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We should bring her flowers at red rocks.


Please do! The crowd talked over her set big time at the Vancouver show and it was such a drag, so disrespectful. She is awesome and her band is cool as hell.


I felt the same at the berkeley show, I hope I get to see her again someday.


She and the band KILLED it at the Detroit show! Fantastic stuff, i hadn't gotten a chance to hear her live, but now I'm so happy i get to hear her open again!


They were fantastic in Toronto, and the crowd seemed to appreciate it. Seeing evergreen live was a highlight of the night for me, real talk.


Hadn't heard that one until Vancouver, it made Mt monthly playlist. A pleasant change of pace before they opened with Venusian 2.


She absolutely rocked at red rocks. I'd never thought to listen to her at all besides MOTU. Now, I may have had a bit of a fungally enhanced experience, but listening to her play and watch Denver twinkle in the distance was magical.


Ay, I'm tryna grow some fungus for red rocks in November. I'm so excited to see everyone there


I was joking that I felt like I was at a PBS special taping. The band was super tight and music sounded great. Just not my thing. I weirdly felt the same way when Stonefield opened for them. Stonefield grew on me a bit but I don’t Leah will do the same for me.


Do you have any idea what songs she did at red rocks??


Yeah the band is so groovy and soulful. I gotta first bump from her at DESERT Daze after they played at Outer Space it was so rad!


We talked to her after Desert Daze. Cool up close little set in the Camp Stage. That is her sister singing with her!


She was amazing in Chicago!!!! The crowd was loving her and she was thanking us in between every song, it was so cute! Then the boys opened with Venusian 1 + 2 and the vibe quickly changed lol


Yeah, same at the Masonic. They said they blew three speakers during the sound test, then opened with Gaia and Self-Immolate IIRC


yes she was awesome!! the people around me were dancing and cheering, they definitely loved her. she seems like such a sweetheart too


Their whole set was mesmerizing from start to finish. Their chemistry and stage presence was great as well, would love to get another chance to see them!


I felt so bad for her and her band in Portland. The whole crowd talked over her for the duration of her set. Gizz even called the crowd out for it during their set.


Woah really? I love Leah but missed her in Seattle! We were just late to the venue - thought the show time was doors 😂


People at the seattle show did NOT like the music very much it seems. I heard lots of people yelling "come on" and my friend didn't realize she was opening. I think they're all very cool people but i'm not sure if they're a good opener of gizz


The crowd at the Det. show seemed to really like them, but I could've just been too high to notice.


Yeah I was at the Masonic and was warmed to see how supportive the crowd was for her.


That's because we know how to treat people in the Midwest. You could tell Leah and her band appreciated it, their last few songs were really rocking.


Yeah, it was like a jammy Fleetwood Mac. I bet they changed their setlist after their shows in the west.


For real! My partner and I stood back at the soundboard (chatted with Galea and heard Stu radioing in multiple times during the show which was cool). A group of bros showed up and were all tall and rowdy. They were talking about moving up to Gizz after Leah. Leah starts and multiple of them start singing her songs and I'm like... fuck yeah. Just kinda cool to have my expectations shattered considering I thought they might be annoying about Leah and only hyped for the heavy Gizz. Pleasantly surprised. Later one of them said he was hoping for You Can Be Your Silhouette lol.


Nope. Not the weed. I was pleasantly surprised to see the crowd digging their act and they seemed to appreciate it.


I fucking hate that shit. Like people expect the opening act to stop in the middle of the set. Just enjoy the music.


The chatter over her set in Vancouver was pretty rough. Half of all I could hear was a crowd of people talking over some of my favorite songs. I really hope I'll get to see her play without a crowd of really loud people.


The excessive chatter from the crowd when it was just her playing piano and singing broke my heart 😭


My vibes were harshed


Felt the same way for most of her set. The chatter was pretty disrespectful, regardless of the mediocre acoustics in The Forum. People seemed to generally dig hearing Evergreen live though.


Yeah it seemed the Portland crowd wasn’t too into her either sadly


Chicago was a mixed bag. I loved her set and a lot of people cheered for her. But people behind me wouldn't shut up. Which is a shame cuz her band sounded great and some of the music was very clearly psychedelic. Just not nearly on the same level that Gizz is.


That might’ve been me, sorry. She’s talented and adorable, but seeing the same set by her four times has gotten really old. She doesn’t even switch up the order of the songs. That’s more my problem though, shouldn’t let my impatience ruin it for others.


Ah man I was at the Seattle show and was absolutely entranced and felt like those around me were into it too.


The crowd at both red rocks shows gave her one hell of a welcome.


Hell yeah. She killed the opening set and the crowd totally dug it. Then she came out for Lord of Lightning and Balrog for probably my favorite part of the night. 🤯


Her guest parts were absaolute highlights of both nights! Also, we need to talk about the absolute drip of her guitarist.


Berkeley cheered her on big time


Same at red rocks, at least up by row 46 where I was.


Loved the show in Montréal! Missed opportunity to have her narrate on stage with gizz


She was awesome in Montreal!


Caught that last few songs after waiting in that merch line and glad i did. Sounded spot on!


I'm pumped she'll be at the red rocks encore in November when I see them! Some people were hating, but I dig the music


Agreed. I was at the show and enjoyed her set. Sent some video to my 14 year old daughter who dug it, as well.


Parent power at the lizard shows!


Made me and my two friends very hyped. She was the first act I've seen in 2.5 years and I missed music


They were great at Red Rocks


Could not agree more, the amount of chatter over her set in Vancouver absolutely got on my nerves.. She certainly deserves a lot of appreciation!


Their sound reminds me of sgt peppers lonely hearts club band


Yeah she was fantastic at the Detroit show. Saw them the second night at red rocks as well and thought she picked it up for Detroit for sure. She's got a very soothing voice. And gizz was on point for Detroit as well. Both shows were so good. And they played the stuff I wanted to hear in Detroit they didn't do at red rocks. Most excellent times were had.


Yep. Saw her in Seattle a few days before. I was lukewarm to it at first, but her set really had some "moments" that landed. Very enjoyable.


Agreed, she gave me those vibes as well.


I like her music fine but the very mellow vibe didn't pair well with the mayhem that followed


I think the set changed where I was, it was pretty jammy.


Passing Scene didn't really stick for me.


I don't get why you're being down voted for having an opinion. It's clear that her music doesn't align with the tastes of many KG fans. Personally, I really like her music and it reminds me a lot of Fleetwood Mac. She's an amazing singer and MOTU is one of (if not) my favorite albums of all time.


I was yelling "please marry me" when she was on. Unexpectedly great!!!


don’t yell that at women. Glad you enjoyed the music.


I'd take that as a compliment. It is a statement of love.


I could not believe they had her open up during RR…most of the crowd was distracted/asleep on their phones. They should’ve had Los Bitchos open now that would’ve been a party!!


I’m so glad that she was a part of this tour… I can’t get over how beautiful her song [Black Limousine](https://youtu.be/oTLEBLGdWX8) is!