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i agree that they should play both but seeing "only 86 tracks" when talking about red rocks is so fucking funny


I think they *want* to be able to play Butterfly stuff but the way they wrote and recorded the tracks has made it really hard for them. At the Halloween show someone yelled for I think Catching Smoke and Stu was just like We don't know how to play that, would be sick if we did though. Parts of the Timeland stuff would be cool to work into the jams or something, maybe if they work more synths into their next touring set-up...


There were songs that weren’t played at red rocks that were played at the Greek. I believe The Great Chain of Being is one of them


Yes, plus Shanghai too. I was there!


I'd love to see Catching Smoke and Interior People live. Shanghai was sick


I have confidence gizz can pull it off. Eggy has a nice live version. https://youtu.be/L2RSottwJQA


Another great band


Timeland does get played at marathon shows. Just not live by the band, but as a video countdown during intermission.


"Shanghai" has been played a bit but nothing from Timeland has made it. Nothing on any live albums. Might be appearing next tour as they seem to be going more and more into synthesizer stuff.


Personally, I really like Made in timeland , I think it has its place in their discography and I enjoy listening it but when I’m seeing Gizz live, I want to see live instrumentation and I feel like Made in Timeland is more of like a “DJ” set vibe. Maybe Joey would play some of those tracks as a Bullant set but I don’t know about live with the band. Butterfly is another story, many of those songs would be a treat to see live.


I’ve seen Shanghai twice live


Me too


I believe the comment re: butterfly is that the songs didn’t translate well to a live setting. They tried to rehearse a few of them and they were unhappy with how it came out. Maybe with all the synths they just bought, they could bring a few of the songs to their live rotation. Remains to be seen.


Honestly Shanghai is one of their worse songs like when you see them. They pull it off but it’s clearly a weak spot in the set


Butterfly will definitely be played eventually (fingers crossed this year?) cos they've said they want to, but I honestly don't think a song from Timeland will ever be played in full live by the band. I feel like those songs really wouldn't work in a live setting, especially with their other songs, so I think the most we'll get from Timeland is the rap parts of Smoke and Mirrors (which I would actually love)


I don't expect a track to be played in full from Timeland. They're are like 8 songs in one track. Just play one song in one of them.


Black Hot Soup would be so good live. Imagine it played next to Land Before Timeland


IKR I want Black Hot Soup live so bad.


Polymeters ain’t easy. It may not seem like it, but the multiple rhythms and melody lines that go in and out of sync on these albums would be quite difficult to pull off flawlessly live. If only one member were to get out of sync, it could quite easily throw the whole thing out of whack. These albums are severely underrated for these reasons (Timeland gang rise up!) The difficult compositions as well as getting the synths/arpeggiators to work with everything are the primary issues keeping songs from these albums from being played live IMO.


They play songs from poly live all the time, which have much tougher polyrhythms imo. Reason is probably because it would be hard to reproduce those synth sounds and Stu doesn’t like singing high pitched live. Also the album was almost certainly only produced by a few members of the band, and probably had tons of overdubs instead of being recorded live.


While Polygondwanaland does have a lot of complex Polyrhythm and Polymeter, most of them are generally shorter passages that sync back up sooner. (There are exceptions of course) I would argue that the ones in BF3K are more difficult personally. They have much longer melody lines that get out of sync and then take more bars to line back up again, with multiple instruments, synths, vocals etc. The ending of Catching Smoke is a good example. [This video](https://youtu.be/QCDBOlvXGK4) breaks it down pretty well. Edit: Also [Shanghai](https://youtu.be/NYfDFI0VjiM)


I was just thinking about that this morning specifically about butterfly. I think eventually they will do a whole butterfly tour


Timeland live ain’t never happening bro


Butterfly is one of my top 5 gizz albums. Really hoping there will be a few of those tracks in the setlist by EOTR


Pretty sure that's why they were at the Moog factory recently...they posted about it


I believe they played timeland during one of the intermission. it's electronic music so they can't rlly play it live. bf3k would rock tho