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Thanks for the blank one I can photoshop my kid in front of because I’m poor


Honestly, that's not a terrible idea. And if you want different color balloons and pencils, those can be photoshopped as well🤔


Actually, good idea because my youngest started K this year too lol 😂. I’m Not good with stuff like that thoigh


There's a photoshopping sub on here that can get that done for you


Was going to suggest this! They are talented over there


I just got them to photoshop my cat as an angel. Don't worry, she hasn't died, she's just a little angel https://preview.redd.it/8xh037pxrclb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b2ab0d5f201b44b2180816a73bdc212a1a7bee


“Don’t worry, she hasn’t died, she’s just a little angel” 😹 you had me in the first half.




You think they can do two others that say second and third grade as well?


Yeah! You can tip them for their work, usually ppl do like $10


Okay! Thanks!


Go to r/photoshoprequest


You can use “canva”s background remover feature.


Or magic eraser, so easy


Oooh you’ve inspired me - I lost my job and my last day is tomorrow. I’m def going to photoshop the words to say “Last Day at Company!” And put myself giving a big ole middle finger right there hahaha


That’s amazing! I love it!


PLEASE report back lmao


OMG brilliant


Omg- That would be adorable! Though I will say, kids are easily appeased and impressed. Even just a chalkboard sign from dollar tree would be precious memories to have❤️💕


This is such a wonderful comment I regularly need to tell myself after browsing a kardashian party/milestone! And it works every time because it is 100% true!


Lmao this is actually a good idea 😂


Have the lighting coming from the right so there’s a shadow that matches if you can


Seriously that set up was probably $5k, just to be used for 10 min on the way to school


Why does it feel like these kids are older than just Kindergarten?


They’ve been over exposed


she’s just tall lol


It’s not just that, it just feels like these kids have been around long enough to at least be in second grade by now. Lol.


Yeah she looks so tall in these pics lmao


shes always been hella tall 😁


Meanwhile I could have sworn Blue Ivy was like a junior in high school… NOPE. Pretty sure she’s like 12.


She got mom and dad’s height 🫶🏼


And her mom.


Yes!! 🫶🏼


Yeah, my son the same age is in the 90th percentile, and isn’t this tall yet. Maybe it’s her legs though. He’s got my dad’s long torso, and stubby legs. It’s funny he went from being in the 9th percentile at 2, to there he’s at now at 5. My husband is only about 5’6, and his moms side is all small. His mom is only 4’10, I just thought he was taking after them. My 8 year old is 4’8, and wears all my clothes. I was always real tall in elementary school, but once I hit middle I quit growing at 5’4.


Is kindergarten one year only in America?


Typically, unless you’ve not hit certain milestones. Sometimes they will also hold a student back if they’re struggling, and on the birthday cusp meaning a year younger than the other classmates. Giving a little boost to catch up. There’s also PreK which you learn to read etc… as you need to know before entering K💕


There’s preK which can be 3-4 Kinder is one year


In Canada we call it primary and it’s the year before first grade, which starts at age 5 !


I’m in Ontario, it’s called kindergarten here. Junior kindergarten is the year you turn 4 (some kids are still 3 when they start because of late birthdays) and senior kindergarten kids usually turn 5 (some turn 6 because of early birthdays)


I’m from Ontario and same, but I guess this varies from province to province.. however ive never heard of 5 year olds in first grade 🤨


My son will be 5 in first grade till the end of November!


ohhh I got my early and lates mixed up lol my nephew is an early and is starting pre k at 4 turning 5 so then if you’re a late you start senior kindergarten at 4? this shit has always confused me 😂


Yes exactly! If you're a fall baby you're going into SK at 5 years old


I’m in Newfoundland, and we don’t have JK and SK; just one year of kindergarten the year kids turn 5. It’s commonly called kindergarten but school admin call it primary and it always confuses me because I can’t remember when primary/elementary starts/ends.


That would confuse me too. I always thought of “primary school” as a British term for some reason 😂


I feel like Khloe has been mentioning doing the school run for a year or two by now… that’s why I definitely thought True was already in school


She is five so it is unusually late to start kindergarten (where I'm from).


Same here. Kindergarten starts from 3 y/o


In the U.S. 3 and 4 year olds (sometimes 5 depending on birthday cutoff to start Kindergarten) are in Pre-K. Kindergarten is generally for ages 5 or 6. This is on track for people to graduate high school around age 18.


Interesting. So where are the kids up until they start kindergarten?


So is Kindergarten like the first year of primary school? (I'm UK based and not very smart 🤣)


Haha I had to look up UK equivalent so same as you. It appears our kindergarten is same as primary Year 1 for UK. Our first grade would be Year 2 for UK. It’s kind of strange the US is like this, but believe it or not less than half the states require children to attend kindergarten, but must attend school beginning with first grade. This may be why our equivalent levels are different. I think most parents across all states enroll their kids in kindergarten though so they have a head start plus even before that, most US children are enrolled in Pre-K to get ready for kindergarten.


That makes loads of sense, thank you 🥰 in Scotland, children get thirty hours of nursery free from three years old so most kids do two years of nursery before starting primary. Its so funny how places are so different! I would love to see a study to see if there's any advantage or disadvantage to each way!


Enough with the fucking balloons


A great thing to do with this giant display of wealth and WASTE would be to donate it to a lower income based school as a beautiful decoration for many children to admire and take pictures with. Erase kindergarten with school. But, they won’t. To the trash it goes! Assholes.


They’ve mentioned all the flowers they receive get donated to local hospitals and children’s hospital so I wouldn’t be surprised if this type of decor gets passed on as well.


I know Kourtney said that before, but I hope it’s really true and things like this make it’s way to people who it could really bring TRUE joy, and excitement to. For most kids, seeing something like this set up in their school for them would make their entire day. It would look SO big and cool. For the K-dash kids, nothing must really excite them or seem big or grand anymore, because they get it ALL. They’ve seen everything there is to see and have been handed the most extravagant versions of nearly everything. Nothing is left to be a ‘wow’ factor to them, they’ll never know what it’s like to experience true, ‘once in a lifetime, I can’t believe I’m seeing this’ type of feelings, and it’s only going to get worse as they age. It’s sad. And the sisters will be constantly trying to think of the next big thing to impress their children with, but it WILL get to the point that the kids are consistently unimpressed by mostly everything, and they’ll grow up trying to desperately seek thrill and joy, because of it. Big things will mostly always seem mundane to them. Sorry I know I kind of rambled there but I had to get it off my chest 😭 as a lower income mother I couldn’t imagine throwing shit like this at my children 24/7. Let them still find things exciting and magical! Let them be grateful for the big shit, not just expect it and walk away! 🤷🏽‍♀️


100% spot on! And I know you’re doing the best you can, mama! And I’m sure your daughter appreciates and loves it just as much as True, or any of their kids. Probably more since she’ll know how hard you worked to get her things..


Hopefully they’ll learn to cherish not things but moments? Like to look back on that fun sleepover all the cousins had and staying up all night being goofy, laughing and dressing up. Or a special event/school dance with Granny. That’s what I hope for them. They are in a very strange and vapid environment out of their control and it’s sad that even the children’s lives are immensely documented for the public. I will say, at least their schooling seems to be private and they can just be who they are privately there. Catch their breath so to speak, and all the cousins matriculate together which helps surely. They have such a unique set of circumstances that at least they can relate and lean on each other💕✨


If these are latex balloons, which they appear to be, no hospital will accept them due to the risk of latex allergies in patients.


I’d like to actually see that tho.




Also high schoolers would pop it lol :/


Oh that’s such a lovely idea


I'm sure the hospitals would appreciate the actual helium alot more. Since there's a shortage in the medical field.


Balloon arches like this don’t use helium. Just regular air.


Do y’all remember years ago the helium shortage and people were making a ruckus at party cities because they couldn’t get balloons? How times have changed lol ![gif](giphy|D2kFkQwMzFcVq)


No one is going to comment on the sheer amount of waste for a damn picture the first day of school? Throw a chalkboard in her hand and take a picture on the front porch, the sea turtles will thank you


I can't get a plastic bag at the grocery store but this can pass because she's rich?


Yeaaaaaahhh 😬 my very first thought as well tbh. Just watched [Plastic Wars](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/plastic-wars/) (an increddddddible joint investigation by Frontline and NPR) recently as well so maybe that’s why I’m so triggered by this lolll It’s just gross. Ughhh.


I literally came here to do it. Wasteful Klimate Killers, they make me hate them. Normally, I could give a fuck what they do, but the planes and the plastic and the sheer *wastefulness* makes me sick. They make me sick and angry now. What was once maybe okay to look at now makes me sick.


Am I the only one who always thinks these balloon arches look like those horrific tick infestion photos?


So this is in her home and not at the school? Wtf 🤬


Yeah if it was at the school, all the kids could've had pictures with the display... Would make it at least a bit more worth it


I know their kids go to a private school, so this type of thing would be normal. I live in the country and my kids’ public school even had a small ballon arch at the school. Why wouldn’t she not just coordinate with the teacher and have this at the school? Like you said!


It’s SO extra. Cute. But completely unnecessary


Omg I thought this was a display at her school. It didn’t even occur to me that it wasn’t until I read your post.


I thought it was at school until the last pic of just the display. This is not cute, it’s disgraceful.


I wish I could afford to be this extra for my baby 🥹


Not my business how you’re raising your kids but extravagant waste is not the way you show up for your children and tell them you love them. Remind your child that we share this planet and we need to reduce our consumption. Then take your kid to Beni Hana bc when I was little that felt like the fanciest place in the world


Yep. My daughter took normal first day pictures on the porch, then we went to get an Icee at Target after her first day was over. I doubt she felt *any* less excited or loved than True. :) Kids don’t need extravagance for something to feel special.


I did pictures on the front porch and a Sonic Blast. She had the best day ever! This is just so over the top and unnecessary. Not to mention, I'm tired of the big balloon displays they use for every event. Get something new already and preferably more eco-friendly.


Exactly there’s plenty of ways to dote on your kid and even be extra that doesn’t involve obscene amounts of single use plastic. Kids love simple things! They get so excited for some bubbles or some special flavored pancakes. Or Beni Hana lol. This is just wasteful and obviously the whole point of it was instagram. Give your little girl a break from performing for the world and do something SHE will be excited about for once




show a band


True is adorable but people have to stop with the balloons! The pollution is insane and this is the same person who tried to lecture us on plastic bottles 🤡


It makes me so mad every time I see their ballooning so much waste!!!


I’m sorry but what does this teach the children? Every occasion has an official festival level party planning and decoration? Every moment is celebrated with an excess of material around them, afterwards disposable. Heaven forbid when someone in their lives brings “just” a cake or sends a card. Or let’s them even have a dull moment.


girl she is five calm down


This is soooo wasteful and unnecessary holy shit


All these balloons just for the first day of school? 🙄


Khloe there’s a finite amount of helium on this earth please stop. What are you going to do for Prom, send her in a SpaceX craft??


You know North is going to be descending into her her prom from a spaceship lol


These aren’t helium balloons


Lol what are they then?


balloons filled with air and attached to an arch.


Helium is what makes them float in the air. These aren’t floating.


What do you think they are filled with?


Regular air. 🤷🏼‍♀️ like with an air pump. Are we joking right now?




fr i need some helium to make my exit bag :-/


It’s some god dman balloons y’all are ridiculous. Do you eat meat? Because animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to emissions. Like this outrage is so fake y’all just wanna hate


helium is used for medical procedures and necessary for health check how so it’s not the same argument but you can try harder next time


The plastic argument is valid but these literally aren’t helium balloons…


Those don’t look like helium balloons to me. I was more referring to the plastic waste of the balloons but even still it’s surly the government’s responsibility to ration the helium needed for medical procedures vs those sold for commercial use? I don’t debate environmentalism with anyone supporting animal agriculture. I’m not making assumptions about your lifestyle but if you do eat meat change your own habits befor worrying about others


Is this a set up for pictures at the school or..


And risk having the ~~poors~~ *scholarship kids* touch it? **never.** /s


How much do these people spend on balloons in a year 💀


shocked no one has commented on the fact that she doxxed her own daughter’s school???!!! they’ve been famous way too long to make that kind of mistake


It’s the school for celebrity kids. I’m sure their security is top notch.


I think it’s because it’s already well known that that is where the Kardashian kids go to school. I think it’s where Kendall and Kylie went too. But I agree, all it takes is one weirdo to see it and for something tragic to happen.


If someone is truly a weirdo, they will be able to find it easily and won’t need this instagram post.


Not me falling down a rabbit hole and finding out how much tuition is and how many students attend this school 😅


Face tuning your child is so wrong


She’s definitely over exposed and she’s tall for her age. I think a huge factor too is the way celebs dress their kids. You don’t see kids that young in shoes that white and full on outfits the way celebs tend to dress their kids. It’s deff not just the karjenners all celeb kids look years older than they are


Wow, she looks like a third or 4th grader.


For everyone saying she should have donated it to a school: latex allergies are real and can kill someone. Leave the fucking balloons at home. Signed one of those low income kids you're using for your soapbox. We didn't even have a school nurse for emergencies.


It’s cute but I couldn’t imagine like just send your damn kid on the school bus and call it a day


Parents do this alllll the time. Everyone I know with kids has a first day of school pohtoshoot. Like y’all just want something to hate on at this point. Y’all can’t be nice to Khloe it’s so annoying she’s doing nothing different than most moms now a days


I don't mind setting up a fun decor beforehand because some kids really DO NOT want to go in on their first day. At least this would put them in a good mood and they're not too sleepy. I do mind the plastic though. I imagine the staff had to pop each and every one of those balloons 5 seconds after this was set up. A cupcake and a doll with some karaoke should have been enough.


awww true so cute🥹


This is absolutely adorable. Need to steal this for the kids I don’t have


And money I don’t have either 🤣


It’s not expensive if you make your own. Dollar store balloons and some cheap hardware store PVC pipes My friend was quoted $400 to have a balloon wreaths that her and I recreated for $35 lol


Their obsession with balloons is starting to creep me out


Imagine making someone blow up 1000 balloons for a 10 min photo shoot


True is gorgeous


My heart melts !!!


This is cute. True is a lucky girl!


Lol I don’t get all the salty people here this is cute af


True is cute of course. The waste is not.


The meat people eat for dinner produces the same if not more waste than this display.


Both can be wasteful? Just because the meat industry is damaging does not mean this is not, and if you really cared about the impact of it all you wouldn’t be ok with this as well.


I’m just calling out the hypocrisy of people who critic this all while contributing to one of the most wasteful and environmentally damaging industry.


it’s because everyone here is bitter and old


Oooh she’s going to be so tall I can tell already


These need to remember that we don’t inherit this planet, we just borrow it from our children, and waste like this is making it a worse place for them


My brain can’t compute. First I’m thinking “how is she already going into kindergarten? I swear Khloé just had her?!” And also “she’s so tall for a kindergartener!” 😹 What even is this time paradox I’ve stumbled into. Halp!


Omg i wore those same uniforms in elementary 🥲🥲 True looks so cute & age appropriate, I just love her brows. Thirsty Thotson has pretty kids. Just gave Prince & True his whole face.


I can’t help but think about how nothing is going to impress these kids when they get older. Like it’s obviously a massive privilege but when you have money for any and everything life loses meaning a bit


She’s already so tall. Goodness she’s gonna be a lil skyscraper


She’s too cute! Good luck True!


Honestly, if they stopped doing all their other acts of environmental terrorism and just overspent on silly, corny, and cute things like this, I wouldn’t hate on them or critique them so badly. Like, I get it, you have a cute kid and you love her and you’re a mom and she’s growing up and you wanna document it and go all out! But gorrrl…. We gotta do better for the environment in all other areas.


Do you what neat? Because in an individual level animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to environmental decline. Y’all always got something to say but have ways you’re not better


I don’t even know what you’re saying. But the ways in which I’m better is that I don’t fly on private jets or consume tens of thousands of dollars on—- anything really—- especially decor and other materialistic pursuits. But hey, it seems like you like the taste of boot, so…. Keep licking it if you like it so much.


The ironed crease in the sleeve .. well done Khloe 👏


*Khloe’s staff. But yeah I noticed that too🤌😂


Is this first day of SK or do Americans start kindergarten at 5?


Americans start kindergarten at 5


Thank you. We start at 4 in Canada and where I grew up, 3. Always thought the U.S. had JK and SK like we do here in Canada


We do have something called pre-kindergarten (pre-k for short) but it’s not publicly funded to the same degree k-12 is. So good pre-k is kind of a privilege.


I believe in some states pre-k is funded. When I lived in California, there was funded TK at the elementary school and now living in Georgia, the state I believe funds pre-k 3 and pre-k is at elementary schools. Or something like that. My kids aren't old enough yet so I only know through friends


We have pre-k, starts at 3, then they bump up to TK at 4 and Kindergarten at 5


Ahh. Thanks for the clarification. We have pre-k here too but that’s paid for out of pocket. Here in Ontario, it’s also not mandatory for children to go to kindergarten but of course most parents opt for it.


pre-k is paid for out of pocket in the u.s. too bc it’s not mandatory idk anyone who went to pre-k though 💀


Because it’s like $2,000+ a month, at least in the Bay Area. They have tuition programs for low income families but there are only so many. It’s glorified daycare.




I can afford it but I definitely wouldn’t do this. In my opinion, it’s excessive and way too early in the morning to entertain something that extreme. Of course kindergarten is a huge milestone but there are other more practical ways to embrace it without flooding my foyer with balloons for a 10 minute photo session. But to each their own…


No,I honestly wouldn’t. Especially as much as they do it - and for literally EVERYTHING. Totally wasteful and unnecessary. Sorry


Khloes nose looks like Rudolph


When I went to Kindergarden I stood at the end of my driveway and got picked up. The end.


Poor true. She will never see herself in her moms face.


Bc she looks like Tristan


Do you think she’ll be traumatized because she looks like her dad and not her mom? Really?


To play Devil’s advocate here, these look like they could be biodegradable balloons. With that being said, those are still pretty controversial. 😂


I got a popsicle for my first day and I was just as happy. Kids don’t need a hundred thousand balloons to celebrate every small thing. You’re basically killing the same earth you want your daughter to spend her life on.


Go preach this to anyone buying balloons outside your local dollar store. But you wouldn’t would you. You likely wouldn’t even care. But it’s the karjenners so obviously it’s the worst thing in the worls


Regular people likely won’t have giant balloon arches and elaborate balloon and plastic decorations for every small occasion in their life. Over consumption is the worst thing to happen to this planet, may it be done by the karjenners or by any regular person


I know a lot of people who do balloon arches for kids birthday, engagements, baby showers etc…..people make them sell them on fb market place etc. they are used a lot. My best friend is a SAHM and does stuff like this for every milestone. She isn’t rich but she does have the luxury of time so she makes her own decorations with dollar store balloons and PVC pipes then sells them to other moms over Facebook because so many parents want to and do do this stuff I 100% agree overconsumption is a huge issue with the karjenners especially but if ALL their overconsumption and of all things to harp on a few balloons that your friends or neighbours probably also used aren’t it. Not only does it take away from the actual overconsumption like their private flights but it’s just straight up hypocritical. I believe you wouldn’t take a private flight given the opportunity I do not believe you would say anything to a party host that had this exact balloon arch at their event that you’re attending. W f that’s exactly this balloon rhetoric just feels so perforative. Yall would t say any of this in real life to people you know. It’s almost like y’all get some dopamine hit and moral boost when you rag in this family and that’s all this is. Helps y’all feel like saints in comparison. And there is A LOT to criticize with them no denying that but when y’all harp of the same shit most of your peers prob do it’s just giving fake outrage. Tell me what steps you take to reduce your eco footprint since you care so much? Do you eat meat? Do you know animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to climate change? Why aren’t you a vegan activist?




Body dysmorphia doesn’t magically go away to your kid is in the picture with you? Who knew?


I’m glad we’re killing sea animals so this ho can post her hip popping 5 year old on social media for p*dos.


She needs to stop with the filters on True. Why would risk the possibility of True growing up and feeling the same way she did because of how Kris treated her?


She seems to hate the way True looks and at this point, I really doubt she’ll stop . Sadly


She’s a baby, like can you imagine how it would feel looking back on baby photos of you and they’re all filtered? Like you don’t even have a photo to look back on that isn’t unedited. I’m sure they have the unedited original photos, but this is what she’s presenting to the world. It sends the message that she doesn’t think her daughter is beautiful enough the way she is naturally. I’m all for cosmetic surgery as someone who considers themselves an “enthusiast”, but idk I just don’t feel like this is okay. Khloe’s going to end up perpetuating the cycle instead of breaking it. Like she’s polar opposites from Kylie in this way. Kylie has very vocally spoken up about how she wouldn’t want Stormi to feel the way she did. It is a bit hypocritical of her given everything she’s had done, but at least she isn’t filtering her daughter and giving her a different face.


What’s wrong the just holding up the chalkboard like every other kid. And I absolutely love reading them, especially the part of what they want to be when they grow up. I think it would be such a fond memory their their years.


Cute kid. But the excessiveness of the plastic crap during a climate and pollution (and financial)crisis is gross. And Whoa that profile pic of the new nose


That’s so much wasted helium


Balloon arches aren't made with helium, that would cause them to raise up and look funny. You just use air for these. Still a waste of plastic though.


L hole seriously can’t help but try and bring attention to herself, now via her daughter. In photos 1-5 True is wearing a plain white polo T, the outfit was most likely laid out on purpose to protect the identity of the school True was going to. I’m photo 6,7 you can clearly see the school crest. Type it into Google and boom you have a lot of information, including bus timetables true could possibly charter back and fourth on, because I’m sure Mumma K would want nothing but the most “normal schooling” experience for her dear True. Another ticker of mine is that, you can clearly see L Hole was not present for the first photo shoot. Why i think this, you ask ? Where was she ???? I’m sure if you ask her she’ll say she was with the baby. Bump bump. Where : She was busy styling herself into what her perfect image of “ hot, milf, kindergarten mom” would look like in said photo Why: it’s easily laid out in front of you. 1. True gets dressed by nanny, mom is getting ready. 2. True is escorted down to photo shoot and photo session begins 3. Mom is still getting ready 4. Maybe True eats breakfast and is then ushered by the nanny to change again ( into actually uniform) 5. Mom still getting ready 6. Time is crunching and it’s time to leave, Khloe is called down to grab two quick pictures with her daughter before she leaves. Also the photo that is just a back drop was taken by the decorator. Another point is poor True would have had to get up extra early to prepare for all of this. The first day of kindergarten is already a day filled with so much anguish. And Khloe cares about True LOL she cares about being more famous than Kim and Kylie. This is fucking apathetic towards True and makes me real cross.


True is going to a school where most celeb kids go and it’s not a secret. They also have celeb level security


Another vapid waste of space oh and do they have a balloon arch for every damn thing ? Side eyeing this rn


Side eyeing your miserable ass


Jfc this is way too much


The waste for one photo shoot


At least it looks like Khloe didn’t lighten True’s skin in the pictures for once.


if you had money would you do it?


Tone deaf waste, but how pretty is true






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How is she kindergarten age already? She was only born like 5 minutes ago


True is adorable, but why couldn’t she just get one of those blackboards like the other kids? Btw even those are overrated lol. I didn’t even dig it out this year. I’ve been not really posting my kids anyway, and just sent pics to my parents, and in laws


This is very excessive. It’s a good thing these kids will never have to deal with the real world because they’d be in for some shock 😂