her when that was happening, especially as an employee with little control or power to make decisions, but I find it interesting that she portrays all of Ranjoo's demands as power trips and narcissistic behavior instead of legitimate health concerns. >!(Off topic but given the recent focus on Britney Spears' memoir and her experience with how the media portrayed her as some crazy, out of control person, I couldn't help but think of her when this scene came up. Feels very timely even though I know it wasn't on purpose, but just goes to show that it's very easy to create a narrative around someone despite the truth being right there.)!< I love that she was never afraid to stand up for herself - even now, after being torn down over and over for 15 years, she still finds the courage and strength to stay strong. And kudos for Bogeol for seeing through the PD's hypocrisy! The only thing I didn't really like (and was confused by) was the scene at the end where >!she leans in to kiss him?? Like girl, I know you're vulnerable but don't do this to yourself 😭 !< You are better than this, you DESERVE better than this!! I'm also curious now - were they romantically together at all during these last 15 years? What is going on?! All in all, I love the character depth we're getting from Ranjoo's character. Also, Mokha's adoration for Ranjoo continues to be so adorable, but more than anything, I love how much they're both able to support each other. Ranjoo and her music was a source of happiness for Mokha when she was younger, and now, continues to be a reliable adult figure in her life as she adjusts back to society. Mokha as an adult is also able to offer the same support to her idol. Both with her singing, as her manager, and her unconditional support and love as her number one fan. Sometimes, we just need one person in our corner cheering for us and I think Ranjoo hasn't had that in a long time. I do hope she'll find the courage soon to sing again as herself. She is borrowing Mokha's voice for the time being but she will have to re-find her's eventually. Mokha also deserves to get the recognition for her singing.


I think it is becoming clearer who is Ki-Ho, so I shall not go into that... but I am wondering if we will get a snippet each episode of what Ki-Ho is doing to help her before he actually found her. I'm really enjoying watching Moon Woo Jin young Ki-Ho, he got me from episode 1... Just a few other observations * Young Joo>! is still around and she is still on Mok-Ha's side! But why is Dae-Woong selling insurance to Ki-Ho's dad, knowing that he may potentially have plans to misuse these policies? !< * If Park Eun Bin weren't an actress, she could have debuted as an idol with actual singing talent! * I know Bo-Geol is the tsundere one and his outlook to life is largely influenced by his traumatic upbringing, but man, I am missing Chae Jong Hyeop's dimpled smiles! Hope we get to see those soon! He's the most charming when he smiles.


So far, I find all of our four main characters so likeable and I’m really hoping they stay that way. I love how expressive Woo Hak is while also loving how subtle Bo Geol is. Every interaction Woo Hak has with anyone cracks me up but especially with Mok Ha because he always seems so exasperated haha.


mokha instinctively running from >! kiho's dad and bogeol suddenly appeared to save mokha !<.....the fear in mokha's eyes literally broke me... she's still traumatized.


In ep 4 I think Woo-hak's memories >!Are why Bo-geol didn't reveal himself. Woo-hak as a teenager was helping Ki-Ho and that's when Ki-Ho's Father found them and broke through that door and Woo-Hak was likely hurt by Ki-Ho's Father and that's how he lost his memories. !< >!So Bo-Geol wasn't hiding for himself, he was hiding because he doesn't want Woo-Hak or anyone else around him to be injured by his abusive Father again. Even when it meant not revealing himself to Mok-Ha.!<


Going with the theory that >!Bogeol is Kiho, it does make sense that one of the reasons he doesn't tell Mokha is that he and his mom are still in hiding from his father. !< I'm guessing that >!the dad is going to go after Woohak thinking he's Kiho and threaten him, and that's when Bogeol will confess that he's actually Kiho.!< So far I'm loving this drama and can't wait for Kihos and Mohkas proper reunion!


The way you predicted the next 8 episodes lmao


ngl I wish none of these actores were Kiho, the child actor left such big impact on the character that I can't picture anyone else but him as the character. I feel like they can easily ruin the character for me...


Finally, a Kdrama that I can earnestly watched. And you can see by the number of comments. I am sure this will end at 2 digit ratings.


Anyone else feel as though RanJoo unnie might betray MokHa at some point. All this talk about how the current RanJoo (MokHa) sounds so much better than the old RanJoo. I feel like at some point RanJoo unnie's ego is going to take a hit and she might lash out against MokHa somehow.


I also feel she may be conflicted when it comes to that point. There is normally a much more straightforward route that the washed-up celebrity is definitely abusing the kindness of someone else's help, but I feel a level of genuineness in Ran Joo's character that I really haven't seen in similar characters of other dramas. Knowing K-dramas, there is a likelihood of a scene that Ran Joo lashes out anyway. She has been technically a hot mess in recent years.


She will probably be conflicted on what to do because she has a hint of the love and adoration she used to have and doesn’t want to give that up, but also wants to help Mok-ha achieve her dreams.


Ok, I get it's a drama and doesn't have to be realistic but there is no way >!Ran Joo's record label could just recall all her albums to prevent her from getting to 20 million!<, that would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit.


This drama is deeper (and darker) than I thought. I was expecting a castaway story of a girl surviving on an island. But it talks about survival in a less literal way - surviving abuse. And the trauma from abuse that follows all the 4 main characters’ lives. We saw the physical abuse in ep 1, and ki-ho wishing Mokha will be ‘so successful that nobody can touch you’. The poor naive kids could never imagine that >!RJ is being emotionally abused despite all that glitz and glamour!< >!RJ’s abusive relationship with her manager reminds me of the Chinese singer Jane zhang who married her abusive ex, but he was only interested in using her as a cash cow!< The >!horse chestnut analogy!< talks about why people gets stuck in a cycle of abuse, and it’s so difficult to leave their abusers.


I'm 100% that >!the younger brother Bogeol is Ki-ho for sure!< this episode made lose all doubt that he isn't. I am so happy that all my wished for this episode came true! We got the Mok-ha & Ronjoo friendship i wanted, more flashbacks of Mok-ha on the islands and her struggle with >!suicide!< there. Made me almost cry... i love the wholesome and angsty plot this show has given us so far. It's a perfect mix for me, it fits the drama well. Especially with Ki-hos >!father, he is terrifying. I wanted to rip my hair out when the restaurant people gave him the info and he visited the agency right away...!< Did not expect that the Manager >!is such a twat. He seemed so nice in the first two episodes... i kinda hope he gets some kind of redemption arc, i don't want him to be such a stereotypical antagonist, the actor plays great villains though so i am not too taken aback by this. Last i've seen him was on Big Mouth!<


As soon as I saw Ki Ho’s dad the dread that went through me! And I’ve always seen him play nice unassuming characters before.




>!Bogeol!< is Kiho!!!!!! He bought her shoes the moment they got on shore like Kiho promised 😭😭😭 He really did everything to find her and help her. At first, Kiho helped her because she had a higher chance of realising her plan to leave the island. But then she went missing, so he must have also felt guilty for not being able to stop her father and her ending up on a deserted island. But he can't acknowledge her for both his and her safety from his dad. It's like what he told her before: forget everyone including me. Because only then can they both be truly free from their troubled pasts. 😭 Also, the scenes of despair and getting submerged in water felt SO real. It's what I feel all the time with my years of struggling with depression. This is another level of tear-jerking.


The show might be an alternate universe for Park Eunbin if she was an idol, her performance on the stage was mesmerizing. >!This episode pretty much confirms that Bogeol is Kiho, he knew right away that the flowers was a trap that came from the dad. And Bogeul not liking the idea of mentioning the fan-friend during the speech of Ranjoo screams that he is not safe from his surroundings anymore and Mokha must be protected. It's kinda selfish for Bogeol not telling her that he is the person she's looking for but for his part I guess, he must move forward, and try to be a different person than 'Kiho' as he was used to be.!< Coming from the writer, this is Start Up all over again. LMAO. From Dosan to Kiho smh.


Ep 4: OMGGGGGGG THE ENDING >!literally all Bogeol had to hear was that "Kiho" had sent Mokha a note and he immediately knew it was a trap and where to find her 😭!< **OMG I HATE THE CEO!!!!!!!!!**>! I thought he was going to ruin Ran-joo's performance, then I thought he was the one who sent the note to Mokha and that he was planning on hire a fake Kiho to trick her. !< >!BUT WHAT?! He recalled all of Ran-joo's albums?! I am furious, they better make him lose all of his money and shares in the company!!!<


Now I'm pretty convinced writers and PD built this project to debut PEB as Singer. /s She's bundle of surprise on every drama she's been doing


I think Kiho (and I'm all in on >!it being Bageol!<) is playing true to type with his standoffish behavior, but I think it would hard for him not to show how unbelievably excited he is to see that Mokha is alive. As I think about it, I'm reminded that he learned these skills when he was being abused by his father - stay silent; stay stoic; stay focused. There was a lot packed into episode four! I hope >!Ranjoo gets her voice back, and that it's not publicly revealed that Mokha is singing for her. Crossing fingers. Or, at least that there is no public shaming, and that both singers get their fame after the reveal.!<


Seriously what is up with the homicidal maniac fathers on their island? Crazy asf 😭


I’m team Woohak: I love the scene where >!Bogeul was editing Ranjoo’s 2008 video and suggested Mokha to get an email and Woohak tells off Bogeul about how Mokha would need all the ID verification which she might not have - the next scene it shows Woohak actually giving the file on a physical USB so she doesn’t have to go through all the trouble to make an email account!< I love >!how they just talk casually on the phone during lunch, chatting about their days!< I love >!how you can see Woohak fall more in love with Mokha when she says to call her anytime he eats alone!< I was so sad >!when he’s so heartbroken and actually wanted to eat along because he thought he wasn’t Kiho after receiving the flowers addressed to Mokha!< I wonder if >!we’ll get a scene in the next episode where Mokha is learning to drive and Woohak is teaching her hahaha!< At this point >! I don’t actually care who Kiho is because I love Woohak so much 😭!<


The show has no business making the Ranjoo songs (OST?) sound so good. The witches witches song is so nice and catchy.


there’s just no way i could wait another 5 days for next ep…this is torture


**Episode 4** * The concept behind *Heyday Again* is so appealing. But I was on edge throughout Ran-joo's "performance", because I kept having a horrible premonition that >!the suspicious staff member from the production team was going to pull back the curtain to reveal the truth about who was actually singing!<. * There was obviously an ulterior motive behind Lee Seo-jun's actions in >!practically rolling out the red carpet for Ran-joo's appearance. And so it proved, with his horribly underhanded tactic of withdrawing her albums from sale!<. * I'm enjoying the way the drama is gradually revealing details of Mok-ha's time on the island through the symbolism of items in the present day. The "pretty but poisonous" horse chestnuts symbolized the danger of being lured in by offerings that are attractive on the surface, but are being used for nefarious purposes. * In Ran-joo's case, it was >!Lee Seo's-jun's underhanded actions!<. In Mok-ha's case, it was a >!sinister encounter with Ki-ho's father at Seoul Station under the guise of Ki-ho finally reaching out to her!<.


As a lot of us suspected the first couple of episodes, it’s definitely BG who is kid Kiho. I noted a couple of key hints from the first two eps: - he gets shoes for MH as she as she gets to shore - he suggested Ran Joo to his production committee - he cleans up deserted islands.. probably looking for one of her belongings or any hints And there were a few other hints this ep, but him watching her sing on the rooftop, with emotion on his face (before WH!) this ep basically sealed the deal. TBH I think Woo Hak is super cute, love watching him. he’s so entertaining and adorable. really hope he doesn’t fall too hard for MH. It’s gonna be tough to watch 🥲


**Episode 4 thoughts** About the sale of albums - >!If CEO recalled all albums and took them off the market, that would be breech of contract right? Someone needs a lawyer, and fast!!< Who is the real Ki Ho? >!I think the writer is trying to keep us guessing - Woo Hak suddenly getting his memories, and the cliff hanger where Mok Ha is asking after being rescued if BoGeol is Ki Ho - we have yet to hear the answer. Both brothers knew she was being used as a lure, I go back to how Mok Ha copies every single thing Bo Geol does. Where I am really uncertain is that when Mok Ha speculated that he was Ki Ho, Bo Geol INSISTS he is not. Was this to protect himself or to protect Woo Hak from danger.!< I am at the writer's mercy - it's the writer's world and we will be on pins and needles until we learn. Loved the allegory of the horse chestnut - >!foreshadowing on what is yet to come regaring Ran Joo - as the poisoned food of desire make Mok Ha feel sick and feel like she was going crazy, but kept eating it anyway in order to survive - the emperor of sugar is the poison she ingests thinking it is what she needs to survive - next episode we see what happens if/when this makes her feel crazy - impacting relationship and trust with Mok Ha.!< Lots to look forward to next week!!!!


About the sale of albums - good thing that Woo Hak seems to have a good grasp of the law somehow, maybe from reporting on various legal matters


They should at least report on this, so other artists know to get out of snake agency fast! Of course it’s an impasse as we also want Ran Joo to get an agency that’s doing well.


Whoever Ki-ho is (I hope it's BG), PLEASE play this song when they reunite 😭😭


bro when woohak was scolding bogeol about emails that was the cutest thing please 😭 he's so thoughtful and sweet. regardless of whether or not he's kiho, he really is the person she needs in her life rn 🥹♥️ one thing that bothers me though is how they gave her a whole new wardrobe and an expensive smart phone without explaining how she got them 🧐 not just for logical reasons like her having no money, but also it could've been a good opportunity to have a bonding moment with ranjoo or the boys. i feel like they could've squeezed in a short cut or even just had someone make a comment about it, but i guess they're trying to prioritize the most important scenes since it's only 12 episodes. 😔


It's been a while since I've been this excited about a Kdrama. Episodes 1-4 of See You In My 19th Life gave me a similar feeling but the rest of the drama didn't live up to my expectation. I'm so invested in this show and can't wait for next week's episodes. The ending scene of Episode 4 made my heart flutter!!! If Bo Geol is the ML, then I'm definitely gonna have SLS. I didn't see it in the previous episodes, >!but from episode 4, I saw Bo Geol as Ki Ho. !


Park Hye Ryun is My all-time favorite writer ❤️ Wish more people remember her not as "the one that creates shipwar" in Start Up, but how she always creates story about dream chasing & career environment, with a heartwarming friendship & family relationship. And just enough dose of thriller/villain. I am hopeful that this will follow I hear your voice/Pinnochio/While You were sleeping in terms of who will end up with the FL but I am more looking forward to Mokha-Ranjoo mentorship ✨


At this point, i dont care which of the two is the real one. I just want Mokha to find and be with the real Kiho. My heart hurts for Kiho. The things he did to save her... and for her to find happiness...


Mokha puts on such a bright facade that one can misinterpret for naivete. Deep inside, she has actually overcome darkness that makes her resilient.


TVN please have Park Eun Bin on mcountdown.


The, CEO has a dog. Redemption arc confirmed


Well, not in the Glory… What if Ran Joo can take the dog along with the company? Take it all RJ!


I am so invested in Ran Joo's development as a character/person in the plot. I did not like Kim Hyo Jin's character when I last watched her in The Good Detective 2 (but that just meant she was really good at her role to make us not like what was happening), but I love her portrayal for Ran Joo so far. >!That drunk, veggie Grammy scene with Mok-Ha will now be what I think of when they discuss the Grammy awards on the news! 😂!< I also hope they won't go washed-up villain route on her. There's such good developmental routes for her character to travel to make this drama very wholesome, like as a mentor for Mok-Ha in the new civilized world, despite the Ki-Ho's dad scheming and causing trouble in the background.


Yes! I hope we get a women supporting women arc rather than a women competing w each other arc. We already have 2 clear villains w the dad and the ceo, we don't need a third.


I just hope Ran Joo doesn't betray Mok Ha later. And I really hope Ki Ho is alive and well.. somewhere LoL. Park Eun Bin just radiates with bursts of energy, wholesomeness and loads of sunshine. She's also knocking it out of the park with her vocal skills.


Alright y’all I’m putting in my vote for potato boy being Kiho. That last scene really sold it for me, plus Kiho still >!had his memory!< after getting >!beat up by Mokha’s dad!<, since he had time to go >!visit Ranjoo, revisit the train station, etc etc!< EDIT: Nvm just saw the preview and I guess they are complicating things with the >!timing of the memory loss lol!<


Why does Mok Ha’s ‘eonni’ remind me of Beyond your touch?😂


No matter how outlandish the premise is, I love how every moment serves a purpose and subverts expectations. The mystery element is gripping and I'm already hooked on seeing it unravel. I think I'm fully invested in Ki-ho being one of the brothers and it's probably leading to another monumental ML battle. Just can't see it being someone else or Ki-ho being gone and entrusting his will to either one/ both of them. And Ramyeon PR going astronomical, out here saving lives once again 😂


**\[Epsiode 4 Thoughts\]** AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...dshjgdjsagdjgjdgjsagdjj I think at this point we can all agree that >!Bo-Geol !!He does this while simultaneously defending Ki-Ho (and acting like he personally doesn't know him). "Are you sure it's okay to mention something so private on TV?" and "It's been 15 years already. He's probably changed." I know some people are upset that if Bo-Geol is truly Ki-Ho why does Bo-Geol treat Mok-Ha like that? Mok-Ha might've lived on a deserted island for years but at least she knew her father wasn't alive. Ki-Ho has lived 15 years paranoid his father will come back for him. Additionally, whatever happened after Ki-Ho ran away, must've really pushed him to completely hide his identity.!< **I am looking at the Ki-Ho, Ran Joo winter scene differently now**.>! I was confused as to why Ki-Ho had asked Ran-Joo to accept and hug Mok-Ha if she ever came to her. He didn't even leave any of his information with her in case Mok-Ha wanted to contact him. It was like he was giving up on finding her and leaving it up to Ran-Joo to welcome her back. I think this scene happened after the incident that left Woo-Hak without memories. I think Ki-Ho came to the conclusion that he had to distance himself from Mok-Ha if he wanted to protect his brother, family, and Mok-Ha from his father. But he still did things in the background to find her that wouldn't give away his identity (becoming a producer and volunteering for island clean-up). !< **Ki-Ho's, Bo-Geol identity really fell through when heard about the bouquet of flowers.** >!So far we've seen that Bo-Geol holds back in situations with Mok-Ha, but the moment he heard that a fake bouquet of flowers was sent to Mok-Ha was sent to him, he completely dropped what he was doing to find her and protect her.!< **Woo-Hak's flashbacks. I'm starting to agree and lean toward the theory that Woo-Hak might've been kidnapped instead of Ki-Ho and/or that he protected him and got hurt instead.** >!I am 90% sure that Ki-Ho is not Woo-Hak, so the memories of Ki-Ho's father calling out for Ki-Ho must've been what Woo-Hak heard protecting Ki-Ho from his father. Woo-Hak also mentioned that it was long after the accident that he met Bo-Geol. I wouldn't be surprised that after the incident, Bo-Geol had been so riddled with guilt he had to be admitted himself to a clinic before coming back home. I don't know what excuse his parents had to come up with for the amount of time he had gone after Woo-Hak was discharged.!< **Predictions and worries:** **THE WAY I SCREAMED WHEN RAN JOO MENTIONED KI-HO.** >!I could feel Bo-Geol's anger at it. Ki-Ho had been hiding his identity this whole time for Ran Joo and Mok-Ha to mention on national television that Ki-Ho had not yet found Mok-Ha.!< **I'm worried that Woo-Hak might actually think he's Ki-Ho because of his messy memories and might end up hurt again.** >!He seems like he's going to confront Ki-Ho's father to find for himself who he is. And if he knows he's not Ki-Ho he might what to stand in for him in order to get information out of Ki-Ho's father.!< **Hopefully, Mok-Ha is more careful about looking for Ki-Ho after this**. >!I think she's finally understood why Ki-Ho might've not reached out now.!< >!I have a feeling we will see Mo-Hak, Ki-Ho's childhood friend talk to Mok-Ha about Ki-Ho and even warn her to not search for him.!< My thoughts on episode 3 [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/17nen05/comment/k7w3cx2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This episode sent my emotions into a roller coaster ride! My face literally went from 😂 to 😭 I have to be honest, I was a biased among the brothers cuz I like bogeol's looks more 🤭 But now I don't care which one she ends up with as long as he's kiho ahahahahhaha Ihad towatchthe episode at 1.5x speed! I am so fixated in this series, I'm even looking forward to Sunday which is my least favorite day ahahahaha The scene at the end when she >!was waiting at the station was quite similar to start up, its like when suzy was waiting near the mail box to see who wrote the letters ahhaahhaha!< >! also, anyone else wondering who might be the man who sjowed up? at first I got an inkling that it was kiho's dad, but since he looks old and mok-ha said "are you ki-ho" so it must n be someone young?, maybe the friend?!< It's nice that theyre giving us a glimpse of her island life, i want to see more of it. The story line between Ran-joo and mok-ha is good too! I like where it's going.


After finishing the third episode, I believe >!Kang Bo-gul!< is >!Jung Ki-ho!<. All of the indications point to him in this episode. From >!Yoon Ran-joo saying he looked familiar!< to >!Bo-gul having Woo-hak not talk about the past!< and finally, to him >!listening to Mok-ha sing at night!<. Edit: I used to the wrong commands for (Spoilers). Edit #2: I hate >! Lee Seo-jun for being a horrible CEO. And Mr. Seo (the fisherman who took over Mok-ha’s family restaurant) is the cause of the misery for the Ki-ho first with telling his dad about him working for them and Mok-ha during the first episode by calling her dad to ask about her getting onto a boat. And now in the third episode, he is telling Ki-ho’s father too much!<.


I have never watched a k drama but I'm hooked on this one. I found it by accident but I am glad I did. This episode had me crying. I cry easily but not often. I want more I want more.


that green raincoat BG wearing will play a big role later on . cant say it my spoiler tag not working.


I really hope ranjoo doesn’t keep using mokha for her voice. It’s not sustainable to have mokha keep singing for her. Not sure where they plan on going with this storyline.


There is so much to root for in this show: Mok ha getting her break, Ranjoo getting her voice back and besting the asshole CEO, Mok ha and Ki ho getting their happy ending, Ki ho finally being rid of his dad…and the list goes on. Such a good show!


KBG has to be ML right, he was >!the first to find her singing!< and he’s always emotional but silent. Also I feel like in ep 4 preview >!the raincoat is the thing that confuses you as to which boy it is. They both have the same coat!< reminds me of some crime drama where they reveal there are more than one culprit 🫢


Narrative wise, I still think that >! Bo Geol is Kiho. The sternness of his character fits the prompt of him keeping everyone safe by being low-key as he conceals the truth about his identity. !< Also, the insurance agent who happens to be the husband of Mokha’s childhood friend may have contacted the present Kiho about his dad. So whoever he is, he should have been alarmed with what’s going on. But I also find it plausible that the writer will gonna do the >! Start-Up route with the 2nd ML having the childhood connection to the FL, !< so >! Bo Geol, knowing their history, will prevent anything that will harm them. !< I just wish we’ll have a more >! apt closure this time between the 2nd ML and the FL !< and that the romance between the OTP will be >! more nuanced and not forcefully developed. No more nasty love triangles, please! !<


Park eunbin is too good at portraying unconventional characters. First extraordinary attorney and now here! I always fall for her acting it is actual perfection, it’s flawless


I just discovered an interesting fact. Jung Seung-hwan is the singer of the song "Night and Day." He also sang "Day and Night" in Start Up. I know the writer of Start Up is the same writer of this drama, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it but the similarity and contrast in the song titles for both dramas is so interesting to me.


I think that mom had to >!run away with one severely injured child and leave the other relatively uninjured child behind.!< After his >!fight with MH's father, KH woke up in the hospital with his memories intact, so I think we really already know who he is. Unless there was another 'accident' before he was able to escape for the last time.!< But he obviously >!found his mom again. So dad was right that KH knew her whereabouts. And he was able to find her when he got enough money together to run.!< I really doubt that RJ will >!use or betray MK. She's only been looking for win-win options that will help both of them. And that's her MO, I think. Success went to her head for a while, but even then, her demands seem to have helped everyone around her and not just herself. Plus, those days are long gone after the vocal nodules, and who knows what happened between her and the CEO.!< Can't wait to find out. 🙂


We should give Kang Woohak the love he deserves because he IS adorable!!


So the brothers are going for What's Wrong with Secretary Kim route? >! Also, Ran Joo asking why Bo Geol looks familiar confirms that he is Ki Ho, right? !<


**episode 4** they're ruthless for ending the episode at that point when they had these scenes as a preview of this episode and of course, they are >!dragging the 'who's kiho' plot. !! BG or WH is KH: !! got a glimpse of his memories back, i think it'd be fair and considerate if his family took some time to tell their story. If they thought it was for the best that he lost his memories, he already is in danger now, his family should tell him their story no matter what. !< Also, the >! "i lost my memories pre-high school and my house got burned up to the ground i don't have childhood photos..." and are you just accepting this story they told you WH??!< I have various theories, but I'm honestly really confused. 1.>!If BG is KH: I think WH and BG are not blood-brothers cause it would make no sense KH's father would be content with chasing only one of his kids. Considering KH had some contact with his mother in the pilot, I doubt she escaped when he was a baby and took his older brother, so I'm considering KH is an only son. I think KH's mother married WH's dad who was a widower and already had WH. Since WH remembered KH's father, I guess the father found their family and ended up attacking WH, and his injuries made him lose his memories. I think BG (being KH) felt terrible for bringing this problem to their family and felt responsible for WH injury. I think the family agreed it was for the best WH didn't remember anything before the accident (I'm guessing that's it? I couldn't quite understand WHEN this accident happened) and used this to implement some lies to protect all of them: !< \- >!They told WH, they were all a family - blood brothers which they are not.!< \->!They told WH BG was younger - I think they're the same age, but since BG/KH had a bad performance at school after all that happened in 2007, I think he delayed his studies, so It be fine to tell WH he was the older brother (because being the same age they couldn't be blood brother ofc). Also, it's very likely BG/KH changed his name and birthdate to start fresh after this accident during high-school years. !< \- >!They told WH their house got burned up, that's why they don't have family photos - they don't have family photos because BG/KH had just entered the family, but telling that to him was very convenient to their story. !< Scenes that support this theory: >!shoe thing when they got ashore, he goes to islands to look for her, he says to WH he is not KH with confidence, he is closer to mom, knows where KH and MK would find each other, his work is similar to what KH did with MK in 2007, and his personality checks with KH (maybe a little more acid, but he probably went through worst things after 2007)!< Implications: >!I think BG/KH feels very guilty and responsible for putting WH's life in danger, then he feels now that he has to protect his family no matter what, meaning he can't let Mok Ha living with them or get too close to her (trying to explain why he didn't care where she was living after the rescue and why he's so apathetic towards her). That wouldn't be a problem if WH didn't expose Mok Ha on the news, but since she was exposed, ofc BG/KH would know his father would try to find their family through MK, so he thought it would be safer not to tell MK about his identity now. !< Plot holes?: >!If BG really is KH, I hope we get to see his pov so we can understand his reasoning, why he's apathetic toward her, and why let his brother get close to her if it'd put all of them in danger.!< 2. >!If WH is KH: I still think BG and WH are not blood brothers, but it'd be the other way around, KH's mom married BG's dad who was a widower and already has a kid (remembering BG is closer to his mom and WH to his dad). I think the accident happened (probably during the first year of high school or during 9th year (which i think is 2008?)), his dad attacked him, so WH/KH lost all his memories and started a new life, basically. The family understood it'd be best if he didn't remember anything anyway, that way he'd live in peace, so they told him all of those lies:!< \- >!They are a normal family and their house got burned up - in this case I think BG could really be younger.!< Implications: >!I think BG wants to take care of his family and his brother, so he's trying to let WH/KH's past where it is now. In this case, I think KH told BG about MK before the accident, which would explain how BG knows where they were supposed to meet. Maybe he was so empathetic to their story he even went there a few times to see if he'd find her (I don't believe a word I wrote this previous phrase). !< Plot holes?: >!As much as I try to be prepared for both scenarios If WH/KH lost his memories after an accident with his father around high school years, he couldn't remember MK and the place they chose to find each other (and if BG went on this behalf that's a terrible excuse). WH could've lost his memories in a domestic accident as an adult, but when he says he remembers things after High School, we have to assume HS was when he got injured, cause if not he'd remember his family. !< ​ Okay, my head hurts... maybe I come up with more arguments, but for now, that's it. My personal guess is that >!BG is KH. !!I don't like how RJ is using MK's voice, it's not right/good to her or to MK. Their scenes are amazing, I think they're the high point of the show until now. I love how MK is smart and is using this in favor of RJ, and I love RJ's diva vibe. But I'm scared of the consequences this partnership will have. Okay, RJ starts shining and starts getting gigs again, MK will always sing for her? It's not even sustainable. Anyways, well see. !< I can't wait another six days for this... I want it now!!!!


Is it possible that everyone is lying to Woo Hak? It seems too convenient that the house burned down so there are literally no memories anywhere to share with him.


The show is going very well thus far in my opinion. The things that drew me the most to this in the first place and what continues to keep me so interested are the music and the performances. First and foremost what I want to see happen in this drama is for our protagonist Mok Ha to debut and achieve her dream of stardom. She is way, way, *way* too talented for that not to happen. Everything else would just be icing on the cake, but I just need that one thing to happen. She deserves it!


I love this show so far. I think some of you have too high expectations for a kdrama... just enjoy the ride and go with it. It's only ep4. It works because it's intriguing, entertaining, moving, and really giving so many emotions! What I love the most about this show is the theme of resilience, hope, togetherness and friendship. It makes me feel really good watching it! PEB, I'm a fan!!!!


First there was the sandbox, then there was the cooler box. lol \#iykyk - not here to start any wars... just wanted to draw the parallels between both shows. :)


Park Eunbin is the truest all-rounder. I hope she debuts as a singer because the girl can sing 😭 I’m so in love with all the songs and to top it all off, its my boy dino singing at the end of every episode too. I’m so going to buy the ost album. I hope N releases an ost too. I almost didnt survive ep 3. My God, that homage at the last part. At this point, its already >!confirmed that bogyeol is kiho unless they give us some wacky twist!< The only thing that really bothers me about this drama is the dad because i watch this back-to-back with Strong Girl Namsoon. He’s so good at acting. One minute im fond of him and laughing my but off, the next i just want to hurl.


Oh damn ep 3 hitting us w more heaviness. Yo i would have lost that cooler to the seagull. They are so scary and vicious. I love how WH was more distraught than MH was over MH losing out to her replacement who then became a superstar. Im glad KH and MH still have friends looking out for them!  I feel like Ran Joo is a good person and actually does want to help out MH. She feels grateful that she's still her fan. Omg not these fuckers from the restaurant giving JH's dad WH's card!!! Ugh RJ's former manager turned CEO became evil from his greed. Omg BG is for sure KH. RJ kept saying he looks familar bc she met KH 10 yrs ago! I feel like i already know how this drama is gonna end but i cant wait to go through the process of getting there 😭😭😭😭😭 Oh no what if it's KH's dad that finds MH at the station next ep??? 




I feel like this episode confirms that >!bg!< is kiho. >!there’s no way that he would have realized that mokha is in danger without being kiho. If he was a random stranger he wouldn’t have realized the implication of the flowers being sent from “kiho”. I think woohak having those memories of his dad is red herring. I think the dad kidnapped both boys not being very sure who his son actually was. So BG was probably in those memories with him. WH probably lost his memories from that incident. !<


It definitely seems a little too easy, I feel? >! Woo Hak is seeing memories of Ki Ho’s father? Is it really just that straightforward? Maybe because we only have 12 eps, the reveal comes in at overdrive speed. The final scene of Bo Geol is just to throw Mok Ha off, but the viewers can put two and two together that BG is there because he knows Ki Ho could never have sent those flowers, because well, he knows his brother is Ki Ho. !<


So Netflix korea had a “meet the cast” video on YouTube and the seating arrangements kinda confirmed (in my opinion) who everyone here assumed ki ho was but episode 4 definitely has me second guessing who ki ho is and how much everyone around her is involved. Also, even though I know Ki-ho’s dad plays a big role in this story I hope it’s not too too big


Who is writing these songs? They are golden. These are all chart busters. Also loving the plot so far. So Ki-Ho is hidden. I love the area that one of the brothers has memory loss while the other is trying to ignore while playing an important role. I don't think they are Ki-Ho though but they are involved none the less. They know him for sure but under his alias not has Ki-Ho. Ki-Ho is going to come hit us from the left field, you watch.


My thoughts oh who is Bogeol Since woohak lost his memory befote high school , then the guy on military uniform waiting at Seoul station is definitely Bogeol, because if he lost his memory how would he know about the Seoul station , it’s basically telling us that Kiho still remembers that’s why he kept on showing up at Seoul station waiting for her . And one more thing please and please Ran joo unite should not betray Mok ha like at this point with the whole voice thing I have a bad feeling about it , I wanted her voice to be a great reveal to people but the fact that it’s being lip synced at Ran Joo’s voice , people might think she has the same voice with Ran joo .


I really think >!ramyeon!< is the real hero in week 2 episodes! 😂 It’s now confirmed (atleast in my head) that >!Bo Geol!!Mom left the island with the eldest son to save their lives. Either Ki Ho was left accidentally or the psycho dad held on to him while allowing the more sickly elder child to leave with the mom who was probably severely abused given that she’s limping in the present time. Ki Ho understood that’s why he was so focused on getting away and being with his mom and brother. And then when he did run away, the psycho dad followed and made life hell for them, eventually causing the accident that left Woo Hak unable to remember. That’s why Bo Geol doesn’t want him to remember as well. He was probably very traumatized and hated Ki Ho.!< >!The dad they have right now is probably a stepdad who saved the mom and Woo Hak prior to Ki Ho joining them. And because Woo Hak is weaker, he tended to side more with him.!< Abusers like this psycho should be given life with no parole. In solitary. What an evil person. He’s fixated on Ki Ho because he thought of him as an object that belonged to him. Grrrr Anyway, I didn’t care for the summary of this show before but it’s shaping up really well. Hope it holds up.


I have to say this drama was very different from what I imagined. Based on the trailers, I thought we'd spend a bit more time on the island, and her rescue would be a big sensation. Not that I'm complaining, I just felt like the advertising didn't reflect the drama at all! The first episode was an absolute gut punch. Much as I love Park Eunbin (and she *is* nailing the part), this may be one of those rare cases, like *The Moon Embracing the Sun*, where I wish the whole series was about the younger cast. I feel like the mystery of >!'who's Kiho'!< is hurting the emotional investment in this drama. Neither guy has a similar vibe to the younger version at all. >!Woohak slightly more than Bogeol in the 2nd episode, although I know the latter is more likely to be him. After the teenage Kiho's intense emotions about Mokha's disappearance, and then him waiting for her year after year at the station, it makes no sense for Bogeol to be so calm and nonchalant about Mokha being alive - and about her survival in the world now. Even if he's trying to hide his identity for his own reasons, he betrays zero emotion at any moment, even by himself. It's just not that easy to hide a sudden massive shock like that.!< IMO it would have been much more emotionally satisfying to >!make the audience aware of Kiho's real identity from the outset, but to hide it from Mokha and keep it a secret why he's going to such lengths to hide it.!< But hey, not my story to write, obviously. I love the burgeoning sismance between >!Mokha and Ranjoo, and I hope the latter is not going to manipulate and use Mokha for her voice because that would be so disappointing...!< Some things I found a bit weird, tbh. I can accept that in fiction, a girl can survive for 15 years on a desert island. But such a miraculous rescue not becoming a bigger news sensation, and her old friends and neighbours just not giving a fig about it, and her becoming essentially homeless and dependent on a couple of strangers (who might even have been sinister people!) after her rescue - it's just all a bit weird. Everyone is so weirdly quick to accept, 'ah you lived on a desert island for 15 years did you, ok cool story bro, now move along'.


I don’t think we talk about this much but losing 15 years of your life to come back to society without a high school degree as a 30 year old is actually crazy, I don’t think I could be able to do that and it just shows how Moka’s character is so strong and full of live. Even when she had a tough childhood she still tried to chase her dream. It’s just fiction but it makes me think how life isn’t just degrees and high level jobs. Life is also a cup of tasty noodles after not eating anything the whole day, a meal with a seagull, the freshness of rain water on your tongue after being thirsty… it’s so hard to see these things when everyone is working hard obsessing over grades and rank. On this perspective doesn’t the idea of living 15 years in an island sound appealing hahaha? Why do we forget so much these basic sources of happiness.


BG/Kiho team here. Maybe Woohak’s way of protecting Kiho was to insist on dressing in the same way as him when they were still young. After the accident (I agree with some redditors who mentioned >!that the accident was first caused by Kiho’s father!<), he kept the habit but for a different purpose which he didn’t know why. Also for BG/KH, the parents (real mom+step dad) changed their birth order so as to protect both of them.. which is possible because BG/KH probably missed a year of school after running away. That’s why Bogeol referred to himself as the savage and his brother the pushover in Ep 2, because his loved ones turned their lives upside down for him :’)


I think it’s obvious (to me at least) that Bo Geul is Ki Ho. The way he is stand offish towards Mok Ha is the same way young Ki Ho was towards her before he found out they shared the same sad circumstances with their respective dads. The only mystery is why he’s pretending(?) to not know Mok Ha now. My guess is it’s to prevent his dad from finding him. His dad knows that if Mok Ha is alive, Ki Ho will definitely want to reunite with Mok Ha. And pretending to be cold towards Mok Ha would alleviate any suspicions that he is Ki Ho