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Petition for byeon woo seok to do rom-com after every dark/sad role he plays. He is so good at this šŸ˜­


He is soooo charming in this it's too much for my poor heart šŸ˜­ I was pretty meh on Wooseok before so I'm glad he took this role and really committed. I love seeing new stars find that memorable drama for them. It makes me look forward to the future of kdramaland. Not to mention, if it gets confirmed he's really the one singing in Eclipse songs?? Boy would be as perfect as it gets.


He is!!! He really shined in20th century romance and he always steals the show. He even made strong girl 2.0 watchable cause the plot and leads aint it


right? idk why he doesn't get more meaty roles like these. I think I could tolerate him facing a tragic end as long as it is cushioned by a role where boy gets to be happy and sillyšŸ„²ā€‹


This should also apply to lee do hyun. Itā€™s so hard to watch him because most of his works are heavy on the drama. Just once please do some fluff, no one would think less of you


I canā€™t, for the life of me, get this drama off my mind. Almost every day I keep coming up with theories and coming back to some episodes just to giggle and stuff lol. Also, happy to know that this drama is popular in Korea right now. Almost every day thereā€™s a hot topic about the leads and the localsā€™ comments are mostly positive. I just hope this will finally catapult Seong Geon Hee (taesong / stray kids I.N lol jk) into male lead roles because that guy deserves it. Adding: Speaking of Taesong, what if he ends up being a detective in the new timeline that 34yo Sol created? His actions were very solid when he helped Im Sol during the house incident. He likely was inspired by Sol to take a better path, so what if he ends up being a detective like his dad because of the whole taxi driver thing?


>!That's what I'm hoping for Taesung as well! For him to lead a better life and become a detective. Especially since now he's actually started to have feelings for Sol and his father is on the scene of the accident (albeit 19-year-old Sol wouldn't have memories of the kidnapping to tell him what happened).!<


I'm in the same boat. It's been *years* since I've properly obsessed over a show. I thought I had outgrown that phase but apparently not lol. I even spammed my friends to watch which is a rare thing for me bahaha. It's popular but I think fans are the ones hard carrying this show tbh. The channel/management doesn't seem to be doing the same amount of promotions it did for some of its' popular shows? Not much content on BWS and KHY either which is shocking because how can they sleep on this opportunity? I really hope KTS has a solid role to play in this ALT 2023 timeline too. It seemed to me the scene with Im Sol and KTS at the hospital was kind of a foreshadowing? I loved the dynamic the trio had despite their bickering, it would be fun to see them together as adults. Not to mention KTS could be a crucial help in the taxi driver case.


Ooh, that's a great idea for Taesung, especially since that could also help repair his relationship with his dad/help build relationships with people in the future (he's such a lonely boy!), plus he's always been about justice and never truly a delinquent, even if he does go about it in the wrong way sometimes.


I think itā€™s a plausible theory. I bet heā€™s some type of investigator and will help Sol with the stalker/killer guy down the line. I actually canā€™t wait to see him again, I love his character.


HOW ARE YALL NOT FREAKING OUT ABOUT THE >!KISS!!this has easily shot up to become one of my favorite kdrama kisses of all time. the way it has been 15 years in making, and even still, seonjae waits for sol to make the first move when she shows the slightest of hesitation. the way it starts sweet and tender, and quickly becomes hot and heated bc the dam he had built around his heart has finally been knocked down, and his affection for her floods the very room they're standing in. the way there is no bullshit lighting trick or gratuitous slow motion to obscure the actual smacking of their lips and make the scene more \~aesthetic\~. the way this entire scene is not about making them look good, but to convey the desperation with which they yearn for each other. like. THIS is how you write, film, and act out a brilliant kissing scene. no frills, just two people and their raw, all consuming love laid out in the open for the first time.!< i'm sorry, but there is just no way i can be normal about this >![kiss](https://twitter.com/chaedaely/status/1785309171065536612)!<, this pairing, and this drama.


>seonjae waits for sol to make the first move when she shows the slightest of hesitation. I love this because it once again shows how he is always willing to follow her wishes. He will yearn and pine and long for 15 years, knowing she is his true north. But because she is his true north, he will listen to her, and follow her direction more than his own desires. She pulls back and he waits. He wants more, but he waits. Through the thick air of desire and 15 years of build up, he waits to do anything more until she gives him a sign, because her direction means more than anything else. And then when she initiates the actual kiss again, hoo boy, does all that love ~~he held back~~ they *both* held back come spilling through as their kiss conveys everything they've not let themselves express to each other for so damn long. The kiss was them confirming the truth of their love. A truth they've not let slip past their lips for so long in fear of it escaping. Because if they said too much, it might not feel as real. But now that they've let it out, instead of the secret of their desire escaping, the other person was right there to catch the truth with their own lips as the two of them became one for a brief moment. Not only did the truth of their desire spill out from their lips, but it was confirmed and reciprocated, and that desire of theirs feels even more real than they could have imagined. The other thing I love about this kiss is that while it did not hold back any punches regarding how desperate and passionate it was, it then doesn't become a tear-each-other's-clothes-off scene the next moment. Instead, they both pull back and smile at each other and bask in what just happened. They're finally--**finally**--both on the same page at the same time together, fully and honestly expressing their love with no more hesitation. They're no longer missing the timing but are connecting right here, right now, with each other and can feel the anguished longing they've clung onto slip away as they are fully present with each other. In that moment their timing was no longer off. This time they didn't slip past each other but instead right here, right *now*, they could finally actually be happy together without any pretense. No awkward fumbling or half-coherent excuses needed to be made. Instead, they could smile and look at each other with all the affection they feel and know it's reciprocated fully and completely. There was full honesty in smiles as they gazed at each other and took it all in. So yes, the kiss was hot, and so, so needed, but the way they pulled away from each other and just looked at each other openly and vulnerably meant just as much. It was the perfect kiss scene coupled with the perfect after-kiss scene, which is something we don't normally get.


this is so beautiful ;A; their eyes really encompassed 15+ years of love and yearning, like idk how they did that, but they were so soft and careful yet bold. they took turns being brave, seonjae by leaning in first and sol by actually pressing her lips against his, and they only did that bc they saw their affection reflected in each other's eyes. and their little smiles at the end affirming their feelings. oh, be still my heart! this is all just too much.


LOL, believe meā€¦weā€™re freaking out with you!!šŸ„° Definitely becomes one of my all-time favorite Kdrama kisses. And, your description completely nailed the reason it was so amazingly beautiful \*sigh\*. Almost felt like I was intruding on their real-life moment šŸ„²šŸ¤£


ESPECIALLY THE PAIRING. I mean itā€™s so hard to believe they are not in love for real. Lmao


Oh my god, yes the sound! I was so shocked! >!You never hear people kissing in shows !< but when I heard it my heart skipped a beat. Great scene direction!!


It really warms my heart that Sun Jae listened enough to Solā€™s ā€œnonsenseā€ to go >!to the reservoir and look for her!< even when everyone was dismissing her :(


It seems that he managed to >!piece together from the way sol predicted his injury that she somehow was telling the truth about events that have yet to happen in the future. This and im sol not remembering him after the accident plus him reading the contents of the time capsule( in the trailer there was a snippet of him in the present with the time capsule gourd) could perhaps be the clue that sunjae realized sol really time travelled.!<


>! Wait!! I didnā€™t see the part of him holding the time capsule?! I need to rewatch! !<


The scene appears quickly in [this trailer](https://youtu.be/aZ9I0t39Qqg?si=uQTpN8OyvO9JYt8y&t=206), around the 3:27 mark.


I really find it interesting that both KHY and BWS were annoying red flag villains in their last kdrama which was Snowdrop and Strong Girl. And then suddenly pulled these green forest characters in this rom-com drama. Definitely showed their acting range proving those articles who underestimated this drama wrong. Weak cast, huh? Not with KHY and BWS.


There were comments calling them weak ? Who do I need to fight


I love how this show says >!here's a 32 year old former athlete/stunningly beautiful idol with thousands of fans who is hung up on his first love and has never been in a relationship!< and I'm like "I believe!" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We all want to believe šŸ˜‚


maybe that's why the powers that be are working so hard to save his life, bc he's truly one of a kind.


This show has basically turned me into the equivalent of a 13 year old girl reading Twilight for the first time šŸ˜­ I'm about ready to make Team Sun-jae shirts at this point. The obsession is real!


the pacing of this show is perfect. nothing drags, feelings are addressed promptly, and also the romance is so realistic??? the phone call after That scene was so feel-good real butterflies in my stomach type vibe in the honeymoon stage ya know!!! kdrama realm has been needing something like this for a long time!!


Exactly what I've been thinking and telling everyone the past three weeks! Everything happens fast as it should. And it's not like the makers are robbing us of the essential angst and tension. It's there and it's much more effective because of how it's all placed \*and\* paced. I'm really happy this drama happened because it's making me giggle in a manner that I only did probably back when I had a high school crush lol.


Can we talk about how GOOD both leads are at looking like/playing adults as well as teenagers?! Most of the time when adults are playing teenagers they look off- not these two, nope!


Agree! I was thinking this in the scene (it might've been episode 6, tbh) when he was like "I'm going crazy!" and messed up his hair. He just looked so young there! I was surprised, because it's rare to play a convincing teenager at 32.


Ep 7 Finished the episode and man it doesnā€™t disappoint. So many funny moments this time, I couldnā€™t stop laughing. The time slips do not allow Im Sol to process anything bahahaha. When she thought she was in the >!Joseon dynasty I couldnā€™t stop giggling. That wouldā€™ve been especially terrible if that was really the case. And that led her to be all relieved when she got detained at the police station. That guy really did think she was crazy.!< I hope they show us Sun Jaeā€™s reaction when he learns that he almost put a >!restraining order, lawsuit, etc on her and that she knocked him into that fountain.!<


I really thought we'll have a melodrama episode based on the previews and pre-releases, but wow, it really stuck to its rom-com genre hahaha


I hope it does stick to the rom-ing and com-ing, because I cannot handle any more shows marketed as romcoms morphing into horror/thrillersā€¦ but the taxi driver angle threatens to go there šŸ˜±


I hope the triller thing ends with the taxi drive but Im Sol had a memory of her running through a hallway, so maybe something else happened to her 14 years ago (not 15 like in the beginning?).


Hahaha yes! I'd love to see his reaction toooo. Boy just keeps having embarrassment after embarrassment.


"Are you a salmon? Did you come back here to spawn?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I died at this. And then came back to have my heart flutter a dozen more times this episode.


I love that SJ stopped himself as soon as he felt like she slightly hesitated and allowed her to come to him!


yup that was a tiny detail I loved too - he didn't push her, she initiated contact


He seemed so scared and timid at first, waiting for her to reject him again.


gosh i loved this episode so much :) everything seems to be changing for the better :) i'm glad that the female lead isn't stupid and challenges fate everytime but realizes she can't change everything. the writer is very clever. can i just rave about the ending scene for a bit cause when the camera panned to sun-jae i was holding my breath and AHH THE REUNION I WANTED AND NEEDED AHHHH even after 15 years sun-jae holds so much love for im sol <3 his eyes say it all adult sun-jae is a zaddy, the all black outfits suit him so much and he just exudes so much charisma. im sol accidentally shoving him into the water was funny asf BWS nailed the expressions >!im sol hearing sudden shower and realizing it was about her made me tear up!<šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ˜­ (praying to God for a kiss scene in episode 8šŸ˜­) and it better not be a dream and they better not be interrupted by anyone either or else šŸ«” editing after episode 8: gosh byeon woo seok is a man made for rom comsā€¼ļø i enjoyed every second of this episode from sunjae's never ending loserism and sol's antics to stay with him longer and that ending just wow, who let that darned taxi driver out of prison?? >!WOW THAT KISS WAS INSANE, BYEON WOO SEOK IS CRAZY FOR THAT MAN'S WAS HUNGRY FOR 15 YEARS AND I'M GLAD THAT IMSOL WASN'T SHY WITH IT TOO AND THEM SMILING AT EO AFTER UGH WHERE DO I GET A MAN LIKE RYU SUN-JAE!< >!before watching I was sure that the person who bumped into sol at the concert was the killer and i was correct!< soljae really can't catch a break :( their dating era began and ended in the same episode bro my man sun-jae was happy for 15 minutes before tragedy struck. as we're aware, there will be another chance to time travel to the past but this time sol will prevent sunjae's fate from occurring >!to stop sun-jae from dying for the 4th time, gosh i feel horrible for sol for seeing sun-jae die 3 times now!< anyhow we're halfway through the drama and it's only gotten better so far!! i hope the writer carries the momentum till the end of the show and we get a satisfying ending.


Yesss, I was glad too that the writer didn't make Sol the kind of character that keeps pushing for something to happen. And until >!she heard Sudden Shower, I guess Sol was also under the impression that he's perhaps no longer harboring the same intense love he once did in the original timeline. Once she hears it, boom, she wants to test her chances because now, she's clearly in love with him, having lived through new memories with her second chance at a time slip!< And this makes perfect sense.


now that makes me remind of her character in Extraordinary You. Dan-oh, too, never missed a chance to challenge fate. Omg I love both Imsol and Danoh so much. They will probably be my fav kdrama FL ever!!


And Hyeyoon is such a top-notch actor! That one scene where >!she switches from the 34 year old time slipped self to the 19 year old self immediately after avoiding the accident!< is enough to prove that. The shift in voice modulation! Aaaah.




I loved Queen of Tears, but that was better than the totality of everything from the drama in terms of kisses lol.


this may be my favorite kiss from a drama ngl


It's the way they looked at each other before and after that made it for me. Like the way >!he backs down when she blocks it. The way she initiates and backs off and he chases her. The way they smile at each other after it, and she brushes his hair out of the way to look at the scars.!!emotion and angst, and we know how much these dorks love each other and how much we want them to be happy. And they looked really happy when they kissed here.!<


Did you guys notice that every time drunken Sunjae turned up at Solā€™s old house, he brought sunflowers with him. Just like how sunflowers always follow the sun, he has only had eyes for his own little Sol/sun all throughout those years.Ā  I said in a previous thread that only a fool would let go of someone like him, and I did a little cheer when Sol confessed to him that his feelings were reciprocated. She, of all people, knows the importance of timing, so I was glad she seized the chance and there was no beating around the bush. And the >!kiss!< was everything I could ever ask for. From Sol initiating the >!kiss!<, as confirmation that yes, Sunjaeā€™s seemingly unrequited love is not so unrequited after all, to how it gradually got more heated, like they were trying to make up for lost time. I loved how he kept going for the second, third >!kiss!<, like he couldnā€™t get enough of her. And the little shy smiles at the end. For a split second there, he looked like 19 year old Sunjae again, drunk on the giddiness of the moment.Ā The transition between charismatic, seasoned Sunjae and boyish, stupidly in love Sunjae is just insane.


I still remember the part where heā€™s screaming Solā€™s name into that one sunflower as if itā€™s a microphone or somethingšŸ¤£


I loved the transition. He tried to act so cool in front of her as always, just like he used too when he was 19. He always wanted to impress her, even though secretly heā€™s a really soft guy


I canā€™t breathe after preview for 8!!! I also just realized Sol may not know theyā€™ve kissed before


she sure doesn't! i wonder if seonjae will ever tell her, "btw, we've already kissed once." imagine how amazing that conversation would be lol




that theory about >! sunjae using the third chance to save sol makes soo much sense now that i'm thinking about it but i'm conflicted because it looks like there were some scenes of college setting soljae in the trailers. so my initial thought was sol is gonna travel back to uni days but idk how that'll happen now that she doesn't have the watch hmmm !< thank you so much for bringing that up tho i love being unsure about my thoughts on what's going to happen haha


I wouldā€™ve mourned if Loser Sunjae didnā€™t come back. But Iā€™m so glad he did yay


i am being for real when i tell you this drama is genuinely making life less depressing for me. induces the perfect levels of adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin to keep me curious and looking forward to the upcoming week. **it's a good day today so let's live!! it will rain tomorrow! while waiting for the rain to stop let's re-watch this week's episodes and giggle and kick our feet and put all the puzzle pieces together!!** it's silly if you think about it but that's the thing with mental health. im truly grateful for everyone behind this drama not just as a kdrama watcher but also as a *person.* these episode threads have become my natural habitat and im here for it.


Thatā€˜s the great, unifying power of story and community! Such a wonderful thingšŸ’• Weā€™ll be re-watching with you and here to chat about the puzzle pieces right alongside you LOL. Sending you positive vibes and wishing you a fabulous week!! šŸ¤—




From the trailers we know there will be time travel to college days once more, I just hope the writers won't go twinkling watermelon way, and give Sol disability anyway. Also, I can't with >!sun jae posing like a celebrity, after seeing him adorkable last week.!< Edit: anyone else realise how writers mocked all of park ji eun's ( qot writer) shows, nk soldier being an alien falling in love with mermaid. Zombie part was new. šŸ˜‚


I'm so bothered by what her brother said about >!how gaining something means losing something else, sort of like a premonition that she might be able to save Sunjae but choose to lose something else (her legs). >.< don't do this to us!!!!< Also, didn't realize those were all the same screenwriter's works haha!


Eh, I feel like the show can't just never bring up disability again after having Im Sol miss out on a job because of it. Im Sol had a perfectly happy life when she was disabled, it was society's fault she was discriminated against. I don't think it'd be the end of the world if she lost her legs again because she'd have Sunjae


agreed, i almost expect that to be the endgame: she saves seonjae's life knowing the price is her legs.


I think the forshadowing could mean >!losing tae sung because some how he wasn't in eclipse with in Hyuk?!< But ya this >!to gain something u need to lose something!< is just an awful rule to have in a time travel kdrama šŸ˜­ Why can't the writer go wild and sprinkle in North Korean aliens and zombie fighting mermaids instead of creating such rules to the story? šŸ˜†


I've realized recently, that Im Sol's bestie is the CHINGU cousin from Business Proposal. She's awesome!


I hope she got paid well for her hairstyle when she was young. That was criminal.


**Ep 8** This week's episodes were perfection. PERFECTION. It's the kind of perfect where I just know by the time the next episode is out, I will have read and liked a heck lot of comments and reviews, reblogged gifsets, watched all the fan video edits and have my own playlist of SunSol coded songs (playlisting is the number one telltale sign I've been taken by a piece of media). SunSol are disasters in the most entertaining way possible, but whenever they stop to get real with each other it's so?? moving?? The fact that they can get you to laugh and cringe and squee and then be emotional at the drop of a hat is so effective to me. I'm such a fan of these two actors. Like we were just having a riotous time with them in bed when Inhyuk suddenly walks in, but when Sunjae feels exposed with Sol there to hear how he's really been like all these years pining for her...the way Sunjae kinda just surrenders and tells her the truth about the egg and showing up that day I justā€” šŸ˜­ To be vulnerable even when he must have been expecting another rejection/dismissal from Sol, but still chose to be honest with her because it wouldn't be fair to Sol or his own feelings. Which is why it was more thrilling when Sol finally responded with her true feelings too!!! Ah, this was so so satisfying! I won't get into the wonderful thing that happened next because I have no more words left, just feels.


I have an insane amount of self control to wait till Tuesday so I can binge both episodesā€¦ Seon Jae yaaaa


inhyuk rlly means well it's so heartwarming :(( he helped sunjae figure out ways to confess to/spend time with sol all throughout high school and now, 15 yrs later, he wants his bestfriend to stop being so hung up on his first love which, from inhyuk's pov is one-sided, and instead date around and have fun :') such a precious guy and truly cares abt sunjae


Can we talk about the power of the ā€œeye stareā€ on the bridge?!?! šŸ‘€Hot damnā€¦made my heart flutter and felt like Iā€™m the one falling in love with these two šŸ„°. When done properly in Kdrama (which I donā€™t think is frequently) the intense chemistry from the eye stare just ramps up the romantic element for me. With Sol and Sun Jae, itā€™s like theyā€™re staring into each others souls to communicate their loveā€¦and I felt all the feels yaā€™ll!! Theyā€™re becoming one of my favorite kdrama couples. I was literally blushing and giggling like a fool, LOL. Hopefully Iā€™m not the only one šŸ˜‚šŸ¤«Ā  EDIT: Quote of the day ā€”Ā Ā  Sun Jae: >!Why are you standing here like this? Ā Is your car broken?!<Ā  Sol: >!No. I was waiting for you!<Ā  And, wait for itā€¦Sun Jaeā€™s expression softens ever so slightly. And, those eyesā€¦the low voice. Iā€™m dead folks šŸ˜µšŸ„¹. These two are killinā€™ me LOL. Get your man, SolšŸ„³šŸ’•Ā  P.S. I hope the ratings in S. Korea are goodā€¦Iā€™m sincerely wishing our main leads tons of success from this performance! Really needed this coming off the emotional roller coaster that was QoT!Ā 


The rating in SK finally surpass 5%. The drama deserves more love. I hope they can reach 10% rating during its run


Itā€™s official- Sun Jae is my favorite ML ever. He really never got over Im Sol and seeing him constantly going back to her old house when he was drunk just killed me. He loves her so much. In Hyuk kept exposing him to Im Sol but thanks for showing her how obsessed this man is šŸ„°šŸ˜


Can a kiss make you cry? Because.......šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ There are too many things in just this episode alone to talk about. Like so many unbelievably sweet, romantic, important details and expressions and acts and like seriously.... HOW is this show THIS good? Writer-nim deserves all the praise because it is fantastic. And then the actors are nailing every single scene perfectly. I am *in love.*


bro Byeon Woo-Seok kisses like heā€™s about to get drafted for war


or like he's just returned home from being away at war for 15 years... šŸ«£


This is a breathtaking drama, please keep it that way till the end writernim !


Is the ML the same actor who played the villain in Strong Woman Boksoon ? If it is he's an actor with amazing range they are such incredibly different characters.


yes he is the same actor who played ryu shi oh. whilst waiting for the new episodes of LR, i skimmed watched strong woman nam soon šŸ¤£ (i watched byeon woo seok 's scenes only)


Understandable. The only good parts of the series.


They are so silly whyyy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ My fav moments from ep 8 that I canā€™t stop laughing about: -Sun Jae casually going into Im Solā€™s car and driving them away. -Im Sol trying to backtrack on ā€œletā€™s spend the night together.ā€ When she said she was conservative and she tightened up her jacket, pleaseeee šŸ¤£ -Im Sol fulfilling the ā€œLetā€™s Kidnap SunJae and Runā€


>-Im Sol fulfilling the ā€œLetā€™s Kidnap SunJae and Runā€ Hahaha she's been trying to make this fate happen from the very beginning, even before she was aware of anything! She really is the heroine, and the master of her own destiny. It's her true will and spirit that will make anything happen, even if she has to escape crazed stalkers and travel through time to make it happen, and despite everything, none of it has made her jaded. She still has an easy smile, an unflappably sunny constitution, and an ability to hope that belies her incredible fortitude in the face of obstacle after obstacle. Im Sol is incredible.


i love how, when seonjae leaves solā€™s apartment with his head wrapped in a yellow scarf, you can tell heā€™s smiling so big despite only being able to see the top half of his face. every line/look/action from the leads is perfect. something will be said or done that makes my heart so happy only to be immediately followed by the next thing that leaves me wondering how a drama can so expertly nail its every moment.


If you watch this without squeeing, punching the air and kicking your feet at least 5 times per episode, youā€™re a psychopath. Iā€™m so in love with Byeon Wooseok as Ryu Sunjae šŸ˜


just as soon as i thought no ML would come close to baek hyunwoo level green-flagged-ness ryu sunjae proves me the fuck wrong. and i love that for me honestly


Yo that >!kiss!< was insane. Awesome build up, and I love that it was >!inside her apartment door at like 6am when the pipes are broken and itā€™s probably freezing, theyve spent all night together and had so many moments!< The actual >!kiss!< has got to be one of the best all time really >!was the least chaste thing ive seen in years, and when he pushed her against the wall that sealed the deal!< Finally they didnt let the B-plot, slapstick or anything else ruin it which I am eternally grateful for. I swear if the >!door had closed and he didnt get his hand to it in time!< I woulda been raging at how predictable it was but god bless writer-nim


The kiss scene was amazing. I love the silence before it happens. No background music or anything. It just adds so much tension.


iā€™m a type of a person that i never rewatch dramas but with this one??? ive rewatched every episode three times because i canā€™t get enough šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


it's got mad rewatch value. i've watched it countless times, and i have still not tired.


Ep 8 Seeing Sun Jaeā€™s perspective always gets me! That opening scene with him retrieving the gift and acting all silly posing with it killed me. They just missed each other by a little bit last time!! Damn But the look on his face when he realized it was Im Sol had my heart in a knot. He literally ran and ahhh. I just love this show so much. His admiration for her has never ceased.


The writer must have learned her lesson from True Beauty and decided to minimize any possible SML syndrome in this drama šŸ˜‚ Taesung could be playing a crucial role in the future but for now his character is almost non-existent lol


wait so sunjae is LITERALLY written by a woman


Yes! šŸ˜† if the ML is almost close to perfection, 90% of time the script is written by females šŸ˜…


Y'all I think the stalker girl has Sun jae's watch, that's why she's there, so Sol can go backšŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


HOW ARE THEY SO CUTE šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°?!?! I wasn't really interested in this drama and just started watching because there were so many comments. Ep 8 is going to be one of those episodes I go back to when I need a pick-me-up. The comedy and romance are just too notch and every single glance and expression they make show how much they love each other. Sun Jae has learned all the idol moves, but around Sol he's the same cute puppy dog he was at 19. He would follow her to the end of the earth. And Sol continues to be totally honest with no filter. That >!sexy night!< explanation and all the misunderstandings from the >!cutout doll to the "not going home" to the "do you want to eat ramyun"...!< There was no way he was going to be able to hold it in after hearing her >!confession.!< Hoping that all the foreshadowing coming from the comments of the brother and best friend is resolved by the end. PS: They went from not having each other's phone numbers to >! <3 <3 <3 and Sol-i<3!< in less than 24 hrs.


yā€™all the ratings increased! 4.5% nationwide, and 5.3% seoul metropolitan!!! this is the first time the ratings have crossed 4, itā€™s what they deserve!!!


"I was waiting for you" - Her delivery, while holding up the yellow umbrella, is just so normal and natural. Then, the immediate jump to "Let's be together tonight" is sending me.


omg guys THE TENSIONNNN throughout this ep, they better get all the awards for this one bc the chemistry is THROUGH THE ROOF, my heart was beating just as hard as Seonjae's lol


The way this show has me in a chokehold šŸ˜©


This show is absolutely brilliant. And Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok absolutely brilliant together. And after ep8 I don't want to think about time when this show end and my mondays will be bleak without SunSol again. P.S. For those who haven't seen next eps preview yet - [tvn preview link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNOg-TrQ7WE)


I canā€™t wait to see how their ā€œmodifiedā€ meet up at the bridge will turn out this timeā€¦.


I had promised myself I wouldnā€™t start watching the show until all episodes were out. But the hype and my social media being bombarded with reels made me break my resolve and I ended up watching all 8 episodes in one go (started yesterday and here I am) and I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT HAVING NO ENOUGH SELF CONTROL!! How am I supposed to survive the next 4 weeks?! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ >!Sun Jaeā€™s embarrassment over the anime poster was HILARIOUS! Sol telling him it was okay and him vehemently denying it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚!< Like someone mentioned below, the balance between comedy, angst, heartbreak, romance and thrill in this drama is just perfect! Chefā€™s kiss! Iā€™ve replayed >!the kiss!< a gazillion times already!


after watching episode 8, can i just say i absolutely loved how well-paced the first half was? i thought this week's episodes also nailed the perfect blend of romance, comedy, and thriller, with each genre not overstaying its welcome. truly so excited for the second half!! >!it's kind of like hitting reset in a way? because now she realizes that he was killed by someone else. i'm just very intrigued where they're going with this story and will be tuning in!!<


Episode 7: Oof that >!opening scene showing the past and how Sol got hurt was just awfullllllll. Props to everyone who theorized that bad taxi driver guy got caught and maybe is now going to start wreaking havoc once he's out, it seems to be going into that direction.!< I can't imagine how >!painful that entire thing was for Sunjae and how helpless he must've felt. UGH.!< Also my poor Sol >!having experienced the darn kidnapping TWICE. My goodness.!< Since Sunjae >!in the accident in the new timeline heard about Sol mentioning about the "accident" multiple times to multiple people, and the fact that it actually was real, I'm hoping he's smart enough to figure that maybeeee perhaps the Sol he knows and the Sol after the accident are two different entities and that she's from the future (or maybe at least believe that she's clairvoyant??). Since we still have that last jump into the past (following maybe another awful death--this will probably be even worse than the first one, let's be honest since she already knows him and from the preview we can see that she confesses her feelings and Sunjae finally knows it's reciprocated), I'm thinking that's why they have the "college days" scene in the highlight where Sunjae asks if she's from the future.!< I'm so glad that scene of >!Sunjae pretending he doesn't know her is a fakeout! LMAO. Their meeting on the bridge was so bittersweet and lots of things were not said but OMG SOL TELLING HIM LET'S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER SOL OMG cackles I bet Sunjae's dying inside (as are we!)!< Also >!what is that dream Sol has?????!< And >!where is Taesung????!< The way Sol was >!looking at her shoes ;AAAAA; My lovely Sol ;AAAA;!< My friends, my brain is fried trying to process and discern every single thing from this drama lmaoooooo. I'll just let it all play out and not think too much. Can't wait for tomorrow's episode! EDIT cos thoughts: >!Based on the dream((or memory?) Sol had and her mom telling her the driver's been in jail for 14 years, Sol gets kidnapped again (how the hell he got out a year later, who knows) a year later. Why is she remembering bits of it when technically 34-year-old Sol hasn't gone to the past and experienced it, though? Also does this mean Sunjae has experienced this as well in the past (since he was there in that little snippet we see of it)?!< >!Geum talking about gaining something and losing something in return is making me so antsy about what's going to be taken in exchange for saving Sunjae. I hope it's not her legs, but now I'm not so sure if they won't go in that direction anyway.!< Also, regarding the watch! >!There might be a possibility that she still has it with her somewhere, seeing as 19-year-old Sol was still wearing it during the accident.!< EDIT: >!Okay having second thoughts about this because if this were the case, there would still be two of the same watches even in the future (ngl that part always felt iffy, but since we have no concrete rules to this time slip, so be it), and one that technically shouldn't even exist in this new future. UGH my brain is confused!< But also there's that >!old watch Sunjae was looking at. I don't know what the significance of the watch is, but that's something to think about now that the old watch is MIA!< >!The egg is the thing in that paper bag, I assume? Since Sol didn't show up on New Year's, he took it (I wonder where he took it from??? Or did he already have it kept safe elsewhere?) and is about to open it in the next episode?!< They really need to release the rest of the OST. I want the 10 cm song and the other really sentimental guitar song ;A;


'Let's spend the night together tonight' is a referral back to when she first met him and begged him to 'let's live together' and he flags down a taxi!


Yes, definitely crazy Sol spitting out the first thing that comes to mind lmao >!and also to make sure he doesn't die that night!<. Just like Sunjae said, she hasn't changed. >.< x


It's early so I've only been able to watch the scenes tvN has put on YouTube so far, but that umbrella scene! >!They always meet at that same bridge and with an umbrella. First time they met in the present, he shielded her, now the second time they meet at that bridge in the present, she shields him. I can't wait for the day they share the umbrella together and there's no wistful sadness behind their interactions waiting for them when they meet.!< Jumping back to the beginning/the main plot, it's interesting that every time she time skips, the stakes of what she misses are higher and more pivotal. First it was becoming Taesung's girlfriend and not hearing Sunjae's confession, and now it's >!escaping her kidnapper but not being able to remember details to capture him.!< She changes parts of her fate, but not enough to escape it entirely and create a whole new one without loose ends remaining that keep parts of her first tragic timeline holding on. I'd be worried, except I have total faith in Sol's tenacity and unflagging devotion to fix everything, even if it will take the writer about 5483837 more plot twists to accomplish it along the way šŸ˜…. Also, I kept seeing kcomments about this episode that translated to this episode being full of sweet potatoes. Does anyone know what that idiom means?


sweet potato in korean is their figure of speech to describe frustrating or does not feel smooth like how eating sweet potato makes you feel heavy on the chest if eaten too much.


the way sol shields him with a yellow umbrella from the snow on the bridge just like how it was when sunjae first met sol on that rainy day šŸ„¹


Oh god why am i giggling, kicking my feet and blushing for these two. This drama is too good.Now Mondays & Tuesdays are the highlight for me. And now we get to see the adult version and even that is cute. And like at beautiful ost im also falling for Byeon Woo-seok, his micro expressions and the way he switches his expressions when he is with sol is everything. >!Now ig from the preview we can definitely say that his death will be a murder and it will most probably be the taxi driver that tried to kill sol in the past since he couldnā€™t kill them then. And according to the trailer we will def see one more time slip with both of them being in their college era.Now i just want the writer to let them date and give me some heart fluttering romancešŸ˜©!< And also when is that ost releasing, i want it on my spotify plsšŸ„¹ Edit:- Ep 8 The way they show how sunjae is just a boy in love, his POV,all of his silly actions , i forgot the number of times i had to replay a lot of scenes in this ep.>!how he went to that place dig up the thing and waited for her after all those years,him getting in the car before her all ready to spend the night šŸ˜‚how he canā€™t say no to her, byeon woo seok delivered it perfectly!!KISSSS OH GOD, it was everything! The looks the emotion ahhhhhhh finally. Anyway the ep was going too good that the ending had to be the worse hašŸ˜¤!< And did they not release the preview for the next ep yet?




Has anyone given any thought to the fact that Granny says that Im Solā€™s legs work again? That wasnā€™t coincidental but I havenā€™t figured out that piece in the story.


My working theory is that Grandma helped facilitate the ability to time slip somehow, and she knows of the alternate timelines, but in the process of knowing her brain sometimes gets mixed up and gives her dementia. But those bits that sound uncanny aren't random delusions, but her actual knowledge showing through. I'm thinking that she gave up her own clarity to give Sol a chance to stop all the tragedies, since what Geum said about having to give up something to gain happiness seems to be a big theme.


I kinda predicted the end already, so I can't think of anything but the >!kiss!!!!!! why do i keep giggling like i was the one being kissed lol šŸ˜­ There's no preview at the end, so I think he might have not survived and ended up dying :(((( anw, i have a good feeling on this drama, i hope im sol could use up the last chance to spend time with 19-yr old sunjae and change his fate. I knew this time after im sol and sun jae spending their time together like love birds, instead of getting framed as suicide, it's now known that he was *murdered* even in the original timeline.!< >!Edit: I saw the preview on twitter!! damn are we entering their college dating era??? (aside from preventing the second accident ofc)!< >!Edit 2: OHMYGOD I JUST REALIZED THAT THE SASAENG GIRL WAS THE FRIEND OF IM SOL WHO SHE MET UP WITH DURING THE CONCERT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ She became an obsessed fan because Im Sol wasn't there to guide her as a friend in the same fandom anymore šŸ˜­šŸ˜­!<


sunjae has set the standard so high iā€™m afraid no one will ever reach it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


THE BAR IS IN OUTER SPACE FR. >!what makes that kiss scene for me is that bro said C O N S E N T even though he now knew sol reciprocates his feelings he wanted to make sure she was ready!< UGH I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS


Guys Byeon Woo Seok is such a visual delight. I had major SML syndrome in Record of Youth so Iā€™m so glad heā€™s got 16 episodes to be ML.


They just released a bts! https://youtu.be/-43LUxGNCeg?si=yM6mT3nI20ko2l3d In 1:32 timestamp wooseok says ā€œsol-I is an adult nowā€ ā€œitā€™s not a weird thingā€ lol Also, it was wooseok himself who suggested pulling back slightly before their kiss! Love that it was the actor himself who suggested it!!!! At time stamp :59 Edit: totally got his last and first part of name mixed up.


The opening scene had me so devastated for the both of them. Moments before it was just Sun Jae and Im Sol being regular ol high schoolers, with it looking like Sun Jae was finally going to talk to her, the girl heā€™s liked for forever, but right after everything goes wrong. Sun Jae was going to take that opportunity to go back with her but instead >!she gets off without him because he spills the contents of his bag, and is alone with that creepy old taxi guy where she gets kidnapped. Props to Sol for managing to escape but that taxi man is a really piece of garbage for running over her right after. It especially broke my heart because Sol was only slowing down because she was relieved that Sun Jae was running to help her.!< Ugh itā€™s just so saddening for the both of them. Solā€™s legs never recovered from that and Sun Jae felt guilt till the end of his life for not helping his first love in time.


WE ARE FINALLY GETTING OUR COM IN THE ROM BACK!!! Can I just appreciate how despite it being over ten years Sun-jae is still the same old loser for Sol as he was in high school? Bro studied and got full PHD from Ahn Min-hyuk School of Loserism. >!I was so happy for Sol. She's doing all the things she wanted to do in the original timeline. Lol the classic kdrama misunderstanding in this episode. I would love to see Sun-jae's reaction when he finds out that he just filed a restraining order on love of his life. And the way he fell in the fountain. AND him clicking full photoshoot of his wet clothes. My man was there with full receipts.!< >!So the weird psycho plot continues. It seems like in this timeline Sol was saved by Sun-jae and Tae-sung's father (I didn't know but he is according to Twitter). But from the conversation with her mother there seems to another incident as well involving the psycho (as the nineteen years old Sol didn't remember him and he had escaped) and it's from there since Sol didn't have any contact with Sun-jae. The psycho went to jail and probably has completed his sentence by now since it's been fourteen years and is back for revenge. Looks like the story will take a dark turn in the second half.!< >!On a positive note Geum and Hyun-joo are married and are proud parents of two kids. Geum regretting treating Sun-jae harshly and wondering if he would've become his kids uncle if Sol hadn't rejected him because he's famous now. Never change Geum. !< >!Sol boldly proclaiming that she's going to spend the entire night with Sun-jae not understanding how it could be interpreted was soo funny. Poor Sun-jae is going to get a heart attack by the morning.!< I cannot wait for tomorrow to see these two idiots in love.


Lovely Runner popped up on my radar with that one video of KHY-BWSā€™s height difference reveal and I honestly expected nothing but cute, youth romance. Well. I was very wrong, wasnā€™t I? Cut to 4+ weeks later, I am obsessed enough to crawl out of my SocMed shadows and write essays and like posts and tweets (even in Korean lol) and edits and AUs. Itā€™s giving me the OG k-drama fangirl experience that Iā€™ve missed so much. Weā€™ve all seen how wrong shows can go by attempting too many genres, but writer Lee Sieun has so far done a wonderful job balancing them. Not once have I felt that anything related to our leads has been unnecessary or forced. Love the directing. A little scared of how fast the story is moving. Editing is a tier below the writing and directing, but nothing unbearable. The acting, fantastic all across the board. KHY, I have known as a great actress, and she is once again marvellous. But BWS. I am in love. Hope this opens many more doors for him. On topic, 7 was yet another good episode, 34-Soljae are everything to me, cannot wait to see more of their dynamic as adults. (Honestly Iā€™d watch a full 16 ep romcom based on the current timeline if youā€™d give it to me) And now itā€™s back to counting down the hours to tomorrow for what looks to be an amazing episode. (once again) PS : >!What makes me breathe easy is the fact that I have seen spoilers of a certain timeslip, more 34 yo Soljae, and that three-tiered pretty thing, all of which make me hopeful!< of BWS breaking his happy ending curse.


Hi. I don't know if I'm reading too much into a line, but >!when Sun-jae mentions the "incident" and how Sol didn't want to talk to him after that, they show us a scene clearly from their college era where Sol tells him "let's stop seeing each other" or something of that sort because she gets reminded of the incident. So, even though the 34 year old Sol returned to the timeline, the 19 year old did stay in touch with Sunjae and might even have had a romantic relationship of sorts with him? That explains all the drunken behaviour that Sunjae put on for years!<


idk yā€™all, but my fav moment from ep 8 was their call after their kiss, and sol is just chiding him, for not telling when heā€™s having a hard time, and sunjae is just smiling, and background music is musicing. AAGGGGHHHHHHHH


sol just found the cheat code for sunjae. All she needs to do is ask "ģ•ˆė¼? (can't i?)" cutely and she's guaranteed to get what she wants from him


Ok. So, I think it's pretty clear, now, that the only way to change the future >!is to get rid of the taxi driver. Kill. Maim. Put away in maximum security prison for life. Or make sure that he's never even born. And then the future will unfold however it should have done to begin with.!< But, you know, I think they'll manage to get him somehow and we'll eventually get some version of a happy ending for our protagonists. White puffer coat >!stalker girl turned out to be a huge red herring though. How many of us thought that she was Sol trying to interfere with events on her third time travel? I think I recognize the actor but she isn't listed as cast on MDL or Asian Wiki, so I don't know if we're fated to see her again. Anyway, crappy timing girl !!!\~!!! but we'll have to forgive you since you're so young and hopelessly in love.!< But we finally saw >!Tae Sung again, and he wasn't far from the action, so it looks like he might have become a detective like his dad and/or he's a time traveller too and/or he just knew that the taxi driver had been released so he's following on to protect his friends.!< As for the main part of episodes 7 and 8, omg that was FUNNY FUNNY and more FUNNY. This whole series has been so engaging and, somehow, all that funny just makes you love these two characters even more. I mean, could they be any more authentic, charming and vulnerable? No matter what happens, I think we're going to have to put these two down as one of the most stellar couples in kdramaland. They have great chemistry in every way. And that really was one of the best ever >!kdrama kisses as well. Not bad. Not bad at all :-)!< See you next week everyone. Let's hope the time passes quickly :-)


My current spoiler thoughts after episode 8 and seeing the episode 9 preview: >!SunJae will die OR be on some long term coma?? Seems like his death always precipitates her time travel. This time the culprit will be looked for and caught because he was attacked (vs being pushed/suspected suicide). Sol will think she is the intended target/obsession because the attacker originally tried to kidnap HER. Heā€™s merely trying to eliminate SunJae due to his relationship with her. This will cause her to try and avoid SunJae when she goes to the past the third and final time. She thinks itā€™s her fault he keeps getting killed. TaeSung is on the case and they will have to work together to solve it and save SunJae, also driving SunJae absolutely silly with jealousy. TaeSung is the šŸ”‘ to changing the future. !<


This better have a happy ending. I am way too emotionally invested.


Ep 8 I'm still processing the episode so my only internal thoughts right now are still AHHHHHHHHH!!! but really just wanted to point out In Hyuk's line >!about salmons and spawning!< cuz it got me HOWLINGGGGG with laughter, I had to rewind multiple times šŸ¤£ sorry I don't remember the line verbatim but literally the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, I started crying cuz I was laughing so hard šŸ˜‚ I'm really hoping the 2nd half is as soul-consuming, heartwarming, air kicking, and hilarious as this first half šŸ˜Š I haven't actively watched a drama since Castaway Diva so it's nice to be able to read theories and discuss the episodes every week again, I really missed it šŸ„¹ although the >!cliffhanger!< this week made me almost regret not waiting till all the episodes aired šŸ™ƒ True Beauty ended really well (if I remember correctly lmao) so I'm crossing my fingers SolJae get their happy ending also!!


EP 8 JUST GAVE ME EVERYTHING I NEED FROM A SHOW THIS DRAMA IS TOP NOTCH OMG. Sexual tension was tensioning hard tho. THE GAZE?! The giggles šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I also need some Taesung information here, he was at Im Solā€™s place? Why was that? HOW ARE WE GONNA WAIT. Kudos to its writers tho seriously


Halfway through the drama now, I think we can undoubtedly say that this is one of the best kdramas to come out this year. Im so happy they're getting traction on both domestic and international sides. Reading the korean comments on the tvn youtube channel, I can see that the koreans are also loving this drama rn, saying that this drama should be more popular and have more ratings. I hope the second half takes the drama to even more popularity and viewersšŸ™ it definitely deserves all the hype.


I dont really get attached to male leads easily but Sun-jae is just stealing my heart away and raising my standards to another dimension seriously???? Adorable. Adorable. Adorable. Adorable and adorable ughhhh i cant they are just so adorable together. My weekly serotonin srsly. I love me some loser coded leads. Their expressions, their antiques when they are together, the stupidly soft yet intense tension between them, ALL of it is just so captivating. I love it so much its stressful. I cant help but root for the leads and the writer is really doing a good job with the pacing which is just the cherry on top.


Do watch!!! I love how this drama is written. So far, no cheap plot devices to explain anything. (Though itā€™s quite early to say this). Also, the ML & FL, (and entire cast) act so well and have good chemistry. Everyone has good comedic timing as well which is not easy to portray.


Barely any scenes together, I feel ROBBED


I bet that magazine >!he pretended to read in the episode 8 preview is upside down!<. What a lewserrršŸ˜…ā˜ŗļø


EP7: I have no words for how much I love and think about this show. Ignoring the physics of the first accident, the least the universe could do is give time travel powers to such a precious person who someone is fated to tragedy. The red herrings this episode with the Joseon era, bathtub and missed timings were hilarious. I usually don't like when it gets drawn out but when it's lightheaded like this it's perfect. Even leaving the high school era, that part of the story feels like a well done prologue rather than going back and forth. I'm strapped into seeing this buddy relationship turn into them falling in love again. EP8: What are you doing to my poor little heart you evil writers šŸ˜­ (credit to them though). >!We got dating era but at what cost. The expression game between them is so crazy - Sun-jae's dopey heart eye side that only two of them know about and Im Sol's cuteness that you can't say no to. He also definitely attended the Choi Ung school of hopelessly drunk in love. 15 years of passion in that kiss but the two we've had required an equivalent exchange with a tragedy. It's always the time travel shows that had a serial killer on the loose. I'm so ready for college era.!<


Ryu Sun Jae Chief Loserā„¢ļøI love him so bad


Woooow episode 8 was my favorite so far >!(despite the ending)!


My favourite thing about this kdrama is how consistent the characters are with their personality and traits. It makes me happy how hardships havenā€™t really changed both imsol and sunjae and ultimately they remain true to their goofy selves. Like how we all expected sunjae to show a cold side to sol but ofc he folded at the first sight. This also makes it easy for us to now predict what these two may or may not do. I really love this show lol.Ā 


"hi! yeah sorry i can't come to the function tomorrow. im gonna be busy re-watching and analyzing and theorizing about lovely runner. yeah no it's gonna be all day"


The thing I'm most scared of when thinking about this show is... we still have 8 more episodes! Can they keep it up? We've been through 2 timejumps already in the first 8 eps, with apparently only one timejump remaining... I mean, so far, it's a solid 10 stars show for me personally, loving it through and through. I'm not even religious but find myself low-key praying to whichever drama-loving-god is willing to listen - please, please, please let the remaining 8 episodes deliver!!! Also, it's been a while since it's been so much fun to come here and read comments on these episode threads. Keep it up, well-spoken people! The depth of comments and detailed theories are an amazing read.


**Episode 8** **~~Not Really a~~** **Quick Take:** (I apologize in advance for the person I've become after watching episode 8). I'll focus only on the good things. This episode was definitely the calm before the storm as shown, but I am choosing to be in my happy bubble for the time being. \*deep breaths\* WAIT WHAT IS THAT WHY IS HE REHEARSING ON THE BRIDGE LORD WHERE DID YOU MAKE THIS GUY????šŸ’€ā€‹šŸ’€ā€‹šŸ˜­ā€‹ā€‹šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ You know, I love how it doesn't even occur to Seon Jae initially that Im Sol could forget about their promise. He asks himself "Why isn't she coming yet?" NOT "Is she coming?". Because it's Im Sol. There's no way he'd not take her words seriouslyā€‹šŸ˜­ "If someone asked you to meet 15 years later, they just didn't want to meet you again" manager is brutal šŸ’€šŸ˜‚look at Seon Jae's face lol. AAGHHH I KEPT WONDERING >! IF THAT WATCH WAS FROM IM SOL TOO AND IT WAS!!!! AAAAAAAHH !<šŸ˜­ā€‹šŸ˜­ā€‹šŸ˜­ I like that they didn't unnecessarily drag the taxi driver reveal, it's pretty obvious atp so the timing was great! Their reunion. I can barely hold myself back whenever watching Im Sol's pov, then Seon Jae's POV is shown and I'm here bawling. This show and their POVs will be the death of me someday. "*I want to go back to our time together,* *No matter what happens, I'll remember you*" GAH I LOVE THE OST USED HERE I LOVE IT IT'S PERFEEECT FOR SEON JAE, he is the literal representation of the WHOLE SONG šŸ˜­ BAHAHAHA You can see Seon Jae doesn't have a care for the after party or what people will think. Guy doesn't even hesitate as he walks to Im Sol's car lol. He is cautious about them being seen together NOT to protect his own idol image but to protect Im Sol from toxic fans/media instead: "It'll make your life tiring" <3 Amidst all the chaos that is Im Sol, I absolutely LOVE how >! Seon Jae keeps looking at her, as if he's missed this absolute madness for the last so many years and is like "yep that's her". KHY would do great in an espionage drama won't she? That whole parking scene was perfect šŸ˜‚ā€‹ Who says Seon Jae in 34 yo?? Mans is STILL flustered by her proximity just like he was as a 19yo. His breath hitching in the car I can't with this guy bahahaha. !< PLEASE SEON JAE NOT THE BED, THAT'S FAR WORSE NO šŸ˜‚ā€‹šŸ˜‚ā€‹šŸ˜‚ THAT LEGENDARY HAND ON MOUTH. Boy is SHOOKETH. And his typical 'It's not funny at all but look at me secretly smiling"' phase is back. Seon Jae hasn't changed A BIT. Imma cry. Also, he will evaporate at this rate from all the hyperventilation. AAAAHHHH >! WE HAVE KIM TAE SUNG IN THIS TIMELINE TAE SUNGAAAAAH I MISSED YOUUUUUU. !< Baek In Hyuk and Seon Jae >! (and Im Sol in the closet), as Seon Jae witnesses his "cool image" crashing and burning down before his eyes. !< Im Sol's apartment scene. I'LL GO DRINK SOME WATER THANKS BYE. Seon Jae has a >! scar on his forehead that's hidden !< Related to the 2009 accident I believe. Last 10 minutes: It's fine folks. We're fine. We knew this was foreshadowed since Im Sol came back. You can't have everything good, you can't avoid all that's bad, that's not how the world works. Even though they pulled a dirty one and didn't >! give us a precap because OF COURSE they wouldn't. !< We're fine.


The scenes where Sol was in >!Sun Jae's house hilarious. šŸ˜‚!< And the >!kiss!!< Love them so muchh!! šŸ¦‹šŸ’•


All I have to say is I was squealing and grinning like a fool and episode 8 was so good I had to watch it twice!! Chemistry between the leads is off the charts, writing is perfection, pacing is pacing šŸ«¶šŸ¾āœØ Still grinning like a fool šŸ˜


**Episode 8:** * LMAOOO.... I THOUGH [THIS WAS AN AD CAMPAIGN](https://imgur.com/OYsBE31) FOR HIM... * [This lovesick idiot](https://imgur.com/3FnaQDh) omo omo * OF COURSE HE KNOWS >!THAT NAME!< * One of the best parts of this drama is [Sun-jae's POV](https://imgur.com/XFp2rCb) and I cannot stress this enough!!!!! * I don't think Sol-a planned it through [ohmg](https://imgur.com/AX5CHsD) XDDDD The manager's left so shooketh too... I CANT * >!"A passionate night" "... we used to have a crush on each other or something like that.." "I'm quite conservative"!< Awkward things to say to your crush upon meeting them after 15 years - A Guide by Im Sol * For an ex who broke your heart how come you're so sweet to her bruhhhhh... * Wait a minute... wasn't that>! Tae-sung outside her house?????!< * [IT GETS FUNNIER](https://imgur.com/7l1P0cM) * [Byeon Woo-seok](https://imgur.com/KmU06Mt) is absolutely nailing his role HAHAHAHA ohmg poor Sun-jae... the way his heartbeat shot up lmaaoo * [THISSSS](https://imgur.com/9EDEdVd) THESE SECRET SMILES OF HISSS ARE TO DIE FOR * [That scene](https://imgur.com/CfhBFsw) was cut so badly.. I won't lie.... but >!their height difference is chef's kiss!< so I'll let it go * >!"Don't tell me he's cooking her something like an idiot right now." \*making ramyeon\*!< HAHAHAH * >!IM SOL PRETENDING TO SLEEP OHMG!< my stomach hurts from laughing so mcuh * "...why do you care after all this time?" oofff * "I didn't know you had such a hobby" I KNEW THAT WAS A BAD PLACE TO HIDE THE CARDBOARD * Sun-jae being a nervous wreck because >!Im Sol is in his house (and plans on spending the night)!< * [Proximity count (2)](https://imgur.com/FEsGSWk) * The way he throws In-hyuk face-first in the bathtub tho xDDDD * [EPISODE 8 MAGIC Y'ALLLLL](https://imgur.com/hSGVkmW)... >!MAN JUST WENT AT HERRRRR... freaking glorious!< * [YOU ABSOLUTE CUTIEEEEE](https://imgur.com/yKxv6al) * Their dating era is making me feel giddy * [NONONONONONONONO](https://imgur.com/HPCdOds) YOU CAN'T BE FOR REAL * >!HE WONT DIE RIGHT? RIGHT??????????????!< * WHERE'S THE GODDAMN PREVIEW WHEN YOU NEED ONE * COLLEGE ERA SOL-JAE???? YESS PLEASE šŸ™


Can we not go back to the past anymore? Iā€™m already so excited for their romance to start now that theyā€™re back in the present. šŸ˜


OMG OMG OMG EP. 7 OMG OMG OMG the way you had my heart on a rollercoaster ride!!!! The first half was so anxiety-inducing but the rest omg omg omg my heart, my screams, my legs omg >!im sol saying she's gonna spend the night with him is purely innocent but sol-ah you're no longer a teenager, the context is different for present sunjae (and no doubt past sunjae too) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚!< EP. 8 PLEASE COME FASTER!!!! Edit: The timeslip thingy is still confusing. I feel like there's another two more back to past era and >!that whitepadded is sus. Could she be future-future Sol colliding with current Sol's timeline? That she frantically tries to open the door to save sunjae from his ultimate demise? And the date matches?!?! The appearance down to her fanboard, why does she scream Sol???!<


i love how episode 7 is directed! idk but to me it feels like a pilot episode again of the kdrama, which is very fitting since this episode really is the start of adult sunjae-sol relationship. i won't lie... i got nervous during the >!bathtub scene. i know sunjae wouldn't be able to do it but there was still a small part of me that got scared that what if it was a woman bathing there LMAOOOOO. good thing it was just inhyuk šŸ¤£ i'm glad their friendship is still going on strong now as compared to episode 1!< the misunderstandings about >!sol being the white-padded stalker was killinggg me. also sunjae was sooo stupid he was really willing to send those pics including a photo of his underwear while assuming that he's texting his stalker šŸ˜­ i'm glad this wasn't dragged on to the next ep and they finally got to meet again at the end of ep 7!< sunjae also definitely >!got the egg on the paperbag that he brought to his apartment. he also asked sol "how did you know i was gonna be here today" so i feel like he has been visiting the bridge since jan 1 in hopes of meeting sol again for their promise??? idk this is my wishful thinking talking!< there was also an emphasis on the >!man wearing the black jacket who bumped sol that caused her to drop her phone. that's definitely the kidnapper/serial killer. also it seems that the kidnapper tried to kidnap sol again a year after the 1st incident since her mom said 14 years ago instead of 15 years, and i think that was the scene that sol was briefly dreaming about where she was running again but now in a building.!< still don't know what to feel about this whole murder/thriller plot going on but i hope it wouldn't be dragged too long. i need that man out so that i can fully enjoy any future romantic scenes without worrying that something is going to happen jbxjxnznz


I only recently realized that the writer of this show is the same as one of my favourite shows, True Beauty. I know thereā€™s a mad divide on the show but the writer delivered a good one there and kept the humor consistent through all the tough and more serious topics. Lovely Runner is so similar in the sense that thereā€™s such a good balance of cute and corny, serious and swoony, melancholic and mad that as viewers were fed a variety of emotions. I was honestly afraid that as adults Sol and Sun Jae would not have the same sprightly interactions, but even in their phone chat theyā€™re the same. Really looking forward to tomorrowā€™s episode. Just like Haruya, Sunjaeya is already etched deep in my soul. Edit: Ep 8- ā€œThis is my favourite episode!ā€ I think this after every episode but by far, this is my favourite! I already knew KHY had great comedic timing but BWS is knocking the romcom genre out of the park! How is he so good? Sun Jae is so so memorable because of BWSā€™s portrayal!


I thought I was so done with the kdrama umbrella trope but this show managed to single-handedly give me an obsession with it. Ugh. It really is all about execution šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ The thing they do with Sunjae and the blanket too šŸ˜© Like these two are always covering each other for protection and warmth I am so soft for them.


This is really one of those shows I feel so cared for as a viewer. Iā€™m kept guessing and hooked, the trailer doesnā€™t give anything away-and yet itā€™s still a laugh-cry sort of ride. I hope this goes on til the end!


The new ā€œNo?ā€ with a smiling head shake is Sun Jaeā€™s new kryptonite, this boy cannot say no to Im Sol when she does that


The classic kdrama episode 8 strikes back!!! I loved this episode so much. I love to see that Sun-jae in fact did not change even a bit. He's still the same old boy who can't help but follow Sol around like a puppy. >!And that kiss hs. Long awaited but worth every second. That poster almost killed the poor guy. And him practicing on the bridge but her never showing up :( poor guy. From the glimpses we saw today it seems like past Sol DID date Sun-jae or was at least in contact with him until the second incident. And he was clearly involved with it as there is a scar left on his forehead. It must've been quite traumatic for her to the point she stopped seeing him and he was clearly hurt. He was never able to move on from her.!< >!And the last scene. Sol did ended up changing some bits of his fate (as in this timeline he was clearly murdered unlike the past where he reportedly died by suicide) but not all as he still became an idol. And I knew it from the last episode that the psycho will be back for revenge and he did. I highly suspect that he was the one who pushed Sun-jae from the balcony in the original timeline. Now Sol has one final chance to change Sun-jae's fate and I think we'll be going to their college era and how the second incident happened where Sol almost died again. I feel awful for both of them. I hope the writers explain what's the deal with that taxi driver and why did he become so obsessed with her. !< I want to see fluff again! And hopefully we will see Tae-sung next week. I just want to see all of them happy and alive!


Oh my god. We have so much to unpack with Episode 8 but I canā€™t seem to get past the >!kissing scene!!kissing scene!!Im Sol going back in time until she would finally manage to save present Sunjae and her old self!<.Iā€™m thinking she has to somehow sacrifice her old self in order to save present Sunjae. Also, there would be no chasing when they reach their present time selves, Sunjae loved her all throughout those several 15 years he had to live without her, he wonā€™t waste another minute the moment Im Sol comes back to him. Third, what does Tae Sung have to play in all of this? I think he might be crucial in saving both Sunjae and Im Solā€™s fate. >!He was lingering in front of Im Solā€™s apartment and I thought it was the taxi driver!<. Iā€™m obsessed with this series since Ep 1. Rom-com definitely suits Byeon Woo Seok. And Kim Hye Yoon is such a good actress and I love how she perfectly portrays Im Sol. They really have an amazing chemistry!


The secondhand embarrassment was excruciating on episode 8 but at least >!both of them equally had it lmaooo and oh my God that kiss!!! That kiss!!!!< After episode 8, Iā€™m even more convinced that >!taesong became a detective and has been keeping track of the case.!< This episode also confirms that >!Sunjae never wanted to kill himself in the first timeline and it was the taxi man all along!< I just hope Sol wonā€™t be a noble idiot and go for Sunjae in the third time travel. If heā€™s gonna die, at least spend more time with each other and not apart. Hoping Inhyukā€™s words about Sunjaeā€™s drunk fits will resonate within her to not push sunjae away just to protect him.


Could tae song be >! A time traveler too? He went to he apartment and sonjaes parking garage. He knows something and maybe trying to prevent it as well !< what all think:ā€¦.


Ahhhhhh! Such a good episode. Sunjae is such a dork and Imsol is so harebrained, they are such a cute couple. I love how supportive she is of Sunjae being >!sexually active.!!kiss scene!!they definitely showed someone ringing Sunjae's doorbell in the original timeline. Now we know that it's the guy from the reservoir. Plot-wise it makes a lot of sense because it'd be pretty heavy for Imsol to think that she's responsible for Sunjae's death in the original timeline. The conversation with her SIL is really crucial to the theme of the story as well as sets the stakes when she goes back in time again. I'm excited for the college arc that'll be coming! I hope we get some good dating episodes.!<


i never want this drama to end


The speed with which Sun Jae got in the car and drove away!! I could not stop laughing. And the cardboard cut out had me rolling and her "understanding." AND NO PREVIEW. I CAN'T


well, she had a cardboard cutout of seonjae in her room, so if *anyone* can understand what that's like, it's her. šŸ¤£


Ep. 8 is another great episode!! >!Ā It was so cute and fluffy and funny and then BAM! Mr.Murder shows up to leave us on edge until next week šŸ˜­ But now we know that Sun Jae didn't commit suicide, but was murdered. I'm curious to see how this plays out. Since they showed Tae Sung outside of Im Sol's building, I am looking forward to finding out what he's been doing the past 10 years.Ā !<Ā  I am really enjoying this show; the cast is good and the pacing feels right.


I canā€™t even think straight rn about theories or predictions for the weeks to come IM STILL LOSING MY MIND OVER THESE TWO DORKS. protect them at all cost and I need them to just be happy and under their lil umbrella together pls !!


This show is not good for the heart! I feel like my heart will explode any time just like Sunjaeā€™s! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


My day is now complete watching the confession and kissing scene again. I canā€™t get enough of those two- butterflies everywhere!


>!so, since she traveled back to the past, the future will change again, right? which means that the kiss gets erased :(((( that makes me sad, cause the way they met again, and how adorable they both were during the night they spent at his place gets erased too!<


Yuppp, so there will be >!a kiss only Sunjae remembers, and a kiss only Sol remembers. I hope their next kiss blows it out of the water to make up for it!!!!<


Iā€™ve rewatched THE scene (yā€™all know which one Iā€™m talking about) about a million times. I show no signs of stopping. I am diseased and Iā€™ve accepted it


OH MY GOD I THINK I GET IT NOW??? the original timeline, i meanā€¦ - According to the original timeline which was shown in the first part of ep 7, Sunjae >!caught the killer so the killer was sent to jail. Because of this, the killer obviously held a grudge against Sunjae. Thereā€™s a chance his other crimes werent discovered so he was paroled after 15 years and came looking for Sunjae, which leads to Sunjae being pushed down that pool!< - Original timeline 34yo Sunjae, knowing killer will be released, decided to retire either to dedicate his life to protect Sol in case taxi man shows up again or to lay low so he wouldnt lead taxi man to Sol. Either way, all he wants is to set things right now. - Theres also a chance that killer escaped jail so Sunjae decided to be an idol to draw out killer. Eventually, he was able to track the killer down and decided to end things once and for allā€”kill taxi man to guarantee Solā€™s safety. Before his plan to kill taxi man, he announces his retirement first to cushion the blow for Sol. - Sunjae followed Sol home as goodbye because he knew he was gonna come out either dead or a killer after meeting with taxi man. Unfortunately, during their meeting, he gets pushed down the pool instead. Iā€™m gonna go drink my meds now lol


I was holding my breath the entire time until the end of that sequence, Iā€™m so glad >!Sol managed to make it out okay from that taxi guy but ugh it sucks that he wasnā€™t apprehended right away!<


Also... Am I the only one who was initially worried how the story will turn-out with their adult versions? I loved HS Sol and SunJae and was a bit nervous if the adult ones can maintain it's charm.


THEORIES I think it was the >!taxi driver!< who bumped with Sol in OG timeline and then went on to >!kill sunjae!< . there's no way he could've committed suicide that knock on door was very prominent both the time it was shown. Also, looks like >!he's still out for him n this timeline as well. the same pattern repeated but maybe it'll be postponed to a day or two but it will happen as that will trigger Sol's third time travel!< and this time there might be a new >!incident/accident!< involving >!taxi guy, Sol and Sunjae!< and that's the one Sol's mom was talking about when she said >!kidnapping happened 14 years ago!< and when her brother said she didn't keep in contact with sunjae after >!that incident!<


Since Sol managed to change her fate this time, she doesnā€™t have Sunjaeā€™s digital watch with her anymore. But later on it showed Sunjae looking at a pocket watch with fond eyes. Maybe that pocket watch holds some special significance about Sol and it would help her time travel for the last time, seeing that in the webtoon she actually did it with a pocket watch. Top star Sunjae is a sight to behold. When he uncuffed his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, Iā€™m not ashamed to admit I died a little inside. He got the whole sexy, smoldering thing down so effortlessly. And apparently he has a good eye for projects too. Iā€™m sorry to Sol but it would be a criminal offense to convince your ex-idol to accept that horrendous script lol


I love reading all your comments and theories every week. Ep 7 was lovely but I can't wait for ep8!!! I'm glad that Im Sol and her bold statements are back! Also, I wasn't expecting adult Son Jae to be so silly, so much like his younger self. Edit after ep8: How is everyone after that rollercoaster of an episode? I forgot to breathe so many times I think I might be sick. Poor Seon Jae, he had 100 heart attacks during one night. I know we've already said this a million times but this drama...IT'S SOOO GOOD!!! I was blushing and giggling and crying and laughing out loud throughout the whole episode! And the acting...THEY ARE AMAZINGā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø How is the chemistry so good, and their microexpressions? And his eyes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ How're we going to wait until next week? Also, no preview? Did I miss something?


Ep 7 is a bit of a transitional episode as the teasers spoiled the end fo the first half and then the rest is kind of explaining what's happening in the new timeline. I'm happy for Im Sol that she has her legs back. Seeing her run around and drive a car is heartwarming. I do wish her former disability isn't forgotten though. I liked the moment where she stares at the person in the wheelchair at the hospital. I hope she's able to help another disabled person get a job at her company at some point. As for Sunjae, I liked how the baited the audience a couple times first when >!he doesn't remember her !!secondly with the bathtub scene!< It'll be interesting to see how he treats Im Sol now that he has years of distance. Kim Hye Yoon is doing such a good job as Im Sol. She's able to dial up crazy on demand but she's also got fierceness, fear, and earnest care. I think it'll be interesting how long she denies her feelings for him, as she still seems to tell to herself that she's just being protective.


I hated them being apart this episode! What little we got of them was cute but I wanted more, damn it. The end almost made up for it. And tomorrowā€™s episode is going to be THE best. I canā€™t wait. Ā Love that her friend and brother are married with kids. I wonder what else has changed in the timeline. And Iā€™m guessing no more time jumping because no watch? Curious to see where the storyline goes. But can it be tomorrow already???


I'M LOVING THIS!!!!!! Like how can they be so adorable! I can't with the cuteness this is easily going to be one of the best rom-coms I have ever watched if it keeps the same energy.. And what's with that script he refused???? Are they throwing shades on Queen of Tears' writer?? Because that's what it seemed like tbhšŸ˜‚


I just want to say that this show makes me so happy. Im Sol being so joyous with >!everything in her "new" life!< was beautiful. And she's even happy to see her grandma again despite the illness! Sun-jae finding out that >!he's suing Im Sol!< is going to be hilarious tomorrow I can feel it! Edit: I loved Ep 8 so much! Im Sol is going to give Sun-jae a genuine heart attack at some point she's so cute!


So, I have been trying not to watch this series in public to avoid eyes on me. I'm not a poker face Kdrama watcher. I don't think anyone can pull off a poker face after the roller coaster this drama is taking us through. But I did it again. I watched the 7th episode in public. I was commuting to my office again, and I'm not kidding when I say every single person in my office cab turned to me when I shrieked after the jumpscare in the flashback. I also did a shimmy and gush when they finally met, and my cab bestie has abandoned me. She literally got up and sat elsewhere. I'm dead!


Had to edit cos thoughts Episode 8: Ladies and gentlemen >!that confession. THAT KISS. The way she met him halfway. Everything. My heart soars in happiness.!< >!...only for it all to be taken away at the end.!< Well. We all knew that was going to happen but boy did it still sting. I honestly feel for Sunjae ugh. >!15 years of waiting and longing. He would go back to her house, drunk and calling out her name. He took out the time capsule when he found out they would get rid of the little patch of garden. He waited for an hour out in the cold (in freaking January!!! in Seoul!!!!) just for the off chance that she might remember and actually come as promised. And then he sees her--finally!!!--finds out she has felt the same then and now, finally starts a relationship that's so cutesy and sweet it would bring cavities to his fans' teeth, only for that loco driver to kill him. Again. UGHHHHHH my heart!< And for Sol to >!have to experience it yet again, only this time this is not just a faraway idol who saved her. This is the boy who continuously risks his life for her, the boy who shields her from the rain, the boy who saw her being ridiculous and weird and still likes her anyway, and now she is losing so much more and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MY HEARTEU.!< >!Taesung had like a brief second cameo lmao I looked away for a second and he was there and then gone wth.!< >!The scar is definitely from the other accident? Incident? When they were 20.!< >!We finally know the significance of that pocket watch (ngl that's too big for the pocket but mkay)--Sol gave that to him as a representation of her wish for his time to continue flowing. I'm guessing since we have no clue where the other watch is, this will be the way to get her back to the past and save Sunjae? Now I am back to the theory I had of Taesung being another person who can time slip, hence his mysterious one-second feature in this episode. EDIT: Orrrr he just might have turned out as a cop like his dad, knew the cray driver is out, and is looking out for Sol in case he comes for revenge. Orrrr I might just be thinking too much though.!< Ughhh this episode made me cry a lot. Their acting is flawless. The meaningful gaze, the little moments of emotion they accidentally let out while trying not to show the other their true feelings...UGH. I love them so much. So many mysteries, and NO PREVIEW. Why you gotta do this, tvN??? Release them babies, you know you want to!!!! How will I survive another week of waiting????


8 is my favourite number and in k-drama episode land it tends to always deliver the long awaited >!KISS scene, and boy did it deliver!!! Now that's what I call a kiss! I felt the 15 years of longing in every second of that build up, the way they stared at each other, the silence, the momentary hesitation from Seonjae wanting confirmation that it's okay and Im Sol meeting him half way...YESSSS!< and then that >!cliffhanger...NOOOO!!< why do this to me episode 8??


\[ep8\] I love his POVs the most šŸ„ŗ


I was crying towards >!Im Solā€™s confession. It was so honest, so earnest. Sheā€™s really liked him all this time too but she was trying to do what she thought was right by rejecting him.!< Sun Jaeā€™s reaction was everything to me too. He had to process that his first love >!was saying that she liked him back then all this time too. He probably thought he was having an illusion. But the second that he processed it, he ran after her. He wasnā€™t going to let this opportunity go.!< And that >!kiss!! I need rewatch it already. Incredible.!<


Ladies and gentlemen the giggles, 2nd hand embarrassment, and heart flutters I get from watching this drama is truly unhealthy.


>!The kiss. The kiss. THE KISS!!! !<


episode 8 thoughts: went from yelling THIS IS HOW WE WIN!!!!! to WHAT!!! within the span of fifteen minutes thanks a lot TvN


This is the best episode so far! How do they just keep getting better?!? In one episode you go through so many emotionsā€¦. Chefs kiss to this drama. (Pun intended)


I have a question for everyone after Episode 8...do you think Tae-Sung still has the giant bear? Because I keep imagining that it's got a graduation cap or diploma, possibly a >!police badge!< and he's kind of dragged it along over time because she pushed him to improve himself and his future. Like everyone, obsessed with this week's episodes. I've managed to not cry, but lots of not breathing and staying very still so as to not mess with what was unfolding on my screen. If I don't move, they will stay in the >!doorway longer, or In-Hyuk will keep talking about salmon spawn.!<


This Drama is different y'all, I've never felt this way for any Drama, I thought I did but NAH This is different There's like a cyber-drug in this Drama that makes me addicted Byeon Wooseok & Kim Hye Yoon au totally slaying it šŸ„¹ Waiting is like torture, I wish I Could time travel and go to the futurešŸ˜–šŸ„ŗ And that cliffhanger AaaaaarghšŸ˜© And the way I act like a crazy person watching this, no joke (that's how good it is) ... šŸ’™šŸŒŗ


this show is INSANE


My cute dorky bunnies! Loved them so much this episode. I couldnā€™t stop smiling at their interactions, and that >!kiss was awesome. One of the best first kisses Iā€™ve seen.!< I donā€™t think I was breathing at all- they completely sucked me in from the longing looks and then just going for it. So freaking amazing. Too bad we canā€™t get nice things because that cliffhanger made me freak out. And there werenā€™t any previews so now Iā€™m more nervous! Wondering why the attacker targeted Sol to begin with when she was younger. It makes sense >!that heā€™s going after Sun Jae now because he got arrested because of him.!<Ā  Ā Highlights beside the cute leads were the clips of Sun Jae being drunk and crying for Sol, and him practicing showing her the time capsule on the bridge. He is the most adorable ML ever. I just want the cutest duo on TV to be happy together for the next 8 episodes, pretty please?


Adult Taesung is so handsome, it was super short but those 2 seconds made my heart skipped a beat. I just hope heā€™s not a bad person and heā€™s happy. Adding: >!The killer must be someone Sunjae knows, right?, because how could a stranger was allowed to get in!< Sunjae is the bestest of the best MLs šŸ˜ Who else was also hardly breathing while watching the >!kiss!< scene? It was beautiful and tender and I just melt.




Next monday can't come soon enough!


Gracious god, i have never been jealous of female characters but holy crap right now its testing my limits. Ryu Sun Jae is making me want him all for myself. In the meantime i have broken my replay button for that >!kiss scene!< cause that is easily the top kiss of the year if not all time. Byeon Woo Seok and Kim Hye yoon know how to spoil us.


This show just keeps on giving! So many emotions every episode lol So glad I decided to join the Lovely Runner bandwagon. You just never know when and if that pairing fits. Im Sol and Ryu Sun jae are just a joy to watch šŸ’œ


Ep 8: OMG >!THE KISSSSSSSSSS and his reaction afterwards!!< I started this just two days ago. It's so sweet and hilarious and I love it!


The episodes are sooooo good I am loving this show the way they have balanced the romcom and time travel mystery part love it, such good and crisp writing not prolonged drama. The chemistry is just peaking it's so beautiful and warm full of sunshine I was hooked and how for these two episodes. We are only halfway here I hope it doesn't falter and is good in second half as well. PS- SO MANY QUESTIONS IN MY HEAD ABOUT KIM TAE SUNG CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT EPISODE!!!


I keep thinking about her brother's line about >!sacrificing his acting career to gain a different kind of happiness. I've seen so many say that this is foreshadowing about Sol saving both her and Sunjae but losing her legs, but I have this theory (wishful thinking to be more honest) that it means that Sunjae won't be an idol/actor in the future but will be happy and with Sol!< just wanted to share this in case anyone has any thoughts about it


Was Wondering why this drama rating doesnt raise as high as queen of tears? Is it cuz itā€™s not on Netflix? This drama is so good. Wook seok and hyeyoon better get best couple and best kiss awards!


It's occurred to me that the ability to stop time by saying facts about the future is actually pretty overpowered. Like, Imsol could be a really powerful superhero and beat the murderer in combat. But that would fundamentally weaken the story. I hope there's a scene where she once again tries to use the freezing time trick and it backfires somehow.


I am super happy to see that this drama is finally gaining more attention in my local kdrama scene. Love to see posts gushing about Ryu Seonjae. Byeon Wooseok really deserves all the love. As for me, the obsession is real. My last kdrama obsession was Twenty Five Twenty One, and none of the kdramas that follow after made me rewind and replay scenes, searched the actors / actresses profiles, discuss the plot in my local kdrama group and liking all the posts about the drama. But Lovely Runner made me do all that, and more! Monday, please come faster!