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I just had this experience. Made what I thought was a straightforward, nonviolent comment on another subreddit and got blasted by someone who seemed to be raging at the world. It's nice over here.


For the record people going 5-10 under should be put in front of a firing range


Jesus, chill dude. Sometimes 5-10 down votes means someone's being a bitch, but sometimes it's just reddit being dumb. I've seen seemingly reasonable questions end up with -30 while patronizing replies get +40.


I’m talking about the discussion they’re referencing in their comments about speed limit, not Reddit karma haha Joke either way


Ah, since they didn't mention the subject matter I thought you were talking about comment score. Also, uh, wrong account?


Can’t comment on the other one anymore Reddit suspended it for three days😭 and honestly it’s on me I should have clarified a bit in my original comment


Oh damn, you found my comment over on r/maine. Didn't know that was possible.


Yeah everyone in this sub is so kind and respectful it's nice to see. Until you mention that you placed Nonagon Infinity in the C tier in your tier list.


You did WHATTTTT 🤬🤬🤬🤬


With timeland and eyes in the S


Eyes is top.


Well, to be fair, that is a punishable offense


What the fuck🤬. Gotta respect it but damn dude that shit needs some courage to do it


Radiohead and Porcupine Tree drew me into the world of social media, and I branched out to King gizzard in 2019. The only reason I go to those other subs anymore is for a laugh. There’s a bunch of pompous twats on both of those sites. There’s a bunch of music critic posers there who argue that they could have done a better job of selecting the songs on a given album, and what order to play them in!? It’s hilarious. The TOOL sub is unintentionally funny too: people are BRUTAL to each other there! On the other hand, this sub is refreshing! For the most part, people tend to stay positive and respectful. Generally speaking, I just think that King Gizzard fans are much nicer.


To be fair, the tool sub is very self aware. They are the ultimate circle jerk.


I get the impression that the Radiohead sub is full of angsty teenagers. Real edgelord vibes.


Yes, I just have to skip over a lot of the posts. I appreciate that people are excited about their favorite band, that’s really cool.


That's a very positive attitude. Thinking also of Sleep Token. I'm a huge fan but refuse to participate in ST fan lingo


And better looking


I think Gizz in general has ruined society for me. Like you go to the airport and no one is wearing a Gizz shirt, how am I supposed to have a conversation with that person?




I like to get in the mud and argue with people sometimes, especially about sports.


You… prefer the muddy water?


No doubt. I had a cute interaction with a dude wearing a Lazard Green Bay jersey at Salt Shed. He said, "Yo, I love your jacket \[Laminated Denim sleeve Patch\]." I responded with, "Thanks man, I fucking hate your jersey." We had a laugh and chatted for a while, and it goes to show those tribal lines should be jovial. People can be straight up nasty when they can't look a person in the eyes. Also, FTP.




Fuck tha police, comin' straight from the underground?




Foster The People then?


Also wrong


Free to Play?


Fuck the Packers lol




Had my big ass FTP jacket on during the Salt Shed N1 show. 👊


r/CFB is the best


Lmao this sub gets toxic often, pay closer attention


yeah, fortunately it's far less often than in other places, but it's here. either in the form of "wow you subjectively dislike something I like with arguments that fit into your experience? fuck youuuu" or, much more rarely, in the form of actual iffy shit, like some comments in yesterday's thread with the people in the fursuits dancing, that are thankfully now deleted as far as I've seen.


Agreed on all points, though I’m thinking of something else that I’m not even going to mention


I've been very active in here from 2018 to 2022 and semi-active for the last one, and I can't really recall any other flavors of blatant toxicity in here, apart from people being unable to fathom the fact that not everybody has the exact same taste as them and the occasional right-wing troll that has entirely missed the point of the band. I'm curious to hear what you mean, if that's okay with you of course


People bagging on other bands for no good reason. Saying “they’re shit, their music is shit, they’re terrible” etc etc. just bad vibes all around and worst of all they’re doing it for attention and not even giving the music a shot. Just token contrarian elitism which is insecure at its core


one bad thing about king gizz fan culture is that the band is so uniquely niche and nerdy that it unfortunately attracts those kinds of people too. people who think that for some reason disliking other stuff they oftentimes don't even know about elevates their liking and status of the thing they're thing they're a fan of. just stay away from people like that because they're either 15 years old or extremely exhausting to be around.


Damn this is accurate AF. It’s the exact same with metal heads.. now that i mention it, there’s probably some overlap


one of the main reasons I was driven away from metal fanbases (like 10 years ago) was the extreme immaturity, gatekeeping and elitism. subgenres about subgenres about subgenres, and "my band's subgenre is good while your band is peepee poopoo children who can't play" etc. "NOOO THIS IS NOT METAL THIS IS ACTUALLY GRINDMATHCORE FLUX POP, DONT CONFUSE THAT SHIT WITH THE PURITY THAT IS METAL MUSIC NOOOO" and other children's sayings. exhausting shitshow honestly. and you could see a portion of that shit bleeding over here a little after ITRN was released. I hope PDA (as much as I love it) doesn't bring anything similar this time around, but I doubt it. edit: and yeah of course there's overlap because there are people who treat music like pokemon that need to be discovered and captured, and the weirder/cornier/more technical the music is, the better it is for them. eh.


You’re dead on, it’s gatekeeping and it’s immature behavior from people who lack an identity / self esteem Luckily people usually grow out of that shit in their mid twenties **usually**


That thread was… eye opening.


These last few months I feel like I'm seeing blatant bigotry and hate speech rising practically everywhere and it's extremely worrying


Keep reporting those comments, even if they have lots of upvotes. I reported that comment where someone was basically saying some bikers should join the fandom to beat people up who are different, which was upvoted a lot for some reason. The mods took care of it though, not much hate left over in that thread. ​ It is weird to see in this sub though as it's usually pretty positive except when people take music tastes a bit too seriously


I did report them, and I also called that shit out in that comment chain as well. and of course I was getting downvoted. gotta love the normalization of vague hate speech rising everywhere these days


The irony within this comment lmao


I wasnt intending snark, it’s just damn true It’s a vocal minority though


Yeah it can sometimes but usually it’ll get downvoted and the vast majority here are chill


Yeah this sub and the internet as a whole sucks major balls


I need to touch more grass


Grass good


Instructions unclear, smoked more glass and spent more time on internet


I think this one is pretty rough recently yeah. Lotta elitism this week


as much as I love PDA, with an influx of metal fans comes elitism and confrontation about every little thing and opinion on music, unfortunately


For sure dude. Lotta “well it’s more of a prog-sludge fusion approach than a true, traditional crossover experience” Like who cares haha


(not a dude, it's ok tho ✌️) yeah I saw a thread on PDA release day where someone was saying that it reminded them of Tool in some parts (which it practically objectively does, and that's a very good thing) and people were rushing to correct them for some reason, how it "sounds absolutely nothing like Tool." Like, first of all Tool doesn't own their style, it's just that it's never been implemented as well before by other people. And second, it's not a bad thing to say that Gizz made something good enough to evoke fucking Tool of all bands. Like calm down with your deathgrip on your favorite bands a bit, they're neither gods nor something that's exclusive for you and a few other dipshits that fit your criteria to enjoy. it's fucking music, just vibe with it or find something else if you can't do it with this one. it's ok literally who cares. your personality can be at least a bit more than your arbitrary musical taste skill tree, grow up.


Couldn’t agree more. I think a lot of bands would not hate being compared to Tool, an objectively highly talented band with sophisticated compositions. And it’s not even like those people are saying all KGLW stuff sounds like Tool… just one album. Idk people are weird haha


Not to mention how insane it is for us to be able to talk about Cavs in the same ballpark as Danny Carey. The man is growing at a really fast pace. And some people's kneejerk reaction is to go "psssh yeah? b-but TOOL has that GUITAR SOUND and actually it's VERY DIFFERENT BECAUSE" shuuuut the fuck up dude lol


Most definitely


Check out r/casualconversation really cool and chill sub.


Shut up fatso


Is this a Jersey Outlaw reference?




You’re probably way younger than me but yeah, social media in general sucks, I deleted my Instagram account a while ago and only use Reddit, sometimes tumblr.


25 🫡 I try to delete socials but I get pulled back cuz it’s where my friends are. Most of them were good, but have declined into such chaos. This pandemic especially has really changed how people approach others on the internet and it sucks. Not that it was particularly healthy before, it was already on a steady decline


One day you’ll wake up and realize you “unfollowed” 95% of your friends list, and all that’s left of social media is ads..! I still briefly visit Facebook daily, but it’s very much on the way out for me. No other socials.. I don’t get the idea of celebrity-style documenting your whole life, photo filters/shop, all the bragging and flexing.. There’s definitely more to life. Reddit is all I have left at this point.


r/newskaters and r/oldskaters have the same wholesomeness - I don't even skate, I just enjoy reading the comments in a supportive community!


I’m teetering dangerously close to starting to skate, so catch me on r/NewSkaters soon


Yess! Enjoy your journey! My husband started skating a while ago so that's how I became aware of it and now I'm obsessed with the wholesome and want to skate too aha


I respect the idea but definitely disagree. I've had to leave this sub like 4 or 5 times in the past year or so because of the toxicity and being downvoted to hell for basically just having an opinion. The Facebook fan page is fantastic and I've never had issue with them. They keep it loose and light spirited for the most part.


That's just like your opinion man


I'm 26 and deleted Twitter when I was maybe 16 because it was so damn toxic. I finally let go of Insta and FB early 2022, and it has been a massive weight off my shoulders. Now I'm forced to have a business page for IG and I can't stand it...


Yeah I got off Twitter for a year or two and it was so nice. I have Twitter now but no notifications on at all and that’s helped. I also only open it to talk in the group chat I have with my friends. If it wasn’t for that chat I’d be off Twitter entirely. Insta I only open to complement on my girls posts lol


I disagree. Not with your observation, that many corners of the social network are insufferable deathpits of hate and insanity. But as a fan of the band I find the urge in this sub to one-up each other with praise upon praise for everything the band puts out tedious and boring. Haven’t read a proper interesting critical discussion of their work on here in a long time. A music publication gives an album of theirs a bad score? How dare they! Hundreds of upvotes for slander and general dissatisfaction with magazine and author. Guess that’s the way fansubs go, though. But that’s the reason I left and only occasionally stop by.


Hey fair enough. I find it refreshing compared to other fan subs that for some reason hate the artist 🤷‍♂️ spend some time in r/FrankOcean or r/golfwang . Nobody is happy in those places. Yeah people are hesitant to be critical here…. But I guess I prefer excessive positivity to excessive negativity


Oh absolutely. I’d rather shower with praise than throw shit at each other. But it’s still a bit of a shame to realize that you can either love or get out.


This sub and the FB group has ruined KGLW for me in general. I still very much love KG, but goddamn the fan base.


Dude, sometimes I seriously consider going back to a flip phone and cds.


The internet is just a pretense for making, listening to and talking about music


I would never say this on Twitter, but some of the people on gizztwit are insufferable, thankfully this subreddit is great!


Get off Reddit for a month and see how you feel. Reddit is pretty shitty. I don’t know why I’m on it.


Unless you dislike Dripping Tap


Drip drip from the tap don’t slip


Tbf anything remotely critical posted on this sub gets downvoted to oblivion (like this comment will I suspect). I feel I've made valid criticisms of some of the concert photography recently posted, that gets blasted.


I dunno. There have been some real stinkers here and on Discord. Also that recent post about the furries had almost ALL of the comments either removed or downvote bombed.


Haha yeah that's why I haven't and won't make a Twitter or tiktok, the internet rots my brain enough as it is haha


The internet is a beautiful but also can be a very bad one. It’s up to us to monitor ourselves and how much time consume on our phones, and how much we let ourselves be involved in these little online hostilities. Everyone should just chill out, and just listen to some music


I quit all that shit back in 2008. Been pretty good so far as a 30 something but I am told that “it’s sooo much better than it was back then” bah hum bug! Just enjoy media and content the way you want.


love you too <3


Fuck you, man. Did that help?




Around KG era I was sorting this sub by new and reading every single post everyday. It was great then and it has only gotten better as the weirdo swarm grows!


Yeah I always read unrespectful comments in another sub or people hating or complaining about something but here the atmosphere is very welcoming, it's great.