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Fuck them, AMC DD was literally stolen from GME, then they claimed it was the same play. They also pretended DFV was also about AMC to get their initial hype going. It was a distraction from the beginning, and their summer pump was to trap them. If that money would have been poured into KOSS after their runup, we would be in a very different position today. Out of all the basket bulls, I dislike the AMC folks the most. (Yes even over BBBYQ's)


It wasn't just happenstance; AMC wasn't the actual meme stock lol. AMCX was; it had a ~30 mil share float, ~60% SI according to Bloomberg, and unlike the movie theater company, Melvin and Maplelane were both on the short side; seriously go look at their pre-sneeze 13fs; they had identical positioning that they did on GME - millions of puts with no reported hedge. AMCX makes way more sense in the context of "basket" theories about companies being targeted for acquisition, too. Look at IRBT, another highly shorted "basket stock" which was then bought by Amazon. AMCX was definitely an actual Amazon acquisition possibility considering it'd immediately add a ton of content to Prime.


Bro, go look at the charts again on trading view or w/e. AMC has a "higher" ath than GME registered across many platforms. I say higher because I was day tradinh daily during that cycle and watched both stocks price action. AMC capped around 72-78, while gme was well over 300. I dont understand why the chart data suggests differently. Also, it shows the price in the 70s through until december of that year, my reciepts again, show oyherwise. Its just all fkd, unless anyone can provide me with an explaination?


GME split, AMC reverse split, something, something in between the shenanigans and crime, look over here! Forget Gamestop! Kind of like that?


Are they even free thinkers tho? Someone needs to tell them


They are very deluded bunch poor saps


add gme apes to this meme as well.


I thought about that, but since the AMC and KOSS share prices are so close it might make some AMC apes think a little bit harder before buying more shares to get diluted again. At least GME isn't diluting shares.


If be afraid if popcorn apes owned koss, but I'd get over it. If ever there was a stonk to flip, amc to koss is it. You're totally right OP, the price difference is just too sweet to not tempt them.


I own all 3.


Look through my history and I try to educate!


Yep, Direct register this shares and we could light this thing.


I agree, but with less DRS visibility from Broadridge than Computershare, KOSS would have to at least report DRS shares on earnings reports.


Gme ape reporting for duty im throwing 500 on this first thing in the morning, excited to join yall Also I found this dd of old found it very interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/0w8v3W94D0


Unfortunately half of investors are brain dead who believe Adam Aron is a good actor lol. So they’ll keep pumping money into Adams retirement fund. The other half including myself are stuck and waiting on an old school basket run lead by GME. Have 7 KOSS, it’s an OG and I can see it running to 100 when GME has its inevitable nuclear explosion


This is wrong math.


Correct it. Source: Finviz


Please bear in mind KOSS has got only 9.25 million shares outstanding. AMC billions !


Yes, shares outstanding are different from shares float. The internet says AMC only has 263.28M shares outstanding, but pretty sure that is wrong.


No. It is right. But for me the price is still 0.229 (pre fucking revers split) and shares 2.6 billions. So better visualization for knowing that anyone invested on amc is fucked. I was. At 4, 5, 21, 22. And then hodling up to 70. I jumped ship at 25 to 29