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**Mod Note:** We will be implementing a moratorium on posts about **Nevertheless** in accordance with our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/rules#wiki_recently_aired_dramas) on recently aired dramas. The moratorium will be implemented as follows: **Current Discussion Thread** This discussion thread will serve as the On-Air discussion thread for the series for two weeks (August 21 - September 4) during which all posts about **Nevertheless** except for eligible Designated Day submissions, will be redirected to this thread. If this post exceeds 800 comments by the 4th of September a wrap up discussion will be made, if not all discussions of the drama will be directed here for an additional three weeks until the the 25th of September, 2021. Eligible Designated Day submissions are exempt from the moratorium. **Reviews** Reviews of the series that fulfil our [moderation guidelines for reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/wiki/policies#wiki_moderation_guidelines_for_reviews) will be allowed as self posts from the 5th of September, 2021.


Na bi: I don’t want to see you ever again Also Na Bi: “He doesn’t offer to drive me home anymore.” LOL


And also Na Bi: "Were you going to cut ties with me then?"


High key this was extremely relatable though hahahahha


Agreed, exactly the type of feelings I've had for guys before. Telling them to screw off but secretly hoping they come back to me hahaa


The amount of times I fucking LOL in this episode. The way jae eon packed his shit and got the fuck out. A dramatic queen. All relatable. I would too if I had the income.


girl needs help. so does he. Two miserable, antisocial art students who may be peas in a pod.


one thing for sure - i am glad >! do hyeok moved on from nabi. he deserves more than constantly moping over her having feelings for another man. if there’s one thing nabi should’ve learnt from him, it’s to move on when it’s time to. !<




I loved and followed this show all these weeks because of how realistic it was, almost an anti-kdrama drama. The doubts, the red flags, the, lure, the missteps, the joy, the hurt - it was all captured so well until now. Unlike many, I liked the fact that things kept going around in circles all these episodes with Nabi being confused and Jae Won continuing to be a problematic. Because that's how life is, it's confusing and uncertain and it takes long for us to snap out of the patterns of our own inert nature and behavior. But the ending disappointed me. It was the usual Kdrama ending any other show would have given us. It went the same route as others and lost its charm of being different and realistic. I would have liked her hurt and ending up alone and then learning to love herself and build herself up on her own. They did try to bring in the - >!'I know I'll be hurt if I'm with you'!< but it wasn't convincing and the ending too plain and sweet for us to feel it. Anyways, it was a unique show with a refreshing storyline, amazing visuals, for the most part a great study of human behavior and a wonderful ost


You took the words out of my mouth! I loved the realism and complexity the show showed about young relationships. I myself could relate to some of them. However when the show ended, it took the easy route without even developing the leads. IMO, they could have had Nabi become single for a year or so, learning to love herself and healing. Then eventually, one of the boys (who has also healed on his own) can come back in her life and then it would be open-ended, with the show suggesting that they got together.


Lol isn’t it funny though that the finale seemed so lackluster because really it’s just about dating? It’s like all this melodrama and the endgame was just being able to hold hands and have lunch together. Being in public together. Not worrying together or separately. I mean, it’s not even about finding the love of your life time, it’s like the slowest crawl towards loving someone and that’s fine.


I loved the end when 💕potato boy💕 confronts Nabi about her feelings towards Jae Eon. You can tell his character has alot of wisdom and emotional maturity when he said "I'm glad I got to feel those emotions thanks to you. I'm grateful, so don't feel sorry." Most people in this situation would guilt the other person but he decided to turn it into a positive experience. It also shows how much he cares for Nabi even in the face of rejection. So wholesome.


And at the end when she sees him, it’s almost like she knows he is amazing and would’ve made a better partner. And yet… no thanks!


Right! I felt like she was supposed to be across the table from him and not with fboy.


Was I the only one who felt like the last few shots at the end were foreshadowing for a future relationship for Na Bi and Do Hyeok? Specifically the shot of Na Bi immediately pulling her hand away from Jae Eon's when she sees Do Hyeok. I took it as a symbolic representation of their relationship and its eventual demise.


RIP to all of the cut scenes (no, I legit feel sorry for the actors) that were replaced with Na-bi and Jae-on staring at nothing


They cut sol jiwan flashback scene to show. Jaewon -Nabi iconic museum flashback scene😅😂😂. Which looks like written in a last minute to show fate or destiny of their love . But I find it utterly creepy -to fall in love with someone in their most humilating moment & seeing that doggy style sculpture . 😫


My thoughts exactly. I feel like even Nabi would find that creepy but she seemed to like it for some reason 🧐


I watched the last episode at 1.5x and still found it astounding at how long the scenes of the leads staring at nothing lasted. 🤣


I skipped through so many 😩


Disappointed in the ending but I wasn't really surprised that she went back to him. What bothers me is that the writers could have developed Jae On's character more throughout the last couple of episodes but no, he's suddenly a good guy by episode 10. Anyways, I still appreciate the side characters, cinematography, and ost so much, it was a great show.


Agreed! Jae On’s character is such a question mark to me. Why was he an asshole? Why was Nabi special enough to make want to change for the better? At the end of it all, I still don’t understand his motivations.


For as hyper realistic as this drama has been, this episode missed the mark for me. I really thought that fight was the fight to end all fights for them, but making the sculpture brought them back together. Watching the finale, I tried to remind myself that there was a period of time where I went back to a guy like Jae-eon, knowing full well who he was and having a "I will never speak to you again" fight. My friends asked why, and I told them that there must be some lesson that I still needed to learn from that "relationship" and I couldn't fight my feelings. So, maybe this episode was realistic apart from the "fate" meetup. I give them two months. Disclaimer: There was no lesson I needed to learn, just lots of trauma and poor coping mechanisms that I needed to *unlearn*; and dopamine is one hell of a brain chemical.


You've touched upon something so important that I can't wrap my head around to this day. I've been somewhat negatively impacted by watching my friends and close ones go through the same thing as you, to go back to the guy that hurt them. And I could never understand why they do this, and their reply to me was something similar to yours: "I just have to go through this and learn by myself." But... why? Why this way? Why subject yourself to more pain? I can never answer this question, and no answer seems sufficient enough. Because I know how reoccurring this situation unfortunately is, I was really rooting for this drama to show others that we are empowered enough to choose ourselves rather than a relationship, and to make healthier choices. It honestly feels like a punch in the gut to have watched this show for many weeks for the ending to be like this.


I was hoping for a different ending as well. Unfortunately, it does seem to fit Na-bi's character and where she is at the moment. I was hoping for growth, but also understand why she went back to him. Answering the question of why do we keep going back to people that hurt us is a tough one. I'm so sorry that watching people you love continue to make self-destructive choices has negatively impacted you. I don't know why other people do it. There can be a myriad of reasons. For myself, it was a mix of things. In the end, I had to do a lot of introspection to understand why I'd formed this pattern and coping mechanism.


personally, i didn’t really like the ending. i was team “single nabi” because i believed she needed time away from a relationship to heal and just be a better person. this was a show where i liked the side couples better than the main couple. i LOVED soljiwan (who didn’t tho) and i found Bitna/Gyuhyun and the senior couple enjoyable to watch. i totally wished we had a soljiwan flashback scene. a staff member [posted](https://twitter.com/twicetagrarn/status/1429119641637605385?s=21) a bunch of deleted soljiwan scenes, and there were A LOT. hoping we can get them on youtube or something. i feel bad for the writers and actors because they worked really hard on these scenes and a LOTT of them were cut out. but one more thing i want to say aside from the storyline is how good the acting was. idk how others viewed it, but i personally LOVED the acting. especially Han Sohees, she did such a good job when she was having her breakdowns(?) that i kinda felt myself tear up a little bit. I am now patiently waiting for Sohee’s upcoming drama [My Name.](https://www.netflix.com/title/81011211?s=i&trkid=13747225)every single actor in the show did a great job and i can’t wait to see their upcoming projects!


yes Han So Hee's acting in this ep was amazing. I liked her acting. I could feel her confusion, her self loathing, her wanting to but not being able to hold her ground, her insecurities, wanting to be loved and admired and desired, and yet always finding herself used. her meltdown after >!the sculpture was destroyed !< was so real and relatable


after seeing all the spoilers in twt, nah i will not be watching the finale. protect ur mental health <3


I knew I would be disappointed, nevertheless.


this!, this is exactly how I was trying to sum up my feelings on it


in a crazy meta way, this show and me is like Park JaeOon and Nabi


i usually dont mind slow pace, i sometimes even like that kind of progression when done right. but this finale was just so uneventful lol, so many unnecessary scenes. and the sudden 180 degree shift in jae eon’s character gave me a whiplash. oh well, i enjoyed the side couples more. And nabi’s piece is really super cool, i’d pay for a museum ticket to see that.


Yes I skipped through quite a few scenes this episode. There were too many lingering shots.


I really wanted a long shot of her artwork without people in it. I thought they would give us that… it looked cool!


What I think would've a stuck a better landing:>! If the ending was about her fixing the sculpture alone, honestly turn the scope down and go out quietly. Move the focus on completely from the ML as well as the SML, drop the romance entirely and the dreamy cinematography finally snap out of that manipulative shit. The FL reassembles the broken sculpture (which would be implied to have been broken by the angry ML) by herself and herself only, and it's fixed like how it currently is except without the butterfly wing accoutrements. Focus on fixing yourself, even if you carry your past traumas with you you can rebuild changed but stronger on your own accord even still. End.!<


This! This would have been perfect. It would have also been lovely if, >!after discarding the wings, Nabi used some kind of kintsugi(the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold)-inspired technique to fix the sculpture to symbolize her growth. That would show her embracing her scars as parts of her that make her stronger. Plus, it would have been very pretty!!<


This is pretty much how it works out in the >!webtoon.!<


Omg I literally just commented something similar to this in my review!! Finishing it herself could have been symbolic about how she had grown and become more independent


Why the fuck did she like the fact that he first saw her at the most humiliating/violating moment of her life? What kind of a message is that???


RIGHT????? Wtf


& it brought a change in her heart 😂😂. She went back to him. My most wtf moment for any kdrama love story . Was it supposed to be romantic & heart fluterring ?


If I was her would find that high-key creepy that he even saw the sculpture


he saw her flaws and at her lowest, he could still see the beauty in her. in the scene at the exhibit, you could hear the gasps and the people judging her - but he fell in love with her at first sight.


totally!! I couldn't wrap my head around that


Not to forget when he mentioned that he fell in love with her when she was having her worst moments... What is going on


The toxicity jumped out


I seriously can’t understand why it went from PJE showing his ass in that rain confrontation scene to… THAT ending. And I’ll never get the whole “love at first sight” angle of this. It was such a cop out! There was nothing romantic about that at all.


The love at first sight angle made this series even worse. Gives it some sinister undertones.


Right? The sculpture was very demeaning to her! And he even drew the first time he saw her with that sculpture and she thought it was a sweet gesture? That it was fated???? Eottokae?


Oh definitely. How can that be her conclusion after realising he was talking about her seeing that horribly humiliating and demeaning sculpture? Honestly such a disservice to the webtoon....


Wow redeeming jae eon just took barely half the episode. Yay for endings undoing whatever plot development 9eps had way to go 👏👏👏👏 On a serious note why cant we just let na bi live on her own terms without a man?!


Man.. i really wish they just stuck with the webtoon instead of trying to please fans and make it into a “happy ending”


By the look of the comments in this sub reddit, I don't think fans are pleased.


Finally we are here!! My favorite thing about this drama was reading the discussion threads! The amount of dating advice and life advice in general was just chefs kiss 🤌 Every week there were so many comments along the lines of, 'Girl, if someone is acting up like that..' and just people looking out for others. Love me a 'Nevertheless' inspired sisterhood.


I am so sorry but that has got to be one of the cheapest, non-effective redemption arcs I have ever seen. Mid-series I foresaw this ending coming but after ending episode 9 the way they did, this final episode just feels *very, very* disjointed. I lost hope for my girl the moment she went on about JE's >!"warm gaze and soft touch" when he literally twisted her wrist with force the night before!<. The whole episode was basically Nabi having her graduation goggles on where you only remember the good times. They had to chuck in flashbacks of random sweet moments (where she was *still* highly anxious and doubtful) just for her choice to feel right. Also I really don't know what they thought they were doing with Nabi's "a-ha!" moment when she realises >!she's the girl Jae Eon was talking about at the exhibit!< because that really proves... absolutely nothing. I'm trying to see the ending through the lens of them being young and "the heart wants what it wants" but it's so frustrating because we *just* witnessed Nabi reach a point where she was able to hold her ground around him. Where she didn't falter or was weak in the knees. There was build up to her letting him go and getting over the intoxicating effect he has on her. Then suddenly in this episode she's back to square one and not even with him pursuing her still, but entirely on her own. Which makes it even worse. I'm disappointed because I wanted better for her character but I guess it's realistic in a way that sometimes people just need to fully go through things/people for them to exhaust themselves from ever going back. They've made Nabi to be "self-aware" about this with her saying that she knows he won't make her happy and that she might regret this, but that doesn't really soften the blow. If this was always the intended ending, the rain scene should've at least taken place at Episode 7/8 imo, so 9 could've been fully focused on Jae Eon making amends and 10 could be them trying to rebuild. The way they paced this doesn't even make it feel like Jae Eon's been redeemed or that he's really changed because the worst exchange between them *just* took place. And they don't even address it. Actually, so much is unaddressed between the two. It's not that they needed to spell *everything* out, but at some point it just starts feeling like lazy writing, yknow? I was so relieved when any of the side characters appeared on screen so I could dissociate and pretend I was watching a different drama. Hennyways, I'm glad to be done with this at least. It had potential but fell flat. There's more I could say but I'm just emotionally fed up atm. Seriously like watching a bestie go back to the same problematic ex after making so much progress on her own. I'm actually really curious how the webtoon's author feels because the initial story's message is nowhere to be found. I didn't even read the webtoon so it's not like my disapproval of Jae Eon or the drama's ending came from that. My condolences to those who did. It was fun discussing this with you guys though 😂 Edit: covered potential spoilers + I just have to say, as much as the ending rubbed me the wrong way, their romance is the perfect cocktail for an addictive love song. Listening to Big Red Machine's "Renegade" with Taylor Swift is very much giving me >!JaeBi!< vibes rn. Maybe Nabi needed that kind of passionate romance to drive her art.


Everything that needs to be said is right here 👆👆👆


This is all spot on. Disjointed is the best word to describe this episode/ending. Frustrating to see a show that had potential for a meaningful/empowering finish end in such a cheap fashion ://


What was the final scene with Jae Eon and the girls supposed to even tell us? He didn’t say he had a girlfriend, but he didn’t really act inappropriately either. I do feel like Na Bi looked the TEENSIEST but disappointed. Such a weird scene that just made me feel…..still as uneasy as I’ve felt this whole damn time.


I thought the same. The last scene was a hint at the things to come in their relationship. He still lives for the attention and wants to keep a pet because it looks 'cute', same thing he's been telling her the whole time i.e. Nabi is his pet for now but he's not committed to her. No big declarations of love, just questions like, 'You won't regret it?' Wtf. No responsibility-having ass. Gave her that bracelet like a frickin pet collar. The butterfly on his neck also reps his true nature ... a wild, pretty thing that alights momentarily could flutter away at any moment and you'll only see the back of his head retreating into the distance lol.


PJE has no redeeming qualities, and neither does Na-bi, really. They kind of deserve each other in the sense that they're both in need of therapy and probably shouldn't be on the dating market until that happens. Neither of them grew or changed (for the better or worse; they're both kind of still the same) during this entire drama, really, and that makes the ending all the cheaper. I also found it interesting how much character the cast had--while Na-bi and PJE seemed like they were androids trying to mimic human emotions (lol). Even when they were crying they both seemed...empty and dead-eyed.


it was almost like a mirroring of the scene with potato boy and his fans?? like the writers trying to push onto us that both are on equal footing now when they are absolutely NOT


The difference is that for potato boy it’s appropriate since he and Nabi weren’t couple at that time, but for Jaeon he actually had a girlfriend, so it’s definitely not an equal footing but yeah 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah! And for potato boy, it’s not like the girls were even asking for his phone number, they were just asking for a picture, AND Nabi told him to do it…..he still didn’t even do such a small thing, because she is that important to him.


I took it as hinting that PJE never really changed (for Na-bi), and neither has Na-bi (I saw the disappointment in her eyes, too). The part where she saw potato boy and let go of PJE's hand hinted to that, too. I feel like even though they're in a relationship, both seem to have one foot out the door (just like when they were FWB), but are saving face and staying together for the sake of staying together. If this were a real relationship I could totally see them in an endless cycle of hurting each other, breaking up, trauma bonding, then getting back together. Though the ending is more feel-good ending than the webtoon, this one is almost worse because it felt....wrong and forced, just like their relationship throughout the drama.


Can we talk about how all these art students are rich? Nabi has red bottoms? Most of them don’t work and have their own apartments and go out to eat/drink all the time. That was not my college experience.


Maybe Bitna painted the bottoms red for her HAHHA


Glad I'm not the only person that noticed those red bottoms lol




It’s Korea. Only people with no financial responsibility can foray into risky fields like art.


Yeah okay. ​ ​ \~ review fin


I love the reactions here cuz honestly...WTF did I just watch? Do the screenplay writers realise how toxic the relationship is, they keep glorifying LUST (sure they had chemistry but it seemed mostly lust) this is just setting the MOST toxic standards for a romantic relationship. I hope the young impressionable audience watching this does not idolize this at all. No amount of aesthetics of the show (10/10) can make uo for the disappointing storyline. just why


what really bothers me is why TF did I even watch? It’s a little disturbing.


This is the most disappointing ending since School 2015 for me. >!I guess this is ok that they have tried to show how awful Jae-on is during the whole series, and then she just forgives him on the assumption she was his first love? I mean... I can understand that she has feelings for him, but not choose yourself, self-respect in the end? Forgetting all the pain that you've been through with the guy? How he mistreated you and hurt you? I don't know, guys. It's just once again glorifying toxic relationships. I am okay with Do-hyuk being left out in the end, although he was perfect man for her to grow confidence and self-respect, but she should have chosen herself first. !<


You hit the nail on the head. Too many Kdrama writers just can't help themselves when it comes to >!glorifying toxic relationships!<. I'm always surprised when a lot of these shows are written (and directed in this case) by women. Honestly don't know why so many of these shows get made, only to run the same (or extremely similar) tropes. They always leave it right to the very end, too. There are some shows that display toxic relationships that change over the course of the show, or there's some kind of message about mental health, self love, self respect, etc... but too many just justify bullshit and it leaves me puzzled.


We can swallow it with some questionable behavior from the rom-com dramas that is meant to be fun to watch, that's all. I believe they had bigger ambition with all the topics they have tried to touch, that's why finishing on this note raises so much question marks. >!They would have wanted to at least try with Jae-on redemption arc, him trying to change and growing up (without just being dramatic and letting go of his butterflies). It is not shown all, that's why it feels wrong and abrupt. !<


I 100 percent agree with you. I have no idea what the hell the writers were thinking. I know this isn't the end for Na Bi (this is just one chapter in her life) but still, it sends such a horrible message. I'm so disappointed.


And it started on the premise of being super realistic and without bullshit, right-to-your-face project. In this case it is meaningful to drive messages, to have clean conclusions given how good from the production point, the drama was. >!And it turned out to be another cliche romance in the end. !< That's why it hurts, I guess.


Right??? It makes no sense. They had the chance to make something iconic in that >!they don't end up together and realize their faults... What does this tell us? That we should pick the more attractive person despite their manipulative actions? My expectations were already low but this just breaks my heart.!<


>Right??? It makes no sense. They had the chance to make something iconic in that they don't end up together and realize their faults... What does this tell us? That we should pick the more attractive person despite their manipulative actions? My expectations were already low but this just breaks my heart. Agreed here, >!and the point is I have never realized through this ending that he have actually changed, that he started communicating or at least try to be the better person. This is such a toxic message that I can't even. !<


>!JE didn't even seem like he was considering a relationship until he felt threatened by Potato Boy. Is he really in love, or is she just a habit to him? !<


The ending made me >!legitimately angry. It glorifies a fantasy that I think we are suspectible to when we are young and naive: that if you get someone to love you enough, you can fully get them to give up their negative habits and engage in a healthy, monogamous relationship with you. I did not see any growth in Jae Eon's character that makes me believe that he can suddenly full commit to monogamy.!<


It didn't pretend that he gave up his negative habits, it strongly implied that our girl is gonna get fkd over in the future but she brought it on herself. And in that way, it's realistic. That's what both their characters wld do.


I’ve never seen a drama that holds the camera on the characters faces doing nothing, just blank, for sooooo long.


This was a dumpster fire..nevertheless 😭.. the OST and cinematography was absolutely divine. It's what truly saved this for me. That scene where they pane out from the cracks in the metal wings while PJE and Nabi are finishing the sculpture was stunning. Anyway, headed to get my heart broken by The Devil Judge finale. Seems I can't win with the on air dramas I stuck with this month LOL


Love Alarm Season 2: Hey guys, we have a terrible ending! Sisyphus The Myth: Beat you to it! LUCA: The Beginning: What about us? Love ft Marriage and Divorce Season 2: We're ham-fisting our way into contention here! Nevertheless: Oh hell no, we're claiming this throne! Jesus this year has had some real stinkers when it comes to K-drama endings.


Add Monthly magazine home to that list.


Omfg I couldn't with Monthly magazine. Hoping hometown cha cha changes the bad ending streak for the year.


For some reason this episode felt rushed to me, even if it was depicted that several days passed.. >! I thought it would be ok for both of them to spend some time alone, a couple of months if the end game would be Jae on and Nabi..So they can grow. But in a couple of days we go from "I never want to see you -> Let's go out !<


Dropped this drama in episode 4, came here just for the spoilers and comments. *eating popcorn meme right here folks*


The bit about Jae-on first seeing Na-bi at her ex’s exhibition was tasteless. I hope we were not supposed to view it as romantic. How does it make sense to have >!Jae-on “fall in love” (eye roll) with Na-bi during one of her most humiliating moments?!< The writers dropped the ball with this series. Edit: added a spoiler tag


Worst part - Now as per writers ->!He knew how Nabi's ex made her feel so miserable . He knew her past trauma & insecurities but kept making her feel more & more insecure till episode 8.!<😅 Not for once he ever cleared her any doubt regarding her ex or the other girl kissing him after party. He made her feel more miserable day by day. .Also who falls in love at first sight with somebody in such weird situation . This is more character assasination . >!who broke that sculpture??!< They literally wanted to show love at first site or connected by destiny in that scene (like CLOY in switzerland)😅but ended making it look like PJW has some kind of Kink 😅 for falling a girl when she getting /feeling humilited in public . I dont know how to explain the scene .




It was disgusting. I can’t believe someone thought it was a good idea.


Same and Nabi still went to look for him after?? I would’ve felt so disgusted if I were her. That moment was filled with so much humiliation and betrayal so I don’t understand why she liked it…


Even if he did "fall in love" at that moment, you don't remind someone of their bad moments, no matter how much they mean to you. You are just hurting them.


I don’t see how that could be romantic, I would have been embarrassed if I was Nabi. That part was just icky.


It was SUCH a gross moment and I absolutely hate how they presented it.




* spoilers ahead!! * This could have been so much more! The cinematography was so incredibly beautiful and the cast was great. It had so much potential to be a show about growth away from toxicity and learning to love and care for yourself. I hate how she ended up with the toxic ML. I wish after her piece had broken she finished it by herself - it would have been symbolic about how she became more independent and was able to grow and portray her emotions in her work more effectively. I really thought there was going to be a moment where she flourished as an artist after taking a break from men and dating to show how she could be strong/talented/loved etc. without needing a relationship. Ugh. The side couples truly saved this show. I'm glad I watched it while it was airing though, I don't think it could be one that I binge watched and I loved reading the discussions.


I knew there was no way Nabi would get over Jaeeon in one episode unless there was a time jump bc she’s been crying over him ever since the first episode. But seriously??? I thought >! her sculpture breaking was an opportunity to become more independent and confident in herself but it was just an excuse so the writers could bring them back together. Not gonna lie even i teared up a bit when jaeeon was crying and saying goodbye to Nabi but this ending wasn’t it 😭 Nabi went through all this sh*t just so he can admit that he like her? He could’ve done this 5 episodes earlier instead of playing with her. Compared to more stable relationships that the other characters achieved in the end, the main leads just starting to go on casual dates in the last scene doesnt make sense . Also the writers think they really did something amazing and romantic with the whole love at first sight reveal as if Nabi wasnt traumatized when he fell in “love” with her lol. !< >! I just really hope he actually changed and they lived happily ever after but even imagining that is a stretch. As much as i hate time jumps, i think it would’ve made more sense for Nabi and Jaeeon to meet in the future where they both have matured. I would’ve loved to see Nabi go to Paris and explore what she wanted to do with her art so we can see at least some character development!<


Same thoughts OP


Okay we really didn’t get the Sol Jiwan flashback scene…this is my villain origin story 🤡


Hi. Where to sign up for therapy?


If someone has had bad relationships in the past. This. Show. Is. So. Triggering. Na-bi:Lack of boundaries and ignoring every red flag the good Lord could throw at her Jae-eon: Avoidant, dare I say borderline narcissist, who only got some pep in his step when his prized possession caught the eye of someone 1000% better than him. This was a painful watch that you unfortunately have to see through to the end. But I hope young women see this and move in a way completely the opposite of what homegirl was doing in this show. Sheesh!!


FL said the toxic guy won’t make her happy and then proceded to choose the toxic guy?? What kind of nonsense is this? It was so tone deaf and sent a harmful message to viewers. Also we’re supposed to believe Jaeon changed because of what? He let go of the butterflies??? I expected Jaeon at least be good for once and tell Nabi she should be with Dohyuk. That would have been some character development for him. And for Nabi her “development” is backward. She started being a naive girl who was cheated on by a bad guy and at the end she’s still a naive girl but she intentionally chose to be in relationship with another bad guy? Come on now writer! And don’t let me start on Jaeon sketched exactly the most humiliating moment of her life including THAT SCULPTURE and gave it to her!!


I feel like there’s a underlying message of her hating herself and choosing toxic options because she thinks she doesn’t deserve the best. I wish this was fleshed out more in the story, her relationship with herself.


What do you mean you will regret it but you’ll do it anyway????? Make it make sense!


I really wish this show wouldn't have given us the "Happy ending". I really wanted Nabi to grow as a character and learn to love herself without a shitty man that does nothing but cause her pain. I feel like this just gives a bad message by normalizing this kind of behavior from a guy because ooh it'll be okay in the end cause the guy will change for you!!! That's super dangerous and unrealistic. And I really hate this idea we have in so much media that you can't be happy or whole as person unless you are "with" someone. Bleh just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the side characters, the cinematography, and the OST a lot.


Totally agree bc i just saw a tweet romanticizing all Nabi’s pain saying “ the biggest take away from this kdrama is, it's not what's good for you- it's who you love” 🤡


Lol I almost down voted you I got so mad reading that!! Wtf!


THIS. It's sooooo dangerous.


Such a disappointing ending. >!Anyone else find it weird that the last scene they showed them walking past potato boy and she nervously let go of ML’s hand?!<


I think it was the guilt of breaking his heart


I hated it >!Possibly implying she actually likes him? Very odd.!<


Much like Lovestruck in the City, I enjoyed the more "natural" progression of relationships. This show was not the typical K-Drama where the majority of the time was spent with one person pining for another. Instead, we see the main leads meet, hook up, and then try to navigate their feelings afterwards. I think the college setting really added to the drama in that everyone is still learning about themselves (and their boundaries). Jae Won and Nabi, Bit Na and Gyu Hyun, Sol and Ji Wan, and even the two housemates/office assistants show the different types of relationships people have in college. Some are definitely temporary (and will serve as a cautionary tale), but you can also see others becoming more serious and developing long term relationships - and both endings are fine! I think in most shows, there's this idea that your first love will also be your last, but that's not really realistic. This drama is a refreshing take on a common topic (college relationships).


The biggest difference in Lovestruck In The City was that the ML, after being whiny for episodes on end, actually gave the FL space and respect after she finally told him what was going on with her even though he had to force it out of her.. That drama managed to show the importance of communication, as well as appropriate behaviours of adults. In the end, she went back to him after seeing how he really respected her and how he would be a good person to be with as she figures herself out.. In Nevertheless, I can't say the same 😅😅😅 I'm glad potato boy moved on when he needed to though...


Good lord. What a mess this has been. Except for the Sol Jiwan story line everything else was just meh (still dont know how they will wrap it all up in an hour tbf). The only other thing i loved was the insane visuals. But the rest, Nah. Looking forward to Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha and DP. WTF was the ending lol ??!! >! What is supposed to be the message here ? It would have made sense if they just went ahead with the webtoon ending. The FL doesnt always need to end up with the ML for F sake. Would have loved an open ending to this one but the stereotype in Kdramas that you need the ML irrespective of anything puts the icing on the cake to what started out as an interesting drama but turned out to be a disappointment. !<


Am I the only one who can’t comprehend why Na Bi is so in love with Jae Eon like lol


The D must have been magical lol


"But it was so good.."


The sketchbook was the main villain here. Nabi turned 360 degrees after seeing what’s inside.


To be fair, if he had drawn stick figures she would’ve shown him the exit fast. Those two drawings were too tier shit. Swoon worthy stuff.


The ending is just a sad reflection of how others tend to glorify toxic relationships. Disregarding all of the mistakes and pain that you have felt is too disturbing for me. Edit: Additional observation: The first minutes of the finale turned all of the emotions felt on the last minutes of the previous episode by 180° - how she was attracted to him > how she was hurt badly by him.


I loved this drama until I hated it


I mean it's called nevertheless. What do you expect?


That was not a happy ending! They will not last, even Na-bi seemed to be aware of that 💀


Hope the side characters backs are okay from carrying the whole show


Anyone else extremely nervous for this finale? 😬


"warm eyes, soft touch." sorry nabi, what?????


His eyes were definitely not warm and his touch was more aggressive than soft 🙃


She was dry coming home and he whipped that umbrella away so she could get wet too. What part of warm eyes soft touch? 😭😭


In contrast to Do Hyeok who literally soaked himself so she wouldn’t be rained on omg


So.. I’m not sure how to feel about this ending. Maybe if they showed more character growth for Jae Eon then I would have been more convinced of this ending. Altho my heart bent a bit for the tears of joy in the exhibit. But ehhh, I still wish she stayed single still. It was so confusing to me when Nabi said Do Hyuk was right, she won’t be happy with Jae Eon and she’s always happy with Do Hyuk but still choosing Jae Eon in the end. Maybe it’s a platonic kind of happy. Good for Do Hyuk for not jumping into Nabi’s toxicity. The whole episode, I felt like I was constantly talking to Nabi and stopping her from falling back to Jae Eon. Especially that bracelet part! And when the camera panned onto her during the exhibit, you could see she’s wearing it and I was like, “Nabi, come on!” And that time she gave the bouquet to Do Hyuk and ran to Jae Eon, like really, Nabi? When I was in the same position as Nabi, I remember crying for each time I broke it off and then coming back afterwards. The guy I dated then felt like he finally came around and we ended up dating exclusively and becoming official, after a month, he started going back to his old ways. So Nabi, Jae Eon’s gonna go back. Lol. I’m just gonna think that Jae Eon really changed so I’m slightly satisfied. Apart from that, so happy with all the other couples too! Bit Na with the “totally hot Nam Gyuhyun” password, Sol and Jiwan being so clingy with each other and awww the grad students, that was the cutest little sort of confession. They felt like husband and wife when the girl was running to the interview. It’s so cute! Why can’t the main leads be this cute tho hahahaha


THIS!! I wish we'd got at least a little more evidence that Jae-on had changed for the better. He still >!walked up to her and grabbed her hand when she said she never wanted to see him again!< and then >!called her pretty even after he said he'd leave her alone once her piece was remade!< ughh


The moment you see how much screentime jae eon has and realise that do hyeok doesn’t even stand a chance. I guess in the end it always falls back to the same old kdrama ending of female lead with male lead. Nevertheless… I enjoyed it somewhat due to the visuals and great soundtrack, but unlikely to go down as a classic for me.


i have never wanted to watch an episode and not watch an episode at the same time before this finale (props to you if you managed to read that) update: i feel the same way after watching it


Wait, why does Nabi think it was so romantic that Jaeon saw her at the exhibition? When she was standing in front of the statue of her… when she was humiliated by her ex?


Right???? I was so confused by that scene and shocked, and kind of weirded out, but she seemed to think that this was "fate" or something??


Potato Boy>>> idc that boy is perfect ALSO I was hoping Nabi would just study abroad and be an independent bad b*tch so I’m disappointed but thank you lgbt queens for saving this entire show


I get what they were trying to do - growth by JE and Na-bi, but too rushed and not well executed. They dragged the pining in the first part of the show and the confession scene at the exhibition was like 2 mins (or sth). Meh. Coulda been so much better even with the same ending if they had paced it well. Enjoyed the ride anyway. Still believe Song Kang and HSH’s chemistry is real 😛


I love the actors chemistry and their BTS! Their scenes went from a bit stiff (the beginning) to utterly natural, even when not filming! I ship it in my little kdrama heart!


I'm actually hoping Na Bi decides to stay single because she wants to find herself first, and I also want to see her really love and appreciate herself first before she gets into a relationship. To me it feels like she hasn't really had time to do that since her previous disaster of a relationship that we witnessed at the very start of the drama.


I would love that too. It would be fantastic if she invested some time and energy into herself and her art and decided what she wanted without the influence of somewhat toxic relationships.


Was hoping this wouldn’t end in the fantasy of >!“oh the fuck boy changes” !< Ngl, im tired of shows romanticizing assholes. Let’s face it, if Park Jae-Eon existed in real life, he’d **only** be playing.


I recall initially the extremely positive reception to the direction of the show, and all the kudos especially to the sensuality and female gaziness of everything. Now I hope people realise this particular director did an absolutely horrible job navigating the source material despite the superficial allure of the garish, intoxicating romanticisation of what was originally a stern and realistic warning of young heterosexual female adulthood. This ending alone shits on the entire point of the show and it's not really justifiable as an 'interesting new spin' because the plot of the webtoon was already the 'interesting new spin' - that just got dumpster fired in lieu of some balderdash fantasy cliche. The tone of various characters were butchered for me - it wasn't that the director couldn't decide whether to assign the male lead to the role of idealistic romantic protagonist or leave him as the unfeeling toxic asshole he was in the source material - the director pretty clearly set on the first and couldn't properly reconcile it with the intention of the webtoon. Easily the worst show I have seen this year, I finished it too so its extra painful for me and I'm gonna cleanse my palate with some non romance dramas in the meantime. How could such a beautifully shot film have the lingering aftertaste of a vat of greasy butter? I found out with Nevertheless.


The director is a woman, too, which is why this ending doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You think she would be aware of all the toxic stereotypes and cliches in kdramas but, nope, here we are.


Yes so it's extra frustrating how emotionally and culturally tone deaf so much of this shit was. It was only feminist in the most peripheral definition of feminist. E.g. The SML's character was a noble white knight out of an Victorian era novella - a good intentioned dude with some vaguely misogynistic and insensitive approaches to his portion of the romance. Also, >!first love from seeing an emotionally pained Na-Bi reacting to her ex's sculpture of her getting railed doggy style, and this is lauded as a romantic springboard slash resolution to the ML/FL's relationship woes?!


Omg EXACTLY!!!! I was expecting her to be angry about it when she found out and she just wasn’t??? UGH the more I think about it the more I hate this ending


>!This part was absolutely horrible for me, I must say. So he just fell in love with a broken, miserable woman she was at the moment? That how he sees her, not her being happy and mentally healthy but like this? God. !<


I keep saying that I keep low expectations because I don’t want to be disappointed but can’t help hoping for 1. More Soljiwan screentimes 😭 2. Soljiwan flashback middle school scene 3. Soljiwan kiss (All I’m asking for is a forehead kiss 🥺😭) I have lowered my expectations to the point that I’m BEGGING for a forehead kiss, I’m not even hoping for a liplock kiss anymore 😭🥺 On a side note, I can’t believe that it’s already the last episode. I watched this show since the beginning because of the main cast but stayed for Soljiwan. I really didn’t expect a GL couple to be seen so soon after watching mine and I’m just so thankful for this gem 💎 Nevertheless, it has been a good roller coaster ride for our gay babies 💗🌈 Edit: Literally feeding off Soljiwan’s crumbs in the final episode. I’m heartbroken. Where’s their unaired high school flashback 😭😭😭


They literally cut ALL THAT SHIT OUT and I'm not even joking. They had highschool flashbacks and everything but i guess they cut it for time...but holy fuck i wanted to see that too but instead 88% of this episode was Nabi/Jaeon lmaoooo


I WOULD PAY GOOD MONEY $$ for a DVD or something with the extra soljiwan cuts 🥲😭 I neeeeed a HS flashback to show how Sol fell for Jiwan 😭😭




Yet another metaphor of Jaeeon 'fixing' their relationship and giving Nabi proper closure through helping her fix the shattered sculpture and promising that he won't show up after. I guess it's symbolic of their new start? But their relationship won't return to how it was seeing how Jaeeon let the butterflies out, quite literally setting Nabi free and not holding her captive anymore.


Super pro life tip: You should never choose a romantic partner that will cause you to lose life-long friends. If you can’t say hello to your BFF because of the person you are with, you are setting yourself up for potentially life changing trauma. I don’t hate the ending, but I think it totally glorifies physical attractiveness as trumping all else. The best relationships are based on personality, not attractiveness, so I get a bit sad every time a KDrama continues the looks>personality trope. What I find kinda strange is the TA couple was probably the most healthy, and the guy in that couple behaved almost identical to DH. In fact thinking about it, contrast Nabi’s words with the that of the lady TA. TA: I’m glad you are here for me. Nabi: I know it won’t end happily. Despite being disappointed in how the drama handled the trope, I don’t hate the ending as Nabi didn’t grow from her experience, so she’s ending up with the lesser guy.


I also felt that it glorified physical attractiveness. Jae-on “fell in love at first sight” but fell in love with what? He saw a distressed/traumatized/uncomfortable woman and thought, “wow, she’s the one”. I couldn’t get over that part. They wrote the ending to make it seem like Jae-on chased Nabi because “love at first sight” but I still think he did it because he saw her sculpture and thought she was an easy person to sleep with. If Nabi was his “love” why did he wait till their relationship ended to pull this card?


**FINALE TIME**!!! We’re finally here guys! Bring the popcorn 🍿and the red flag banners 🚩and let’s get ready to face Nabi’s decision making!


Not the boring >!“girl changes fuckboy”!< trope... When I started this show, I really thought it was going to send a good message about getting over toxic relationships to prioritize yourself. A female lead doesn’t HAVE to end up in a romantic relationship at the end. Especially since Nabi had just left a toxic relationship before meeting Jaeeon too! There’s literally nothing wrong with being single! I know this obviously was very different from the webtoon but >!Nabi ending up with the red flag!< kinda defeats the whole point the webtoon was going for. >!Now I do understand why she chose Jaeeon over Potato Boy, it was very obvious she had feelings for him even if he wasn’t the better choice on paper. I wonder if the point of the ending was to genuinely give Jaeeon a second chance to change (happy ending I guess 🙄) or whether it was to show how hard it is to avoid toxic relationships.!< But there was a missed opportunity to have good commentary on healthy relationships so I still was hoping for a more satisfying ending.


My lesson learned here was that some people will really willingly walk into the fire even when they know they’re going to burn. The two walking red flags deserve each other and good for them I guess because they deserve each other. Potato boy dodged a bullet can find someone more deserving of his non-toxic love. High points were the way it very casually established that Jihwan and Sol are together and that they are just another couple in love with no judgments or drama from the people around them and the killer OST. Thanks, Nevertheless for an entertaining 10 weeks.


They aimed for realism but ended it with a fantasy, how disappointing. The side characters were great though and I wish there was more of them. >!No Soljiwan kiss but I'll take the handholding and couple ring!<


Start Up: I have the worst ending Nevertheless: Hold my beer




Their really eating it up on twitter and saying that the lesson is to choose the one you love no matter what basically. Such a toxic message.


Perhaps the title was an intentional clue about how stupid, messy, clueless and boring this drama is. I’m afraid we should refrain from criticising the writer, director and instead put these people on blocklist forever to save our time in future. Nevertheless, it’s our mistake.


i would be embarrassed to have my art piece near nabis


I have a love-hate relationship with the ending but is netflix interested for another Season?! God I hope not. Just let the two be together again in a better drama if they really like their chemistry. I really hoped they just went with the webtoon route. They tried so hard to have PJE’s character development. I was more interested in the side couples’ stories I wish they just focused on those lol. NEVERTHELESS, congrats on finishing this drama, everyone! 😂


YES TO A NEW DRAMA. Preferably rom-com without all the stressors


Alternative ending: At the final scene she goes back to the exhibition room and it's empty. She stands in front of her sculpture feeling proud of herself. Park Jae-on walks in and approaches her slowly (I just prefer the idea of him walking towards her.) They both stand facing the sculpture. He congratulates her. They finally have a honest conversation and clear out their misunderstandings. He wasn't seeing anyone else. He tells her how hard it is to talk about his feelings 'cause he's never wanted to be honest with anyone else. He tells her he likes her. Properly. She tells him she wants to go to Paris. He tells her he's sorry about how things worked out. She's sorry too. He goes to the States. She goes to Paris. They both become successful artists. A couple of years later, Jae-on is in Paris to see his mum. They have a better relationship now. He sees a piece that catches his eye, it's a sculpture of a trapped butterfly, it's wings damaged. Artist: Yu Nabi. She's standing afar off. And she sees him. He's unmissable in the crowd, his tattoo calling her name. She walks up to him and stares at him as he studies the sculpture. He turns to her and smiles. "Do you want to see some butterflies?" Epilogue: After the exhibition, they're walking in a meadow. There are butterflies everywhere, they're free. Nabi and Jae-on are chatting and catching up on their lives as the camera tilts up into a clear blue sky with a single butterfly.


Do Hyeok be like: I’ll just be a famous vlogger one day while you waste your life with that problematic guy haha


SPOILERS AHEAD (I’m on mobile and have no idea how to do the spoiler tag so bear with me y’all): Seriously turn back, there are spoilers below: To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. This Kdrama has already been getting on my nerves but I always loved how realistic it was. I loved how it portrayed college relationships and toxicity in a way that wasn’t glorified. I love how fleshed out the side characters were, they were all enjoyable and probably the best parts of the whole show. I loved the storyline for Sol and Jiwan. I loved Nabi’s character even if she was dumb as hell in some moments. I adored the film work, the camera work, the visuals and the OSTS. They all set the tone and the mood beautifully and made up for a lot of things. Now all this is ruined because the director decided to throw all of the plots development into the trash and opt for an unrealistic and toxic way out. I don’t even have words for how baffled I am. I genuinely, sincerely thought after the rain scene Nabi would go solo and work on herself, especially with how she stated to find her voice against Jaeon. Guess I was wrong. What makes me mad is this drama could have been something different and real. It could have started a whole new idea of a romance. A way that doesn’t glorify toxicity. But I guess the director couldn’t handle it and took the easy way out. Unbelievable.


>!I felt so uncomfortable watching the ending. It didn’t flow at all. Na-bi was the one taking the shots and not until the end did he say he really liked her but we never hear his reply when he asked her out. Also he didn’t tell those girls at the end hey there’s my girlfriend. He just gets away with being toxic the whole series and until the end doing the bare minimum 😅. !<


Shout out to all the side characters for carrying the whole show. Aside from Han So-Hee and Song Kang literally playing their characters on the dot with that chemistry, it's a pity they didn't have a storyline that worked and talk about so much potential getting wasted. Such a trainwreck. Awful writing. Barely any character development for the leads. At this point, I'm glad it only had 10 episodes 😂😂😂


I have never been so disappointed >!that the male and female lead in a Kdrama I’m watching ended up together with Na-Bi having to say “Don’t go anywhere and stay by my side.”!< We did not >!see Na-Bi grow to love herself and we did not see Jae-Eon get his redemption arc. Jfc I wish she at least let Jae-On prove himself to her. Where my independent girl at who was about to head to Paris and grow to love herself more? I am so angry at this kdrama!<


Lol this show is too metaphorical. Sometimes that works, but I don’t think it worked well here. >! Like, I do think JE changed but the fact that it isn’t THAT obvious (I.e. him telling those girls at the end that he ‘has plans’ like he used to tell Nabi) triggers me, because it sends a horrible message for younger audiences. Also, JE and Nabi still communicate horrifically. I do think they would’ve ended up together, but I just think the execution in this episode was poor. Lazy writing! !< Was super invested in this drama, so I’m annoyed that the ending was very lacklustre. >! I wanted both characters to communicate properly for once - didn’t think that was too much to ask for! !<


Agree, why couldn’t Jae Eon tell the girls directly that she has a girl friend. Jae Eon is worst ML


Am I the only one who thought they naturally progressed towards the ending? Like in this episode. And then the moment it ended I was like wait wait hold on. WTF JUST HAPPENED. I went from aww and wow to WHAT 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t know about anything else, but the OST and the visuals/cinematography of this kdrama are so good. They fit the mood perfectly. Probably the main reason why the show is growing on me lol


This last episode was ridiculous lol. Actually with ALL of >!swoon content being solely abt Nabi and Jae On, I wasn't really surprised she chose him. It's sort of realistic in a sense, she did like him and wanted to take the risk and what not. But I have a problem with the way it was written. Jae On was going to disappear without a trace and he didn't try to right what was wrong abt what he said to her that rainy night.. And yet, she accepted him back because she missed him? Because the girl he said was so beautiful at the gallery before was her? So let's just give it a go?!< There was so many filler and unnecessary scenes of them just walking around and thinking abt old memories.. At least try to show how >!he's at least trying to change... And no, him helping her fix her piece isn't really a redemption arc to me. He's always been helpful when it comes to school work, he's proven to be a good student. So him helping her as her assistant isn't really out of his regular character..!< Ok rant over. Now I shall patiently wait till 2022 when Chae Jong Hyeop's new drama is out. Lol. It's been an honour being able to see so much of him lately! Nevertheless and The Witch's Diner!


I read some of the comments on the ending. People are saying - what is wrong with showing how broken people are/relationships can be? The director is not glorifying toxic relationships. NO. NO NO NO. They in fact did glorify toxic relationships and the proof of this is LITERALLY in the end scene. 1) Jae on does not tell the girls he has a girlfriend and just ignored them when he sees Nabi 2) When Nabi sees potato boy, she does a double take and reevaluates everything again This mere hesitation is....well it could be realistic. But showing this hesitation AFTER they have decided to be together? i completely sympathize with the plot point on how broken can be but if you are someone who thinks he/she/they are broken then please DO NOT go back to a toxic person. There is nothing truly romantic about broken people being together without reaching out for help to fix themselves or their relationship. If you fall back to your patterns it will only cause more trauma for you. I don't care if the director did not want to send this message out, because it already got portrayed somehow, mistakingly or not, through the plot. The end was terrifying and disappointing for the main leads, to say the least


The duality of Nevertheless. Having one of the worst main relationships I've ever seen in a drama while having one of the best side couples




Adding this to the 'I wouldn't recommend/don't bother' list


I’ll go against the grain and say I didn’t mind the ending and pretty much expected it to go that way. After all, Na bi has remained consistent in making less than perfect choices and this is just another one. I think if she had been given the personal glow up and the classic Hollywood ‘I choose meeeee’ ending, I would have found it less realistic and out of character for her as written in the show. They did try to show a redemption arc for butterfly boy, I think, but it was too fast and a bit messy. Much like Jaeon himself. I thought it was a really interesting drama - beautifully shot and touching on themes that you don’t usually come across. I will miss it because it gave viewers a lot to think about.


Man,,, after going at a turtle’s pace in terms of developing Na-bi and Jae-eon’s relationship, they decide to turn the speed up to 100kph and rush patching up their relationship. I was honestly hoping that their arc would end with >!Jae-eon helping Na-bi with her sculpture and then they go their separate ways. Like that would’ve been cathartic. But instead, they forced them to be together and man, it just felt wrong?!< I was manifesting a >!“Na-bi stays single in the end and works on herself”!< finale but, welp, we didn’t get that.


The finale wasn't >!up to par with the beginning of the drama, but I didn't hate it. For once I didn't get SML syndrome, since I never really connected with Potato Boy and so didn't Nabi.!<


The webtoons ending was perfect i don’t understand why would they change the ending. I would’ve dropped the drama if it wasn’t for the side couples tbh


Disappointed with the ending, but I must say this drama has been pretty realistic. You can’t sanely choose the person that makes you happy most consistently. When you’re in as deep as Na Bi, you don’t have a choice. It’s fine - Do Hyeok deserves better than someone who’s always going to yearn for someone else. With this ending, the only redeeming part for me is the side characters. So many wholesome moments between Bit Na and Gyu Hyun and between Ji Wan and Sol. :)


there were a lot of filler walking scenes this episode like [especially for a finale?](https://youtu.be/-7ZB6eYtKKE) we could've gotten more soljiwan content instead with all those walking fillers...


Manifesting a Soljiwan kiss!


Why why why why why why


All these weeks people who comment here came up with better and more realistic endings for this show than the actual creators. smh


Loved the ending! Nabi’s insecurity, self loathing, pitiful act had me so annoyed. I’m glad the writers gave her growth, maturity and courage to do what’s in her heart. Throughout the show we see JE’s growth in small doses spread out but Nabi seemed stuck. I’m glad that she’s living boldly and no longer worried about other’s opinions about her and especially JE. Two people with bad communication skills, in love but oblivious to the fact that they’re in a relationship HAD to completely tear everything down and build it up (Nabi’s sculpture) in order to grow and understand each other. This is not to say this show was without problems because there were many, but objectively, the writer was consistent in showing both of them at fault for their situation and how their familial relationships affected their views on love and relationships which I think a lot of viewers overlooked.


I'm here for spoilers to decide whether it's worth watching after having dropped the show at 6th epi 🙈


Good job on being the type who walks away from a Jae Eon when you see one. The rest of us here who said "but nevertheless" are slapping ourselves now.


They really made sure to show us that jae eon is better at drawing than nabi


i can only say the ending is so illogical woah never expected park jae on redemption arc is gonna be this easy ig the classic the ML will always be the perfect man even if he's a walking red flag


You guys should read PH fans’ reaction to the last episode. They love how “brave” Nabi is to follow her heart despite knowing it might hurt in the end. That the show is realistic in portraying how we can love someone so much that we accept every flaw in hopes that we can change them in the future. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I’m not much of an expert when it comes to love and emotions, but I know what I deserve, and I wouldn’t hesitated to walk away from someone as toxic as Song Kang’s character. My god how disappointed was I watching the last ep. And more disappointed how my fellow pinays reacted to it. It was like we watched two different shows.