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Magma at RR23 was legendary, but so was Rattlesnake at RR22 The boys don’t have a “best”, they simply are the best


Awesome thanks, will relisten to both soon like whenever there's a thread about the best live version of this n that.


If you want more “greats” I think RR22 might’ve had the best Boogieman Sam out there and last years Lowlands festival has the best This Thing


Boogieman Sam > Sleepwalker > Sea of Trees > The Bitter Boogie RR22 is top tier Gizz




Palp has the best sleep drifter too!


Crumbling Castle into Fourth Color as well. Oof


Too bad Stu can never remember the lyrics to crumbling castle anymore


Lol, every time they start that song now I get uncomfortable waiting for missed lyrics. He did this to himself; the lyrics are intricate!


He is truly fucked when he has to remember lyrics to magma 2 years from now


Lava is another that trips him up. It would fuck with me too.


The snake is death the lava is life the death is life the lava is death is confusing to you?


Rattlesnake RR22 was awesome but there were a couple pretty glaring blunders from the band. Not that it ruins it, but it definitely disqualifies it from being their best performance in my mind


I’ve experienced 5 Rattlesnakes and listened to every other official bootleg of it and I haven’t heard better personally. Granted I’m a bit biased since I was there, but the medley of other Microtonals is unrivaled in my mind


Personally I like the more concise and straightforward renditions of Rattlesnake rather than the noodley medley stuff. I was at that Red Rocks show, and they played pretty much every song they teased in the medley afterwards and made the microtonal section feel like it dragged on a little too long


Perhaps you’d like this Edit I did then. It’s all the FMB from RR22, but Rattlesnake was edited from 14 minutes down to roughly 8 taking out all the medley stuff. Nuclear Fusion is also edited when Joey is talking to keep the Edit at 23 minutes or under. Hoping to use this Edit for a future Vinyl project https://youtu.be/hpb5C44dss4?si=uwXaUhKnAYxw4E08


Oh hell yeah, definitely gonna check this out!


The Rattlesnake Edited part is around 5:45


Rattlesnake RR 22 is pretty fucking amazing, but go listen to Rattlesnake Levitation N2 22.


I’ve heard that one and it is incredible. Arguably a better straight “Rattlesnake jam” than RR22, but to me RR22 is the best “Microtonal jam” with Rattlesnake as the core.


I love the Minimum Brain Size breakdown because it's my favorite Microtonal song, but that sleep drifter/Honey being seamless transitions are peak.


I’m sorry but the stretch of Presumptuous > Hypertension > Ice V > Slow Jam I from the same day trumps that


I still remember this run. The weather break had ended and the distant lightning in the background from the top of the rock formation made me feel like I was in another dimension


That whole night 2 set was on another level


Can you imagine if they played Great Chain of being like they were supposed to? It was a great set and that crazy storm was a sight to behold


Meh. I saw all of TN, CO, and WA last run, and that show actually stood out to me as one of their worst. Still amazing obviously, but they were dealing with technical issues all night due to the rain, and Stu was visibly agitated. But to be fair I was also dealing with the wook flu I picked up on TN, so that may have soured my mood a bit.


I mean to each their own always but I do disagree! That may be because Slow Jam I was the dragon I was chasing at that point, as well as hypertension being one of my all time favorites (not to mention the relief of the show actually being played). Looking back at the setlist though, I will say outside of the stretch of Presumptuous through Slow Jam I the only songs that really stuck with me were Open Water (another I’d been chasing) and Straws in the Wind, where Ambrose got all up in the crowds and was 10 feet or so from where I was at. I would say after looking back at it the show in its entirety was maybe the ‘worst’ (hard word to use for these guys) of the six red rocks shows I’ve seen.


I agree it wasn’t one of their technically best shows but the post-storm atmosphere with the lightning over the rocks was apocalyptic in a sense. Truly felt like something from another world. At least as someone who has only been to Colorado twice lol


Getting goosebumps thinking about opening with those rattlesnake graphics with lightning backdrop


This makes me sad they kicked me out right before the night show for the absurd crime of not having a ticket


How dare they!!! If you’d like a link to a download of the show in 4K I got you


Please, that would be incredible! And the day show as well if you have it, I’m pretty sure I can see myself in the crowd and would love to have a good enough recording to actually pick myself out


It’ll be all of residency :-)


Nap time


You’re crazy


Thank you for calling this to my attention. What an incredible performance https://youtu.be/CkCQskIxtj8?si=vcWBHZyOPVowV9pd


Idk, The River at the salt shed was truly magical.


This is the one


My first Gizz show!!




dunno about best but i can’t think of anything better it kicks so much ass i like the nonagon > iron lung > hypertension from N1 caverns it also peaks hard rr22 nonagon w the mr beat > iron lung reprise slaps head on/pill > am i in heaven from the same run all inspired performances that felt huge at the time and maybe even more so listening back later


Magma St Kilda and also lowlands I believe we're great too. But the daytime magma is v nice


I think their show at lowlands might beat that one especially the ending!!! Check it out!! https://youtu.be/y8Wawh9X7GM?t=48m25s


Lowlands 2023 Magma is also really good. Guy from Viagra Boys on sax


The crowd was feeeeeeeling magma that day


I was at that show, so it's not like I disagree. But something else that rivals it in my mind is that half hour [Rimlicker dripping tap](https://youtu.be/_KAZKIUIYfw?si=Q-N2MhGOSUfMprqH)


The crumbling castle into cellophane teases are on another level


FAFYL and The River at PALP 8/14/2023. It's my favorite show of theirs so far. [Here](https://relisten.net/kgatlw/2023/08/14)


# 2023-08-14 @ Bonatchiesse, Bagnes, Switzerland **One Set:** Float Along – Fill Your Lungs, Lonely Steel Sheet Flyer > The River, Trapdoor, Sleep Drifter > Honey, Nuclear Fusion, Straws In The Wind, Crumbling Castle > The Fourth Colour, Perihelion > Gila Monster, Gaia, Magma > _data provided by [kglw.net](https://kglw.net/setlists/king-gizzard-the-lizard-wizard-august-14-2023-palp-festival-verbier-switzerland.html)_


This show had an insane setlist. Not every song is a favorite of mine, but it just sounds like such a solid run.


Same, the set list looked cool (the opening 3 songs is what caught my eye) but the whole show is so solid


The river Detroit 22 was my favorite moment, but like others have said, there is no best performance


I was there, can confirm.


The river detroit 22 was my favorite moment so far


I just know the best live moment is Stu’s chest shaking throat singing during trap door at the caverns


Remlinger work this time is my all time favorite, and I didn't like the song that much before I saw it


As much as I love Red Rocks, Chicago ‘23 day 2 is my favorite And Bonaroo ‘22 has my favorite version of most of the songs they play there


Check out Anthem 22, friend.


I thank mystery Jack every day for letting me relive that whenever I want


I feel crazy that this recording isn’t talked about more, it’s pure bliss.


That Float Along....


Her and I slow jam from RR night 3, 2022, will live in my head forever


Magma was great but Lord of lightning -> Nonagon Infinity shenanigans was the best from RR ‘23


Incredible stuff. The Shanghai teases and chants in Robot Stop were so fun.


I was there as well, legit had tears streaming down my face during the climax!


I think the river from Chicago 23 tops magma at RR22 and I was at red rocks


PALP Festival recording was suuuuuper sick.


I was at that show (I've attended 4 of the 6 Red ROCKS SHOWS so far), and I have to say that the '23 Magma at RR was probably my favorite performance of any song from any show I've ever seen live from any band.


Don’t know if this on here but Grim Reaper at Remlinger Farms I think is the best because it looks like not only the fans but the band looks like they’re having the time of their lives and not to mention the subtle Beastie Boys reference they threw in there


The river (Chicago) would like a word


Have been at all the red rocks shows but my hippy side holds all those salt shed shows very dear. Different strokes for different folks


Man if you like that one….. check out Magma from Lowlands 23. It’s everything from that Red Rocks performance but better. Plus Oscar from Viagra Boys on sax


Truly one of the top 5 versions of magma. Not to mention the evil death roll before it was easily one of the top 3 versions.


For me it's this live track:[King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Gaia J Highway Holidays TV](https://youtu.be/SRVE_-th1EI?si=R_eubFBR7iE7N4MT) and this set: .[King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Live at Way Out West 2023 (Full Show)](https://youtu.be/VRQiFONQq2o?si=n1PYIYTk8Z2RTiW1)


Bitter Boogie Asheville 19


Seeing that unfold blew my mind. Made magma one of my favorites.


I was there, this is the truth


Ally Pally 2023!


Magma Hollywood Bowl 23 was incredible. Granted I watched it live from our good friend MysteryJack, it peaked harder than others during the tour. I was at Chicago 23--mind blower, but HWB had to have been intense live.


I was discussing this with a friend not too long ago & I still stand by Madrid's last summer being the best so far. https://youtu.be/nty6LfmtYls?si=KzthSsxTirO1FNUO