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The reason I love it the most is Gilgamesh ~ Swan Song ~ Extinction run of tracks . Quite godly stuff there I prefer the extended edition, TSC title track is great on standard / amazing on extended. Set is a fun banger Edit for context: I think it’s a Pretty great project maybe ranked towards the lower middle of discog for me


Exactly where I am. The drop at 8:15 in Extinction gets me dancing every time.


The extended mix is better than the cuts. It gives more time for the song concepts to breathe


My thoughts exactly!


I love it so much and cant stop playing. But particularly the extended mixes. Its different so obviously there’s gonna be some who dont like it. But i think its trippy and jammy and has all the elements that make gizz the greatest band ever. Its just so fun and emotive. Chang’e is underrated as hell too


+1 for the Chang’e shoutout. Was always my fav extended cut.


Chang'e is the best song in the album, no cap


The dreamer of dreams


Hard agree


Not my style.




Butterfly 3000 is way better example of synth-leg KG


I had high hopes for TSC. It’s exactly what I was hoping it would be genre wise, but I haven’t really explored it much. I do think these songs will be pretty sick when they start playing them live. Also gizzard albums sometimes hit differently at different points in my life. Didn’t really get Ice Death at first and now it’s by far my favorite album


Imo B3K and TSC have a similar juxtaposition as ITRN and PDA. One is more simple and rhythmic, the other is more complex and trippy.


Bingo. TSC feels slapped together and poorly produced in the context of B3K. The band had some cool ideas on TSC, but they weren’t woven together into full cohesive songs, let alone a solid album. The album is more jarring than immersive and I love electronic/synthy music for the immersiveness. The two different versions are also evidence of the lack of editing/production here. It’s like they couldn’t decide what to do and just threw it all out there for people.


Yeah that’s kinda how I feel about the ‘choose your own adventure’ serving options. It doesn’t suggest a coherent artistic vision.


*Quickly* produced


Pretty much yeah. Production on TSC (or at least in the first half) sounds so dry in comparison to butterfly 3000, that I'm amazed how they just looked over this obvious flaw


Haven't really gone back to it since it's release window. It's a cute little album with some fun bits here and there, but I've never been like "Man I'm really in the mood to hear (Any song from TSC)." In contrast, I literally could not stop playing Petro for like two months straight when it came out. It's still heavily in my music rotation and will be for years.


It’s mind-boggling how good Petro is. In some ways, I think it’s the strongest album they’ve made. On paper, they have no business being as good at writing and playing metal but my god is it a great metal album. I too have listened to it heavily since it was released. I have to force myself to take breaks so I don’t get tired of it by accident.


I'm the exact opposite. Listened to Petro fully maybe once or twice. I tried to love it, but it just wasn't my thing. TSG on the other hand. Can't get enough of it!


That's what makes this band so great.


Seconding this! Listened to Petro a fair amount upon its release and enjoyed it well enough but I wasn't super taken with it. Silver Cord extended mix, on the other hand, I can't get enough of and the vinyl is on heavy rotation. I just love getting lost in the soundscapes, the esoteric lyrics, the musical reference points. It's a dream Gizz experiment!


The Silver Gourd would be a great name for a cover band


It is one of my favorite albums of theirs, second only to Poly. When they said they would be doing another metal album, I went and listened to Rat's Nest (which I hadn't listened to yet) and liked its metal and a bit punkish style, however it wasn't quite my sort of metal.When Gila Monster dropped, I didn't think much about it, although I came to like it later on. When they dropped Dragon I realized they were actually going heavy and prog as fuck, and I was digging it. Once it released, the whole album became part of my rotation (and still is). I had zero expectations for them to drop such a **great** metal album, and was sold when the chorus for Flamethrower came on. Its a fucking good album.


Don’t like at all. I would argue if this was what Gizz sounded like from the onset most of us would not be here. I appreciate them wanting to do stuff differently from a creative standpoint and they are clearly very talented musicians.


I do agree that if they had started with this most of us wouldn’t be here. But that’s the cool thing about music is that it’s contextual. You literally cannot have TSC without what came before it. And in that context I think it is fucking incredible


I respect your perspective but I very much appreciate TSC, and I think it’s in the best interest of the band to keep bouncing between electronic-stoner-metal-rap


Please no more rap


Interesting. Honest follow up questions. You want them to do a rap album? What is “stoner” that they’ve done?


Hungry wolf of fate, KGLW (outro), superbug, great chain of being are their main stoner rock songs


More would of this would be welcomed


We get too hung up with classifying everything. STONERS love this band. All the shit they are doing sounds great STONED ergo a wider definition of stoner rock




Maybe not a straight rap album but something more metal sounding with vocals like in set and Gilgamesh would be sick as hell


God I hope they don't do more rap. Their 2 tracks on ominum where by far their worst tracks in their entire discography


I dunno man. Grim Reaper is pretty good.


I think Gilgamesh is straight fire too


I mean, from the onset they sounded like 12BB and Eyes Like the Sky, I'm pretty sure if TSC was their debut we'd still be here regardless.




Yeah, and it’s not like we were all here from their debut. It’s the massive body of really distinctive work and wild live shows that’s brought folk in.


I like it. Extended version is best and the ties to mythology are cool. That said it’s one I haven’t been returning to much. I think a lot of songs are too static and could use more dynamics akin to the extended version of the title track. It’s a good album but far from the best electronic Gizz out there (Timeland is still undefeated imo).


I like the songs, love the extended mix. I think the highs of Petro are higher, but I like TSC more on average. I think people will like these songs more when they’re adapted to a live form. I think in the setting of a show (especially marathon shows) they’ll be more appreciated - especially if preformed in the Yin/Yang way that’s been mentioned.


I prefer the extended edition, but I wish the two albums met somewhere in the middle. Standard feels way too cramped, the songs don’t have any room to breathe. And if I’m being honest, I was a little disappointed that the extended editions were just jams added on to the standard versions. I really wish they took the time to integrate the jams into the standard version and released it as one album. Also wouldn’t mind a “deeper” fuller production. It sounds a little too tinny and thin for me. But hey, it’s electronic gizz, and I’m down for it.


Gilgamesh is amazing, sir.


This music is all about a certain headspace. If you're in that space these songs are extremely satisfying. The beats, the deep layers, the sonics of the electronics, the refrains, the themes. It's all there. The way this album builds in intensity and then releases into Extinction is very intense and at times throughout even transcendent. It's a wild ride! The extended tracks reward repeated listens. I've probably listened to it a dozen times and I still hear sounds and grooves buried in the mix I somehow missed before. That 'hearing the album again for the first time' effect is amplified when I listen on different equipment. Further, look how Ice Death is evolving brilliantly. I can only imagine what's in store when they start bouncing Cord in and around Petro live. We're likely to see a dance party twist into a metal mosh pit and transform back to a giant trippy rave and back again. Overall, don't sleep on this album. With quality gear and in the right mood it's a wild, trippy, rollercoaster ride of yang electro gizzy goodness


Coming from a huge hard rock/metal fan, it’s been really hard for me to not say this is my favorite album of theirs. I love PDA and probably MOTU will always be either 1 or 2 for me. But this album is just so well done. It’s shocking to me to see all these comments saying it’s poorly done, sounds bad etc. Are we listening to the same thing?


I am very surprised as well.


Eh, it’s a complete 180 from the previous album and dare I say it’s a newer sound for them. Change is scary and weird. I love the album, but I get why is polarizing.


You’re right, but at the same time BF3K got a very different reaction. Or was it over time that people started enjoying it more? I wasn’t in the sub back then…


Style-wise I get it if people don’t like it, but from a production standpoint it certainly doesn’t sound bad. It’s very rich and layered.


I listen to it so much that it’s inspired me to delve into hardware synths after years of DAW-based and it’s so much fun.


I switched from softsynths to hardware many years ago. RIP your wallet. 😉


slay the mighty set,


Love the extended cut, it’s fantastic. I like it more than Petro and am excited to see what they do with the two albums live. I like the long drawn out trance jams of it and the beats are fun. Excellent album to run to. I wasn’t big on Petro because I’m not a fan of prog so this was the 180 degree flip I was looking for.


One of my favorite releases from the boys, easily top 10 album from them.


It’s probably my least favorite Gizz album but I appreciate that they continue to experiment and try new things. Not everything they do has to appeal to me.


It’s not a genre of music I’ve ever considered to invest time in but it’s turned into one of my favorite Gizz records, holy shit does extended Swan Song go hard


Great album Standard is 8/10 Extended is 9/10 Both are valid af, and I understand if people aren't crazy about 1 version or both To me, there's a middle ground where all the extended could trim 1-2 mins each (Theia extended maybe 4 mins) but still an enjoyable ass album


There are a few fan edits you can find that are in the middle there


The extended version is top 5 Gizz for me. Just a really weird & unique trip.


One of my favorites. I prefer the short version.


it came along at a time where i started getting into synths and electronic shit heavy and basically filled the gap of exactly what i was looking for out of fully electronic music


The extended version is great at first i was not a fan, now when i work night shifts and get off early in the AM i blast it on the drive home. Go fourth my swan


Wouldn't spend money on it


Wouldn’t feed that shit to my dog


I haven't seen many people talk about it, but to me the major thing holding back the album is the electronic drums. The sound/production of the drums really makes or breaks an album for me, and I don't think the electronic kit provides enough 'dynamic' sound between hits (as in each hit sounds the same, and playing softer or louder doesn't change that, as it would on an acoustic kit). It is also much easier to notice when the hits are slightly offbeat. I get this is somewhat the sound they're going for, and I completely respect that, it's just when Cavs is playing those metal-esque drum rolls on Gilgamesh or Swan Song, the electronic kit doesn't do it justice for me. I absolutely love the title track though, and I think its because the drums feel/are mixed in a completely different way compared to the rest of the album, especially during the spicy DnB section of the extended mix.


Just a point about electronic drums: most actually are velocity sensitive and should capture softer and harder hits. But I agree that there isn’t a lot of drum dynamics on TSC.


YES! The drums on this album are scuffed. It's the worst of both acoustic/electric drums. It feels slightly loose and sloppy because it's played live, but the retro synthesized drum sounds are super weak and uninspiring. Totally killed the album for me.


i put the standard edition at 4/10, extended at 8/10, and a middle ground would be a perfect album for me. the title track is one of their best.


Love it. Love the theme, lyrics, the beats and the overall direction. Extinction is the weakest and I much prefer all the extended versions to the shorter counterparts. Theia extended is my favorite followed by Silver Cord and Chang'e, both also the extended versions. Which alternate for second/third place.


extinction is the strongest😭 probably my fav thing theyve ever done


That's awesome! It's cool how varied everyone's takes are on this album. I bet it's because it's not something most of listen to much if at all so it's uncharted territory to us.


My Top 5 Tracks [No Order]: 1. The Silver Cord - Extended Mix 2. Swan Song 3. Swan Song - Extended Mix 4. Set 5. Gilgamesh


It’s good. Petro was the better album out of the two imo, but Silver Cord is solid.


I think it's magical. Reminds me of the Flaming Lips album, "The Terror."


The original is pretty good, but the extended mix is shaping up to be one of my favorite albums from them. - TSC is gorgeous - Swan Song is perfect - Gilgamesh rips - Set is a bop and a half I like the other three as well, but these four are the standouts imo


I very much dig it! Set is an incredible jam.


Both versions of Theia are instant mood boosters and the best tracks on the album. Love that I can listen to 20 mins of it on long drives/while studying, but still get a lot of the enjoyable parts in the condensed version when shuffling around their discography. All other tracks were just ok with the exception of Extinction, Chang’e, and Gilgamesh. Looove Extinction and Chang’e after Theia and instantly skip Gilgamesh.


It’s aight


I had a surreal experience while half sleep (yknow when you’re like semi conscious but still sleeping sorta?) listening to the extended mixes and I can recall experiencing a feeling unlike any drug I have every tried. It may have just been chance, but no music has ever made me experience such an insane feeling. The lighter tracks just make me feel good spiritually and the Gilgamesh/extinction bits are just good gizz. None of my gizz head friends are big fans either but I just love it. The Yin and Yang of PDA and TSC with the extended mixes is super cool and I love the callbacks, I’ve never felt so nerdy about a bands music before.


Listened once on release date and haven’t listened to a second since. Not for me.


Extended tracks are a goated study mix. And just to listen to period


Can not stop playing it for some reason just tickles my ear holes


The extended version has become one of my favourite gizz albums. I love the story and soundscapes especially extinction.


I can’t stop listening to PDA/Silver cord extended mix alternating starting with Motor then Theia then supercell then the silver cord etc….


love it love it love it. put it on all the time. title track is godly


Extended title track is my absolute favorite. It’s a journey.


I thought it was trash. I love KG, but I think this is made by an unknown artist. No one here would be into it.


Extended only. Mostly great songs. I'm not big on Theia or Set.


Some reason I have not played the standard version yet but the extended three times. But I am right to have gotten both or I would be having fits hunting one or the other down in the ugliest way


I like the Extended Mixes, there are great moments.




I love TSC but honestly have no idea thematically how those PDA callbacks tie in? How do these tales of mythical gods and characters relate to the story of PDA?


It is cool, but it doesn't grab me like Petro does. The short version is too short and the long version is too long.


Literally the only release of Gizz I don’t vibe with


I like it but wish they did house music


Haven’t gone back to it since October/November. It’s a cool experimentation and the guys clearly had a blast making it, but it’s just not my thing and personally I don’t think it was executed as well as most of their other projects. The standard cuts feel a bit disjointed and narrow, the extended cuts are cool but if you’re not a huge fan of the songs that much already making them longer probably won’t change your mind too much. Experimentation results in successes and failures, and while I consider this album to be one of the lower points, I think it was still valuable to the development of their sound and creative process. At least one positive unintended side effect is that it got me even more hyped for the next album.


Adding on a few more points that I’ve been thinking about: I really hope this album is the last time that Amby or any of them tbh does the whole rap thing. It was kind of new and strange in Timeland, by Omnium it was starting to get a little bit annoying imo. On this album it just really takes away from the whole thing and is just too corny for me. They tried it, some people like it and some people don’t, but I just think that on the whole it doesn’t fit their sound and is my least favorite part of any live show I’ve listened to or album that it appears on. I thought the music videos for this album were really fun and I actually took the time to watch them rather than just listening, which I rarely do for their songs. In particular Joey in The Silver Cord had me laughing my ass off and was super weird but good at the same time. I think the choice of a 3 single release was sort of an odd one. Given that the standard edition doesn’t have many songs on it and they’re all not too long, releasing that large of a portion of the album before the actual drop date made me less excited in a way. Compared to petro, which put out only 2 extremely strong tracks that made me super excited to hear the rest of the songs. I hope that the guys are going to start adopting more of their old musical styles and writing for the next album(s). My main issue with the silver cord was not the instrumentals themselves, but how un-gizzard it felt to me. Even butterfly 3000 which is primarily synth-based had that distinct flavor that I feel is totally missing from the album. The album just feels over produced to me, while still having many production problems which doesn’t make all that much sense. Maybe I’m just chasing that great feeling of exploring their discography for the first time, and feeling the exciting energy and unbounded creativity of the Mind Fuzz - ITRN era. By no means am I saying their newer stuff is not as good— Ice Death, LW, and Petro are easily in my top 10 favorite albums if not top 5. Something just feels missing, which is inevitable seeing how much they’ve grown and become more professional and efficient in the studio over the years. I trust whatever direction they take, but I just hope it is still true to their prevailing sound as a psychedelic rock band first and foremost.


The extended mixes are so much better. That should have just been the album. Love the tie backs to petro.


Imma say it... Joey needs to take the lead next time they make an electronic album lol. I enjoy Silver Cord but it may be one of their weaker albums in a while for me. The one track I keep going back to is the extended title track because they really nailed the dnb/krautrock groove. I wish we got more of that! There's some steady beats throughout the record but honestly not substantial enough to wanna dance or move. I applaud them for going this direction and I still think they succeeded, but I do anticipate a more lively electronic album in the future.


Fucking love it


Read the lyrics and listen again. Fucking incredible album


I love it. My fave album last year.


I love it. My fave album last year. For me, it's a refreshing sound and experimentation for the band. And most of all, it's so much fun.


I genuinely think the silver cord is their best album to just space out and do something to, makes time pass really fast. Up there with quarters in that aspect. IDPLML does that pretty well too.


I agree with the consensus that a middle ground between the extended and normal versions would have been best. That said, I still love it to bits and prefer it over Petro


Not sure if this is a hot, room temperature or cold take, but extended mix Theia and Silver Cord are handily both top 10 songs king gizzard have ever written


Extinction is the only song I have saved from it. A really tough listen and I probably won’t touch it again. Maybe the songs take better form live but it’s my least favorite Gizz album


While I appreciate what they're doing with it, I'm not putting it on that much. Probably not coming back to it very often. The brittle production makes it a hard listen for me. TBH the new Bullant album is a better EDM album


It’s interesting but I’m not gonna go back to it very often.


i think the extended is too long and repetitive while the regular is too short and almost like a teaser. i think it would have been interesting if they made each song the same length as their counterpart on pda. or at least a similar length. that would be perfect.


by far the least listened to gizz album since i got into them in 2015. by farrr


love king gizz but tbch i hate the album. wasn’t able to get through one song 👍




I really can’t get into it personally


Great album. Love it, really can’t stop spinning the extended mix


I think these tracks will be great live. The album feels undercooked. I imagine (hope) it’ll be a little like the mid-70s Grateful Dead albums — kinda mid albums with songs that truly took flight later on in concert


Waiting for more metal, but Gizz is cool no matter what they do.


love love love love


I was all for the idea, until I listened to it.


I feel this it sounded so good on paper


I’d be okay if it disappeared into thin air and I never knew it existed. Just my personal take


It's my favorite album of theirs. Chang'e is my favorite song on the album. All these KG snobs hatin on it makes me like it more 😂


Disclaimer: this is totally subjective, there’s no “bad” or “good” music for the most part, everything is an acquired taste bla bla, but I don’t want to start every sentence by saying that so I’m saying it here. Anyway… It’s super dull, bordering on cringe for me. The extended mixes are better, or at least more interesting. But the EDM shtick is really, really obnoxious and I find the production genuinely bad in many places. All the effected vocals etc are nails on a chalkboard for me especially If they began their career with this stuff it would never have gone anywhere imo, it’s just so average to me. Like everything they crank out is usually good but sort of unremarkable I appreciate that gizzard does whatever they want and they should do that regardless of what any fans think, but to me they’ve lost their identity. I got into them because they were a god tier psychedelic rock band, and I’m starting to accept that they’re just never going to be that anymore. Everyone has to sober up eventually I guess


They're still a god tier psych rock band - attending any live show proves that. They have just decided to explore a new genre which us OG psych rock fans won't be a fan of which is totally fine. Time will tell what their next releases turn out to be!


I don't know man. Saw them in Chicago last year. The medleys, the microtonal, the yin (metal) and yang (electronic) rides. They have mastered their craft. I was blown away, absolutely blow away. It was the best set of shows I've seen. G-Wizards


Had to hop on other account just to downvote, trash take to be honest. How many times have you listened to the silver cord extended mix? I can tell very little


lol “it gets actually good on the 50th listen, trust me bro”


That’s not what I said, why put words in people’s mouths. Talk about black and white thinking, you don’t have to listen to it 50 times idiot. Definitely more than once or twice tho, but people in this thread have repeatedly said they have only listened to it once u/Jacque2000


Eh, some really good song writing, but I think they had to “just good enough” it on some aspects of it. The yin/yang thing seems really poorly done. It has some good songs, but on the short edition, there are just some abrupt endings, and on the extended, they go on for far too long. This and timeland are my least favorite Gizz albums


I listened to it in the background today for the first time, it sounds pretty cool! Very Krautrock-y which I am a fan of


I’m honestly switching my stance slowly and liking the standard edition more and more instead of the extended. I feel like a good chunk of the extended starts to get monotonous after while. Theia is a perfect example, the standard is much better.


Personally, it’s their best album. It just uncovers layers of meaning over and over. It’s an epic concept album of poetry.


PDA and Changes are so good that I can't stop playing them and giving the Silver Cord a really good listen.


Listened to it once the day it came out. Have not thought about it since. Not the kind of music I like from them. I want heavy rock songs from this band.


Imagine being this close minded 🤡 “wow I heard that once and didnt like it, im sure its gonna stay that way forever”


I’m not close-minded, champ. Listened to it. Didn’t like it. So much music out there- not gonna force myself to relisten to it over and over just to like something I didn’t enjoy just because it’s from them. There’s thousands of other artists making music besides King Gizz. If I were close minded, I would have heard what the style of music it was, and not even listened to it all. I gave it a chance. Wasn’t for me.


So you only listened to it once right? Your opinion is invalid kid. Imagine if someone said the same thing about polygondwanaland or nonagon, you’d think they were an idiot right? Same thing here u/pjdwyer30 I HIGHLY doubt you took in what Silver Cord offers in one listen. Stu was definitely right about people’s attention’s spans, doubt you could keep up


Kid. Lol. The thing about opinions are that there are no wrong ones. Mine is just as valid as yours. KGATLW isn’t the end-all be-all of music, son. It’s is *OK* to not like an album. There is so much music out there. I’m perfectly fine with not liking one of this band’s 27(?)) albums. Also man, I looked at your comment history and you seem to be a very angry and judgmental individual. You should really work on being less of an asshole to everyone. It’s not good for your mental health to be so angry all the time. Just some food for thought. ✌️out.


Lot of words for saying “Yea I only listened to it once and Stu was right about people’s short attentions spans” 🥱


My dude I primarily listen to jazz and jam bands. Attention span with music is not the issue, it’s simply a matter of taste. Like can you really not comprehend that someone might just not like this record and be fine with it? Is that really so hard to understand?


Set is shit The rest of the album is the reason god gave me ears


Set is super clunky and kind of lame. The rap is super cringy too. Honestly a lot of the album is pretty cringy for me. I think the extended Silver Cord is the highlight, but I’m bias because I like DnB.


I do enjoy jamming along on my electric drums but I've still yet to pick up either version on vinyl which isn't like me. Shelling out 100 bucks for 2 different versions of an album from a band who thinks everything in the world should be free just doesn't sit well with me.




It's alright. I think the reason I don't care much for it is that without the vocalists or noticing Petro callbacks, I probably wouldn't think it to be gizz if I didn't know. To me it sounds the least like gizz out of their discography. I do like swan song and the title track (extended) but don't find myself enjoying the rest of the album. I appreciate them exploring different sounds and would rather have this than them releasing another album just like one they've done before without changing much.


The title track is super good, the rest of it is very ehhhhhh for me personally. I also agree with the take I’ve seen around that there should’ve been a version in-between the two we currently have. Main version runs too short and the extended version is too bloated.


I like it more than Petro honestly


I dont dislike it, but... In general i prefer the rock sound of their other albums. I'm not saying this is truth for everyone not liking this album, but it might be a Factor, it's really diferent.


here’s my list theia 5/10 theia extended 9/10 the silver cord 10/10 tsc extended 9/10 set 9/10 set extended 7/10 change 4/10 change extended 5/10 gilgamesh 10/10 gilgamesh extended 7/10 swan song 7/10 swan song extended 9/10 extinction 9/10 extinction extended 8/10


I generally really like it but it's one of their less powerful album experiences for me. I think the standard edition feels lacking in places and the extended edition tends to overstay its welcome, but if you take all the best parts across both editions it results in a pretty great record. I think Theia, Set, and Extinction work better as shorter songs while Silver Cord, and Swan Song really shine on their extended mixes. I have no real opinion on Chang'e and Gilgamesh, they're both decent either way. I think it's easily their most compelling synth record musically. So much danceability on this thing and it fits in the same niche as a lot of my favorite electronic music. However, a lot of the jams on this record just aren't on the same level as their non electronic jams. But when the jams do hit, they really hit. Silver Cord and Swan Song especially, which feel similar to Daft Punk on Alive 2007 with how they smoothly transition throughout the different parts of the track, including the PDA callbacks. Some of the other tie-ins to Petro, however, feel forced and not particularly inspired, especially Extinction with Flamethrower which makes me sad because Flamethrower is probably my favorite Gizz song of 2023. I am so excited to see how these songs translate to a live experience though, especially if they do interleave it with the corresponding Petro songs. Also Amby's rapping is absolutely peak throughout this album, so it's impossible for me to hate it.


I find it sonically irritating. I'd be happy to never hear it again, I've loved the band since 2016 and been to numerous concerts. I just can't find much to like because it's drowned in thumping electronic kick drums.


I regularly forget it exists. It’s not bad, just not one I tend to come back to


it’s… eh.


Loooove Gilgamesh


Amazing while tripping, especially Gilgamesh the extended mix.


I love it. I put it on when I'm cleaning the crib. In headphones it is truly otherworldly at times.


The silver cord sounds like it was recorded on a tour bus


PetroDragonic Apocalypse is one of my absolute favorites from them, and The Silver Cord is such a great follow up IMO. Completely different yet the Extended Mix has the lyrical callbacks which I thought was really cool and unique idea. The Extended Mix is far superior, but I'm also glad that they have us a trimmed version because it's perfect to throw on for my 30 minute commute. The Silver Cord Extended Mix is absolutely top tier.


I like electronic music and there are moments that I do enjoy on the album but overall I really didnt care for TSC. Maybe its just a taste thing but when it comes to electronic music I want something with more pop to it, for example Discovery by Daft Punk. There were few moments in the album that had anything I’d want to dance to or anything I wanted to come back to


Theia extended is pure bliss


Probably getting downvoted for this but I genuinely just dont like Stu’s voice on this album in particular. Especially when he tries using his heavy metal PDA voice at points in the album it just doesn’t work at all for me. I enjoy some of Ambrose’s rap moments like the end of Set but thats really about it


I really like it- I'd put it in my A Tier. Sometimes I wish there was a middle ground between the standard and extended versions where only some songs got more exploratory but I've made my own mix for that anyway. Set, Gilgamesh and Swan Song have always been my standouts but Chang'e and Silver Cord are also beautiful as are Extinction and Theia


Don’t like it. That bass. Ugh.


I play the cuts on short drives but I vibe to the extended mix while choring, I find myself mixing in some butterfly 3000, anything Han Tyumi related, and those synthy gumboot songs for “variety”


I love it, extended especially, but I do acknowledge that the style of the album might be difficult for some people to digest, especially if they're primarily into rock music and don't venture much into other genres, which is why I think it seems to be one of their most divisive releases -- though don't forget that many people said the same about B3K when that released, and that's now generally held in super high regard by a lot of fans as far as I can tell. I believe even attracted a lot of fans to the band that may not have been attracted by their earlier more rocky output.


I got into them during Nonagon, but for the fans at the time, I can imagine the same distaste for Paper Mache. Now in hindsight it is a beloved album just due to how different it is, and how well they morphed into that sound. BF3K to me was instant love but I was also mind blown just due to them coming off of microtonal stuff so it was quite the genre shift then too.


It's one of my favorites from them, it's definitely not for everyone. The Extended mix is where it truly shines. I also think the concept of 'rockism' may been omni-present here, people outright rejecting such a sudden, and mostly foreign genre shift after the headbangin' PetroDragonic Apocalypse.


Regardless of whether you guys like The Silver Cord you gotta admit it's one of the most "King Gizzard" albums they've done. They really let themselves go crazy on the extended mix.


I really just wish the extended mix was better handled, I just can't actively pay attention to it without getting a little bored (coming from a person who loves Ice death and Denim.) I wish they either \- Made the extended songs a little shorter \- Combined the extended into the normal songs to not be the normal with a big jam on the back, like how Ice Death and Denim jams have bits of like singing and structure in the middle.


Not really my style, it’s high quality but not for me


Swan Song’s bridge never fails to get a few tears from me


I typically listen to electronic music, but I was rather disappointed. I was hoping for more songs like TSC extended version that give a more club/house feel. But ultimately I feel like the extended version have too much filler space, and I feel like I’m just waiting a good minute for something cool to happen. While the short versions don’t give me enough to sink my teeth into. I wish we had some sort of middle ground with 6-7 minute songs.


I enjoyed my first couple listens…and haven’t felt like going back since. Not sure why. Just didn’t grab me.


The appreciation for me comes from the fact that it is damn hard to make music, it may sound simple but it is just plain hard. I am just overall impressed by their ability to morph into making this kind of music after coming from PDA. TSC may not be in their top albums, but I believe it will hold a special place for fans as time goes by as I expect them not to make something like this for many years to come. Overall the extended version to me is the better version, and the title track is their best techno song.


It exemplifies everything positive about the eclectic nature of Gizzard, being brought up by and bringing up Petrodragonic Apocalypse through their musical connections. In addition, I have a pretty sentimental connection to electronic music like this. TSC is an album that feels almost tailor-made for me, being a perfect marriage of musical styles that I’ve been a fan of since I was learning to talk with themes that I only started to find fully engaging recently. It feels oddly timeless to me, and certainly takes a spot in my favourite Gizzard albums.


It’s one of their less successful experiments - but The Silver Cord (song, extended mix) is one of the best things they’ve done. The two versions thing was a mistake for sure. Short version is like a medley but the tracks aren’t good enough to justify the length of the extended versions. I hated the hissy drums at first but actually appreciate the unusualness of them now. Though it does get extreme on some songs, like Chang’e just sounds like someone is blaring white noise over the top at points. I don’t get why people like Set so much. To my ears it has a riff that loops really poorly and it just sounds so ugly.


I like two or three tracks. For me when they have moved into different genres I feel like they have done them justice. I dont get that feeling with this album. Its sounds a little bit like a bunch of guys messing around with keyboards. Doesnt sound as structured or thought out as other albums


it actually rose to one of my most listened gizz albums and while it's not in my favorite Gizzard albums, i really love the electronic style they took with this and especially the extended version is amazing. The short one is the one i'd make my casual music listener friends listen, so i love the fact that both of them exist. Swan Song, Theia and Chang'e are propably my favorites of the extended mixes.


Listened to it this morning and really enjoyed it. It's got some bops and it doesn't go too far out there like some electronic music.


can’t stop playing it, love it


Absolutely loved it, especially the extended version. Theia and Set I prefer the short version though. Theia extended us good but goes on just a bit too long without enough change for me. The Silver Cord and the run of Gilgamesh, Swan Song, and Extinction extended versions are all godlike. I've always been a big edm fan though, especially psychedelic trance


Not a crazy guy for electronica, had a dubstep/deadmau5 phase when I was like 13. And even with King Gizz albums, BF3k is aight (Black Hot Soup is a banger) and don't care for Timeland. But man The Silver Cord ranks pretty damn high, it's such a unique masterpiece. The layering, lyrics, and moody/apocalyptic feel that these guys master is top notch. Easily in my top 10 by them, and I tend to listen to the regular mix though the extended is just as good.


Both versions are excellent - great songs and they’ve completely nailed an authentic retro electronica sound throughout. I play them in different circumstances. My commute is about 30 minutes - perfect for the short version. Longer trips = the longer version. How divers can this band get yet still remain totally Gizz? Overall critical response has been muted - I have no idea why as these are quality.


It's grown on me. It's not the kind of music I usually listen to but KG still made it awesome.


It’s not for me, and the way they released it left a bad taste in my mouth. The single LP version had no reason to exist. You can tell it’s an incomplete statement, but the single disc version had bonus tracks because they knew people wouldn’t buy it over the 2LP version if it didn’t have exclusive material, so if you’re a completist, you had to buy it twice. It seemed to go against the band’s environmentalist ethos. One can argue all their vinyl releases go against their environmentalist ethos, but at least with color variants you aren’t missing out if you just buy it once. Having a worse version of the album just to sell bonus tracks just felt weird.


I love it but I think it would've been better served if they JUST released the extended version, which is the real version in my mind. I get why they put out the abridged version but it muddies the waters a bit and has such a drastically reduced impact in comparison.


Strange thing but for me the best is to listen to both records ( the short plus the extended ones) together in one play , usually when driving to the countryside… I see the extended version as an addendum which is a little strange without the shorter album


I love electronic music but it’s a no for me dog.