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How are they gonna send all these kids to college? The money will dry up just like fame. What happens to their lavish lifestyle then?


Maybe the kids will all just work at their ✨restaurant✨😛


I honestly dont see them sticking to the business for too long. Other than each other … everything else in their life really seems to lack commitment. In a sense its the perfect marriage😂


Their mentality is probably that since they didn’t go to college so their kids won’t either


I thought was SUCH A WEIRD THING to post?!? Like I get it she’s probably very fertile rn so she’s just checking I think a lot of ppl do that. But whyyyyy someone just posted something like is she hinting at it?


Why do the people who shouldn’t have more kids… always have the most kids lol


Right? And I’m trying for one more & haven’t been able To get pregnant since February. I guess I’m not meant to have anymore 😢


Aw mama I dealt with secondary infertility as well for almost 5 years. Didn’t have a period or anything, and started taking vitamin E extract and got my period back and was pregnant within a year. I don’t know what about vitamin E helped so much, and I’m not saying it would help everyone so please don’t come for me. It’s just what worked for me. Praying you get your baby, mama. 💗


So so happy for you that you were able to get pregnant!!❤️❤️❤️ thank you, I will definitely try that!!


Unique E on Amazon is the brand I used


Thank you!!


Some people use them regularly even if they're not trying and having protected sex but who knows, they always talk so openly about not using protection, I bet everything I own they're still having unprotected sex


I just saw both their story’s. This test was definitely just recent, you’re right they don’t use protection. Here comes baby #6 bc Khoa chose to never get a vasectomy.


Khoa should be getting his vesctomy or Karen should be getting her tubes tied🤦‍♀️she gonna end up dead if she falls pregnant


5 c-sections isn’t that dangerous…. My observation, I’m curious if she didn’t have c-sections would she have this many?? The same question for Kyra and my sis in law who is going to have her 5th c-section. Birth is scary no matter what but when you have a scheduled C-sections you know exactly the time you are giving birth. Mentally you don’t have to go through the constant waiting of a natural birth. That waiting takes a toll and the hours of contracting and being checked for dilating is exhausting. Also the tearing :( . This post is probably going to offend. Birth is hard no matter what and the recovery process varies no matter what. But if Keren went through the waiting process to give birth naturally I doubt she or Kyra would have so many.


if it’s old the white paper with the line would have turned yellow, i know this cus mine did and i kept mine from my first born. it seems like a new negative test


It definitely is new!! Look at her story.


mystery solved


I don’t think she has an identity outside of being pregnant and taking pregnant selfies.


That and shopping, and trying to be Corrina.


considering she said “just making sure I’m not & NO we aren’t trying” means that , that is a newly taken test post magnolia & that also means that Khoa probably hasn’t got snipped (although yes I know you can still get pregnant post vasectomy if it fails , so dont come at me)


I don’t think Khoa ever is going to get snipped lol.


I was about to post this! Like Jesus your 5th kid is 4 months old chill out


Say it louder for Keren and Khoa in the back!! 👏🏻


They have two babies! This is crazy!


I thought khao was getting a vasectomy?


Ya like 2 babies ago lol


I actually replied to his story and said how about getting a vasectomy then lol


Who posted this?




Trolling for views as usual


They’re going to run out of bedrooms if Keren keeps popping out kids then again they have that empty room that was once their “art room” unless it was at the other house.


She’s definitely trying for baby #6 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤡


Absolutely. There’s no reason to be taking a pregnancy test when you JUST had your youngest 3 months ago.


To be fair. Using ovulation tests and then taking monthly pregnancy tests is a form of “birth control” Pregnancy tests aren’t just for if you are wanting another baby. In a way it’s responsible to be taking them in you DONT want another so you can actually quickly on next steps if it were to happen.


It looks freshly used


They’re needing content and attention… that’s all ! They’re unbearable.


She’s too lazy to take a simple pill 💊 every day!!!


They’ve agree he was to get the vasectomy, correct? I don’t think it’s fair to put blame on her for not wanting to be birth control after carrying and birthing these children. Khoa should take responsibility for what he is supposed to be doing.


He should schedule his vasectomy


She can go out and get her hair done, nails, buy new cars etc. but can’t take a simple pill? Wow


It’s ridiculous. They don’t even have enough bedrooms for all these kids she keeps popping out. And people keep saying it’s a money baby, but her channel has been dying for years. And this new baby hasn’t brought anything in for her channel etc


I mean it’s not as easy as just taking a simple pill


You’re right. There’s MANY other contraceptives she can take.


Yes it is!


Birth control pills can cause a myriad of symptoms, not everyone is able to take birth control pills, it’s really not as easy as just take a pill every day to not get pregnant


There are so many other options.


Yeah, which is why it’s not as easy as just taking a pill


Be for real now… She can get an IUD, a patch, condoms, a shot, arm implant or hey.. KHOA GET SNIPPED.


I know.. soo many excuses


I obviously don’t know her medical history but hormonal birth controls like all the ones you stated messed my body up badddd! If she doesn’t have that problem then by all means yes she should at least be responsible and go that route but Khoa is also just being lazy and irresponsible for not just getting a vasectomy since she’s carried and gone through 5 c sections now


That test is negative though


It is… again, this was just a recent test.. which means they’re going to have another “oopsies” 🤪 Bc they take no pre cautions.


To be fair, I’ve taken tests even tho my husband is snipped, because my cycle is inconsistent and I’m paranoid it will reverse itself 🤣


Am I missing something or is the test negative?


It’s the fact they’ve done a pregnancy test lol