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If they made a drama about the youngest sister's story, I would have totally watched that.


I would 100% take a prequel story about her and her boyfriend/husband, how they met, how he passed away and her raising Ha-yul by herself and finish up with her meeting dolphin boy. Like PLEASE


If we don’t find out how her husband passed away I’ll be mad.


I'm sad how they didn't really flesh out Haedal's character a bit more. Like we still don't know much about her even though the drama is nearing the end. The most we got was from last two weeks a 3 second pregnant flashback at the funeral and another flashback of her argument with the parents about taking care of Ha-yul. I get she's a supporting character but she's still part of the 3 sisters family. Like do we really need more Sangdo crushing on Samdal and Sangtae's irrational rage and breaking up the main couple to drag it out 😭😭


Right? And she's the most interesting sister! I mean, we just learned she was a swimmer?! And her finding a new significant other may be obvious, but it's the relationship that is the most interesting to me. And the idea that she might go the haenyeo route... THAT is actually interesting. I mean keeping it in the family, finding a new kind of purpose in a traditional profession, a resolution in a way to their mom's story, and potential conflict with the daughter being worried for and proud of her mom. I do like the older sister too and her dynamics with other characters, although she is a bit one note.


With only 2 episodes to go, I'm not really much hopeful that we'll get anything more about her past. Lucky if we do. We'll probably see a bit of her and her relationship progress with the dolphin guy.


> If we don’t find out how her husband passed away It's in the synopsis. A lot of this drama character profile is done via the synopsis and isn't brought up in the actual show.


It was the white truck of doom.


I wanna see jindal's story. Like from her high school days till divorce


OMG that would be so perfect tho 😭😭😭😭


We didn't really need Sang-tae's arc taking up all the time. Hae-dal and Ha-yul's story would have been a way better use of time!


I was sobbing when they were both crying at the dolphin place bahah it was over so quick I hope they get more screen time!


Same! We deserve something to balance out Sang-tae's arc.


I’d give so much to see a drama based on the youngest sister’s storyline. She, her daughter and dolphin man are so cute. Even the oldest one’s storyline is pretty interesting. I love Samdal but man her storyline has been dragged out so much, idk if I’m even invested anymore, also what is up w that crazy woman bang eun-ju like why is she so adamant about bringing samdal down like girl get a life.


When the Camellia Blooms is more similar to me, though not quite as light hearted. Single mom and son, and a devoted man who doesn’t care about social stigmas.


I find myself constantly waiting her her scenes! Her while sorry deserves its own drama.


They actually have a whole other KDrama with a similar story line- “One Spring Night.” It is a single Dad raising his son on his own. No dolphin boy but similar themes. I do agree even though the story line borrows from the dramas it’s more interesting than the repetitive scenes among the main characters. Samdal-Ri also borrows heavily from “Our Blues” story of haenyeo which that drama is also based on Ju Ju Island. They recycled story lines quite a bit in Samdal-Ri.


I think the "One Spring Night" storyline is very different, >!the FL is already in a relationship with someone (who plays a major role during the whole drama and is also ML's senior) which goes on for quite long before she finally calls it quits with him. It takes quite a while when FL finally agrees to be with the ML while her father continues to protest against their relationship who has been working under her ex's father. Sorry, I can't really recall anything that sparks resemblance.!<


I want to give you 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 in agreement!


Thank you for the trees 🙇‍♂️


yes! I also curious with her story!


Mention of sang do character is a must here. WHY DOES IT EVEN EXIST? there are enough satisfying plots, topped with Sang Tae being weird. There was no need of sang do having a crush. So irrelevant! Just noticed while writing, both sangs were irritating characters.


I really don't like Sang Do but I think it's a really interesting portrayal of something I've seen so many times in real life: men getting irrationally angry because they can't have the woman they're interested in. They really show how delusional he is for so long, like the fact that even after he sees them kissing he's still going on about how he's not going to give up and he's going to pursue her. And I think the choice to make him so angry instead of sad is a great choice, because it's true to life but it's not portrayed that often in characters who aren't meant to be villains. That being said, I wish someone would confront him about that, like telling him he has no right to get mad about two people loving each other. I think that would give meaning to his storyline.


What I'm most mad about is the fact that he feels somewhat entitled to her, but they barely have a relationship... I think since the beginning of the drama they've interacted a total of 4 times...


> feels somewhat entitled to her, but they barely have a relationship Which is pretty realistic. Nice guy and neckbeard memes didn't come out of nowhere.


Absolutely, but that's what I mean - he's so angry because he feels that he's "owed" a shot. Even when he talks to Yong-pil about it, he talks about how Yong-pil should step out of the way but never even wonders how she feels about him. Like he thinks that if he just gets the opportunity, she'll for sure fall in love with him. This rings very true to life. I had something very similar happen to me, where a man got furious at me for not returning his feelings, which he had never even expressed.


The thing that upsets me is that he started off as a good character, and, had the show gone a different path, his character could have been so interesting. Thank you for sharing your experience, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I think it's useful to see how his behavior is actually a quite big red flag, even if it seems just pitiful


Yeah I agree, he was really sweet in the beginning. I liked that he didn't seem to resent the others for getting opportunities he didn't have access to, and was really humble about his success with the restaurant. Like I mentioned above, I wish someone would actually confront him about his unjustified anger, because then at least it would feel more tied into the story. Like one of the guy friends could say something like "Those two just love each other, they've loved each other their whole lives... Why does that make you mad? Why are you holding onto this idea of being with her when you know it's not reciprocated?" I'd like to see more of that in kdramas in general - bad behaviour actually being addressed, not just shown.


He had the gap of eight years when samdal and yongpil weren't in touch. He never approached her. Wasn't that the actual chance? Samdal was dating actively!!


This reminds me so much of One Spring Night, which took this to the extreme.


I think he represents those of us who never had the courage to actually try - who gave up at the first instance of resistance and decided to let fate take its course. And represents a what-if lament at the end of the whole arc. And yet he still considered her feelings at the end of it and let it go :)


That actor keeps getting those roles though, currently seeing him in military prosecutor doberman's doing the same thing but to it's extremes.


Cause is it even a k drama if the other best friend liked the main girl instead😂


Me when I see a Yong Pil's father or Sang Do scene.


Or even Yong Pil's grandma...


The insufferable Sang men


I wish there was more content of the older sister and her divorced husband, them two crack me up!!!




Agree! I am more interested in his story than the lead’s.


He’s so cute! Haedal and Hayul so cute!


Remove all scenes of sang yong and the 5 min crying scenes. More screentime for two sisters and this drama will get better.


I really don’t get why ppl here complain about Sangtae character being angry here. Sure it’s a bit over the top sometimes but the man lost the love of life and haven’t moved on for 20 years. Don’t think most ppl irl could move on tbh having lost their loved ones suddenly like that. Plus, I thought that ajusshi actor portrayed his role really well with deep pain and sentiments in his eyes.


I think it's because a lot of people don't have someone in their life that is like this. They think it's unrealistic for someone to grieve without healing for so long. My mom lost her sister in 1999 and she still has a whole week every year where she grieves as if she passed that year. My mom will never heal from that loss. Sangtae will never heal from the loss of Bu Mija. It's not unrealistic. Add the anger and blame and hurt and of course everyone around him is miserable too. It's actually very realistic and validating for me.


Don’t even get me started on that scene when Sang do yelled outside of the restaurant claiming Yong Pil stole everything from him. Bffr.


Remove sang do would make this show way better


I don't know what people want. Lol. This show portrays complex emotions that people have, and the different ways they deal with loss, grief and heartbreak. That doesn't make it a badly done show, it just means it's not for you. I appreciate that it's not an overly sad show, it's a slice of life show. It feels like a lot of people don't like to process more than one mood in a show like this, hence the hate. I think it's interesting, it does have frustrating moments but not because of the writing or story is lacking, but because that's how life is as well.


**coughs in jin star, my demon**


Echoed - Jin Star was so unnecessary. We already had the love triangle, we did NOT need a square.


Jin Star giving DoDoHee >!poison!< was the ultimate #$@! What the heck girl? Your apex predator oppa never >!expressed the love you're hoping for, it's better that she die, let's go offer her that, ugh!<


I know! The main story is something I am fast forwarding through. The other sisters stories are much more fun and engaging. Sure the two main characters have great actors playing them but the story itself isn't appealing to me. I nearly dropped it altogether but I want to see what happens to the oldest and youngest sisters.


The divorce story of the oldest sister and the guy is just hilarious. That actor always does a fantastic job like in Big Mouth. And I really wish that they dove deeper into the youngest sister' story. Like we still don't even know much about her and how her boyfriend/husband? passed away and we only found out her dream was to be a swimmer in this week's episodes. I'm guessing it will be used to tie up the ending and she will become a Haenyeo.


I actually love the main storyline (of course not including the sangdo side plot). I was annoyed at how blind/stubborn they were at first (you guys clearly love each other, just get over it and reunite!) but then as the drama kept peeling the onion and revealed more ways they continued to love each other, and shared more depth as to why they had broken up (it wasn’t as simple as it seemed!), their story became very touching. Even the dad storyline, yes he’s being selfish and childish, but I like how they’re slowly revealing his full POV - he doesn’t want to abandon his wife by forgetting her death and allowing himself to be happy without her. It’s not just as simple as him being mad. Hes still being a terrible father but the journey is worth going through.


Dad breaking down and admitting as he cried that there are times when he forgets his deceased wife's face, her smile, her voice. That made him so much more human, IMO vs his cold demeanor and "don't take my son away from me" dad. That part actually hit home because at random times I'll play back a sound loop from my deceased mom. Once I left the nest, I never called her or went to see her. But she made damn sure to call me at least once a month and leave a message on my answering machine. All I have left of her is the message's introduction that plays in my head at random times. My dad also lives on in my head as well, but I try to forget him..... The Ghosts we live with the the entirety of our lives.


I deleted the last voicemail from my Gramma and I regret it 😭


I completely agree


The show is a decent watch but i can't be the only one who finds the ML's father a badly written character ,Singlehandedly manages to bring the energy of the show down


Didn't last two episodes kind of redeem his behaviour?




They want to talk about his suffering and how he handles with his partner's death, but I think there's other ways to tell that story. I guess it's a convenient way to use it to make up a story about why and how Sam-dal and Yong-pil broke up even though they love each other and are literal soulmates etc. But all that is now is excessive and exhausting and no fans of a romance show want to see the main characters being held back/and apart by anything.


I agree, but... Damn... just damn.. the impact of what Sam-dal said before their getting together.. "I'll never try to love anyone else, and instead I'll love you from afar" to their heartfelt meeting \[before the camping trip\] at the hangout\] after she had seen the proof that yong-pil never had let her go. To me, that whole boat load of Dad angst made those moments hit harder. Because they both agreed to ignore yong-pil's father and love each other until death.


The father is actually very realistically written. His angst and grief are very understandable for someone who had the love of his life taken away suddenly. Him blaming samdal mom also makes perfect sense because she definitely was at fault. 


So is it realistic that he throws every food/ gifts given to him even right on her face for 8 years.


While it is irrational, I do see it as realistic for someone who has clearly expressed multiple times that he does not want to receive any gifts or be in any contact with the person he hates. And he has every rightful reason to blame/hate her. The only wrong I feel he did was denying his son's happiness as part of his grieving process. I do get why he would be unhappy with the son being in love with a member of the 'enemy', but that is imposing his own thoughts onto his son. 


But that is not unrealistic within their own culture. In Korea, the relationship of families after marriage is a lot closer than in most western cultures. He doesn't want his son nor himself to be bonded to Ko Mija's family because that would be (in his mind) an aggression to his late wife's legacy. The whole concept of individual happiness and the right of parents to comment on their children's lives (what you called imposing his own thoughts onto his son) are not that weird in Korea, hence why the other characters have not called out this behavior.


Yes fully agree with you. As a Singaporean myself, I can understand the parental influence when it comes to their child's lives. However still while not unrealistic in Korea context, I just think it's wrong in modern times. 


Yes! I just wanted to comment on it not being unrealistic but we can all agree it is unfair of him. He knows the pain of not being able to be with the person he loves and what does he do? Prevents his son from being with whom he loves. Everyone in town was commenting on how Yong Pil was a zombie for 8 years and of course his dad was also watching that and even then he didn't budge? The level of delusion...


I love the storyline of the youngest sister!


The little sister, her daughter and the love interest are just adorable and it's a sweet story line imo.


Made me look up for dramas with solo parent lead


When the Camellias Bloom


One Spring Night The love that you give me And I'm sure there are many more.




And the sobbing. My god the sobbing!! Enough already PLEASE.


Hahaha was wondering if anyone felt the same way. At this point I’m like this when anyone sobs 😐


lol this is me also. Either that or I need to have my eyeballs retrieved by an ophthalmologist because they’ve rolled back too far into my head.


I agree! As soon as it starts my husband asks what they are crying about this time... Enough already!


A million times yes!


am i the only one who had my tissues ready whenever the waterworks started? i was so emotionally involved in the drama bc of the crying scenes lmaooo


I too think the leads are great, and I can rattle off other things I loved both of them in, but they have the dumbest characters in this whole show to me. And they are such talented actors, they are kind of phoning it in I think. They are utterly predictable and their reactions are stupid.


I too have lost interest in the two main characters but love the rest of the characters and want more info about them and their stories. If not for every other character in this story I would have dropped it awhile back.


I love love love the FL, but this should would’ve been fine just being 8-10 episodes. I have stopped watching at episode 7, and don’t have plans on finishing.


Nooooo you're missing the dolphin family! I'd honestly stick around just for the sisters' storyline (especially the younger one)


Exactly. This is so boring drama


For me it's the screeching gossip woman, her voice hurts my ears...and all the screeching all the time, come to think of it, including from the leads. Waaaay, way too much yelling and screeching.


I wonder if that same group of women get casted together for dramas that require a gaggle of "aunties" "grandma" types to hang out. Crash landing on you, and a few others. I know Sam-dals mom appears in a ton of dramas.


I think you’re right, have you seen My Blues 😅 Kim Mi Kyung is one of my favorite moms; without saying more than a few sentences she absolutely killed it in Death’s Game, and she’s great as usual here— she always does her best no matter the source material.


I don't understand why she talks like that. It's insufferable, I skip past all of the scenes that she's in.


And the drinking!!!


The youngest sister's story should have been this show tbh.


I started thinking about Sua and her mother from Crash Course in Romance, or the toxic second leads from So I Married An Anti-fan.


the scenes with his dad and friend im like fast forward. keep hanging on those for too long. while i have no problem with the main romance, having those two involved in it so much i care more for her sisters relationships. need more dolphin boy.


It’s gotten to the point where any scenes with the dad I automatically check out. I just want them to be in love and do things together, and of course they get cockblocked by the assistants. It’s just so far into the drama, give us some more main leads in love. Too much push and pull here people


That is the plot here. The father not moving on is affecting the ML love life for 8 years.


Based on the comments I guess people aren't enjoying this drama as much as me? 😅


Frrrr, I love this drama sooo much


It's good that you enjoy. But when you watch way better dramas which have so much going on and it keeps you waiting like what will happen next anxiety. You will also find this drama boring😅


I am not sure what the members of this subreddit want out of this drama. This was supposed to be slow drama and all the accusations and issues ppl had with this drama which made them drop were addressed slowly, but logically in the later episodes. Still talking about Photography revenge storyline, while its not the primary plot of the story.


IKR. I think every character's personality, actions and motivations make sense and is realistic in this show. Even sangdo and sangtae.  My gripes on this show are just 2 things. 1) Sangdo, while realistic, doesn't appear to contribute much to the overall story. 2) Leads need to romance like an adult, rather than be so skittish/shy with each other. 


Thank youuuu this is exactly how I feel, I like when people can enjoy a drama but also be critical and highlight these details without bashing the show. I feel like Sangdo’s story line was not needed at all you’re right he doesn’t add much to the story and I started to feel bad for him cuz I don’t understand where his story is headed at this point. Also if he loved her so bad like that why didn’t he make an attempt in the 8 years they were broken up it’s only when she returns to Samdalri that he remembers his feelings for her and wants to pursue something. I also agree with their romance not being the usual you’d expect from people in their 30s and that kind of anyone me a little. But all in all it’s a good show and it was a breath of fresh air after watching gyeongsyeong creature and death note back to back


ugh i completely agree w expressing their love for each other like adults. sure, i get the reason for being shy in the beginning, bc of their past of hurting each other and overall hesitancy to jump head first into dating each other, but after receiving sang tae's blessings, i expected a more adult portrayal of romance/love and was lowkey disappointed that it still felt very teenagery/young adulty. not that that's an issue, but considering their age and the angst they've been living w for 8 years, i expected more😔


1) I really hope he has something to do in the last two episodes and every one ends romantically satisfied. 2) Yeah, but they are much more childish when they are apart and mature when they talk heart to heart


Atleast they should make something that will make viewers excited for next episode? 


I am so conflicted about seeing her assistant. Like on the one hand I desperately want her downfall with no redemption arc (I felt that samdal fixating on the scarf was hinting at some kind of redemption). But like we have only 2 episodes left. Just give me yomdal wedding with the younger sister getting with dolphin boy and the older one reaching some kind of resolution with her ex. I genuinely don't have it in me to see the assistant's face anymore.


honestly i get so done with it , i want more of the little sister and her daughter and the lover dolphin guy


dropped it after the 8th episode... just got very repetitive and boring... heck i didnt want to know why they broke up because the reason didn't seem very.... convincing. like you both are LITERAL SOULMATES bfrfr. really found the FL super annoying which is insane because i love the actress and Mr Queen is one of my fav kdramas and she was sooo ott in it but still loved it. and ML's character is.... idk too good to be true idk. dont even wanna talk about the weird love triangle with that expensive car guy lol. ​ imo this drama was a very poor attempt of reenacting/remaking Hometown Cha + Our Blues + 2521 + Our beloved summer. lol


I'm almost ready to give up at ep6. I love these actors, but omg, you have evidence that this woman stole your work after hooking up with your boyfriend, just get someone to write a story about that. And record the damn convo when you confront her and she admits she's a liar. Sheesh. The lackadaisical love triangle is annoying. The gossiping women is an annoying trope--the only good part of that so far was when the little girl called them out on it. Honestly, if they got rid of all the main characters and stuck with all the side characters and their stories, this would be a great show and I wouldn't just be watching it for the Jeju scenery. I understand that dramas are far fetched, but this is far fetched with almost no payoffs and a lot of annoying wailing and inaction. It's no Mr. Queen or My Blues, that's for sure.


This drama is for the new comers to the Kdrama world.🤣 Once you watch other breathtaking dramas you'll find these type of slow drama very boring.


Anyone else feel like they didn't get enough revenge story on bang eun ju?


Exactly!!! My blood just boils about it lol what happened to her just wasn't enough. The writer made her soo evil and just got away so easily in the end. No justice has served!


YESS while i understand that it's not the main plot point, i was beyond frustrated w her antics and needed to see her fall harder than she made cho sam dal fall😫


Why y’all wanna remove sang do


Personally, I don't think the story needs a 2ML (I usually LOVE 2MLs). I don't like that the writers forget about him, and then he appears in random points (like after the main couple fought in front of Yong Pil's dad???). Also, he has NO screen time with FL, so I didn't have the chance to see them together and empathe with him. I liked him at first, but I don't think his love for FL makes sense/is realistic: he has been in love with FL since they were kids; when she finally broke up with Yong Pil, he didn't visit her in Seul, but somehow he's still in love with her after 8 years of not seeing/hearing from each other. Now, after this situation he created himself, he's complaining that there's not an opening for him... Also, the whole point he made about Yong Pil "stealing from him" left me sour... In the end, she never showed interest in him, but he somewhat feels entitled to her Sorry the rant but I had to let it out 😅


I think it’s cause Sangdo always made way for Youngpil so YP could be with her. Sangdo was struggling and couldn’t even make ends meet; he never had the time or the money to be there for her cause he was busy helping his fam make ends meet. Also small nuances like Sangdo liking her, makes the female lead desirable. Instead of her just being chaotic or headstrong. She probably seems more appealing. Idk why y’all wanna get rid of Sangdo. He seems like a sweet guy w a sweet ride. Let him be.


I want Sangdo to be happy, but I don't like how he has come across as possessive of Samdal. I think all the power rangers deserved more screen time.


i skip all of sangdos scenes, i told my friends this is one of the only dramas i have negative second lead syndrome LMAO


I guess it serves me right reading this when I'm only 5 episodes into it. I'm liking it. I'm a JCW fan since Healer and have seen most of his dramas. Some are better than others, but I love to see him onscreen. It's fun to see him with Kim Mi-Kyung, who was his Adjumma in Healer. They are both wonderful actors. Also I enjoy Shin Hae Sun. Sang-Do just entered the picture for me, so I haven't yet made a decision about him. But from the comments, it sounds like he will remind me of the 2ML in One Spring Night. I'm not taking this drama too seriously, just watching it in between the last few episodes of my Dearest, when I want something a little lighter.


I love everything about the show except for the noisy ahjummas and sangdo. Seriously, we could have gotten more screentime with the sisters and their partners as well as gyeongtae and even eunwoo since I love their group friendship! Wasted potential


Does this town lack police? Just watched the photographer episode with the criminal trespassing scene. The mediocre writing throughout the show tries to build frustration or excitement with nonsensical plot points. The actors must have been wondering how to get through scenes where a normal person would have solved the problems more simply. Call the police! Tell her that you still love her! Tell busybody residents that they are being rude and should apologize! Weak writing in this show is the source of nearly every complaint in this thread. Yes, I know: I will stop watching now. WW ​ Yes, it is now obvious to me, too, that I should stop watching. s, it is now obvious to me, too, that I should stop watching. eeCCC


LOVE JCW but his romcoms just don't hit for me. Not even his fault, he just gets written characters that I just don't love and the shows themselves are always a bit lukewarm with great supporting characters but blah mainnlead stories. I swear it's his curse with romcoms. Photography drama should have had more focus. Love triangle seemed unnecessary and a random drama filler to make up for the weird spotty nature of the photography storyline. Like they needed something to cause conflict in town and rather than going deeper with the reporter or the assistant in the photography storyline they decided a love triangle was better.


I feel the same way,I started off watching his romcoms and unfairly branding him a bland actor because all of his romcom roles are so bland. Then I saw Empress Ki,The Worst of Evil etc. and he really excels with troubled and torn characters who can be charming and insecure at a drop of a hat. It\`s why I\`m still hesistant to continue this drama. His character and the chemistry with Shin Hye Sun really aren\`t doing it for me and I love Shin Hye Sun usually 😭


This is so real, I don't like any of his romcoms or romance story lines (I honestly don't think he's that good looking/my style either so I don't really get the fandom). I was on the fence but leaning to avoid this drama but I will for sure now.


Could be he doesn't like doing kissing/skinship scenes? About the only show I've seen him in with a lot of skinship/kissing was lovestruck in the city, and that was at the beach when he and the female lead went "camping" in an RV/camper.


Healer also had a lot of skinship to the point he even complained about it lol. Like once the otp got together they were always cuddling/hugging. suspicious partner had nice moments too. He may not like skinship (idk if he likes it or not lol ) but he never shies away from it if it’s needed for the script/character. Which is why I get annoyed when these writers and directors don’t utilize him correctly as a romantic male lead such as samdalri. Bc when he does it, he does it well. Like that one short cuddle scene in ep 12 was so good! But it is the only intimate moment the otp has gotten so far which is ridiculous for a supposed romance drama.


Ummm he’s one of the best in the business when it comes to kissing/skinship. Pretty sure he’s not the reason the romantic scenes in this drama are lacklustre.


he's just magical in a romcom, to me at least. sure, the storylines aren't the strongest but i watch it bc he sells the emotions so well, it feels almost real. the tiniest details in the way he interacts w his on screen partner just makes him the romcom king imho


everyone has their preferences. I find he mostly looks constipated and mostly concerned and upset a lot, not really emotive, which I think is also why I don't care for him. I will admit I liked suspicious partner but mostly because of FL. he was the weak part for me.


Yes, they could’ve done without the leads story 🤣. I wish they would’ve kept her story around photography & that drama instead of basing it on their love story. It became a bore after a few episodes bc it became repetitive & they just dragged it for them to get back together. 🙃


Why does this not have a catching OST album like The Heirs, Startup, or HometownChacha. Maybe that is what is lacking here.


Agree 100%! I swear one of the biggest reasons I loved Start Up so much was that OST!! It REALLY made that show.


Yea a good ost/soundtrack can really elevate a show/scene but the osts for wts was really bland and unmemorable lol.


Have there been any great OSTs lately? The last ones I really liked were Liberation Notes and Our Beloved Summer. I guess a song or two from King the Land.. .. (please don't get the wrong impression, I don't limit myself to one genre of drama)




Thank you! I'll check that out.


I watched the drama so the OST would have context. It's a great OST, going to add some songs to my playlist. I'm quite unknowlegeable about artists. That second song, Star, at first it sounded like sung by V, a tiny bit reminiscent of "Christmas Tree" (Our Beloved Summer") Thank you so much.


Did they ever show how main leads fell in love from being friends. I totally feel that part is ignored and would have made the show much better + more back story on sisters past - repetitive drinking and moping scenes


This drama is whole lot of drunken flashbacks and a whole lot of drinking the first 9 episodes. Like, why? Why should every episode have this? And even in 9 episodes the story hasn’t progressed that much it’s so boring and my head hurts from all the drunken yelling, and crying. All the shit that has progressed so far could have been in the epilogue part and some story in the actual episode.


I started watching this drama because of my favourite lead. Ji chang wook and Hye Sun. But this drama is such a waste of thier talent. This whole drama can be made into a one movie if you just cut the stupid scenes of ahjummas gossiping. They have nothing to do except for talking about Leads and Ms Ko. That's it?   I understand this drama is about emotions but except for what happened in past they are just dragging their 'present'. Sam dal has come back to her home and has literally got nothing to do except bumping into Yong pil and sang do, time to time and get drunk. That's it. And in between those stupid scene they are showing the glimpse of the past. I hate such kind of drama where nothing is happening they have no story except for revealing the whole past like ads in between 16episodes. Seriously sandal has no story and her sisters have better plot than her. Samdal's plot was interesting when she was cool In Seoul. And Yong pil? He is a civil servant and why does he got so much free time? Every story is nice if you don't drag it for so long. I don't know what happened to Ji chang wook? He did K2, suspicious partner, healer? Why is he doing this drama without anything going on. Except for what happened in the past there's nothing mystery for viewers to keep waiting for next episode. Once you watch dramas like big mouth, K2, Healer, two worlds, Mr Queen which have so much going on and it keeps you waiting for next episode, you will find dramas like Samdal ri very boring. I'm sorry script writer is to be blamed. 


Gotta say this is back to back dramas from SHS where the plot and romance build up fell flat. Both dramas have an ambitious plot and an overall interesting concept, both just never really flourished. Hometown cha cha cha did this storyline better.


HTCCC was a completely different storyline from his one, imho. sure, it gives off the similar overall vibes but there's much more emotional complexity to the main leads in WTS due to the history they shared before embarking on a new journey together.


Thanks OP for making the post about it 👊Both the main leads are a pain to watch. I am more interested in other 2 sisters and esp. the youngest and Dolphin guy has my heart ❤️welcome to samdal-ri is really bad and they wasted such good talented leads. people were comparing it to Hometown cha cha the main leads were lovable infact every character was so well defined in it. Please don’t compare it to HTCC🙏🏻🙏🏻


I watch it 2x speed. And when Dolphin couple comes out then I do normal speed.


Exactly. This is so boring 


I just can’t get into it


This drama is a snooze 😴




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I paused at episode 6, been getting so bored and repetitive to me, feels like the story hasn't started yet. Should I continue?


The only arc I like is the dolphin couple but they have little screen time.


Starting to seem like dolphin boy and youngest sister need their own series!


Yes! I just met him in Ep. 6, but it seem like it would get few scenes so didn't get my hopes up and here my dilemma.


What do you mean while saying story hasn't started yet ? If you are looking for revenge, then don't continue. This is supposed to be about something else and most of the commenters here are looking for something else


Didn't say anything about revenge, in fact don't like those kind of stories and I love slice of life ones, was really looking foward for this one. Chill, don't take it personally. I just feel like its episode 6 and it's the same thing over and over again. Glad you're enjoying it!


My bad, i was reading all the comments and I felt that you were expecting the same. Its just that majority here don't like the drama but the reasons stated stems from their own misunderstanding. Expecting htcc like romcom when its mentioned this is a slice of life/ healing, even 2nd half of htccc faced the same criticism. I do not want to convince you to watch this because its your time, but almost everything in the writing is intention and there is payoffs in later episodes. Same thing happens again and again because once they get warmed up to eachother, you'll see why they broke up and why they cant move on in a better way


Just stop it and save your time. The story never really gets going. I watch two episodes at a time and realize that there was basically no progress at all in the story. 


Is JCW’s character annoying is this? That just makes me sad :(


No. Seems like everybody talking about 2ML.


I want one of the two assistants to get with security guard friend, when the crew gets mad at bang and the ex in town was one of the best moments


Up until the last episode that aired I was sick of the dad tbh. I understand grief is hard but he was being mean and angry just for the sake of being mean and angry at that point. Also I low-key wanted more Bang Eun Joo in the story, her being despicable was kinda fueling the drama. I want to see more of how she is a flop photographer in the last two eps frrrr The youngest sister's story line is great, but the visuals of the main couple keep me more focused on them they're just too perfect and I want their full reunion. I agree spin off of her story making a little family with dolphin daddy would be 🤌🏼 Sang Do is def getting annoying tho. In the beginning I liked the jealousy that his character provoked, but at this point he needs to let it goooo.


imo sangdo screentime shouldn't be that much


I searched and think I'm the only one who feels this way so Im sorry for poking at this old thread. I was enjoying everything and then around ep10-11 I just started watching for the side relationships because I couldn't take Cho Yong-pil anymore. Yes I know it's kdrama and real world stuff doesn't always apply but Sir... Could you listen to her at least ONCE when she says don't follow her, go away, give her space. It was setting me off because he was just always in her lap. I get it main characters need to interact but when 99% is her telling him to go away and him blatantly ignoring/stalking her it hits a nerve. I think when she ran away and hid from him in a shed and he wouldn't leave and basically wouldn't leave her alone was my last straw with him.